Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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81396 articles
Proceedings Article

Research on Innovation supply chain Management in Fast Fashion Industry——A comparative analysis of ZARA and H&M

Chen Xuejie, Qiao Chang, Zhu GuangHao
ZARA has succeeded in overtaking GAP as the global leader in apparel retailing through innovative supply chain management. However, in recent years, with the trend of the retail market is beginning to slump and rising consumer demand, ZARA lack of furtherinnovation in supply chain management. It is gradually...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Pricing Model in Self - Service Crowdsourcing Platform

Zhi-Peng MA, Shu-Wan YAO, Ke-Fei XU, Ji-Li WANG
The crowdsourcing self-service model is an important part in new Internet business. In this case, setting the price is the core issue of the model. In order to provide a reasonable price and stimulate the enthusiasm of members of the website, this paper proposed a model of ‘incentive pricing scheme’...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Application of Situational Teaching Method with PBL in Clinical Teaching of Ectopic Pregnancy

Yuan Pan, Yang Yu, Ruizhi Liu
Objective: Situational teaching method with PBL is applied in the clinical teaching of patients with ectopic pregnancy. Its clinical curative effect is discussed and analyzed. Methods: A total of 100 nursing students in our hospital were randomly assigned to two groups: the observation group and the...
Proceedings Article

Inside the Survivor's Mind: The Portrayal of the content of rumination of breast cancer survivors experiencing post-traumatic growth

Putri Widyautami
The objective of this study is to describe the substance of the rumination of breast cancer survivors experiencing post-traumatic growth during the stages of pre-diagnosis, living with cancer, living through cancer and living beyond cancer. The research used a qualitative approach with a phenomenological...
Proceedings Article

Humanitarian Education as a Basis for Intercultural Communication in the Field of Tourism Business

Irina Ponizovkina, Elena Agibalova, Natalia Mamedova
The article discusses the importance of humanitarian education in the training of experts in the field of the tourism industry. Special attention is paid to the analysis of modern trends in the development of tourism, which require future professionals to master general cultural competencies, intercultural...
Proceedings Article

Reviewing Presidential Candidates And Political Parties Reactions On The Results Of 2019 General Election Quick Count

The results of the general election (presidential choice and choice of legislative members) in Indonesia on April 17, 2019 are known in a short time through a quick count process. On the one hand, there are differences in attitudes from the two presidential candidates in dealing with quick count results....
Proceedings Article

The Tendency Towards Complicating Anthropologically Significant Elements of the Visual Form in the Fine Arts of the XX-XXI Centuries

Sergei Sergeevich Stupin
The author analyzes the tendency of artistic perception to interpret abstract art forms in the search for mimetic equivalents and visual similarities in the surrounding world objects. One can see certain patterns in this process: there are tendencies towards constant complication of anthropologically...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on Isolationism in the United States in the 1920s: a revival or a disaster

Chunjiang Li
Isolationism is a set of foreign political policies the United States established to protect its benefits in the global community. This paper analyzes isolationism in the 1920s when it was employed by President Harding after World War I. This paper reviews the historic background of isolationism, explores...
Proceedings Article

A promising form of cultural transfer of the heroic epic of the Sakha people to the youth environment

Liudmila Efimova, Natalya Shkurko, Evdokia Polikarpova, Semyen Protopopov, Natalja Dyorina, Fedyunin Fedyunin
The article considers the cultural transfer as an effective mechanism of popularization of the heroic Yakut epic Olonkho in the foreign cultural readership. The heroes of the traditional Yakut Olonkho, received as a series of novels by R.OLDI, a chance to become characters of the genre of ethno-cultural...
Proceedings Article

Tax Amnesty Policy as Tax Reform Foundation

Siti Kurnia Rahayu
Current economic condition in Indonesia has indicated the fiscal risks threatening the realization of the tax revenue. With the introduction of the global implementation of the Automatic Exchange of Information, has become a necessary measure for formulation of the Tax Amnesty policy. This study examined...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Improvement of Student’s Geometry Achievement Through the Application of Problem-Based Learning Model in Term of Mathematics Prior Knowledge

Elita Zusti Jamaan, Diana Nomida, Zulfiarti Syahrial
Most students had the lack of understanding in learning geometry. The aims of this research are to obtain the influence of analysis problem-based learning in developing student’s achievement of geometry and mathematics prior knowledge. The study design used a non-equivalent-control-group design. The...
Proceedings Article

Strategies for Ideological and Political Education in Colleges from the Perspective of New Media

Guoping Liu, Xianzhi Yang
The arrival of the new media era has brought new opportunities for the development of college students' Ideological and political education, and also brought serious and complicated challenges. To innovate the ideological and political education work in colleges and universities, it is necessary to grasp...
Proceedings Article

Research on Human Resource Management from the Perspective of Competency

Pei Xu, Ke Zhang
Human resources are the first driving force for the development of enterprises. The scientific human resource management mode helps to maintain the human resources advantages of enterprises. In the era of twenty-first Century, the traditional human resources management has exposed the problems of backward...
Proceedings Article

The Spiritual Communication: Phenomenological Study on the Urantia Community in Indonesia

Betty Tresnawaty
The Urantia Community consists of people with the same interest in spiritual values taught in The Urantia Book, a book that taught the origins of the universe, the history of the earth, values of life, philosophy, and spiritual. The community has existed since the 1950s in the United States and has expanded...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of the Effective Path of Life Education for College Students against the Background of "Internet Plus"

Kun Wang, Dong Yu, Jianlei Qian
The Internet brings about convenience to college education, and at the same time puts forward new challenges for safety education of college students. In recent years, the psychological problems of colleges across the country have emerged in an endless stream, even suicide. This article starts with the...
Proceedings Article

Law’s Argumentative Structure Belies the New “Moral Impact” Theory of Law

Alani Golanski
The new Moral Impact Theory (MIT) of law is novel, innovative, and influential. It claims that the moral impacts of legal institutional actions, rather than the linguistic content of any “rules” or pronouncements, determine law’s content. MIT’s corollary is thereby that the practice of legal interpretation...
Proceedings Article

Developing Innovative and Interactive Learning in Elementary School

Alif Mudiono
Teacher is an education personnel who has humanity responsibility, particularly it is concerned with learning toward the next generation of the nation toward innovative and interactive learning. The biggest responsibility expected is the teacher owns high professional competence, the teacher can create...
Proceedings Article

Constructivism Theory and Translation Teaching

According to the new standard of English teaching reform, Applying theoretical insights from constructivism to reexamination of how translation has been taught, this paper identifies typical problem in the current approach and proposes a new pedagogical model of improving translation teaching under the...
Proceedings Article

Disaster Management Practice Towards Diverse Vulnerable Groups in Yogyakarta

Dyah Rahmawati Hizbaron, Maulida Iffani, Helvetia Wijayanti, Ghalih Nur W.
A paradigm shift in disaster management practices have been outlined in the Hyogo Framework for Action and Sendai Framework for Action. The research aims at exploring possible relationship between disaster management programs for vulnerable groups in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Province. This research...
Proceedings Article


Muhamad Ali
Journal articles and book chapters have sought to survey the trends in the study of the biography of Muhammad and those in the study of the Hadith within Western and Islamic scholarships. In this paper, I trace briefly recent selected writings in English and in Indonesian on Muhammad and the Hadith for...
Proceedings Article

The Islamic Terms Translation in Kalimatun Sawa' an Indonesian Bulletin

M. Agus Suriadi
This research study aims to find out how the Islamic terms on the source text (ST) dealing to the target text (TT) - English language- with same sense and meaning. It is analyzed qualitatively by using some translation strategies considered as linguistic approach and semantic approach. The data were...
Proceedings Article

Experience of Nursing Diploma Student Learning NCLEX through Distance Learning

Arina Qona'ah
NCLEX is a competency test for a nurse who wants to get a license as a professional nursing. NCLEX measures the ability of a nurse safely and effectively nursing. In nursing diploma institution, there is no material which discusses NCLEX. Therefore, this institution needs to prepare the students by following...
Proceedings Article

A Discourse Towards Indonesian White Revolution in the Perspective of Development

M. Ali Mauludin, Viani Puspita Sari
Globalization, and regionalization are overtaking the standard unit of development, the nation. International institutions and market forces are over- taking the role of the state as the conventional agent of development. The development process has been prone to merely involve particular parties who...
Proceedings Article

Learning, Curriculum Monitoring and Evaluation for Decision Making

Linda Caroline Messakh, Ulil Hartono, M. V. Roesminingsih
Decision making process is a part of improvement on higher education quality assurance. It can be gained from the result of Monitoring and Evaluation in Learning and Curriculum. This research conducting to evaluate the implementation of learning and curriculum monitoring and evaluation for Decision Making....
Proceedings Article

Developing Coloring Books to Enhance Reading Comprehension Competence and Creativity

Anselmus Inharjanto, Lisnani
Developing a reading learning media can be an effort to increase students’ reading comprehension, but there are many teachers who do not put much attention into it. This research aimed at developing a parenting colouring book as a learning media to enhance elementary students’ reading comprehension ability...
Proceedings Article

The Researches Detection Method of Illegal Parking Based on Convolutional Neural Network

Xue-Hong Jiang, Hui-Li Feng, Shi-Yue Li
Violation of parking is a legal term. Our country’s law stipulates that there should be no-stop signs and markings, road sections with isolation facilities between motor vehicles and non-motor vehicle lanes and sidewalks, and crosswalks and construction sites. No parking; Railway crossings, sharp bends,...
Proceedings Article

Exploring the Use of Drawing Task to Enhance Students’ Reading Comprehension

Doris Sukma, Yenni Rozimela, Ratmanida
This study explores the use of drawing task in the implementation of task-based language teaching to teach reading comprehension. The result reported here is a part of an experimental study which sought to look at the contribution of different task types on the students’ reading comprehension. One of...
Proceedings Article

The Agricultural Land Conversion Control as a Policy for the Welfare of the People

Abdurrahman, Muhammad Yamin, Faisal A Rani, Ilyas Ismail
Landowners in principle have the authority to use their land for various functions to meet their needs and welfare. On the other hand, the state has the authority to control the use of land. Agricultural land included in the area of sustainable food-crop agricultural land is prohibited from being converted...
Proceedings Article

Fixing Broken Neighborhoods: How Police Can Ensure Neighborhood Safety and Community Well-Being

Michael J. Jenkins
The “broken windows” theory (Kelling & Wilson, 1982) is among the most studied and applied ideas in the United States criminal justice system. Broken windows policing played an important part in getting police to pay attention to physical and social disorder and other lower-level offenses. While it did...
Proceedings Article

Learning Saman Dance in the Formation of Students’ Social Character

Citra Dewi Anggraeni, Trianti Nugraheni
Learning dance is not only to provide knowledge and skills in gestures and a musical rhythm process, but it also capable to form character-building and personality of students. Moreover in learning which implements Project Based Learning approach that would directly affect to the development of students’...
Proceedings Article

The Treffinger Learning Model with RME Principles on Mathematics Learning Outcome by Considering Numerical Ability

S Ndiung
Teacher’s cleverness strongly determines the maximum achievement of learning outcomes in applying suitable learning models and approaches that relevant to the concept is being learned. This study aims to assess the effect of the Treffinger learning model using the principles of RME on mathematics learning...
Proceedings Article

The Conception of Stock Price Volatility Analysis System Based on News Events

Liu Xin, Sheng Mingcai, Huang Xi, Su Ganya
News events are one of the factors influencing stock price fluctuations. The analysis system proposed in this paper quantifies the influence of historical news events into “limitation period” and “stock price fluctuation range”, predicts the possible impact of real-time news events on stock price, and...
Proceedings Article

Research on Optimization of Informatization Talents Training Mode in Colleges Under the Background of “Innovation 3.0”

Donghong Wang, Fengjiao Hao, Jie Liu
The innovation paradigm has evolved from innovation 1.0 and innovation 2.0 to innovation 3.0. In the period of Innovation 3.0, the institutions are required to cultivate talents with innovative consciousness, innovative thinking and innovative ability. Using the RETAIN model, the optimization path of...
Proceedings Article

Determining Factors in Improving Poor Family Food Security and Allocation of Food Consumption Cost Based on Indicators Status of Children’s Nutritional Status

Tuti Gantini, Nataliningsih Nataliningsih, Gijanto Purbo Suseno
Family food consumption affects the food consumption of young children. The still high number of toddlers who have underweight indicates the need to be investigated for what causes it. In Bandung Regency showed that the number of toddlers with overweight was 1.79%, normal weight of 94.25%, underweight...
Proceedings Article

Current Trends in Education in the Context of Digitalization of the Economy

A.N. Galimova, A.A. Emelyanovich, S.V. Koval
The paper deals with topical issues of education development under the conditions of digitalization. The definitions to the “digital economy” concept of domestic and foreign authors are analyzed, the possible consequences of digitalization for the education sector are formulated, and the influence of...
Proceedings Article

Dissemination of Gandang Tasa Traditional Music Performance Through Social Media in West Sumatra

Asril, Andar Indra Sastra, Adjuoktoza Rovylendes
Gandang Tasa is a percussion folk music that developed in rural areas in West Sumatra, such as in Padang Pariaman Regency, Pariaman City, and in Maninjau, Agam Regency, West Sumatra. The most development occurred in Padang Pariaman Regency. The distribution of gandang tasa is done traditionally from...
Proceedings Article

Formation of Critical Thinking Among Students Majoring in Teaching by Adopting Innovative Approach at University

Galina Vasilievna Akhmetzhanova, Tatiana Vitalievna Emelyanova, Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Sundeeva
This article considers the innovative approach of a higher school lecturer intended to foster critical thinking, highlights the need and importance of this type of thinking for future teachers, analyses different definitions of critical thinking, and examines its structure and components. The article...
Proceedings Article

Integration of Artificial Intelligence Plus Industry and Sports Industry: A Research on the Innovation and Development Strategy of Sports Industry

Zhaofeng Lv, Sixuan Song
The greatest value of artificial intelligence and big data to the Chinese sports industry is that it can complete the transformation of China’s economic structure and industrial upgrading. The use of new technologies of artificial intelligence and big data will greatly reduce labor costs, increase productivity...
Proceedings Article

Practical Exploration of University-Enterprise Collaborative Talent Cultivation Based on “Excellent Engineer Education and Training Program”

Guangyu Mu, Xue Wang
In order to promote China to become a mighty country in engineering education, the Chinese Ministry of Education has executed the “Excellent Engineer Education and Training Program” (hereinafter referred to as EEETP) for nearly a decade. The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact of university-enterprise...
Proceedings Article

Conservation of Historical and Cultural Identity of Small Towns in Russia: The Role of Brands

Nina Konovalova
Nowadays, the development of small towns of Russia is implemented in a large part thanks to the touristic industry. In the most ancient Russia towns they try to protect the existing historical and architectural environment, to organize the quality restoration of the monuments of architecture. But often...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of E-Village Budgeting Program in Banyuwangi District

M. Noer Falaq Al Amin, Falih Suaedi, Erna Setijaningrum
Law No. 6 of 2014 mandated the village government to be more independent in managing government and various natural resources that are owned, including financial management and wealth belongs to the village. Since the enactment of Regulation (UU) number 6 year 2014 about the Village, each village will...
Proceedings Article

Bissu in Their Role as Maintenance and Preserving Classical Buginese Culture

Nurlina Syahrir, Septia Wulandari, Intan Permatasari, Putri Magfirah Salsabila, Azis
Before the Islamic religion entered the land of Bugis, Bissu had a central role in the Buginese Kingdom. There were no traditional ceremonies or rituals without the presence of Bissu as executors as well as leaders of traditional processes. But nowadays, the Bissu community is challenging to find because...
Proceedings Article

Educational Technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic

D.V. Rodnyansky, R.A. Abramov, V.N. Bulgakova
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed more than just tourism, air travel and related industries. All industries have felt the change, leading to the term new normality. Significant changes have also taken place in the field of higher education. First of all, in connection with the transition to distance...
Proceedings Article

As The Tree, So The Fruit: Textual Relations on Democratic Discourses in West Sumatra

Agustina, Muhammad Adek
This article is part of a series of researches on the critical discourse analysis (CDA) on democracy practices in West Sumatra. Then, the discussion in this study focussed on textual relations between discourses related to the enforcement of democracy in West Sumatra in the 2016 accounting year. To find...
Proceedings Article

Simulation Learning Methods for Students’ Understanding of Flood Disaster Preparedness Materials

Andi Irwan Benardi, Jamhur, Sriyono, Johan Hadi, Prisma Tia Ningrum, Siti Nur Hasna Khofifah
Students need knowledge about prevention and preparedness. This study aims to see the learning process of the flood disaster, students’ responsiveness to learning with the Simulation Learning method, and to see see to see what is learning students who get learning using the Simulation Learning method...
Proceedings Article

Lecturers’ Readiness in Online Teaching During COVID-19 Pandemic

Daniel Ardian Soeselo, Veronica Dwi Jani Juliawati, Gisella Anastasia, Sandy Theresia, Sanny Winardi
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a sudden shift towards online learning in education system. The readiness of lecturers in conducting online learning is one of the essential pre-conditions for online learning in medical education system. Aims: This study aims to measure lecturers’ attitudes...
Proceedings Article

Sociological and Cultural Aspects of the Language Perception of the Deaf

Tatiana Kozlova, Ludmila Dementyeva, Elena Ilyina, Natalya Didenko
The article examines the basic principles of language perception, thinking and socialization of deaf people and outlines the range of problems of learning and the social role of sign language. The sociological aspect of linguistic thinking is considered in connection with the meaning of the sign language...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Between Space Field and Real Space in Art

Yuan Ding
No art can exist without the limitation of time and space. As a manifestation of the entity, the space of art is an important condition hidden behind the form of expression, which also restricts the appearance and form of artistic works. The understanding of space has directly changed the face of art,...
Proceedings Article

School Mapping Using Geographic Information System

Ana A, Indah Khoerunnisa, M Muktiarni, Vina Dwiyanti, Asep Maosul
Development of school mapping research in various countries illustrates how to improve the quality of human resources by optimizing mapping research. This article aims to explore the development of school mapping, examine the types of school mapping tools used, and explore the data presented in school...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Application Strategy of Project-Based Learning Teaching Mode in Practical Teaching of Product Design

Xuan Liu, Yan Zhao
To explore the application strategies of PBL teaching in the teaching of product design major by introducing PBL teaching model into the teaching process of product design major. This paper analyzes the relationship between project-based learning and product design teaching, and puts forward the integrated...
Proceedings Article

Improving the Competence of Teachers in Maritime Vocational Schools in Indonesia

Kurniawan Abadi, Sutipto, Ivan Hanafi
This study aims to analyze the effect of coaching, supervision, and work motivation on the competence of Sailing Vocational Teachers in Indonesia. In addition to knowing whether there is a good relationship between each variable directly. This research uses a quantitative method with a path analysis...
Proceedings Article

Development of Online Learning Quality Assurance Management Model

S. Adelina Mariani
Bina Insani University is a university located in West Java that has been carrying out blended learning system courses for the last 3 years, including entrepreneurship courses. Online lectures are conducted after alternating face-to-face lectures. The existing learning materials with the blended learning...
Proceedings Article

Al-Qur’an and Psychotherapy

Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi, Jarman Arroisi, Dahniar Maharani, Amal Hizbullah Basa
Psychologists of various conventional schools have worked very hard to solve human’s psychic crisis problems. Yet, since most of them are nearly able to understand the human psychic structure, they took misleading decisions in their psychotherapy sessions. This research aims to provide better solution...
Proceedings Article

“Need of the Others”: a Study on the Evolution of “Global Vision” in American Higher Education (1945–2019)

Jie Li, Yi Peng
After the end of the Second World War, the global international system initially took shape, making the United States the only builder and leader of the world order. From then, the “Global Vision” in American higher education began to emerge. Taking both the cultural root, namely, “Need of the Others”,...
Proceedings Article

Review About Military-Civil Integration and Distribution

Bingbing Li, Rongyan Zhu
The urgent need of emergency logistics distribution under the epidemic situation has promoted the urgency and necessity of military-civil integration, especially in major public health events. Existing studies mainly focus on the distribution organization, distribution service, distribution mode, distribution...
Proceedings Article

Explanations of Participants in Criminal Procedure

N. V. Azarenok
The article discusses some issues related to the usage of the concept of explanation in criminal procedure. It is noted that it was still used in the Charter of Criminal Procedure of 1864. In the current Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, it is also used to regulate both the status...
Proceedings Article

Prototype Design Development of Meta-Inquiry Learning Model in Number Theory

Sinar Depi Harahap, Ahmad Fauzan, Ellizar, I Made Arnawa
Prototype design is to assess the basic stage of research evaluation. The evaluation used follows Tessmer’s evaluation steps. Aspects that are evaluated are in the form of RPS, SAP, development model books, student worksheets, lecturers’ books and number theory teaching materials. The evaluation results...
Proceedings Article

Prospects of Law Enforcement of Acts of Elimination of Domestice Violence Reviewed From the Perspective of Law Sociology

Nomensen Sinamo, sabungan Sibarani
Violence in the home (domestic violence) in the provisions of law in Indonesia is a crime with the threat of criminal law as it results in pain and physical and mental suffering to the victim. In a broader dimension, acts of domestic violence are a serious violation of human dignity according to the...
Proceedings Article

Role of Technological Parks in Innovative Development of the Economy of Kazakhstan

Zhanat Zakiyeva
The article is devoted to the problems and prospects of the development of technological parks. The key features of the development of technology parks in Kazakhstan is an actual element of the production and technological unit that forms the innovative structure of the state. The experience of the Autonomous...
Proceedings Article

Factors Influencing the Successful Implementation of Prospective Ginou Jisshuu and Tokutei Ginou Careworkers’ Training

Aep Saeful Bachri, Dewi Kusrini, Fania Zahra Augustine
This research is a case study on a training program for prospective careworkers who will be dispatched to Japan with the Ginou Jisshuu (skilled apprenticeship) and Tokutei Ginou (special work practice) programs at UPI. This research was conducted to determine the factors in successfully implementing...
Proceedings Article

The Competency of Elementary School Teachers in Solving TIMSS Mathematics Problems

Dimas Muharam, Sri Wuryanti, Rumondang Purwati, Fahmi
This study aims to obtain information about elementary teacher competencies in solving math problems. This research uses quantitative and descriptive methods. Quantitative methods are used to determine elementary school teacher competency, proportion correct, and item difficulty, while descriptive methods...
Proceedings Article

Transitivity Analysis of Kamala Harris’ 2020 Presidential Victory Speech Concerning COVID-19

Alfath Eka Liani, Annisa Annidi, Yanty Wirza
Language plays a vital role in political speech as it comes in a form of argument shaping and speech presenting which often contain a set of beliefs called ideology. It gets even more crucial when the speech is delivered as a presidential victory speech from developed countries such as the USA. Hence,...
Proceedings Article

Study of the PGSD’S Discipline Linearity in Fulfilling Education Manpower Resources in Basic School of Madinah Islamic School, South Jakarta City

Dede Hasanudin, Safrul
This study is based on the results of the analysis of observations carried out at the Madinah Islamic School in the sub-district of Tebet, South Jakarta. The results of the data observation found that there were still teachers who taught whose scientific qualifications were not graduates of the primary...
Proceedings Article

Ecological Politeness on Sedekah Bumi Ceremony in Merapi Mountainside

Sri Hastuti, St. Y. Slamet, Sumarwati, Ani Rakhmawati
Sedekah bumi (earth’s alms) is one of the ceremonies routinely conducted by the Javanese society. It aims to express gratitude and be used as a means to maintain the balance of nature surrounding the Merapi mountainside. This ceremony is usually conducted in the night of One Suro or known as the labuhan...
Proceedings Article

The Impact Mechanism of Executive Incentive on Corporate Environmental Performance

Rong Wang, Liangcan Liu
In China’s green governance project, enterprises occupy a dominant position. In recent years, in the field of corporate governance, executive incentive have become a common concern for academics and business owners. Therefore, how to formulate a reasonable and sound incentive mechanism to encourage executives...
Proceedings Article

Sustainable Design Strategy of Expo 2020 DuBai

Lin Mo, Chen Lin, Hao Hu
Sustainable development is the common goal of mankind. The World Expo brings together the world’s most cutting-edge science and technology and ideas. This article aims to introduce the ongoing sustainable development design strategy of the Dubai Expo site and pavilions for the current architectural design...
Proceedings Article

Learners’ Perception Towards Online Classroom Environment during Pandemic of COVID-19, TPACK in EFL Context

Puji Astuti Amalia, Minarni Adham, Maulita, Sektalonir Bhakti
The pandemic of COVID-19 has changed many aspects of life across the globe including in Indonesia. In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 the president of Indonesia announced national distancing rule and encouraged citizen to work and study at home. Universities have changed the learning system into...
Proceedings Article

Development of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) based Teaching Materials to Train Students’ Representation Ability

Ahmad Ridwan, Yusuf Hartono, Jeri Araiku
The purpose of this research is to produce teaching materials based on Contextual Teaching and learning (CTL) to train students’ representational skills that are valid, practical, effective and to train students’ representation skills at SMA Negeri 3 Martapura. The subjects of this study were students...
Proceedings Article

Probing-Prompting Learning with Product Assessment to Improve Student Mathematics Learning Outcomes

Himmatul Ulya, Haryanto
This study aims to: (1) describe the implementation of probing-prompting learning with product assessment; and (2) testing the effectiveness of probing-prompting learning with product assessments to improve student learning outcomes. Subjects in the study amounted to 35 students. This research uses an...
Proceedings Article

Implementing Task-based Approach: A Solution for Teaching English Speaking Skills

Nguyen Dinh Nhu Ha, Nguyen Loc, Tran Tuyen
Teaching English speaking skills is a challenge for teachers in non-native English speaking countries. In reality, language learners often neglect to join English-speaking activities. Moreover, they tend to focus on grammar, not meaning. To deal with this problem, English teachers can take advantage...
Proceedings Article

Pedagogical Conditions for the Language Competence Development in Officers of the System of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Process of Continuous and Distance Learning

Iryna Trubavina, Volodymyr Liutyi, Liudmyla Nepipenko, Svitlana Boiko
The course taken by Ukraine for European integration, NATO membership and cooperation with employees of the world security institutions in today’s environment requires the language competence development in officers of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the process of distance learning....
Proceedings Article

Cultural Identity in Jean Kwok’s Novel Searching for Sylvie Lee

Almas Aprilia Damayanti, Lily Tjahjandari
Searching for Sylvie Lee written by Jean Kwok portrayed a life of Chinese immigrants in America. Sylvie Lee as the main character has the role to experience cultural identity and cultural dislocation since she moved from the Netherlands to the United States of America when she was young without knowing...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Telegram Application in Japanese Language Distance Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic

Adhellayani, Linna Meilia Rasiban
The use of social media or mobile communication application for learning has attracted many researchers across the globe as they are inevitable in digital era. However, the use of Telegram seems to be overlooked in the hustle and bustle of research. Therefore, the aims of present study was to investigate...
Proceedings Article

Management Strategy of Online Radio: Post COVID-19 Pandemic

Corry Novrica AP Sinaga, Nurhasanah Nasution, Elvita Yenni
This paper aims to determine the strategy for managing online radio after the COVID-19 pandemic. As a stand-alone online radio, not a collaboration streaming radio with conventional media, Move online radio has a broadcast format similar to radio on FM channels. Broadcasts news programs, talk shows,...
Proceedings Article

Native Language Interference in the Process of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language

Katarina Jalova
In this article, we deal with the problem of native language interference in the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language. In the theoretical part, we define the concept of the interlingual interference with an emphasis on various areas of language in which it occurs. In the analytical-interpretative...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Models of Precision Poverty Alleviation: A Case Study in China Power Industry

Li Ma, Rui Li
Based on the advantages and characteristics of the power industry, targeted poverty alleviation works of power companies are very important for China to win the battle against poverty, and, in the meanwhile, it also can effectively connect poverty alleviation and rural revitalization. In this article,...
Proceedings Article

Improving Creativity Through Development of Dance Learning Models for Teachers in Junior High Schools in Bandung

Ace Iwan Suryawan, Yoyoh Siti Mariah, Putri Lilis Dyani
The empathy and seriousness of the teachers in Junior High Schools in developing the creativity of Dance Education in particular is felt to be lacking. In general, teachers tend to have difficulties in developing innovative learning concepts. Traditional learning becomes a dominating habit. As a result,...
Proceedings Article

Material Preference Analysis of Highly Thermally Conductive Flexible Substrates Based on Material Ethics

Gaonaonao Xue
With the development of space technology and the civil economy, society is placing higher demands on flexible substrates. In this paper, from the perspective of material ethics in engineering design, the idea of engineering ethics is implemented in material preferences and green material practices are...
Proceedings Article

Development of STEM Animation Learning Media with Feedback to Facilitate Students’ Critical Thinking Ability on Global Warming Materials

Fitria Lafifa, Parno Parno, Erti Hamimi, A M. Setiawan
Critical thinking skills are needed to face the 21st century. PISA 2018 data shows that students’ critical thinking skills are still low. The Earth is experiencing an increase in temperature so it requires a solution to overcome it. STEM animation learning media with feedback can increase student reality...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Flipped Learning to Improve the Reading Comprehension of College Students of Elementary School Teacher Study Program on Pandemic Covid-19

Puji Hariati, Nurul Husnah Harahap, Mery Silalahi
Technology advances have brought significant changes in the teaching and learning practices of foreign languages in Indonesia, especially in learning English. Teaching or delivery of subject matter that should be done by lecturers in the classroom can now be done outside the classroom because of technology....
Proceedings Article

Syntatic Accuracy: EFL Learners in using Modals and Modality in Sikola Virtual Learning

Ainun Fatimah, Rezky Ramadhani, Andi Inayah Soraya
This purpose of this research is to determine modal and modality that used by students in particularly at level of syntactic then to reveal the percentage of students’ accuracy in answering modals and modality questions by using Sikola vitual learning as an online learning media in Covid-19 pandemic...
Proceedings Article

Revealing of Gender and Child Responsive Kampong Program on Enhancing the Community’s Quality of Life

Anindya Putri Tamara, Santy Paulla Dewi
Gender mainstreaming provides a new perspective to address various issues related to gender. The Surakarta City Government initiated the Gender and Children Responsive Kampong Program in 2019 in RW 08 Mojosongo Sub-district, Jebres District and RW 15 Tipes Sub-district, Serengan District, Surakarta City....
Proceedings Article

Innovative Work Behaviour in Bureaucratic Organizations: The Effect of Leadership and Self Efficacy in the Ministry of Home Affairs

Sukma Nurmala, Selly Dian Widyasari
This study aims to determine whether there is an influence of leadership and self-efficacy towards innovative work behaviour in the Ministry of Home Affairs. The sample of this research is 183 State Civil Apparatus who work in the Ministry of Home Affairs. This study uses three measuring tools, namely...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Marketing, Strategy Planning, Enterprise Orientation, Technology, and Capital on Indonesian MSMEs Performance

Ghea Dwi Rahmadiane, Nurul Mahmudah
The occurring phenomenon that MSMEs experience various weaknesses and problems, including difficulties in marketing caused by reduced customers because road users prefer to go through the toll road rather than the Pantura road, intensive business competition, low managerial skills, knowledge in management...
Proceedings Article

Study of Licensing Regulation in Bangkalan Regency in Improving Micro Business

Uswatun Hasanah, Ahmad Arsyadmunir, Aris Hardinanto
The research purpose was to obtain comprehensive information about the regulations and efforts of the Bangkalan Regency Government after the enactment of Presidential Regulation Number 98 of 2014 concerning Licensing for Micro and Small Enterprises. The data were obtained through in-depth interviews...
Proceedings Article

Research on the impact of information disclosure system to improve China's food safety

Jiang Xiujuan
On the issue of food safety regulation, the government will undoubtedly play a central role, which is also the requirement of the administrative law for the government. Principle of administrative law is one of the basic principles of substantive administrative law, which requires government activities...
Proceedings Article

Zhangjiajie's Current Tourism Economy-Vision of Tourism Industry and Solutions for Development

Wen Zhou, Xuebin Huang, Jia Zhu, Kun Zhang
Zhangjiajie is a tourist city with tourism as the main economic industry, with rich tourism resources and favorable geographical advantages. This paper analyzes the development of Zhangjiajie tourism scenic spot, points out the problems existing in the development of Zhangjiajie tourist area, and puts...
Proceedings Article

Application Analysis of The Data Visualization Technology in Sports Equipment

Shuyi Liu, Yimengqi Liu
With the rapid development and wide spread of sports fitness equipment, the individual sports data, such as the sports time, heart rate, blood pressure, mileage calculation, consumption quantity of heat etc., which is recorded by the sports equipment, is becoming more and more enormous. At the same time,...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Constructivism of Contemporary Pottery in China

Hongwu Li
With the rapid development of economy and society, contemporary pottery in China also forms its unique morphology. This unique morphology has been largely affected by western and modern arts during its formation. To gain a deeper understanding of contemporary pottery in China, the author carries out...
Proceedings Article

Intentional Specificity of the Emotive Hortative Statements

Alina Yu. Maslova
The article identifies the causative mechanisms of interaction between the hortative and emotive meanings, as well as specificity of the explicit and implicit implementation of intentional meanings on communicative level and semantic-pragmatic level that make up the content plane of the emotive and hortative...
Proceedings Article

The professional development problems for young teacher in local universities

Changping Wang, Chunbo Wei, Jianbo Wang, Pengxia Zhang
The author found that local universities existing the professional development Problems for young teacher as follows:(1)Young teachers career planning and positioning are not clear;(2) Young teachers are lack of professional independent development consciousness;(3)Young teachers’scientific research...
Proceedings Article

Increase the organization's crisis prevention costs and enhance the image of the organization

Xue Lei, Yinlin Wang
This template explains and demonstrates how to prepare your camera-ready manuscript for publisher. The best is to read these instructions and follow the outline of this text. Please make the page settings of your word processor to A4 format (21 x 29,7 cm or 8 x 11 inches); with the margins: bottom 1.5...
Proceedings Article

Teaching Technology as Assisted Language Learning (TALL) Subject: How Does It Work?

Technology as Assisted Language Learning (TALL) subject with code ING-349 is a subject with 2 credits at the English Department of Bengkulu University and the subject is offered to students at the fifth semester. This compulsory subject is designed to help students with some applicable technologies which...
Proceedings Article

Sensory and Physical Characteristic of Gluten-Free Nastar Cookies

Andian Ari Anggraeni, Titin Hera Widi Handayani
This research was performed to assess the sensory and physical characteristics of gluten-free nastar cookies. Nastar cookies are popular cookies in Indonesia, usually made from wheat flour. Recently it has been a challenge to substitute wheat flour with locally-grown-crop flour. Composite flour based...
Proceedings Article

New Strategies and Measures for College Engineering Education under the Framework of Professional Engineering Accreditation

Guoqing Yu, Jing Lv, Shuanghua Cao
Engineering accreditation is an important foundation for building international mutual recognition of engineering education and engineer qualification. This paper introduces the engineering accreditation and the Washington Accord at first. Then, according to the professional evaluation practice for some...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Mind Mapping Learning Model to Improve the Students' Learning Outcomes and Liveliness

Allan Saputro, Mr Basori, Cucuk Budiyanto
The objective of this research is to improve the students' learning outcomes and liveliness through the application of Mind Mapping model in learning web programming. The problems in this research are the existence of a class that still uses the conventional methods, and the value of the students' learning...
Proceedings Article

The Carrier Study of College Students’ Ideological and Political Education in 4G Context

Wang Zhanxia
Under mobile media environment, college students’ ideological and political education is currently facing the opportunities and challenges. The use of 4G technologies has been popular among college students, and 4G technologies have begun promoted. With a wireless network escalating the university campus,...
Proceedings Article

The Choice of Teaching Contents and Course Arrangement of Universities TESL in Our Country

Yuan Xu Yan
With the popularization of the teaching of English as a second language teaching model, many universities have set up the TESL course of teaching. Based on the introduction of the current situation of implementation in university TESL teaching of our country, in view of the teaching inefficiency, students...
Proceedings Article

Some Discussion on China's animation industry profit model

Hongqi Chen, Li Zhigang Li Zhigang
With the advent of large number of domestic anime, China's animation industry has reached an unprecedented degree of prosperity, but may not realize is unclear animation industry in our country there is still a lack of profitability, lack of innovation, industry chain imperfect . From our current major...
Proceedings Article

Plato's Educational Paradigm Shift: From Authority to Dialectic

Jeffrey Dirk Wilson
Homer's Iliad and Odyssey were the educational textbooks of the Greeks which Plato sought to replace with his own work, the Republic. It was not merely that Plato wanted to replace older work with his own, rather his aim was to replace the mode of education from one of memorizing and quoting an ancient...