Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Far East Con" (ISCFEC 2020)
1231 authors
- Siritsena, D I
- Housing Investment Market Development as Quality of Life Improvement Factor
- Sivkova, A E
- Evaluation and Prediction of the Business Continuity Risks
- Skok, N I
- Overcoming the Negative Demographic Trends by the Children’s Injury Prevention
- Skripko, O V
- Implementation of the System of Distance Education for Professional Retraining of Engineering Personnel in the Electronic Educational Environment of the University
- Slesarchuk, I A
- Anthropological Design of Inclusive Clothing as a Factor in Improving the Quality of Human Capital
- Slesarchyk, I A
- The Territory Image Assessment with Reference to Its Tourism Attractiveness
- Smarzhevskiy, I A
- How Genres and Age Restrictions Affect Global Box Office
- Smirnov, P A
- The Role of Human Capital in the Development of Industry in Russia
- Smirnova, A
- Perspective Model of Business Development in the Far North
- Smolnikova, A V
- The Parity of Crowdinvestment and Venture Transactions Market of Selected Countries
- Smyrnova, I I
- Professional Stress and Organizational Working Conditions of Space-Rocket Industry Employees as the Factors Determining Their Activities Productivity
- Snegireva, T K
- Model Integrated Growth of Small and Medium Business in the Region on Assessment of Factors
- Snegurenko, A P
- ERP System as a Method of Effective Economic Management by the Example of the Russian Federation
- Sobol, T S
- Use of Mathematical Models in the Research of Futurological Analysis in the Economy of the State
- Soklakova, I V
- The Choice of the Competitive Strategy of the Company
- Sokolov, A Yu
- Actual Issues of the Fight Against Violations of Antitrust Legislation, Committed by Using of Digital Intelligence
- Sokolov, S N
- Specific Features of Japanese Economy
- Sokolova, N G
- Cost Efficiency Indicators of Lean Production Instruments
- Sokolova, O Y
- Transatlantic Free Trade and Investment Partnership: Benefits and Effects for EEU
- Soldatkin, A E
- The Role of NPOs in the Socio-Economic Development in the Russian Region
- Solnyshkova, O V
- Students Creative Workshop as a Platform for the Formation of Entrepreneurial Skills in Engineering Education
- Solodukhin, K S
- Analysis of the Impact of Strategic Alliances on Relations with Stakeholders
- Solodukhina, O I
- The Role of the State in Providing Social-Economic Development: World Experience and Russian Practice
- Solodukhina, O I
- Anti-Inflationary Policy in Russia: From Inflation Targeting to Economic Growth
- Solomonova, G
- Evaluation of Risk Manageability of HEI
- Solomonova, G S
- Prospects for the Development of Digital Educational Environment in North-Eastern Federal University in the Context of Adult Education
- Solovev, D B
- Human Resources Policy of the Enterprise in the Conditions of Digitalization of the Economy: Change of Content and Prospects of Formation
- Solovieva, S
- The Anthropological Aspect in the Comprehension of Machinery
- Sorokin, A
- Sectoral Systems of Professional Development in Implementation of Regional Strategies for Human Capital Development
- Sorokin, M
- Sectoral Systems of Professional Development in Implementation of Regional Strategies for Human Capital Development
- Speranskaya, N
- Student’s Individual Educational Route: Problems and Challenges
- Spiridonova, E V
- Project Targeted Financing Sources: Russian Practice
- Spirin, I V
- The Strategy of Sustainable Development of Urban Transport
- Starikova, M S
- The Marketing Potential of the Region as a Driver of Its Economic Development
- Starkova, A V
- Informal Employment and the Shadow Economy: Essence and Social Functions
- Starodubets, N
- To Own or Not to Own: Costs for Car Ownership in Sharing Economy
- Startseva, N N
- Development of the Foreign Economic Ties and International Relations in the Region: Case of the Sverdlovsk Region
- Statsenko, L G
- Meta-Subject Approach to Development of Educational Courses for Masters in STEM-Specialties
- Stepanov, A G
- Economic Systems in Global Dimension of Information Society
- Stepanova, E V
- Assessment of Conditions and Results of Digitalization at the Meso-Level of Russian Economic System
- Stepanova, L M
- Modern Problems of Management Efficiency in a Joint Stock Company
- Stepanova, V S
- Feasibility Analysis of International Financial Centers in the Priority Development Areas of Russia’s Far East
- Sterkhov, A V
- The Influence of the Globalisation Factor on Premiums in Merger and Acquisition Deals of Electric Power Companies
- Stetsyuk, V V
- Assessment of Russian Stock Market Attractiveness for Foreign Investors
- Stolbova, I
- Management of Independent Work of Students in Polytechnic Higher Education Institution
- Stolyarova, V
- Science and Technology as the Main Factor of National Economy Competitiveness in Terms of Globalization
- Stolyarova, Z
- Science and Technology as the Main Factor of National Economy Competitiveness in Terms of Globalization
- Stolyarova, Z V
- Perfection of Evaluation System of the Effective Use of Human Capital in Terms of “New” Economy
- Strashko, E V
- Scientific and Educational Centers as Factor of Activation of Human Capital in the Regions of Russia: Sociological Monitoring of Activity (Conceptualization of the Plan)
- Strelnikov, I A
- Energy Dichotomy of the Ideographic Writing of China and Japan on the Example of the Character Sign of “Buddha’s Heart”
- Strelnikova, N V
- Legal Support of Drugs Care in Dental Diseases
- Strelnikova, N V
- Energy Dichotomy of the Ideographic Writing of China and Japan on the Example of the Character Sign of “Buddha’s Heart”
- Strizhakov, D V
- Problems of Innovative Development in the Conditions of Digitalizing the Russian Economy
- Strizhakova, E N
- Problems of Innovative Development in the Conditions of Digitalizing the Russian Economy
- Stroev, V V
- Right to Work in Modern Russia
- Struchkov, V G
- Prospects for the Development of Digital Educational Environment in North-Eastern Federal University in the Context of Adult Education
- Strynkovskaya, A S
- Technique Development of the Complex Diagnostic Analysis of Enterprise Activities
- Studentova, E A
- Optimization of Logistics Business Processes Within the Framework of Export Activities Based on the Introduction of Cognitive Information Technologies
- Stupnikova, A V
- Spatial Differentiation of Prices for Vegetables in Russia: The Impact of Foreign Markets
- Sudorgin, O
- Disability Issues in the Context of Urban and Feminist Paradigms
- Sukiasyan, A A
- Tools for Estimating the Risk Effect on the Investment Project Efficiency
- Suleimenova, B
- The Essence of the Development of Public Audit in Modern Conditions
- Sushkova, Yu N
- Management of Verbal Communications as an Innovative Approach to the Formation of Image Policy of the Organization
- Suvalova, T V
- Career Opportunities Policy in Russia
- Svezhentseva, I B
- The Peculiarities of Formation of Positive Motivation to Foreign Languages Learning for Students of Nonlinguistic Specialties
- Sviderskiy, O A
- Professional Stress and Organizational Working Conditions of Space-Rocket Industry Employees as the Factors Determining Their Activities Productivity
- Sychev, A A
- Factors of the Economic Adaptation of Migrants
- Tagaeva, T
- Deterioration in the Health of Russian Citizens
- Talanova, T V
- Features of Economic Representations of Russian High School Students
- Tantsyura, M Yu
- Intellectual Economy as a Higher Phase of Development of the Post-Industrial Economy
- Tarasova, E A
- Integrated Assessment of Human Capital on the Macroeconomic Level
- Tarasova, I
- Employee Performance Assessment in a Large Enterprise
- Tarbeeva, I S
- International Activities of Organizations to Support Young Compatriots Abroad
- Tayurskaya, O V
- Administration of VAT on Export-Features and Challenges
- Tchaikovskaya, N V
- Ways to Improve the Service of Individuals in PJSC “Sberbank of Russia”
- Temchenko, O S
- Optimize the Choice of Counteragent Based on the Application of the COSO Internal Control Model
- Terekhova, L A
- Financial Innovations’ Risk Management
- Terentyev, A V
- Development of Zoning Method for Solving Economic Problems of Optimal Resource Allocation to Objects of Various Importance in Context of Incomplete Information
- Terentyev, V A
- ZMET-Analysis of Communication Codes of Visual Nature
- Testov, V A
- On the Continuity of Engineering Training in the “School-University” System Based on the Creation of a Center of Modern Competencies
- Tetyusheva, S
- Problems and Prospects of Modernization of Higher Education Based on the Implementation of Professional Standards in the Field of Information Technology
- Tigranyan, M A
- Ways to Improve the Service of Individuals in PJSC “Sberbank of Russia”
- Timakova, R T
- Modern Aspects of Managing the Institutional Environment of Higher Education
- Timchuk, O G
- Public-Private Partnership as a Tool of Stimulation of Innovative and Investment Activity
- Timchuk, O G
- Investment Provision of Innovative Projects Realizing with Life Cycle Contract Form
- Timofeev, R A
- The Process of Adapting the Region Model to the Meso-Level Socio-Economic System
- Timofeeva, N P
- Transatlantic Free Trade and Investment Partnership: Benefits and Effects for EEU
- Timofeeva, O G
- The Role of the State in Providing Social-Economic Development: World Experience and Russian Practice
- Timofeeva, O G
- Anti-Inflationary Policy in Russia: From Inflation Targeting to Economic Growth
- Timofeeva, T S
- Study of Psychographic Characteristics of Consumers of Credit Products
- Tkachuk, L T
- The Role of the Digital Economy in Developing the Market Model of Russian Society
- Tonkikh, N V
- Assessment and Development of Human Resources Capacity in the Agricultural Sector of the National Economy
- Topchiy, A V
- Actualization of the Confidence Phenomenon in the Hospitality Industry as a Tool to Increase the Economic Efficiency of the Enterprise
- Trofimov, O M
- Development of the Foreign Economic Ties and International Relations in the Region: Case of the Sverdlovsk Region
- Trofimova, K V
- Project Targeted Financing Sources: Russian Practice
- Trofimova, N V
- Evaluation of Gross Municipal Product on the Republic of Bashkortostan as an Economic Development Indicator for Municipalities
- Troshin, A
- Science and Technology as the Main Factor of National Economy Competitiveness in Terms of Globalization
- Troshin, A S
- Special Economic Zones of the Border Region as Accelerant of Its Innovative - Investment Development
- Troyan, I
- Development of Investment Cooperation Between Russia and China in the Framework of the “Belt and Road” Initiative
- Trubitsyn, K V
- Professional Stress Management Among Officials at Customs Authorities