Advances in Biological Sciences Research

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2390 articles
Proceedings Article

Amygdala-Prefrontal Connectivity Analysis of Decoding Human Emotion

Wenjie HE, Haibing BU, Zhonglin LI, Bin YAN, Li TONG, Linyuan WANG
Functional neuroimaging studies have found that emotion network in patients with some psychiatric and neurological diseases was abnormal. However, human emotion network is extremely complex and understanding of it still remains unclear. So, it's difficult to regulate and remodel emotion network directly....
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Additional Sludge Resulted From Laundry Wastewater in Flocculation – Coagulation Which Used as Mixture of Planting Media in the Growth of Chili Plants (Capsicum annuum L)

Yeyen Maryani, Daniel Baginda, Ila Nurfadilah
Laundry services have become a necessity and spread in every city in Indonesia. The number of laundry businesses produces waste containing surfactant (Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate/LAS) as an active detergent and phosphate compound (Sodium Tri Poly Phosphate/STPP) to improve washing power efficiency....
Proceedings Article

Dynamics of Agricultural Land and Sustainability of the Agricultural Sector in the Province of Bali 2015-2020

Ragil Setiawan, Anugrah Aditya Insani, Atikah Nian Indrastuti, Dwiyanti Purwanto, Hidayati Nur Rohmah, Rahma Permata Suci, Marinda Mustika Ayu, Rohayu Che Omar, Ratih Fitria Putri
The agricultural sector in Bali Province is increasingly being displaced by other sectors to support tourism. This is indicated by the reduction of agricultural land to non-agricultural land, even though agriculture is a sector that is very much needed by Balinese people to support life both in the present...
Proceedings Article

Edge Detection of Strawberries Ripeness Based on Model Optimization Using Intel OpenVINO Toolkit

Yosef Adhitya Duta Dewangga, Agus Bejo, Eka Firmansyah
The improvement of automation and big data analytics with technology is giving big benefits to the agriculture sector. In the open field crops, farming robot technology helps farmers to spray fertilizer. Soil data analysis can help to determine plant treatment. Harvesting robots for picking fruits with...
Proceedings Article

Morphology and Morphometric of Frozen-thawed Pasundan Cattle Sperm Incubated in Extreme pH Media

Rini Widyastuti, Diah Nugrahani Pristihadi, Noer Muhammad Dliyaul Haq, Sigit Prastowo, Hera Maheshwari, Cece Sumantri, Arief Boediono
An evaluation of sperm morphology and morphometry is useful to predict sperm quality and in the diagnosis of fertile animals. The purpose of this study is to assess the morphology and morphometry of frozen-thawed Pasundan Cattle sperm, as well as the correlation between the two parameters. The sample...
Proceedings Article

High Effectiveness of CoronaVac Vaccine Against Severe COVID-19 in Adult and Elderly Population in Indonesia

Didan Ariadapa Rahadi, Elfira Yusri, Syandrez Prima Putra, Cimi Ilmiawati
CoronaVac was the first COVID-19 vaccine used in Indonesia. Phase three clinical trial studies showed that the efficacy of CoronaVac in preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection ranged from 50.7-84.4%. The effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine in the adult group relatively was better than the elderly group, this...
Proceedings Article

Utilization of Fermented Cocoa Pod Husk (CPH) as Feed Ingredient for Sheep

Susana IW Rakhmani, Wisri Puastuti
The experiment of sheep feeding with concentrate contained fermented cocoa pod husk (FCPH) has been conducted at the IRIAP research station. The experiment aimed to study and evaluate FCPH product for sheep. Fermentation of cocoa pod husk using Aspergillus oryzae was carried out for three days. The FCPH...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Cinnamon Extract on Energy and Protein Utilization Efficiency of Broilers Chickens

Ihsan Zain Nida, Aji Praba Baskara, Bambang Ariyadi, Nanung Danar Dono, Zuprizal Zuprizal
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of cinnamon extract (Cinnamomum burmannii) in drinking water on energy and protein utilization efficiency of broilers. 200 Lohmann W99 Grade-A broilers were randomly divided into 5 treatment groups and 5 replications, and each replication consisted of 8 chickens....
Proceedings Article

Marketing Analysis of the Pharmaceutical Market of Drugs for Weight Disorder Treatment

Alena Spichak, Galina Glembotskaya, Galina Varenykh, Irina Zhirova
The article presents the results of a marketing research of the Russian pharmaceutical market of drugs for the treatment of weight disorders - overweight and underweight. Macrocontours have been developed, the main trends in market formation have been identified.
Proceedings Article

Isolation and Activity of Amylase Enzyme in Isolates of Fungi From Black Rice Lemang (Oryza sativa Siarang)

Mades Fifendy, Periadnadi, Gustina Indriati, Syovia Osnita, Lara Annisa
Black rice Lemang (Oryza sativa Siarang) from Kenagarian Talang Babungo is one of the Minangkabau specialties. Lemang left moldy to get a different taste from ordinary lemang. This fungus occurs in chemical processes that are assisted by the amylase enzyme that functions to break down starch into simple...
Proceedings Article

The Potential of Fungal Isolates from Vermicompost Water Extract to Inhibit Alternaria solani in Vitro and Suppress Early Blight Disease in Tomato

Noor Istifadah, Retno Anjani Putri, Fitri Widiantini, Sri Hartati
Early blight disease caused by Alternaria solani, Sorr is an important disease in tomato. Biological control is one of the environmentally-friendly control measures of the disease. Vermicompost is a potential source of antagonistic microbes for biological control of plant diseases. The objective of this...
Proceedings Article

Genome Scale Pathway-Pathway Co-functional Synergistic Network (PcFSN) in Oryza Sativa

Chittabrata Mal, Ayushman Kumar Banerjee, Joyabrata Mal
Cohesive network modelling and systems biology have emerged as extremely potent tools which helps understanding the combinatorial effects of biomolecules. Synergistic modulation among biomolecules (e.g., enzymes, transcription factors, microRNAs, drugs, etc.) are significant in finding out complex regulatory...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of land suitability of leading commodities tomato and chili in the sub-district of Moyo Hilir, Sumbawa Regency, West Nusa Tenggara

Joko Sumarsono, Ida Ayu Widhiantari, Sandy Eka Saputra
Land evaluation is assessing land resources for a specific purpose using a tested approach. Tomato and Chili plants can be planted in rice fields or dry fields, lowlands and highlands, and during the dry and rainy season. This study aimed to determine the land suitability of the superior vegetable commodities...
Proceedings Article

Hematology Profile of Guinea Pigs [Cavia porcellus (Linnaeus, 1758)] Based on Sex and Age

Laksmindra Fitria, Sri Lestari, Asti Nur Istiqomah, Novita Paradhita Wulandari, Anggadia Shinta Wardani
Guinea pigs or Cavia porcellus (Linnaeus, 1758) is small herbivorous rodent from South America. Guinea pigs (GP) are commonly used as experimental animals, pets, food, and animal-assisted therapy (AAT). Based on these benefits, the health of GP must be considered. Blood is essential biological sample...
Proceedings Article

The Separation and Purification of Se-enriched Mycelium Polysaccharides of Catathelasma Ventricosum and Their Anti-hyperglycemic and Antioxidant Activity

Yun-Tao Liu, Qian-Qian Tang, Yu-Xian You, Si-Qi Zeng, Yi-Wen Li, Di Chen, Ai-Ping Liu, Chao-Hui Feng, Zhao Su, Cheng Li, Dai-Wen Chen
Selenium (Se) is an essential nutrient for humans as it plays an important role in anti-hyperglycemic and antioxidant activities. The objective of this work was to evaluate anti-hyperglycemic and antioxidant activities of Se-enriched mycelium polysaccharides. The Se-enriched mycelium polysaccharides...
Proceedings Article

Effects of Cattle Integration on Non-Crop Vegetation and Parasitic Hymenoptera Diversity in Oil Palm Plantations in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia

Dani Aldinas, Radhian Prabowo, Damayanti Buchori, Bandung Sahari
Non crop vegetation provides a microclimate, alternative host and food source (nectar) for Parasitic Hymenoptera community. Oil palm-cattle integration system may reduce understorey non crop vegetation and also affects community structure of parasitic Hymenoptera. The aim of this research is to study...
Proceedings Article

Synergistic Effects of Organic Amendments on Coriander Cultivation

P. Bhavadharani, S. Sreelaxmi, K. Ashok Kumar, G. Abirami, M. Suganthi, K. Gowtham, M. Jayanthi
The prevalent application of synthetic soil amendments over the last decades has raised environmental issues, fueling a fascination with organic amendments for eco-friendly farming. Organic amendments are believed to enhance plant growth, flowering, microbial activity, and pest control, yet scientific...
Proceedings Article

Income Optimization by Utilizing Rotiklot Dam Irrigation and Marginal Agricultural Land in Border Area

Werenfridus Taena, Fried Markus Allung Blegur, Boanerges Putra Sipayung, Anggelina Delviana Klau
The study aims to (1) build a linear programming model and determine the optimal volume of dam water that maximizes farmers’ income based on plant types and field area for two growing seasons; (2) modify the linear programming model by incorporating marginal land, (3) test model sensitivity to obtain...
Proceedings Article

Karyotype Analysis of Two Kinds of Red Petioles Leaf Beet

Bo Sun, Yuxiao Tian, Xue Xia, Fen Zhang, Haoru Tang
Leaf beet is one of the important leaf vegetables and has important ornamental value. Red petioles leaf beet includes two kinds, green leaves and red leaves. They are new types of leaf beet and are popular with consumers. In this research, we try to obtain cytological parameters on these two leaf beet....
Proceedings Article

Morphological Features and Molecular of Plasmodium inui in Macaca fascicularis from Bogor, West Java

Upik Kesumawati, Lis Rosmanah, Susi Soviana, Uus Saepuloh, Huda Shalahudin Darusman
Plasmodium is causative agent of malaria in human through the intermediary of female mosquitoes Anopheles spp. Two of the most important human malaria parasites, P. falciparum and P. vivax, are derived from the complete transmission event of non-human primate malaria species to human. Late data shows...
Proceedings Article

Nutrient Concentration of N, P and K in the Components of Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell Tree in East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Ria Paranoan, Wawan Kustiawan, Marjenah Marjenah, Wahjuni Hartati, Syahrinudin Syahrinudin, Sukartiningsih Sukartiningsih, Triyono Sudarmadji
Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell is one of the species developed in industrial forest plantations that has the potential for pulp and paper. Therefore, this research aims to determine the concentration of N, P, and K nutrients in the Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell tree components. This research was conducted...
Proceedings Article

Diversity in Research: a catalyst to innovation in science education

Gertie H. P. Arts, Chioma Blaise Chikere, Okafor Chidinma Peace, Eka B. Essien, Udeme Georgewill, Laura Nwogu-Chigozie, Elizabeth Amadi Ihuoma
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015. 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) form the basis for this agenda. This agenda clearly shows that global partnerships are needed to solve world-wide problems. Besides, solving these problems should...
Proceedings Article

Relative Efficiency of Potato Farming with Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Approach in Karangreja District, Purbalingga Regency

Dindy Darmawati Putri, Irene Kartika Eka Wijayanti, Altri Mulyani, Agus Sutanto, Djeimy Kusnaman, Suyono, Ratna Satriani
Potato farming has a contribution in improving the welfare of potato farmers in Karangreja District. However, a high amount of production does not guarantee farmers get high profits as well. The level of income obtained by farmers depends on the level of production achieved in managing their farm with...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Condensed Tannin and Myristic Acid in Corn Straw-Based Complete Feeds on NH3 Concentration and Microbial Protein Synthesis

Siti Chuzaemi, Mashudi Mashudi, Poespitasari Hazanah Ndaru, Asri Nurul Huda, Eko Agus Siswoyo
This study aimed to determine the effect of condensed tannin (CT) and myristic acid in corn straw-based complete feed on NH3 concentration and in vitro synthesis of microbial protein. The materials used in this study were corn straw, CT, myristic acid, coffee husk rice bran, soybean meal, copra meal,...
Proceedings Article

The Review on the Function of Intestinal Flora and the Regulatory Effects of Probiotics on the Intestinal Health of Rabbits

Hong-Ju Chen, Wan-Ying Yang, Chun-Yang Wang
Rabbits are both monogastric and herbivore animals, with special digestive and physiological characteristics. The establishment of healthy, stable and diverse digestive tract microflora is of great significance for rabbits to resist intestinal diseases.Probiotics have been defined as living bacteria...
Proceedings Article

Preliminary Study on the Bacterial Community Structure of Ganoderma Soil Under Oil Palm Plantation

F Hidayat, R Farrasati, I Pradiko, E Listia, M Syarovy, S Rahutomo, Winarna
Basal stem rot (BSR) disease is caused by Ganoderma boninense; it has become a major disease in oil palm plantations over the years and causes a significant yield drop in oil palm plantations, especially in Sumatera. Nowadays, the incidence level of BSR across Sumatera has reached 39% and is predicted...
Proceedings Article

The Study of Several Applicable Treatments for Serving Butterfly Pea Flower Drinks

Jesslyn Sofyan, Tabligh Permana, Abdullah Muzi Marpaung
A wide range of serving methods of butterfly pea flower drinks are available in practice. Three typical variables in the serving method are studied in this research. They are pre-treatment of the petal before extraction (fresh, refrigerated for two days, dried at 45ºC for 48 hours), the method of extraction...
Proceedings Article

GH, GHRH, and PIT Genes Polymorphisms of Local Swamp Buffalo in Pandeglang District, Banten Province

A. Anggraeni, C. Thalib, F. Saputra
The molecular selection of the genes influencing growth qualities can be used to genetically improve the production of native swamp buffaloes. Local swamp buffalo (60 hds.) maintained by smallholders in Pandeglang Regency, Banten Province, were examined for the genetic polymorphism of the growing family...
Proceedings Article

Estimating the Anoa (Bubalus spp.) Occupancy Area and Enviromental Factors Effect In Dako Mountain Nature Reserve, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia

Yusuf Sulo, Sri Ningsih Mallombasang, Abdul Rosyid, Shahabuddin Saleh
Anoa, a tiny buffalo endemic to the Indonesian island of Sulawesi (and surrounding offshore islands) is the largest wild terrestrial mammal in Sulawesi. It is protected by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, categorized as Endangered (EN) based on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, and...
Proceedings Article

Research on Functional Electrical Stimulation to Achieve Hand Gripping Action

Xinqi He, Lijuan Shi, Liuyang Xu, Yi Yu, Yun Zhao, Juntang Lin
. Functional Electrical Stimulation is a treatment method of using the output current of the functional electric stimulator to stimulate the nerves or muscles through the setting of functional electrical stimulator parameters. The motor function of the injured patients recovery the function of movement...
Proceedings Article

Safety study of jelly (kissel) concentrates in the in vivo experiments

Viktoriya Strizhevskaya, Vladimir Salautin, Inna Simakova, Ekaterina Volf, Maksim Maradudin
The aim of this paper was to study the influence on morpho-functional indicators of the organism of experimental animals by regular consumption of jelly (kissel) concentrates in industrial production in comparison with the jelly (kissel) prepared according to the set of technical standards. The impact...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Morphometric Index of Four Buffaloes Populations in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia

Muh. Rusdin, La Ode Nafiu, Takdir Saili, Achmad Selamet Aku, Rahman, Rusli Badaruddin
The objective of this study is to analyze the morphometric index of four buffalo populations in Southeast Sulawesi. Swamp buffaloes samples in this study were 271 head, from Bombana Island, Bombana Mainland, Kolaka, and Konawe populations. The observed morphometric index variables included height slope,...
Proceedings Article

Optimization of DNA Isolation on Meat-Based Food Samples Using Phenol-Chloroform Method for the Development of Halal Detection Using In-House Method Analysis

Indah Mardhotillah, Afifatul Achyar, Moralita Chatri, Dwi Hilda Putri, Yuni Ahda
About 85% of Indonesia’s population is Moslem. Every Moslem is ordered to eat halal and good food. PCR is the most widely used molecular biology technique for authentication tests, through target DNA analysis, including the detection of pork-derived DNA in food products. DNA isolation is an important...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Sugarcane Top Fermented Using Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Cytophagasp to Dry Matter Degradation and Methane Emission

Wisri Puastuti, Dwi Yulistiani, Susana IW Rakhmani
The study evaluated dry matter degradation and methane gas emissions from sugarcane top-fermented to substitute grass. The first part of the research was to process sugarcane top using Phanerochaete chrysosporium (PC) and Cytophaga sp (CS) compared to sugarcane top without fermentation (SC). The second...
Proceedings Article

Study on Animal Model Characterization of Chinese Medicine

Xu ZHANG, Hui ZHOU, Xuan-xuan ZHU, Yi LIANG, Jia-chen WANG, Yan-yan MIAO, Ming-san MIAO
Characterization can reflect objectivity and represent objective things. With the development of pharmacology of Chinese Medicine in recent years and the deepening of animal model research in Chinese medicine, how to accurately and quickly copy the successful model animals according to the characterization...
Proceedings Article

Enhancement of The Edible Mushroom Pleurotus Ostreatus Yield via A New Liquid Fermentation Tank

Xiaoyu DUAN, Yu HU, Yuxian YOU, Qianqian TANG, Yiwen LI, Lan ZHANG, Cheng LI, Yuntao LIU
Nowadays, the edible and medicinal values of edible fungi have been widely recognized all over the world, particularly in China and Japan, the edible fungi have become important ingredients in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Hundreds of species of edible fungi had been studied and confirmed with biological...
Proceedings Article

Preliminary Checklist of Herpetofauna of Mount Sago Along the Hiking Trail in the Dry Season

Fitra Arya Dwi Nugraha, Ganda Hijrah Selaras, Rijal Satria
Some pristine habitat in the region of west Sumatera is less-explored due to low number of herpetologists in the area. However, many species were described as new to science based on morphological or molecular approaches. We conducted preliminary study to uncover the diversity of amphibians and reptiles...
Proceedings Article

Financial Analysis of Arabica Coffee Cultivation of Agroforestry Systems in Lembang Bokin, North Toraja Indonesia

Andi Lisnawati, Abubakar M. Lahjie, Syahrir Yusuf, Yosep Ruslim
Toraja is a centre for a coffee product in South Sulawesi. One of the most famous species is Arabica, one of the national superior-commodities with a high economic value. Given the demand for coffee, Arabica coffee needs to develop the plantation of Arabica coffee in particular. Therefore, it is crucial...
Proceedings Article

Ganoderma spp. Basidioma Variation from Infected Oil Palm on Smallholder Peatland Plantation in Kampar Regency, Riau, Indonesia

Rachmad Saputra, Anthony Hamzah, Fifi Puspita, Besri Nasrul, Irfandri
A total of 15 types of Ganoderma diversity in the world have been identified. In Indonesia, information related to the variety of Ganoderma has not been widely reported. Ganoderma is the main cause of stem rot disease of oil palm plants, which has been reported to attack at various stages of plant growth....
Proceedings Article

Growth and Yield of Onion as Affected by Mulch Types and Vermicompost Dose

Nanik Setyowati, Debby Nur Aryani, Wilman S. Bilman, Zainal Muktamar
The productivity of shallots could be increased through environmental factors manipulation. Mulching may inhibit the growth of the weed and preserve soil moisture, causing to the improvement of plant growth. Besides, organic fertilizers such as vermicompost could be used to increase the productivity...
Proceedings Article

Caribi Mobile Application Business Process Modeling

Rahmi Nur Shofa, Heni Sulastri, Firmansyah, Maulana Sugiarta Nursuwars
People’s behavior in buying and selling or investing in livestock has become a culture in Indonesia, this is even in some areas giving the term; “maro”, “paron”, “gadoh”, “maparoh”, “gaduh”. Currently, livestock investment is still done conventionally, where investors meet directly with farmers to make...
Proceedings Article

Sequence Analysis of the Phytoene Synthase Gene (PSY2) in Potato (Solanum Tuberosum)

Jie Ma, Xianzhi Wu, Rui Wu, Chunyan Chen, Yi Lu, Chaohai Wang, Ping Zhou
Phytoene Synthase (PSY) is an important enzyme in carotenoid biosynthesis. Here, the Solanum tuberosum PSY2 (StPSY2) gene sequences were obtained from Spud DB database, and preformed for sequence analysis. The StPSY2 gene mapped to chromosomes 2, and contains an open reading frame of 1,317 bp that encodes...
Proceedings Article

Study of Food Security Based on Expenditure Household Farmers Tea on the Community Plantation at Citengah Village, Sumedang Selatan District

Yuliana Samantha, Ning Sri Menganti, Lilis Rosdiana Amaliah
Food insecurity and famine often happened to small-scale farmers, fisherman and woodsmen. In this regard farmers in plantation community sector could not adapt to use subsistence living to fulfill their basic needs unlike food crops farmers. Research used quantitative design with descriptive survey....
Proceedings Article

The Use of Wedelia biflora Leaf Extract Influences the Platelet Count in Rats with Contusions

Rinidar, Muhammad Isa, Awaluddin
A contusion or bruise occurs when blood vessels are damaged or broken because of a trauma to the skin. The initial phase in responding to a contusion in the body is the entry of platelets into the wound area. This platelet infiltration functions as a hemostasis. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness...
Proceedings Article

The Habitat Characteristics of Banteng (Bos Javanicus D’alton, 1832) in Pringtali Feeding Ground, Meru Betiri National Park, East Java

Arif Mohammad Siddiq, Hari Sulistiyowati, Tom Reader
Banteng (Bos javanicus) is an endangered native species found in Meru Betiri National Park (MBNP), East Java, Indonesia. This research is aimed to identify the habitat characteristics of banteng at Pringtali feeding ground, Bandealit Resort, MBNP, which is one of the most important habitats for this...
Proceedings Article

Molecular Comparison between Two Similar Asteraceae Species (Synedrella nodiflora (L.) Gaertn. and Eleutheranthera ruderalis (Swartz) Sch._Bip) by the Use of trnL(UAA) - trnF(GAA) Intergenic Spacer

Murni Dwiati, Indrawati Indrawati, Agus Hery Susanto
Synedrella nodiflora (L.) Gaertn and Eleutheranthera ruderalis (Swartz) Sch.-Bip. are two Asteraceae species showing very similar morphological appearances. Both are broad-leaf weed species in some crops throughout many tropical areas. Nevertheless, the individual species can be potentially utilized...
Proceedings Article

Differences between Aureobasidium Pullulans CGMCC No.3337 and Aureobasidium Pullulans TKPM10017 on Synthesis of Poly (β-L-malic-acid) Metabolism

Hai-Song Yin, Yan-Hui Bian, Wei-Hua Tang, Xu-Jia Fan, Zheng Li, Chang-Sheng Qiao
Poly (β-L-malic-acid) (PMLA) is a sort of polyester and absolute biodegradable material. PMLA is a new type of nontoxic macromolecule material and with favorable biodegradation and biocompatibility. PMLA has extensive applications in the areas of pharmacy and medical industry. Application foreground...
Proceedings Article

Microbial Diversity in Post-Mining Land in Makroman Kelurahan, Sambutan District Samarinda City

Sopialena Sopialena
East Kalimantan is one of the areas rich in mining land, one of which is coal. Coal mining activities in Kaltim are generally carried out with open mining techniques, namely by clearing land, peeling top soil, moving the top layer of soil, and then mining coal. This technique results in physical, chemical...
Proceedings Article

Innovation Characteristic and Crop Management of Zinc Biofortified Rice in Jember Regency

Luh Putu Suciati, Ummi Sholikhah, Ahmad Zainuddin, Illia Seldon Magfiroh, Intan Kartika Setyawati, Rena Yunita Rahman, Nur Widodo
The introduction of zinc biofortified rice varieties requires comprehensive and thorough efforts. This study aims to analyze the character of the use of Inpari Nutrizinc rice seeds. The research method used is the scoring method and Likert scale. The research location is in 4 (four) districts of rice...
Proceedings Article

Analysis Gut Microbiota in Pregnant Women Trimester Three and Their Babies as Diagnostic Test of Degenerative Diseases

Nurisyah, Ratnasari Dewi, Mudyawati Kamaruddin, Miftahul Khairiyah Zamzam, Afra Anisah Purwadi, Abdur Rahman, Ana Hidayati Mukaromah, Andi Fatmawati
This study aims to evaluate gut microbiota colonization in the first two years of a child’s life and explore the potential of the gut microbiota for the development of in vivo diagnostics (IVD) of degenerative diseases by reconstructing the dynamics of early colonization of gut microbiota at a genomic...
Proceedings Article

Design and Construction of Multipurpose Grating Machine for Household and Micro/Small-Scale Business with Electric Motor

Athoillah Azadi, Mochamad Zakky, Heri Suliyanto
The accuracy and speed of preparation of raw materials was one of the keys to the success of a food processing business during the Pandemic and digital era. Mini multipurpose grating machine that was effective, efficient and hygienic was a tool for processed food production needed by micro and small...
Proceedings Article

Modification of Frying Oil and Batter for Fat Uptake Reduction in Deep-Fried Chicken Products: An Overview

Niaz Mahmud, Reza Tahergorabi
The expanding global demand for deep-fat fried chicken products is primarily driven by their highly desired and distinctive sensory qualities, accessibility, and affordability. However, one major worry voiced by consumers and stakeholders is its high-fat content. The high levels of dietary fat in deep-fried...
Proceedings Article

Influence of the Entomopathogenic Fungus, Verticillium lecanii (Zimm.) on the Cocoa Pod Borer, Conopomorpha cramerella (Snellen) Under in-Vitro Conditions

Alam Anshary, Shahabuddin Saleh, Flora Pasaru
Conopomorpha cramerella (Snellen) (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae), known as the cocoa pod borer (CPB), is the main pest on cocoa plantation mainly in the Central Sulawesi Province-Indonesia. This pest significantly reduces cocoa production and the farmers’ income. Entomopathogenic fungi such as Verticillium...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Bacterial Community Structure and Diversity in Traditional Gold Mining Waste Disposal Site by Using a Metabarcoding Approach

Fatimawali, B J Kepel, M A Gani, T E Tallei
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of mercury contamination on bacterial community and structure in the contaminated soil at the mining waste disposal site (sample1) compare with uncontaminated soil (sample2). Mercury level was analyzed using the CVAFS method, and analysis of bacterial...
Proceedings Article

Prediction of Oil Palm Production Using Recurrent Neural Network Long Short-Term Memory (RNN-LSTM)

Muhdan Syarovy, Andri Prima Nugroho, Lilik Sutiarso, Suwardi, Mukhes Sri Muna, Ardan Wiratmoko, Sukarman, Septa Primananda
Prediction of oil palm production is essential so all activities can be planned effectively and efficiently, especially in financing. One can do many ways, one of which is utilizing production history data using the Recurrent Neural Network – Long Short-Term Memory (RNN-LSTM) model. RNN-LSTM is a Deep...
Proceedings Article

Synthesis and Characterization of Silica Gel from Corn Cob Skin and Cob Waste

Fatah Sulaiman, Yati Adawiyah, Muhammad Iman Santoso, Meutia, Afifah, Yeyen Maryani
The waste of husks and corn cobs that relatively abundant in Indonesia is mainly used as animal feed. Its utilization is still not maximized and pollutes the environment a lot. Corn husks and cobs contain silica, which can be used as a raw material in the manufacture of SiO2 silica gel. This study aims...
Proceedings Article

Combination of Jamblang Leaf Extract (Syzygium cumini) and Vitamin C Increased Albumin and Decreased Bilirubin Serum Level on Lead Acetate Induced Rats

Rauza Sukma Rita, Endrinaldi, Tofrizal
Oxidative stress from lead acetate can impair organ function. Antioxidants, which can be obtained from plants like Syzigium cumini, are necessary to counter oxidative stress. This study aimed to analyze the effect of the combination of jamblang leaf extract and vitamin C on serum albumin and bilirubin...
Proceedings Article

Advanced Results Test of Upland Rice Lines 7th Generation (F7) from Local Rice X Superior Varieties with Lodging Resistance in East Belitung Regency

Eries Dyah Mustikarini, Gigih Ibnu Prayoga, Ratna Santi, Herry Marta Saputra, Handika Pratama
Plant breeding activities are one of the efforts that can be done to get rice with a high yield. Advanced yield test is one of the yield test stages to identify genotypes of upland rice that has the potential as a new superior variety with high yielding and lodging resistance. This study aims to obtain...
Proceedings Article

Secondary Metabolites of Saponin and Tanin in Trembesi (Samanea saman) and Potential as Ruminant Feed

Ahimsa Kandi Sariri, Kustantinah Kustantinah
The purpose of this study was to examine the content of secondary metabolites of saponins and tannins in Trembesi (Samanea saman) plants so that their potential as ruminant animal feed could be known. This research is a descriptive study. The data obtained will be presented in a table. The data obtained...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Dietary Supplementation of Nutmeg Seed Essential Oil on Nutrient Consumption and Digestibility of Ettawa Crossbreed Goat

Ratna Amalia, Chusnul Hanim, Lies Mira Yusiati, Muhlisin Muhlisin
This research aimed to determine the effect of nutmeg seed essential oil (NSEO) dietary supplementation on nutrient consumption and digestibility of Ettawa Crossbreed Goats. Eleven Ettawa Crossbreed Goats, 1 to 1.5 years of age, with initial body weight ranged from 19 to 22.5 kg, were divided into control...
Proceedings Article

Using A New Mushroom Shake Flask Culture Device to Develop Suillellus Luridus

Yu HU, Xiaoyu DUAN, Yuxian YOU, Yingying HE, Yiwen LI, Qianqian TANG, Lan ZHANG, Cheng LI, Daiwen CHEN, Yuntao LIU
A new shake flask culture device was introduced in this paper, whose main part was comprised with mouth, body and bottom. Besides, it also included cork; pump; small bacteria filter and etc. So, the utility model had the advantages of simple structure, artful design, and it was more convenient to use....
Proceedings Article

Agricultural Resources Analysis: Urban Area’s Food Sufficiency in South Sulawesi Province

Raka Adi Bagaskara, Alfanni Nurul Kumalasari, Arsita Rahma Devaisnaini, Azhar Firman Ghani, Erlangga Jati Dewantara, Nisa Karimah, Tri Utami Setyawati, Ratih Fitria Putri
This study aims to analyze the problem of food sufficiency in urban areas of South Sulawesi Province using secondary data from the Central Statistics Agency of South Sulawesi Province in 2015-2019. The method used is quantitative descriptive analysis to determine the food adequacy of cities in South...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of Egg Screening

Effect of Frequency on Hatchability, Hatch Weight, and Embryo Mortality of Quail (Coturnix-coturnix Japonica)

Amiluddin Indi, Rahim Aka, Achmat Selamet Aku, Hasria
This study aims to identify and to provide information about the effect of the best egg turning frequency of the best eggs on hatching, hatching weight, and mortality of quail embryos. This research was carried out at Poultry Laboratory, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Halu Oleo University in Kendari. It...
Proceedings Article

Price Volatility Analysis of Red Cayenne Pepper and Curly Red Chili in Kebumen District

Djeimy Kusnaman, Indah Setiawati, Arief Kelik Nugroho, Rifki Andi Novia
Kebumen Regency is an area with a surplus of chilies. The purpose of this study was to analyze the price volatility of red cayenne pepper and curly red chili at the consumer level. The research used was the ARCH-GARCH approach (Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (ARCH) and Generalized Autogressive...
Proceedings Article

Potential of Orchid-Based Nature Tourism in the Traditional Zone of Lore Lindu National Park (Case Study of Karunia Village, Palolo District, Sigi Regency)

Adhitya Sukarno Widodo, Sri Ningsih Mallombasang, Naharuddin
This study aims to determine the feasibility of orchid-based nature tourism potential in the Traditional Zone of TNLL Karunia Village and determine the strategy of developing orchid-based nature tourism in the TNLL Zone of Karunia Village. The research was conducted through survey and interview activities...
Proceedings Article

SEMG Signals BP Neural Network Classification Based on Wavelet Packet Energy

Liuyang Xu, Lijuan Shi, Yi Yu, Xinqi He, Yun Zhao, Juntang Lin
The purpose of this paper is to study the different features of surface electromyography signals while subjects take different actions with their forearms. In this paper, the surface electromyography signals, recorded from some healthy volunteers under different actions (fist, fist exhibition, inside...
Proceedings Article

Variation on Photosynthetic Performance in Kiwifruit Seedling During Drought Stress and Rewatering

Yong Zhang, Qiyang Chen, Haoru Tang
Drought stress adversely impact on the global crop growth and productivity. It is especially important to elucidate the physiological characteristics on plants under drought stress. With the prolongation of drought time, chlorophyll content continued to decline. Root activity increased significantly...
Proceedings Article

Prospective Trends in Biotechnology for Biofuel

Armen Trchounian
The development of clean alternative biofuel, including biohydrogen, is of great significant interest. One method for biohydrogen is dark and light fermentation when hydrogenases are responsible enzymes for H2 metabolism. A further development of biotechnology for H2 production can be directed in the...
Proceedings Article

Screen of Chryseobacterium CHANGBAI-2 strain and Identification of the Antifungal Antibiotic from Its Fermentation Broth

Ning Yang, Yong Wang, Yu-Bo Wang, Li Zhang, Yong Lu, Quan-Jie Chen, Wen-Ge Zhang, Ming-Shan Ji
CHANGBAI-2 actinomycete strain was obtained by separating different kinds of soils from the nature. Moreover, the morphology, cultural characteristics, physiological-biochemical characteristics and 16S rDNA sequences of this strain were studied. A phylogenetic tree was constructed by comparing with the...
Proceedings Article

Focusky: What is The Product Validity Level for High School Students

Relsas Yogica, Agatha Pratiwi, Armen, Sa’diatul Fuadiyah, Lufri, Ristiono
The use of instructional media that suits students’ needs becomes a problem in biology learning in high school, especially in protist material. This is because the teacher is not skilled in getting and developing media to support learning that suits students’ needs. Although suitable learning media are...
Proceedings Article

Pathological Changes of Fasciola gigantica After Treatment with Nigella sativa in Vitro

Muhammad Hambal, Alfifatul Hidayah, Ummu Balqis, Farida Athaillah, Muttaqien, Siti Rani Ayuti, Wahyu Eka Sari, Henni Vanda
Black cumin (N. sativa) has been traditionally used as medicine for various infectious and non-infectious diseases, such as skin infection, conjunctivitis, hypertension, gastrointestinal problems, diabetes, and diarrhea. This study aimed at finding out the effect of black cumin, N. sativa on the survival...
Proceedings Article

The Ability of Fruit Fly Bactrocera spp. (Diptera: Tephritidae) Attack Different Age and Variety of Chili Pepper

Tamrin Abdullah, Sri Nur Aminah, Andi Nasruddin, Fatahuddin
Fruit fly Bactrocera spp. (Diptera: Tephtitidae) is the very important pest attacks many crop including chili pepper. The amount of injury to chili pepper caused by Bactrocera spp. depends on age and variety of plant. The purpose of research is to study the attack intensity of Bactrocera spp. to different...
Proceedings Article

Analysis Influence of Consumer Behavior to Purchase Organic Foods in Jakarta

Antonius Siahaan, Jeffry Thiodore
This research aims to prove whether there is positive correlation among theory of planned behavior variables and give suggestions to the organic food producers to create and formulate a preferable marketing strategy, achieve better sales performance and to support organic food growth in Jakarta. A survey...
Proceedings Article

Adaptation Responses to Climate Variability among Rainfed Farmers in Bengkulu Province, Indonesia

Gita Mulyasari
Climate variability adaptation is crucial to sustaining rainfed farmers’ livelihood and well-being in developing countries like Indonesia, where rainfed agriculture is one of the major economic sectors. We aimed to answer the following questions: (i) What responses have farmers implemented to respond...
Proceedings Article

Modern Analysis of Traditional Chinese Medicine for Chronic Abacterial Prostatitis

Jing LIU, Tan WANG, Huan LI, Ming BAI, Ming-san MIAO
Objective: To explore the therapeutic principles of modern Chinese medicine for chronic prostatitis and the application of TCM in CNP. Procedures and Methods: Analysised the relevant information and literature, to explore the mechanism of Chinese medicine for the treatment of prostatitis, sum up TCM...
Proceedings Article

The quality and chemical composition of eggs derived from Kampung Unggul Balitbangtan (KUB) crossed with Merawang and Murung Panggang local chickens

A. D. Anggita, E. Wahyuni, D. Maharani, Nurliyani
The efforts to support food security and increase the income of farmers, local chickens have a great potential to be developed into superior breeds, including superior egg production. This study aimed to evaluate the quality and chemical composition of eggs produced from Kampung Unggul Balitbangtan (KUB)...
Proceedings Article

Inventory and Evaluation of Agroforestry Systems in Laguboti District, Toba Regency, to Support Farmers’ Income

Fitra Syawal Harahap, Rahmawaty Rahmawaty, Abdul Rauf, Rahmanta Rahmanta
The agroforestry system is expected to optimize land productivity depending on how big the variation is. The methods observation methods in the field and interview methods to obtain information related to farmers’ socio-economic data, types of filler plants, and land. Results: The agroforestry system...
Proceedings Article

Phytochemicals as Potential Drug Candidates for SARS Cov-2: An RDRp Based In-Silico Drug Designing

Christy Joy, Marria C. Cyriac
The global pandemic that the world is currently witnessing, COVID-19, even with vaccines available, the test positivity rate (TPR) tends to remain highly threatening. This research focuses on identifying phytochemicals, previously known for their broad-spectrum antiviral properties which can be potential...
Proceedings Article

Estimation of Shelf-life of Porang Glucomannan Analog Rice By Accelerated Shelf-life Testing (ASLT) Method

Michael Surya Dharma, Yayon Pamula Mukti, Gisela Buschle-Diller, Ardhia Deasy Rosita Dewi
Analog rice is rice made from some or all non-rice ingredients and was created as a food diversification product so that it can be an alternative staple food to replace rice produced from rice. The shelf-life of food products can be determined using the ASLT method, which in principle accelerates the...
Proceedings Article

Comparison of the Effect of Adding Coca-Cola and Sugar on Setting Time and Concrete Compressive Strength

Tamrin Rahman, Annisa Miranda, Juli Nurdiana, Mardewi Jamal
This study aims to compare the effect of the addition of Coca-Cola and granulated sugar on the performance of the mixture. This research is using experimental method. First, watch the effect of granulated sugar and sugar content in Coca-Cola given on the weight of cement at the initial setting time and...
Proceedings Article

Perception of Palm Sugar SMEs on E-Commerce in Business Development Effort

Agus David Ramdansyah, Nurul Ummi, Mira Maulani Utami
By using descriptive analysis, the purpose of this study is to describe perception of palm sugar SMEs to ability of e- commerce as a media that can help develop their business. Result of this study shows that although use of e- commerce is still low, palm sugar SMEs have perceived benefit of it and can...
Proceedings Article

Revenue Optimization Analysis of Rattan Furniture Industry in Palu City, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia (Case Study in PT Meubel Rotan Subur)

Andi Sahri Alam, Hendra Pribadi, Suci Suraidah
Rattan was one of the forest plants that had a high commercial value. Besides, it was a source of foreign exchange, which uses a lot of farmers. Rattan furniture was a very potential product in Indonesia, so it must be maintained and even developed, especially by utilizing the domestic market, which...
Proceedings Article

Sustainable Green Horizon Practices for a Better Tomorrow

Sreelatha Kunchalapalli, Angeline Jyothirmayee Chikkala, Nagalakshmi Vedula, Gayatri Devi Nanduri, Rama Manne, Swarnalatha Kurapati, Silver Ananda Kumar Choppala
“Green Horizons” offers an insightful journey into innovative, eco-conscious solutions designed to tackle today’s most pressing environmental challenges. As humanity faces critical issues like climate change, resource depletion, and environmental degradation, the urgency for adopting sustainable practices...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Triticum aestivum L. Wheat Grass Juice Planted with Various Media on the Hemoglobin of Anemic Male Mice (Mus musculus L.)

M. Des, Elsa Yuniarti, Atradinal Atradinal
Indonesia frequently experiences the health issue of anemia. This occurs when there are insufficient levels of hemoglobin in the blood, which is caused by a lack of iron, which is necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin. Wheat grass is one of the iron-rich foods that can be consumed as an alternative...
Proceedings Article

Indigofera zollingerianan Effect as a Subtitute of Concentrate on Growth of Etawa Goats to Digestibility of Fiber Fractions

Evitayani Evitayani, L. Warly, F. Rifaldy
This study was aimed to determine the effect of giving Indigofera zollingeriana as a substitute for concentrate in the diet of Etawa crossbreed goats during growth fed by field grass on fiber fraction digestiility. This study used an experimental method with a Randomized Block Design with 3 treatments...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Dietary Supplementation with Protected Lemuru Fish Oil on Nutrient Intake and Average Daily Gain of Thin-Tailed Sheep

Ratri Ratna Dewi, Kustantinah Kustantinah, Muhlisin Muhlisin
This study aimed to determine the effect of dietary supplementation with protected lemuru fish oil (Sardinella longiceps) on nutrient intake and the average daily gain of thin-tailed sheep. This study was conducted from September to October 2020 in Dumbira Farm, Kalasan, Yogyakarta. Twelve sheep were...
Proceedings Article

The Potential of Production and Characteristic of Oleoresin Tapped from Dipterocarpus verrucosus as Natural Ingredient for Multi Purposes

Andrian Fernandes, Rizki Maharani
Keruing (Dipterocarpus) is one of the Dipterocarpaceae family which produces oleoresin. Dipterocarpus species diversities will give the difference in oleoresin obtained from tapping, and its physical and chemical properties. This research aimed to determined the distribution of tapped oleoresin of D...
Proceedings Article

Research Status and Development Trend of The Signal Pathway of Allergic Asthma

Hexia LI, Chaopin LI, Xinfeng WANG, Qian LIU
Allergic asthma is a chronic airway inflammatory disease characterized by the infiltration of eosinophils in the lungs and the production of various kinds of stimulating factors, incidence rate showed an upward trend. In this paper, the research status and future development trend of the signal pathway...
Proceedings Article

Population of Asian Corn Stem Borer (Ostrinia furnacalis) on F1 of Beauveria bassiana-Inoculated Corn

Itji Diana Daud, Sylvia Sjam, Sari Bulang, Mustika Tuwo
Corn is a commodity in agriculture and Indonesian economic that has a multi-purpose function, both for food and feed. Corn in Indonesia is a major food staple and agricultural commodity after rice. One obstacle in effort to increase the productivity of corn is stem borer Ostrinia furnacalis which can...
Proceedings Article

Selection of Culture Medium and Incubation Time for Growth and Production of Beauvericin by Local Beauveria bassiana

Y. P. Roswanjaya, N. A. Saryanah, W. Nawfetrias, H. Rosdayanti, A. L. Putri
Beauveria bassiana, an entomopathogenic fungus, is a high producer of beauvericin (BEA). BEA is a proven and useful compound as a mycoinsecticide for plant pest control and a potential antifungal and anticancer agent for human. BEA produced by Beauveria bassiana fungi, mainly found as an intracellular...
Proceedings Article

Biometric Diversity of Chondrichthyes Caught by Bengkulu City Fishermen Observed at the Fish Auction Site (TPI) Pulau Baai Bengkulu

Novia Duya, Risma Hurhidayah, Jarulis
Fish is an aquatic animal that has a high diversity. Baai Island Fish Auction Place (TPI) is a fish landing place used as the largest fishing center in the city of Bengkulu. The purpose of this study was to determine the diversity and morphometric characteristics of the different types of Chondrichthyes...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Synbiotics (Commercial Product) as a Substitute for Antibiotic Growth Promotor (AGP) in the Performance and Blood Values of Cobb-strain Broilers Challenged with Salmonella enteritidis

J C Ajiguna, V C Prakasita, T E M Nahak, C R Tabbu, C M Santosa, A E T H Wahyuni
Feed is the main requirement for broilers farms. However, continuous use of AGP can cause antibiotic resistance in poultry and humans. The effectiveness of feed additives in preventing some disease agents has not been much scrutinized. Among the diseases that often arise is Salmonellosis. This study...
Proceedings Article

Antioxidant and Anticholesterol Activity of Chitooligosaccarides Hydrolyzed of Golden Apple Snail (Pomacea canaliculata) Shell Using Various Types of Enzyme

Dedin Finatsiyatull Rosida, Jariyah, Sekar Ayu Larasati, Teeradate Kongpichitchoke, Anugerah Dany Priyanto, Andre Yusuf Trisna Putra
Chitosan (β1-4 N-acetyl D-glucosamine) is a chitin derivative compound which is obtained through the deacetylation stage, namely the process of releasing the acetamide group in chitin (CH3CONH) so that it becomes an amine group (NH2) in chitosan. The manufacture of chitosan is carried out through 3 stages,...
Proceedings Article

Sustainable Wool Production and Management System in Small Enterprise

Mohammad Ikhsan Shiddieqy, Bess Tiesnamurti, Ratna Ayu Saptati, Pita Sudrajad
Sheep are mainly raised to produce meat in Indonesia. Wool from local sheep have not been utilized and become a waste when the farmers shear the wool for sanitation purposes. On the other hand, Indonesia has sheep breed that potential as wool producer. Wonosobo Sheep, crossing of local breed and Texel,...
Proceedings Article

The Level of Leachate Contamination in Groundwater Quality at Kawatuna Landfills Palu City

Zeffitni A. Iin, Nindy Karlinda, K. Alricha
Municipal solid waste has been a government concern due to its wicked problem for. the environment. Not only its management complexity, but leachate that potentially leaks to specific groundwater in Palu can pull impacts. The study explores the groundwater quality level surrounding the Kawatuna landfills...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on imaging diagnostic value of bone tumor

Rui Jiang, Ziyan Zhang, Han Wu, Chao Zhang
Objective: to discuss the clinical value of digital X-radiography (DR), computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in diagnosing bone tumors; Methods: 45 bone tumor patients accepted from November 2010 to February 2013 were retrospectively analyzed. All 45 patients underwent DR examination,...
Proceedings Article

Dynamics of the Accumulation of the Biologically Active Substances Sanguisorba Officinalis L. Depending on Vertical Zonal

Boris Tsugkiev, Larisa Gagieva, Vladimir Cherniavskih, Elena Dumacheva, Svetlana Korolkova
The species Sanguisorba officinalis L. is widespread in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania and is promising for the study and practical use of the pharmacological and food industry. The aim of the work is to analyze the dynamics of biologically active substances in the phytomass S. officinalis depending...
Proceedings Article

Relationship Between Naturalis, Spatial-Visual, and Interpersonal Intelligences with Biology Learning Outcomes of Student Grade X Interest Linguistics at Senior High School (SMAN 1), V Koto Kampung Dalam

Ganda Hijrah Selaras, Rahmadhani Fitri, Rizki Rahman Putra, Rika Andima
This research is a descriptive study conducted in April in grade X language class interest in biology at SMAN 1 V Koto Kampung Dalam Padang Pariaman 2018/2019 academic year. The sampling technique is simple random sampling. The research instrument used MI Questionnaire specializing in three intelligences,...
Proceedings Article

Efficacy of Jatropha Sap (Jatropha curcas L.) Cream on Epithelialization Phase of Cutaneous Wound Healing in Mice Using Masson Trichome Staining

M. Nur Salim, Ummu Balqis, Rahma Erlis, Dian Masyitha, Erdiansyah Rahmi, Abdul Harris
This study aims to determine the efficacy of 10% Jatropha curcas Linn. cream on the epithelialization phase of cutaneous wound healing in mice (Mus musculus) using Masson Trichrome staining. This study used nine male mice, aged 2-3 months old with 2 cm incision was made on the back. The mice were divided...
Proceedings Article

The Potential of Broiler Chicken Development: A Case Study of Broiler Breeders in Kambu District, Kendari City

Amiluddin Indi, Deki Zulkarnain, Yamin Yaddi, Asriamin Mursadat
This study aims to determine the carrying capacity of broiler chicken development in Kambu District, Kendari City. Purposive sampling technique with four farmers who maintain broiler chickens in Kambu District. This study uses descriptive analysis to formulate and interpret existing data to provide a...