Proceedings of the 5th Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship (GCBME 2020)
406 authors
- Achyar, Adrian
- The Influence of Nostalgic Advertising on Viral Intention and Purchase Intention
- Achyarsyah, Mochamad
- Coral Business in the Era of Covid-19; A Review from the Perspective of Consumers’ Purchasing Intention
- Adesia, Andiasa
- Idiosyncratic Risk on Stock Performance in Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Adirestuty, Fitranty
- Are Non-Muslim Consumers Interested in Foods with the Halal Label?
- Aditya, Radhi
- Consumer Behavior Analysis in Using the Digital Payment Application
- Adnan, Ahmad Zaelani
- Leadership Role of Director of Akamigas Balongan in Improving the Quality of Superior Human Resources
- Agustina, G.
- Effect of Employee Empowerment on Lecturer Performance
- Ahmad, Zamzuri bin
- Are Non-Muslim Consumers Interested in Foods with the Halal Label?
- Ahman, Eeng
- Student Financial Literacy: A Review of Gender Differences and Parent’s Income
- Ahman, Eeng
- The Effect of Entrepreneurial Leadership on Firm Innovation Through Innovative Work Behavior
- Ahman, Eeng
- Leadership Role of Director of Akamigas Balongan in Improving the Quality of Superior Human Resources
- Ahman, Eeng
- Employer Branding Strategy to Increase Employee Engagement
- Aisyah, Siti
- Coral Business in the Era of Covid-19; A Review from the Perspective of Consumers’ Purchasing Intention
- Akbar, Maruf
- Evaluation of Hydro-Oceanographic Specialization Education Program in the Sea Naval Education-Oceanography Education Center
- Alam, Putra Fajar
- Designing A Performance Measurement Tools at SMASH.ID Digital Startup with Balanced Scorecard Method
- Alamsyah, M. Iqbal
- The Analysis of the Influence of Credit Service Quality of Credit Customer Satisfaction and Its Impact on Loyalty
- Alamsyah, M. Iqbal
- A Feasibility Study of Site Selection Through GE-Matrix Mapping with Market Attractiveness Parameters and Financial Projection Parameters in Small and Medium Enterprises
- Ali, Mohammad
- A Study on the Influencing Factors of Chinese Family Business’s Succession from the Perspective of Re-creation
- Alversia, Yeshika
- UTAUT2 Analysis on the Use of On-Demand Services Application with Perceived Privacy as Moderating Effect
- Alwindrajudi, Agus
- A Study of E-Loyalty on Virtual Hotels Operator (VHO)
- Amalia, F.A.
- Determinant Factors Influencing Firm’s Entry in Halal Business – A Case Study in Taiwan
- Ambasari, Irma
- Word of Mouth Marketing in Increasing the Repurchase Intention of Private Label Products in Minimarkets
- Anggraeni, Dwi
- What Influence Indonesian Millennial to Have Environmentally Conscious Consumer Behavior?
- Aprilianti, Ayu
- The Analysis of Factors That Affect Intention to Use on E-learning Users Using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Approach
- Ardiyanti, Niken
- The Effect of Work-Life Balance and Work Stress on Turnover Intention with Job Satisfaction as A Mediator at Anti-Corruption Institution in Indonesia
- Arianti, Cindy Sri
- The Effect of Liquidity and Leverage on Profitability in Agricultural Sector Companies
- Armaya, Dwi
- The Size of Asset of Private Company’s and Its IPO’s Underpricing, A Study in Indonesia for Period 2010-2016
- Aruan, Daniel Tumpan
- The Effect of Brand Relationship Quality on Post Purchase Loyalty on Premium Online Learning and Tutoring
- Asfarainy, I. K.
- Improving Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Effect of Employee Engagement and Job Satisfaction
- Astuti, Rifelly Dewi
- The Effect of Store Attributes Towards Store Format Choice for Beauty Products on Y Generation
- Aurachman, Rio
- Designing A Performance Measurement Tools at SMASH.ID Digital Startup with Balanced Scorecard Method
- Az-Zahra, Via Irhamny
- The Effect of Organizational Culture on Motivation and Job Satisfaction and Its Impact on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) at the Office of PT. Permodalan Nasional Madani (PT.PNM) Garut Branch
- Bahtar, Azlin Zanariah binti
- Are Non-Muslim Consumers Interested in Foods with the Halal Label?
- Balqiah, Tengku Ezni
- Brand Positioning Fuel Stations on High-Tier Fuel Category
- Balqiah, Tengku Ezni
- What Influence Indonesian Millennial to Have Environmentally Conscious Consumer Behavior?
- Basaib, Abidzar
- Causative Factor Analysis of Construction Delays on Sports Infrastructure Projects. Case Study: PT. ABCD, Indonesia
- Basri, Mursyid Hasan
- Modelling National Medicine Inventory System Using System Dynamics
- Batu, Dewi Noraga Lumban
- UTAUT2 Analysis on the Use of On-Demand Services Application with Perceived Privacy as Moderating Effect
- Batu, Reminta Lumban
- The Impact of Macroeconomics on Stock Market Index in Brazil
- Berliani, K.
- Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Easy of Use and Actual Usage of Online Payment and Transaction Data Reconciliation Process
- Broto, Hutomo Kusmamadi
- Analysis of Dominant Causative Variable for Project-Based Work Delay at PT. XYZ
- Budiman, Arief
- Understanding CRM Implementation in SMEs
- Budiman, Arif
- What to Do After Covid-19? The Market Intermediary Model to Indonesian Social Entrepreneurs
- Cahyo, Muhammad Guntur Sulis Dwi
- Cross-Functional Team Effectiveness Factors in Technological-Based Service Company: NSIAPAY
- Chalid, Dony Abdul
- Accuracy Level Analysis of Pricing Model on State-Owned Enterprises Stocks
- Chalid, Dony Abdul
- Working Capital Management Effect in Indonesia and Thailand Manufacturing Sector
- Chaniago, Harmon
- The Effect of Entrepreneurial Leadership on Firm Innovation Through Innovative Work Behavior
- Damayanti, Fenny
- The Analysis of Millenials’ Intention to Use the OVO E-Payment
- Damayanti, Santi
- Does the Analysis of Altman Z-Score Model, Zmijewski Model, and Springate Model Impact the Financial Distress?
- Darmawan, Arief
- Factors Affected the Decline of Indonesian Coffee Competitiveness in Export Market During 2009-2018
- Dewi, Riana
- E-Servqual: How E-Servqual Can Influence E-Satisfaction in Shopee
- Dharmasaputro, Ryan
- The Influence of Nostalgic Advertising on Viral Intention and Purchase Intention
- Dirgantari, Puspo Dewi
- Design of Performance Management Business Process in State-Owned Enterprise in Field of Construction
- Dirgantari, Puspo Dewi
- Determination of User Satisfaction in Mobile Banking Services Using the Information Systems Success Model (ISSM) Perspective
- Dirgantari, Puspo Dewi
- A Study of E-Loyalty on Virtual Hotels Operator (VHO)
- Dirgantari, Puspo Dewi
- Factors That Affect the Election of Higher Education in Holistic Marketing Point of View
- Dirgantari, Puspo Dewi
- The Role of the Internet of Things (IoT) in Business and Marketing Areas: A Systematic Literature Review Using the Bibliometric Analysis Approach
- Dirgantari, Puspo Dewi
- Student Acceptance of E-Learning System During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Dirgantari, Puspo Dewi
- The Analysis of Brand Awareness Measurement in Amil Zakat Institution of Nu Care Lazisnu Bandung
- Dirgantari, Puspo Dewi
- E-Promotion in The “Kopi Kenangan” Customers’ Purchase Decisions
- Dirgantari, Puspo Dewi
- Increasing Purchase Intention Through Brand Personality
- Dirgantari, Puspo Dewi
- The Effect of Product Placement on Interest in Using Grab as An Online Transportation Services
- Dirgantari, Puspo Dewi
- The Design of the Xiaomi Smartphone Marketing Model Based on an Innovative Strategy of Blue Ocean Shift
- Disman
- Student Financial Literacy: A Review of Gender Differences and Parent’s Income
- Disman
- The Effect of DER, EPS, and Underwriter Reputation on Initial Return with Interest Rate
- Disman
- The Effect of Entrepreneurial Leadership on Firm Innovation Through Innovative Work Behavior
- Disman
- The Effect of Talent Management on the Performance of Educational Employee in Higher Education Institutions
- Disman
- Coral Business in the Era of Covid-19; A Review from the Perspective of Consumers’ Purchasing Intention
- Disman
- Omnichannel Customer Experience: A Literature Review
- Disman
- Employer Branding Strategy to Increase Employee Engagement
- Disman
- The Value-Driven Strategy Models in Improving Higher Education Institutions’ Performance
- Disman
- The Design of the Xiaomi Smartphone Marketing Model Based on an Innovative Strategy of Blue Ocean Shift
- Disman
- SMEs Resilience During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study in Indonesia
- Disman
- The Influence of Personal Value on Entrepreneurship Intention
- Disman
- A Study on the Influencing Factors of Chinese Family Business’s Succession from the Perspective of Re-creation
- Disman, Tjutju Yuniarsih
- Leadership Role of Director of Akamigas Balongan in Improving the Quality of Superior Human Resources
- Djaja, Aditya Ramadhana
- Bankruptcy Prediction for Oil and Gas Companies in Indonesia Using Z-Score Method
- Djunaedi, Nandang
- Effect of Employee Empowerment on Lecturer Performance
- Efawati, Yen
- The Effect of Entrepreneurial Leadership on Firm Innovation Through Innovative Work Behavior
- Effendy, Femmy
- Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and Social Influence: Intention to Use e-Wallet
- Ekyawan, Fandis
- Consumer Behavior Analysis in Using the Digital Payment Application
- Elvira, Lela
- The Effect of Marketing Strategy and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Its Impact on Customer Loyalty of BJB Bank in Bekasi
- Evandani, Niche
- Analysis of Transportation Network Design with Time Window Delivery and Milk Run Method
- Fachrudin, Dudi Hendra
- Comparative Analysis Debt to Equity Ratio and Price to Book Value in State-Owned Enterprises and Private Companies
- Fachrulamry, Dienur Muhammad Rahadian
- Perceived Ease of Use on Purchase Intention of Mobile Commerce Application
- Fadilah, N.
- Trust in Seller and Trust in Website as A Determiner of Consumer Buying Interest
- Faishal, Muhammad
- When Employee Performance Affects the Quality and Quantity of the Company: What is the Role of Work Discipline and Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)?
- Faizal, Ahmad
- The Influential Factors in the Modified Unified Theory of the Acceptance and Use of Technology on Customer Satisfaction for Adopting BJB Digi
- Fariska, Putri
- Defining and Measuring Microblogging Sentiment Investors on Stock Market: A Literature Review
- Farmaciawaty, Desy Anisya
- Modelling National Medicine Inventory System Using System Dynamics
- Fattah, Nanang
- Leadership Role of Director of Akamigas Balongan in Improving the Quality of Superior Human Resources
- Febrian, Feby
- Effect of Employee Empowerment on Lecturer Performance
- Gaffar, Vanessa
- Bandung City Image as A Halal Tourism Destination
- Gaffar, Vanessa
- The Analysis of Brand Image and Brand Awareness on Purchase Decisions
- Gaffar, Vanessa
- Understanding CRM Implementation in SMEs
- Gaffar, Vanessa
- Omnichannel Customer Experience: A Literature Review
- Ganesja, Iven
- The Effect of Brand Relationship Quality on Post Purchase Loyalty on Premium Online Learning and Tutoring
- Gautama, Budhi Pamungkas
- The Effect of Liquidity and Leverage on Profitability in Agricultural Sector Companies
- Gunardi
- Effects of Inflation and Exchange Rates on Stock Prices of PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
- Hakim, Lukmanul
- The Formulation of Employee Selection Format, Compilation of Job Description, and Compilation of Performance Appraisal on JEE Ballroom Group & Exhibitor