Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Education, Society, Economy, Humanity and Environment (ICESHE 2019)

55 authors
Boiliu, Noh Ibrahim
Repositioning Mission in Postmodern Culture
Dwiraharjo, Susanto
Restoration of the Wounded and Social Assistance Mark 1: 40 – 45
Harefa, Senida
Creative Learning Methods Improving Children’s Interest in Attending Sunday School in Tarutung, Indonesia
Nepsis in the Philokalia
Paul as a Role-Model and His Teachings Solution on Ephesians Cases Based on 2 Timothy 3: 10 – 17
Hulu, Adiani
The Impact of Teachers’ Guidance on Students’ Learning Motivation
Hutabarat, Oditha
Paul as a Role-Model and His Teachings Solution on Ephesians Cases Based on 2 Timothy 3: 10 – 17
Hutahaean, Benny
Prevention of Apostasy Through the Implementation of Community Bible Study Program
Limbong, Nurelni
Congregation Satisfaction Levels on the Quality of Priests, Services from Alumna of Theology of STAKPN / IAKN Tarutung in Lutheran Church in Tapanuli Utara
Lubis, Bernard
The Relationship of Spiritual Intelligence with Changes to the Present Administration
Lumbantobing, Roida
The Relationship Between Self-Concept and Emotional Intelligence
Lumbantoruan, Jagar
Using SAVI Model in Learning Solfeggio
Manik, Johari
The Effect of Globalization on Living the Faith in the Family
Manik, Martua
Prevention of Apostasy Through the Implementation of Community Bible Study Program
Marbun, Rencan Charisma
The Integrity of Creation and Living Environment Sustainability Viewed from Christian Ethics
Nababan, Romauli
Feasibility Analysis of the Establishment of Lab School in Lumut Maju Village, Lumut District, Central Tapanuli Regency
Naibaho, Pestaria
Contribution of Christian Values Upon Students’ Character of Dating at Tarutung State Christian Religion Institute
Naibaho., Dorlan
The Impact of Worship to Students’ Attitude at Schools
Napitupulu, Tianggur Medi
The Effectiveness of Students’ Critical Thinking in Learning at IAKN
Pakpahan, Betty Arli Sonti
Developing Religious Education Assessment Model Based on Curriculum 2013
Panjaitan, Binur
The Outcomes of Learning Mathematics in Mathematics Classroom
Panjaitan, Binur
Prevention of Apostasy Through the Implementation of Community Bible Study Program
Parhusip, Akdel
Modern Educational Philosophies
Pasaribu, Andar Gunawan
The Role of Pastors in Developing Adolescent’s Spirituality at GKPI Onan Runggu Resort Years 2019
Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices on Teaching Grammar
Roby, L.
Paul as a Role-Model and His Teachings Solution on Ephesians Cases Based on 2 Timothy 3: 10 – 17
Samosir, Lustani
The Effect of Reward and Physical Environment at Higher Education Toward Motivation of Work
Saragih, Herlina
Impact of Electronic Service Quality to Travelling Intentions: Case Study at Indonesian’s Tourism Website
Siagian, Riris Johanna
The Understanding of Religion Related to Motivation and Attitude of Religion
Sianipar, Rafita Tioria
The Role of Motivation in EFL Learning in a Vocational School
Sianturi, Julius
Humanity and God’s Divinity
Sibuea, Abdul Muin
Development of Vocal Technic Models in Choir
Sihombing, Elsina
Switching Points of Authentic Assessment for Teachers Era 4.0
Sihombing, Herdiana br
Comparison of Lament Songs in the Old Testament and the Andung Andung in the Toba Batak Culture
Sihombing, Lince
Changing Society’s Mind Set in Managing Rural Development: A Way of Educators in Balancing Prosperity of Cities and Rural Areas
Silalahi, Haposan
Perception of GKI SUMUT Medan Congregations About LGBT
Simamora, Dame Taruli
The Role of Sunday School in Educating Children to be Obedient and Faithful
Simamora, Lince RT
The Influence of Knowing How to and Continuity to Play Piano Toward the Ability of Performing Solfeggio
Simanjuntak, Fredy
Repositioning Mission in Postmodern Culture
Simatupang, Limmarten
Students’ Evaluation on Curriculum in Christian Education Major at IAKN Tarutung
Simbolon, Elvri Teresia
The Existence of Migrants in Tarutung City
Simbolon, Rusmauli
The Influence of Problem-Based Active Learning on the Student Achievement in Ethics Course
Simorangkir, Nisma
Development of Teaching Materials on Christian Religious Education
Siregar, Risma
Who am I? Reflection on Pastoral Assistance Services Toward Healing Drug Users
Sitompul, Harun
Development of Vocal Technic Models in Choir
Situmorang, Marudut
The Effect of Work Motivation, Compensation, and Role Perception on the Effectiveness of Work of School Principals (A Case Study About the Effectiveness of Work of the Headmasters of Junior High Schools in North Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra Province)
Tarigan, Iwan Setiawan
An Analysis of Traditional Ritual “Persentabin”
Telaumbanua, Eben Haezarni
Development of Vocal Technic Models in Choir
Waruwu, Liyus
Holy Bible Learning Program for Society to Anticipate Setback of Christianity
Waruwu, Liyus
Prevention of Apostasy Through the Implementation of Community Bible Study Program
Waruwu, Liyus
Restoration of the Wounded and Social Assistance Mark 1: 40 – 45
Widjaja, Fransiskus Irwan
Repositioning Mission in Postmodern Culture
Widjaja, Imron
Paul as a Role-Model and His Teachings Solution on Ephesians Cases Based on 2 Timothy 3: 10 – 17
Zamili, Uranus
Improvement of Teacher’s Capability in Developing Christian Ethics of Elementary School Students
The Outcomes of Learning Mathematics in Mathematics Classroom