Proceedings of the 2016 2nd Workshop on Advanced Research and Technology in Industry Applications
913 authors
- Gao, Cheng
- Experimental research on the optimization scheme of protective device
- Gao, Feng
- Multi Layer Hierarchical Fault Prediction Based on Multi Type Data Feature
- Gao, Qinhe
- Dynamics Analysis and Trajectory Planning of Erecting mechanism
- Gao, Xiang
- A Mosaic Method on Images Small of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
- Gao, Xuanchang
- Analysis of Arid Area Urban Water Resources Bearing Capacity Based on NARSD Model
- Gao, Yuan
- Exterior Trajectory Modelling Method Selection and Analysis for Simulation Test of Guided Bomb
- Gao, Zhonghua
- Effects of urban underlying surface on fluid motion in the atmospheric boundary layer
- Ge, Bin
- Application of Improved Double Ant Colony Algorithm in The Robot Path Planning
- Ge, Zhen
- The Modeling of Dual Drive Software Based on Requirement and Runtime Variability
- Geng, Lei
- Multimodal Retinal Image Registration method Based on Speed-up Robust Feature
- Geng, Shidong
- Research on data acquisition time optimization of bus travel time prediction method
- Gong, Zhuhao
- Design and Simulation of Copper-based Multimetal-contact RF MEMS Switch
- Gou, Xiang
- Numerical Simulation Study on Large Kitchen Oil Fume Purification Device
- Gou, Xiang
- Research on the Selection of Low Temperature Aluminum Heat Pipe Working Fluid
- Gu, Jin
- Research on the optimization method for equipment allocation of chemical reconnaissance system based on the weighted Voronoi diagram
- Gu, Ming
- The Simulation Modeling Research of ship Mechanical Equipment Impulse Response
- Guan, Chunling
- High Speed EMU Brake System Failure Mode and Hazard Analysis
- Guo, Limin
- On College Computer Experiment Teaching Based on Cloud Platform
- Guo, Qin
- Unsteady analysis of subway cabin airflows under piston effects
- Guo, Qingfeng
- The Construction of Multimodal ESP Network Teaching Platform via IM
- Guo, Shihang
- Railway Big Data Real-time Processing Based on Storm
- Guo, Shihang
- Aspect-oriented Formal Specification Modeling of Air Traffic Control System
- Guo, Weiwei
- The GARCH Analysis of YU’EBAO Annual Yields
- Guo, Ying
- A Study on Numerical Simulation for Functional Microbial Flooding
- Guo, Zhiwen
- Performance Prediction and Reverse Design of a Glass Composites Pultrusion Process Based on RBF
- HE, Ping
- Analysis of Network Risk System Based on Non-optimum Factor Assessment
- Han, Jun
- Turning Model of Tracked Mobile Robots under Steady State Conditions
- Han, Meng
- Analysis of In-Pipe Inspection Robot Structure Design
- Han, Peng
- Research on Modeling and Simulation of Battery Swap Station Based on Discrete Event
- Han, Peng
- Study on the Agent-based Modeling Method and Simulation System of Consumers Respondence to the Price of Electric Power in Smart Grid
- Han, Qinglin
- Multi-liquid precise measurement control system based on UKF
- Han, Qinglin
- Walking mechanism design of intelligent spraying robot
- Han, Teng
- Research on stress and strain of the Flange Bolts Connection of Wind Turbine based on Finite Element Analysis
- Han, Ting
- Bill Fibers Extraction Method Based on Global Statistic Decision and Local Adaptive Segmentation
- Han, Yongqi
- Design and implementation of topsoil image information database platform
- Han, Yongqi
- Research on the Construction of High Available Load Balancing Cluster Based on LVS
- Hao, Chen
- Research of Tourism Information based on Cloud Computing Platform
- Hao, Qing
- A Novel Heat Recovery System for High Temperature and High Humidity Gas
- He, Chi
- Exterior Trajectory Modelling Method Selection and Analysis for Simulation Test of Guided Bomb
- He, Fan
- Using Two-component Epoxy Resin for Asphalt Pavement Applications-Part A: Curing Behaviors
- He, Lige
- Fault location system with injection scheme based on mobile phone remote control in distribution network
- He, Miao
- Study of Modeling and Simulation of Methanol Engine Electronic Control System
- He, Xi
- Maximum Satisfaction Scheduling algorithm Based on Hadoop Architecture
- He, Xiaolei
- An improved license plate characters binarization algorithm based on sub-pixel
- He, Xiping
- The Compression Method of Point Cloud Data based on the Hypotenuse-height Deviation Method
- He, Yu
- A NOVEL mechanism for forecasting based on pattern recognition
- He, Yun
- The Turbo Blade Mode in Different Constrains of Blisk
- Hou, Qian
- The Risk Hedging Method of Power Market Chaos System Based on The Mode of Futures Trend
- Hu, Bo
- Network security situation prediction based on singular spectrum analysis
- Hu, Die
- Research of Clustering Routing Algorithm in WSNs Based on Continuous Object
- Hu, Die
- Study on Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Algorithm Based on DV-Hop
- Hu, Jia
- Study on the Application of 3D Printing Technology on the Construction of Clothing Space Styling
- Hu, Jia
- Several kinds of variable step size methods for computer numerical integration
- Hu, Jian
- Verification of a hypothesis about unification and simplification for position updating formulas in particle swarm optimization
- Hu, Jiang
- Study on the airspace window firing method of shipboard gun
- Hu, Jiquan
- Research on grab digging process based on EDEM
- Hu, Liyong
- Research on Smart Cast for Fish Cage Aquaculture based on image processing
- Hu, Yanping
- Design and Implementation of Inspection System for Lift Based on Android Platform
- Hu, Zhuohuan
- Unsteady analysis of subway cabin airflows under piston effects
- Hua, Xiuping
- Multi-liquid precise measurement control system based on UKF
- Hua, Xiuping
- Walking mechanism design of intelligent spraying robot
- Hua, Zhili
- The study of Okhotsk sea sediment based Echo sounder system
- Hua, Zhili
- The Study of seawater COD analyzer based on PC104 bus embedded technology
- Huang, Chen
- Kinematics Modeling and Analysis of MOTOMAN-HP20 Robot
- Huang, Hai
- Application of related data automatic semantic annotation technology in Internet of things
- Huang, Hailin
- Review of Modular Self-Reconfigurable Robotic Systems
- Huang, Honglin
- Research on the Computer Graphics Rendering Technology based on GPU and Parallel Computing System
- Huang, Honglin
- Research on the Face Recognition and Modeling Technology and the Applications on Computer 3D Animation Design
- Huang, Jian-hua
- Maximum Satisfaction Scheduling algorithm Based on Hadoop Architecture
- Huang, Jianhua
- Elastic and effective cloud-based solution in online education
- Huang, Jie
- Study of Smart Home System based on Zigbee Wireless Sensor System
- Huang, JingSong
- The Realization of Industrial Design Product with Computer Software
- Huang, Jiuming
- Discovering Authoritative users in Question Answer Communities: A Case Study of Stack Overflow
- Huang, Miao-hua
- Research on the Effect of the Torsion Beam Suspension Spring Hard Point Location on Spring's Vertical Load
- Huang, Tao
- Economic Data Mining Research based on Complex Networks and factor analysis
- Huang, XueZheng
- Relations Research between Diesel Exhaust Temperature and Particulate Fractions
- Huang, Yingying
- The Weibo Spammers’ Identification and Detection based on Bayesian-algorithm
- Huang, Yize
- Saliency-aware Image Quality Assessment
- Huang, Yu Heng
- Design and Optimization on Natural Lighting of One Large Shopping Mall in Guangzhou
- Ji, Changguo
- Research on fatigue assessment of the Flange Bolts Connection of Wind Turbine based on Finite Element Analysis
- Ji, Changguo
- Research on stress and strain of the Flange Bolts Connection of Wind Turbine based on Finite Element Analysis
- Ji, Xiao-yong
- Simultaneous image encryption and compression scheme based on compressed sensing and Hyper chaos map
- Jia, Jinna
- Research on Construction of New-Typed Equipment Green Maintenance Facility
- Jia, Jinna
- A Framework of the New-Typed Equipment Maintenance Support Information Management System
- Jia, LeCheng
- Method for Marking and Positioning Corrosions in the Automobile Engine Cylinder Cavity from the Ultrasonic Phased Array C-scan Images
- Jia, Ziyong
- Turning Model of Tracked Mobile Robots under Steady State Conditions
- Jiang, Chen
- A Landslide Monitoring System for Transmission Lines Corridor
- Jiang, Dan
- The Application of Improved Extended Kalman Filter Algorithm in Satellite Attitude Determination
- Jiang, Guohua
- The influence of stereo information on the mental workload in the manipulator teleoperation process
- Jiang, Jianguo
- Network security situation prediction based on singular spectrum analysis
- Jiang, Jiheng
- A New Optimization Algorithm for Speed of Electric Vehicle Based on Fuzzy PID Control
- Jiang, Rui
- Research and Development of Open Operating Management System for Sports Laboratory Instruments
- Jiang, Shuming
- An improved key frame selection algorithm on sub shots
- Jiang, Wei
- Research on Audio-visual Emotion Fusion based on Superposition Response
- Jiang, YongCheng
- Multi-liquid precise measurement control system based on UKF
- Jiang, YongCheng
- Walking mechanism design of intelligent spraying robot
- Jiang, Zhaoqun
- Design and Simulation of Copper-based Multimetal-contact RF MEMS Switch
- Jiao, Qingchun
- A Method of Information Resource Classification and Coding for Implementing Smart Residing Application System
- Jie, Yuhan
- The Application of Big Data Technology in Basic Computer Teaching of Ethnic Preparatory
- Jin, Fei
- The Risk Hedging Method of Power Market Chaos System Based on The Mode of Futures Trend