Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Accounting, Management, and Economics (ICAME 2023)

241 authors
The Impact of Fiscal Decentralization on Poverty in the Nine Provinces of Eastern Indonesia which are above National Poverty for the 2006–2022 Period
The Effect of Human Resources and Regional Status on Rural Poverty in Eastern Indonesia
Ahmad, Mubariq
Peer-Review Statements
Aji, Hariady Bayu
The Impact of ISO 9001 Management Implementation on Worker Output
Akob, Rezki Arianty
The Impact of Job Placement and Workload on Employee Motivation at Bringin Gigantara Indonesia Makassar Branch Office
Analysis of Stock Portfolio Performance Optimization Using the Mean Absolute Deviation Model, Single Index Model, and Capital Asset Pricing Model
Almaida, Asty
The Effect of Word of Mouth as a Strategy Business for Islamic Banking
Altin, Darus
Model of Digital Transformation of Local Governments in Indonesia
Amang, Baso
Effect of Person-Organization and Person-Job Fit on Career Development: The Role of Proactive Behavior
The Effect of Dividend Policy, Capital Structure and Audit Committee on Profit Management with Profitability as a Moderation Variable
The Influence of Financial Leverage, Information Asymmetry, and Profitability on Income Smoothing with Good Corporate Governance as a Moderation Variable
The Influence of Due Professional Care, Professional Skepticism, and Role Overload on Audit Quality with Emotional Intelligence as a Moderation Variable
Amri, Muhammad
The Effect of Number of Offices, Profit Sharing Level, Inflation and BI Rate on the Development of Sharia Banks in Indonesia
Anshar, Muhammad Ashary
Economic Activities, Energy Consumption, and Environmental Quality in Indonesia towards a Green Economy
Anwar, Anas Iswanto
Peer-Review Statements
Anwar, Anas Iswanto
Impact of Inflation Toward Economic Growth and Income Distribution
Anwar, Anas Iswanto
Village Development Index Behavior: A Review of Regional Attractiveness
Anwar, Anas Iswanto
Analysis of Institutional Factors, Inflation, and Unemployment on the Economic Growth of ASEAN Countries
Anwar, Anas Iswanto
The Effect of Aggregate Expenditure on Poverty Level in West Sulawesi Province
Aqmarina, Andi Utari
The Influence of Service Quality and Trust on Customer Loyalty with Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable at PT Bank Sulselbar Makassar
Performance Improvement Strategy through Product Innovation and Competitive Advantage
Arifuddin, Arifuddin
Peer-Review Statements
Arsyad, Muhammad
Digital Marketing as a Powerful Tool to Improve MSMEs Performance
As, Muhammad Dermawan
The Effect of Workload on Organizational Commitment to Employees of Bank Indonesia Provincial Representative Special Region of Yogyakarta 2022
Ashoer, Muh.
Antecedents of Gen Z Purchase Decision at Starbucks; Extending Theory of Consumption Value with Enviromental Value
Ashoer, Muhammad
Exploring Self-Determination Theory and its consequences in Hospitality Industry; Does Generative Artificial Intelligence Matters?
Aslam, Annisa Parameswary
The Effect of Word of Mouth as a Strategy Business for Islamic Banking
Aspadiah, Viden Wara
The impact of social capital on corporate operations through financial literacy, financial inclusion and financial intermediation and mediation
Asyraf, Ammar
The Effect of Aggregate Expenditure on Poverty Level in West Sulawesi Province
Azhari, Ihsan
Globalization and Female Labor Force Participation (FLFP): Evidence from ASEAN Middle-Income Countries (Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Philippines)
Basalamah, Jafar
Antecedents of Gen Z Purchase Decision at Starbucks; Extending Theory of Consumption Value with Enviromental Value
Incumbent Performance Analysis: Comparison of Regional Government Financial Management Before vs. After Regional Head Elections
Bhirawidha, Arhab
Regional Economics Competitive Analysis of West Sulawesi Province
Brasit, Nurdin
The Influence of Tiktok Social Media and Brand Personality on Generation Z’s Decisions in Choosing Candidates for the Regional Representative Council of South Sulawesi Province Through the Voting Interest Variable
Chalik, Alex Abdu
Human Resource Development for Millennial Farmers in Increasing Local Economic Development in Rural Areas
Christian, Ferry
Risk-Based Audit as an Effort to Mitigate Corruption Risk in Government (The Phenomenon of Corruption Cases in Indonesia)
Christiana, Yurlina
Assessing the Impact of Entrepreneurial Marketing on Culinary SMEs’ Performance in Sorong City
Performance Analysis of Regional Financial Information Systems with Delone and Mclean and Task Technology Fit Perspectives
Dase, George Valery
The Impact of Sustainability Report Disclosure on Financial Performance and Firm Value: A Moderation Analysis with Good Corporate Governance
David, Stevin
Budgeting Patterns for Regional Government Functions: Impact of Election of Regional Heads & Incumbents (Study of Regional Government in Indonesia)
Deliyanti, Andi Indah
The Effect of Dividend Policy, Capital Structure and Audit Committee on Profit Management with Profitability as a Moderation Variable
Dewi, Andi Ratna Sari
Performance of Village-Owned Enterprises: Community Empowerment and Training and Managerial Competence
Dewi, I Gusti Ayu Ratih Permata
BUM Desa Development Model Through SICATU Application at BUM Desa Catu Kwero Sedana in Pecatu Village of South Kuta
Dewi, Ratna
Effect of Person-Organization and Person-Job Fit on Career Development: The Role of Proactive Behavior
Djamali, Saif Khalik M.
The Influence of Regional Head Characteristics on Regional Government Investment & Level of Regional Independence (Study of Provincial Governments in Indonesia)
Djam’an, Fitriwati
Analysis of the Development of Production and Exports of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) in West Sumatra Province
Djam’an, Fitriwati
Determinants of Expenditure of Low Income Households in Pangkep District
Djam’an, Fitriwati
Economic Activities, Energy Consumption, and Environmental Quality in Indonesia towards a Green Economy
Djam’an, Fitriwati
Determinants of Private Investment In Indonesia: An Error Correction Model Approach
Djam’an, Fitriwati
The Development Strategy of Freshwater Lobster Business as a Coastal Economic Strengthener
Djam’an, Fitriwati
Regional Economics Competitive Analysis of West Sulawesi Province
Djaya, Subhan
Analysis of the Development of Production and Exports of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) in West Sumatra Province
Ekawati, Ni Wayan
The Role of “Tri Hita Karana” Business Strategy Mediates Government Support and Environmental Orientation on Sustainable Business Performance
Ekayanti, A. Asma Zulistia
The Influence of Independence, Integrity, and Audit Tenure on The Audit Quality of The Makassar City Regional Inspectorate
Informative or Persuasive: Which Type of Marketing Content Can Best Foster Co-Creation in MSMEs?
Fachry, Mardiana Etra
The Influence of Social Assistance and Demographic Factors on Income and Consumption of Poor Households during the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Coastal Area of South Sulawesi
Analysis of Labor Decisions on Commuter Migration in Indonesia (A Literature Review)
Determinants of Expenditure of Low Income Households in Pangkep District
Fattah, Muhammad Arif Wiratama
The Effect of Information Asymmetry, Investment Opportunity Set, and Corporate Social Responsibility on Earnings Quality
Fattah, Sanusi
Impact of Inflation Toward Economic Growth and Income Distribution
Fattah, Sanusi
The Development Strategy of Freshwater Lobster Business as a Coastal Economic Strengthener
Ferdiansah, Irdam
The impact of social capital on corporate operations through financial literacy, financial inclusion and financial intermediation and mediation
Ferdiansah, Muhammad Irdam
The Future of Accounting: Triple-Entry Accounting Enabled by Blockchain
Fil’ardy, Amanus Khalifah
Analysis of the Development of Production and Exports of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) in West Sumatra Province
Fil’ardy, Amanus Khalifah
Economic Activities, Energy Consumption, and Environmental Quality in Indonesia towards a Green Economy
Firman, Fira Fadhilla
Factors Affecting the Disclosure of Government Financial Statements: A Systematic Reviews
Fitrianti, Retno
The Impact of Multi-Economic Variables on Poverty in the Maluku Region
Fitrianti, Retno
Analysis of the Development of Production and Exports of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) in West Sumatra Province
Fitrianti, Retno
Analysis of Labor Decisions on Commuter Migration in Indonesia (A Literature Review)
Fitrianti, Retno
Economic Activities, Energy Consumption, and Environmental Quality in Indonesia towards a Green Economy
Fitrianti, Retno
Determinants of Private Investment In Indonesia: An Error Correction Model Approach
Fitriyanti, Eka
Model of Digital Transformation of Local Governments in Indonesia
Furqan, Andi Chairil
The Influence of Regional Head Characteristics on Regional Government Investment & Level of Regional Independence (Study of Provincial Governments in Indonesia)
Furqan, Andi Chairil
Budgeting Patterns for Regional Government Functions: Impact of Election of Regional Heads & Incumbents (Study of Regional Government in Indonesia)
Furqan, Andi Chairil
Incumbent Performance Analysis: Comparison of Regional Government Financial Management Before vs. After Regional Head Elections
Effect of Person-Organization and Person-Job Fit on Career Development: The Role of Proactive Behavior
Gaffar, Muhammad Affan
Effect of Person-Organization and Person-Job Fit on Career Development: The Role of Proactive Behavior
Galigo, Nur Abdurrahman A.
The Influence of Work Environment and Information Technology on Outsourcing Employee Performance Through Motivation at PT Jaya Sakti Prasetya
Gani, Ackhriansyah Ahmad
Exploring Self-Determination Theory and its consequences in Hospitality Industry; Does Generative Artificial Intelligence Matters?
Gunarsa, Arif
Budgeting Patterns for Regional Government Functions: Impact of Election of Regional Heads & Incumbents (Study of Regional Government in Indonesia)
Haerani, Siti
Innovation and performance in the training public institutions, Indonesia
Haerani, Sitti
The Effect of Compensation and Job Stress on Work Productivity Using Employee Job Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable (Study on Regional Revenue Agency of South Sulawesi Province)
Hakim, Wardhani
The Influence of Service Quality and Trust on Customer Loyalty with Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable at PT Bank Sulselbar Makassar
Enhancing the Performance of Fraud Risk Judgments by Indonesian State Auditors through Continuous Learning and Development
Halim, Ardiansyah
The Impact of Job Placement and Workload on Employee Motivation at Bringin Gigantara Indonesia Makassar Branch Office
The Effect of Aggregate Expenditure on Poverty Level in West Sulawesi Province
Analysis of Labor Decisions on Commuter Migration in Indonesia (A Literature Review)
Handayanto, Arga Bhayangkara
The Future of Accounting: Triple-Entry Accounting Enabled by Blockchain
Handayanto, Arga Bhayangkara
Carbon Management Accounting: A Systematic Literature Review
Harsono, Edi
Systematic Literature Review of ARDL Approaches in Investigating External Debt
Hartanti, Dwi
Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Sustainability Reporting Practices in Indonesia
Hasanuddin, Basri
The Effect of Number of Offices, Profit Sharing Level, Inflation and BI Rate on the Development of Sharia Banks in Indonesia
Hermawan, Rido
The Influence of Self-Efficacy and Work Environment on Employee Performance Through Employee Job Satisfaction
Hidayat, Danny
The Effect of Experiential Marketing, Service Quality on Repurchase Intention with Customer Satisfaction as a Mediating Variable (Case Study of Alooha Tropical Café)
Hidayat, Deddy Rakhmad
Customer Loyalty: Bibliometric Analysis Based on Scopus Data
Hidayati, Ulfa
Nexus Conscientiousness on Employee Performance
Hidayati, Ulfa
The Role of Colleague Support as an Intervening Variable in the Influence of Leadership Style on OCB at PT Mandala Finance Makassar
Idrus, Hasyim Halid
Antecedents of Gen Z Purchase Decision at Starbucks; Extending Theory of Consumption Value with Enviromental Value
Ilyas, Gunawan Bata
Performance of Village-Owned Enterprises: Community Empowerment and Training and Managerial Competence
Ismail, Muhammad
The Effect of Compensation and Job Stress on Work Productivity Using Employee Job Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable (Study on Regional Revenue Agency of South Sulawesi Province)