Proceedings of the 5th Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship (GCBME 2020)

406 authors
Achyar, Adrian
The Influence of Nostalgic Advertising on Viral Intention and Purchase Intention
Achyarsyah, Mochamad
Coral Business in the Era of Covid-19; A Review from the Perspective of Consumers’ Purchasing Intention
Adesia, Andiasa
Idiosyncratic Risk on Stock Performance in Indonesia Stock Exchange
Adirestuty, Fitranty
Are Non-Muslim Consumers Interested in Foods with the Halal Label?
Aditya, Radhi
Consumer Behavior Analysis in Using the Digital Payment Application
Adnan, Ahmad Zaelani
Leadership Role of Director of Akamigas Balongan in Improving the Quality of Superior Human Resources
Agustina, G.
Effect of Employee Empowerment on Lecturer Performance
Ahmad, Zamzuri bin
Are Non-Muslim Consumers Interested in Foods with the Halal Label?
Ahman, Eeng
Student Financial Literacy: A Review of Gender Differences and Parent’s Income
Ahman, Eeng
The Effect of Entrepreneurial Leadership on Firm Innovation Through Innovative Work Behavior
Ahman, Eeng
Leadership Role of Director of Akamigas Balongan in Improving the Quality of Superior Human Resources
Ahman, Eeng
Employer Branding Strategy to Increase Employee Engagement
Aisyah, Siti
Coral Business in the Era of Covid-19; A Review from the Perspective of Consumers’ Purchasing Intention
Akbar, Maruf
Evaluation of Hydro-Oceanographic Specialization Education Program in the Sea Naval Education-Oceanography Education Center
Alam, Putra Fajar
Designing A Performance Measurement Tools at SMASH.ID Digital Startup with Balanced Scorecard Method
Alamsyah, M. Iqbal
The Analysis of the Influence of Credit Service Quality of Credit Customer Satisfaction and Its Impact on Loyalty
Alamsyah, M. Iqbal
A Feasibility Study of Site Selection Through GE-Matrix Mapping with Market Attractiveness Parameters and Financial Projection Parameters in Small and Medium Enterprises
Ali, Mohammad
A Study on the Influencing Factors of Chinese Family Business’s Succession from the Perspective of Re-creation
Alversia, Yeshika
UTAUT2 Analysis on the Use of On-Demand Services Application with Perceived Privacy as Moderating Effect
Alwindrajudi, Agus
A Study of E-Loyalty on Virtual Hotels Operator (VHO)
Amalia, F.A.
Determinant Factors Influencing Firm’s Entry in Halal Business – A Case Study in Taiwan
Ambasari, Irma
Word of Mouth Marketing in Increasing the Repurchase Intention of Private Label Products in Minimarkets
Anggraeni, Dwi
What Influence Indonesian Millennial to Have Environmentally Conscious Consumer Behavior?
Aprilianti, Ayu
The Analysis of Factors That Affect Intention to Use on E-learning Users Using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Approach
Ardiyanti, Niken
The Effect of Work-Life Balance and Work Stress on Turnover Intention with Job Satisfaction as A Mediator at Anti-Corruption Institution in Indonesia
Arianti, Cindy Sri
The Effect of Liquidity and Leverage on Profitability in Agricultural Sector Companies
Armaya, Dwi
The Size of Asset of Private Company’s and Its IPO’s Underpricing, A Study in Indonesia for Period 2010-2016
Aruan, Daniel Tumpan
The Effect of Brand Relationship Quality on Post Purchase Loyalty on Premium Online Learning and Tutoring
Asfarainy, I. K.
Improving Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Effect of Employee Engagement and Job Satisfaction
Astuti, Rifelly Dewi
The Effect of Store Attributes Towards Store Format Choice for Beauty Products on Y Generation
Aurachman, Rio
Designing A Performance Measurement Tools at SMASH.ID Digital Startup with Balanced Scorecard Method
Az-Zahra, Via Irhamny
The Effect of Organizational Culture on Motivation and Job Satisfaction and Its Impact on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) at the Office of PT. Permodalan Nasional Madani (PT.PNM) Garut Branch
Bahtar, Azlin Zanariah binti
Are Non-Muslim Consumers Interested in Foods with the Halal Label?
Balqiah, Tengku Ezni
Brand Positioning Fuel Stations on High-Tier Fuel Category
Balqiah, Tengku Ezni
What Influence Indonesian Millennial to Have Environmentally Conscious Consumer Behavior?
Basaib, Abidzar
Causative Factor Analysis of Construction Delays on Sports Infrastructure Projects. Case Study: PT. ABCD, Indonesia
Basri, Mursyid Hasan
Modelling National Medicine Inventory System Using System Dynamics
Batu, Dewi Noraga Lumban
UTAUT2 Analysis on the Use of On-Demand Services Application with Perceived Privacy as Moderating Effect
Batu, Reminta Lumban
The Impact of Macroeconomics on Stock Market Index in Brazil
Berliani, K.
Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Easy of Use and Actual Usage of Online Payment and Transaction Data Reconciliation Process
Broto, Hutomo Kusmamadi
Analysis of Dominant Causative Variable for Project-Based Work Delay at PT. XYZ
Budiman, Arief
Understanding CRM Implementation in SMEs
Budiman, Arif
What to Do After Covid-19? The Market Intermediary Model to Indonesian Social Entrepreneurs
Cahyo, Muhammad Guntur Sulis Dwi
Cross-Functional Team Effectiveness Factors in Technological-Based Service Company: NSIAPAY
Chalid, Dony Abdul
Accuracy Level Analysis of Pricing Model on State-Owned Enterprises Stocks
Chalid, Dony Abdul
Working Capital Management Effect in Indonesia and Thailand Manufacturing Sector
Chaniago, Harmon
The Effect of Entrepreneurial Leadership on Firm Innovation Through Innovative Work Behavior
Damayanti, Fenny
The Analysis of Millenials’ Intention to Use the OVO E-Payment
Damayanti, Santi
Does the Analysis of Altman Z-Score Model, Zmijewski Model, and Springate Model Impact the Financial Distress?
Darmawan, Arief
Factors Affected the Decline of Indonesian Coffee Competitiveness in Export Market During 2009-2018
Dewi, Riana
E-Servqual: How E-Servqual Can Influence E-Satisfaction in Shopee
Dharmasaputro, Ryan
The Influence of Nostalgic Advertising on Viral Intention and Purchase Intention
Dirgantari, Puspo Dewi
Design of Performance Management Business Process in State-Owned Enterprise in Field of Construction
Dirgantari, Puspo Dewi
Determination of User Satisfaction in Mobile Banking Services Using the Information Systems Success Model (ISSM) Perspective
Dirgantari, Puspo Dewi
A Study of E-Loyalty on Virtual Hotels Operator (VHO)
Dirgantari, Puspo Dewi
Factors That Affect the Election of Higher Education in Holistic Marketing Point of View
Dirgantari, Puspo Dewi
The Role of the Internet of Things (IoT) in Business and Marketing Areas: A Systematic Literature Review Using the Bibliometric Analysis Approach
Dirgantari, Puspo Dewi
Student Acceptance of E-Learning System During Covid-19 Pandemic
Dirgantari, Puspo Dewi
The Analysis of Brand Awareness Measurement in Amil Zakat Institution of Nu Care Lazisnu Bandung
Dirgantari, Puspo Dewi
E-Promotion in The “Kopi Kenangan” Customers’ Purchase Decisions
Dirgantari, Puspo Dewi
Increasing Purchase Intention Through Brand Personality
Dirgantari, Puspo Dewi
The Effect of Product Placement on Interest in Using Grab as An Online Transportation Services
Dirgantari, Puspo Dewi
The Design of the Xiaomi Smartphone Marketing Model Based on an Innovative Strategy of Blue Ocean Shift
Student Financial Literacy: A Review of Gender Differences and Parent’s Income
The Effect of DER, EPS, and Underwriter Reputation on Initial Return with Interest Rate
The Effect of Entrepreneurial Leadership on Firm Innovation Through Innovative Work Behavior
The Effect of Talent Management on the Performance of Educational Employee in Higher Education Institutions
Coral Business in the Era of Covid-19; A Review from the Perspective of Consumers’ Purchasing Intention
Omnichannel Customer Experience: A Literature Review
Employer Branding Strategy to Increase Employee Engagement
The Value-Driven Strategy Models in Improving Higher Education Institutions’ Performance
The Design of the Xiaomi Smartphone Marketing Model Based on an Innovative Strategy of Blue Ocean Shift
SMEs Resilience During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study in Indonesia
The Influence of Personal Value on Entrepreneurship Intention
A Study on the Influencing Factors of Chinese Family Business’s Succession from the Perspective of Re-creation
Disman, Tjutju Yuniarsih
Leadership Role of Director of Akamigas Balongan in Improving the Quality of Superior Human Resources
Djaja, Aditya Ramadhana
Bankruptcy Prediction for Oil and Gas Companies in Indonesia Using Z-Score Method
Djunaedi, Nandang
Effect of Employee Empowerment on Lecturer Performance
Efawati, Yen
The Effect of Entrepreneurial Leadership on Firm Innovation Through Innovative Work Behavior
Effendy, Femmy
Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and Social Influence: Intention to Use e-Wallet
Ekyawan, Fandis
Consumer Behavior Analysis in Using the Digital Payment Application
Elvira, Lela
The Effect of Marketing Strategy and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Its Impact on Customer Loyalty of BJB Bank in Bekasi
Evandani, Niche
Analysis of Transportation Network Design with Time Window Delivery and Milk Run Method
Fachrudin, Dudi Hendra
Comparative Analysis Debt to Equity Ratio and Price to Book Value in State-Owned Enterprises and Private Companies
Fachrulamry, Dienur Muhammad Rahadian
Perceived Ease of Use on Purchase Intention of Mobile Commerce Application
Fadilah, N.
Trust in Seller and Trust in Website as A Determiner of Consumer Buying Interest
Faishal, Muhammad
When Employee Performance Affects the Quality and Quantity of the Company: What is the Role of Work Discipline and Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)?
Faizal, Ahmad
The Influential Factors in the Modified Unified Theory of the Acceptance and Use of Technology on Customer Satisfaction for Adopting BJB Digi
Fariska, Putri
Defining and Measuring Microblogging Sentiment Investors on Stock Market: A Literature Review
Farmaciawaty, Desy Anisya
Modelling National Medicine Inventory System Using System Dynamics
Fattah, Nanang
Leadership Role of Director of Akamigas Balongan in Improving the Quality of Superior Human Resources
Febrian, Feby
Effect of Employee Empowerment on Lecturer Performance
Gaffar, Vanessa
Bandung City Image as A Halal Tourism Destination
Gaffar, Vanessa
The Analysis of Brand Image and Brand Awareness on Purchase Decisions
Gaffar, Vanessa
Understanding CRM Implementation in SMEs
Gaffar, Vanessa
Omnichannel Customer Experience: A Literature Review
Ganesja, Iven
The Effect of Brand Relationship Quality on Post Purchase Loyalty on Premium Online Learning and Tutoring
Gautama, Budhi Pamungkas
The Effect of Liquidity and Leverage on Profitability in Agricultural Sector Companies
Effects of Inflation and Exchange Rates on Stock Prices of PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
Hakim, Lukmanul
The Formulation of Employee Selection Format, Compilation of Job Description, and Compilation of Performance Appraisal on JEE Ballroom Group & Exhibitor