Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2019)
397 authors
- Mulyana, Boyke
- The Impact of the Implementation of Lunge Exercise with Heel Striking on Fencing
- Mulyana, Boyke
- Traditional Game-Based Physical Exercise for Disabled Children
- Mulyana, Dadan
- The Digitalization of Wrestling Basic Techniques for Learning
- Mulyana, Mulyana
- Physical Education Classroom Management and Social Inclusion
- Mulyana, Mulyana
- The Relationship Among Organizational Stressor, Social Support, and Sports Performance on Athletes Achievements
- Mulyana, Mulyana
- Effect of Honey on Measurable Sport
- Mulyana, Nanang
- Physical Education for Early Childhood: The Development of Students’ Motor in Athletics Basic Motion
- Mustaqim, Ridha
- Physical Condition Profile of Handball Athletes
- Mustaqim, Ridha
- Implementation of Life Kinetic Mental Training Method in Order to Improve the Competency of Coaches in Psychological Training for Athletes
- Mylsidayu, Apta
- Body Mass Index and Physical Fitness Profile of Physical Education Students
- Nabillah, Azry Ayu
- Traditional Game-Based Physical Exercise for Disabled Children
- Nastiti, Chika Lestya
- The Impact of Water Aerobics and Aerobics Dance on Body Mass Index and Fat Percentage
- Nasuka, Nasuka
- The Anthropometric Profile and Motor Skill of Men Elite Volleyball Players
- Nazirun, Novia
- Foster Culture of Critical Thinking in Physical Education
- Nazirun, Novia
- The Effort to Develop Junior High School Students Self-Esteem Through Giving Positive Feedbacks
- Negara, Jajat Darajat Kusuma
- Effect of Obesity on Cognitive Function: A Comparative Study of Cognitive Level in Normal Weight and Obesity Students at Senior High School in West Java Indonesia
- Ngadiman, Ngadiman
- The Design of a Supporting Device for Badminton Footwork Practice Based on Microcontroller Technology
- Ningrum, Desy Tya Maya
- Traditional Game-Based Physical Exercise for Disabled Children
- Nopembri, Soni
- The Possibility of Integrating the Disaster Preparedness in Physical Education Curriculum
- Novan, Novrizal Achmad
- Implementation of Life Kinetic Mental Training Method in Order to Improve the Competency of Coaches in Psychological Training for Athletes
- Novan, Novrizal Achmad
- Motivation Levels for Youth Participation in Recreational Sports: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Influencing Factors
- Nugraha, Aziz Wishnu Widhi
- The Design of a Supporting Device for Badminton Footwork Practice Based on Microcontroller Technology
- Nugraha, Eka
- Mood States and Game Performance in Invasion Game Activities: A Correlation Study Among Elementary School Students
- Nugraha, Eka
- Long Jump Ability: A Comparison Between Students with High and Low Physical Fitness
- Nugraha, Reshandi
- The Effect of Super Set Weight Training Model and a High-Protein Diet on Body Fat Level Changes in Overweight and Obese Adult Men
- Nur, Hana Astria
- The Influence of Traditional Games on Social Behavior of Young Millennials
- Nur, Lutfi
- A Comparative Analysis of Physical Education Learning Motivation Based on the Provided Feedback Through Technical Approaches in a Middle School
- Nur, Lutfi
- Long Jump Ability: A Comparison Between Students with High and Low Physical Fitness
- Nur, Lutfi
- Vocational High School Students’ Social Skills
- Nurbayani, Siti
- Moral Dilemma Stories in Football Games to Develop Moral Judgment in Elementary School Students
- Nurcahya, Yudi
- The Influence of Life Kinetic Training Method and Motor Educability on Improvement of Football Playing Performance
- Nurcahya, Yudi
- The Effect of Massed Practice Methods and Distributed Practice Methods on Improving Forehand Drive Skills in Tennis
- Nurfadhilah, Risti
- Level of Psychology of Taekwondo Athletes
- Nurmalasari, Yuli
- The Possibility of Integrating the Disaster Preparedness in Physical Education Curriculum
- Nurmansyah, Patriana
- The Influence of Life Kinetic Training Method and Motor Educability on Improvement of Football Playing Performance
- Nurmansyah, Patriana
- The Effect of Massed Practice Methods and Distributed Practice Methods on Improving Forehand Drive Skills in Tennis
- Nuryadi, Nuryadi
- Career Development Model and Awarding System for Athletes and Former Athletes in Indonesia
- Omin, Oom
- Vocational High School Students’ Social Skills
- Palgunadhi, Finaldhi
- Emotion Levels in Individual Game Sports and Martial Arts
- Pamungkas, Okky Indera
- Level of Psychology of Taekwondo Athletes
- Paramitha, Sandey Tantra
- Project Management Office Strategies of Hosting Indonesia National Olympic Games (PON) XIX/2016 in West Java
- Paramitha, Sandey Tantra
- The Digitalization of Wrestling Basic Techniques for Learning
- Paramitha, Sandey Tantra
- An Approach to Physical Exercise Model Using Play-Way Methods Through Futsal Sports for Junior High School Students
- Paramitha, Sandey Tantra
- The Influence of Flexibility Training on the Accuracy of the Dollyo Chagi Kick in Taekwondo Martial Arts
- Paramitha, Sandey Tantra
- Traditional Game-Based Physical Exercise for Disabled Children
- Patah, Ihsan Abdul
- The Effectiveness of Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Teaching Model in Improving Responsibilities
- Pitriani, Pipit
- The Effects of Kinesio Taping on the Lower-Body Injury Rehabilitation in Female Futsal Athletes
- Pitriani, Pipit
- The Impact of the Implementation of Lunge Exercise with Heel Striking on Fencing
- Pitriani, Pipit
- The Sex Difference in Hemoglobin Level, Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure of Dragon Boat Athletes
- Pitriani, Pipit
- Effect of Honey on Measurable Sport
- Pradana, Febryansah Gilang Aris
- The Development of MODEREN to Increase Gross Motor Skills of Students with Mild Mental Retardation
- Priambodo, Anung
- The Development of Schoology-Based Blended Learning Model to Improve Student Motivation of National Training Center (PELATNAS) Athlete
- Pristiawati, Ani
- Swimming Backstroke Using Aqua Noodle
- Purnama, Andari Dewi
- An Effort to Improve the Playing Skill Through the Application of Tool Modification in Small Ball Game (A Classroom Action Research)
- Purnama, Diana Septi
- The Possibility of Integrating the Disaster Preparedness in Physical Education Curriculum
- Purnamasari, Ira
- Historical Perspectives of Judo Development in West Java: Review of the Athlete Performance
- Purwandari, Asih
- The Relationship Between Hand Muscle Strength and Balance in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Puspita, Asih Purwandari Wahyoe
- Parents’ Roles in Overcoming the Impact of Hospitalization on Preschool Children
- Putra, Yuvi Setia Dwi
- The Effect of Fatigue on Free Throw Kinematic Movement in Basketball
- Putri, Suci Tuty
- The Contribution of Pregnant Women Characteristics to Pregnancy Exercise Perception
- Putri, Suci Tuty
- Physical Exercises for the Elderly with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
- Putri, Wulandari
- The Analysis of Motor Skill and Body Mass Index Development of Early Children in Rural Areas
- Rachmawati, Apriliana
- Work-Related Fatigue Risk-Determining Factors in Traditional Metal Casting Industry in Klaten
- Rahayu, Nur Indri
- Physical Activity Management in Female College Students: The Improvement of Health Related Fitness Through Zumba Fitness Workout
- Rahayu, Nur Indri
- Physical Activity Level Among Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia’s Lecturers
- Rahayu, Nur Indri
- Early Childhood Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Indonesia: Objectively Measure Using Accelerometer
- Rahmat, Alit
- Predictive Validity of Badminton Basic Skills Learning Outcome Instrument Test Based on Gender
- Rahmi, Upik
- Knowledge of Supervision on Treatment About Prevention and Infection of Tuberculosis
- Rahmi, Upik
- Physical Exercises for the Elderly with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
- Rahmi, Upik
- The Relationship Between Hand Muscle Strength and Balance in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Ramadan, Gilang
- Physical Education for Early Childhood: The Development of Students’ Motor in Athletics Basic Motion
- Ramadhan, Muhammad Gilang
- The Digitalization of Wrestling Basic Techniques for Learning
- Ramadhan, Muhammad Gilang
- The Influence of Flexibility Training on the Accuracy of the Dollyo Chagi Kick in Taekwondo Martial Arts
- Ramadhan, Ziko Fajar
- Short Run Learning Model for Physical Education Students
- Ray, Hamidie Ronald Daniel
- The Effect of Super Set Weight Training Model and a High-Protein Diet on Body Fat Level Changes in Overweight and Obese Adult Men
- Ray, Hamidie Ronald Daniel
- The Effect of Fatigue on Free Throw Kinematic Movement in Basketball
- Repiyasa, I Wayan
- Traditional Game-Based Physical Exercise for Disabled Children
- Risma, Nova
- Foster Culture of Critical Thinking in Physical Education
- Risma, Risma
- Early Childhood Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Indonesia: Objectively Measure Using Accelerometer
- Rizal, Rony Mohamad
- Physical Education Teacher’s Comprehension of the Principles of Biomechanics and Its Application in Learning
- Rohaedi, Slamet
- Parents’ Roles in Overcoming the Impact of Hospitalization on Preschool Children
- Rohmah, Oom
- Project-Based Learning Model in the Development of Students’ Creativity in Physical Education Learning
- Rohmah, Oom
- Tactical Approach for Developing Students’ Understanding in Football Learning
- Rosadi, Tri Yanda
- The Influence of Flexibility Training on the Accuracy of the Dollyo Chagi Kick in Taekwondo Martial Arts
- Rosdiana, Fitri
- The Impact of Training Methods with Resistance Band Ladder Drills Training Pattern to Increase Physiological Ability of Female Futsal Players
- Ruhayati, Yati
- Physical Activity Management in Female College Students: The Improvement of Health Related Fitness Through Zumba Fitness Workout
- Ruhayati, Yati
- Physical Activity Level Among Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia’s Lecturers
- Rusdiana, Agus
- The Contribution of Submerge, Floating, and Gliding Ability on Swimming Distance Ability for First-Year College Students
- Rusdiana, Agus
- Reliability and Construct Validity: Of the Basketball Movement Skills Instrument
- Rusdiana, Agus
- The Effect of Fatigue on Free Throw Kinematic Movement in Basketball
- Rustiawan, Hendra
- Circumference Measurements on Body Contest Athletes in Indonesia
- Ruswadi, Septian
- The Influence of an 8-Week High-Intensity Interval Training Toward VO2Max
- Safitri, Nur’aini
- The Relationship Among Organizational Stressor, Social Support, and Sports Performance on Athletes Achievements
- Safitri, Nur’aini
- Effect of Honey on Measurable Sport
- Salasa, Sehabudin
- The Effect of Playing Blowing Balloon Therapy to Changes in Lung Function in Preschool Children (3–5 Years Old) with Asthma
- Salasa, Sehabudin
- Physical Exercises for the Elderly with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
- Salasa, Sehabudin
- The Relationship Between Hand Muscle Strength and Balance in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Saputra, Mochamad Yamin
- Decision-Making of Football Referees in Indonesia
- Saputra, Yudha Munajat
- Project Management Office Strategies of Hosting Indonesia National Olympic Games (PON) XIX/2016 in West Java
- Sari, Aurora Trika
- Parents’ Roles in Overcoming the Impact of Hospitalization on Preschool Children