Proceedings of the 2nd Semarang International Conference on Counseling and Educational Psychology (SICCEP 2023)
27 articles
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Eem Munawaroh
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 2nd Semarang International Conference on Counseling and Educational Psychology during on date 29 August 2023 in Dafam Hotel Semarang City. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and approved...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Counselor Lecturers in Learning Resilience for Indonesian College Students with Mental Health Problems An Autoethnographic Reflection on Mental Health Advocacy
Fuji Riang Prastowo
Awareness about mental health in Indonesia in the past decade has led to an increased understanding of college students who experience mental health problems getting psychological or psychiatric treatment during the study process at the university. The most significant gap in the education system at...
Proceedings Article
Academic Resilience of Madurese Students at Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya
Jahju Hartanti, Prayogo Prayogo, Adi Winarno
Following the pandemic, students’ academic adaptability in several kinds of study programmes deteriorated. As a result, student academic achievement throughout many lectures decreased. The objective of this study was to identify the characteristics of academic resilience among Madura students studying...
Proceedings Article
Alleviating Problems with Catharsis on Social Media (Critical Study of Cyber Counseling in Gen-Z)
Hermi Pasmawati, Intan Sari, Vira Afriyati, Anna Ayu Herawati, Widya Kartikasari, Winda Ade Ariani, Nurul Jannah
Social media is one alternative for many people to complain, and convey what is being experienced and felt. Both teenagers, adults, and even the elderly and children show self-existence, seeking satisfaction, justification and social support from familiar audiences called netizens. The expectation of...
Proceedings Article
Creative Arts in Career Counseling Activities
Vira Afriyati, Uman Suherman, Anne Hafina Adiwinata
This research aims to analyze role art creatively in the context of career counseling through literature review approach. In an era of dynamics Jobs are increasingly developing, career counseling is becoming increasingly important to help individual in coping their career challenges. In this study, we...
Proceedings Article
Mind Skills: How can it contribute to a counselor’s Self-Compassion?
Eni Rindi Antika, Alvia Ainil Lathifah, Resa Pujianti, Tantri Amelia
Counselors are professional helpers who need to meet qualifications and competencies. There is a counselor’s character that can support professional counseling services, which is “self-compassion.” “Self-compassion” is a state of being open, understanding one’s suffering, and not trying to avoid it....
Proceedings Article
Management of Double Track Program for Empowerment of the Entreprenuerial Skills at Rural High Schools
Ary Ayu Fatima, Serafin Wisni Septiarti
High school students in their education learn science and technology with the hope that the government expects them to continue their studies at the university level. However, there is a gap between this expectation and the reality in rural high schools, where many graduates do not pursue higher education....
Proceedings Article
Strategies for Improving the Quality Of Education In Sdn 002 Malinau City And Sdn 002 West Malinau, Malinau District
Gabby Getha, Setya Raharja
The aims of this research are (1) a strategy for improving the quality of teacher human resources. (2) Strategy curriculum quality improvement. (3) Facility quality improvement strategy. (4) Effective strategy. In this study using a qualitative research approach using a type of phenomenology whose data...
Proceedings Article
Development of Individual Learning Plan Program Assessments
Nursan Prangbakat, Muhammad Nur Wangid, Annisa Sofiana
The benefits of individual learning plans (ILP) for students: (a) make decisions about their own learning style; (b) understand and how they will plan in the future; (c) giving confidence to students in setting goals for the future; (d) identify and understand learning barriers; and (e) measure the success...
Proceedings Article
Early Adolescent Happiness Levels in a Rural Wetland Environment
Ali Rachman, Yogi Prihandoko, Noor Adi Sandri
In early adolescence, the level of happiness of a teenager can influence psychological development, learning outcomes, self-esteem, ability to control oneself, emotional intelligence, and learning motivation. Identifying the level of happiness in early adolescence can be a reference for tackling the...
Proceedings Article
Management of School Learning Based on Madura Local Wisdom Applications in the Freedom to Learn Era
Dias Putri Yuniar, Fajar Luqman Tri Ariyanto, Anis Fitria, Umu Da’watul Choiro, Anggia Listyaningrum
In the era of Merdeka Belajar, education in Indonesia is increasingly encouraging the development of innovative, inclusive, and locally-based learning. One relevant approach is the implementation of school learning management based on the local wisdom of Madura. The local wisdom of Madura holds great...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Outbound Technical Counseling Module for Group Counseling to Increase Student Confidence
Sukarni Sukarni, Agus Basuki
Confidence is an attitude of trust and confidence in one's ability to be able to socialize well and help oneself to see positively and realistically about oneself. Based on the results of an initial survey conducted by researchers on 392 students, as many as 77.7% of students stated that they felt...
Proceedings Article
Self-Criticism of Vocational High School Students in Semarang: A Descriptive Study
Mulawarman Mulawarman, Eni Rindi Antika, Sigit Hariyadi, Mayang T. Afriwilda, Kristin Melliyati Benu, Nilna Aula Niswah, Yasmin Meilana Tsani, Alvia Ainil Lathifah, Nawang Purbo Aji, Vira Mulyawati
Self-criticism can have a positive impact on the self as material for self-evaluation. However, excessive self-criticism can have a negative impact on an individual's mental health. This study was conducted to determine the level of self-criticism of vocational students in Semarang City. The method...
Proceedings Article
Exploring the Potential Utilization of Artificial Intelligence to Support the Implementation of Guidance and Counseling in Indonesian Schools
Muhammad Andri Setiawan, Nina Permata Sari
This literature review examines the potential use of artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance guidance and counseling services in Indonesian schools. The background highlights the significance of effective counseling in promoting students’ well- being and academic success. The research objectives are...
Proceedings Article
Teacher Quality Improvement Strategy at SDIT Permata Mojokerto
Lusiana Hadi Febrianty
The purpose of this paper is to identify the implementation of strategies to improve the quality of educators in the Mojokerto Integrated Islamic Elementary School Educational Institution. A literature review has been carried out on school vision as a reference in improving the quality of education....
Proceedings Article
Assessing Study Program Success: A Systematical Review of Satisfaction System Development
Rudi Hartono, Andryan Setyadharma, Eram Tunggul Pawenang, Zakki Nurul Amin, Noviani Achmad Putri, Mochamad Rizqi Adhi Pratama, Nur Hilmi Insan Muhammad
This systematic review investigates the pivotal role of satisfaction system development in assessing the success of study programs. With a growing emphasis on superior accreditation and international standards, the study aims to comprehensively analyze the existing literature on satisfaction system development...
Proceedings Article
Classification Test Forming Academic Resilience in Final Year Students
Siti Fitriana, Mungin Eddy Wibowo, Edy Purwanto, Sun awan Sunawan
Academic problems in completing thesis are often faced by students from simple to complex problems, such as understanding the material that will be used as scientific work, always getting revise from supervisors, low motivation, and other difficulties up to thesis examination which is often to be something...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Short Film Media to Increase Tolerance in High School Students
Ruuhuly Ikbari Husna, Antonius Ian Bayu Setiawan, Budi Astuti
Build an attitude of tolerance is something that is really needed, especially among students. The data shown through research by the Wahid Foundation in 2019 shows that 61.3% in Indonesia have intolerance problems between groups. The results of the 2018 national survey show that 56.9% of school teachers...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Psychoeducational Groups to Increase Understanding of Anti-Sexual Harassment in Middle School Students in Yogyakarta
Hanif Mu’allifah, Antonius Ian Bayu Setiawan, Sigit Sanyata
Sexual harassment behavior based on data from the Komnas Perempuan Indonesia has increased from year to year. Most victims of sexual harassment are in the 14–17year range who fall into the category of teenagers. Sexual harassment behavior by junior high school students is still considered taboo. Then,...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Dartboard Media to Increase Interest in Continuing Studies Junior High School Student
M. Wahyu Romadoni, Agus Basuki, Nuni Nurajizah
Ideally junior high school students know and understand information about the specialization of study continuation well in order to support the level of continuation of study to the next level, the fact is that there are still many students who do not understand information about the specialization of...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Performance of Education Personnel to Improve Services (Quantitative and Qualitative Study)
Muslikah Muslikah, Boby Ardhian Nusantara, Kusnarto Kurniawan, Dian Purbo Utomo, Abdul Kholiq, Yasmin Meilana Tsani, Anggun Karomah
An organization is defined as a collection of people, the process of division of labor between these people, and the existence of a system of cooperation or social system among these people. One part of the educational organization on campus is the education staff. The objective of this research is to...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Use of “Cakra” Loose Part Media in Stimulating Children’s Fine Motoric Ability
Tarich Yuandana, Angga Fitriyono, Rizka Lailatul Rahmawati
The attractiveness of media in learning activities is an attraction that can liven up the atmosphere of early childhood learning, especially if the media has benefits in stimulating aspects of early childhood development. It is important to stimulate children’s fine motor skills because they will have...
Proceedings Article
Assertive Behavior and Academic Procrastination in Working Students
Afriliana Dwi Nurjanah, Neni Widyayanti
Academic procrastination is a behavior of delaying academic assignments that can be found in every student, especially in students who study while working. So to achieve low procrastination, students must have an assertive attitude. This study aims to determine the relationship between assertive behavior...
Proceedings Article
Optimism and Work Engagement in Female High School Teachers
Agus Sholikhah Kristinawati, Roy Gustaf Tupen Ama
Work engagement is an important thing that must be owned by teachers, especially female teachers in carrying out the functions of educational goals in an institution, especially high schools. So to achieve high work engagement, female teachers must have an optimistic attitude. This study aims to determine...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Career Information Service Models by Google Sites to Improve Career Planning Ability of High School Students
Yunita Sari, Edi Purwanta, Antonius Ian Bayu Setiawan
One of the tasks of adolescent self-development that must be achieved is being able to choose and prepare for a career. However, the lack of provision of information services and the lack of existing media makes students’ understanding of careers limited. Preliminary research data at 3 high schools in...
Proceedings Article
Team-Based Project as a Strategy to Increase Student Career Engagement
Kusnarto Kurniawan, Sunawan Sunawan, Edwindha Prafitra Nugraheni, Flemmings Fishani Ngwira
This study aimed to test the effectiveness of team-based projects to increase students’ career engagement. The research subjects were selected by Semarang State University students (N = 28). This study used a one-group pretest posttest design. This research instrument uses a career engagement scale....
Proceedings Article
Cognitive Behavioral Play Counseling Based On “Andai-Andai” To Increase Resilience
Syska Purnama Sari, Juntika Nurihsan, Yusi Riksa Yustiana, Ipah Saripah
Resilience originated from a study on children who are at risk, from this study it was found that one-third of children who live at risk can survive and adapt to the various kinds of problems and risks they face. Every individual can survive which is called resilience. For this reason, the role of Guidance...