Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2019)
397 authors
- Abdullah, Cep Ubad
- Blended Learning-Based Self-Regulated Learning in Table Tennis Learning
- Abidin, Dindin
- The Influence of an 8-Week High-Intensity Interval Training Toward VO2Max
- Adnyana, I Ketut
- Effect of Consecutive Days of Match Play on Athletes’ Physiology in Futsal
- Adriyani, Riza
- Gender Differences in Motor Coordination and Physical Activity
- Afif, Rizki Muhammad
- The Development of Fitness Exercise and Muscle Hypertrophy Model for the Student Living in Boarding House
- Agust, Kristi
- Early Childhood Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Indonesia: Objectively Measure Using Accelerometer
- Agustan, Boby
- The Impact of Video Feedback Toward Futsal Playing Skills
- Agustini, Ni Nyoman Mestri
- The Athlete Sleep Quality in the Training Center
- Akbar, Rizky Fauzi
- The Analysis of Badminton Referee Performance
- Alam, Ikbal Gentar
- Effect of Obesity on Cognitive Function: A Comparative Study of Cognitive Level in Normal Weight and Obesity Students at Senior High School in West Java Indonesia
- Ali, Nur
- Similarities and Differences in Aspects of Mental Skills in Individual and Team Sport
- Ali, Rizki Hazazi
- Life Skill Integration in Military Physical Development at Manuhua Airbase Biak Papua, Indonesia
- Alif, Muhammad Nur
- Practical Self-Defense Program for Children Using 4P (Pray, Prediction, Preventive, and Protective) Concept: An Effort to Improve Self-Control
- Amalia, Linda
- Parents’ Roles in Overcoming the Impact of Hospitalization on Preschool Children
- Amalia, Linda
- The Contribution of Pregnant Women Characteristics to Pregnancy Exercise Perception
- Amalia, Linda
- The Relationship Between Hand Muscle Strength and Balance in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Andika, Gede Angga
- Traditional Game-Based Physical Exercise for Disabled Children
- Andriani, Septian
- Parents’ Roles in Overcoming the Impact of Hospitalization on Preschool Children
- Andriyani, Septian
- The Effect of Playing Blowing Balloon Therapy to Changes in Lung Function in Preschool Children (3–5 Years Old) with Asthma
- Andriyani, Septian
- The Relationship Between Hand Muscle Strength and Balance in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Anindito, Filardi
- Traditional Game-Based Physical Exercise for Disabled Children
- Anwar, Aang Solahudin
- The Development of Responsibility and Leadership Through Sport Education Model
- Anwar, Muhammad Hamid
- The Illustration of Physical Activity and the Elderly Physical Fitness Level
- Apriantono, Tommy
- Analysis of Speed and Acceleration on 60-Meters Running Test Between Women Soccer and Futsal Players
- Apriantono, Tommy
- Characteristics of Speed and Acceleration in the 60-Meter Running Test Between Men’s Football and Futsal Players
- Apriantono, Tommy
- Effect of Consecutive Days of Match Play on Athletes’ Physiology in Futsal
- Aryanti, Silvi
- Effect of 8-Week Circuit Weight Training on Strength
- Asmara, Henry
- The Nutritional Status Based on Anthropometry and Interest in Learning Physical Education to the Level of Physical Fitness
- Asmawi, Moch.
- The Need Analysis of Interactive Multimedia Program as the Medium for Volleyball Subject
- Asmawi, Moch.
- The Analysis of Karate Sport Injury in IKIP PGRI Pontianak
- Asmawi, Moch.
- Analysis of Basic Motion Skill Learning Model of Upper-Class Elementary School Students Based on Games
- Asshagab, Muhtar
- An Approach to Physical Exercise Model Using Play-Way Methods Through Futsal Sports for Junior High School Students
- Asshagab, Muhtar
- Traditional Game-Based Physical Exercise for Disabled Children
- Astra, Ketut Budaya
- The Athlete Sleep Quality in the Training Center
- Astuti, Puji
- The Effects of Kinesio Taping on the Lower-Body Injury Rehabilitation in Female Futsal Athletes
- Astuti, Puji
- Increasing the Mental Toughness Through Match Simulations in a Basketball Game
- Astuti, Puji
- The Impact of the Implementation of Lunge Exercise with Heel Striking on Fencing
- Awwaludin, Patriana Nurmansyah
- Implementation of Life Kinetic Mental Training Method in Order to Improve the Competency of Coaches in Psychological Training for Athletes
- Badruzaman, Badruzaman
- The Contribution of Submerge, Floating, and Gliding Ability on Swimming Distance Ability for First-Year College Students
- Bakhtiar, Syahrial
- Developing a Motor Skill-Based Curriculum for Preschools and Kindergartens as a Preventive Plan of Children Obesity in Indonesia
- Barata, Iwan
- The Influence of Intra-Team Communication on the Attacking Success in Rugby
- Basiran, Basiran
- Physical Condition Profile of Handball Athletes
- Bayu, Wahyu Indra
- Effect of 8-Week Circuit Weight Training on Strength
- Berliana
- The Perspective of Physical Education and Sport Teachers on the Participation of Parents of Students with Disability
- Berliana
- Historical Perspectives of Judo Development in West Java: Review of the Athlete Performance
- Berliana, Berliana
- The Effects of Kinesio Taping on the Lower-Body Injury Rehabilitation in Female Futsal Athletes
- Berliana, Berliana
- Increasing the Mental Toughness Through Match Simulations in a Basketball Game
- Berliana, Berliana
- The Relationship Among Organizational Stressor, Social Support, and Sports Performance on Athletes Achievements
- Budiana, Dian
- Career Development Model and Awarding System for Athletes and Former Athletes in Indonesia
- Budiana, Dian
- A Comparative Analysis of Physical Education Learning Motivation Based on the Provided Feedback Through Technical Approaches in a Middle School
- Budiana, Dian
- Blended Learning-Based Self-Regulated Learning in Table Tennis Learning
- Budiman, Didin
- The Heart Rates of the Third-Grade Elementary School Students During Physical Education Classes
- Budiman, Didin
- Validity and Reliability of Movement Learning Difficulties Instrument of Primary School Students
- Bujang, Bujang
- Body Mass Index and Physical Fitness Profile of Physical Education Students
- Camelia, Lia Siti
- Gender Differences in Motor Coordination and Physical Activity
- Damayanti, Imas
- Physical Activity Management in Female College Students: The Improvement of Health Related Fitness Through Zumba Fitness Workout
- Damayanti, Imas
- Physical Activity Level Among Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia’s Lecturers
- Darajat KN, Jajat
- Career Development Model and Awarding System for Athletes and Former Athletes in Indonesia
- Darmawan, Arief
- The Influence of an 8-Week High-Intensity Interval Training Toward VO2Max
- Deasyanti, Deasyanti
- How to Measure Psychological Well-Being for Candidates of Physical Educators?
- Dewi, Fitriani
- Motivation Levels for Youth Participation in Recreational Sports: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Influencing Factors
- Dinata, Vega Candra
- The Development of Schoology-Based Blended Learning Model to Improve Student Motivation of National Training Center (PELATNAS) Athlete
- Dlis, Firmansyah
- An Approach to Physical Exercise Model Using Play-Way Methods Through Futsal Sports for Junior High School Students
- Dupri, Dupri
- Foster Culture of Critical Thinking in Physical Education
- Dupri, Dupri
- The Effort to Develop Junior High School Students Self-Esteem Through Giving Positive Feedbacks
- Erawan, Bambang
- The Digitalization of Wrestling Basic Techniques for Learning
- Erawan, Bambang
- Implementation of Life Kinetic Mental Training Method in Order to Improve the Competency of Coaches in Psychological Training for Athletes
- Famelia, Ruri
- Developing a Motor Skill-Based Curriculum for Preschools and Kindergartens as a Preventive Plan of Children Obesity in Indonesia
- Fandayani, Witri
- Physical Condition Profile of Handball Athletes
- Fauzi, Rizal Ahmad
- Practical Self-Defense Program for Children Using 4P (Pray, Prediction, Preventive, and Protective) Concept: An Effort to Improve Self-Control
- Febrianty, Mona Fiamentta
- The Sex Difference in Hemoglobin Level, Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure of Dragon Boat Athletes
- Firmansyah, Helmy
- Mood States and Game Performance in Invasion Game Activities: A Correlation Study Among Elementary School Students
- Fitri, Mustika
- The Effect of Aerobics Dance and Water Aerobics on Muscle Endurance
- Fitri, Mustika
- The Impact of Water Aerobics and Aerobics Dance on Body Mass Index and Fat Percentage
- Fitri, Mustika
- The Influence of Traditional Games on Social Behavior of Young Millennials
- Fitri, Mustika
- FICO (Finding Coach): Android-Based Application
- Fitri, Mustika
- Motivation Levels for Youth Participation in Recreational Sports: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Influencing Factors
- Fitri, Mustika
- The Impact of Water Aerobics Program on Cardiorespiratory Fitness
- Fitriana, Lisna Anisa
- Physical Exercises for the Elderly with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
- Fitriya, Ratna
- Moral Dilemma Stories in Football Games to Develop Moral Judgment in Elementary School Students
- Friskawati, Gita Febria
- Teacher’s Perspective About Teaching Effectiveness Barriers in Elementary Physical Education: Teachers Self-Evaluation
- Friskawati, Gita Febria
- Teachers’ Perceptions of Physical Education Teaching Barriers at Elementary Schools
- Ginanjar, Shela
- Enhancing Kinaesthetic Intelligence Using Project-Based Learning Models
- Goodway, Jacqueline D
- Developing a Motor Skill-Based Curriculum for Preschools and Kindergartens as a Preventive Plan of Children Obesity in Indonesia
- Gumil, Agus
- Tactical Approach for Developing Students’ Understanding in Football Learning
- Gumilar, Agus
- Project-Based Learning Model in the Development of Students’ Creativity in Physical Education Learning
- Gunawan, Gugun
- Physical Education Teacher’s Comprehension of the Principles of Biomechanics and Its Application in Learning
- Gunawan, Rendi
- The Influence of Intra-Team Communication on the Attacking Success in Rugby
- Hadiana, Oman
- The Impact of Video Feedback Toward Futsal Playing Skills
- Hakam, Kama Abdul
- Moral Dilemma Stories in Football Games to Develop Moral Judgment in Elementary School Students
- Hambali, Burhan
- Blended Learning-Based Self-Regulated Learning in Table Tennis Learning
- Hambali, Burhan
- Project-Based Learning Model in the Development of Students’ Creativity in Physical Education Learning
- Hambali, Burhan
- Education and Training of Volleyball Information System (VIS FIVB) Based Volleyball Playing Performance Assessment Program for Volleyball Coaches in West Java, Indonesia
- Hambali, Burhan
- Tactical Approach for Developing Students’ Understanding in Football Learning
- Hambali, Burhan
- The Time Series Design Application of Clear Lob Basic Skill Mastery: An Analysis of the Functions of the Types of Goal Setting
- Hambali, Burhan
- Predictive Validity of Badminton Basic Skills Learning Outcome Instrument Test Based on Gender
- Hambali, Sumbara
- Under-Passing Learning Using a Playful Approach in Volleyball Game
- Hamzah, Alimin
- The Effects of Kinesio Taping on the Lower-Body Injury Rehabilitation in Female Futsal Athletes
- Hamzah, Alimin
- Increasing the Mental Toughness Through Match Simulations in a Basketball Game
- Hamzah, Alimin
- The Relationship Among Organizational Stressor, Social Support, and Sports Performance on Athletes Achievements