Proceedings of the 67th TEFLIN International Virtual Conference & the 9th ICOELT 2021 (TEFLIN ICOELT 2021)
61 articles
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Authentic Assessment for Assessing Students’ Reading Skills at Senior High School
M. Zaim, Refnaldi, Yetty Zainil, Syifa Fauziah Irsyad
The 2013 curriculum required authentic assessment to assess students’ achievement in any subjects, including reading skills as one of the four language skills in achieving English as a foreign language in Indonesia. However, teachers still have problems in using authentic assessment to assess reading...
Proceedings Article
Syntatic Accuracy: EFL Learners in using Modals and Modality in Sikola Virtual Learning
Ainun Fatimah, Rezky Ramadhani, Andi Inayah Soraya
This purpose of this research is to determine modal and modality that used by students in particularly at level of syntactic then to reveal the percentage of students’ accuracy in answering modals and modality questions by using Sikola vitual learning as an online learning media in Covid-19 pandemic...
Proceedings Article
Exploring English Vocational High School Teachers’ Critical Incidents: A Case Study
Asih Santihastuti, Utami Widiati, Yazid Basthomi, Utari Praba Astuti
This study aims at identifying and exploring the critical incidents (CI) experienced by English vocational high school teachers. Their particular tasks, such as creating learning opportunities and resources that must meet the students’ specific needs, bring them some challenges and difficulties. Despite...
Proceedings Article
Inquiring English Teachers with Non-English Educational Backgrounds in Bali: Do They Know How to Teach English?
I.G.A. Lokita Purnamika Utami
The fact that Bali is an international tourism destination places the needs to teach English since an early age in Bali. However, research to date about English teachers of primary schools in Bali shows that not all of these teachers are holding English education qualification backgrounds. This qualitative...
Proceedings Article
The Perception of Students in Using ICT in ESP Course at the Faculty of Mathematics and Science of Universitas Negeri Padang
Darliza Listari, Yenni Rozimela
Information Communication and Technology (ICT) is a form of technology used for creating, displaying, storing, manipulating, and exchanging information to support teaching and learning activities. Since 2017, Universitas Negeri Padang using ICT as a teaching and learning media to improve the quality...
Proceedings Article
Enhancing English Speaking Skill by Using AFORN, an M-Learning Medium for Nursing Students
Desi Rochmawati, Ika Fathin Resti Martanti
Speaking skill is an English language competence that is very important for effective communication either in educational or professional environment. This skill is also required by students of Nursing Study Program to support their academic and professional development. However, students still have...
Proceedings Article
Graduate Students’ Ability in Constructing Coherence in the Review of Related Theories of Thesis Proposal
Dessy Atika Suri Hutasuhut, Muhammad Al Hafizh
Coherence is one of the elements that should be considered in writing, especially in writing a review of related theories of the thesis proposal. Furthermore, it is also known if the review of related theories is one of the main sections in the thesis proposal since the students’ understanding of the...
Proceedings Article
Flipped Classroom Model to Enhance Students’ Reading Comprehension
Desy Desmita Wulandari, Feni Munifatullah, Hery Yufrizal
Understanding texts means engaging the learners carefully into the text in such a way that they are filtering the information before consuming and discerning it as their understanding. This study aims to examine some different effects of two non-traditional approaches when they are applied in learning...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Perceptions of the Use of AI in a Writing Class
Dian Toar Y. G. Sumakul, Fuad Abdul Hamied, Didi Sukyadi
With its current developments, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has started to influence how teachers teach and how students learn, including the ones in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms. However, there have been debates on whether AI could be beneficial to students’ learning or not. One way...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Online Teaching during Pandemic and Its Problems in EFL Classrooms
Dian Yurnita Sari, Yetti Zainil
Due to the Pandemic situation, online teaching is recommended by the Indonesian government. However, the implementation of online teaching may still become a dilemma for English teachers since each school has different facilities, students’ and teachers’ competence, and schools’ different conditions....
Proceedings Article
Textbook Evaluation of English Learning Material at SMKN 1 Lembah Melintang
Dzulfia Eka Putri, Jufrizal Jufrizal
One source of English learning material is the textbook. Textbooks aren’t merely for teachers to utilize when they’re teaching or learning. Textbook aids learners in acquiring material linked to their English studies. This study attempted to evaluate the English learning material in textbooks, particularly...
Proceedings Article
Incorporating Flipped Learning in Teaching English Grammar for EFL Students Across Proficiency Levels
Arif Husein Lubis, Eri Rahmawati
Previous research has reported that flipped learning can enhance the students’ English skills and learning behaviors. However, some challenges remain mainly on the students’ ignorance and demotivation due to increased workload that should be accomplished. Moreover, empirical evidence on the benefits...
Proceedings Article
The Role of the Teacher-Student Relationship in Promoting English Language Learners’ Engagement for Online Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Eunae Kim, Lewinna Aguskin
In one classroom, students bring various motivations to learn English. However, not all motivations directly connect to their engagement in class. Since students’ engagement affects their learning and long-term success, it plays a significant role in Second Language Acquisition. Since March 2020, due...
Proceedings Article
ELT Students’ Communication Strategy on Speaking Performance Defined by Gender in Universitas Negeri Padang
Fadel Nur Irsyad, Ratmanida Ratmanida
The communication strategies implemented by ELT students may vary depending on their oral ability. This research aims to analyze the strategies most commonly used by English language learning male and female students and the communication strategies that affect their oral performance. English Department...
Proceedings Article
The Perceptions Towards the Implementation of Online Learning: A Study on ESP Teachers and Students of UNP
Fadhilah Fadhilah, Hamzah Hamzah
Online learning has been an important part of education and is claimed to offer unique benefits in the learning process. Although the online learning management system has been used by almost all of the academic community as one of the facilities in teaching and learning, some people still do not believe...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Speaking Ability on YouTube Video Project in Online Class during Covid19 Pandemic at Universitas Asahan
Fatin Amira, Zul Amri
In language learning, the learners need to acquire the knowledge of some skills such as speaking, writing, listening, and reading. Among the four skills, speaking is said to be a very important skill. It is a productive skill that people use for communication and used by the language learner more frequently...
Proceedings Article
Intrinsic Analysis and Types of Question Understanding in Solving Reading Comprehension Question
Rohani Ganie, Tengku Silvana Sinar, Fikry Prastya Syahputra
TOEFL purposes have developed in recent years, not only for educational needs but also for other needs, such as; job applicant requirements. Meanwhile, the examinee still considers TOEFL as a difficult test. Reading Comprehension appears as one of the sections in TOEFL. As a result of this phenomenon,...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Perception in Using E-Learning for English Writing Activity
Futia Mursela, Ratmanida Ratmanida
Applying of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) has played a major part in educational system. Besides, the canvas of English language teaching has also experienced in emerging technology into the classroom since it provides the platform to develop students’ second language learning. The kinds...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Implementation Higher Order Thinking Skills in Tasks and Test of English Subject at SMK Negeri 2 Padang
Ghina Zikra Winanda, Desvalini Anwar
Questions are often used to stimulate the recall of prior knowledge, build critical-thinking skills and promote comprehension. There are two of the classifications of questioning that can be used in formulating learning objectives, LOTs and HOTs. This study aimed to investigate the cognitive domain of...
Proceedings Article
Using Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) Strategy to Improve Students’ Writing Skill
Gita Sri Jayanti, Yenni Rozimela
Nowadays, students have very little interest in writing which is so important to fulfill education requirements. Students do not only lack of vocabularies but also lack of ideas and motivation. It makes them feel difficult to write. This difficulty can be seen from their low writing scores, and their...
Proceedings Article
Developing a Teacher Cognition on ICT Instrument: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Gusti Nur Hafifah, Francisca Maria Ivone, Bambang Yudi Cahyono
Teachers’ cognition (knowledge, belief, attitude, and self-efficacy) regarding ICT in ELT needs to be revealed to gain a more comprehensive understanding of their perspective and understanding of incorporating ICT into their everyday instructional activities. This study aims to create Teacher Cognition...
Proceedings Article
Engaging Early Childhood Learners of EFL through Balinese Folklore Picture Books during Distance Learning in Singaraja Bali
I Putu Yoga Purandina, Gusti Ayu Putu Diah Permata Sari AR
Balinese folklore is an attractive English learning medium for children. During distance learning, in several kindergartens in Singaraja, the teachers provided illustrated storybooks to children, in the form of Balinese folklore as reading material at home for the introduction of English as a foreign...
Proceedings Article
An Analysis of Students’ Speaking Ability in Class Presentation during Covid-19 Pandemic at IAIN Padangsidimpuan
Ilham Hakim, Zul Amri
The Covid-19 pandemic has great challenges in people’s life, including education. Physical distancing requires lecturers or teachers to do teaching and learning process through internet as the media. The use of e-learning is very important to support learning system by applying several platforms, such...
Proceedings Article
Webtoon Short Story in English Online Class: Students’ Perception
Sri Yuliani, Rezky Purnama Sari M
The enforcement of online learning system has led new coercion of circumstances in education. No preparation in such condition got the teachers shocked, thus might had sudden actions to prepare their online class by preparing varieties of media. Webtoon short story was one of the alternative media used...
Proceedings Article
A Closer Look at Collaborative Lesson Planning: Shaping Pre-Service Teachers Professional Identity in the Teaching Practice Program
Khoiriyah Khoiriyah, Utami Widiati, Bambang Yudi Cahyono
Extensive studies on teacher identity have been reported; however, little attention has been given to how pre-service teachers shape their professional identity in online teaching practice program. The present study examines EFL pre-service teachers’ professional identity situated in collaborative lesson...
Proceedings Article
Investigating Students’ Barriers in Young Adult Literature
Kiki Rizki Amelia, Fitri Novia
Young adult literature is authentic material that can be used with junior high school students. Nonetheless, students may find it difficult to read young adult literature as a source of information. The purpose of this research was to find out students’ difficulties in reading young adult literature....
Proceedings Article
EFL Students’ Writing Anxiety in Online Learning Environment during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Kurniasih Kurniasih, Bambang Yudi Cahyono, Utari Praba Astuti, Nunung Suryati
Research on writing anxiety has been widely done in an offline setting for many years. The results informed that students were at various levels of writing anxiety. Due to the global pandemic, language classrooms have been shifted into emergency remote learning. It is susceptible that students also experience...
Proceedings Article
The Students’ Writing Ability of Argumentative Essay at English Department of Universitas Negeri Padang
Liliana Harahap, Desvalini Anwar
Writing as a productive language skill take a part important role in the curriculum of English. In academic field, ideas are mostly conveyed through writing instead of speaking, because they are more visible and last longer in written form. Argumentative essay is one of the genres studied by students...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Perception of the Use of Google Classroom in Flipped English Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Liya Astarilla Dede Warman
This research aimed to investigate the students’ perception of the use of Google Classroom in flipped English learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study was descriptive quantitative and qualitative research. The data were collected through the questionnaire and interview. The participants of this...
Proceedings Article
Correlation Patterns among Online Reading, Offline Reading, Metacognitive Reading Strategy Awareness, and General English Proficiency
Merliyani Putri Anggraini, Bambang Yudi Cahyono, Mirjam Anugerahwati, Francisca Maria Ivone
Online reading has developed into a primary method of obtaining information in the digital era. Nevertheless, research that identifies factors contributing to EFL university students’ online reading comprehension success is limited. The study aimed to understand the relationship among three factors related...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Formative Assessment in the Textbook for Senior High School Grade XI
Miftahurrizki Habiburrahman, Edi Trisno
Formative assessment is one of kinds to assess the students. It aims to evaluate students’ achievement in learning English. Formative assessment also find in the textbook. Appropriate formative assessment has an important role in evaluating students’ achievement. Based on the explanation above, this...
Proceedings Article
Undergraduate Students’ Ability in Writing Argumentative Essay at Universitas Negeri Padang
Nikmah Hayati Tanjung, Muhammad Al Hafizh
Writing has a significant impact in determining students’ capability and quantity in academic activities in language learning at schools or colleges. One of the essays display in English academic writing is an argumentative essay. Writing an argumentative essay leads students to explore their opinions...
Proceedings Article
EFL Students’ Remote Learning Experience During the Covid-19 Pandemic Outbreak
Nuriyatul Hamidah, Ahmad Takhfif
As the school closure is implemented, it affects the way teaching and learning at educational institutions from elementary to higher education in Indonesia. This situation promotes what we call remote learning. This research aimed at discovering and comprehend the lived experience of college students...
Proceedings Article
Exploring Students’ Difficulties in Comprehending Exposition Text Towards POE Strategy
Ratna Nery, Fitri Novia
Reading is an important skill that students need to comprehend and interpret the content of an English text. Teaching reading at the junior high school level aims to improve students’ comprehension skills. The exposition text is one of the genres listed in the English curriculum for junior high school....
Proceedings Article
Think Aloud for Teaching Extensive Reading
Satyawati Surya, Dian Anggriyani
This research applies the Think Aloud Method for teaching Extensive Reading. This method has a purpose for not only improving comprehension, but also for assessing and monitoring students’ performance in presenting their ability on understanding passages. The students are trained to read, think, and...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Direct and Indirect Corrective Feedback on Students’ Writing Quality
Siti Mafulah, Yazid Basthomi
Giving feedback both direct and indirect is believed to help students write better. This paper aims to investigate whether there is an effect of direct corrective feedback on students’ writing quality. There were 26 students as participants. Each student was exposed to two different types of feedback,...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Speaking Activity on Zoom Application: A Need Analysis
Siti Maulida Kamaliyah, Yetti Zainil
The changes of the learning system from face-to-face classroom interaction to online learning system during the Covid-19 pandemic bring significant impact on the process of learning. Different activities of learning are required to be presented for the continuity of the learning process. These changes...
Proceedings Article
Developing and Validating the Metacognitive Awareness Speaking Questionnaire
Titis Sulistyowati, Januarius Mujiyanto, Dwi Rukmini, Rudi Hartono
Researchers investigate the impact of metacognition on language learning achievement and report that metacognition positively influences learners’ learning achievement. Instruments to measure learners’ metacognition have been developed to meet the needs. This article describes an instrument’s development...
Proceedings Article
Teacher’s Self-Efficacy on Designing Digital Material in E-Learning: A Case Study in a Vocational School
Untari G. Pertiwi, Evi A. Vebriyanti, Lusia M. Nurani, Dana Waskita
In this digital era, transforming the traditional classroom to the online environment becomes urgent, particularly during the COVID 19 pandemic. E-learning becomes an alternative platform for online learning as it provides space for the teacher to open, design, and manage a class. Designing digital material...
Proceedings Article
Undergraduate Students’ Ability in Constructing Cohesion in the Background of the Problem of Thesis
Yeli Eka Sintya, Muhammad Al Hafizh
The background of the problem is an important component of the thesis. Background of the problem is the first chapter of the thesis that contains the answers to what and why the research needs to be done. Making a background of the problem is not easy, college students are required to arrange ideas systematically...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Anxiety in Writing Introduction of Thesis Proposal at Universitas Muslim Nusantara Al-Washliyah Medan
Yulina Oktaviani Harahap, Hermawati Syarif
Writing is one of the skills in learning English that has to be mastered by students, especially at the tertiary level. Students are hoped to be able to write a thesis proposal, but anxiety obstructs students’ thesis proposal writing. Anxiety is a psychological factor that can effected the students’...
Proceedings Article
The Level of Students’ Anxiety in Speech at Universitas Muslim Nusantara Al- Washliyah Medan
Yulinda Oktaviana Harahap, Yenni Rozimela
The objective of the studies is to analyze of anxiety levels the students at sixth semester of English Department of Muslim Nusantara University in academic year 2020/2021. This research used a descriptive quantitative research design. The collected data were described and presented through a simple...
Proceedings Article
Thanking Expressions in Teaching and Learning Process at English Department of Pasir Pengaraian University
Eripuddin Eripuddin, Jufrizal Jufrizal, Agustina Agustina
The purposes of this study were to find out the kinds and the meaning of thanking expressions used by the multiculturalism students. The data was collected from 11 fourth-semester students. This study used descriptive qualitative. The instrument was a discourse completion test (DCT). The result showed...
Proceedings Article
Exploring the Implementation of Digital Tools in Online Classroom
Yentri Anggeraini
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the teaching process. From face-to-face learning to online learning with various conditions/locations between learners and teachers. This research aims to explore the implementation of digital tools in online classrooms. This is a case study that explores the teaching...
Proceedings Article
Considering Student’s Reading Interest in Developing Blended Reading Assessment in Higher Education
Yulmiati Yulmiati, Muhammad Zaim, Atmazaki Atmazaki
Students’ reading interest is important to know to develop reading assessment. By considering students’ reading interest, teacher can select material for assessment that was close to students’ favorite reading material and reading setting. This research is aim at identifying students’ reading interest...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Public Speaking Assessment for Persuasive Speech
Pipit Rahayu, Yenni Rozimela, Jufrizal Jufrizal
Public Speaking is an academic necessary for University Students. Public speaking is the process of giving the information, persuading the audience or attracting the hearers. This Paper reports the findings drawn from third-semester students’ skill in public speaking. The aims of this study were to reveal...
Proceedings Article
Complexities of Online Thesis Supervision during the Covid-19 Pandemic: EFL Lecturers’ Perceptions
Lastika Ary Prihandoko, Djatmika Djatmika, Joko Nurkamto
The Covid-19 outbreak has resulted in the transformation of EFL undergraduate thesis supervision from offline to online, bringing with it its inherent complexities. Hence, this qualitative study sought to investigate the complexities associated with online EFL thesis supervision from the lecturers’ perspective....
Proceedings Article
Lecturer Supervisors’ Perspectives on Challenges in Online Thesis Supervision
Djatmika Djatmika, Lastika Ary Prihandoko, Joko Nurkamto
The Covid-19 epidemic has resulted in an offline-to-online shift in EFL undergraduate thesis supervision, with all of its associated difficulties. As a result, this qualitative study used a constructivist epistemology to look at the challenges of online EFL thesis supervision from the perspective of...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Learning Material in the Textbook for Senior High School Grade XI
Zahrina Ulfa, Edi Trisno
Textbook is important in the process of teaching and learning because it is used by the students and teachers in the classroom. It helps students to get information related to the learning especially in learning English. Appropriate textbook is important thing for senior high school during the teaching...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Virtual Board Games in Teaching Speaking to the Undergraduate Students
Faishol Hadi, Achmad Anang Darmawan
The aim of this study is to know the implementation of virtual board games teaching media in teaching speaking. The writer also conducted this study to investigate whether virtual board games teaching media was able to make the students have active engagement in spoken activity. The participants of this...
Proceedings Article
Critical Meaning Making through SFL-Informed TBLT Instructions: A Design-Based Research
Nurhadianty Rahayu, Hikmah Pravitasari
Design-based research (DBR)’s use in education research is flourishing since it enables teachers and researchers to collaboratively work to improve, implement, and provide a constructive learning environment. Plethora of studies utilize the methodology to design and develop macro pedagogic documents,...
Proceedings Article
Teachers’ and Students’ Needs for Authentic Assessment for Speaking Skills in Online Learning
Syifa Fauziah Irsyad, M. Zaim
Online learning is one of the learning methods applied by the government in the pandemic situation. In the 2013 curriculum, authentic assessment of English subjects is the most important part in assessing students’ authentic skills including speaking skills. However, authentic assessment has experienced...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Learning Literary Work in Enhancing the Awareness of Loving Nature
Nahdhiyah Nahdhiyah, Fathu Rahman, Mustafa Makkah, Herawaty Herawaty
The literary research is inspired by nature of literature as dulce et utile, namely beautiful and teach about something. Literary language does not only give beauty but also teaches the value behind the beautiful language. This research discusses about the role of learning literary work in enhanching...
Proceedings Article
Virtual Café: Equitizing Online Learning within Active and Meaningful Community of Learning in the EFL Content Subjects
Ni Made Wahyu Suganti Cahyani, Made Hery Santosa
Emergency remote learning has led students and teachers to interact in distance by the involvement of media, platforms and learning strategies within a full virtual learning community. This study aims to investigate community of online learning in the E-learning class and how this can humanise the online...
Proceedings Article
Reading Difficulties in Narrative Text through “Edmodo” at Vocational High School
Interpreting information of a language through the medium of printing refers to reading as a process of receiving massages. This study is aimed at analyzing Edmodo application of learning narrative text at vocational high school with an interview as data collection technique. Using Edmodo application...
Proceedings Article
A Case Study on Male and Female Lecturers’ Strategies in Teaching Speaking Skill at Tertiary Education Context
Herlina Daddi, Nurdevi Bte Abdul
This study aims at exploring lecturers’ strategies in teaching speaking skill at university context. The participants were one male lecturer and one female lecturer. The data were collected by conducting observations and interviews. The research findings showed Lecturer A focused the class on accuracy...
Proceedings Article
Reading-Based Writing: A Model to Foster EFL Learners’ Academic Writing Skill
Yenni Rozimela, Desvalini Anwar, Ririn Ovilia, Ainul Addinna
Writing is often regarded as a difficult skill to acquire by majority of EFL learners. Teaching writing is also unquestionably challenging. It is argued that an essential effort to enable learners to write better is to assign them to explore as much information through reading topic and genre- related...
Proceedings Article
An Analysis of Platforms in Blended Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic to Improve Speaking Skill in ELT Classroom
Winny Berliana, Havid Ardi
The purpose of this research as descriptive research was to find out the platforms which students used in blended learning during Covid-19 pandemic, particularly the platform in improving speaking skill. The samples of this research were 7 students from XI Science and Social class, and also 4 English...
Proceedings Article
The Level of Students’ Ability in Translating Report Text from Indonesian into English at Universitas Negeri Padang
Annisa Tasyakurna. M, Hermawati Syarif
Translation is an ability that has to be mastered by the students especially to translate report text from Indonesian into English. Report text is one of the genres that should be translated by the students. It aims to analyze students’ ability in translating report text. Translating report text is also...
Proceedings Article
Donald Trump’s Vocabulary Selection Strategy in a Public Speech for the First Time Since Covid-19 Diagnosis
Arini Hidayah, Widyashanti Kunthara Anindhita
This study applied a critical discourse analysis approach to Donald Trump’s speech at his first public event since being diagnosed with Covid-19. The objective of this research is to describe the vocabulary selection strategy used by Donald Trump in his first public speech since being diagnosed with...
Proceedings Article
Semantic Analysis of Hyponymy in the Short Story “My Hero is You (How Kids Can Fight Covid-19)” By IASC
Lailan Syafrina Dewi
The goals of the study were to determine which hyponymy category was the most frequent and which was the infrequent in the short tale of “My Hero is You (How Kids Can Fight Covid-19)”created by IASC. The descriptive qualitative method was used in this study. The data was examined by breaking down substance...