Joint proceedings of the International Conference on Social Science and Character Educations (IcoSSCE 2018) and International Conference on Social Studies, Moral, and Character Education (ICSMC 2018)
149 authors
- Adiwibowo, Soeryo
- Articulation Of The Peasant Movement For Land Rights
- Agustinova, Danu Eko
- A Humble and Meaningful Life of Commander in Chief, General Soedirman
- Ajat
- Analysis Of Character Value Application In Junior High School
- Aliim, Rida
- Improving the Social Competence of the Students of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Sleman through Social Skill Training
- Aman
- An evaluation of the performance of senior high school history teachers in the Dompu region
- Aman
- Character Education Values in the Youth Pledge History Learning Materials
- Ammattulloh, Fathia Irbati
- Development of Android Application based on Holland's Theory of Individual Student Planning
- Analisah, Chania Dwi Chusnul
- Ecological Theory: Preventing Student Bullying to Promote Culture of Peace
- Andini, Yuli Tri
- Role Playing For Cooperative Skills
- Anggara, Tio
- Analysis Of Historical Material Of Islamic Civilization In Historical Textbooks At High School
- Anisa, Rifka
- Student Facilitator and Explaining in Improving Student Social Skills: Assertive Behavior in Opinion and Communication
- Anisah, Siti
- Citizenship Education as Value Education and the Nation's Strengthening of Character for Citizens
- Ardiansyah, Hen
- An evaluation of the performance of senior high school history teachers in the Dompu region
- Asri, Tri Mega
- Senior High School Teachers’ Responses Towards the Use of PowerPoint in Developing Teaching Materials in Indonesian Context
- Astuti, Budi
- Development of Android Application based on Holland's Theory of Individual Student Planning
- Ayriza, Yulia
- Improving the Social Competence of the Students of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Sleman through Social Skill Training
- Aziza, Yulia Rahmatika
- The Effectiveness of Rational Emotive Behavior Group Counseling Against the Assertive Behavior of Students SMPN 1 Mlati, Sleman, Yogyakarta
- Azizah, Hasna Ula Nur
- Contribution of Educational System Quality and Health Condition to Welcome Demographic Bonus in Indonesia
- Azmi, Santriawan
- The Opportunity Space in the Lombok’s Art of Gendang Beleq and its Relevance to the Character Education
- Berliani, Marlia
- Analysis Of Character Value Application In Junior High School
- Bhakti, Caraka Putra
- Development of Android Application based on Holland's Theory of Individual Student Planning
- Buchori, Damayanti
- Articulation Of The Peasant Movement For Land Rights
- Chairunnisa, Baiq Clara Dita
- Henna Art in Global Era: From Traditional to Popular Culture
- Daniamiseno, Abdul Gafur
- Enhancing the Learning Outcomes of Civic Education through Online Module
- Delvi, Revki Rama
- Character Education at MAN 3 Palembang Boarding School
- Dewi, Dian Novita
- Senior High School Teachers’ Responses Towards the Use of PowerPoint in Developing Teaching Materials in Indonesian Context
- Dewi, Firda Listia
- The Influence of TAI Learning Model With Prezi to Improve Learning Outcomes in Accounting Subjects
- Diba, Monica Farra
- Learning Culture as an Effort to Increase Interest in Continuing Studies
- Dwisavitri, Novi
- Effect of Learning Interest and Parental Social Support on Social Studies Learning Outcomes
- Farozin, Muh.
- Improving Interpersonal Communication Skills through Group Discussion Techniques in Grade VIII Students of SMP Negeri 1 Wates and SMP Negeri 3 Wates
- Fitriani
- The implementation of character education in social studies
- Ghiffari, Muhammad Alfarizqi Nizamuddin
- Development of Android Application based on Holland's Theory of Individual Student Planning
- Hamzah, M. Sukandi
- The Influence Of Science Technology Society Model On The Capability Of Science Literacy Skills In Biology Subject
- Handayani, Nurizky
- The Effectiveness of Questioning Methods on Learning Activity of 7th Grade Students at Junior High School 2 Gamping
- Harun
- The integration of prophetic values in developing the teachers’ personality competency assessment instrument
- Haryanto
- The Effect Of Arcs Model On The Curiosity Character Of 21st Century Elementry School
- Has, Zakir
- The implementation of character education in social studies
- Hastuti
- Competency Development Management Geographic Teacher in Curriculum 2013 at SMA 1 Seyegan Sleman
- Indartono, Setyabudi
- Contribution of Educational System Quality and Health Condition to Welcome Demographic Bonus in Indonesia
- Indartono, Setyabudi
- Impact and Criticism of Global Capitalism in the Industrial Era 4.0
- Indartono, Setyabudi
- Earthquake Vulnerability in West Nusa Tenggara: Risk Perception, Previous Experience and Preparedness
- Indartono, Setyabudi
- Teaching Religious Tolerance Through Social Studies Education Based On Multicultural Approach
- Indartono, Setyabudi
- The Integration of Sustainable Consumption Education on Social Studies Learning to Increase Students’ Intention Toward Environmental Sustainability
- Indartono, Setyabudi
- Ecological Theory: Preventing Student Bullying to Promote Culture of Peace
- Indartono, Setyabudi
- Learning Innovation for Character Education in Global Era: Methods and Assessments
- Indartono, Setyabudi
- The Role of Families on Internalization of the Tolerance Values for Millennial Generation to Decrease the Potential of Intolerant Conflict and Radicalism Behavior within the Multi Religion Society
- Indartono, Setyabudi
- Improving Critical Thinking among Junior High School Students through Assessment of Higher Level Thinking Skills
- Irmawati, Dini Kurnia
- Senior High School Teachers’ Responses Towards the Use of PowerPoint in Developing Teaching Materials in Indonesian Context
- Islamiah, Robitotul
- The Role of Families on Internalization of the Tolerance Values for Millennial Generation to Decrease the Potential of Intolerant Conflict and Radicalism Behavior within the Multi Religion Society
- Istiharoh, Mirsa
- Learning Innovation for Character Education in Global Era: Methods and Assessments
- Jaedun, Amat
- The Implementation of Environmental Care Character Education Based on Tri Hita Karana and Ecotourism at Elementary Schools in Nusa Penida, Bali
- Januardi
- Impact and Criticism of Global Capitalism in the Industrial Era 4.0
- Kamalia, Suaidatul
- The Role of Families on Internalization of the Tolerance Values for Millennial Generation to Decrease the Potential of Intolerant Conflict and Radicalism Behavior within the Multi Religion Society
- Kartowagiran, Badrun
- The Effectiveness of Questioning Methods on Learning Activity of 7th Grade Students at Junior High School 2 Gamping
- Kartowagiran, Badrun
- Improving Motivation And Student Learning Outcomes Using Handout Based Student Centered Learning (SCL) Methods For Class VIII Students Of Junior High School 4 Gamping Sleman
- Kinseng, Rilus A.
- Articulation Of The Peasant Movement For Land Rights
- Komalasari, Kokom
- Profile Of Teacher’s Strategy In Improving Student’s Cultural Intelligence
- Kumaidi
- The integration of prophetic values in developing the teachers’ personality competency assessment instrument
- Kumalasari, Dyah
- The character education in islamic modern boarding school
- Kumalasari, Dyah
- Character Education Based on Sumang in SMA Negeri 15 Takengon Binaan Nenggeri Antara Aceh Tengah
- Kumalasari, Dyah
- Analysis Of Historical Material Of Islamic Civilization In Historical Textbooks At High School
- Kumara, Agus Ria
- Development of Android Application based on Holland's Theory of Individual Student Planning
- Laraswati, Bara Septian
- The Role of Sarangan Asri Cooperation in Increasing Cadger’s Income In Tourism Village Of Sarangan Lake Slope of Lawu Mountain
- Lumbantobing, Winda Lidia
- The Effect Of Arcs Model On The Curiosity Character Of 21st Century Elementry School
- Mallisa, Viktor
- Improving Critical Thinking among Junior High School Students through Assessment of Higher Level Thinking Skills
- Marahati, Elsa Maria
- Guidelines for Integrating Character Education in Materials
- Maryani, Enok
- Profile Of Teacher’s Strategy In Improving Student’s Cultural Intelligence
- Marzuki
- Citizenship Education as Value Education and the Nation's Strengthening of Character for Citizens
- Mislia, Tiara Septi
- Improving Critical Thinking among Junior High School Students through Assessment of Higher Level Thinking Skills
- Mukminan
- Use Of Interactive Learning Media Based On Macromedia Flash On Student Learning Outcomes
- Mukminan
- Effectiveness of Problem-Solving Methods and Inquiry Discovery on Geography Learning Outcomes
- Mulyanto
- The Sonor Farming Tradition on Forest and Land Fire In Ogan Komering Ilir Regency South Sumatera
- Murestiyanto, Adimas Oktariyan
- Implementation of Character Education in the Process of Learning on Attitude and Social Behavior (The Case Study of Budi Mulia Dua International High School)
- Murwadji, Tarsisius
- Integration Of Quality Science In Improving The Quality Of Legal Education To Globalization
- Mustadi, Ali
- Active Learning : Type of Card Sort to Enhance Students Achievement
- Mustadi, Ali
- Student Facilitator and Explaining in Improving Student Social Skills: Assertive Behavior in Opinion and Communication
- Muyana, Siti
- The influence of self-management in using gadgets against nomophobia in adolescents
- Nawiyanto
- Fish resource exploitation in the Besuki region during the pre-New Order period
- Nikmatullah, Nadhira
- The Utilization Of Historical Laboratory As A History Learning Media In University PGRI Yogyakarta
- Nugroho, Alifi Nur Prasetia
- The Influence of TAI Learning Model With Prezi to Improve Learning Outcomes in Accounting Subjects
- Nugroho, Alifi Nur Prasetia
- The Effectiveness of Using Kahoot Media in History Learning at High School
- Nugroho, Bambang Daru
- Integration Of Quality Science In Improving The Quality Of Legal Education To Globalization
- Nugroho, Fajar Agung
- Competency Development Management Geographic Teacher in Curriculum 2013 at SMA 1 Seyegan Sleman
- Nur, Ersyah Yulia
- The Effectiveness of Using Kahoot Media in History Learning at High School
- Pamadhi, Hadjar
- The Opportunity Space in the Lombok’s Art of Gendang Beleq and its Relevance to the Character Education
- Pramono, Sigit Yuli
- Quality Learning Tahfiz Design in Integrated Islamic Elementary School Sleman Special Region of Yogyakarta
- Prasetyo, Eko
- Enhancing the Learning Outcomes of Civic Education through Online Module
- Purnamasari, Dyah Emarkhatul
- The Meaning of Multicultural from The Perspective of Grade XI IPS MA Al Iman Bulus Purworejo
- Purwanta, Edi
- The Effectiveness of Rational Emotive Behavior Group Counseling Against the Assertive Behavior of Students SMPN 1 Mlati, Sleman, Yogyakarta
- Purwanta, Edi
- Developing a career information module to increase career fantasy of elementary school students
- Puspitarini, Nia Widyawati Fitri
- Active Learning : Type of Card Sort to Enhance Students Achievement
- Putri, Arjunita Eka
- Use Of Interactive Learning Media Based On Macromedia Flash On Student Learning Outcomes
- Putri, Debri Haryndia
- Senior High School Teachers’ Responses Towards the Use of PowerPoint in Developing Teaching Materials in Indonesian Context
- Rahandinasari, Septia
- Developing Android-Based Historytoon Media In History Learning
- Rahmawati, Desy
- The Integration of Sustainable Consumption Education on Social Studies Learning to Increase Students’ Intention Toward Environmental Sustainability
- Rahmawati, Endah
- Improving Interpersonal Communication Skills through Group Discussion Techniques in Grade VIII Students of SMP Negeri 1 Wates and SMP Negeri 3 Wates
- Ratnasari, Dewi
- The character education in islamic modern boarding school
- Ratri, Teska D.
- The Influence of Education, Health and the Internet on Poverty in Indonesia
- Rengur, Zul Aini
- The Effectiveness Of Using Comic Strips To Increase Students’ Reading Comprehension For The Eight Grade Of SMPN 1 Pundong
- Retnowati, Trie Hartiti
- Learning Culture as an Effort to Increase Interest in Continuing Studies