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189328 articles

Study on Universities' Innovative Practice Education Approaches under Political Education Perspective

Junpeng Huang
The mode promotion of education reform and construction has become an important direction and content of the current and future reform and development of higher education over the long term, this paper proposes the education should not only cultivates people, but also cultivates innovative practices...
Proceedings Article

VTI Media qP-wave Equation Using ONAD Method

Xiaochun Ge, Rong Huang, Guojie Song
The qP-wave equation is one of extremely important question in seismic exploration, seismology, and so on. However, its poor stability, the traditional finite difference scheme for qP-wave equation modeling suffer instability easily and numerical dispersion seriously. This paper propose a novel difference...

A superficial research on the phenomenon of campus violence and the standard of law prevention in China

Qiong Huang
Near a period of time, the more appeared different degree of campus violence cases, the nerve of the teachers and students on campus safety, parents, the community in a state of tension, destroyed the normal order of the campus, to the whole society caused great harassment and uneasy. In this paper,...

The Analysis of Bank Mobile Payment Project's Schedule Management Based on Improved Critical Chain Method

Cheng Peng, Liang Song
Bank's mobile payment project schedule management is a crucial part in project management. It is not only related with the development cost of the project but also affects the cost of benefit in the late stage of the project. It is a crucial guarantee to grasp the first opportunity of the market. The...
Proceedings Article

Synthesis of Attapulgite Colloid Nanoparticles and its Application on Castor Silk Fibers

Yan Liu, Xiao-Liang Gao, Shu-Dong Wang
In order to develop the multifunctional performance of castor silk, it was finished by attapulgite(ATP) colloid nanoparticles. The structure and antibacterial properties of the castor silk fibers before and after finished were characterized by means of scanning electron microscope (SEM) and antibacterial...

Research on the Relationship between Internal Control and Financial Performance--Social Responsibility as the Intermediary Variable

Xian Wang, Shi-Ping Guan
This paper chooses the related data of the listed companies from 2011 to 2015 as the research sample and social responsibility as intermediary variable, and analyzes the relationship between internal control and financial performance. The results shows: there is a significant positive correlation between...

Mechanism of information model development for company brand assessment within marketing strategy

Galina Astratova, Evgenii Sinicin, Elena Toporkova, Ludmila Frishberg, Irina Karabanova
Intellectual property is one of the main components of a marketing strategy in the assessment of a brand value.
Proceedings Article

A Plant-wide Case for Control System Study in Teaching of Process Control Engineering

Lingjian Ye, Hongwei Guan
In the process control engineering course, control methods are often introduced separately, which lacks an efficient way to deliver knowledge of control integration through case studies. In this paper, we introduce a plant-wide benchmark platform, the Tennessee Eastman (TE) process, for the teaching...

In the "Web" of Problems and Opportunities of Modern Multimedia Methods in Russia's Humanitarian Education

Irina Ponizovkina, Elena Agibalova
The article presents relevant issues and opportunities of modern multimedia education at university. It focuses on the analysis of the impact that innovative methods and methodology implemented in the educational sphere have on the nature and quality of young experts' social-humanitarian training. The...
Proceedings Article

Empowerment of Health Volunteer through the Training using Module of Health Volunteer Guidance: Children under Five Years Health Problem during Disaster

Suprajitno Suprajitno, Sri Mugianti
Balita (children under five years) susceptible to health problems during the evacuation at disaster. Health professional personnel have more duties and responsibilities during a disaster; so that health volunteer can be empowered to identify children under five years old health problems. The goal was...
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness of Mahkota Dewa Fruit Extract ((Phaleria Macrocarpa (Scheff.) Boerl)) With Various Concentration of Methanol Solutions on Aedes Aegypti Larva Mortality

Farindira Vesti Rahmasari, Aferita Sari
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a disease that is commonly found in Indonesia.The method to control Aedes aegypti is mostly done by using a chemical insecticide, despite its have some side effects. Recent studies have shown that larvacides from plant extracts are safe for the environment. This research's...
Proceedings Article

Dialect Investigation and Postgraduate Dialectology Course Teaching

Shiliang Lyu, Fucheng Wan
This paper takes Northwest Minzu University postgraduate teaching dialect as the research object. According to the actual situation in the teaching process, starting from the actual situation of teaching and puts forward some suggestions on the postgraduate dialectology teaching. It is believed that...
Proceedings Article

Continuous-Time Mean-Variance Portfolio Selection Problem with Ho-Lee Stochastic Interest Rates

Chuangwei Lin, Li Zeng
This paper investigates a continuous-time mean-variance portfolio selection problem with Ho-Lee stochastic interest rates. Compared with the mean-variance model with deterministic interest rate, a verification theorem without the classical Lipschitz and growth conditions is required to solve our portfolio...

Marketing Research for Motorola Company

PingJun Lu, XiaoWen Huang
Considering about the rising market of global communication, Motorola is stumbling through a hard time in recent years and is still going downhill. Facing this problem, it is quite important to find why the company market share continually decrease What causes the poor performance It is necessary to...

Problems While Preparing E-Materials for Blended Learning Environments: A Case Study

Ismail Ozler
In this study, lecturers from various universities who utilize the blended learning environments in their courses and prepare distance education materials for this aim are interviewed and the problems they experience while preparing such materials are analyzed. Higher education institutions are evaluated...
Proceedings Article

Interactions of Porphyrin-Acridine Hybrids to DNA Duplexes and Quadruplex: In Silico Study

Hubbi Nashrullah Muhammad, Sophi Damayanti, Daryono H. Tjahjono
The binding modes of cationic porphyrin hybrids to DNA has been studied in a previous study. In the present research, cationic porphyrin-acridine hybrids bearing meso-substituted pyridine, imidazole, and pyrazole rings were investigated for their interaction with DNA. AutoDock Vina was used to dock 11...

Discussion on Cultivation of Students' Innovative Ability During a Graduation Thesis of an Undergraduate

Gan Zhao
On how to cultivate students' innovating ability during a graduation thesis of an undergraduate, it is thought here that consulting and tidying up references to select a proper thesis, protocoling experiments and designing experimental methods scientifically, doing experiments accurately,and summarizing...

Analysis of strengthening the practical teaching reform for higher vocational accounting posts

Chunrong Zhao
in recent years, with the rapid development of the times and economic modernization, the demand of modernized talent market for talent gradually tends to the comprehensive quality talent combining operation type with skill type, then the current college talent training has put forward new goals. For...
Proceedings Article

Remote Estimation of Leaf Water Content Using Spectral Index Derived From Hyperspectral Data

Chengfang Zhang, Zhiyuan Pan, Heng Dong, Fangjian He, Xingbang Hu
Monitoring crop water content by remote sensing has been an important problem for agricultural drought monitoring and water resources management. The triangular water vegetation index is affected by canopy structure parameters, such as leaf area index. To improve this, we used the method of ratio index...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Risk Evaluation Model and Application of Coal Logistics Supply Chain Network

Lieying Zhao, Xifu Wang, Hongsheng Sun
This paper identifies the risk factors of coal logistics supply chain network, and it has established 15 qualitative and quantitative risk evaluation index systems of coal logistics supply chain network. At the same time, it uses genetic algorithm to optimize the weight and threshold of BP neural network,...

Research on image preprocessing and segmentation of medical image

Li Huafeng, Zhang Yuan
this paper presents a medical image preprocessing based on an adaptive window and the segmentation algorithm of medical image based on support vector machine, using the segmentation algorithm may be the same target which is divided into a plurality of adjacent segments. According to the pattern recognition...
Proceedings Article

Use of Automation in Sensor Readout ASIC Chip Characterization to Improve Test Yield, Coverage and Man-Hour Reduction

Noor Shelida Salleh, Siti Noor Harun, Tan Kong Yew
An approach for efficient sensor readout ASIC chip characterization is presented in this paper. Use of automation results in better test yield and coverage, in addition to man-hour reduction. In order to perform this, the hardware setup has been integrated based on laboratory bench instrumentation. All...
Proceedings Article

Melamine Medicated by Gastric Acid to Cyanuric Acid Lead to Kidney Damage and its Repair

Zheng Qi, Miao Yu, Guosong Xin, Yubin Ji
This study focused on the melamine-cyanuric acid crystals formation by melamine does alone, and to explore the resource of cyanuric acid and kidney failure repair.
Proceedings Article

Application of Organic Carbon Sources in Preparing a Core-shell Structure

M. Zhou, H. Lin, L.Z. Qin, H. Hong, Q. Li
To synthesize a core-shell structure for preparing nano-sized WC powder, four kinds of organics were adopted as carbon sources and their carbonization characteristics were investigated. The results showed that organic type severely affected the structure and quality of the product. Using starch as carbon...
Proceedings Article

Studies on the Determination of Formaldehyde in Squid and Bummalo

Xuan Zhang, Xiaosheng Shen, Yun Hua Hui, Cong Kong, Yuan Wang, Bing Feng, Youqiong Cai, Dongmei Huang
The paper tends to study the determination of formaldehyde in squid and bummalo by HPLC. The calibration curve in the 0.5-50.0 µg/mL range was obtained and correlation coefficient was 0.9993. The detection limit was 5 mg/kg. Endogenous formaldehyde in bummalo and squid as well as the change rule of formaldehyde...

Revelation of Subprime Crisis on China's Financial System Reform and Innovation

Xin Gao, Tao Wu
Since the global financial crisis caused by loan from the United States in 2008, countries all over the world have begun to think about their own financial institution. As a developing country, the pressing issue that the reform and innovation of Chinese financial system involves is to actively explore...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Currency Swaps on the Internationalization of RMB

Dong Tan
The people's Bank of China has signed a series of currency swap agreements with many countries and regions. This paper review the practice of people's bank of China currency swap, and then analysis the role of currency swaps on the internationalization of RMB, and give some suggestions on the future...

Studying and Implementing about the Grading Teaching

Yunxiao Zu, Weihai Li, Bin Hou, Ning Li, Jie Liu, Yong Zhang, Yi Zhang, Li Wang
The grading teaching is studied and implemented in the professional basic courses. The grading method and teaching method are different according to different aims. Based on the purpose of decreasing the failed rate and developing students’ ability, some aspects about the grading teaching are investigated,...
Proceedings Article

Research on university data statistics service platform based on data warehouse

Jinlian He
Through the analysis of the whole structure and data warehouse modeling, the data warehouse star structure is used to analyze the data model, and the key technology of ETL is analyzed.
Proceedings Article

Design of PZT Power Supply for Micro-nano Positioning Platform Based on DSP

Lina Hao, Xinchao Zhang, Ruimin Cao
PZT is the key actuator to high precision micro-nano positioning platform. Based on high large space density precision micro-nano positioning platform, we use DSP and four roads 16-bit DAC, high order low pass filter, the voltage amplifier circuit, power amplifier circuit, high voltage stabilizing circuit...
Proceedings Article

Arsenic BCR Three-Step Sequential Extraction and Microbial Community's Response Research in Soil Polluted by Steel-Smelting with Depth

Li-Kun Li, Ling-Chen Kang, Li-Jun Lu, Lei Zhang, Gai-Feng Xue
Five soil samples in different depths of a site in the close vicinity of a Wuhan iron and steel factory (Core 1) were collected. One uncontaminated soil profile (Core 2) was taken for reference purpose. The soil arsenic content and speciation vertical distribution patterns were analyzed by inductively...

Marketing of Cilembu Sweet Potato Seeds in the Cybernetics Era through the Content of Dongeng Hui Cilembu

Susanti Agustina, Wina Erwina
This study is aimed to describe the role of folktale as indigenous knowledge that are communicated from generation to generation from the older to the younger in building Cilembu sweet potato cultivation system based on local wisdom. The spoken culture of Dongeng Hui Cilembu (Tale of Cilembu Sweet Potato)...

The Effect of Employee Competence on the Reliability of Financial Statements

R. Ait Novatiani, R. Roosaleh Laksono
Often we find that the financial statement presented by a company occurred inaccuracy of time in preparing financial statements, causing delays in decision making. Financial statements is financial information used by the company as a means of decision making, the financial statements should be reliable...
Proceedings Article

Robust Model for Multimodal Location of the Hazmat under Uncertainty

Liping Liu, Zipeng Yi
In reality, the demand of O-D pair can be affected by various factors and then lead to uncertain demand. Finally, it will impactthe location of transfer yards. A bi-objective nonlinear robust model is established for locating multimodal transfer yards with hazardous materials in this paper. To solve...

The Role of Information Resource Planning in the Logistics Management of Electric Business

Jinying Li, Tao Pan
The task of information resources planning is to solve the planning and coordination of information resources related to application projects. This work can share the data resources in the maximum extent, and reduce data redundancy. This article discusses the existing problems, and we use data analysis...

The Implementation of Budget Model Programme in Forming the Primary School Operational Assistance Budgets

Maman Rusmana, N. Leni Sri Mulyani
School operational assistance is one of the government assistance programs given to the school to reach the compulsory education completion. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of such assistance to the equitable teaching learning process. The

Study on Nutrient Loss Characteristics of Bamboo Forest in Different Configuration Mode

Wei Shen Zhao, Shuang Wang Wen, Ran Wang, Gang Li
bamboo is an important forest resources in South china. This paper selects the pure bamboo forest, bamboo forest, bamboo Tong Yang Yang Tong - Hemerocallis mixed forest model, the surface of three kinds of configuration modes under the condition of rainfall runoff and nutrient loss (nitrogen and phosphorus),...
Proceedings Article

Transfer matrix method of linear multibody systems for free vibration analysis of beam carrying elastically mounted point masses

Laith K Abbas, Dongyang Chen, Guoping Wang, Xiaoting Rui
The analysis of natural vibration characteristics has become one of the important steps of the manufacture and dynamic design in different industries. An efficient approach called transfer matrix method of linear multibody systems (MSTMM) is proposed to determine the free vibration of a cantilever beam...
Proceedings Article

Capacity and Error Rate Analysis of SIMO Satellite Systems over Ka Band at Venezuelan Amazonian

Gustavo Guedez, Qiang Gao, Mar¡a Guarirapa
Satellite systems progressively operate in higher frequencies, such as the Ka bands. The signals in Ka band system are seriously affected by the environment constraint. A significant percentage of the VENESAT-1 (Venezuelan Satellite) footprint has the coverage service area over the Amazonian. Due to...

Nondestructive Determination of Fruit Based on Sensory and Near-Infrared Technology

Qionglei Liu, Baohua Tan
It can be divided into subjective and objective analysis on the sensory analysis of fruits. Subjective analysis almost based on sight, smell, touch, hearing and sense of taste, and the information of fruits will be analyzed when it was transmitted to brain after sensory cell receiving external stimuli....

The Influence of Outdoor Learning to Improve Children's Creativity

A. Fachrurrazi, Chrisdiana Kurniasari
This study is conducted to answer the research question "what the difference of study result of the children with use the models outdoor learning and indoor learning of the Early Chilhood' creativity". The background of this research while such by a lack of opportunities given by teachers to a child...
Proceedings Article

Corrosion of Permanent Mold Cast Magnesium Alloy AJ62 in Automotive Environments

Fang Li, Jonathan Burns, Henry Hu, Xue-Yuan Nie, Jimi Tjong
Permanent mold cast (PMC) AJ62 magnesium alloy exhibits a fine-grained microstructure in the thin section and a coarse-grained microstructure in the thick section. Microstructure of the PMC AJ 62 alloy was analyzed by using the Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Potentiodynamic polarization experiments...
Proceedings Article

Cylindrical gear transmission optimization design based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation

Guannan Hao
In this paper, a fuzzy optimization method for gears has been proposed. The biggest advantages is to design the optimal solution under the existing conditions (including the level of equipment, technology, materials and design and manufacturing technology), and the proposed method was implemented by...
Proceedings Article

Discrete 2D Analytic Image Decomposition

Guanlei Xu, Xiaotong Wang, Xiaogang Xu
In this paper, we first investigate the discrete 2D analytic signals with some properties such as Discrete Bedrosian’s theorems. Second, based on the derived discrete properties of discrete 2D analytic signals, we provide an image decomposition method via the above principles to decompose image. Experiments...

Peace Values in Learning Process (A descriptive study based on student experiences)

Mardan Umar, Kama Abdul Hakam, Momod Abdul Somad
Education should be a process of internalizing the value of peace in order to make students feel comfort in their learning process. Therefore, lecturers and students need to interact peacefully in the learning process. This study examines the value of peace in the learning process in the perspective...

Vitamin A Supplementation for Prevention and Treatment of Malaria during Pregnancy and Childhood: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Mohammad Yawar Yakoob, Murad Qadir, Omm-e-Hany
Pages: 20 - 28
Animal studies have shown that vitamin A plays a role in immunity and protection against infectious diseases. Its role reducing incidence of diarrhea and measles, and childhood mortality is known, but its role in relation to malaria is unclear. Thus, a comprehensive, systematic literature search was...

Kernel and Range Approach to Analytic Network Learning

Kar-Ann Toh
Pages: 20 - 28
A novel learning approach for a composite function that can be written in the form of a matrix system of linear equations is introduced in this paper. This learning approach, which is gradient-free, is grounded upon the observation that solving the system of linear equations by manipulating the kernel...
Research Article

Effect of exchange rate volatility on trade in Sub-Saharan Africa☆

Bernardin Senadza, Desmond Delali Diaba
Pages: 20 - 36
The volatile nature of exchange rates with the advent of floating regimes has received much attention in economic research. The volatility is generally perceived as negatively affecting international trade. While theoretical predictions and empirical outcomes appear mixed, the balance seems to tilt in...

Rapid Assessment of Disaster Loss and Spatial Distribution of Intensity Residuals in Linfen Area

Xiaofei Han, Zihong Li, Jianjie Bo, Xiaoyun Zhao, Shuangshuang Shi
Pages: 20 - 35
Through the probability analysis of seismic hazard analysis, the probability distribution results of different intensity in each township of Linfen area are given. Through analysis, it is concluded that the probability of occurrence of high-intensity impact in the Linfen basin is higher than that of...