Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS 2020)

526 authors
Perwitasari, Dita
Registration of Electronic Integrated Mortgage Rights of the Written Certificate of Land Rights in the Name of the Debtor
Pijoh, Feibe Engeline
Legal Study on Non-Commercial Risk Investment in Indonesia
Pijoh, Feibe Engeline
The Impact of Legal Land Acquisition for Public Interest
Pikirang, Chris Caesar
Integrating Writing With Listening in EFL Class: A Systematic Review
Poli, Ellen Eva
Community Participation in Forest Conservation at West Kawangkoan District, Minahasa Regency
Poli, Ellen Eva
Women’s Employment in Nutmeg Industry to Improve the Welfare of Family at Tuminting Sub-District Manado City
Pramita, Olivia Cindy
Sensitivity Analysis of Consumer Response Towards Lni Extension of Sampoerna Products With Hoe and CSI Approaches
Prasetya, Sukma Perdana
Livelihood Strategy After the Eruption of Kelud Mountain in Sugihwaras Village Ngancar Subdistrict Kediri Regency (Case Study: the Society in Sugihwaras Village)
Prasetyo, Ketut
The Literacy Test of the Archipelago Region as the Expression of Indonesian Youth’s Patriotism
Prasetyo, Priyo
Implementation of Total Quality Management at UPT Nganjuk Children’s Social Services, Indonesia
Prastyawan, Agus
Innovation Model of Merchant Involvement in Traditional Market Revitalization (Wonokromo Market Revitalization Study Surabaya)
Pribadi, Farid
The Rising of Postfeminism in Beauty Styling by Beauty Influencers in Indonesia
Prihatina, Yuhri Inang
The Fashion Design Curriculum: Implementing the Learning Freedom and COVID-19 Pandemic Era
Pritasari, Octaverina Kecvara
Sensory Analysis as a Tool in Determining Customer Acceptability in Natural Mask From Red Dragon Peels (Hylocereus Polyrhizus) Flour and Kefir Flour
Priyantoro, Priyo
The Effect of Security and Trust on Online Purchasing Decisions at Shopee by Kadiri University Students
Purba, Iman Pasu
The Implementation of Human Rights Fulfillment as an Effort to Strengthen Positive Peace in Indonesia
Purnomo, Nugroho Hadi
Analysis Community Perception in Implementation of Land Concervation in Sumber Brantas
Purnomo, Nugroho Hari
Analysis of Problem Solving Skill of Demographic Dynamics in Light of Gender Perspective Among Students of Different Cognitive Styles (FI and FD) at SMAN 1 Wonoayu in Sidoarjo
Purwaningsih, Sri Mastuti
Java Language in Dutch Indies Advertisement 1930 - 1939
Purwanty, Ratna
Cooperative Learning Using Jigsaw Type on Thematic Learning
Purwanty, Ratna
Understanding of Beach Abrasion Concepts in Elementary School Students
Puspitorini, A.
Ken Dedes Profile Description in Expert Perspective
Puspoayu, Elisabeth Septin
European Union Policy on Refugees According to the International Refugee Law
Putra, Rifki Eka
Controlling the Utilization of Foreign Workers in East Java
Raditya, Ardhie
Social Mapping and Development of Village Community Potentials
Rahayu, Devi
Controlling the Utilization of Foreign Workers in East Java
Rahayu, Devi
State Responsibility in Fulfilling the Rights of Indonesian Migrant Workers During Pandemic Era
Rahayu, Dewi Puji
Scientific Approach to Improve the Critical Thinking Skills
Rahayu, Dewi Puji
Implementation of Problem Based Learning Models to Improve the Attitude of Environmental Care of Grade V Elementary School
Rahman, Abdul
The Appearance of the Military as A Political Force in Indonesia
Rahman, Abdul
Gender in Farmer Household Livelihood Strategies in South Sulawesi
Rahman, Abdul
Rituals and Spells: A Guide to Life at Sea for the Fishing Community of Soreang, Takalar Regency in the Millennial Era
Rahman, Abdul
Khalwatiyah Samman: Strategies for Strengthening Modality in the Patte’ne Maros Community of Sulawesi Selatan
Rahman, Eka Yuliana
The Role of Teachers in Preventing Hoax Through School-Based Literacy Media Training at Tondano Senior High School
Rahmawan, Alfin Dwi
The Appearance of the Military as A Political Force in Indonesia
Rahmawati, Nur
Analysis of Satisfaction Relationship Model and Customer Loyalty in Marketing Smartphone Brand X
Rantung, Margareth Inof Riisyie
Mapalus Local Wisdom in Overcoming Inter-Village Conflict
Reski, Andi
Analysis of Pedagogic Competence and Professional Competence of Physics Teachers
Rewah, Fonny
Community Participation in Forest Conservation at West Kawangkoan District, Minahasa Regency
Rewah, Fonny
Analysis of Social Economic Condition on Province City Bus (Tomohon-Manado)
Rewah, Fonny
Women’s Employment in Nutmeg Industry to Improve the Welfare of Family at Tuminting Sub-District Manado City
Ridha, Muh. Rasyid
The Social and Economic Life of Fishermen Maccini Sombala, Makassar City
Budi Clinic: Actualization and Habituation of Mapalus Cultural Value
Santri Education Problems at Darul Huffadh Islamic Boarding School in Bone Regency, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
Cultural Roots of Seafarers in Tuju-Tuju Harbor, Bone Regency, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
Elementary School Students Understanding of Environmental Concepts in the City of Surabaya
Riwu, Lay
Analysis of Indonesian Languae Mistake in Narrative Essay of Students Class VII Junior High School Gudang Arang in Merauke
Riwu, Lay
Igging Up the Values of the Literature in Literary Work to Build Character of Children in Papua
Correlation of the Use Online Test Methods in Improving Student Problem Solving Skills in Virtual Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
Riyanto, Pulung
Youth Sports Activities on Emotional Intelligence
Riyanto, Pulung
Development of Fitting Training Programs for Victims of Drug Abuse in the Social and Human Resource Rehabilitation Center BRSPP DIY
Rizal, Muh.
Model of Policy Collaboration in the Field of Health Reviewed From the Perspective of Learning Policies in South Sulawesi
Rizal, Muh.
The Implementation of Agricultural Products Agreements In Cina Subdistrict of Bone District (Socio-Juridical Review)
Rizaq, Agung Dwi Bahtiar El
Understanding of Multiculturalism Material: The CivicTeachers Way in Enhanching Nationalism Based on Multiculturalism Education for Young Generation in Surabaya
Robot, Jelly
Design Of Geographic Learning Development Research City Oriented City in FIS Unima Geography Department
Robot, Jelly
Study Area Geomorphology Manado
Rofi’, Moch
The Development of Smart Travel Guide Application in Madura Tourism
Rohimanto, Mayang Puspitasari
The Problem of Chemical Castration Criminal Sanction Execution in Law Certainty Perspective
Rokhmah, Desy Eva Laila
Am I Allowed to Laugh? Students’ Perception Towards the Use of Humor in English Class
Ronaboyd, Irfa
The Rights of the Children Who Conduct Ngenger in Javanese Society
Rosdiana, Weni
Cultural Change in the Context of Implementing Online Learning in Higher Education
Rukmana, Novayanti Sopia
The Use of State Property to Increase State Revenues: Optimize Control in Universitas Negeri Makassar
Runtunuwu, Yoan Barbara
The State of Parties in Sale and Purchase Agreement Via Internet According to Indonesia Civil Law
Runtunuwu, Yoan Barbara
Implementation of Military Emergency in Indonesia to Handle Corona Virus Disease (Covid -19) in the Perspective of Human Rights
Rusdiana, Emmilia
The Essence of Legal Education in Indonesia: A Critical Appraisal
Rusdiana, Erma
The Problem of Chemical Castration Criminal Sanction Execution in Law Certainty Perspective
Russanti, Irma
The Fashion Design Curriculum: Implementing the Learning Freedom and COVID-19 Pandemic Era
Sadewo, FX Sri
The Rising of Postfeminism in Beauty Styling by Beauty Influencers in Indonesia
Sadewo, FX Sri
How Private High Schools Deal With Multiculturalism Issues in Surabaya After Terrorists Bombing
Saefullah, Lutfi
Snapshot of Inter-Regional Cooperation for Basic Public Services in the Ajatappareng Area, Indonesia
Said, Muh.
The Impact of Academic Social Adaptation on the Ethics of Demonstration Action of Students Faculty of Social Science Makassar State University
Said, Muh.
Professional Competence of Certified Social (IPS) Teacher in Learning Based on Character Education at Junior High School in Gowa District
Said, Muh.
The Implementation of Agricultural Products Agreements In Cina Subdistrict of Bone District (Socio-Juridical Review)
Sakawati, Herlina
The Use of State Property to Increase State Revenues: Optimize Control in Universitas Negeri Makassar
Salem, Veronika E. T.
Preservation of Local Language Culture in Toundanouw Village District Southeast Minahasa Regency
Salindeho, Kalvin
Application of Environment Based Learning for Geography Teaching at SMA Negeri 2 Tondano
Samau, Alan
Public Perceptions of Grab Online Taxi Activity in Sub-District of Tataaran 1 South Tondano District Minahasa Regency
Gender in Farmer Household Livelihood Strategies in South Sulawesi
Sanjaya, Pande Made Dharma
Youth Sports Activities on Emotional Intelligence
Santie, Yoseph Daniel Ari
Management of Character Education (Analysis on Students at Unima Sociology Education Study Program)
Santoso, Ariadi
Implementation of Total Quality Management at UPT Nganjuk Children’s Social Services, Indonesia
Santoso, Ariadi
The Effect of Security and Trust on Online Purchasing Decisions at Shopee by Kadiri University Students
Santoso, Heribertus Budi
The Effect of Marketing Mix 4P Towards Marketing Product Performance Of Tenun Ikat Small Industry In Bandar Kediri
Sari, Maya Mustika Kartika
The Idea of Democracy and the Ideology of the State: Pancasila Democracy in the Minds of Millennial’s Voters
Understanding of Multiculturalism Material: The CivicTeachers Way in Enhanching Nationalism Based on Multiculturalism Education for Young Generation in Surabaya
The Literacy Test of the Archipelago Region as the Expression of Indonesian Youth’s Patriotism
Gender Injustice in the Perspective of Prospective Teachers of Pancasila and Civic Education Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Saroinsong, Sam J. R.
Legal Protection of Safety and Health of Workers
Segara, Nuansa Bayu
Livelihood Strategy After the Eruption of Kelud Mountain in Sugihwaras Village Ngancar Subdistrict Kediri Regency (Case Study: the Society in Sugihwaras Village)
Sendouw, Recky H. E.
Discovery Learning Development to Improve Learning Result of Location Analysis for Students of Geography Department
Sesa, Diaz Rency
Village Fund Allocation Management in Kapala Pitu District, North Toraja Regency
Setyawan, Katon Galih
The Literacy Test of the Archipelago Region as the Expression of Indonesian Youth’s Patriotism
Setyowati, Rr. Nanik
Understanding of Multiculturalism Material: The CivicTeachers Way in Enhanching Nationalism Based on Multiculturalism Education for Young Generation in Surabaya
Seytowati, Rr. Nanik
The Idea of Democracy and the Ideology of the State: Pancasila Democracy in the Minds of Millennial’s Voters
Sidayang, Stince
Implementation of Military Emergency in Indonesia to Handle Corona Virus Disease (Covid -19) in the Perspective of Human Rights
Sidik, Sangputri
Mapping Factors Supporting Social Integration of the Minangkabau Community in Luhak Tanah Datar
Simbolon, Merta
Correlation Between Mastery of Concepts and Argumentation Skills of High School Students
Singal, Zoni Henki
School Dropout (Case Study of Farmers Children in Tounsaru District of South Tondano Minahasa Regency)
Siraj, Muhammad Luthfi
Intensification of Land and Building Tax Collection in The Barru Regency Revenue Service
Siregar, Lamtiar Ferawaty
Administration of High Schol Chemistry Laboratory to Facilitate the Implementation of Practicum