Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Far East Con" (ISCFEC 2020)
1231 authors
- Saigushev, N Y
- Socialization of Students’ Personality in the Process of Polytechnic Education
- Salimov, R I
- ERP System as a Method of Effective Economic Management by the Example of the Russian Federation
- Salkova, O
- Evaluation Methods of Tax Burden on a Company as a Mean of Financial Optimization Problems Solving
- Samigullina, L Z
- Task Approach in the Bachelors’ Professional Competence Formation
- Samokhvalov, D V
- Discrete Event Modeling of the Travel Agency Activities in SimEvents
- Samorodova, I A
- Spark-Based Big Data Processing: AI to Decide on Opening a SiU9 Contract Position
- Samsonova, I V
- Arctic Indigenous Peoples: Preservation of Traditional Subsistence Activities
- Samsonyan, R R
- The Role of Information Systems in Maintaining Interrelation between Marketing Activity and Quality Assurance Activity within the Company
- Sandu, I S
- Special Economic Zones of the Border Region as Accelerant of Its Innovative - Investment Development
- Santalova, M S
- The Choice of the Competitive Strategy of the Company
- Sarychev, A S
- Lateralization of Brain Function Evaluation with Rotating Shift Workers to Handle Applied Problems of Occupational Psychology in the Arctic
- Satenova, D E
- Youth Labor Market Analysis and Assessment of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Sattarova, N A
- Certain Issues of Legal Regulation of Economic Security
- Savchenko, A V
- Today’s Digital Economy as Russia
- Savchenko, G K
- Assessment of Conditions and Results of Digitalization at the Meso-Level of Russian Economic System
- Saveleva, N
- Educational Methodical Activity in the University: Simulation and Economics
- Savenkov, D
- Management of the Organization of Digital Production Companies
- Savinkov, S V
- Communication Codes of Intellectual Support for Management Decisions
- Sazykina, M Yu
- Evaluation of Gross Municipal Product on the Republic of Bashkortostan as an Economic Development Indicator for Municipalities
- Schur, V V
- Transboundariness as a Driver of Development of International Tourism in the Far East of Russia
- Schur, V V
- Organizational and Economic Aspects of Military Heritage Tourism in Primorsky Krai
- Scriabin, I
- Long-Term Planning and Forecasting Problems at Municipal Management Level
- Sedelnikov, A V
- Developing the Expert System for Assessing the Resilience to Crisis of Enterprises with Weak Dynamics
- Seidakhmetova, F S
- Use of Mathematical Models in the Research of Futurological Analysis in the Economy of the State
- Selezneva, E Y
- Optimize the Choice of Counteragent Based on the Application of the COSO Internal Control Model
- Seliverstov, Yu I
- The Parity of Crowdinvestment and Venture Transactions Market of Selected Countries
- Seliverstova, M A
- Approaches to Evaluation of the Reliability of Private Pension Funds
- Semchenko, I
- Analysis of Priority Sectors of the Economy in the Policy of Import Substitution
- Serdobintsev, D V
- The Mechanism of Public-Private Partnerships as an Important Element of the Development of Irrigated Agriculture
- Serdyuk, V S
- Development of Additional Education to Increase the Level of Competence of Specialists in the Field of Technosphere Safety
- Sergienko, Y Y
- Monitoring in Tourism at the Regional Level: Theory and Practice
- Sergienko, Y Y
- Organizational and Economic Aspects of Military Heritage Tourism in Primorsky Krai
- Serikov, S G
- Estimation for Optimum Investment Capacity of a Region (The Case of Amur Region)
- Serova, O F
- Study of Psychographic Characteristics of Consumers of Credit Products
- Sevodin, M
- Optimization of Enterprise Activity
- Shabanova, N V
- The Management Mechanism of Sustainable Development of Regional Tourism
- Shabatura, L
- Impact of Opportunistic Behavior in Contractual Relations on Risk Management in the Modern Russian Economy
- Shabatura, L N
- Anthropology of Tourism
- Shaikhutdinova, G F
- Organizational Approaches to Forming Regional Ecosystems of Entrepreneurship Education
- Shakhmalova, I J
- Psychological and Pedagogical Methods for Development of Assertive Behavior in High School Students
- Shamileva, E E
- Intellectual Economy as a Higher Phase of Development of the Post-Industrial Economy
- Shamova, E
- The Main Directions of Basic Industries Modernization Taking Into Account the Genetic Profile of the Region
- Shangina, E
- The Concept of the Historical Development of Geometric Knowledge in the Aspect of Synergetic Methodology
- Shangina, E
- The Introduction of CALS-Technologies in Russia
- Shapovalov, A A
- Special Economic Zones of the Border Region as Accelerant of Its Innovative - Investment Development
- Sharipova, E M
- The Religious Situation in the Tyumen Region: Sociological Analysis
- Sharko, E R
- Evaluation of Human Capital Development in Commerce
- Shchankina, A
- An Empirical Study on the Modeling of an Optimal Investment Portfolio Using Multivariate Model of Conditional Heteroscedasticity: Evidence from the Chinese Stock Exchanges
- Shchegoleva, A V
- Ways to Achieve Life Satisfaction in Representations of the Unemployed
- Shchekina, E
- Challenges of Training Personnel for the Tourism Industry in Russia’s Far East
- Shchekotikhina, I N
- Role of Translators–Interpreters in the Development of Regional Tourism Cluster
- Shcherbakov, S
- Educational Methodical Activity in the University: Simulation and Economics
- Shcherbakov, V A
- Formation of Cash Flow-Based Factor Models in the System of Value-Based Management
- Shcherbakova, N A
- Formation of Cash Flow-Based Factor Models in the System of Value-Based Management
- Shemetova, N K
- Development of the Foreign Economic Ties and International Relations in the Region: Case of the Sverdlovsk Region
- Shemyatikhina, L Y
- Risk Management at Implementation of Social Projects of Public-Private Partnership
- Shendrikova, S P
- Mechanism of the Innovation Development in the University
- Shevyakin, A S
- Increasing of Efficiency of the Demographic Policy as a Conceptual Direction of Perfection of the System of Reproduction of Labor Potential
- Shevyakin, A S
- Methodological Approaches for Prediction of the Level of Provision of Regional Economy by Labor Resources
- Shibaev, V S
- The Psychological Predictors for Self-Disclosure of High School Students’ Abilities (E.G. Eleventh-Graders of Vladivostok School)
- Shimanovskaya, Y V
- Lateralization of Brain Function Evaluation with Rotating Shift Workers to Handle Applied Problems of Occupational Psychology in the Arctic
- Shimanovskaya, Y V
- Issues of a More Effective Management of Social Service Institutions
- Shipitsyna, K S
- Risk Management at Implementation of Social Projects of Public-Private Partnership
- Shirokorad, O
- Pension Provision in the Far Eastern Federal District of the Russian Federation
- Shirokorad, O
- Calculation of the Tax Burden for an Automobile Enterprises
- Shishkareva, N
- Institutionalization of Power: A Legal-Sociological Approach to the Creation, Development and Dissolution of the State
- Shishmakov, S V
- Indicative Assessment of Reliability of Investment Climate of the Territory: An Important Condition of Engaging of Investments Into Economy of Regions of the Far East
- Shishmakov, V T
- Indicative Assessment of Reliability of Investment Climate of the Territory: An Important Condition of Engaging of Investments Into Economy of Regions of the Far East
- Shkarubo, S N
- Causes and Consequences for Russia of the First World War
- Shkryabina, A Y
- The Prospects of Neo-Protectionism in the 21st Century
- Shlaev, D
- Human Resource Management in a Project Co-Investment Model Under the Conditions of the Multiple Interests of the Participating Agents
- Shmakova, V A
- Education and Consumerism: A Psychological View on the Problems of Higher Education in Russia
- Shmeleva, Zh
- Innovative Methods of Working with the Text in the Process of Teaching a Foreign Language in a Non-Linguistic University
- Shmeleva, Zh N
- The Segmentation of the Residential Real Estate Market on the Affordability Criterion: Methodical Aspect
- Shmeleva, Zh N
- The Regional Brand Formation in the Category “Processed Products of Oilseed Crops”
- Shohnech, A B
- Spark-Based Big Data Processing: AI to Decide on Opening a SiU9 Contract Position
- Shohneh, A B
- AI-System of Stock Exchange Trading Robot for Financial Risk Hedging
- Shokhina, L V
- How to Share Value in Seed Market?
- Shtofer, G A
- Intellectual Economy as a Higher Phase of Development of the Post-Industrial Economy
- Shubina, V I
- Risk Management at Implementation of Social Projects of Public-Private Partnership
- Shukaeva, E S
- The Features of Legal Social and Economic Relations Workers Regulation with HIV/AIDS in the Russian Federation
- Shuleva, E I
- Correlation of the Image of the World and Individual-Psychological Features of Adolescents
- Shuleva, E I
- Correlation of the Image of the World and Individual-Psychological Features of Adolescents
- Shulunova, I R
- Computer Modeling of Demographic Processes in the Region
- Shusharina, G A
- Potential for Implementation of Asia-Pacific Region Experience in Developing Business-Incubators in the Russian Far East
- Shuvalova, E B
- Internal Audit of Estimated Reserves and Liabilities as a Diagnostic Method for Corporate Risks
- Shvandar, D
- Timely Financial and Economic Literacy for School Children as Basis for Economic Growth in Future
- Shvedov, S
- Modern Practices of Teaching Materials Development for Higher Polytechnic Education
- Sidorenko, I Ya
- Economies of Scale and Provision of Technological Efficiency in Agricultural Complexes
- Sidorov, A S
- Russia’s Foreign Policy Activities in the Context of Western Sanctions
- Sidorov, D
- Institutionalization of Power: A Legal-Sociological Approach to the Creation, Development and Dissolution of the State
- Sidorova, N
- The Paradigm of Law (In Honor of Thomas Kuhn)
- Sidorova, N
- Institutionalization of Power: A Legal-Sociological Approach to the Creation, Development and Dissolution of the State
- Sidorova, N
- Cooperation in the System of Spatial Development Management
- Sidorova, O
- Problems and Prospects of Modernization of Higher Education Based on the Implementation of Professional Standards in the Field of Information Technology
- Sidorova, T P
- Technique Development of the Complex Diagnostic Analysis of Enterprise Activities
- Sigal, A V
- The Level of the Country’s Health Care as an Indicator of its Economic Development
- Sigal, A V
- Application of Fishburn Sequences in Economic and Mathematical Modeling
- Silchenkova, S
- Main Tendencies of Economic Development of the Cross-Border Regions of Russia and Belarus in the Conditions of Interstate Integration
- Sinelnikova, E A
- Investment in Online Learning in Russia from 2016 Through 2018