Proceedings of the International Conference on English Language Teaching (ICONELT 2019)

213 authors
Abdullah, Asep Abbas
The Text Analysis of Poesponegoro Manuscript
Agustina, Lisa
Evaluation Content Analysis in ED Lecturers’ Platform
Alfin, Jauharoti
The Challenges of Pre-Service Teacher in Creating Visual Instructional Media
Alwiyono, Fajar Kresno
Are We Catering Our Students? Teacher Feedback and Student Preference in ELT
Amelia, Chintia Budi
The Role of Teaching Period in Students’ EFL Achievement
Amru, Achmad Nafal Firdaus
Students’ Writing Apprehension in Research Background Development
Andriana, Maulidya
Why Does Individual Learner Perform Better than Others? Relating Students Learning Style to Academic Performance
Anisah, Nur
The Implementation of Blended Learning Using English Discoveries for English Intensive Program at UINSA: Teachers’ and Students’ Perspectives
Arifadah, Yuni
Teachers’ Creativity in Using Attention Grabber in EFL Class
Students’ Mornigness and Afternoonness and Their Use of ICT to Develop Their English Skill
Asmiyah, Siti
Are We Catering Our Students? Teacher Feedback and Student Preference in ELT
Asmiyah, Siti
Students’ Mornigness and Afternoonness and Their Use of ICT to Develop Their English Skill
Atsari, Fauzan
Learning Styles and the Role of Technology in Second Language Learning
Ayuningtyas, F.P
Revealing Students’ Reading Practice in English Language Department
Azis, Firhan Aznar
Students and Teachers Preference About Seating Arrangement for Improving Speaking: A Case Study in 10th Grade of MAN 2 Mojokerto
Azizah, Novi Ani
Will Reading Habits Enhance Students’ Translation Speed?
Bagus, T.A
The Effect of Using Dictionary to Develop Students’ Vocabulary in MTs. Al- Musthofa
Baihaqi, M.
Resources to Facilitate Students’ English Learning: A Case Study at MTsN 4 Surabaya
Bimantoro, Renaldi
Students’ Writing Apprehension in Research Background Development
Bimantoro, Renaldi
The Effect of Using Dictionary to Develop Students’ Vocabulary in MTs. Al- Musthofa
Budiarti, Syilviani
The Use of Scramble Word Game to Develop Students Competence in Pronoun at MTsN 3 Sidoarjo
Carella, Dova Navy
Students’ Critical Thinking in Writing Background of Research
Chasanah, Uswatun
Will Reading Habits Enhance Students’ Translation Speed?
Chayani, Puri Mega
Students’ Attitudes Towards the Use of Google Forms as an Online Grammar Assessment Tool
Chorida, Shovie Islachia
Exploring Language Learning Strategies of Activist English Students Department with High GPA
Delfina, Alda Dea
The Text Analysis of Poesponegoro Manuscript
Elfiyanto, Sonny
The Effect of Peer Assessment on Students’ Performance in Writing Narrative Essays
Fadilah, Nur
The Correlation Between Students’ Motivation and Their Speaking Ability
Fahriani, Irma
The Use of Scramble Word Game to Develop Students Competence in Pronoun at MTsN 3 Sidoarjo
Faihatunnisa, Eva Ihda
The Effectiveness of Collaborative Mind Mapping to Develop Writing Skills at MTsN 4 Mojokerto
Farihatunnisa’, Eva Ihda
The Correlation Between Pre-Service Teachers’ Listening Habit and Pronunciation Awareness
Febryola, Budi K.
Evaluation Content Analysis in ED Lecturers’ Platform
Ferisia, Hernik
Students’ Reading Habit and Students’ Writing Introduction in Research Seminar Proposal
Firdaus, Kurnia
The Use of Blended Learning in Intensive English Class State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya: Students’ Challenge and Response
Firdaus, Kurnia
Students’ Attitudes Towards the Use of Google Forms as an Online Grammar Assessment Tool
Are We Catering Our Students? Teacher Feedback and Student Preference in ELT
Blog as an Online Assessment: Exploring Students’ Experiences of It
Exploring Students’ Experiences Toward Online and Offline Assessment
Fitriyah, Ima
Students’ Reading Comprehension: Between the Effectiveness of Interactive Approach, Reading Habit and Self-Actualization
Fitriyah, Wahyuni Dwi
Students’ Critical Thinking in Writing Background of Research
Fuad, Ah. Zakki
Why Does Individual Learner Perform Better than Others? Relating Students Learning Style to Academic Performance
Giono, Putri Yunita Kusumawati
Will Reading Habits Enhance Students’ Translation Speed?
Gozali, Imelda
Investigating the Perception of Indonesian Tertiary Students Toward the Use of Schoology as Supplementary Vocabulary Teaching Platform
Habibah, Nur
The Use of Blended Learning in Intensive English Class State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya: Students’ Challenge and Response
Habibah, Nur
The Role of Teaching Period in Students’ EFL Achievement
Hanifah, Umi
The Prominence of Creating Language Environment in Developing Arabic and English Speaking Skills in Islamic Universities
Harahap, Nursaima
Using Rosetta Stone Media Through the Dynamic Immersion Method to Improve Vocabulary Mastery for Junior High School Students
Harahap, Rosni
Using Rosetta Stone Media Through the Dynamic Immersion Method to Improve Vocabulary Mastery for Junior High School Students
Hardini, Widya Ari
Peer Dialogue as an Effective Way for Teaching Speaking: Indonesian EFL Students’ Voices
Harputra, Yuswin
Investigating the Influence of Self-Directed E-Learning Toward Students’ Academic Writing Ability
Hasana, Lilik Faridatul
Resources to Facilitate Students’ English Learning: A Case Study at MTsN 4 Surabaya
Hasbulloh, Muhammad Sanja
The Role of Teaching Period in Students’ EFL Achievement
Hidayah, Aula Bidayatul
Students’ Reading Habit and Students’ Writing Introduction in Research Seminar Proposal
Hidayah, Nadiya Lutviatul
Exploring EFL Self-Efficacy and GPA: A Case of Activist and Non-Activist English Department Student of UINSA
Hilmun, Perisya
The Use of Digital Game-Based Learning in EFL Classroom: Teacher’s voices
Exploring Students’ Experiences Toward Online and Offline Assessment
Huda, Nurul
Students’ Reading Habit and Students’ Writing Introduction in Research Seminar Proposal
Huriyah, Lilik
Peer Dialogue as an Effective Way for Teaching Speaking: Indonesian EFL Students’ Voices
Imani, Mas Khasila
The Challenges of Pre-Service Teacher in Creating Visual Instructional Media
Imaniar, Fahmy
Improving Quality of English Learning in Higher Education Through idREN
Indayati, Tatik
The Role of Teaching Period in Students’ EFL Achievement
Islamiyah, Milatul
The Correlation Between Students’ Motivation and Their Speaking Ability
Isnaini, Layni Zuhrotin
Grammar Translation Method and Discovery Learning to Learn Tenses: Which is Better for Indonesian Students?
Isnainiyah, Luluk
The Use of Scramble Word Game to Develop Students Competence in Pronoun at MTsN 3 Sidoarjo
Isnainiyah, Luluk
Will Reading Habits Enhance Students’ Translation Speed?
Jannah, Ida Miftahul
Exploring the Effects of Using Game on Students’ Vocabulary Mastery: A Case Study in Instructional Material and Media Development Class
Jannatul, Laily N.
Communicative Activities in Language Teaching and Learning Process: A View of a Teacher Training Session
Jazil, Syaiful
Students’ Attitudes Towards the Use of Google Forms as an Online Grammar Assessment Tool
Jazilah, Nikmatul
Grammar Translation Method and Discovery Learning to Learn Tenses: Which is Better for Indonesian Students?
Grammar Translation Method and Discovery Learning to Learn Tenses: Which is Better for Indonesian Students?
Julianam, Danar
The Use of Blended Learning in Intensive English Class State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya: Students’ Challenge and Response
Karim, Amrullah Y.
Revealing Students’ Reading Practice in English Language Department
Khodriyah, Lailatul
The Effectiveness of Collaborative Mind Mapping to Develop Writing Skills at MTsN 4 Mojokerto
Khoiriyah, Mir’atul
Why Does Individual Learner Perform Better than Others? Relating Students Learning Style to Academic Performance
Khoiriyah, Nur Afifatul
Exploring Language Learning Strategies of Activist English Students Department with High GPA
Khoiru Fadilah, Hidayatu R.
Grammar Translation Method and Discovery Learning to Learn Tenses: Which is Better for Indonesian Students?
Kurniawan, Agus Prasetyo
The Effectiveness of Collaborative Mind Mapping to Develop Writing Skills at MTsN 4 Mojokerto
Kusumajanti, Wahju
Symbolism in Three Version Cinderella Stories, an Analysis of Representation (Katharine Pyle, Charles Perrault, and Disney)
Kusumajanti, Wahju
A Changing of Masculinity Hegemony of the Beast Character in “Beauty and the Beast” Stories
Kuswari, Niken
Exploring the Effects of Using Game on Students’ Vocabulary Mastery: A Case Study in Instructional Material and Media Development Class
Lailatuzzakiya, Sutini
Exploring Students’ Learning Strategy: Will Listening to English Song Enhance Speaking Skill?
Lailiyah, Siti
Exploring Language Learning Strategies of Activist English Students Department with High GPA
Laras, Ayuningtyas M.
Critical Thinking in English Academic Essay: Indonesian Teacher’s Voices
Latifa, Annisa Khusnul
Student’s Vocabulary Mastery on TOEFL Test: Does It Correlate with Reading Comprehension?
Lilik, Faridatul K.
Exploring Students’ Experiences Toward Online and Offline Assessment
Lutfiyah, Huriyah
The Correlation Between Students’ Critical Thinking and Their Writing Ability in Writing Class: A Study of the Third Semester Students of English Education Department UINSA
Mabagits, Syahrul
Student’s Vocabulary Mastery on TOEFL Test: Does It Correlate with Reading Comprehension?
Madjid, Hilda Izzati
Students’ Writing Apprehension in Research Background Development
Madjid, Hilda Izzati
The Correlation Between Pre-Service Teachers’ Listening Habit and Pronunciation Awareness
Madjid, Hilda Izzati
The Correlation Between Students’ Critical Thinking and Their Writing Ability in Writing Class: A Study of the Third Semester Students of English Education Department UINSA
Mahendra, Azza
The Rhetorical Development of Students’ Research Paper Background
Students’ Perception About Warming Up in English Learning Process to Improve Students’ Skills: The Case of Eighth-Grade Students at Mts Nurul Islam Pongangan Gresik
The Implementation of Integrated Curriculum in the Primary School: A Case Study of Sekolah Alam Cikeas
Manggiasih, Laras Ayuningtyas
Students’ Attitudes Towards the Use of Google Forms as an Online Grammar Assessment Tool
Masykuriyah, Hikmatul
Speaking Strategies Used By the Junior High School Students with Different Level of Speaking Ability
Mas’ud, Ali
The Student Teachers’ Verbal and Non-Verbal Reinforcement During Teaching Practice in Microteaching Class
Maulidiyah, Nadhifatul
Improving Speaking Skill Through Speaking Club Viewed from Students’ Perception
Merizawati, Henny
The Implementation of the Multiliteracies Pedagogy in Teaching Sentence Constructions of English through Argumentative Essays
Miftakhuddin, Mohammad Annas
Students’ Mornigness and Afternoonness and Their Use of ICT to Develop Their English Skill
Miftakhuddin, Mohammad Annas
Students’ Reading Habit and Students’ Writing Introduction in Research Seminar Proposal