Proceedings of the International Conference on English Language Teaching (ICONELT 2019)

213 authors
Milal, Ahmad Dzo’ul
Communicative Activities in Language Teaching and Learning Process: A View of a Teacher Training Session
Evaluation Content Analysis in ED Lecturers’ Platform
Speaking Strategies Used By the Junior High School Students with Different Level of Speaking Ability
Revealing Students’ Reading Practice in English Language Department
The Use of Scramble Word Game to Develop Students Competence in Pronoun at MTsN 3 Sidoarjo
Muna, Izzatul
Exploring the Effects of Using Game on Students’ Vocabulary Mastery: A Case Study in Instructional Material and Media Development Class
Munawwaroh, Ahsanatul
The Correlation Between Students’ Motivation and Their Speaking Ability
Munawwaroh, Ahsanatul
Students’ Perception About Warming Up in English Learning Process to Improve Students’ Skills: The Case of Eighth-Grade Students at Mts Nurul Islam Pongangan Gresik
Exploring Students’ Experiences Toward Online and Offline Assessment
Muzakie, Afik wildan
The Effect of Using Dictionary to Develop Students’ Vocabulary in MTs. Al- Musthofa
Nabilla, Kartika
Exploring the Effects of Using Game on Students’ Vocabulary Mastery: A Case Study in Instructional Material and Media Development Class
Nadhiroh, Alfy Lautan
The Challenges of Pre-Service Teacher in Creating Visual Instructional Media
Nafisah, Dwi Amanatun
The Correlation Between Students’ Motivation and Their Speaking Ability
Nailal hana, Jihan
Exploring Students’ Learning Strategy: Will Listening to English Song Enhance Speaking Skill?
Nailiyah, Nadiya Mafazatin
Exploring EFL Self-Efficacy and GPA: A Case of Activist and Non-Activist English Department Student of UINSA
Nailiyah, Nadiyah Mafazatin
Teachers’ Creativity in Using Attention Grabber in EFL Class
Nely Rahmatika, S.H
Students’ Attitudes Towards the Use of Google Forms as an Online Grammar Assessment Tool
Nidhomudin, Ahmad Hilmi
Students and Teachers Preference About Seating Arrangement for Improving Speaking: A Case Study in 10th Grade of MAN 2 Mojokerto
Ningsih, Nurmaya
Students’ Committing Plagiarism and Reading Habit: Exploring Possible Relationship
Nur, Hamidatul M.
Critical Thinking in English Academic Essay: Indonesian Teacher’s Voices
Nuriawarti, Fifi Armita
Students’ Perception About Warming Up in English Learning Process to Improve Students’ Skills: The Case of Eighth-Grade Students at Mts Nurul Islam Pongangan Gresik
Nuriawarti, Fifi Armita
Peer Dialogue as an Effective Way for Teaching Speaking: Indonesian EFL Students’ Voices
Nurkhofifah, Evi
The Role of Teaching Period in Students’ EFL Achievement
Nuswantara, Kartika
Balanced Literacy Model in Taman Baca Masyarakat Surabaya
Paramita, Ayuningtyas Febri
Teachers’ Creativity in Using Attention Grabber in EFL Class
Pramonojati, Sigit
Students’ Critical Thinking in Writing Background of Research
Pratiwi, Eryna
The Use of Scramble Word Game to Develop Students Competence in Pronoun at MTsN 3 Sidoarjo
Pratiwi, Eryna
Student’s Vocabulary Mastery on TOEFL Test: Does It Correlate with Reading Comprehension?
Prwati, Olivia Indah
Resources to Facilitate Students’ English Learning: A Case Study at MTsN 4 Surabaya
Purwanti, Olivia Indah
The Implementation of Blended Learning Using English Discoveries for English Intensive Program at UINSA: Teachers’ and Students’ Perspectives
Putri, Josephine Nabilla
Students’ Mornigness and Afternoonness and Their Use of ICT to Develop Their English Skill
Qolbi, Marina
Students and Teachers Preference About Seating Arrangement for Improving Speaking: A Case Study in 10th Grade of MAN 2 Mojokerto
Qolbia, Marina
Improving Speaking Skill Through Speaking Club Viewed from Students’ Perception
Rafidah, Chalifia
Exploring Language Learning Strategies of Activist English Students Department with High GPA
Rahmawati, Amelia
The Effectiveness of Collaborative Mind Mapping to Develop Writing Skills at MTsN 4 Mojokerto
Rahmawati, Amelia
The Correlation Between Pre-Service Teachers’ Listening Habit and Pronunciation Awareness
Rahmawati, Elvi
The Correlation Between Pre-Service Teachers’ Listening Habit and Pronunciation Awareness
Rahmawati, Lilis
Exploring EFL Self-Efficacy and GPA: A Case of Activist and Non-Activist English Department Student of UINSA
Rahmawati, Risqi Putri
The Effect of Using Dictionary to Develop Students’ Vocabulary in MTs. Al- Musthofa
Exploring EFL Self-Efficacy and GPA: A Case of Activist and Non-Activist English Department Student of UINSA
The Students’ Speaking Performance in a Speaking Classroom Environment Viewed from the Students’ Satisfaction and Their Motivation
Rakhmawati, Isna
Promoting Autonomous Learning Through Mobile Applications in a Blended English Language Classroom
Rakhmawati, Isna
The Prominence of Creating Language Environment in Developing Arabic and English Speaking Skills in Islamic Universities
Ramadhan, Dandy Azhar
Students’ Writing Apprehension in Research Background Development
Ramadhani, Yulia Rizki
Using Rosetta Stone Media Through the Dynamic Immersion Method to Improve Vocabulary Mastery for Junior High School Students
Ramadhani, Yulia Rizki
Investigating the Influence of Self-Directed E-Learning Toward Students’ Academic Writing Ability
Raras, Arinda Anggana
Symbolism in Three Version Cinderella Stories, an Analysis of Representation (Katharine Pyle, Charles Perrault, and Disney)
Ratnasari, Amelia Eka
The Students’ Speaking Performance in a Speaking Classroom Environment Viewed from the Students’ Satisfaction and Their Motivation
Rio, Robet
Teachers’ Creativity in Using Attention Grabber in EFL Class
Riswan, Aditya Herwanda
The Rhetorical Development of Students’ Research Paper Background
The Use of Edmodo in Teaching Learning English in Non-English Department
Rofiq, H.
The Students’ Speaking Performance in a Speaking Classroom Environment Viewed from the Students’ Satisfaction and Their Motivation
Rofiqo, Kharisatur
Blog as an Online Assessment: Exploring Students’ Experiences of It
Rohmah, Zuliati
Balanced Literacy Model in Taman Baca Masyarakat Surabaya
Rusnalasari, Zulidyana Dwi
Symbolism in Three Version Cinderella Stories, an Analysis of Representation (Katharine Pyle, Charles Perrault, and Disney)
Rusnalasari, Zulidyana Dwi
A Changing of Masculinity Hegemony of the Beast Character in “Beauty and the Beast” Stories
Rusydiyah, Evi Fatimatur
Activity Pattern of Subject Teacher Forum in Improving Continuous Professional Development Program Through Asset Based Community-Driven Development Approach
Sabella, Erika Nuris
The Use of Digital Game-Based Learning in EFL Classroom: Teacher’s voices
Sabrina, Sanda M
The Use of Digital Game-Based Learning in EFL Classroom: Teacher’s voices
Safitri, Nadiya Dwiki Isnin
Students’ Mornigness and Afternoonness and Their Use of ICT to Develop Their English Skill
Safitri, Nadiya Dwiki Isnin
Students’ Committing Plagiarism and Reading Habit: Exploring Possible Relationship
Safriyani, Rizka
Using Rosetta Stone Media Through the Dynamic Immersion Method to Improve Vocabulary Mastery for Junior High School Students
Safriyani, Rizka
Critical Thinking in English Academic Essay: Indonesian Teacher’s Voices
Safriyani, Rizka
Investigating the Influence of Self-Directed E-Learning Toward Students’ Academic Writing Ability
Safriyani, Rizka
Students’ Perception About Warming Up in English Learning Process to Improve Students’ Skills: The Case of Eighth-Grade Students at Mts Nurul Islam Pongangan Gresik
Sakinah, Mawadah Insyaa
The Implementation of Blended Learning Using English Discoveries for English Intensive Program at UINSA: Teachers’ and Students’ Perspectives
Salik, Mohamad
Students’ Committing Plagiarism and Reading Habit: Exploring Possible Relationship
Sari, Ayu Wulan
Students’ Receptive Vocabulary Size and Academic Performance: Exploring Possible Relationship
Sari, Indah Yuli Kartika
Resources to Facilitate Students’ English Learning: A Case Study at MTsN 4 Surabaya
Sari, Indah Yuli Kartika
Students’ Critical Thinking in Writing Background of Research
Sari, Latifa Ika
ESP Course Book Evaluation from the Perspectives of Teachers, Cadets, and Graduates: The Case of Maritime English
Sari, Nila
Exploring Students’ Learning Strategy: Will Listening to English Song Enhance Speaking Skill?
Sari, Ria Hermina
ESP Course Book Evaluation from the Perspectives of Teachers, Cadets, and Graduates: The Case of Maritime English
Sari, Siti Meutia
Using Rosetta Stone Media Through the Dynamic Immersion Method to Improve Vocabulary Mastery for Junior High School Students
Satyaputri, Talitha Rizky
Students’ Committing Plagiarism and Reading Habit: Exploring Possible Relationship
Setyowati, Maunah
Student’s Vocabulary Mastery on TOEFL Test: Does It Correlate with Reading Comprehension?
Shofiarita, Wilda
Revealing Students’ Reading Practice in English Language Department
Sholehuddin, Tri Rohmat
The Rhetorical Development of Students’ Research Paper Background
Sholehuddin, Tri Rohmat
Teachers’ Creativity in Using Attention Grabber in EFL Class
Sholihah, Ni’matus
Students and Teachers Preference About Seating Arrangement for Improving Speaking: A Case Study in 10th Grade of MAN 2 Mojokerto
Siahaan, Adelina
The Implementation of Integrated Curriculum in the Primary School: A Case Study of Sekolah Alam Cikeas
Siregar, Rini Kesuma
Investigating the Influence of Self-Directed E-Learning Toward Students’ Academic Writing Ability
Multiliteracies Approach in English Language Teaching Paradigm in 21st Century
Soraya, Irma
Teachers’ Motivational Strategies: The Awareness of Gender-Related Differences
Soraya, Irma
The Rhetorical Development of Students’ Research Paper Background
The Correlation Between Students’ Critical Thinking and Their Writing Ability in Writing Class: A Study of the Third Semester Students of English Education Department UINSA
The Implementation of Blended Learning Using English Discoveries for English Intensive Program at UINSA: Teachers’ and Students’ Perspectives
Syaifudin, Raden
Students’ Receptive Vocabulary Size and Academic Performance: Exploring Possible Relationship
Syarifah, Ainun
The Use of Blended Learning in Intensive English Class State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya: Students’ Challenge and Response
Tafuzy, Ittaqy
The Students’ Speaking Performance in a Speaking Classroom Environment Viewed from the Students’ Satisfaction and Their Motivation
Tajniyah, Lailatut
Evaluation Content Analysis in ED Lecturers’ Platform
Tambunan, Elisa Evawani
Investigating the Influence of Self-Directed E-Learning Toward Students’ Academic Writing Ability
Tamela, Ellis
Move Structure Analysis on Research Article Abstracts in National and International SCOPUS Indexed Journals
The Use of Digital Game-Based Learning in EFL Classroom: Teacher’s voices
Trisna Paramita, A.P
Students’ Receptive Vocabulary Size and Academic Performance: Exploring Possible Relationship
Trisna Paramita, A.P.
The Effectiveness of Collaborative Mind Mapping to Develop Writing Skills at MTsN 4 Mojokerto
Ummah, Rosidatul
Students and Teachers Preference About Seating Arrangement for Improving Speaking: A Case Study in 10th Grade of MAN 2 Mojokerto
Usva, Alifa Tranei Hajizah
The Use of Blended Learning in Intensive English Class State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya: Students’ Challenge and Response
Usva, Alifa Tranei Hajizah
Students’ Perception About Warming Up in English Learning Process to Improve Students’ Skills: The Case of Eighth-Grade Students at Mts Nurul Islam Pongangan Gresik
Uswahsadieda, Lisanul
The Effect of Using Dictionary to Develop Students’ Vocabulary in MTs. Al- Musthofa