Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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81546 articles
Proceedings Article

Development of Internal Quality Assurance Equal Education

Graduates of equivalency education have not got a place equal to graduates of schooling education. There are several agencies and colleges that have not received the package graduates to work or continue. The national standard of equality education aimed at improving the quality of graduates is not fully...
Proceedings Article

Basketball Player’s Explosive Force Training Skills

Yiming Zou
The explosive force is one of comprehensive abilities combining strength and speed, and it gets the comprehensive characteristics of strength and speed. This paper, based on the distinct characteristics of basketball sports and the factors influencing the basketball player’s explosive force, discusses...
Proceedings Article

The Rapid Development Strategies of China New Energy under the Concept of Low-carbon Economy

Fengbin Xie
Energy depletion and environmental degradation have become major threats to human sustainable development and low-carbon economy emerges at the historic moment. Development of low-carbon economy is suitable for the international background. Moreover, it is an inevitable choice of economic development...
Proceedings Article

Are the Users Own Formal Roles of Authority Most Influenced in the Social Mieda -Based on the Snamethod

Qian Chen
The emergency of Chinese new-farmer group has become a widespread phenomenon in the agriculture economy. The most significant characteristic of new-farmer is their embededinterntet gene,that is ,they acquireand speared knowledge, ideas and information through internet, sales agriculture products on various...
Proceedings Article

The Teaching Model Reform of the Local Colleges and Universities under the Background of MOOC Era

Qing Liu
As a new teaching mode, MOOC has a variety of advantages beyond the traditional teaching mode, which has produced profound influence on the traditional teaching mode. Today,great changes have taken place in student groups and social needs, the traditional teachingmode has been difficult to adapt to the...
Proceedings Article

Exploration and Analysis of the Reform of English Teaching Mode in Division Classroom in Colleges and Universities Under the Network Environment

Yan Zhang
Aiming at the main problems existing in college English classrooms, combined with the advantages of lecture-based classrooms and discussion-style classrooms, a new model of classroom teaching reform called “division classroom” was proposed. The core idea of the division classroom is to allocate half...
Proceedings Article

The Path and Strategy of Linkage Development of Vocational Education Group and Regional Economy

Jie Liu
In the process of deepening education reform comprehensively, China’s related departments have conducted a proper exploration on the collectivization school-running model of vocational education group, and have achieved phase results. However, compared with the developed countries, we still stay at a...
Proceedings Article

The Role of University in Empowerment of Clean Living for Anticipating the Spread of Covid-19 at East Java

Sri Setyo Iriani, Janet Trineke Manoy, Vega Candra Dinata, Irfa Ronaboyd
Various efforts have been made by people around the world to anticipating the spread of the Coronavirus Diseas 19 (Covid-19) which is now considered very dangerous and deadly in a very fast time. The Indonesian government has made prevention by conducting social distacing to PSBB (large-scale social...
Proceedings Article

The Research on the Plight of Chinese Mobile Game Development and the Development Direction in Future

Yang Hu
As the rapid development of internet and mobile internet in China. Chinese game industry also once entered the rapid growth period. Meanwhile, the revenue of mobile game market is account for over 70% of all Chinese game industry, mobile game is the main part that various Chinese game companies are emphasis...
Proceedings Article

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Ways of Agricultural Mechanization Majors

Junzheng Wang, Yahong Liang, Jingli Wang
"Long-term Education Reform and Development Plan" (2010-2020) calls for strengthening college students innovation and entrepreneurship education and employment guidance services. With the innovative economic model, the demand for innovative entrepreneurial talent is rising. However, the cultivation of...
Proceedings Article

Research on relationship of network embeddedness and logistics enterprises service innovation performance—based on the dynamic capability

Xue Tian, Caiyun Zheng, Xiaoyi Li, Yingying Liu, Weipeng Si, Jianglong Yang
This paper integrates the theory of network embeddedness and dynamic capability effectively. From the view of structural embeddedness and relational embeddedness, a conceptual model which network embeddedness has impacts on logistics’ service innovation performance is built and a series of assumptions...
Proceedings Article

Research on Constitute Factors Affecting Post-graduate Education Quality in Sports of Comprehensive University

Ming Yang
Take part of the university post-graduate in sports as research objects. From four aspects of school selection, curriculum, instructors team-building and teaching & research environment to analyze the main factors affecting the education quality of post-graduate in sports of comprehensive university....
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Relationship Among Production, Supply-marketing and Mutual Fund Cooperatives: A Case Study of China

Hua Guo, Yu Zhang, Houjian Li
Since the unbalance of the supply and demand of the rural finance in China's rural areas , the pilot cooperative of mutual fund were put forward. Sichuan Province which located in the southwest China, is now the frontier of the rural revolution, and keep on exploring in practice, and gradually worked...
Proceedings Article

Features of Entrepreneurial Activity in the Russian Tourism and Hospitality Industry

Mikhail Morozov, Natalia Morozova
The article discusses the features of the organization of Russian entrepreneurship in the tourism industry and the hotel industry. It is shown that the main features are associated with the institutional infrastructure of entrepreneurship. The factors affecting the entrepreneurial infrastructure in tourism...
Proceedings Article

The Correlations Among Anxiety, Self-Efficacy, and Performance of Speaking at State Junior High Schools of Talang Ubi Sub-District

Novi Amelia, Indawan Syahri
The study’s objectives were to evaluate whether or not there was a significant relationship between anxiety, self-efficacy, and speaking performance. This study’s population consisted of all 3089 students from state Junior High Schools in the Talang Ubi sub-district. This study’s sample size was 90 students...
Proceedings Article

Study on Coordinated Development of Urbanization and Agricultural Land Resources

Shuyuan Xing
History shows that the process of urbanization and outside the presence of urbanization development and land very close relationship, how important aspects of the land use management will be the impact of the urbanization process. With the development of urbanization construction, land use management...
Proceedings Article

Methodology for the Economic Assessment of Biodiversity: Collisions of Ecological Views

Kulzhanat Bulatbayeva, Vladimir Falko, Alexander Mislavsky, Zhanna Ospanova
Biodiversity conservation requires the development and application of methods for its economic assessment. The methodology of such an assessment, based on a system-philosophical analysis of the ecological views typology, allows estimating the relationship of man to nature and developing methods for the...
Proceedings Article

Sign Language Skills of Teachers in the Subject of Islamic Education

Mohd Hanafi Mohd Yasin, Mohd Isa Hamzah, Mohd Jasmy Abd. Rahman, Zokepeli Harun, Yusuf Daud, Rabaishah Azirun, Siti Nur Wahida Rosli, Nur Kamariah Ensimau
This study aims to examine the extent of the sign language skills of teachers teaching Islamic Education subjects. Apart from that, this study also reviews 3 aspects, namely teaching strategies, teacher communication, and teaching aids. Two Islamic Education teachers and 30 students with hearing loss...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Influence of TikTok on Teenagers

Jiahong Guo
Nowadays, along with the vast development of social media, such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. More and more new social networking softwares have come to the public’s mind. For example, TikTok. TikTok is an application that is available for everyone to publish their videos, and the length of the...
Proceedings Article

Health and Halal of Sea Products: Legal Perspective Halal Product Assurance

Arief Budiono, Dewi Iriani, Sofyan Wimbo Agung Pradnyawan, Ayesha Hendriana Ngestiningrum, Abdullah Mamun, Muhammad Amin Hanafi
Seafood products are a new trend in modern society, where people are starting to realize the great benefits of seafood and seafood products in the form of food, cosmetics, and health products from seafood, even though seafood tends to be cheaper in developing countries. such as Indonesia, but for export...
Proceedings Article

Innovative methods reformation for professional English teaching in environmental science and engineering major

MingLiang Zhang, Haixia Wang
The existing problems in professional English teaching for environmental science and engineering major were analyzed and summarized according to the investigation of the present teaching methods and situations. In order to cultivate students' innovation and practice ability and improve the teaching quality,...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Current Situation and Development Countermeasures of Implementing Dragon Boat Sports in Colleges and Universities Taking Ten Universities in Wuhan as Examples

Hao Xiong
The history of Chinese dragon boat is a tragic and patriotic history. The traditions of each ethnic group perform the history based on the dragon's creative spirit, conquest spirit and fusion spirit. The legends of different styles, different techniques, different drums, different costumes and different...
Proceedings Article

Political Dichotomy of Indonesian Legislation Regulations with Local Law Customary Politics in the Border Area

Julianto Jover Jotam Kalalo, Chyntia Novita Kalalo, Ms Fitriani, Emiliana Bernadina Rahail, Yenni Pintauli Pasaribu
The condition of the border areas inhabited by indigenous and tribal community associations that are separated by the State boundary line has led to the application of different laws. The concept of dualism even more in the application of the law is a reality that exists in the border area. The position...
Proceedings Article

Students Who are Active in Organizations: Implications for Self-Esteem with Social Loafing

Nadya Zhafira Herda Putri, Fransisca Iriani Roesmala Dewi
Self-development facilities for students to live in society, including by participating in activities or being active in organizations. Interaction in organizations increases individual expectations of the ability of other members to complete work and carry out tasks collectively. Some students are not...
Proceedings Article

The Medici Family’s Role in the Renaissance

Jonas Junlang Huang
When one walks through the world’s most famous art museums, names such as Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, and Michelangelo always seem to attract the most attention and financial value. Indeed, Da Vinci’s Salvator Mundi holds the world record for the most expensive piece of art ever auctioned...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Video Tutorials on Textile and Fashion Design Learning

Sugiyem Sugiyem, Afif Ghurub Bestari, Kapti Asiatun, Sri Widarwati
Using media throughout the learning process helps enhance interactions between teachers and students as well as students and their learning environment. Media use is intended to enhance the learning process, impacting student achievement. This study aims at 1) developing video tutorial learning media,...
Proceedings Article

The Differentiation and Pedagogical Application of Near-synonyms Baochi and Weichi

JungChih Tsai, ChingChih Tsai
The study aims at differentiating the near-synonymous pair Baochi from Weichi. The corpus-based analysis approach and the relative Chinese dictionaries are used to analyze the data collected from Academia Sinica Corpus and Chinese Word Sketch. Six aspects are discussed, including the syntactic patterns,...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Technological Determinism and Social Constructionism

Qianyu Feng
The theory of technological society has developed for a hundred years, and its real prosperity is in the recent century, but its root ideas have a long history. The reality of technological and social phenomena is so complex and varied that these factors have directly influenced the way people view the...
Proceedings Article

The Importance of Minimal Standard Educational Service in Human Resource Management: Some Experience of Quality Assurance System During Pandemic in Primary School Surabaya

R. Ester Yudheyaningrum, Agus Prasetyawan, Yuyun Eka Kartika Sari, Achmad Aufa Anggarda, Ida Farida, Varrel Raihansyah Judhityo Arifin, Tazkiyatul Qolbi Masyithoh
The challenge in implementing education now, especially after the pandemic is how each organizer quickly finds out the school's needs related to quality and effective services following the Minimum Service Standards of PERMENDIKBUD Number 32 of 2018. The Minimum Service Standards explain the standard...
Proceedings Article

Image-text Relation in Modern Children's Picture Book Design

Kun Tong
Image-text relation is the soul of modern children's picture book design and directly influences impressions and reading experience of readers. With the development of society, text gradually evolves from a kind of graphic symbol to a tool of paraphrasing. Images develop from cultural appurtenance into...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Characteristics of "A Treatise on the Latent Man" Structure Arrangement

Zefeng Jiang
The book writing formats and the overall arrangement of "A Treatise on the Latent Man" have embodied Wang Fu's elaborate design. Its design of fore and aft chapters clearly has the shadow of "Syun Zih", "Historical Records", "Han History". The division of its volume numbers is greatly influenced by the...
Proceedings Article

English Teaching and Learning under Network Background

Lihua Chen
The rapid development of the Internet to optimize foreign language teaching and learning environment with meters boundless vitality and hope, not only its advantage lies in its wealth of learning resources, but also in opening up to the English learners - of mutual learning, exchange and learn from the...
Proceedings Article

The Beauty of Nature and Harmony--On the Ecological Consciousness in Keats's Poetry

Yan Xiao, Ying Yang
Keats had a strong sense of responsibility for nature in his short life. He loved nature with a charitable heart, praised nature and constantly understood the relationship between man and nature and the law of nature development, which formed his view of nature. From the perspective of ecological ethics...
Proceedings Article

The Entrepreneurial Learning Process And Influential Factors of Entrepreneurs in Business Model Construction

Ke Zheng
Build a theory model of Entrepreneurial learning based on business model theory. The model comprises three phases including value proposition, transactional institution implementation and strategic planning. Case study shows that the leading learning process in value proposition phase are observation...
Proceedings Article

Reflection and Construction of Mental Health Education Model in Colleges and Universities from the Perspective of Positive Psychology

Miao Li
Positive psychology studies psychology from a unique perspective, focusing on the positive qualities and strengths that human beings possess, shaping sound personality, and advocating the positive interpretation of problems. This article starts with discussion of the application value of positive psychology...
Proceedings Article

Cultural Problems of Shandong-Russia Trade

Qi Zhong, Wei Si, L. Leontieva
This paper has researched the cultural factors in Sino-Russian trade and proposed the problem why the trade with Russia conducted by Shandong Province cannot achieve the improvement of quality for a long time by way of comparing China’s foreign trade data with the trade data of Shandong Province, an...
Proceedings Article

Training on Making Flyers for Optimizing SMEs Product Marketing due to COVID 19 Impact

Sukma Perdana Prasetya, Ketut Prasetyo, Nuansa Bayu Segara
This training and mentoring program is carried out to empower SME entrepreneurs Bojonegoro is expected to design and make practical and attractive MSMs product flyers which are then marketed through the marketplace in online media. Optimization of online marketing as a result of COVID 19 which limits...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Evaluation Management of General Education Courses Based on the Improvement of Students’ Core Competencies

jun jun Wang
The Atlantis Press Proceedings article template has many predefined paragraph styles for you to use/apply as you write your paper. To format your abstract, use the Microsoft Word template style: [Abstract]. Each paper must include an abstract. Begin the abstract with the title “Abstract” in bold font,...
Proceedings Article

A Literature Review of Factors Influencing Early Marriage Decisions in Indonesia

Rizkia Nabila, Roswiyani Roswiyani, Heryanti Satyadi
Cases of early marriage in Indonesia have increased 3-fold since 2019 until recently. Early marriage occurs at the age of under 19 years or adolescence. Early marriage has an impact on youth related to the lack of developmental tasks. This allows for factors that cause individuals to decide to marry...
Proceedings Article

Learning German Through Traditional Dance

Raden Roro Dyah Woroharsi Parnaningroem, Fahmi Wahyuningsih, Lutfi Saksono, Suwarno Samsul
The world is still not 100% free from Covid-19. Therefore, face-to-face learning can take place on a limited basis or a hybrid or online system. However, the teaching and learning process must continue. The State University of Surabaya also experienced the same thing. For this reason, lecturers must...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Reasonableness and Feasibility of Resource-conserving Coal Project Cost

Congcai Wang
We need to analyze the reasonableness and efficiency of the energy industry from many aspects. Resource-conserving cost is a new industrial conception occurred under the concept of energy conservation and environmental protection. For coal projects, the modern management concept and digging management...
Proceedings Article

Present Situation Reflection and Tactics Probe on Numerous Medium-sized and Small Enterprises on E-Commerce in the West China in Internet Era

Bo Liu
In the 21th century, E-Commerce has substituted traditional business mode and provides great opportunities for enterprises in China. However, In the west China, the hysteresis of numerous medium-sized and small enterprises on E-Commerce causes a regional economic problem. It's an important topic for...
Proceedings Article

Cultivation of High-quality Teachers of Business Japanese in Adaption to the Transitional Development

Ya Zhang
Business Japanese major is an applied subject that combines theory and practice. The teachers of this major must have solid knowledge of Japanese language, comprehensive business trade theory and rich practical work experience. However, there are many problems in the faculty of the business Japanese...
Proceedings Article

English education and Double reduction policy in the post-pandemic China

Yulin Wang
After the release of the double reduction policy, there has been a new educational trend in English language teaching in post-pandemic China, namely, reducing the importance of English subject while improving the quality and equity of English education. This paper examines the challenges of developing...
Proceedings Article

Student-centered College English Teaching based on Moodle Platform

Xiaoling Zhang
In traditional college English listening and speaking teaching, teachers teach mainly in the form of a single teaching, teaching content boring, unable to motivate students to learn in English heard on the progress. Currently, research on college English listening and discussion of teaching in education,...
Proceedings Article

The Design of English Autonomous Learning System Based on Web

Yanjie Jin
With the social life of informatization and economic globalization, the importance of learning English is becoming more and more prominent. As an important information carrier, English has become the most widely used in various fields of human life language. Web-based English autonomous learning is conducive...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis Of Preschool Teachers' Ethic Education

Yanjin Liu
As an important part of teachers' professional development, preschool teachers' ethic education has three characteristics of practicality, living and complexity. Yet there are still some problems in its development. Such as separation between theory and reality, absence of supervision evaluation mechanism,...
Proceedings Article

Social Network as a Platform for Growing Opinions and a Method for Its Analysis

Irina V. Maloletneva, Alexey Kasikin
The article contemplates the possibility of contextual analysis usage for the means of a social network phenomenon research which is the platform for opinion growth and aimed public opinion makeover. The purpose of this work was to examine based on modern information technologies research possibility...
Proceedings Article

Cross Language Differences in Aggression Between Japanese and English speakers

Yushi Cao, Serena Chang, Junzhe Song
According to the Cultural Frame Switching phenomenon (CFS), individuals who identify with two or more different cultures change their view of the world and their mental states when they switch between different languages. The proposed study will use past research in order to create an experiment that...
Proceedings Article

Impacts on Victims of School Bullying and Their Adaptation Strategies Afterwards

Yibing Li, Yishu Zheng, Jinyang Song, Rong Tang
In recent years, school bullying incidents have been emerging and have attracted more and more attention. School bullying has great harm to the bullied both mentally and physically, and many of the bullied suffer from psychological and social maladaptation problems afterward. This study selects 20 college...
Proceedings Article

Improve the Quality of Graduate Student's Management Combined with Agricultural Characteristics

Da Yang
In China, graduate education is shouldering the important task of training high quality talents and high-level creative talents for modernization construction. Graduate education will become the construction of national innovation system in our country and the key support to seize the commanding heights...
Proceedings Article

Humans, Nature and Culture in the Information Technology Environment: European and Russian Models of Modern Park

Vladimir Falko, Valentina Leonova, Anna Khromova, Levon Leonov
Interaction and mutual penetration of different cultures, ways of relating to nature and technology are particularly important in the modern age of informatization and globalization. This study juxtaposes two types of modern park cultures taking as an example Western European cyberparks and cultural...
Proceedings Article

Key Areas of Digitalization of Business Processes in Tourism

Mikhail M. Morozov
The article considers the impact of global digitalization on the tourism business. The key factors affecting the modification of business processes in tourism are identified. It is shown that there are changes in the needs of tourists due to generational change and digitalization. The directions of digitalization...
Proceedings Article

Analysis and Optimization of Factors Influencing the Academic Development of Left-behind Children

Qingyi Ban, Hanyuan He, Ruoxi Hu, Daniel W. Zhang, Shuangyi Zhang
Left-behind children are a special group in Chinese society. While their healthy growth has been widely attended, it is worth noting that the academic problems of left-behind children is less noted. In order to analyze the factors affecting the academic achievement of left-behind children, this paper...
Proceedings Article

Research on Child-Friendly Expenditure in China

——Based on Data Analysis of Provincial Capital Cities from 2019 to 2022

Meiduo Zhou, Jiaxin Wang
Child-Friendly expenditures are measured and analyzed in 28 provincial capital cities in China. According to the definition of Child Friendly expenditure by UNICEF and in combination with departmental budget report in China, the Child-Friendly expenditures in provincial capital cities are first measured...
Proceedings Article

Strengthening Lecturer Performances to Achieve Key Performance Indicators of University

R. Restu, S. Sriadhi, A. Hamid
This study aims to find a model of lecturer performances development to achieve the key performance indicators of higher education. There are six variables studied, including lecturer performance as the dependent variable and work contracts, monitoring systems, assessment systems, consequence actions,...
Proceedings Article

S. Maykapar's Piano Pedagogics

Xiying Liu
The article examines the multifaceted piano heritage of S. Maykapar. His compositions register Instructive and artistic value, and addressed to children and youth. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the cycles "First Steps", "20 Preludes for Pedal" and "Songs on the Technique of Double Notes"....
Proceedings Article

Exploration and Application of Modern Color Concept

Qingbo Zhang, Yu Gao
Color is one of the basic subjects in art teaching, including objective description and subjective expression. The essence of art lies in the transcendence for real life. In view of the art teaching in college, the color should break away from the initial stage in which the objective reality is simply...
Proceedings Article

Construction of the Education Quality of General Primary School and Teacher Training Model in Chongqing

Jiapeng Dai
Chongqing must attach great importance to the construction of teacher talents' quality in the process to achieve "Western Education Heights" and the problem of primary teachers training is increasingly attracted widespread attention. This paper thorough thinking the training model of Chongqing primary...
Proceedings Article

Mode-Switching within the “Multimodal Turn” in L2 Literacy Education

Yi Zhao, Lianjiang Jiang
Multimodality as a communicative phenomenon has been theorized and introduced into L2 literacy education in response to the technology-driven divides between home and school, print and screen. This article conceptualizes the role of mode-switching in terms of language, learning, and learner in L2 settings...
Proceedings Article

The Dissemination Strategy of the British National Image in China from the Public Account of "UK Now"

Xinrui Li
The continuous development of new media technologies has resulted in a diversity of communication methods and a wider range of communication. When communicating with new media, the multi-angle dissemination of national image should first consider the multiple dimensions that influence the national image....
Proceedings Article

The Identification of Students with Specific Learning Disability (SLD) in Subtype of Math Skill Through Response to Intervention Model

Riana Bagaskorowati, Trisna Mulyeni, Hartini Nara
Until this time not many schools in Indonesia having a standardize model in terms of identification, assessment and comprehensive way to serve children especially students with specific learning disability (SLD) at elementary level. The purpose of this research is to identify the students with SLD especially...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Financial Literacy, Financial Technology, and Digital Promotion on Online Purchasing Decisions in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era

Susanti, Han T. Hardini, Moh. D. Bahtiar
Covid-19 pandemic has a broad impact on the habits of the community, especially for students and housewives in fulfilling their needs. Government recommendations to comply with health protocols with social restrictions cause them to prefer shopping online. Some factors that are thought to influence online...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Principal Leadership and Competence on Junior High School Teacher Performance in Air Kumbang District

Filly Hardian, Happy Fitria, Achmad Wahidy
The aim of this study was to determine whether principal leadership and competence have an effect on junior high school teacher performance in the Air Kumbang district. The descriptive quantitative approach was used in this study. The correlation coefficient between leadership (X1) and performance (Y)...
Proceedings Article

Error Types and Strategy in the Acquisition of Simple Past Tense: A Study on Chinese Fifth-Grade ESL Learners’ Writing

Yunting Guo
Today in China, learners start to learn English at increasingly early ages. However, for fifth graders, simple past tense is still difficult in writing. This study investigated simple past tense errors in a writing assessment from three participants. It also examined if the correction feedback strategy...
Proceedings Article

Legal Aspects in the Investment Opportunity Map for the Development of Soybean Cultivation in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia

Sawitri Yuli Hartati S, Merdiansa Paputungan, Iur Hesty Diah Lestari, Budi Astuti
National soybean independence is a breakthrough, and the Government plans to expand local (national) soybean cultivation by using superior seeds to increase production, especially outside Java, through investment schemes. Through Foreign Investment (PMA) and Domestic Investment (PMDN) to be willing to...
Proceedings Article

Research on brand spillover effect of China’s IP movie based on signal theory

Hongyang Ji, Boya Liao, Jingwei Cheng
In recent years, many IP movies have achieved excellent box office results in China’s movie market, and brand spillover effects are generated due to the fact that the IP itself may transmit quality signals. In this paper, 338 IP movies in the Chinese movie market from 2014 to 2023 are taken as research...
Proceedings Article

The Strategy and Research for the Development of Coal Logistics Industry

Jiajia Xie
Essentially speaking, the production and sale of coal logistics enterprise is independent and there is no necessary link between them, but both of them need the support of logistics. Therefore, from the present situation, it becomes a very important problem to develop the logistics of coal enterprises...
Proceedings Article

Application of partial differential equations in image processing

Xiaoke Cui
Based on the superiority of PDE and its physical mechanism analysis from image processing, combining variational methods, functional analysis, differential geometry, projective geometry and other mathematical tools to the image denoising smoothing, image segmentation, image restoration, image to enlarge...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Effects of Teachers’ Classroom Nonverbal Behaviors on Freshmen’s Foreign Language Anxiety

Min Hua
The research employed both quantitative and qualitative methods. 50 freshmen from Wuhan Textile University participate in the study. The whole procedure lasted for 8 weeks. At the beginning of the research, i.e. the first week, the questionnaires for evaluation of teacher’s classroom nonverbal behavior...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Training Strategies of Professional Quality of Preschool Education Students

Huihua Liu, Na Li
With the rapid development of social economy, preschool education in China’s national education system has also made great progress: music education has played a subtle role in promoting children’s intelligence, improving personality, cultivating aesthetic ability, perception ability and creativity....
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Narcissism on Intensity of Instagram Use in Generation Z

Yuliana Suzuki Lengkong, Fransisca Iriani R. Dewi
In this digital era, information can be easily accessed through features on social media, especially Instagram. Instagram has gained wide popularity among teenagers, especially towards generation Z, who have known technology from an early age. This study aims to find out whether the intensity of Instagram...
Proceedings Article

Analyzing Chinese College Students’ Satisfaction with Major Choices

Zitian Yao
This paper focuses on the theme of the satisfaction level of Chinese college students with their major choices” through reviewing prior research. Firstly, the definition of satisfaction with major choices and the significance of studying students’ satisfaction with their major choices are posted in the...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Current Situation, Problems and Development Path of Medical Accompaniment Service in China

Manqi Meng, Fangfang Jiang, Xiuli Yang
Based on the background of “Great Health” and the pain point of “difficult to see a doctor”, institutions and professions serving public health and medicine have emerged. As a new business form, medical accompaniment service has boarded the voyage of this new era of development. Medical accompaniment...
Proceedings Article

Study on Fine-Grained View Mining based on Network Subjective Text

Liping Wang, Yanling Liu
With the rapid development of e-commerce and social media, Internet users can express their own subjective comments for commodities including online news current affairs, public figures and personal experience, including a variety of subjects and objects. Such information includes user reviews of subjective...
Proceedings Article

The Design of English Test Software Based on .NET Framework

Zhaoying Li
With the rapid development of computer network technology and Chinese education informatization level unceasing enhancement, various applications based on Internet more and more be favored by the people. Online examination system is along with the network technology and database technology and developed...
Proceedings Article

Promoting Students’ intent of APT by online college English courses

Lanfen Ji, Dianjun Lu
The purpose of this paper is to investigate students’ intent of APT(Active Participation in Teaching) by online college English courses offered at Qinghai Normal University. The survey is conducted among 200 non-English majors followed a semester of college English lessons integrated online courses....
Proceedings Article

The Dilemma and Countermeasures of the Realization of Rural Old-age Right in Qinba Mountain Area Against the Background of Rural Revitalization Taking Z Village, W Town in L City, Sichuan Province as an Example

Haibo Zhou, Ying Liu
The strategy of rural revitalization put forward at the 19th CPC national congress is a major decision and arrangement made by the party for the work related to agriculture, rural areas and farmers. However, with the acceleration of the aging trend of China's population, old-age care of the rural elderly...
Proceedings Article

Strategy for Development of Small and Medium Micro Business Using SWOT and Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrices (QSPM) Analysis (Case Study of Panama Remake Restaurant)

Adrianus Aprilius, Elisabeth Lia Riani Kore, Putri Inggrid Maria Risamasu, Caecilia Henny Setyawati, Simon Siamsa
This study aimed to determine the strategy of restaurant development. The research method used was a qualitative and quantitative method. The results showed that the analysis results of internal factors and external factors conducted at Panama Restaurant found some things that mostly affected restaurant...
Proceedings Article

The Evolution of Urban Living Concept in Internet Age

Chengeng Cui
The internet age is a new mankind's way of communicating. The changed way of people communicate with each other is integrated into the concept of people's living. This will greatly change the concept of people. At the same time, the internet is also a technical platform, which keeps the literature and...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on Postpartum Depression

Chunze Chen
Postpartum Depression (PPD) receives increasing attention from the public as well as in the academia. However, some of the facts about PPD are not as clear and simple as perceived by the public. Through an interdisciplinary literature review, this paper aims to help women at childbearing age, especially...
Proceedings Article

Model of Tourism Village Development in Karangasem Village, Bulu District, Sukoharjo Regency as Family Tourist Destinations Based on Local Wisdom

Ratna Susanti, Suci Purwandari, Basnendar Herry Prilosadoso
There is potential for development in the Karangasem Village, Bulu District, and Sukoharjo Regency areas. This community boasts remarkable natural features as well as a distinct social and cultural life. This potential has to be nurtured and developed in line with the sociocultural traits of the surrounding...
Proceedings Article

A Study of Piano Performance in the Context of Reception Aesthetics

Hengyu Lu
Reception Aesthetics arose in the mid of 1960s and its main idea in literature is that the reader, through reading, gives life to the work in the process and realizes the value of the work in reading. That is, the reader begins to play an active individual role from the moment of encounters a literary...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Current Development Conditions of Non-governmental Youth Organizations in Colleges and Universities

Fengqiu Jin, Zongyi Yang, Ying Yuan
As the existence of self-media, the society develops more rapidly and students are more ideological and more diverse. Non-governmental youth organizations are booming largely which greatly meets the growing requirements of the students. At the same time, because its spontaneity and openness, it also...
Proceedings Article

Research on School Physical Education Problem based on Complexity Theory View

Yadong Ren
As far as the school physical education, the conventional methods and form are concerned, facing the modern school physical education it is hard for us to master many complex problems. School physical education is mainly based on the complexity science which is different from the previous "linear" and...
Proceedings Article

Project Teaching Method in Applied Universities Computer Network Course

Xin-ling Feng
Students improve computer knowledge and practical ability, it is the fundamental task of applied undergraduate colleges computer education. Due to which the unit is applied to private colleges and universities, private undergraduate colleges Students learn foundation is weak, poor computer teaching efficiency,...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of China’s Two-child Policy on the Labor Market

From the Perspective of Social and Economic Aspects

Yifan Li
Chinese government has enacted a policy called “The Universal Two-child Policy”, also called “Two-child Policy”, to alleviate the situation that the Chinese labor market might be in shortage in the future. The two-child policy is a policy that popularizes the whole country. It relates to every Chinese...
Proceedings Article

False Belief Understanding in Children: The Comparison between Explanation Condition and Prediction Condition

Youqing Chen, Kaihong Sun
To explore the performance of children in the two kinds of conditions: explanation condition and prediction condition, this study investigated the difference of the two conditions by the unexpected location task. The conclusions are as follows: Firstly, the grades that the children in 57-59-month-old...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Strategies for Cultivating Kindergarten Teachers' Art Education Skills

Xiaolei Zhang
With the continuous reform of education, the Ministry of Education has attached more importance to basic education for infant children. Kindergarten education is the enlightenment education in true sense for learning of infant children. The current teaching work pays more and more attention to all-round...
Proceedings Article

Ecological Modernization: Intentions and Reality

Boris Zemtsov, Tatyana Suzdaleva
The authors analyze the global practice of transition to environmental forms of energy in order to protect the environment. The article focuses on the discursive nature of the decisions made and the contradictions of their implementation. It is shown that Russia is involved in the global environmental...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Prospect of Chaoshan Shell Carving Against the Background of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Based on SWOT Model

Qiwen Chen, Xiaoyi Yang, Debiao Chen
The authors summarized the research materials accumulated by the team over the past three years and made several field visits to social practice sites. By using SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) model to analyze the advantages and problems of shell carving project, and combining with...
Proceedings Article

Media Assisted Cooperative Learning Presentation on Improving Learning Outcomes Students in the Traditional Bun Course

Trisnani Widowati
Demands in 21st century HR competencies that emphasize communication and collaboration skills as well as mastery of digital technology. The learning process is the best means to build and shape various abilities, skills and competencies of students to be able to compete in the world of work. The use...
Proceedings Article

The Use of Recyclable Rubber Materials in Children’s Recreation Facilities

Bo Gao
Recreation facility is a key point to children’s approach to the society in their early life. Through both information and field research, the demands of children and parents for recreation facilities have been learned about. In order to create a safe environment for children’s entertainment, based on...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on the Teaching Reform of the Automatic Control Theory

Yuhong Yang
As the specialized basic course of automation, the subject of Automatic Control Theory is a significant part of the professional knowledge system, having negligible effect on students in their engineering practice and innovative ability. However, either teachers or students face the difficulties in the...
Proceedings Article

The Dilemmas and Solutions of Tea Industrialization Development in Yingshan County of Hubei Province

Luan Hu, Juan Yuan, Qing Wang
Yingshan County is one of major tea-producing counties in China. Tea yield ranks first in Hubei province and fourth in our country. It is the national demonstration base of tea production, which has been successively named by the state as the Hometown of Chinese Tea and the National Demonstration Base...
Proceedings Article

Reflection and Construction on Extracurricular Activities in College Mental Health Education

Chunyan Xue
With the increasing emphasis on Chinese college students’ mental health education, a variety of forms of extra-curricular activities are adopted. During the past few years, mental health education in extracurricular activities has achieved the significant results, but it still has some problems, such...
Proceedings Article

Research on Challenges and Countermeasures of College Students' Ideological Education in the New Period

Chiping Li
With the arrival of the era of knowledge economy, the development of China’s higher education has entered a new phase, the scale of university education has expanded rapidly, and the management system reform has gradually deepened. Under the new situation, the ideological education work in colleges and...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Online Critical Thinking Cycle Learning Model on Pre-service Science Teachers’ Critical Thinking Skills

Suyatno Sutoyo, Rudiana Agustini, Amiq Fikriyati
The development of critical thinking through educational interventions is still needed to prepare competitive graduates. Pre-service teachers play an essential role in developing critical thinking as the primary goal of learning. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the Critical Thinking...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Aesthetic Value of Public Art in the Process of Urbanization

Junmei Wang
With the social and economic development, urban construction is the trend of development. Public art plays a critical role in the process of urbanization construction, it is possible to live, the construction process of urbanization, people's culture play a key role to some extent. Public art in the...
Proceedings Article

The Level of Consumption Prediction and Analysis Based on the Grey Prediction Model

Xiaoge Li
With statistical forecast becoming more and more mature at home and abroad, the predicting theory and methodology has developed in depth to reach a relatively comprehensive stage. In this paper, a grey prediction model is established and applied in the analysis and prediction of China’s household consumption....