Proceedings of the 2nd Semarang International Conference on Counseling and Educational Psychology (SICCEP 2023)
94 authors
- Adiwinata, Anne Hafina
- Creative Arts in Career Counseling Activities
- Afriwilda, Mayang T.
- Self-Criticism of Vocational High School Students in Semarang: A Descriptive Study
- Afriyati, Vira
- Alleviating Problems with Catharsis on Social Media (Critical Study of Cyber Counseling in Gen-Z)
- Afriyati, Vira
- Creative Arts in Career Counseling Activities
- Aji, Nawang Purbo
- Self-Criticism of Vocational High School Students in Semarang: A Descriptive Study
- Ama, Roy Gustaf Tupen
- Optimism and Work Engagement in Female High School Teachers
- Amelia, Tantri
- Mind Skills: How can it contribute to a counselor’s Self-Compassion?
- Amin, Zakki Nurul
- Assessing Study Program Success: A Systematical Review of Satisfaction System Development
- Antika, Eni Rindi
- Mind Skills: How can it contribute to a counselor’s Self-Compassion?
- Antika, Eni Rindi
- Self-Criticism of Vocational High School Students in Semarang: A Descriptive Study
- Ariani, Winda Ade
- Alleviating Problems with Catharsis on Social Media (Critical Study of Cyber Counseling in Gen-Z)
- Ariyanto, Fajar Luqman Tri
- Management of School Learning Based on Madura Local Wisdom Applications in the Freedom to Learn Era
- Astuti, Budi
- The Development of Short Film Media to Increase Tolerance in High School Students
- Basuki, Agus
- The Development of Outbound Technical Counseling Module for Group Counseling to Increase Student Confidence
- Basuki, Agus
- The Development of Dartboard Media to Increase Interest in Continuing Studies Junior High School Student
- Benu, Kristin Melliyati
- Self-Criticism of Vocational High School Students in Semarang: A Descriptive Study
- Choiro, Umu Da’watul
- Management of School Learning Based on Madura Local Wisdom Applications in the Freedom to Learn Era
- Fatima, Ary Ayu
- Management of Double Track Program for Empowerment of the Entreprenuerial Skills at Rural High Schools
- Febrianty, Lusiana Hadi
- Teacher Quality Improvement Strategy at SDIT Permata Mojokerto
- Fitria, Anis
- Management of School Learning Based on Madura Local Wisdom Applications in the Freedom to Learn Era
- Fitriana, Siti
- Classification Test Forming Academic Resilience in Final Year Students
- Fitriyono, Angga
- Analysis of the Use of “Cakra” Loose Part Media in Stimulating Children’s Fine Motoric Ability
- Getha, Gabby
- Strategies for Improving the Quality Of Education In Sdn 002 Malinau City And Sdn 002 West Malinau, Malinau District
- Hariyadi, Sigit
- Self-Criticism of Vocational High School Students in Semarang: A Descriptive Study
- Hartanti, Jahju
- Academic Resilience of Madurese Students at Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya
- Hartono, Rudi
- Assessing Study Program Success: A Systematical Review of Satisfaction System Development
- Herawati, Anna Ayu
- Alleviating Problems with Catharsis on Social Media (Critical Study of Cyber Counseling in Gen-Z)
- Husna, Ruuhuly Ikbari
- The Development of Short Film Media to Increase Tolerance in High School Students
- Jannah, Nurul
- Alleviating Problems with Catharsis on Social Media (Critical Study of Cyber Counseling in Gen-Z)
- Karomah, Anggun
- Analysis of the Performance of Education Personnel to Improve Services (Quantitative and Qualitative Study)
- Kartikasari, Widya
- Alleviating Problems with Catharsis on Social Media (Critical Study of Cyber Counseling in Gen-Z)
- Kholiq, Abdul
- Analysis of the Performance of Education Personnel to Improve Services (Quantitative and Qualitative Study)
- Kristinawati, Agus Sholikhah
- Optimism and Work Engagement in Female High School Teachers
- Kurniawan, Kusnarto
- Analysis of the Performance of Education Personnel to Improve Services (Quantitative and Qualitative Study)
- Kurniawan, Kusnarto
- Team-Based Project as a Strategy to Increase Student Career Engagement
- Lathifah, Alvia Ainil
- Mind Skills: How can it contribute to a counselor’s Self-Compassion?
- Lathifah, Alvia Ainil
- Self-Criticism of Vocational High School Students in Semarang: A Descriptive Study
- Listyaningrum, Anggia
- Management of School Learning Based on Madura Local Wisdom Applications in the Freedom to Learn Era
- Muhammad, Nur Hilmi Insan
- Assessing Study Program Success: A Systematical Review of Satisfaction System Development
- Mulawarman, Mulawarman
- Self-Criticism of Vocational High School Students in Semarang: A Descriptive Study
- Mulyawati, Vira
- Self-Criticism of Vocational High School Students in Semarang: A Descriptive Study
- Munawaroh, Eem
- Peer-Review Statements
- Muslikah, Muslikah
- Analysis of the Performance of Education Personnel to Improve Services (Quantitative and Qualitative Study)
- Mu’allifah, Hanif
- The Development of Psychoeducational Groups to Increase Understanding of Anti-Sexual Harassment in Middle School Students in Yogyakarta
- Ngwira, Flemmings Fishani
- Team-Based Project as a Strategy to Increase Student Career Engagement
- Niswah, Nilna Aula
- Self-Criticism of Vocational High School Students in Semarang: A Descriptive Study
- Nugraheni, Edwindha Prafitra
- Team-Based Project as a Strategy to Increase Student Career Engagement
- Nurajizah, Nuni
- The Development of Dartboard Media to Increase Interest in Continuing Studies Junior High School Student
- Nurihsan, Juntika
- Cognitive Behavioral Play Counseling Based On “Andai-Andai” To Increase Resilience
- Nurjanah, Afriliana Dwi
- Assertive Behavior and Academic Procrastination in Working Students
- Nusantara, Boby Ardhian
- Analysis of the Performance of Education Personnel to Improve Services (Quantitative and Qualitative Study)
- Pasmawati, Hermi
- Alleviating Problems with Catharsis on Social Media (Critical Study of Cyber Counseling in Gen-Z)
- Pawenang, Eram Tunggul
- Assessing Study Program Success: A Systematical Review of Satisfaction System Development
- Prangbakat, Nursan
- Development of Individual Learning Plan Program Assessments
- Prastowo, Fuji Riang
- The Role of Counselor Lecturers in Learning Resilience for Indonesian College Students with Mental Health Problems An Autoethnographic Reflection on Mental Health Advocacy
- Pratama, Mochamad Rizqi Adhi
- Assessing Study Program Success: A Systematical Review of Satisfaction System Development
- Prayogo, Prayogo
- Academic Resilience of Madurese Students at Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya
- Prihandoko, Yogi
- Early Adolescent Happiness Levels in a Rural Wetland Environment
- Pujianti, Resa
- Mind Skills: How can it contribute to a counselor’s Self-Compassion?
- Purwanta, Edi
- The Development of Career Information Service Models by Google Sites to Improve Career Planning Ability of High School Students
- Purwanto, Edy
- Classification Test Forming Academic Resilience in Final Year Students
- Putri, Noviani Achmad
- Assessing Study Program Success: A Systematical Review of Satisfaction System Development
- Rachman, Ali
- Early Adolescent Happiness Levels in a Rural Wetland Environment
- Raharja, Setya
- Strategies for Improving the Quality Of Education In Sdn 002 Malinau City And Sdn 002 West Malinau, Malinau District
- Rahmawati, Rizka Lailatul
- Analysis of the Use of “Cakra” Loose Part Media in Stimulating Children’s Fine Motoric Ability
- Romadoni, M. Wahyu
- The Development of Dartboard Media to Increase Interest in Continuing Studies Junior High School Student
- Sandri, Noor Adi
- Early Adolescent Happiness Levels in a Rural Wetland Environment
- Sanyata, Sigit
- The Development of Psychoeducational Groups to Increase Understanding of Anti-Sexual Harassment in Middle School Students in Yogyakarta
- Sari, Intan
- Alleviating Problems with Catharsis on Social Media (Critical Study of Cyber Counseling in Gen-Z)
- Sari, Nina Permata
- Exploring the Potential Utilization of Artificial Intelligence to Support the Implementation of Guidance and Counseling in Indonesian Schools
- Sari, Syska Purnama
- Cognitive Behavioral Play Counseling Based On “Andai-Andai” To Increase Resilience
- Sari, Yunita
- The Development of Career Information Service Models by Google Sites to Improve Career Planning Ability of High School Students
- Saripah, Ipah
- Cognitive Behavioral Play Counseling Based On “Andai-Andai” To Increase Resilience
- Septiarti, Serafin Wisni
- Management of Double Track Program for Empowerment of the Entreprenuerial Skills at Rural High Schools
- Setiawan, Antonius Ian Bayu
- The Development of Short Film Media to Increase Tolerance in High School Students
- Setiawan, Antonius Ian Bayu
- The Development of Psychoeducational Groups to Increase Understanding of Anti-Sexual Harassment in Middle School Students in Yogyakarta
- Setiawan, Antonius Ian Bayu
- The Development of Career Information Service Models by Google Sites to Improve Career Planning Ability of High School Students
- Setiawan, Muhammad Andri
- Exploring the Potential Utilization of Artificial Intelligence to Support the Implementation of Guidance and Counseling in Indonesian Schools
- Setyadharma, Andryan
- Assessing Study Program Success: A Systematical Review of Satisfaction System Development
- Sofiana, Annisa
- Development of Individual Learning Plan Program Assessments
- Suherman, Uman
- Creative Arts in Career Counseling Activities
- Sukarni, Sukarni
- The Development of Outbound Technical Counseling Module for Group Counseling to Increase Student Confidence
- Sunawan, Sun awan
- Classification Test Forming Academic Resilience in Final Year Students
- Sunawan, Sunawan
- Team-Based Project as a Strategy to Increase Student Career Engagement
- Tsani, Yasmin Meilana
- Self-Criticism of Vocational High School Students in Semarang: A Descriptive Study
- Tsani, Yasmin Meilana
- Analysis of the Performance of Education Personnel to Improve Services (Quantitative and Qualitative Study)
- Utomo, Dian Purbo
- Analysis of the Performance of Education Personnel to Improve Services (Quantitative and Qualitative Study)
- Wangid, Muhammad Nur
- Development of Individual Learning Plan Program Assessments
- Wibowo, Mungin Eddy
- Classification Test Forming Academic Resilience in Final Year Students
- Widyayanti, Neni
- Assertive Behavior and Academic Procrastination in Working Students
- Winarno, Adi
- Academic Resilience of Madurese Students at Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya
- Yuandana, Tarich
- Analysis of the Use of “Cakra” Loose Part Media in Stimulating Children’s Fine Motoric Ability
- Yuniar, Dias Putri
- Management of School Learning Based on Madura Local Wisdom Applications in the Freedom to Learn Era
- Yustiana, Yusi Riksa
- Cognitive Behavioral Play Counseling Based On “Andai-Andai” To Increase Resilience