Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2019)

397 authors
Hamzah, Alimin
The Impact of the Implementation of Lunge Exercise with Heel Striking on Fencing
Hamzah, Alimin
Effect of Honey on Measurable Sport
Haqiyah, Aridhotul
Body Mass Index and Physical Fitness Profile of Physical Education Students
Hardiansyah, Luqman
Life Skill Integration in Military Physical Development at Manuhua Airbase Biak Papua, Indonesia
Hardika, Nevi
Analysis of Basic Motion Skill Learning Model of Upper-Class Elementary School Students Based on Games
Hardiyanti, Waode Eti
Physical Education for Early Childhood: The Development of Students’ Motor in Athletics Basic Motion
Hardwis, Syam
The Comparison of Social Physique Anxiety of High School Students by Gender
Hardwis, Syam
The Impact of Aerobic Circuit Training Methods on the Improvement of Anaerobic Dynamic and Aerobic Capacity
Hariyanto, Agus
The Development of Schoology-Based Blended Learning Model to Improve Student Motivation of National Training Center (PELATNAS) Athlete
Hartati, Hartati
Effect of 8-Week Circuit Weight Training on Strength
Hasan, M. Fahmi
Analysis of Speed and Acceleration on 60-Meters Running Test Between Women Soccer and Futsal Players
Hasan, Muhamad Fahmi
The Effect of Circuit Weight Training on VO2Max
Hendrayana, Yudi
The Development of Responsibility and Leadership Through Sport Education Model
Hendrayana, Yudy
The Perspective of Physical Education and Sport Teachers on the Participation of Parents of Students with Disability
Hendrayana, Yudy
Enhancing Kinaesthetic Intelligence Using Project-Based Learning Models
Hendrayana, Yudy
Evaluation of Sports Governance in Improving Achievement Sports
Herman, Indria
Analysis of Speed and Acceleration on 60-Meters Running Test Between Women Soccer and Futsal Players
Herman, Indria
Characteristics of Speed and Acceleration in the 60-Meter Running Test Between Men’s Football and Futsal Players
Hernawan, Hermawan
The Impact of Sport Tourism as a Tourism Sector Analysis in Kepulauan Seribu, Indonesia
Hidayah, Nidaul
Implementation of Life Kinetic Mental Training Method in Order to Improve the Competency of Coaches in Psychological Training for Athletes
Hidayah, Nidaul
Achievement of Statistical Reasoning Ability for Athletes and Nonathletes
Hidayat, Iwa Ikhwan
Analysis of Speed and Acceleration on 60-Meters Running Test Between Women Soccer and Futsal Players
Hidayat, Yusuf
Career Development Model and Awarding System for Athletes and Former Athletes in Indonesia
Hidayat, Yusuf
The Time Series Design Application of Clear Lob Basic Skill Mastery: An Analysis of the Functions of the Types of Goal Setting
Hidayat, Yusuf
Predictive Validity of Badminton Basic Skills Learning Outcome Instrument Test Based on Gender
Hidayat, Yusuf
Decision-Making of Football Referees in Indonesia
Hidayat, Yusup
Blended Learning-Based Self-Regulated Learning in Table Tennis Learning
Ihsan, Juntika Nur
The Effectiveness of Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Teaching Model in Improving Responsibilities
Ihsani, Sri Indah
Characteristics of Speed and Acceleration in the 60-Meter Running Test Between Men’s Football and Futsal Players
Imanudin, Iman
Impact of Complex Training on Reaction of Time and Leg Power of Volleyball Athletes
Imanudin, Iman
The Impact of Aerobic Circuit Training Methods on the Improvement of Anaerobic Dynamic and Aerobic Capacity
Indriani, Nurul Fadlillah
The Effect of Aerobics Dance and Water Aerobics on Muscle Endurance
Irianto, Djoko Pekik
The Development of Fitness Exercise and Muscle Hypertrophy Model for the Student Living in Boarding House
Iskandar, Dedi
Physical Education for Early Childhood: The Development of Students’ Motor in Athletics Basic Motion
Iskandar, Dody
Gender Differences in Motor Coordination and Physical Activity
Early Childhood Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Indonesia: Objectively Measure Using Accelerometer
Jajat, Jajat
Indonesian Children and Adolescents’ Body Mass Index: WHO and Asia-Pacific Classification
Jajat, Jajat
The Comparison of Social Physique Anxiety of High School Students by Gender
Jauhari, Mansur
Relationship of Nutrition Knowledge Levels and Food Habits of Water Polo Athletes in Jakarta
Juditya, Silvy
Reliability and Construct Validity: Of the Basketball Movement Skills Instrument
Juliandi, Juliandi
Evaluation of Sports Governance in Improving Achievement Sports
Julianti, Eva
Physical Education Classroom Management and Social Inclusion
Juliantine, Tite
Enhancing Kinaesthetic Intelligence Using Project-Based Learning Models
Juliantine, Tite
Project-Based Learning Model in the Development of Students’ Creativity in Physical Education Learning
Juliantine, Tite
The Time Series Design Application of Clear Lob Basic Skill Mastery: An Analysis of the Functions of the Types of Goal Setting
Juliantine, Tite
Vocational High School Students’ Social Skills
Juniarisca, Dwi Lorry
The Development of MODEREN to Increase Gross Motor Skills of Students with Mild Mental Retardation
Juniarsyah, Agung Dwi
Characteristics of Speed and Acceleration in the 60-Meter Running Test Between Men’s Football and Futsal Players
Juniarsyah, Agung Dwi
Effect of Consecutive Days of Match Play on Athletes’ Physiology in Futsal
Juniarti, Yenti
Physical Education for Early Childhood: The Development of Students’ Motor in Athletics Basic Motion
Juriana, Juriana
How to Measure Psychological Well-Being for Candidates of Physical Educators?
Juriana, Juriana
Similarities and Differences in Aspects of Mental Skills in Individual and Team Sport
Kanca, I Nyoman
Optimizing Sport Values Through Character-Based Motion Cards in Elementary School
Kardani, Gani
Circumference Measurements on Body Contest Athletes in Indonesia
Kardjono, Kardjono
Emotion Levels in Individual Game Sports and Martial Arts
Karisman, Vicki Ahmad
The Effect of Invasion Games on the Students’ Self-Efficacy in Physical Education
Karisman, Vicki Ahmad
The Effect of Striking and Fielding Games on Fundamental Movement Skills
Kastrena, Ervan
Long Jump Ability: A Comparison Between Students with High and Low Physical Fitness
Komariyah, Lilis
Project-Based Learning Model in the Development of Students’ Creativity in Physical Education Learning
Life Skill Integration in Military Physical Development at Manuhua Airbase Biak Papua, Indonesia
Komarudin, Komarudin
Increasing the Mental Toughness Through Match Simulations in a Basketball Game
Komarudin, Komarudin
Implementation of Life Kinetic Mental Training Method in Order to Improve the Competency of Coaches in Psychological Training for Athletes
Komarudin, Komarudin
The Influence of Life Kinetic Training Method and Motor Educability on Improvement of Football Playing Performance
Komarudin, Komarudin
Decision-Making of Football Referees in Indonesia
Kurniasari, Mitta
The Possibility of Integrating the Disaster Preparedness in Physical Education Curriculum
Kusmaedi, Nurlan
The Effect of Sport Activity on the Elderly Health-Related Physical Fitness
Kusuma, Indra Jati
The Design of a Supporting Device for Badminton Footwork Practice Based on Microcontroller Technology
Kusumah, Widi
The Influence of Life Kinetic Training Method and Motor Educability on Improvement of Football Playing Performance
Kusumah, Widi
The Effect of Massed Practice Methods and Distributed Practice Methods on Improving Forehand Drive Skills in Tennis
Kusumawati, Mia
The Influence of an 8-Week High-Intensity Interval Training Toward VO2Max
Latief, Gifran Rihla Gifarka
Blended Learning-Based Self-Regulated Learning in Table Tennis Learning
Lestari, Indah Ayu Puji
The Impact of Water Aerobics Program on Cardiorespiratory Fitness
Lisna, Anisa F
The Relationship Between Hand Muscle Strength and Balance in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Lisna, Annisa F
The Contribution of Pregnant Women Characteristics to Pregnancy Exercise Perception
Lubay, Lukmannul Haqim
An Effort to Improve the Playing Skill Through the Application of Tool Modification in Small Ball Game (A Classroom Action Research)
Physical Activity Level Among Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia’s Lecturers
Mahendra, Agus
Teacher’s Perspective About Teaching Effectiveness Barriers in Elementary Physical Education: Teachers Self-Evaluation
Malik, Arief Abdul
A Comparative Analysis of Physical Education Learning Motivation Based on the Provided Feedback Through Technical Approaches in a Middle School
Mamesah, Elly Diana
Body Mass Index and Physical Fitness Profile of Physical Education Students
Marani, Ika Novitaria
The Influence of Intra-Team Communication on the Attacking Success in Rugby
Marani, Ika Novitaria
The Analysis of Badminton Referee Performance
Masri, Masri
Evaluation of Sports Governance in Improving Achievement Sports
Masyhuri, Septian Fajri
The Traditional Game Learning Model for the Elementary School Student Character Building
Maulana, Adi
Vocational High School Students’ Social Skills
Ma’Mun, Amung
Historical Perspectives of Judo Development in West Java: Review of the Athlete Performance
Ma’mun, Amung
The Perspective of Physical Education and Sport Teachers on the Participation of Parents of Students with Disability
Ma’mun, Amung
The Effectiveness of Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Teaching Model in Improving Responsibilities
Ma’mun, Amung
The Development of Responsibility and Leadership Through Sport Education Model
Ma’mun, Amung
The Effect of Super Set Weight Training Model and a High-Protein Diet on Body Fat Level Changes in Overweight and Obese Adult Men
Ma’mun, Amung
Evaluation of Sports Governance in Improving Achievement Sports
Ma’mun, Amung
The Influence of Traditional Games on Social Behavior of Young Millennials
Ma’mun, Amung
Reliability and Construct Validity: Of the Basketball Movement Skills Instrument
Ma’mun, Amung
Long Jump Ability: A Comparison Between Students with High and Low Physical Fitness
Ma’mun, Amung
Vocational High School Students’ Social Skills
Ma’mun, Amung
Life Skill Integration in Military Physical Development at Manuhua Airbase Biak Papua, Indonesia
Mega, N
The Contribution of Pregnant Women Characteristics to Pregnancy Exercise Perception
Muhamad, Memet
Body Mass Index and Physical Fitness Profile of Physical Education Students
Muhtar, Tatang
Practical Self-Defense Program for Children Using 4P (Pray, Prediction, Preventive, and Protective) Concept: An Effort to Improve Self-Control
The Effectiveness of Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Teaching Model in Improving Responsibilities
Historical Perspectives of Judo Development in West Java: Review of the Athlete Performance