Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS 2020)
526 authors
- Perwitasari, Dita
- Registration of Electronic Integrated Mortgage Rights of the Written Certificate of Land Rights in the Name of the Debtor
- Pijoh, Feibe Engeline
- Legal Study on Non-Commercial Risk Investment in Indonesia
- Pijoh, Feibe Engeline
- The Impact of Legal Land Acquisition for Public Interest
- Pikirang, Chris Caesar
- Integrating Writing With Listening in EFL Class: A Systematic Review
- Poli, Ellen Eva
- Community Participation in Forest Conservation at West Kawangkoan District, Minahasa Regency
- Poli, Ellen Eva
- Women’s Employment in Nutmeg Industry to Improve the Welfare of Family at Tuminting Sub-District Manado City
- Pramita, Olivia Cindy
- Sensitivity Analysis of Consumer Response Towards Lni Extension of Sampoerna Products With Hoe and CSI Approaches
- Prasetya, Sukma Perdana
- Livelihood Strategy After the Eruption of Kelud Mountain in Sugihwaras Village Ngancar Subdistrict Kediri Regency (Case Study: the Society in Sugihwaras Village)
- Prasetyo, Ketut
- The Literacy Test of the Archipelago Region as the Expression of Indonesian Youth’s Patriotism
- Prasetyo, Priyo
- Implementation of Total Quality Management at UPT Nganjuk Children’s Social Services, Indonesia
- Prastyawan, Agus
- Innovation Model of Merchant Involvement in Traditional Market Revitalization (Wonokromo Market Revitalization Study Surabaya)
- Pribadi, Farid
- The Rising of Postfeminism in Beauty Styling by Beauty Influencers in Indonesia
- Prihatina, Yuhri Inang
- The Fashion Design Curriculum: Implementing the Learning Freedom and COVID-19 Pandemic Era
- Pritasari, Octaverina Kecvara
- Sensory Analysis as a Tool in Determining Customer Acceptability in Natural Mask From Red Dragon Peels (Hylocereus Polyrhizus) Flour and Kefir Flour
- Priyantoro, Priyo
- The Effect of Security and Trust on Online Purchasing Decisions at Shopee by Kadiri University Students
- Purba, Iman Pasu
- The Implementation of Human Rights Fulfillment as an Effort to Strengthen Positive Peace in Indonesia
- Purnomo, Nugroho Hadi
- Analysis Community Perception in Implementation of Land Concervation in Sumber Brantas
- Purnomo, Nugroho Hari
- Analysis of Problem Solving Skill of Demographic Dynamics in Light of Gender Perspective Among Students of Different Cognitive Styles (FI and FD) at SMAN 1 Wonoayu in Sidoarjo
- Purwaningsih, Sri Mastuti
- Java Language in Dutch Indies Advertisement 1930 - 1939
- Purwanty, Ratna
- Cooperative Learning Using Jigsaw Type on Thematic Learning
- Purwanty, Ratna
- Understanding of Beach Abrasion Concepts in Elementary School Students
- Puspitorini, A.
- Ken Dedes Profile Description in Expert Perspective
- Puspoayu, Elisabeth Septin
- European Union Policy on Refugees According to the International Refugee Law
- Putra, Rifki Eka
- Controlling the Utilization of Foreign Workers in East Java
- Raditya, Ardhie
- Social Mapping and Development of Village Community Potentials
- Rahayu, Devi
- Controlling the Utilization of Foreign Workers in East Java
- Rahayu, Devi
- State Responsibility in Fulfilling the Rights of Indonesian Migrant Workers During Pandemic Era
- Rahayu, Dewi Puji
- Scientific Approach to Improve the Critical Thinking Skills
- Rahayu, Dewi Puji
- Implementation of Problem Based Learning Models to Improve the Attitude of Environmental Care of Grade V Elementary School
- Rahman, Abdul
- The Appearance of the Military as A Political Force in Indonesia
- Rahman, Abdul
- Gender in Farmer Household Livelihood Strategies in South Sulawesi
- Rahman, Abdul
- Rituals and Spells: A Guide to Life at Sea for the Fishing Community of Soreang, Takalar Regency in the Millennial Era
- Rahman, Abdul
- Khalwatiyah Samman: Strategies for Strengthening Modality in the Patte’ne Maros Community of Sulawesi Selatan
- Rahman, Eka Yuliana
- The Role of Teachers in Preventing Hoax Through School-Based Literacy Media Training at Tondano Senior High School
- Rahmawan, Alfin Dwi
- The Appearance of the Military as A Political Force in Indonesia
- Rahmawati, Nur
- Analysis of Satisfaction Relationship Model and Customer Loyalty in Marketing Smartphone Brand X
- Rantung, Margareth Inof Riisyie
- Mapalus Local Wisdom in Overcoming Inter-Village Conflict
- Reski, Andi
- Analysis of Pedagogic Competence and Professional Competence of Physics Teachers
- Rewah, Fonny
- Community Participation in Forest Conservation at West Kawangkoan District, Minahasa Regency
- Rewah, Fonny
- Analysis of Social Economic Condition on Province City Bus (Tomohon-Manado)
- Rewah, Fonny
- Women’s Employment in Nutmeg Industry to Improve the Welfare of Family at Tuminting Sub-District Manado City
- Ridha, Muh. Rasyid
- The Social and Economic Life of Fishermen Maccini Sombala, Makassar City
- Ridwan
- Budi Clinic: Actualization and Habituation of Mapalus Cultural Value
- Rifal
- Santri Education Problems at Darul Huffadh Islamic Boarding School in Bone Regency, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
- Rifal
- Cultural Roots of Seafarers in Tuju-Tuju Harbor, Bone Regency, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
- Rindawati
- Elementary School Students Understanding of Environmental Concepts in the City of Surabaya
- Riwu, Lay
- Analysis of Indonesian Languae Mistake in Narrative Essay of Students Class VII Junior High School Gudang Arang in Merauke
- Riwu, Lay
- Igging Up the Values of the Literature in Literary Work to Build Character of Children in Papua
- Riyadi
- Correlation of the Use Online Test Methods in Improving Student Problem Solving Skills in Virtual Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
- Riyanto, Pulung
- Youth Sports Activities on Emotional Intelligence
- Riyanto, Pulung
- Development of Fitting Training Programs for Victims of Drug Abuse in the Social and Human Resource Rehabilitation Center BRSPP DIY
- Rizal, Muh.
- Model of Policy Collaboration in the Field of Health Reviewed From the Perspective of Learning Policies in South Sulawesi
- Rizal, Muh.
- The Implementation of Agricultural Products Agreements In Cina Subdistrict of Bone District (Socio-Juridical Review)
- Rizaq, Agung Dwi Bahtiar El
- Understanding of Multiculturalism Material: The CivicTeachers Way in Enhanching Nationalism Based on Multiculturalism Education for Young Generation in Surabaya
- Robot, Jelly
- Design Of Geographic Learning Development Research City Oriented City in FIS Unima Geography Department
- Robot, Jelly
- Study Area Geomorphology Manado
- Rofi’, Moch
- The Development of Smart Travel Guide Application in Madura Tourism
- Rohimanto, Mayang Puspitasari
- The Problem of Chemical Castration Criminal Sanction Execution in Law Certainty Perspective
- Rokhmah, Desy Eva Laila
- Am I Allowed to Laugh? Students’ Perception Towards the Use of Humor in English Class
- Ronaboyd, Irfa
- The Rights of the Children Who Conduct Ngenger in Javanese Society
- Rosdiana, Weni
- Cultural Change in the Context of Implementing Online Learning in Higher Education
- Rukmana, Novayanti Sopia
- The Use of State Property to Increase State Revenues: Optimize Control in Universitas Negeri Makassar
- Runtunuwu, Yoan Barbara
- The State of Parties in Sale and Purchase Agreement Via Internet According to Indonesia Civil Law
- Runtunuwu, Yoan Barbara
- Implementation of Military Emergency in Indonesia to Handle Corona Virus Disease (Covid -19) in the Perspective of Human Rights
- Rusdiana, Emmilia
- The Essence of Legal Education in Indonesia: A Critical Appraisal
- Rusdiana, Erma
- The Problem of Chemical Castration Criminal Sanction Execution in Law Certainty Perspective
- Russanti, Irma
- The Fashion Design Curriculum: Implementing the Learning Freedom and COVID-19 Pandemic Era
- Sadewo, FX Sri
- The Rising of Postfeminism in Beauty Styling by Beauty Influencers in Indonesia
- Sadewo, FX Sri
- How Private High Schools Deal With Multiculturalism Issues in Surabaya After Terrorists Bombing
- Saefullah, Lutfi
- Snapshot of Inter-Regional Cooperation for Basic Public Services in the Ajatappareng Area, Indonesia
- Said, Muh.
- The Impact of Academic Social Adaptation on the Ethics of Demonstration Action of Students Faculty of Social Science Makassar State University
- Said, Muh.
- Professional Competence of Certified Social (IPS) Teacher in Learning Based on Character Education at Junior High School in Gowa District
- Said, Muh.
- The Implementation of Agricultural Products Agreements In Cina Subdistrict of Bone District (Socio-Juridical Review)
- Sakawati, Herlina
- The Use of State Property to Increase State Revenues: Optimize Control in Universitas Negeri Makassar
- Salem, Veronika E. T.
- Preservation of Local Language Culture in Toundanouw Village District Southeast Minahasa Regency
- Salindeho, Kalvin
- Application of Environment Based Learning for Geography Teaching at SMA Negeri 2 Tondano
- Samau, Alan
- Public Perceptions of Grab Online Taxi Activity in Sub-District of Tataaran 1 South Tondano District Minahasa Regency
- Sampean
- Gender in Farmer Household Livelihood Strategies in South Sulawesi
- Sanjaya, Pande Made Dharma
- Youth Sports Activities on Emotional Intelligence
- Santie, Yoseph Daniel Ari
- Management of Character Education (Analysis on Students at Unima Sociology Education Study Program)
- Santoso, Ariadi
- Implementation of Total Quality Management at UPT Nganjuk Children’s Social Services, Indonesia
- Santoso, Ariadi
- The Effect of Security and Trust on Online Purchasing Decisions at Shopee by Kadiri University Students
- Santoso, Heribertus Budi
- The Effect of Marketing Mix 4P Towards Marketing Product Performance Of Tenun Ikat Small Industry In Bandar Kediri
- Sari, Maya Mustika Kartika
- The Idea of Democracy and the Ideology of the State: Pancasila Democracy in the Minds of Millennial’s Voters
- Sarmini
- Understanding of Multiculturalism Material: The CivicTeachers Way in Enhanching Nationalism Based on Multiculturalism Education for Young Generation in Surabaya
- Sarmini
- The Literacy Test of the Archipelago Region as the Expression of Indonesian Youth’s Patriotism
- Sarmini
- Gender Injustice in the Perspective of Prospective Teachers of Pancasila and Civic Education Universitas Negeri Surabaya
- Saroinsong, Sam J. R.
- Legal Protection of Safety and Health of Workers
- Segara, Nuansa Bayu
- Livelihood Strategy After the Eruption of Kelud Mountain in Sugihwaras Village Ngancar Subdistrict Kediri Regency (Case Study: the Society in Sugihwaras Village)
- Sendouw, Recky H. E.
- Discovery Learning Development to Improve Learning Result of Location Analysis for Students of Geography Department
- Sesa, Diaz Rency
- Village Fund Allocation Management in Kapala Pitu District, North Toraja Regency
- Setyawan, Katon Galih
- The Literacy Test of the Archipelago Region as the Expression of Indonesian Youth’s Patriotism
- Setyowati, Rr. Nanik
- Understanding of Multiculturalism Material: The CivicTeachers Way in Enhanching Nationalism Based on Multiculturalism Education for Young Generation in Surabaya
- Seytowati, Rr. Nanik
- The Idea of Democracy and the Ideology of the State: Pancasila Democracy in the Minds of Millennial’s Voters
- Sidayang, Stince
- Implementation of Military Emergency in Indonesia to Handle Corona Virus Disease (Covid -19) in the Perspective of Human Rights
- Sidik, Sangputri
- Mapping Factors Supporting Social Integration of the Minangkabau Community in Luhak Tanah Datar
- Simbolon, Merta
- Correlation Between Mastery of Concepts and Argumentation Skills of High School Students
- Singal, Zoni Henki
- School Dropout (Case Study of Farmers Children in Tounsaru District of South Tondano Minahasa Regency)
- Siraj, Muhammad Luthfi
- Intensification of Land and Building Tax Collection in The Barru Regency Revenue Service
- Siregar, Lamtiar Ferawaty
- Administration of High Schol Chemistry Laboratory to Facilitate the Implementation of Practicum