Proceedings of the 2016 2nd Workshop on Advanced Research and Technology in Industry Applications
913 authors
- Jin, Wei
- Maximum Entropy Model based on Feature Extraction for Sentiment Detection of Text
- Jin, Yi
- Maximum Satisfaction Scheduling algorithm Based on Hadoop Architecture
- Jin, Yi
- Elastic and effective cloud-based solution in online education
- Jin, Yuxiang
- A NOVEL mechanism for forecasting based on pattern recognition
- Jing, Shan
- A Study on Campus Network Access and Export Management
- Jing, Xianyong
- Spectral measuring temperature inversion study
- Ju, Jinsan
- The Multi-scale Model Study on Steel Latticed Arch
- Ju, Zhiyong
- An improved license plate characters binarization algorithm based on sub-pixel
- Kan, Wei
- Virtual Structure in Formation Flight Control of UAVs via NOPSC Algorithm
- Kang, Fan
- Research for Building interactive environment Based on Modular Design model
- Kang, Jiaming
- Numerical Simulation Study on Large Kitchen Oil Fume Purification Device
- Kang, Zhiwei
- Small Celestial Body Image Restoration Based on Spectrum Characteristics
- Ke, WenYang
- Diversification of Cloud Resource Allocation based on Improved Genetic Algorithm
- Kong, Degang
- Development of Seamless Rolling Machine for Solar Greenhouse
- Kong, Qingpeng
- Design of Special Underwater Measurement and Control System Based on Distributed Management
- Kong, Qingsheng
- Steganography of digital watermark based on Speed-up generalized morphological component analysis
- Kou, Weili
- Design of Printing System of Forest Right Certifications
- Kung, HuangKuang
- Design and Product Development of a Customized Lower Exoskeleton Rehabilitation mechanism
- LI, Fu-xing
- The Application of TRIZ Theory in the Design of Special Group Assisted Wheelchair
- LI, Jin
- Analysis of Network Risk System Based on Non-optimum Factor Assessment
- Lai, Wenxin
- Research on NTFS File Anti-Delete Forensic Technology
- Lai, Wenya
- Design and Implementation of Tanks War Game Based on the Android Platform
- Lan, Jiongjiang
- Research on NTFS File Anti-Delete Forensic Technology
- Lan, Zhihuan
- Spectral measuring temperature inversion study
- Lang, Shinan
- Stereo Matching Algorithm Based On Integration Of Multi-Measurement
- Lei, Yin
- Analysis and Discussion about Wireless LAN Technology
- Li, Bin
- Decision Mechanism of Password Recovery Based on Bloom Filter in Heterogeneous Platform
- Li, Bing
- Walking mechanism design of intelligent spraying robot
- Li, Biqing
- Design and Implementation of Tanks War Game Based on the Android Platform
- Li, Bo
- Failure Analysis of the Escalator Driving Chain in an Escalator Reversal Accident
- Li, Chao
- Using Two-component Epoxy Resin for Asphalt Pavement Applications-Part B: Stiffness and Relaxation
- Li, Chao
- Using Two-component Epoxy Resin for Asphalt Pavement Applications-Part A: Curing Behaviors
- Li, Cheng
- Research on the Network Security System of Intelligent TV Terminal
- Li, Cheng
- Elastic and effective cloud-based solution in online education
- Li, Chengfan
- Urban Thermal Field Mining Using Remote Sensing Images
- Li, Chenggong
- Flight reliability of multi rotor UAV Based on genetic algorithm
- Li, Chun
- Research to Promote Deep Learning in Learning Commons
- Li, Cong
- Analysis and Design of Charge Pump Configurations Based on Voltage Doubler for RFID
- Li, Da
- Relations Research between Diesel Exhaust Temperature and Particulate Fractions
- Li, Dan
- Sparse-Based Classification with Sub-dictionary Division and Weighted Combination
- Li, DanYang
- The Model of a Person Takes a Bath with Hot Water
- Li, Dongwei
- Turning Model of Tracked Mobile Robots under Steady State Conditions
- Li, Dongyan
- The Construction of Multimodal ESP Network Teaching Platform via IM
- Li, Gang
- An Implementation of FBCSP Replacing Feature Selection Method According to the Classifier
- Li, Guangyao
- Research on data acquisition time optimization of bus travel time prediction method
- Li, Guomin
- Intelligent selling-water management system based on embedded devices and wireless network
- Li, Hailiang
- Modal Analysis of Folding Frame
- Li, Haiyue
- The construction of online course based on Python Language in cloud computing environment
- Li, Han
- Instantaneous Heart Rate Detection using Smart Phones Built-in Camera
- Li, He
- Study on Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Algorithm Based on DV-Hop
- Li, Hongru
- Fault Feature Extraction of Rolling Bearing Based on LFK
- Li, Huanghe
- A Novel DOA Measurement Approach for Coherent Signals In MIMO-OFDM System
- Li, Huifang
- The FPGA Implementation of Quantum Key Distribution Based on BB84 protocol
- Li, Huinian
- A Mathematical Method to Keep The Temperature In The Bathtub
- Li, JiDong
- Mathematical models for researching the human factors on the heat transfer in a pool
- Li, Jian
- An improved key frame selection algorithm on sub shots
- Li, Jiancheng
- Analysis and Design of Charge Pump Configurations Based on Voltage Doubler for RFID
- Li, Jiangning
- The Realization of Industrial Design Product with Computer Software
- Li, JingJing
- Research on Virtual Three-Dimensional Clothing Styles and Fold Effect Show
- Li, Jingyuan
- The Multi-scale Model Study on Steel Latticed Arch
- Li, Juan
- Saddle Point Non-Singular Value Solution Based on Generalized Inverse Hermitian Triangulation and Split Iteration
- Li, Jun
- Finite Element Analysis for Optimization of Arch Dam Shape
- Li, Jun
- Maximum Entropy Model based on Feature Extraction for Sentiment Detection of Text
- Li, Ke
- Design of Special Underwater Measurement and Control System Based on Distributed Management
- Li, Li
- Multi Layer Hierarchical Fault Prediction Based on Multi Type Data Feature
- Li, Liang
- The Development and Application of Extensible Computer Network Design System
- Li, Lihong
- Analysis of In-Pipe Inspection Robot Structure Design
- Li, Maoyue
- Intelligent trajectory tracking vehicle based on image sensors
- Li, MeiZheng
- Operation Control for Tidal Stream Turbines
- Li, Ming
- Operation Control for Tidal Stream Turbines
- Li, Ning
- A Method of Information Resource Classification and Coding for Implementing Smart Residing Application System
- Li, Ning
- Numerical Simulation Study on Large Kitchen Oil Fume Purification Device
- Li, Qi
- Dynamic weight analysis of risk index during earth-rock dam construction
- Li, Shanshan
- Development of Seamless Rolling Machine for Solar Greenhouse
- Li, Shen
- Strength Analysis and Fatigue Life Prediction on Steering Knuckle
- Li, Shuting
- A Mathematical Method to Keep The Temperature In The Bathtub
- Li, Suming
- Study of Extraction for Web Pages Information Based on XML
- Li, Taisong
- Finite Element Analysis of Buffer Device in Large Erecting Hydraulic Cylinder Based on ANSYS
- Li, Ting
- Generator Looseness Fault Diagnosis Based on Time-Frequency Analysis
- Li, Ting
- A Novel Methodology of Product Design from Life-cycle Orientation
- Li, Wei
- The Intervention Plan of Water Resource
- Li, Xiang
- Reasarch of Architecture based BP Neural Network in Modeling of Sheave Buffer
- Li, Xianyu
- Technology Analysis and Application of Software Reuse to Electronic Information System
- Li, Xianyu
- Data Framework and Related Technologies of Electronic Information System
- Li, Xiaolu
- A DFS Model for Forecasting Stock Price
- Li, Xiaozhong
- Enterprise Knowledge Access Control Based on Colored Petri Net
- Li, Xiaozhong
- The Study of Improved Fault Petri Nets Diagnosis and Its Application
- Li, Xinge
- The development of designated driving application based on Android platform and Ali cloud sever
- Li, Xinge
- The Analysis of Water Supply Capacity Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation
- Li, Xingxin
- Research on Construction of New-Typed Equipment Green Maintenance Facility
- Li, Xingxin
- A Framework of the New-Typed Equipment Maintenance Support Information Management System
- Li, Xunhong
- Parameter optimization of LS-SVM base on PSO prediction of field intensity in mine tunnel
- Li, Yajie
- Economic Data Mining Research based on Complex Networks and factor analysis
- Li, Yamei
- Research on the Selection of Low Temperature Aluminum Heat Pipe Working Fluid
- Li, Yanxin
- Experimental research on the optimization scheme of protective device
- Li, Yilin
- The Water Deficits Prediction of SC and NC by Bayesian Network
- Li, Ying
- Analysis of Double Front Suspension for Mining Truck
- Li, YingXue
- A Bud Shaped Solar Heating Box
- Li, Yonghong
- Study on Computer Information Management Method in File Management
- Li, Yuxiang
- Stereo Matching Algorithm Based On Integration Of Multi-Measurement