Proceedings of the 2nd Yogyakarta International Conference on Educational Management/Administration and Pedagogy (YICEMAP 2019)

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61 articles
Proceedings Article

The True Leaders and Leadership: From The Narratives of Emha Ainun Nadjib

Ahmad Mabrur, Pardjono
This study aims to describe Emha Ainun Nadjib’s concepts of leader and leadership. This research uses qualitative methods with a narrative approach. The subjects of this study were Emha Ainun Nadib and the people closest to him including his eldest son and coordinator of several maiyah communities. In...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Social Attitudes of Middle School Students

Ainul Husna, Muh Farozin
This study discusses the development of students’ social attitudes in middle school. The development of student social attitudes is very important for the success of students in socializing at their school environment. The development of students’ social attitudes can also affect the student learning...
Proceedings Article

The Differences of Early Reading Ability in Children that Often and Rarely Listen to Stories

Aldona Viveronika, Martha Christianti
This study aimed to determine children’s ability to read early in Kindergarten and the differences of children’s ability to read early, who often and rarely listen to stories. This research was a descriptive comparative. Subjects in this study were 68 children and 68 parents in Masyitoh Kindergarten....
Proceedings Article

Factors Affecting Reading Interest of Elementary School Students

Ali Mustadi, Faisal Amri
The purpose of this research is to determine factors affecting reading interest of fifth graders. The study applied a qualitative survey research. The data were analyzed using factor analysis. The research population was 590 students. The research sample was 238 students. The results show internal factors...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Education Games Media Applications with Local Culture-Based to Improve the Basic Reading Ability of Students in TK Islam Al-Azhar 34 Makassar

Andi Nur Maharani Islami, Suparno Suparno, Andi Makkasau
This study aims to improve the basic reading skills of educational media game applications with students based on local culture at the Al-Azhar 34 Islamic Kindergarten Makassar. Reading skills are very important for children in preparation to move on to the next level. This research must be done because...
Proceedings Article

Administrative Staff Work Discipline in Junior High Schools

Anisah, Irsyad, Syahril, Nellitawati, Tia Ayu Ningrum
This research is motivated by the importance of the existence of administrative staff in a school. Therefore, their work behavior needs attention. The purpose of this study is to obtain information and describe general work behavior, and about work discipline of Junior High School Administrative Staff....
Proceedings Article

Tahfidz Al-Quran Extracurricular Management in SMP Negeri 2 Purwokerto

Anjar Dhani Leksono, Ariefa Efianingrum
This study aims to describe the extracurricular management process of Tahfidz Al-Quran in SMP Negeri 2 Purwokerto which includes planning, organizing, implementing and monitoring. The technique of collecting data uses observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis techniques use the stages...
Proceedings Article

Potential Issues in the Implementation of Multicultural Education at University

Ariefa Efianingrum, Farida Hanum, Siti Irene Astuti Dwiningrum, Joko Sri Sukadi
The multicultural education model for higher education has not found the right formula. The main objective of this research is to describe the problems and strategies in the implementation of multicultural education. Research with a qualitative approach, as research subjects are students of Universitas...
Proceedings Article

E-Learning Development as A Blended-Learning Learning to Support Interactive Learning Multimedia Development Course

Ariyawan Agung Nugroho, Sugeng Bayu Wahyono
The use of E-Learning as one of the complementary learning tools can help in learning activities. Its use with appropriate planning and methods is expected to help students improve their understanding of lecture activities. Therefore, the development of e-learning and blended-learning based content is...
Proceedings Article

Classroom Wall Color Selection at Public Elementary Schools in Salatiga

Ariza Chrisananda Nurendra, Christina Ismaniati
Indonesian elementary students spent 7-8 hours learning in schools. Mostly, they spent their time inside the classroom do their activities. Learning process needs ideal conditions. This condition provides an atmosphere that makes learners feel comfortable and happy to follow the teaching and learning...
Proceedings Article

Teachers’ Perception of Singing Activities in Early Childhood Education

Arumi Savitri Fatimaningrum, Nur Hayati, Rina Wulandari, Muthmainnah
The purpose of this study was to determine the teacher’s perception of singing activities in learning process in Early Childhood Education (ECE). This type of research was a qualitative research. Data collection techniques were literature study and Focus Group Discussion ((FGD) with 29 ECE educators...
Proceedings Article

Conflict Management in KB/TK Pedagogia Faculty of Education Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Auliawatin Mahroja, Cepi Safruddin Abdul Jabar
This study aimed to determine (1) the type of conflict that occurs, (2) the impact caused by the conflict, (3) the efforts and strategies used in managing conflict, (4) supporting and inhibiting factors in conflict management in KB/TK Pedagogic. The study used a qualitative approach with a case study...
Proceedings Article

Hamemayu Hayuning Bawana Based Education Management

Bhujangga Ayu Putu Priyudahari, Lantip Diat Prasojo
Hamemayu Hayuning Bawana which by the Yogyakarta Government has made the philosophy of regional development and lofty ideals a Javanese philosophy that has an interest in the way of life of Javanese people. The use of this philosophy is to improve the quality of human resources from smart, competent,...
Proceedings Article

Learning Management of Ramayana Ballet Roro Jonggrang Foundation

Bramantyo Fendi Prastowo, Sugito
This study aims to describe the learning management Ramayana ballet roro jonggrang foundation. This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods. Data collection techniques used in this study are the in-depth interviews. The instrument used was the researcher who assisted with the recording tools...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of K-13 Implementation and Teachers’ Understanding on Students’ Character

A Survey of Senior High School Students and Teachers in Aceh

Cut Zahri Harun, Kismullah Abdul Muthalib
Emphasis on character education in Indonesia has been intensively promoted since the introduction of Curriculum 2013, but studies on the effect of its implementation have been rare. This paper reports the findings of a survey conducted at 3 of 23 cities and districts in the Aceh Province. It looks at...
Proceedings Article

The Adolescents Cyberbullying Victims at University

Desy Wismasari, Sigit Sanyata
This research discusses victim cyberbullying phenomena at higher education. Cyberbullying has become cultures in daily lives of Adolescent at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. This cyberbullying can be repeatedly done through short messages, Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, and other social medium sites....
Proceedings Article

Policy Strategies for Reducing Drop Out Rate in Senior High Schools

Ebni Sholikhah, Sarah Indah Safitri, Arif Rohman
Indonesian government is trying to open educational access as much as possible for every citizen. However, dropping out of school is still a challenge to realize educational equality for all. This study aims to describe the factors causing drop out, policy strategies, supporting and inhibiting strategies...
Proceedings Article

Needs of Cultural Literacy Education of the Arts and Culture Practitioners in Rural Community

Entoh Tohani, Sujarwo, Puji Yanti Fauziah, RB. Suharta
This study aims to understand needs of cultural literacy education in rural community for developing the cultural conscious society. Its importance to do research because the development of cultural literacy skills for the actors of art and culture was not optimal based on objective educational needs...
Proceedings Article

Management of Inclusion Curriculum in Public Elementary School, Giwangan

Falen Twinka Dila, Wiwik Wijayanti
The purpose of this study is to describe the activities of inclusive curriculum management in Giwangan State Elementary School Yogyakarta including: (1) inclusive curriculum planning; (2) implementation of the inclusive curriculum; (3) evaluation of the inclusive curriculum. This research is a qualitative...
Proceedings Article

Organizational Culture

Fitri Rahmadani Lubis, Farida Hanum
Organizational culture has a significant influence on generating school success by implementing various kinds of organizational culture in schools. The role of culture in schools provides cultural values to school members, develops a culture that has been applied, and passes the culture on to teachers...
Proceedings Article

Contribution of Transformational Leadership, School Committees, Supervision, and Local Governments to School-Based Management at Junior Secondary Schools

Hadiyanto, Rifma, Adek Febriyanti, Usti Ba’di Fitrillah
Several laws and regulations have governed the implementation of school-based management (SBM) nationally in Indonesia since 2003. However, the implementation of the SBM was ‘apparent death’ because the government policies and implementation in the field were not in line with the initial intention. Some...
Proceedings Article

The Need Analysis of the Professional Coach for the Implementation of Extracurricular Programs

Hanif Alkadri, Tia Ayu Ningrum
This article aims to analyze the needs of coach for the implementation of extracurricular programs. The research is conducted by using a mixed-method; qualitative and quantitative methods. The results of the research show that students need the professional coach for extracurricular programs in schools....
Proceedings Article

Usability and Acceptability of the Web-Based Model of Instruction at Universitas Negeri Padang

Hastria Effendi, Nurhizrah Gistituati, Azwar Ananda
The purpose of this study was to find out the usability and acceptability of web-based learning. This is important because these two variables are a prerequisite for the success of any web-based instruction. The research results reported in this article are the results of the initial steps of R &...
Proceedings Article

Program Planning in Vocational Schools Private Kartika I-1 Padang

Irsyad, Anisah
This research aims to describe how the implementing of education management standards in terms of school program planning in vocational high school Kartika I-1 Padang. The kind of research is qualitative descriptive research. The sample selection technique is purposive sampling and snowball sampling...
Proceedings Article

The Partnership of Family, Schools and Community (Three Education Centers) as a Means of Forming Catholic Religious Characters

Jan Pieter, Putu Victoria M. Risamasu
Religious character is an important thing that must be possessed by mankind, a religious character is a guideline for human life because being equipped with sufficient religious values will provide a strong basis when they will act in their lives. This type of research used in this research is a case...
Proceedings Article

Inhibiting Factors in the Implementation of Beginner Teacher Induction Programs in Elementary Schools

Lia Yuliana
This study aims to find out: 1) what inhibiting factors the implementation of Beginner Teacher Induction Program (PIGP) in elementary schools in Depok, 2) what efforts are made by supervisors and principals in dealing with these inhibitions. The research method of this research was descriptive qualitative...
Proceedings Article

The Principal Roles in Making an Excellent School Library

Meilina Bustari
This research aims to describe the role of principals in realizing an excellent school library. The research was conducted in the Prapanca Library State High School 2 Bantul. Informants in this research consist of the principal, the head of the library, the library staff, and the teacher. The data collection...
Proceedings Article

Developing Interactive Learning Multimedia for Blood Circulatory System Materials for Elementary School Students

Meylani Astino Perdana, Monika Sidabutar, Sungkono
The purpose of this research was to produce interactive learning multimedia on human circulatory system materials for grade 5 elementary school students. This research was a research and development study which refers to Borg and Gall’s steps collaborated with the Hannafin & Peck model. The research...
Proceedings Article

Management of Students in Three Public Junior High Schools in Muaro Jambi District: The Voices From The Frontlines

Mohamad Muspawi, Siti Rahma Sari
This study aims to describe the findings of how the management of students through the perspective of the vice-headmaster in the field of students and teachers (homeroom teacher and counseling guidance teacher). A total of nine participants who included 3 headmasters and 5 teachers from three public...
Proceedings Article

Indonesian Teacher Leadership Practices

Muhammad Racmatul Aziz, Dwi Esti Andriani, Aris Suharyadi
Teacher leadership has been studied in many countries. However, there are still a few which focuses on Indonesia. This study aims to examine this matter in Indonesia by addressing these questions: (1) What is the definition of teacher leadership from the Indonesians’ perspective? (2) How is leadership...
Proceedings Article

The Primary School Teachers’ Competency Profile in Utilization of Thematic Learning Media

Mulyo Prabowo, Sungkono, Isniatun Munawaroh
Teacher’s competence in the use of instructional media is important in learning component. These competencies include how the teacher’s ability in designing, developing and using instructional media. This research study aims to describe Elementary School teacher competence profile in Yogyakarta in utilization...
Proceedings Article

The Principals’ Point of View Toward Challenges for Sustainability of Inclusive Education

Mumpuniarti, Sukinah, Hermanto, Gena Diniarti
This study aims to describe the principal’s point of view toward challenges for enduring sustainability of inclusive education in Yogyakarta especially in primary education. Data were gathered through closed and opened questionnaire. Then the data analyzed with percentage addresses to qualitative descriptive...
Proceedings Article

Post-Certification Teacher Performance Management

Nurdin Munthe, Lantip Diat Prasojo
Post-certification teacher performance management is a strategy for improving the quality of teachers in the learning process. The professional allowance needed by the teacher must be a good facilitator in developing teaching materials so that educational goals can be achieved. The purpose of this study...
Proceedings Article

Service Quality and Educational Leadership at Elementary Schools in Sleman District

Nurtanio Agus Purwanto
This study aims to determine: 1) the model of school community services carried out by the principal, the supporting and inhibiting factors in the service of the school community, 2) the indicator of the principal as a manager and 3) the indicator of the principal of the primary school as a leader in...
Proceedings Article

Constructing Distractors of Multiple-Choice: Students’ Obstacles Analysis

Oding Sunardi, Iyan Irdiyansyah
The objective of study is to identify and analyze the obstacles faced by students in constructing options and distractors of multiple choice questions. The study is conducted qualitatively by using descriptive method to describe and analyze students’ obstacles. Questionnaires, Interview and documentation...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of the Mobile Presence Operation in Educational Institution

Philis Pangdiana Widy, Lantip Diat Prasojo, Widia Murni Wijaya
This study evaluates the operations of the mobile presence application implemented at the Education, Youth, and Sports Bureau of Gunungkidul. The components evaluated include; 1) conformity with the standard operating procedure; 2) the input of civil servant data; 3) attendance process; 4) the result...
Proceedings Article

The Urgency of Lecturer’s Academic Background towards Interdisciplinary Educational Management

Priadi Surya
The real world problems are now more complex, including the issue of Industrial Revolution 4.0., globalisation, and disruptive technology. Within this era, education is demanding for more practical, efficient, and effective management. One of the solutions is an interdisciplinary approach to educational...
Proceedings Article

In House Training Optimization: Efforts to Improve Teacher Quality

Ratni Puspitasari, C. Asri Budiningsih
This study aims for the purpose of writing to find out and describe the optimization of in-house training as an effort to improve teacher competency in SMKN 2 Depok Sleman. This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of case study research. Data collection techniques used were interviews, observation,...
Proceedings Article

Character Education Management in Senior High School 6 of Yogyakarta

Ratri Puspitasari
This research aims to describe the management of character education in SMA Negeri 6 Yogyakarta. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Subjects in this study were the principal, vice principals, teachers, students, and parents of students. The location of this research was...
Proceedings Article

Early Childhood Curriculum Management: A Case Study of Islamic Kindergarten in Yogyakarta

Restu Dwi Puji Astuti, Zainal Arifin
Yogyakarta is a city of culture as well as a city with majority Muslim population. This study aims to describe the implementation of early childhood curriculum management in an Islamic kindergarten at Yogyakarta. This research uses a qualitative research approach with descriptive analysis method. The...
Proceedings Article

Parent Engagement in Student Learning to Support Educational Leadership

Safitri Yosita Ratri
This study outlines the advantages of parent engagement in student learning in the area of educational leadership. It discusses the basic areas of parental engagement and the types of partnerships between students and parents. It also examines the recent issue that raise a great deal in relation to parental...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Industrial Internship of 4-Years-Competence Skills in Vocational High Schools

Salma Novita Sari, Haryanto
Industrial 4.0 has changed fundamentally human life with new technological advances. New advances in technology that integrates all disciplines of the system and affect education, economy, industry, and governments. This study aimed to describe Implementation of Industrial Internship of 4-Years- Competence...
Proceedings Article

Strategies in Improving Teacher Quality in the Industrial Revolution 4.0: A Literature Review

Sellvina Wahyu Budiasih, Wiwik Wijayanti
This writing aims to (1) describe the strategies that can be carried out by schools to improve the quality of teachers in the Industrial revolution 4.0; (2) describe the supporting and inhibiting factors in improving the quality of teachers in the Industrial revolution 4.0. This paper is based on a systematic...
Proceedings Article

Curriculum Management: A Case Study at Sanggar Anak Alam (SALAM) Yogyakarta

Shabrina Irmayanti, Wiwik Wijayanti
This study aims to determine and describe curriculum management at Sanggar Anak Alam (SALAM) Yogyakarta which includes planning, implementing, and evaluating curriculum. This study uses a qualitative research method with a case study approach because SALAM applies unique and different curriculum from...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Principal Managerial Task Implementation in Junior High School

Sufyarma Marsidin, Nelfia Adi, Anisah, Tia Ayu Ningrum
The purpose of this article analyzes the principal’s work in school managerial. The method used is a quantitative method using a questionnaire instrument. This study used total sampling. The results of this study stated that the achievement of principals’ task implementation in school managerial was...
Proceedings Article

Developing an Assessment Instrument for Assessing Elementary School Instructional Comic

Sungkono, Isniatun Munawaroh, Mulyo Prabowo
This study aimed to develop an assessment instrument of instructional comic media for elementary school students. The 4D research development method was used in the development of the instrument, namely Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate. The evaluation of the study were assessment experts, media...
Proceedings Article

Multicultural Personality of Principals of Public Elementary Schools in East Jakarta

Supadi, Winda Dewi Listyasari, Evitha Soraya, Siti Rochanah
This study describes multicultural personality of principals of public elementary schools in east Jakarta with 36 participants. Descriptive survey method with Multicultural Personality Questionnaire is employed in this study. The finding of the research shown that 20 principals (56%) are having high...
Proceedings Article

Work Commitment of Junior High School Principals in Padang, Indonesia

The study aims to determine the work commitments of Junior High School Principals in Padang. This study was a descriptive quantitative. The population of this research was the Junior High School principals in the Padang. The results of data processing show that affective commitment in carrying out the...
Proceedings Article

The Ability to Manage Information among Librarians of Senior High Schools in Bantul Regency to Support Information Literacy Program

Tina Rahmawati
The rapid development of information and communication technology (ICT) demands an active role from librarians to obtain, utilize and to meet the user’s information needs. Consequently, the librarians should be equipped with information literacy. This study aims at describing the librarian’s ability...
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness of Modeling Techniques in Career Planning for Class XII Students

Trifosa Dyah Puspitaningrum, Edi Purwanta
This research discusses modeling techniques and career planning. Senior high school students have an important career planning, because at these level students are at the gate which will expose them to several options to enter the world of higher education or the world of work which is a vehicle for...
Proceedings Article

Impact of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 for Citizens Learning at Non-formal Education Units

Tristanti, Yoyon Suryono, Iis Prasetyo
The era of the industrial revolution gave a very rapid influence in the field of learning, especially in Non-formal learning. All components of learning must be able to adjust these changes. The purpose of this study is to describe the impact of the industrial revolution 4.0 in the process of learning...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of the ‘One Early Childhood Education Unit for One Village’ Policy in Ngablak, Magelang District

Wiwik Wijayanti, Udik Budi Wibowo
This study aims to describe the implementation of policies for kindergarten units in Ngablak sub-district which include the readiness of the villages, the availability of teachers, teachers’ performance, and the availability of infrastructure. A qualitative approach was employed in this research. During...
Proceedings Article

Development of Picture Storybook about Cultural Diversity and Patriotism Characters in Elementary Schools

Wuri Wuryandani, E. Kus Eddy Sartono, Fathurrohman, Suparlan
This study aims to develop a picture storybook to improve students’ understanding of regional cultural diversity and patriotism character in elementary schools. This research is motivated by the problem of the presence of the globalization era which will more or less affect the life patterns of primary-school-age...
Proceedings Article

School Curriculum Planning in Integrating National and International Curriculum: A Case Study at Kesatuan Bangsa High School Yogyakarta

Yaris Shidiq Zamroni, Haryanto
Currently, schools must be able to survive in the address of globalization and disruption because schools are required to fulfill people’s needs. The school’s effort to deal with it is by planning the curriculum it uses. In reality, many schools are not capable to properly plan their curriculum and use...
Proceedings Article

Learning Management for Vocational High Schools in the Industry 4.0

Yunia Indrihapsari, Udik Budi Wibowo
This paper aims to describe Information and Communication Technology based learning management in Vocational High School in relation of Industry 4.0. The research used descriptive method with qualitative approach. The research was conducted at SMK Muhammadiyah Bandongan in Magelang Regency. The data...
Proceedings Article

The Science Teacher’s Knowledge of Junior High School To Constructing Questions Based- Bloom’s Taxonomy

Yusrizal, A Halim
This study aims to describe the level of knowledge of middle school science teachers in compiling questions based- Bloom’s taxonomy. This type of research is quantitative descriptive; data collection techniques are carried out by a survey method using a questionnaire instrument in the form of a semantic...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Schools in Developing Political Education for the Novice Voters

Achmad Dardiri, L. Andriani Purwastuti, Shely Cathrin, Petrus Priyoyuwono
The year 2019 is a political year so that basic insight is needed for novice voters who lack of political understanding. The government and educational institutions have the role and responsibility to provide knowledge to novice voters so that they can participate in the political election process intelligently...
Proceedings Article

The Learning Management of Mathematics Based on Higher Order Thinking Skills in Senior High School

Slamet Lestari, Meilina Bustari, H. Wahyuningrum, Tina Rahmawati
This study aims at describing the learning management of Mathematics based on Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) among twelfth grade of senior high schools throughout Bantul Regency. This study can be categorized as quantitative research which was conducted on 19 schools in Bantul Regency. It was done...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Using Traditional and Modern Games to Improve Students’ Speaking Ability

Kushardiyanti Novinda, Haryadi
The objective of the resrearch is to find out an significant differences on the English speaking ability among students that are using Traditional Games and Modern Games as media in learning speaking process, and those who are using none of that kind of games in their speaking learning process. This...
Proceedings Article

Which One is the Most Effective: Authentic Audiovisual Material, Inauthentic Audiovisual Material, or Ordinary Audio Material?

Augustina Widiasih, Pratomo Widodo
This research aims at investigating: (1) the most effective listening material that we can use to enhance students’ listening comprehension, and (2) the level of significancy of the difference on the students’ listening comprehension among the classes given treatments. This is a quasi-experimental study...
Proceedings Article

Design of A Teacher Leadership Instrument: A Need Analysis Study Based on Malaysian Context

Saiful Adli Ab Rahim, Norhanida Samsudin, Muhammad Faizal A. Ghani, Harris Shah Abd. Hamid
Today’s education challenges require teachers to be leaders. However, some teachers are still unaware of their leadership qualities and practices, much less the feasibility of polishing said leadership. A guideline should be developed to enlighten teachers not only on the concept of teacher leadership...