Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2019)
397 authors
- Hamzah, Alimin
- The Impact of the Implementation of Lunge Exercise with Heel Striking on Fencing
- Hamzah, Alimin
- Effect of Honey on Measurable Sport
- Haqiyah, Aridhotul
- Body Mass Index and Physical Fitness Profile of Physical Education Students
- Hardiansyah, Luqman
- Life Skill Integration in Military Physical Development at Manuhua Airbase Biak Papua, Indonesia
- Hardika, Nevi
- Analysis of Basic Motion Skill Learning Model of Upper-Class Elementary School Students Based on Games
- Hardiyanti, Waode Eti
- Physical Education for Early Childhood: The Development of Students’ Motor in Athletics Basic Motion
- Hardwis, Syam
- The Comparison of Social Physique Anxiety of High School Students by Gender
- Hardwis, Syam
- The Impact of Aerobic Circuit Training Methods on the Improvement of Anaerobic Dynamic and Aerobic Capacity
- Hariyanto, Agus
- The Development of Schoology-Based Blended Learning Model to Improve Student Motivation of National Training Center (PELATNAS) Athlete
- Hartati, Hartati
- Effect of 8-Week Circuit Weight Training on Strength
- Hasan, M. Fahmi
- Analysis of Speed and Acceleration on 60-Meters Running Test Between Women Soccer and Futsal Players
- Hasan, Muhamad Fahmi
- The Effect of Circuit Weight Training on VO2Max
- Hendrayana, Yudi
- The Development of Responsibility and Leadership Through Sport Education Model
- Hendrayana, Yudy
- The Perspective of Physical Education and Sport Teachers on the Participation of Parents of Students with Disability
- Hendrayana, Yudy
- Enhancing Kinaesthetic Intelligence Using Project-Based Learning Models
- Hendrayana, Yudy
- Evaluation of Sports Governance in Improving Achievement Sports
- Herman, Indria
- Analysis of Speed and Acceleration on 60-Meters Running Test Between Women Soccer and Futsal Players
- Herman, Indria
- Characteristics of Speed and Acceleration in the 60-Meter Running Test Between Men’s Football and Futsal Players
- Hernawan, Hermawan
- The Impact of Sport Tourism as a Tourism Sector Analysis in Kepulauan Seribu, Indonesia
- Hidayah, Nidaul
- Implementation of Life Kinetic Mental Training Method in Order to Improve the Competency of Coaches in Psychological Training for Athletes
- Hidayah, Nidaul
- Achievement of Statistical Reasoning Ability for Athletes and Nonathletes
- Hidayat, Iwa Ikhwan
- Analysis of Speed and Acceleration on 60-Meters Running Test Between Women Soccer and Futsal Players
- Hidayat, Yusuf
- Career Development Model and Awarding System for Athletes and Former Athletes in Indonesia
- Hidayat, Yusuf
- The Time Series Design Application of Clear Lob Basic Skill Mastery: An Analysis of the Functions of the Types of Goal Setting
- Hidayat, Yusuf
- Predictive Validity of Badminton Basic Skills Learning Outcome Instrument Test Based on Gender
- Hidayat, Yusuf
- Decision-Making of Football Referees in Indonesia
- Hidayat, Yusup
- Blended Learning-Based Self-Regulated Learning in Table Tennis Learning
- Ihsan, Juntika Nur
- The Effectiveness of Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Teaching Model in Improving Responsibilities
- Ihsani, Sri Indah
- Characteristics of Speed and Acceleration in the 60-Meter Running Test Between Men’s Football and Futsal Players
- Imanudin, Iman
- Impact of Complex Training on Reaction of Time and Leg Power of Volleyball Athletes
- Imanudin, Iman
- The Impact of Aerobic Circuit Training Methods on the Improvement of Anaerobic Dynamic and Aerobic Capacity
- Indriani, Nurul Fadlillah
- The Effect of Aerobics Dance and Water Aerobics on Muscle Endurance
- Irianto, Djoko Pekik
- The Development of Fitness Exercise and Muscle Hypertrophy Model for the Student Living in Boarding House
- Iskandar, Dedi
- Physical Education for Early Childhood: The Development of Students’ Motor in Athletics Basic Motion
- Iskandar, Dody
- Gender Differences in Motor Coordination and Physical Activity
- Jajat
- Early Childhood Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Indonesia: Objectively Measure Using Accelerometer
- Jajat, Jajat
- Indonesian Children and Adolescents’ Body Mass Index: WHO and Asia-Pacific Classification
- Jajat, Jajat
- The Comparison of Social Physique Anxiety of High School Students by Gender
- Jauhari, Mansur
- Relationship of Nutrition Knowledge Levels and Food Habits of Water Polo Athletes in Jakarta
- Juditya, Silvy
- Reliability and Construct Validity: Of the Basketball Movement Skills Instrument
- Juliandi, Juliandi
- Evaluation of Sports Governance in Improving Achievement Sports
- Julianti, Eva
- Physical Education Classroom Management and Social Inclusion
- Juliantine, Tite
- Enhancing Kinaesthetic Intelligence Using Project-Based Learning Models
- Juliantine, Tite
- Project-Based Learning Model in the Development of Students’ Creativity in Physical Education Learning
- Juliantine, Tite
- The Time Series Design Application of Clear Lob Basic Skill Mastery: An Analysis of the Functions of the Types of Goal Setting
- Juliantine, Tite
- Vocational High School Students’ Social Skills
- Juniarisca, Dwi Lorry
- The Development of MODEREN to Increase Gross Motor Skills of Students with Mild Mental Retardation
- Juniarsyah, Agung Dwi
- Characteristics of Speed and Acceleration in the 60-Meter Running Test Between Men’s Football and Futsal Players
- Juniarsyah, Agung Dwi
- Effect of Consecutive Days of Match Play on Athletes’ Physiology in Futsal
- Juniarti, Yenti
- Physical Education for Early Childhood: The Development of Students’ Motor in Athletics Basic Motion
- Juriana, Juriana
- How to Measure Psychological Well-Being for Candidates of Physical Educators?
- Juriana, Juriana
- Similarities and Differences in Aspects of Mental Skills in Individual and Team Sport
- Kanca, I Nyoman
- Optimizing Sport Values Through Character-Based Motion Cards in Elementary School
- Kardani, Gani
- Circumference Measurements on Body Contest Athletes in Indonesia
- Kardjono, Kardjono
- Emotion Levels in Individual Game Sports and Martial Arts
- Karisman, Vicki Ahmad
- The Effect of Invasion Games on the Students’ Self-Efficacy in Physical Education
- Karisman, Vicki Ahmad
- The Effect of Striking and Fielding Games on Fundamental Movement Skills
- Kastrena, Ervan
- Long Jump Ability: A Comparison Between Students with High and Low Physical Fitness
- Komariyah, Lilis
- Project-Based Learning Model in the Development of Students’ Creativity in Physical Education Learning
- Komarudin
- Life Skill Integration in Military Physical Development at Manuhua Airbase Biak Papua, Indonesia
- Komarudin, Komarudin
- Increasing the Mental Toughness Through Match Simulations in a Basketball Game
- Komarudin, Komarudin
- Implementation of Life Kinetic Mental Training Method in Order to Improve the Competency of Coaches in Psychological Training for Athletes
- Komarudin, Komarudin
- The Influence of Life Kinetic Training Method and Motor Educability on Improvement of Football Playing Performance
- Komarudin, Komarudin
- Decision-Making of Football Referees in Indonesia
- Kurniasari, Mitta
- The Possibility of Integrating the Disaster Preparedness in Physical Education Curriculum
- Kusmaedi, Nurlan
- The Effect of Sport Activity on the Elderly Health-Related Physical Fitness
- Kusuma, Indra Jati
- The Design of a Supporting Device for Badminton Footwork Practice Based on Microcontroller Technology
- Kusumah, Widi
- The Influence of Life Kinetic Training Method and Motor Educability on Improvement of Football Playing Performance
- Kusumah, Widi
- The Effect of Massed Practice Methods and Distributed Practice Methods on Improving Forehand Drive Skills in Tennis
- Kusumawati, Mia
- The Influence of an 8-Week High-Intensity Interval Training Toward VO2Max
- Latief, Gifran Rihla Gifarka
- Blended Learning-Based Self-Regulated Learning in Table Tennis Learning
- Lestari, Indah Ayu Puji
- The Impact of Water Aerobics Program on Cardiorespiratory Fitness
- Lisna, Anisa F
- The Relationship Between Hand Muscle Strength and Balance in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Lisna, Annisa F
- The Contribution of Pregnant Women Characteristics to Pregnancy Exercise Perception
- Lubay, Lukmannul Haqim
- An Effort to Improve the Playing Skill Through the Application of Tool Modification in Small Ball Game (A Classroom Action Research)
- Madrais
- Physical Activity Level Among Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia’s Lecturers
- Mahendra, Agus
- Teacher’s Perspective About Teaching Effectiveness Barriers in Elementary Physical Education: Teachers Self-Evaluation
- Malik, Arief Abdul
- A Comparative Analysis of Physical Education Learning Motivation Based on the Provided Feedback Through Technical Approaches in a Middle School
- Mamesah, Elly Diana
- Body Mass Index and Physical Fitness Profile of Physical Education Students
- Marani, Ika Novitaria
- The Influence of Intra-Team Communication on the Attacking Success in Rugby
- Marani, Ika Novitaria
- The Analysis of Badminton Referee Performance
- Masri, Masri
- Evaluation of Sports Governance in Improving Achievement Sports
- Masyhuri, Septian Fajri
- The Traditional Game Learning Model for the Elementary School Student Character Building
- Maulana, Adi
- Vocational High School Students’ Social Skills
- Ma’Mun, Amung
- Historical Perspectives of Judo Development in West Java: Review of the Athlete Performance
- Ma’mun, Amung
- The Perspective of Physical Education and Sport Teachers on the Participation of Parents of Students with Disability
- Ma’mun, Amung
- The Effectiveness of Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Teaching Model in Improving Responsibilities
- Ma’mun, Amung
- The Development of Responsibility and Leadership Through Sport Education Model
- Ma’mun, Amung
- The Effect of Super Set Weight Training Model and a High-Protein Diet on Body Fat Level Changes in Overweight and Obese Adult Men
- Ma’mun, Amung
- Evaluation of Sports Governance in Improving Achievement Sports
- Ma’mun, Amung
- The Influence of Traditional Games on Social Behavior of Young Millennials
- Ma’mun, Amung
- Reliability and Construct Validity: Of the Basketball Movement Skills Instrument
- Ma’mun, Amung
- Long Jump Ability: A Comparison Between Students with High and Low Physical Fitness
- Ma’mun, Amung
- Vocational High School Students’ Social Skills
- Ma’mun, Amung
- Life Skill Integration in Military Physical Development at Manuhua Airbase Biak Papua, Indonesia
- Mega, N
- The Contribution of Pregnant Women Characteristics to Pregnancy Exercise Perception
- Muhamad, Memet
- Body Mass Index and Physical Fitness Profile of Physical Education Students
- Muhtar, Tatang
- Practical Self-Defense Program for Children Using 4P (Pray, Prediction, Preventive, and Protective) Concept: An Effort to Improve Self-Control
- Mulyana
- The Effectiveness of Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Teaching Model in Improving Responsibilities
- Mulyana
- Historical Perspectives of Judo Development in West Java: Review of the Athlete Performance