Proceedings of the 4th Social and Humanities Research Symposium (SoRes 2021)
516 authors
- Jamilah, Lina
- The Concept of Good Faith on Complete Systematic Land Registration in Order to Realize Justice
- Jannah, Muthia Raudatul
- Initiation of Traditional School Development in Rawabogo Village
- Januarita, Ratna
- The Enforcement of Small Claim Court of Sharia Economics in Religious Courts According to Sharia Economic Principles
- Judiantono, Tonny
- Meaning of Phenomenon and Culture in Rawabogo Tourism Village, Bandung Regency
- Judiantono, Tony
- Initiation of Traditional School Development in Rawabogo Village
- Kabir, Syahrul Fauzul
- Perspective of Human Rights and Islamic Law Regarding Batting of Children in Ahmad Historical Hadith No 6756 Concerning Child Education
- Kabir, Syahrul Fauzul
- Food Safety Counseling as a Fulfillment of the Right to Health Principles of Maqashid Syariah for Food Home Industry Actors in Ciroyom Village, Andir District, Bandung City
- Kamalia, Ramadienna Fachrunnisa
- Digital Marketing and Innovation Effects on Marketing Performance
- Kembara, Maulia Depriya
- Reconstruction of Mandatory General Courses as General Education
- Kembara, Maulia Depriya
- Research Based Learning to Improve Students 6C Skills During the Pandemic
- Kenangkinayu, Alifia Safa
- Business Model Assistance for Curug Goong Ecotourism, Dayeuhkolot Village, Subang Regency
- Khambali, Khambali
- Improving the Pedagogic Competence of Madrasa Diniyah Takmiliyah Teachers as an Attempt to Improve the Quality of Quran Learning Based on Blended Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Khambali, Khambali
- Disaster Mitigation Learning Using Katumbiri Model in Early Childhood Education
- Khuza’i, Rodliyah
- How Far the Psychoeducation can Build Family Resilience for the Brides in the City of Bandung
- Khuza’i, Rodliyah
- Sufistic Approach Psychotherapy as a Mental-Spiritual Development Effort
- Koesdiningsih, Nining
- Desain of Zakat Accounting Information System Standardized PSAK 109
- Krisnamurti, Yani
- Training and Assistance for the Preparation of ETAP Based Financial Report
- Krisnamurti, Yani
- Desain of Zakat Accounting Information System Standardized PSAK 109
- Kuntorini, Ririn
- Empowerment of Ciburial Knowledge MSMEs Through Information Technology in Supply Chain Management
- Kuntorini, Ririn Sri
- Effectiveness Zakat Operational Risk Management on the Pandemic Era of Covid 19
- Kurnia, Septiawan Santana
- Preference Survey of Newspaper Readers in the Digital Era
- Kurniadi, Oji
- Hybrid Communication Approach for Psychotropic Drug Addiction Therapy in Bandung
- Kurniadi, Oji
- Social Media in the Context of Online Business Communication
- Kurniati, Nia
- Visual Communication Skills for Motivators of Family Resilience during the Covid 19 Pandemic
- Kusdiyati, Sulisworo
- Designing of Bullying Prevention Psychoeducational Intervention for Victims
- Kusmiati, Mia
- The Role of Health Education in Changing Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice Regarding the Covid-19 Health Protocol among Islamic Boarding School Students
- Kusumalestari, Ratri R.
- How Geneneration Z Trust in Sources of Information Related to Covid-19
- Kusumalestari, Ratri R.
- Digital Literacy of Muslim Millennials in Persis Jabar
- Kusumawati, Nugrahini
- Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intention Among Undergraduate Students in Indonesia
- Lathifiana, M. Rafi Farandhi
- Application of Islamic Work Ethics and Employee Performance
- Lestari, Rajab Cipta
- Designing of Bullying Prevention Psychoeducational Intervention for Victims
- Lestari, Rini
- Application of Islamic Work Ethics and Employee Performance
- Lestari, Rini
- Assistance in Optimizing Financial Statements as a Business Decision Making Tool for MSMEs in Bojongsoang Village
- Lichandra, Funny
- Disaster Mitigation Learning Using Katumbiri Model in Early Childhood Education
- Listiani, Endri
- Culture in Collective Parenting of Children of Indonesian Women Migrant Workers (TKW)
- Listiani, Endri
- The Importance of Citizen Journalism for Youth
- M., Fadia Annasya Putri
- ASEAN Way in Communitarianism Perspective
- Madjakusumah, Deden Gandana
- Knowledge-Based Economy Development of Jamaah
- Maemunah, Mey
- Effectiveness Zakat Operational Risk Management on the Pandemic Era of Covid 19
- Maemunah, Mey
- Capacity Building Economic Empowerment of the Accuracy of Calculation of Cost of Products
- Mafruhat, Ade Yunita
- The Impact of Covid-19 to Spiritual Poverty (Morals)-Material Poverty (Economics) in Bandung City, Indonesia
- Mafruhat, Ade Yunita
- The Urgency of the Registration of the Brand that is Safe for Employers in Ciburial Village, Regency Bandung
- Maftuh, Bunyamin
- Reconstruction of Mandatory General Courses as General Education
- Maftuh, Bunyamin
- Research Based Learning to Improve Students 6C Skills During the Pandemic
- Magita, Magita
- The Effect of Emotional Intelligence, Teamwork, Organizational Culture and Empathy on Employee Performance
- Maharani, Winni
- Youth Knowledge on the Health Protocols During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Mahmud, Ade
- Confiscation of Assets Resulting from Corruption in Criminal Law and Islamic Law
- Maovangi, Vania
- Communication Strategy of the Marriage Advisory, Guidance and Preseevation Agency (BP4) in Preventing Divorce
- Mardini, Riyang
- Assistance in Optimizing Financial Statements as a Business Decision Making Tool for MSMEs in Bojongsoang Village
- Mardini, Riyang
- Disclosure of the Proportion and Classification of Green Credit in the Indonesian Banking Sector
- Maryani, Anne
- The Use of Social Media for the Covid 19 Prevention Campaign
- Maryani, Anne
- Hybrid Communication Approach for Psychotropic Drug Addiction Therapy in Bandung
- Mashudi, Didi
- BMT Management Efficiency in Bandung City Mosques
- Masnipal, Masnipal
- Implementation of the Parenting Program in Early Childhood Education in Bandung
- Masnipal, Masnipal
- Lesson Plans Development by Application for Non-Formal Early Childhood Teacher
- Maulana, Dwi Ryan
- Transformational Leadership in Moderating the Relationship of Work Environment and Organizational Commitment with Organizational Citizenship Behavior
- Maulida, Ira Siti Rohmah
- Legal Effectiveness of The Supreme Court Regulation on Sharia Economic Dispute Settlement in West Java Religious Court
- Ma’arif, Bambang S.
- The Role of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Organizations in West Java in Overcoming the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Ma’arif, Bambang S.
- Response of Da’wah Activists to Rethorical Training with Waste Recycling Materials
- Meisa, Meisa
- Supervision Implementation of the Ministry of Co-operatives and Small Medium Enterprises on High-Interest Investments Conducted to Savings and Loan Co-operatives
- Meuraxa, Putty
- Implementation of the Parenting Program in Early Childhood Education in Bandung
- Meuraxa, Putty
- Lesson Plans Development by Application for Non-Formal Early Childhood Teacher
- Minarsih, Yulyanti
- Designing of Bullying Prevention Psychoeducational Intervention for Victims
- Mufidi, Faiz
- The Enforcement of Small Claim Court of Sharia Economics in Religious Courts According to Sharia Economic Principles
- Muflihah, Heni
- Youth Knowledge on the Health Protocols During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Muhardi, Muhardi
- The Role of Pesantren on Society Economy Development
- Muhardi, Muhardi
- Knowledge-Based Economy Development of Jamaah
- Muis, Indra
- Digital Marketing and Innovation Effects on Marketing Performance
- Mujahid, Ilham
- Management of Zakat based on Islamic Boarding Schools at Daarul Ilmi Cipeundeuy
- Mujahid, Mujahid
- Islamic Money Demand Implications Based on Macroeconomic and Social Value Variables in Indonesia
- Mulyani, Dewi
- Improving the Pedagogic Competence of Madrasa Diniyah Takmiliyah Teachers as an Attempt to Improve the Quality of Quran Learning Based on Blended Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Mulyani, Dewi
- Disaster Mitigation Learning Using Katumbiri Model in Early Childhood Education
- Mulyani, Dewi
- 21st Century Learning
- Mulyati, Dewi Shofi
- Tilapia Cultivation Using Concrete Pond
- Munggaran, Naufal Alfaruqy Anevta
- Initiation of Traditional School Development in Rawabogo Village
- Muntazmahal, Arshky
- Increase Teacher Motivation
- Mustafa, Deni Lukman
- Implementation of Health Protocol of Pandemic Covid 19 and Its Impact on Passengers’ Satisfaction
- Mustafa, Muhamad Zaki
- The Use of Social Media for the Covid 19 Prevention Campaign
- Mustika, Sri
- Victims of Online Based-Gender Violence Please Don’t Keep Your Grief Alone
- Nadhifah, Nova Nurun
- Empowering Women Aisyiyah Business Actors through Digital Marketing during the Pandemic
- Nadifah, Nova N.
- How Geneneration Z Trust in Sources of Information Related to Covid-19
- Nasir, Malki A.
- The Role of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Organizations in West Java in Overcoming the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Nasir, Malki Ahmad
- Da’i Caderization Through Tabligh Training for Student
- Nasir, Malky A.
- Response of Da’wah Activists to Rethorical Training with Waste Recycling Materials
- Notosudjono, Didik
- The Strength of the Relationship of Self-Efficacy and Innovative Work Behavior
- Noviani, Noviani
- The Impact of Covid-19 to Spiritual Poverty (Morals)-Material Poverty (Economics) in Bandung City, Indonesia
- Novita, Sophia
- Digital Literacy of Muslim Millennials in Persis Jabar
- Novita, Sophia
- Preference Survey of Newspaper Readers in the Digital Era
- Nugraha, Nugraha
- Tilapia Cultivation Using Concrete Pond
- Nugraha, Yudha Dwi
- Economic Improvement through Mocaf Flour Processing During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Nugrahawati, Eni Nuraeni
- Career Maturity Intervention Model for Vocational High School Students In Bandung
- Nurcholisah, Kania
- Capacity Building Economic Empowerment of the Accuracy of Calculation of Cost of Products
- Nurdiana, Editya
- Transformational Leadership in Moderating the Relationship of Work Environment and Organizational Commitment with Organizational Citizenship Behavior
- Nurfahmiyati, Nurfahmiyati
- Application of Islamic Work Ethics and Employee Performance
- Nurfitria, Angelia
- Assistance for Improving Islamic Financial Literacy for SMEs Registered at the Office of Cooperatives and SMEs, Bandung Regency
- Nurhabibilah, Ihsan
- The Institutional Strengthening of Inovasi Ummat Sharia Cooperative and Firdaus Pesantren Cooperative Pangalengan
- Nurhabibilah, Ihsan
- Empowerment of Productive Zakat through the Empowered Village Program
- Nurhasan, Nurhasan
- Integration of Fisheries Law Enforcement Regulations in the Indonesian Maritime Zone
- Nurhasanah, Neneng
- The Institutional Strengthening of Inovasi Ummat Sharia Cooperative and Firdaus Pesantren Cooperative Pangalengan
- Nurhasanah, Neneng
- Empowerment of Productive Zakat through the Empowered Village Program