Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education 2018 (ICM2E 2018)
217 authors
- Khairani
- Problems Analysis of Calculus Learning in Higher Educations
- Kurnia, Meisa
- Learning Device Practicality Based on Guided Discovery Learning
- Kurniawati, Yenni
- Bi-plot and Procrustes Analysis
- La`ia, Hestu Tansil
- The Developed Mathematics Learning Tools Which Based on Professional Competency In The Phase of One to One Evaluation For Trigonometry Topic In The Major of Information and Communication Engineering of SMK
- La’ia, Hestu Tansil
- Preliminary Analysis On Development Of Mathematics Learning Tools Based Competence Profession In Trigonometry Topic For Vocational High School Majoring Of Information and Communication Technologies
- Lufri
- Effectiveness of the Realistic Problem Based Learning Model Development Toward Communication Skills and Mathematical Disposition of Vocational High School Student
- Lufri
- Preliminary Analysis Developing Learning Materials of Ordinary Differential Equation Based on Discovery Learning
- Lufri
- Application of Connecting Learning Model-Organizing-Reflecting-Extending on The Ordinary Differential Equations Course
- Machdalena
- Improvement of The Ability of Creative Thinking Mathematically Using Geogebra Assisted Think-Talk-Write Model
- Maizendra, Roli
- Professional Competency-Based Mathematics Learning Devices In The Mechanical And Automotive Engineering Program High School
- Mandasari, Shelvia
- Development of Mathematics Lesson Equipment Based On M-APOS Model to Improve Creative Thinking Skill on Grade X Students at Senior High School
- Maulana, Heru
- Paper Development of Actuarial E-learning Based on Android Applications
- Maximovna, Stefina
- The Development of Hypothetical Learning Trajectory (HLT) Based on Problem Based Learning Topic Class VII SMP/ MTS
- Miranda, Luthfia
- Bi-plot and Procrustes Analysis
- Mudjiran
- Improvement Of Activity And Learning Mathematics Results Through Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) In Student Grade V 14 Ganting Dodok Sulit Air
- Mukhni
- Problems Analysis of Calculus Learning in Higher Educations
- Mulia, Utari Oriyenta
- The Effectiveness of Learning Device With Model Eliciting Activities (MEAS) to Improve Critical Thinking Ability
- Murni, Dewi
- Students’Ability in Analyzing by Using a Flow Proof to Solve Problems in Real-Analysis Lecture
- Murni, Dewi
- Study of Some Mistakes from the Students in Calculus Course at Mathematics Department FMIPA Universitas Negeri Padang
- Murni, Dewi
- Similarity Measurement Of Segmented Image Using Euclidean Distance Method
- Murni, Dewi
- Application of Time Series Box-Jenkins Method (ARIMA) to Forecast The Highest and Lowest Stock Prices of PT.Semen Indonesia,Tbk.
- Musdi, Edwin
- Development of Mathematical Learning Devices Using Van Hiele Theory in Geometry of The Students In Grade VIII Secondary High School
- Musdi, Edwin
- Validity of React Model Based Learning Devices to Improve Mathematical Communication Ability
- Musdi, Edwin
- The Effectiveness Of Mathematical Learning Tools Based On Thinking Aloud Pair Problem Solving (Tapps) Towards The Problem Solving Ability Of Grade X High School Students
- Musdi, Edwin
- Student Worksheet Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning in Linear Equation System Materials of Two Variables
- Musdi, Edwin
- Effectiveness of Developing Mathematical Learning Device Based On Open Ended Approach To Improve Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability Of Junior High School Students
- Musdi, Edwin
- The Influence of Learning Device with Core Model to Improve Problem Solving Ability of Student Class VIII of Junior High School
- Ningsih, Wirda
- Improvement Of Activity And Learning Mathematics Results Through Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) In Student Grade V 14 Ganting Dodok Sulit Air
- Nomida, Diana
- Analysis of the Improvement of Student’s Geometry Achievement Through the Application of Problem-Based Learning Model in Term of Mathematics Prior Knowledge
- Notika, Metha Husya
- Development Mathematics Teaching-Instrument Learning Using Open-Ended Approach To Improve Mathematics Communication Ability And Independent Learning Student
- Nufus, Hayati
- Validation of Intructional Learning Based on M-APOS Approach to Improve Students' Reasoning
- Nufus, Sri Hayatun
- Effect Of Thinking Aloud Pair Problem Solving Type Cooperative Model On Student Problem-Solving Ability
- Oktavia, Budhi
- Learning Tools Based On Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting And Extending (Core) Models For Class VIII Small Classes Valid
- Oktavia, Budhi
- Developing Learning-Based Problem-Based Learning to Improve Problem Solving of Students in Grade VIII
- Oktavia, Budhi
- Effectiveness Learning Instrument Based On Meta-Cognition Approach For Improving Higher Order Thinking Skill
- Permana, Dony
- Model of Customer Lifetime Value with Two Customer and a Former Customer State
- Permana, Dony
- Developing Trigonometry Mathematic Learning Based On Multiple Intelligence Theory
- Permata, Siska Putri
- Development of Learning Instrument Based on Problem Based Learning (PBL) for Improving the Mathematical Problem Solving Ability of Class VII Junior High School
- Prabawanto, Sufyani
- Improvement of The Ability of Creative Thinking Mathematically Using Geogebra Assisted Think-Talk-Write Model
- Priyatno, Agus
- Building the Learning Path of Mathematical Creative Thinking of Students on Geometry Topics by Implementing Metacognitive Approach
- Purwanto, Kelik
- Development of Napier’s Bones Equipment for Improving Student Learning Outcomes in Multiplication Counting Operations at Grade III SDN 13 Sitiung Dharmasraya Regency
- Putra, Remmi Adi
- Preliminary Phase Research Development of Learning Device Based On Problem Based Learning to Improve Mathematical Communication Ability Eighth Grade Students of Junior High School
- Putri, Marta Siska
- Mathematics Learning Tools Development Based on Guided Discovery Model to Improve Students’ Problem Solving Ability
- Putriani, Lilik
- Developing Trigonometry Mathematic Learning Based On Multiple Intelligence Theory
- Rahmi, Izzatur
- Developing Learning Instrument Based on Guided Inquiry Using CRA Sequence To Improve Students’ Problem Solving Skill
- Rahmi, Muthia
- Practicality of Math Worksheets Based on Guided Discovery on Class VII Junior High School
- Ramadhan, Syahrul
- The Influence of Learning Device with Core Model to Improve Problem Solving Ability of Student Class VIII of Junior High School
- Ratnawati
- Development of Napier’s Bones Equipment for Improving Student Learning Outcomes in Multiplication Counting Operations at Grade III SDN 13 Sitiung Dharmasraya Regency
- Ratnawulan
- Development of Student Worksheet Based Contructivism Approachment to Improving Mathematical Problem Solving Ability
- Ratnawulan
- Development Of Guided Discovery Learning Mathematics For Student’s Reasoning Ability Class X SMA/MA
- Rismaini, Lili
- The Practicality of Independence Worksheet In Preparing Mathematics National Examination Integrated Constructivism Approach Completed Modified Crossword Game For 6th Grade Student In Elementary School
- Rusdinal
- Enhancing Students` Mathematical Problem Solving Ability Through Brain Based Learning Approach
- Rusyda, Nurul Afifah
- Enhancing Students` Mathematical Problem Solving Ability Through Brain Based Learning Approach
- S, Sulis Ulianty
- Learning Tools Based On Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting And Extending (Core) Models For Class VIII Small Classes Valid
- Sabrina, Ranny Rasyidah
- The Influence of Open-Ended Approach to Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability of 5th Grade Students Elementary School in Padang
- Salma, Fadhilati
- Mathematical Reasoning Ability Through Learning Design Based on RME on The Flat Face Three Dimensional Object
- Salman. A. N, M.
- An Am-Supermagic Decomposition Of The Cartesian Product of A Sun Graph And A Path
- Sari, Fitri Mudia
- Public Transportation Users Segmentation Using CHAID Method
- Sari, Iva Agustina
- Public Transportation Users Segmentation Using CHAID Method
- Sartono, Bagus
- Variable-Group Selection on Estimated Metabolites of Curcuma aeruginosa Related to Antioxidant Activity by Using Group Lasso Regression
- Sastri, Lara Yulia
- Validity of React Model Based Learning Devices to Improve Mathematical Communication Ability
- Seprina, Meli
- Mathematical Model of Cytomegalovirus with Vertical Transmision and Mortality Factors
- Septianingsih, Dewi Anggraini
- Variable-Group Selection on Estimated Metabolites of Curcuma aeruginosa Related to Antioxidant Activity by Using Group Lasso Regression
- Septriani, Nunung
- Development of Learning Tools Mathematics Based Problem Based Learning (PBL) for Improving Mathematical Problem Solving Ability of Grade VII Junior High School Students
- Septriwati, Reni
- Mathematics Learning Tools Development Based on Problem Based Learning (PBL) to Increase Students Problem Solving Ability in Senior High School
- Silfia, Riza
- Validity of Mathematics Learning Devices Based on Quantum Teaching to Improve The Problem Solving Ability of Students Class XI Vocational School
- Silfinia
- Similarity Measurement Of Segmented Image Using Euclidean Distance Method
- Simanungkalit, Irene
- Public Transportation Users Segmentation Using CHAID Method
- Siregar, Nisah Ayu
- The Effectiveness of Realistic Mathematics Learning Model Based on Mandailing Culture in Teaching of Students’ Mathematical Problem Solving Ability
- Siregar, Yulia Pratiwi
- The Effectiveness of Realistic Mathematics Learning Model Based on Mandailing Culture in Teaching of Students’ Mathematical Problem Solving Ability
- Sriningsih, Riry
- Needs Analysis Development of Mathematics Learning Device Based On 21st Century Skills In Senior High School
- Sriningsih, Riry
- Mathematical Model of Cytomegalovirus with Vertical Transmision and Mortality Factors
- Subhan, Muhammad
- Students’Ability in Analyzing by Using a Flow Proof to Solve Problems in Real-Analysis Lecture
- Subhan, Muhammad
- A Model for Tax Level Influence on Population Dynamics
- Subhan, Muhammad
- Mathematical Model of Cytomegalovirus with Vertical Transmision and Mortality Factors
- Sufyarma
- The Influence of Brain Based Learning Approach to Students’ Mathematical Problem Solving Abilities in Class V Gugus IV Kecamatan Padang Utara Padang City
- Suhendri, Zulmen
- Development Of Guided Discovery Learning Mathematics For Student’s Reasoning Ability Class X SMA/MA
- Suherman
- Paper Development of Actuarial E-learning Based on Android Applications
- Susanti
- Analysis Validation of Math Learning Devices Based on Guided Discovery Method to Improve Problem-Solving Ability of Grade VII Students of Junior High School
- Susila, Misra
- The Influence of Brain Based Learning Approach to Students’ Mathematical Problem Solving Abilities in Class V Gugus IV Kecamatan Padang Utara Padang City
- Syafermi, Suci Permata
- Developing Learning-Based Problem-Based Learning to Improve Problem Solving of Students in Grade VIII
- Syafriandi
- Model of Customer Lifetime Value with Two Customer and a Former Customer State
- Syafriandi
- Poisson Distribution with Discrete Parameter
- Syahrial, Zulfiarti
- Analysis of the Improvement of Student’s Geometry Achievement Through the Application of Problem-Based Learning Model in Term of Mathematics Prior Knowledge
- Syarifuddin, Hendra
- Development of Student Worksheet Based Contructivism Approachment to Improving Mathematical Problem Solving Ability
- Syarifuddin, Hendra
- Mathematics Learning Tools Development Based on Guided Discovery Model to Improve Students’ Problem Solving Ability
- Syarifuddin, Hendra
- Development Of Learning Devices Based On Constructivism Approach To Improve Mathematical Communication Skills Of Grade VIII Junior High School
- Tantular, Bertho
- Determination of Sample Size on Logistic Regression for Sakernas Data in Jayapura Regency in 2015
- Tasman, Fridgo
- Analysis of Students’ Error in Understanding the Mathematical Problems
- Trisna, Dini Fajria
- Development of Student Worksheet Based Contructivism Approachment to Improving Mathematical Problem Solving Ability
- Wati, Suci Kurnia
- Effectiveness of Developing Mathematical Learning Device Based On Open Ended Approach To Improve Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability Of Junior High School Students
- Widuri, Sunarti Yola Sri
- The Effectiveness Of Mathematical Learning Tools Based On Thinking Aloud Pair Problem Solving (Tapps) Towards The Problem Solving Ability Of Grade X High School Students
- Wijayanto, Hari
- Variable-Group Selection on Estimated Metabolites of Curcuma aeruginosa Related to Antioxidant Activity by Using Group Lasso Regression
- Yanti, Eka Fatma
- Analysis of Introduction to Development of Mathematics Learning Devices Based on Professional Competence in Vocational School of X in Field of Tourism
- Yarman
- Preliminary Analysis Developing Learning Materials of Ordinary Differential Equation Based on Discovery Learning
- Yarman
- Application of Connecting Learning Model-Organizing-Reflecting-Extending on The Ordinary Differential Equations Course
- Yenti, Isra Nurmai
- Analysis of Students’ Error in Understanding the Mathematical Problems
- Yerizon
- Effectiveness of the Realistic Problem Based Learning Model Development Toward Communication Skills and Mathematical Disposition of Vocational High School Student
- Yerizon
- The Improvement of Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability Through the Application of Problem-Based Learning Model on Students in Class VIII.1 SMPN 16 Solok Selatan
- Yerizon
- Improvement Of Activity And Learning Mathematics Results Through Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) In Student Grade V 14 Ganting Dodok Sulit Air