Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS 2020)
526 authors
- Harianto, Sugeng
- Policy Conflict Between Central Government and Regional Management of the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Haris, Hasnawi
- Development of a Protection Model for Teachers as Professional Educators in the Indonesian Legal System
- Hariyanto, Bambang
- Analysis of Green Open Space Needs in Surabaya City
- Harmanto
- Development of Senior High School Pancasila & Civics Learning by Utilizing Contemporary Issues to Increase Civic Competence
- Hasni
- Form of Social Control of the Deviant Behavior Students Education Study Program in Social Knowledge Faculty of Social Science of Makassar State University
- Hasni
- Professional Competence of Certified Social (IPS) Teacher in Learning Based on Character Education at Junior High School in Gowa District
- Hasni
- Village Fund Allocation Management in Kapala Pitu District, North Toraja Regency
- Hasrin, Awaluddin
- Public Perceptions of Grab Online Taxi Activity in Sub-District of Tataaran 1 South Tondano District Minahasa Regency
- Hayati, Kinanti Resmi
- Analysis of Satisfaction Relationship Model and Customer Loyalty in Marketing Smartphone Brand X
- Hayon, Paulus Peka
- Managerial Ability in Measuring Financial Performance
- Hayon, Paulus Peka
- Alokasi Dana Desa, Special Autonomy & Social Protection Expenditure Managemnt on Poverty in Papua Province
- Henukh, Anderias
- Correlation Between Mastery of Concepts and Argumentation Skills of High School Students
- Herman
- Organizational Culture in the Formation of Character of Students Taking Care of Student Institutions Faculty of Social Science Makassar State University
- Herman
- Development of a Protection Model for Teachers as Professional Educators in the Indonesian Legal System
- Hermansyah, Agus Kichi
- Implementation of Problem Based Learning Models to Improve the Attitude of Environmental Care of Grade V Elementary School
- Hermawan, Eko Satriya
- Correlation of the Use Online Test Methods in Improving Student Problem Solving Skills in Virtual Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
- Hermono, Budi
- The Rights of the Children Who Conduct Ngenger in Javanese Society
- Hidayatullah, Rachmad Syarifudin
- Effect of Using Oil Cooler Trainer Module on the Competence of Heat Transfer at the Universitas Negeri Surabaya
- Hikmah, Nurul
- European Union Policy on Refugees According to the International Refugee Law
- Hiktaop, Kristianus
- Managerial Ability in Measuring Financial Performance
- Hiktaop, Kristianus
- Alokasi Dana Desa, Special Autonomy & Social Protection Expenditure Managemnt on Poverty in Papua Province
- Hurit, Andreas Au
- Understanding of Beach Abrasion Concepts in Elementary School Students
- Ibrahim
- Form of Social Control of the Deviant Behavior Students Education Study Program in Social Knowledge Faculty of Social Science of Makassar State University
- Ibrahim
- The Impact of Academic Social Adaptation on the Ethics of Demonstration Action of Students Faculty of Social Science Makassar State University
- Imbar, Meike
- The Dynamics of Learning History in the Formation of Nationalism of Bitung City High School Students
- Imron, Ali
- Livelihood Strategy After the Eruption of Kelud Mountain in Sugihwaras Village Ngancar Subdistrict Kediri Regency (Case Study: the Society in Sugihwaras Village)
- Indarti
- The Fashion Design Curriculum: Implementing the Learning Freedom and COVID-19 Pandemic Era
- Indrasari, Lolyka Dewi
- The Effect of Marketing Mix 4P Towards Marketing Product Performance Of Tenun Ikat Small Industry In Bandar Kediri
- Insani, M.
- Ken Dedes Profile Description in Expert Perspective
- Isbandono, Prasetyo
- Innovation Model of Merchant Involvement in Traditional Market Revitalization (Wonokromo Market Revitalization Study Surabaya)
- Ismail, Ashari
- Women’s Leadership in the Community Prismatic-Patriarch
- Jacky, M.
- Online Kimcil Among School-Age Teenagers
- Jatiningsih, Oksiana
- Gender Injustice in the Perspective of Prospective Teachers of Pancasila and Civic Education Universitas Negeri Surabaya
- Jatmiko
- Techniques of Motivation, Compensation, and Leadership on Employee’s Performance
- Jauhari, A
- The Development of Smart Travel Guide Application in Madura Tourism
- Jauhari, Tontowi
- Techniques of Motivation, Compensation, and Leadership on Employee’s Performance
- Jufri, Muwaffiq
- The Effectiveness of Sharia Regional Regulations in Madura on Strengthening Pancasila Values
- Juita, Subaidah Ratna
- Construction Policy Renewal of Criminal Law Through the Formulation of Corruption in the Penal Code Draft
- Jumadi
- Bialahin Concept: Reflections on the Unity of the Buru People in Maluku
- Jumadi
- Social Actions of Galla Actors in the Kaemba Maros Traditional Village Community Sulawesi Selatan
- Jumadi
- Khalwatiyah Samman: Strategies for Strengthening Modality in the Patte’ne Maros Community of Sulawesi Selatan
- Kahar, Fakhri
- Administrative Accountability of Development Planning Deliberation (Musrenbang) Implementation in Bone Regency
- Kairupan, Sisca B.
- Openness of Public Information in the Management of Village Funds in North Minahasa Regency
- Kalalo, Chyntia Novita
- Implementation of Court Decisions in Criminal Cases
- Kalalo, Julianto Jover Jotam
- Implementation of Court Decisions in Criminal Cases
- Karwur, Hermon Maurits
- Application of Environment Based Learning for Geography Teaching at SMA Negeri 2 Tondano
- Karwur, Hermon Maurits
- Discovery Learning Development to Improve Learning Result of Location Analysis for Students of Geography Department
- Kaseng, Ernawati Syahruddin
- Gender in Farmer Household Livelihood Strategies in South Sulawesi
- Kawulur, Arie F.
- Human Capital Improvement on Informal Businesses
- Keintjem, Maxi
- Analysis and Evaluation on Teachers’ Professional Competence at Junior High School of Siau Island, Sitaro Regency
- Kerebungu, Ferdinand
- Public Perceptions of Grab Online Taxi Activity in Sub-District of Tataaran 1 South Tondano District Minahasa Regency
- Kerebungu, Ferdinand
- Social Conflict in Community (Study On Agrarian Conflict in Lolak District, Bolaang District, Mongondow, North Sulawesi)
- Kesuma, Andi Ima
- Dynamics of Culture Shock on Nomadic Students at Faculty of Social Sciences Makassar State University (Anthropological Perspective)
- Khaeruddin
- Lontarak Literation Culture Among Students Through Local History Learning
- Khotimah, Kusnul
- The Literacy Test of the Archipelago Region as the Expression of Indonesian Youth’s Patriotism
- Komari, Ana
- The Effect of Marketing Mix 4P Towards Marketing Product Performance Of Tenun Ikat Small Industry In Bandar Kediri
- Kubangun, Nuraida
- Subaltern and Network Strategy Towards Fishermen Community in Aru Islands District
- Kumaat, Joyce C
- Geoclogs: The Potential of a Special Economic Zone in Halmahera Utara Regency
- Kumajas, Merry
- Community Empowerment in Maintaining Public Domain Mark as the Community’s Right for Trademark
- Kurniawan, Badrudin
- Green Budgeting Policy of Gresik Regency Government
- Kurniawati, Aida
- Analysis Community Perception in Implementation of Land Concervation in Sumber Brantas
- Kusniah
- The Physical Properties of By-Product Proportion in Rice Flour-Based Facial Scrub
- Kuspriyanto
- Study of Reproductive Health of Young Women in the District of Jombang
- Kusstianti, Nia
- Sensory Analysis as a Tool in Determining Customer Acceptability in Natural Mask From Red Dragon Peels (Hylocereus Polyrhizus) Flour and Kefir Flour
- Laiyan, David
- Implementation of Education Improvement Policies for the Indonesia-Papua New Guinea Border Area in Sota District, Merauke Regency
- Lamadirisi, Maryam
- School Dropout (Case Study of Farmers Children in Tounsaru District of South Tondano Minahasa Regency)
- Lamadirisi, Maryam
- Mapping Factors Supporting Social Integration of the Minangkabau Community in Luhak Tanah Datar
- Larasati, Dian Ayu
- Livelihood Strategy After the Eruption of Kelud Mountain in Sugihwaras Village Ngancar Subdistrict Kediri Regency (Case Study: the Society in Sugihwaras Village)
- Lasut, Meiske M. W.
- Directors’ Responsibilities in a Corporate Bankruptcy
- Leba, Seli Marlina Raja
- Mobile Assisted Language Learning
- Leba, Seli Marlina Raja
- The Implementation of Blended Learning Method on Chemistry Students’ Motivation in Learning English
- Legowo, Martinus
- Online Kimcil Among School-Age Teenagers
- Lestari, Alif Putra
- Analysis of Green Open Space Needs in Surabaya City
- Lestari, Yuni
- Cultural Change in the Context of Implementing Online Learning in Higher Education
- Liana, Corry
- Covid-19 Disaster Mitigation Policy in Surabaya in Pressing Positive Increasing Numbers
- Liando, Nihta
- Integrating Writing With Listening in EFL Class: A Systematic Review
- Lieung, Karlina Wong
- Scientific Approach to Improve the Critical Thinking Skills
- Listyani, Refti Handini
- The Rising of Postfeminism in Beauty Styling by Beauty Influencers in Indonesia
- Lobja, Xaverius E.
- Application of Environment Based Learning for Geography Teaching at SMA Negeri 2 Tondano
- Lobja, Xaverius Erick
- Community Participation in Forest Conservation at West Kawangkoan District, Minahasa Regency
- Lobja, Xaverius Erick
- Analysis of Social Economic Condition on Province City Bus (Tomohon-Manado)
- Lobja, Xaverius Erick
- Women’s Employment in Nutmeg Industry to Improve the Welfare of Family at Tuminting Sub-District Manado City
- Lobja, Xaverius Erick
- Discovery Learning Development to Improve Learning Result of Location Analysis for Students of Geography Department
- Lobja, Xaverius Erick
- Mapalus Cultural Reconstruction in Tompaso Baru Village South Minahasa Regency
- Lolong, Wenly R. J.
- Criminal Potential at the Campaign in Local Leader Elections in Indonesia
- Lonto, Apeles L
- Geoclogs: The Potential of a Special Economic Zone in Halmahera Utara Regency
- Lonto, Apeles Lexi
- Multicultural Education in the Globalization Era: Challenges and Expectations
- Lopulalan, Dortje L. Y.
- Bialahin Concept: Reflections on the Unity of the Buru People in Maluku
- Loupatty, Martha
- Analysis of Pedagogic Competence and Professional Competence of Physics Teachers
- Lumaing, Engeli Yuliana
- Juridical Review on Accountability of Implementing Village Income and Budget Allowance
- Lumaing, Engeli Yuliana
- Aviation Business Actor’s Responsibilities for the Consumers
- Lumaing, Engeli Yuliana
- Directors’ Responsibilities in a Corporate Bankruptcy
- Lumenta, Henry Noch
- The State of Parties in Sale and Purchase Agreement Via Internet According to Indonesia Civil Law
- Lutfi, Muh.
- Administrative Accountability of Development Planning Deliberation (Musrenbang) Implementation in Bone Regency
- Lutfiati, D.
- Ken Dedes Profile Description in Expert Perspective
- Maarebia, Rosalinda Zeniona
- Analysis of Student Response to the Utilization of Chemsketch Media in Hydrocarbon Materials
- Maliangkay, Denny
- Study of Landslide Prone on the Road of Tomohon-Tanawangko in Tomohon City
- Mambu, Joupy G. Z.
- Legal Protection of Safety and Health of Workers
- Manda, Darman
- Organizational Culture in the Formation of Character of Students Taking Care of Student Institutions Faculty of Social Science Makassar State University
- Mandagi, Marthinus M.
- Administration of Land Register in South Minahasa Regency