Joint proceedings of the International Conference on Social Science and Character Educations (IcoSSCE 2018) and International Conference on Social Studies, Moral, and Character Education (ICSMC 2018)

149 authors
Adiwibowo, Soeryo
Articulation Of The Peasant Movement For Land Rights
Agustinova, Danu Eko
A Humble and Meaningful Life of Commander in Chief, General Soedirman
Analysis Of Character Value Application In Junior High School
Aliim, Rida
Improving the Social Competence of the Students of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Sleman through Social Skill Training
An evaluation of the performance of senior high school history teachers in the Dompu region
Character Education Values in the Youth Pledge History Learning Materials
Ammattulloh, Fathia Irbati
Development of Android Application based on Holland's Theory of Individual Student Planning
Analisah, Chania Dwi Chusnul
Ecological Theory: Preventing Student Bullying to Promote Culture of Peace
Andini, Yuli Tri
Role Playing For Cooperative Skills
Anggara, Tio
Analysis Of Historical Material Of Islamic Civilization In Historical Textbooks At High School
Anisa, Rifka
Student Facilitator and Explaining in Improving Student Social Skills: Assertive Behavior in Opinion and Communication
Anisah, Siti
Citizenship Education as Value Education and the Nation's Strengthening of Character for Citizens
Ardiansyah, Hen
An evaluation of the performance of senior high school history teachers in the Dompu region
Asri, Tri Mega
Senior High School Teachers’ Responses Towards the Use of PowerPoint in Developing Teaching Materials in Indonesian Context
Astuti, Budi
Development of Android Application based on Holland's Theory of Individual Student Planning
Ayriza, Yulia
Improving the Social Competence of the Students of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Sleman through Social Skill Training
Aziza, Yulia Rahmatika
The Effectiveness of Rational Emotive Behavior Group Counseling Against the Assertive Behavior of Students SMPN 1 Mlati, Sleman, Yogyakarta
Azizah, Hasna Ula Nur
Contribution of Educational System Quality and Health Condition to Welcome Demographic Bonus in Indonesia
Azmi, Santriawan
The Opportunity Space in the Lombok’s Art of Gendang Beleq and its Relevance to the Character Education
Berliani, Marlia
Analysis Of Character Value Application In Junior High School
Bhakti, Caraka Putra
Development of Android Application based on Holland's Theory of Individual Student Planning
Buchori, Damayanti
Articulation Of The Peasant Movement For Land Rights
Chairunnisa, Baiq Clara Dita
Henna Art in Global Era: From Traditional to Popular Culture
Daniamiseno, Abdul Gafur
Enhancing the Learning Outcomes of Civic Education through Online Module
Delvi, Revki Rama
Character Education at MAN 3 Palembang Boarding School
Dewi, Dian Novita
Senior High School Teachers’ Responses Towards the Use of PowerPoint in Developing Teaching Materials in Indonesian Context
Dewi, Firda Listia
The Influence of TAI Learning Model With Prezi to Improve Learning Outcomes in Accounting Subjects
Diba, Monica Farra
Learning Culture as an Effort to Increase Interest in Continuing Studies
Dwisavitri, Novi
Effect of Learning Interest and Parental Social Support on Social Studies Learning Outcomes
Farozin, Muh.
Improving Interpersonal Communication Skills through Group Discussion Techniques in Grade VIII Students of SMP Negeri 1 Wates and SMP Negeri 3 Wates
The implementation of character education in social studies
Ghiffari, Muhammad Alfarizqi Nizamuddin
Development of Android Application based on Holland's Theory of Individual Student Planning
Hamzah, M. Sukandi
The Influence Of Science Technology Society Model On The Capability Of Science Literacy Skills In Biology Subject
Handayani, Nurizky
The Effectiveness of Questioning Methods on Learning Activity of 7th Grade Students at Junior High School 2 Gamping
The integration of prophetic values in developing the teachers’ personality competency assessment instrument
The Effect Of Arcs Model On The Curiosity Character Of 21st Century Elementry School
Has, Zakir
The implementation of character education in social studies
Competency Development Management Geographic Teacher in Curriculum 2013 at SMA 1 Seyegan Sleman
Indartono, Setyabudi
Contribution of Educational System Quality and Health Condition to Welcome Demographic Bonus in Indonesia
Indartono, Setyabudi
Impact and Criticism of Global Capitalism in the Industrial Era 4.0
Indartono, Setyabudi
Earthquake Vulnerability in West Nusa Tenggara: Risk Perception, Previous Experience and Preparedness
Indartono, Setyabudi
Teaching Religious Tolerance Through Social Studies Education Based On Multicultural Approach
Indartono, Setyabudi
The Integration of Sustainable Consumption Education on Social Studies Learning to Increase Students’ Intention Toward Environmental Sustainability
Indartono, Setyabudi
Ecological Theory: Preventing Student Bullying to Promote Culture of Peace
Indartono, Setyabudi
Learning Innovation for Character Education in Global Era: Methods and Assessments
Indartono, Setyabudi
The Role of Families on Internalization of the Tolerance Values for Millennial Generation to Decrease the Potential of Intolerant Conflict and Radicalism Behavior within the Multi Religion Society
Indartono, Setyabudi
Improving Critical Thinking among Junior High School Students through Assessment of Higher Level Thinking Skills
Irmawati, Dini Kurnia
Senior High School Teachers’ Responses Towards the Use of PowerPoint in Developing Teaching Materials in Indonesian Context
Islamiah, Robitotul
The Role of Families on Internalization of the Tolerance Values for Millennial Generation to Decrease the Potential of Intolerant Conflict and Radicalism Behavior within the Multi Religion Society
Istiharoh, Mirsa
Learning Innovation for Character Education in Global Era: Methods and Assessments
Jaedun, Amat
The Implementation of Environmental Care Character Education Based on Tri Hita Karana and Ecotourism at Elementary Schools in Nusa Penida, Bali
Impact and Criticism of Global Capitalism in the Industrial Era 4.0
Kamalia, Suaidatul
The Role of Families on Internalization of the Tolerance Values for Millennial Generation to Decrease the Potential of Intolerant Conflict and Radicalism Behavior within the Multi Religion Society
Kartowagiran, Badrun
The Effectiveness of Questioning Methods on Learning Activity of 7th Grade Students at Junior High School 2 Gamping
Kartowagiran, Badrun
Improving Motivation And Student Learning Outcomes Using Handout Based Student Centered Learning (SCL) Methods For Class VIII Students Of Junior High School 4 Gamping Sleman
Kinseng, Rilus A.
Articulation Of The Peasant Movement For Land Rights
Komalasari, Kokom
Profile Of Teacher’s Strategy In Improving Student’s Cultural Intelligence
The integration of prophetic values in developing the teachers’ personality competency assessment instrument
Kumalasari, Dyah
The character education in islamic modern boarding school
Kumalasari, Dyah
Character Education Based on Sumang in SMA Negeri 15 Takengon Binaan Nenggeri Antara Aceh Tengah
Kumalasari, Dyah
Analysis Of Historical Material Of Islamic Civilization In Historical Textbooks At High School
Kumara, Agus Ria
Development of Android Application based on Holland's Theory of Individual Student Planning
Laraswati, Bara Septian
The Role of Sarangan Asri Cooperation in Increasing Cadger’s Income In Tourism Village Of Sarangan Lake Slope of Lawu Mountain
Lumbantobing, Winda Lidia
The Effect Of Arcs Model On The Curiosity Character Of 21st Century Elementry School
Mallisa, Viktor
Improving Critical Thinking among Junior High School Students through Assessment of Higher Level Thinking Skills
Marahati, Elsa Maria
Guidelines for Integrating Character Education in Materials
Maryani, Enok
Profile Of Teacher’s Strategy In Improving Student’s Cultural Intelligence
Citizenship Education as Value Education and the Nation's Strengthening of Character for Citizens
Mislia, Tiara Septi
Improving Critical Thinking among Junior High School Students through Assessment of Higher Level Thinking Skills
Use Of Interactive Learning Media Based On Macromedia Flash On Student Learning Outcomes
Effectiveness of Problem-Solving Methods and Inquiry Discovery on Geography Learning Outcomes
The Sonor Farming Tradition on Forest and Land Fire In Ogan Komering Ilir Regency South Sumatera
Murestiyanto, Adimas Oktariyan
Implementation of Character Education in the Process of Learning on Attitude and Social Behavior (The Case Study of Budi Mulia Dua International High School)
Murwadji, Tarsisius
Integration Of Quality Science In Improving The Quality Of Legal Education To Globalization
Mustadi, Ali
Active Learning : Type of Card Sort to Enhance Students Achievement
Mustadi, Ali
Student Facilitator and Explaining in Improving Student Social Skills: Assertive Behavior in Opinion and Communication
Muyana, Siti
The influence of self-management in using gadgets against nomophobia in adolescents
Fish resource exploitation in the Besuki region during the pre-New Order period
Nikmatullah, Nadhira
The Utilization Of Historical Laboratory As A History Learning Media In University PGRI Yogyakarta
Nugroho, Alifi Nur Prasetia
The Influence of TAI Learning Model With Prezi to Improve Learning Outcomes in Accounting Subjects
Nugroho, Alifi Nur Prasetia
The Effectiveness of Using Kahoot Media in History Learning at High School
Nugroho, Bambang Daru
Integration Of Quality Science In Improving The Quality Of Legal Education To Globalization
Nugroho, Fajar Agung
Competency Development Management Geographic Teacher in Curriculum 2013 at SMA 1 Seyegan Sleman
Nur, Ersyah Yulia
The Effectiveness of Using Kahoot Media in History Learning at High School
Pamadhi, Hadjar
The Opportunity Space in the Lombok’s Art of Gendang Beleq and its Relevance to the Character Education
Pramono, Sigit Yuli
Quality Learning Tahfiz Design in Integrated Islamic Elementary School Sleman Special Region of Yogyakarta
Prasetyo, Eko
Enhancing the Learning Outcomes of Civic Education through Online Module
Purnamasari, Dyah Emarkhatul
The Meaning of Multicultural from The Perspective of Grade XI IPS MA Al Iman Bulus Purworejo
Purwanta, Edi
The Effectiveness of Rational Emotive Behavior Group Counseling Against the Assertive Behavior of Students SMPN 1 Mlati, Sleman, Yogyakarta
Purwanta, Edi
Developing a career information module to increase career fantasy of elementary school students
Puspitarini, Nia Widyawati Fitri
Active Learning : Type of Card Sort to Enhance Students Achievement
Putri, Arjunita Eka
Use Of Interactive Learning Media Based On Macromedia Flash On Student Learning Outcomes
Putri, Debri Haryndia
Senior High School Teachers’ Responses Towards the Use of PowerPoint in Developing Teaching Materials in Indonesian Context
Rahandinasari, Septia
Developing Android-Based Historytoon Media In History Learning
Rahmawati, Desy
The Integration of Sustainable Consumption Education on Social Studies Learning to Increase Students’ Intention Toward Environmental Sustainability
Rahmawati, Endah
Improving Interpersonal Communication Skills through Group Discussion Techniques in Grade VIII Students of SMP Negeri 1 Wates and SMP Negeri 3 Wates
Ratnasari, Dewi
The character education in islamic modern boarding school
Ratri, Teska D.
The Influence of Education, Health and the Internet on Poverty in Indonesia
Rengur, Zul Aini
The Effectiveness Of Using Comic Strips To Increase Students’ Reading Comprehension For The Eight Grade Of SMPN 1 Pundong
Retnowati, Trie Hartiti
Learning Culture as an Effort to Increase Interest in Continuing Studies