Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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80641 articles
Proceedings Article

Attitudess of Pragmatism in the System of Values of Modern Kazakh Youth: On the Results of Data of a Complex Sociological Research

E. Puntus, T. Pupysheva, E. Esengarayev, A. Taubayev, Y. Goryacheva, B. Kadirov
The research group on the basis of studies of attitudes and value orientations of youth compiled a conditional “portrait of a modern young man” with highlighting (emphasizing) his main characteristics in terms of defining his behavior, outlook on life and seeing himself through the prism of the categories...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Learning Leadership, Academic Supervision, and Teacher Skills on Teacher Performance Effectiveness

Bahtiar Agung Pambudi, Imam Gunawan
This study aims to determine the effect of learning leadership, academic supervision, and teaching skills on the effectiveness of teacher performance. Data retrieval using a quantitative approach by research methods and uses regression analysis. The location of this scrutiny is at SMP Islam Raden Patah...
Proceedings Article

Review of Distance Learning Solutions Used during the COVID-19 Crisis

Sergey V. Shaytura, Alina M. Minitaeva, Konstantin V. Ordov, Slaveyko G. Gospodinov, Vitaliy O. Chulkov
Forced to go into self-isolation due to the coronavirus outbreak, all students had to be moved to distance learning. Imposed by the Government in a short time, distance learning has hit both the learning process and the teachers hard. This paper provides a follow up on the emergency transition to distance...
Proceedings Article

The Basic Model of Compulsory Isolation and Detoxification in Judicial Administration Based on Medical Insurance System

Zhanlei Hu
With the promotion of the basic mode of the unified judicial administration of drug rehabilitation, compulsory isolation of drug rehabilitation students, as a special group, whether to enjoy medical insurance during the period of drug rehabilitation and gradually into the basic medical insurance system,...
Proceedings Article

Religion, Education, and Pluralism

Relevance of Sufism Morality Education in Developing Character of Pluralism in Indonesia

A. Gani, Kamran Asat Irsyady, Ferry Muhammadsyah Siregar
This article examines the relevance of Sufism morality education in developing character of pluralism in Indonesia. Through the library research methodology with a historical-philosophical approach, the results show that someone practicing Sufism morality has a high level of tolerance while dealing with...
Proceedings Article

Research on Blended Learning Based on Internet Plus Education Model

ZiYan Zhang, Zhe Yang
This article analyzes the influence of “Internet +” on traditional classroom teaching elements, based on the construction of a talent training program design framework, the hybrid teaching concept, and the design of hybrid teaching courses, it aims to provide reference for higher education teaching,...
Proceedings Article

Models of Application of IT in Teaching in the Condition of Transformation of the Education System and Searching for a New Paradigm

Igor Vostroknutov, Sergey Grigoriev, Lev Surat
Humanity is on the verge of the fourth industrial revolution in anticipation of global changes. A global reform of education is expected - from the change of the paradigm itself and the creation of a new teaching methodology to the creation of new forms, methods and teaching methods. However, there are...
Proceedings Article

Building Communication with Deaf Children during The Covid-19 Pandemic

Maulana Rezi Ramadhana, Ravik Karsidi, Prahastiwi Utari, Drajat Tri Kartono
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the behavior of children with special needs. During this time, the role of family communication is important to maintain the children’s development and resilience. This paper discusses the dynamics of family communication to cope with stress and to maintain the resilience...
Proceedings Article

The True Leaders and Leadership: From The Narratives of Emha Ainun Nadjib

Ahmad Mabrur, Pardjono
This study aims to describe Emha Ainun Nadjib’s concepts of leader and leadership. This research uses qualitative methods with a narrative approach. The subjects of this study were Emha Ainun Nadib and the people closest to him including his eldest son and coordinator of several maiyah communities. In...
Proceedings Article

The Challenge and Opportunity in the Implementation of Environmental Field Assessment Study to Encourage Behavior Change for Protecting the Environment

Erwinsyah, Abdul Rohman, Mamik Suendarti
Besides the economic growth, development activities often produced unexpected negative impacts on decreasing the quality of life, health problems, and environmental damage, including land degradation, soil erosion, air, and water as well as soil pollution. In general, environmental damage occurred caused...
Proceedings Article

Translingual Dispositions, Multilingual P-Pop and the Fight for Philippine Languages Online

Ruanni Tupas
This paper discusses and maps out an instantiation of everyday multilingualism online. It argues that translingual dispositions – ways of speaking, thinking and doing which embrace, rather than reject, all forms of linguistic difference – are an important component in the struggle for the survival and...
Proceedings Article

Development of Cell Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment Instrument: Small Group Review

Safira Permata Dewi, Ermayanti, Lucia Maria Santoso
This study aims to obtain an overview of the cell cognitive diagnostic assessment (CCDA) instrument that has been developed from a small group testing point of view. There are 20 multiple choice questions that have been developed with five alternative answer choices. These questions consist of four topics,...
Proceedings Article

Dynamic Monitoring and Assessment for Digital Transformation in Higher Education

Supriyono, Muhamad Faisal
The development of information technology applied to college institutions is experiencing rapid growth. Information technology can solve problems faced in educational institutions. Universities are increasing the use of information and digital technologies for improved service, data management, and accurate...
Proceedings Article

The Effect Size of Forgiveness in Hope and Life Satisfaction Among Adolescents Living with Imperfect Family Structure: Taking Anxiety Levels and Sex into Consideration

Amalia Rahmandani, Yohanis Franz La Kahija, Lusi Nur Ardhiani
This study aimed to describe the differences in correlation of forgiveness and hope as well as life satisfaction according to anxiety levels and sex among adolescents living with the imperfect family structure. A total of 171 Indonesian teenagers involved were students of a state vocational school in...
Proceedings Article

Development of Critical Thinking Skills Measurement in Socio-Political Context

Miftachur Rohmah, Sri Kusromaniah
Critical thinking is one of the most essential goals in education nowadays. Aside from academics and career settings, the skill is considered important to be implemented in understanding socio-political issues for shaping better civil society by emphasizing consciousness and accountability. This study...
Proceedings Article

Maximizing of Local Community Empowerment Based on Social Capital Coordination Action in Tourism Development

A case in Bunaken Island

Jufrina Mandulangi
The development of the tourism industry on Bunaken Island has opened up employment opportunities which lead to improved welfare of local communities. In the framework of social-based community empowerment, it is necessary to examine constructively the social capital contained in the people on the island....
Proceedings Article

Cultural Contents of an EFL Textbook

How is the Potential for Students’ Intercultural Communicative Competence Development During the COVID-19 Outbreak?

Ahmad Sugianto, Yanty Wirza
Culture constitutes an inseparable part of language teaching and learning process. Using the framework advocated by Cortazzi and Jin (1999) and Yuen (2011), this study aims to scrutinize the potential use of a vocational high school textbook to facilitate students’ intercultural communicative competence...
Proceedings Article

Increasing Students’ Digital Literacy Utilizing Edublogs as a Learning Media

Sari Mubaroh, Linda Fujiyanti, Muhammad Setya Pratama
Most of SMA Negeri 1 Sungailiat students are less enthusiastic about school literacy because they feel bored when they have to read books. In addition, teachers are always the focus of learning makes it difficult for teachers to use literacy in the teaching and learning process. There’s also another...
Proceedings Article

Human Rights in the Age of Pandemics

Ibrahim Kaya
Covid-19, which has been declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO), is having very important impacts at the global level. By definition a pandemic concerns all states and therefore a close co-operation between states is essential to combat it in an adequate manner. States, sometimes...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Protective Measures to Prevent Covid-19 Transmission in Traditional Markets

A Behavioral Perspective

Deti Nudiati, Eko Sulistiono
Covid is the most contagious virus in the world today. It is transmitted through human interaction, making the traditional market as a potential hotspot for Covid-19 transmission. After several months implementing large-scale social restrictions (PSBB), the Indonesian government implemented a new policy,...
Proceedings Article

Connecting Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices and Mathematical Practices

Trena L. Wilkerson
Learning during the pandemic presents a major challenge for mathematics teachers. In this condition, Teacher must examine effective mathematical teaching practices that support each and every student to develop a deep understanding of mathematics; and developing a positive mathematical identity and strong...
Proceedings Article

Practice of Hybrid Teaching Reform of Project Cost Control Based on Cloud Classroom

Mengbo Zhang
“Project Cost Control” is a basic course for project cost major. It mainly introduces the regulations and methods in the whole process of cost consultation, including valuation of construction, bidding, contract management, financial analysis and evaluation. This course has many knowledge branches, involving...
Proceedings Article

Polite Language in Boyolali Folklore

Ira Prihapsari, Andayani, Sarwiji Suwandi
This study aims to describe the politeness of the language contained in the folklore of Boyolali. This research is in the form of descriptive qualitative with the type of content analysis. The data in this study are in the form of language politeness in the folklore of Boyolali. Through this research,...
Proceedings Article

On Li Dazhao’s Critical Inheritance of Chinese Traditional Culture

Yu Zhou
Li Dazhao, an outstanding representative of early Marxists, based on the traditional Chinese culture, actively explored and applied the position, viewpoint and method of Marxism, forming a representative traditional cultural view. In the process of criticizing and inheriting, respecting and interpreting...
Proceedings Article

Ratification of International Convention under Indonesian Law: A Study on CITES 1973 and ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement

Z Zunnuraeni, M Riadhussyah, M Y Fathoni, E S Nurbani
Indonesian national law has defined two mechanisms in the ratification of international conventions, namely in form of an Act and in form of a Presidential decree. As stipulated in the Constitution of The Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 that:” causing broad and fundamental consequences for the lives...
Proceedings Article

Linguistic Diversity in the Urban Linguistic Landscape of Sibiu

Adeline-Alexandra Berdie
The aim of this paper is to present, categorize and describe the linguistic landscape of Sibiu, by capturing the visible presence of the languages in that area. It examines the use of different languages in the public space of Sibiu, comparing the use of the state language (Romanian) to the use of the...
Proceedings Article

Predicting the Results of the 2019 Indonesian Presidential Election with Google Trends

Analysis of Accuracy, Precision, and Its Opportunity

Ali Ar Harkan, Eriyanto
In electoral competitions, voter behavior research is conducted to develop effective campaign strategies, but survey methods tend to be expensive. By contrast, in the internet era where political campaigns evolve by using digital data and channels, Google Trends offers free services that display search...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Creativity of Students in Higher Education: Innovative Pedagogical Management

Nadzeya Nizhneva-Ksenofontova, Natallia Nizhneva
The article is devoted to innovative pedagogical management as a very important factor of developing creativity of students in higher education. Main functions of management and innovative pedagogical management are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the goal, main tasks, features, effective model...
Proceedings Article

Wedding Procession of Sasak Ethnic Group as Presented in the Cilokaq Text Titled ‘Ngiring Penganten’ (The Bridal Parade): A Review Based on Dilthey’s Hermeneutics

Rapi Renda, Sumaryadi, Hanifa Sa’diyah
This research is aimed at describing the marriage custom procession of Sasak Ethnic group in Lombok, Indonesia which is represented in the modern cilokaq text titled ‘Ngiring Penganten’ (The Bridal Parade). The data on the ethnic wedding procession of Sasak ethnic group in Lombok island which are represented...
Proceedings Article

Aristotle’s Golden Mean: Vague and Inapplicable?

Yuetong Zhou
The principle of the Golden Mean, according to which “every virtue of character lies between two correlative faults of vices”[1], presented in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, is one of the most controversial concepts among philosophers. Some appreciate it to be a substantive theory on virtue, while others...
Proceedings Article

Digital-Era Government (DEG): Policy Analysis in Government West Bandung Regency, Indonesia

The main problem of implementing e-government in West Bandung Regency: technically the website through its features cannot be accessed perfectly; Human resource competence is still limited, and community response is still limited. The purpose of this study is to identify and explain the implementation,...
Proceedings Article

Healthcare Information System Based on Patient Service Quality

Ari Yulianti, Muhardi
Similar as any other hospitals, the aim of Al-Mulk Hospital is to provide service on its patients with the best quality. One consistent effort practiced by this hospital is to provide technological advance and hospital management information system. Based on that, the objective of this research is to...
Proceedings Article

Money Attitudes in Monetary and Non-Monetary Criminals in China

Yuxuan Chen
The current investigation examined the difference in money attitudes between inmates who committed monetary crimes and those who committed non-monetary crimes. Monetary inmates (N = 219) and non-monetary inmates (N = 174) responded to a questionnaire that included the Money Attitude Scale (MAS). Results...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Work Culture and Work Quality on Service Quality:

Study at Padang City Government, West Sumatera Province

Aldri Frinaldi, Jumiati, Nora Eka Putri
This research aims to analyze the current state of knowledge about work culture and work quality on service quality that found in regional schema organizations in Padang city. The Research used a quantitative approach. The Sampling technique used purposive random sampling. The number of respondents in...
Proceedings Article

Strategy for Implementation of Domestic Waste Water Management Policy in the Tirtawening Regional Water Company, Bandung City

Rahmat, Boy Tagajagawani, Bambang Heru Purwanto
This research is focused to discuss strategy for implementation of domestic waste water management in the Tirtawening Regional Water Company (PDAM) Bandung City. The research aimed to talk about the policy implementation, get to know factors which caused inefficiency of the policy implementation and...
Proceedings Article

Modeling and Optimization Scientific Products Quality Using POP-SDM Method

Sri Setyaningsih, Lina Novita, Soewarto Hardhienata
The scientific work of lecturer is an important element related to the lecturers’ career development and ranking universities at the national and international levels. Lecturers’ scientific work can be in the form of scientific publication or intellectual property rights of research results conducted...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of School Culture and Organizational Commitment to Performance Teachers in the SD Negeri Keluang District

Siti Munajah, Yasir Arafat, Mulyadi
The goal of this study was to evaluate the influence of school culture and organizational commitment on the performance of public elementary school teachers in the Keluang District of Musi Banyuasin Regency. This research was carried out on teachers in the Keluang Subdistrict, Musi Banyuasin Regency....
Proceedings Article

Ecological Innovations of Materials in Art Objects to Create a Comfortable Human Environment

Oksana Pylypchuk, Olga Krivenko, Andrii Polubok, Andrii Zapryvoda, Vitalii Zapryvoda
The study developed and proposed an innovative approach based on the use of ecological materials in art objects to create a healthy and comfortable environment. As a result of the analysis of the research, the main structural characteristics of the materials were revealed. Methods for assessing the aesthetic...
Proceedings Article

Teaching Reform of Building Material Experiment Course Based on the Improvement of Students’ Comprehensive Quality

Wei Chen, Huiyan Jia, Jiansheng Shen, Jian Geng
In order to strengthen the effectiveness of building materials experimental teaching, this paper based on the teaching content, teaching methods, evaluation system of these three levels of experimental teaching reform, and then summed up a more practical experimental teaching mode. Based on the trend...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Law Number 22 of 2001 Concerning Oil and Natural Gas Against People’s Oil Mining in the Village of Wonocolo, Kecamatan Kedewan, Bojonegoro, East Java

R. Rahaditya, Agoes Dariyo
This research conducted in order to find out the related cases of distillation and illegal sales of crude oil mining products in the Bojonegoro East Java Province area remain in Wonocolo village. Whereas according to the mandate of the 1945 Constitution that all natural resources should be controlled...
Proceedings Article

Research on School-enterprise Cooperation Teaching of Accounting Under the Integration of Production and Education Based on Information Technology

Guirong Wang, Sufen Wang
The development of Internet information technology provides more choices for modern teaching methods and modes. The teaching method of accounting major has changed greatly with the school-enterprise alliance model. This article introduces that under the Internet information technology, enterprises can...
Proceedings Article

Specifics of Modern Culture and Arts Management and the Models of Its Functioning in Europe, the USA, and Russia

Alexandr N. Yakupov
The present article focuses on understanding and substantiating the specific features of culture and arts management in comparison with general production management. It presents the analysis of the most effective models of interaction between culture and arts and the state on the issue of financing...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Authentic Assessment for Assessing Students’ Reading Skills at Senior High School

M. Zaim, Refnaldi, Yetty Zainil, Syifa Fauziah Irsyad
The 2013 curriculum required authentic assessment to assess students’ achievement in any subjects, including reading skills as one of the four language skills in achieving English as a foreign language in Indonesia. However, teachers still have problems in using authentic assessment to assess reading...
Proceedings Article

Gender Equality From Islamic Perspective

Sakinah Ab. Rahim, Raudahtul Farhah Ab. Rahim, Siti Aisyah Panatik, Siti Norlina Muhammad
Islam is the way of life, a comprehensive and perfect guidance in completing the incomplete or shortage in every aspect of a human being. Islam never underestimated nor mistreated any living thing incredibly human as the most incredible creature created by Allah The Almighty. Human being was created...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Ari Kusuma Wardana
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the [UPINCESS] during [Wednesday, 15 June, 2022] in [Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Virtual Conference]. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the [UPINCESS Reviewers] and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

I. G. A. Lokita Purnamika Utami, Ni Putu Era Marsakawati
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at The 2nd International Conference on Languages and Arts across Cultures (ICLAAC) conference on 28–29 September 2022 in Singaraja. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and approved by the...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Youbin Chen, Marcus T. Anthony, Yan Ke
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 2022 International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Manufacturing System (ICAMTMS 2022) during July 22–24, 2022 in Xi’an, China. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the [Scientific Committees...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Adhi Kusumastuti, Samsudin Anis, Achmad Nizar Hidayanto, Sita Nurmasitah, Atika Atika, Delta Apriyani, Taofan Ali Achmadi, Sudiyono Sudiyono
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Diana Lukitasari, Agus Hendriyanto, Riyadi Muslim, Sani Sahara
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 1st International Conference on Demographics and Civil-Registration (INCODEC) 2021 during November 11–13, 2021 in Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Reviewer Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief,...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Daniel Barredo-Ibáñez, Farrah Bérubé, Paulo Carlos López-López, Daniel H. Mutibwa
All of the articles in this proceedings volume were presented virtually on 28th and 29th July 2022 at CISOC 2022, Québec à Trois-Rivières . These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this document is a truthful...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Chew Fong Peng, Helen S. Du, Teh Sin Yin, Hongbo Li, Jose Prabhu
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 7th International Conference on Modern Management and Education Technology (MMET 2022) during September 23–25, 2022 in Xiamen, China. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the [Scientific Committees and reviewers]...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Yulia Pogrebnyak, Runan Hou
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the ICLCCS 2022 during August 12–13, 2022 online. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this document is a truthful description of the...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Aurora Jillena Meliala, Davilla Prawidya Azaria, Jennifer Lydia, Adibæv Açet Maratovich, Collie Brown, Christopher Cason
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the International Conference on Law Studies during 22–23 April 2022 at Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta University. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the International Conference on Law Studies reviewer committee...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Amrullah Amrullah, Lovy Herayanti, Tesha Sengupta-Irving, Yeo Sook Fern, Fathoroni Fathoroni, Imran Imran
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the Third Annual Conference on Education and Social Sciences (3rd ACCESS 2021) during 19th–21st of November 2021 in Mataram, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief,...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Jian Sun, Chew Fong Peng, Intakhab Alam Khan, Christopher Jenks
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 2022 International Conference on Sport Science, Education and Social Development (SSESD 2022) during July 15–17, 2022 in Kunming, China. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the [Scientific Committees and reviewers]...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Fauzan Mustaffa, Roopesh Sitharan, Junita Shariza Mohd Nasir
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 2nd International Conference on Creative Multimedia 2022 during July 25–27, 2022 in Multimedia University, Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Technical Programme Committee...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statement

Dyah Mutiarin, Achmad Nurmandi, Arie Kusuma Paksi, Zain Rafique
All articles are going to be peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief of ICOSIHESS 2022 who affirms that this document is a truthful description of the conference’s review process.
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Joko Priyana, Nila Kurnia Sari
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the The 9th International Conference on Education Research and Innovation and The 1st International Conference on Practicum and Community Service in Education during the 3rd–10th of November 2021 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. These articles...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Rama Kertamukti, Yanti Dwi Astuti, Mohammad Johan Nasrul Huda, Tariq Yazid, Hwe Wai Weng, Nisrina Muthahari
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the Annual International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (AICOSH) 2022 during 15–17 September 2022 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the AICOSH 2022 Reviewers and approved...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

I Gede Suwiwa, Setya Chendra Wibawa, Made Agus Dharmadi, I Made Agus Wijaya, Ketut Candra Adinata Kusuma, Gede Doddy Tisna
All of the articles in this proceedings volume would be have been presented at the 2nd International Conference on Physical Education, Sport, and Health 2022 during 8 to 9 September 2022 in Singaraja, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and approved...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Sareen Kaur Bhar, Hawa Rahmat
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Sumarmi, Rajendra P. Shrestha, I. Nyoman Ruja, Azmil Mohd Tayeb, Sharina Osman
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Janianton Damanik, Badaruddin Mohammed, Dyah Widyastuti, Nuryuda Irdana, Hera Oktadiana
All the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the International Academic Conference on Tourism 2022 during May 30–31, 2022 which was conducted online via zoom ( and based in Tour & Travel Business Program, Vocational College, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia....
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Zulfikar Bagus Pambuko, Chrisna Bagus Edhita Praja, Lintang Muliawanti, Veni Soraya Dewi, Muji Setiyo, Fitriana Yuliastuti, Agus Setiawan
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 3rd BIS-HSS during December 15, 2021 in Magelang, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the ScientificCommittee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this document is a truthful description...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Leni Winarni, Takuo Sasaki, Suyatno Suyatno, Aulia Suminar Ayu
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the [The 7th International Conference on Social and Political Sciences (ICoSaPS) 2022] during [3-4 August 2022”] in [Surakarta, Indonesia - Online]. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the [Leni Winarni, Takuo...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Nuria Haristiani, Yulianeta, Yanty Wirza, Wawan Gunawan, Ari Arifin Danuwijaya, Eri Kurniawan, Dante Darmawangsa, Suharno, Nia Nafisah, Ernie Dyah Imperiani
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the ICOLLITE 2022 on August 3rd, 2022 in Bandung, West Java Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the publication team members of ICOLLITE and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this document...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Augustin Holl, Jun Chen, Guiyun Guan
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 2022 5th International Conference on Humanities Education and Social Sciences (ICHESS 2022) during October 14-16, 2022 in Chongqing, China. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the [Scientific Committees and...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Amika Wardana, Suhadi Purwantara, Dyah Kumalasari, Nursida Arif
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the [International Conference of Social Science and Education, ICOSSED] during [29 October 2021] in [Yogyakarta, Indonesia]. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the [Scientific Committee] and approved by the Editor-in-Chief,...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Ifdil Ifdil, M. Affandi Arianto, Havid Ardi
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 3rd Progress in Social Science, Humanities and Education Research Symposium (PSSHERS) 2021 during November 3rd, 2021 in Padang. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Board and approved by the Editor-in-Chief,...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Yang Chik Adam, Azwina Wati Binti Abdull Manaf
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the International Conference on Law and Digitalization 2022 (ICLD 2022) (mode: Virtual) during 25–27 July 2022 in Malacca, Malaysia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Technical Committee and approved by the...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Putu Widhi Iswari, Andi Wicaksono, Qosim Khoiri Anwar, Al Farabi, Muhammad Hanif Al Hakim, Sigit Arif Bowo
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the ISSLAMS 2022 during September 22, 2022 in Surakarta, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this document is a truthful...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Naufal Ishartono, Yasir Sidiq
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Saefur Rochmat, Aman Aman, Zulkarnain Zulkarnain, Dyah Kumalasari, Danu Eko Agustinova
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the [1st Annual Conference on Research, Educational Implementation, Social Studies and History (AREISSH)] during [25 August 2021] in [Yogyakarta, Indonesia]. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the [Scientific...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Dona Budi Kharisma, Waluyo Waluyo, Gayatri Dyah Suprobowati
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Fadi Hage Chehade, Yung Yau
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the DESD2022 during July 22nd–24th, 2022 in Hangzhou. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this document is a truthful description of...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Olga Chistyakova, Iana Roumbal
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the ICCESSH 2022 during April 21–22, 2022 online. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this document is a truthful description of the...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Zehui Zhan, Chew Fong Peng, Marcus T. Anthony
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 2022 International Conference on Science Education and Art Appreciation (SEAA 2022) during June 24–26, 2022 in Chengdu, China. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the [Scientific Committees and reviewers] and...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Arono, Wisma Yunita, Ira Maisarah, Sufiyandi, Muhammad Fadhli
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the ICETEP-3 during November 20, 2021 in Bengkulu. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the ICETEP-3 Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this document is a truthful description of the...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Yeni Priatna Sari, Muhammad Taufik Qurohman, Iin Indrayanti
All of the articles in this proceedings volume would be have been presented at the 1st Tegal International Conference on Applied Social Sciences and Humanities (TIC-ASSH) during 26 January 2022 virtually. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and approved by...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Alexander Volodin, Iana Roumbal
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the ICECIDT 2022 during April 14–15, 2022 online. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this document is a truthful description of the...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Sahran Saputra, Akhyar Anshori
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the International Conference on Communication, Policy and Social Science (INCCLUSI) during on February 22, 2022 in Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of...
Proceedings Article

Television Coverage: Between Social Movement and Violence

Amrina Rosyada, Vinisa Nurul Aisyah
The ratification of the omnibus law on job creation sparked debate among various groups, resulting in protests across Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to explain how TV One and Metro TV framed news about protests against the omnibus law. The framing model used in this research is Robert N....
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Amiril Azizah, Emma Dwi Ariyani
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 5th International Conference of Applied Science on Social Science 2022 (The 5th ICAST-SS 2022) during 21st - 23rd October 2022 in Grand Hotel Preanger, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the...
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Peer-Review Statements

Recky Harold Elby Sendouw, Theodorus Pangalila, Sjamsi Pasandaran, Vivi P. Rantung
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Peer-Review Statements

I Nyoman Putu Budiartha, Ade Saptomo, Peter Verhezen, Siti Hafsyah Idris, Cesaltina Angela Soares, Eddy Lisdiyono, Faisal Santiago, Eddy Pratomo, Ahmad Sudiro, Anthon Freddy Susanto
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Peer-Review Statements

Harry Nuriman, Nia Kurniasih, Sutiadi Rahmansyah, Prima Roza, A. Gumawang Jati, Tien M. Sudradjat
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the Conference on Digital Humanities during 3–5 November 2022 in Bandung, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Paper Peer Review Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this...
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Peer-Review Statements

M. Lutfi Firdaus, Aprina Defianti
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Peer-Review Statements

Abdul Fattah, Muchamad Adam Basori, Muhammad Anwar Fu’ady, Novia Solichah
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Diana Septi Purnama, Mariani Binti Omar, Mohsin Shaikh, Yuli Nurmalasari, Natri Sutanti, Indriyana Rachmawati
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Dian Bayu Firmansyah, Usep Muttaqin, Ambhita Dhyaningrum, Tri Wahyu Setiawan Prasetyoningsih
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Maria Hidayati, Dewi Kartika, Utami Widiati, Suharyadi, Anik Nunuk Wulyani, Yazid Basthomi
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Luky Kurniawan, M. Wahyu Kuncoro, Sri Muliati Abdullah, Triana Noor Edwina DS.
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Rohmani Nur Indah, Miftahul Huda, Irham Irham, Muzakki Afifuddin, Masrokhin Masrokhin, Deny Efita Nur Rakhmawati
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Meilinda, Jeri Araiku, Saparini, Meryansumayeka, Elika Kurniadi, Weni Dwi Pratiwi, Dedi Kurniawan, Dian Eka Amrina, Muhammad Akbar Budiman
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Slamet Setiawan, Wulan Patria Saroinsong, Muhammad Nurul Ashar, Chinun Boonrongrut, Rojil N. B. Aji, Yuni Lestari, Lillyana Mulya, Galih W. Pradana, Riyadi Riyadi, Azmil Mohd Tayeb, Lina Purwaning Hartanti, Hujuala Rika Ayu
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Aji Prasetya Wibawa, Riska Pristiani, Gulsun Kurubacak, Siti Salina Mustakim, Dedi Kuswandi, Roni Herdianto
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Manyane Makua, Mariam Akinlolu, Mashango Sithole, Phiwayinkosi Gumede, Cebo Nyondo
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Bootheina Majoul, Digvijay Pandya, Lin Wang
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Peer-Review Statements

Bambang Budi Wiyono, Asmaa Abusamra, Zainal Dimaukom Kulidtod, Jamal Nordin bin Yunus, Desi Eri Kusumaningrum, Ophat Kaosaiyaporn
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Mirsa Umiyati, I Nyoman Kardana, Aron Meko Mbete, I Gusti Made Sutjaja, Dewa Komang Tantra, Nyoman Sujaya, Ni Wayan Kasni, I Wayan Budiarta, Rika Purnama Sari