Proceedings of the International Conference on English Language Teaching (ICONELT 2019)
213 authors
- Abdullah, Asep Abbas
- The Text Analysis of Poesponegoro Manuscript
- Agustina, Lisa
- Evaluation Content Analysis in ED Lecturers’ Platform
- Alfin, Jauharoti
- The Challenges of Pre-Service Teacher in Creating Visual Instructional Media
- Alwiyono, Fajar Kresno
- Are We Catering Our Students? Teacher Feedback and Student Preference in ELT
- Amelia, Chintia Budi
- The Role of Teaching Period in Students’ EFL Achievement
- Amru, Achmad Nafal Firdaus
- Students’ Writing Apprehension in Research Background Development
- Andriana, Maulidya
- Why Does Individual Learner Perform Better than Others? Relating Students Learning Style to Academic Performance
- Anisah, Nur
- The Implementation of Blended Learning Using English Discoveries for English Intensive Program at UINSA: Teachers’ and Students’ Perspectives
- Arifadah, Yuni
- Teachers’ Creativity in Using Attention Grabber in EFL Class
- Ariyanto
- Students’ Mornigness and Afternoonness and Their Use of ICT to Develop Their English Skill
- Asmiyah, Siti
- Are We Catering Our Students? Teacher Feedback and Student Preference in ELT
- Asmiyah, Siti
- Students’ Mornigness and Afternoonness and Their Use of ICT to Develop Their English Skill
- Atsari, Fauzan
- Learning Styles and the Role of Technology in Second Language Learning
- Ayuningtyas, F.P
- Revealing Students’ Reading Practice in English Language Department
- Azis, Firhan Aznar
- Students and Teachers Preference About Seating Arrangement for Improving Speaking: A Case Study in 10th Grade of MAN 2 Mojokerto
- Azizah, Novi Ani
- Will Reading Habits Enhance Students’ Translation Speed?
- Bagus, T.A
- The Effect of Using Dictionary to Develop Students’ Vocabulary in MTs. Al- Musthofa
- Baihaqi, M.
- Resources to Facilitate Students’ English Learning: A Case Study at MTsN 4 Surabaya
- Bimantoro, Renaldi
- Students’ Writing Apprehension in Research Background Development
- Bimantoro, Renaldi
- The Effect of Using Dictionary to Develop Students’ Vocabulary in MTs. Al- Musthofa
- Budiarti, Syilviani
- The Use of Scramble Word Game to Develop Students Competence in Pronoun at MTsN 3 Sidoarjo
- Carella, Dova Navy
- Students’ Critical Thinking in Writing Background of Research
- Chasanah, Uswatun
- Will Reading Habits Enhance Students’ Translation Speed?
- Chayani, Puri Mega
- Students’ Attitudes Towards the Use of Google Forms as an Online Grammar Assessment Tool
- Chorida, Shovie Islachia
- Exploring Language Learning Strategies of Activist English Students Department with High GPA
- Delfina, Alda Dea
- The Text Analysis of Poesponegoro Manuscript
- Elfiyanto, Sonny
- The Effect of Peer Assessment on Students’ Performance in Writing Narrative Essays
- Fadilah, Nur
- The Correlation Between Students’ Motivation and Their Speaking Ability
- Fahriani, Irma
- The Use of Scramble Word Game to Develop Students Competence in Pronoun at MTsN 3 Sidoarjo
- Faihatunnisa, Eva Ihda
- The Effectiveness of Collaborative Mind Mapping to Develop Writing Skills at MTsN 4 Mojokerto
- Farihatunnisa’, Eva Ihda
- The Correlation Between Pre-Service Teachers’ Listening Habit and Pronunciation Awareness
- Febryola, Budi K.
- Evaluation Content Analysis in ED Lecturers’ Platform
- Ferisia, Hernik
- Students’ Reading Habit and Students’ Writing Introduction in Research Seminar Proposal
- Firdaus, Kurnia
- The Use of Blended Learning in Intensive English Class State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya: Students’ Challenge and Response
- Firdaus, Kurnia
- Students’ Attitudes Towards the Use of Google Forms as an Online Grammar Assessment Tool
- Fitriah
- Are We Catering Our Students? Teacher Feedback and Student Preference in ELT
- Fitriah
- Blog as an Online Assessment: Exploring Students’ Experiences of It
- Fitriah
- Exploring Students’ Experiences Toward Online and Offline Assessment
- Fitriyah, Ima
- Students’ Reading Comprehension: Between the Effectiveness of Interactive Approach, Reading Habit and Self-Actualization
- Fitriyah, Wahyuni Dwi
- Students’ Critical Thinking in Writing Background of Research
- Fuad, Ah. Zakki
- Why Does Individual Learner Perform Better than Others? Relating Students Learning Style to Academic Performance
- Giono, Putri Yunita Kusumawati
- Will Reading Habits Enhance Students’ Translation Speed?
- Gozali, Imelda
- Investigating the Perception of Indonesian Tertiary Students Toward the Use of Schoology as Supplementary Vocabulary Teaching Platform
- Habibah, Nur
- The Use of Blended Learning in Intensive English Class State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya: Students’ Challenge and Response
- Habibah, Nur
- The Role of Teaching Period in Students’ EFL Achievement
- Hanifah, Umi
- The Prominence of Creating Language Environment in Developing Arabic and English Speaking Skills in Islamic Universities
- Harahap, Nursaima
- Using Rosetta Stone Media Through the Dynamic Immersion Method to Improve Vocabulary Mastery for Junior High School Students
- Harahap, Rosni
- Using Rosetta Stone Media Through the Dynamic Immersion Method to Improve Vocabulary Mastery for Junior High School Students
- Hardini, Widya Ari
- Peer Dialogue as an Effective Way for Teaching Speaking: Indonesian EFL Students’ Voices
- Harputra, Yuswin
- Investigating the Influence of Self-Directed E-Learning Toward Students’ Academic Writing Ability
- Hasana, Lilik Faridatul
- Resources to Facilitate Students’ English Learning: A Case Study at MTsN 4 Surabaya
- Hasbulloh, Muhammad Sanja
- The Role of Teaching Period in Students’ EFL Achievement
- Hidayah, Aula Bidayatul
- Students’ Reading Habit and Students’ Writing Introduction in Research Seminar Proposal
- Hidayah, Nadiya Lutviatul
- Exploring EFL Self-Efficacy and GPA: A Case of Activist and Non-Activist English Department Student of UINSA
- Hilmun, Perisya
- The Use of Digital Game-Based Learning in EFL Classroom: Teacher’s voices
- Hoiriyanto
- Exploring Students’ Experiences Toward Online and Offline Assessment
- Huda, Nurul
- Students’ Reading Habit and Students’ Writing Introduction in Research Seminar Proposal
- Huriyah, Lilik
- Peer Dialogue as an Effective Way for Teaching Speaking: Indonesian EFL Students’ Voices
- Imani, Mas Khasila
- The Challenges of Pre-Service Teacher in Creating Visual Instructional Media
- Imaniar, Fahmy
- Improving Quality of English Learning in Higher Education Through idREN
- Indayati, Tatik
- The Role of Teaching Period in Students’ EFL Achievement
- Islamiyah, Milatul
- The Correlation Between Students’ Motivation and Their Speaking Ability
- Isnaini, Layni Zuhrotin
- Grammar Translation Method and Discovery Learning to Learn Tenses: Which is Better for Indonesian Students?
- Isnainiyah, Luluk
- The Use of Scramble Word Game to Develop Students Competence in Pronoun at MTsN 3 Sidoarjo
- Isnainiyah, Luluk
- Will Reading Habits Enhance Students’ Translation Speed?
- Jannah, Ida Miftahul
- Exploring the Effects of Using Game on Students’ Vocabulary Mastery: A Case Study in Instructional Material and Media Development Class
- Jannatul, Laily N.
- Communicative Activities in Language Teaching and Learning Process: A View of a Teacher Training Session
- Jazil, Syaiful
- Students’ Attitudes Towards the Use of Google Forms as an Online Grammar Assessment Tool
- Jazilah, Nikmatul
- Grammar Translation Method and Discovery Learning to Learn Tenses: Which is Better for Indonesian Students?
- Juhaeni
- Grammar Translation Method and Discovery Learning to Learn Tenses: Which is Better for Indonesian Students?
- Julianam, Danar
- The Use of Blended Learning in Intensive English Class State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya: Students’ Challenge and Response
- Karim, Amrullah Y.
- Revealing Students’ Reading Practice in English Language Department
- Khodriyah, Lailatul
- The Effectiveness of Collaborative Mind Mapping to Develop Writing Skills at MTsN 4 Mojokerto
- Khoiriyah, Mir’atul
- Why Does Individual Learner Perform Better than Others? Relating Students Learning Style to Academic Performance
- Khoiriyah, Nur Afifatul
- Exploring Language Learning Strategies of Activist English Students Department with High GPA
- Khoiru Fadilah, Hidayatu R.
- Grammar Translation Method and Discovery Learning to Learn Tenses: Which is Better for Indonesian Students?
- Kurniawan, Agus Prasetyo
- The Effectiveness of Collaborative Mind Mapping to Develop Writing Skills at MTsN 4 Mojokerto
- Kusumajanti, Wahju
- Symbolism in Three Version Cinderella Stories, an Analysis of Representation (Katharine Pyle, Charles Perrault, and Disney)
- Kusumajanti, Wahju
- A Changing of Masculinity Hegemony of the Beast Character in “Beauty and the Beast” Stories
- Kuswari, Niken
- Exploring the Effects of Using Game on Students’ Vocabulary Mastery: A Case Study in Instructional Material and Media Development Class
- Lailatuzzakiya, Sutini
- Exploring Students’ Learning Strategy: Will Listening to English Song Enhance Speaking Skill?
- Lailiyah, Siti
- Exploring Language Learning Strategies of Activist English Students Department with High GPA
- Laras, Ayuningtyas M.
- Critical Thinking in English Academic Essay: Indonesian Teacher’s Voices
- Latifa, Annisa Khusnul
- Student’s Vocabulary Mastery on TOEFL Test: Does It Correlate with Reading Comprehension?
- Lilik, Faridatul K.
- Exploring Students’ Experiences Toward Online and Offline Assessment
- Lutfiyah, Huriyah
- The Correlation Between Students’ Critical Thinking and Their Writing Ability in Writing Class: A Study of the Third Semester Students of English Education Department UINSA
- Mabagits, Syahrul
- Student’s Vocabulary Mastery on TOEFL Test: Does It Correlate with Reading Comprehension?
- Madjid, Hilda Izzati
- Students’ Writing Apprehension in Research Background Development
- Madjid, Hilda Izzati
- The Correlation Between Pre-Service Teachers’ Listening Habit and Pronunciation Awareness
- Madjid, Hilda Izzati
- The Correlation Between Students’ Critical Thinking and Their Writing Ability in Writing Class: A Study of the Third Semester Students of English Education Department UINSA
- Mahendra, Azza
- The Rhetorical Development of Students’ Research Paper Background
- Mahsunah
- Students’ Perception About Warming Up in English Learning Process to Improve Students’ Skills: The Case of Eighth-Grade Students at Mts Nurul Islam Pongangan Gresik
- Maisyafriana
- The Implementation of Integrated Curriculum in the Primary School: A Case Study of Sekolah Alam Cikeas
- Manggiasih, Laras Ayuningtyas
- Students’ Attitudes Towards the Use of Google Forms as an Online Grammar Assessment Tool
- Masykuriyah, Hikmatul
- Speaking Strategies Used By the Junior High School Students with Different Level of Speaking Ability
- Mas’ud, Ali
- The Student Teachers’ Verbal and Non-Verbal Reinforcement During Teaching Practice in Microteaching Class
- Maulidiyah, Nadhifatul
- Improving Speaking Skill Through Speaking Club Viewed from Students’ Perception
- Merizawati, Henny
- The Implementation of the Multiliteracies Pedagogy in Teaching Sentence Constructions of English through Argumentative Essays
- Miftakhuddin, Mohammad Annas
- Students’ Mornigness and Afternoonness and Their Use of ICT to Develop Their English Skill
- Miftakhuddin, Mohammad Annas
- Students’ Reading Habit and Students’ Writing Introduction in Research Seminar Proposal