Advances in Biological Sciences Research
2390 articles
Proceedings Article
Growth and Yield Responses of Hot Pepper (Capsicum annuum L) to Salinity Stress
Catur Herison, Yunirza Eka Putri, Hasanudin Hasanudin, Rustikawati Rustikawati
Hot pepper productivity in coastal areas tends to be lower than that of in common arable areas. The main problem is salinity stress which hampers growth and suppresses yield. The use of tolerant genotypes is one of the most prospective approaches to overcome the low productivity of coastal areas. This...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Garlic Extract (Allium Sativum L.) and Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus L) as Insecticides Againts Pediculus humanus capitis
Oktafirani Al Sas, Pipin Supenah, Hery Prambudi
Head lice Pediculus humanus capitis are parasites that live on the scalp. Garlic and citronella are plants that can be used as natural insecticides. Allium sativum L. (garlic) contains metabolites of the flavonoid class, saponins, and allicin which have toxic properties to insects so they can be used...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Fermented Concentrate on Growth Performance of Brahman Crossbred Steers: A Preliminary Study
Mohammad Sofi’ul Anam, Chusnul Hanim, Andriyani Astuti, Ali Agus
This preliminary study aimed to determine the effect of fermented concentrate on Brahman crossbred steer growth performance. This study used ten Brahman crossbred steers aged 16-20 months weighing an average of 334 kilograms. All animals were randomly divided into two groups: control and treatment (n...
Proceedings Article
Chemical Analysis and Microbial Population of Belacan Depik, Fermented Fish Product of Rasbora tawarensis
Eva Murlida, C. Nilda, Murna Muzaifa
Depik (Rasbora tawarensis) is a typical endemic fish of Lake Laut Tawar in Central Aceh Regency, Indonesia. Local people process depik fish into fresh, dried and fermented forms. Femented depik fish called belacan depik, which is one of favorite food by local community. However, research on the quality...
Proceedings Article
Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) Analysis for the Identification of Antifungal and Antioxidant in Tobacco Waste Extracts
Mega Desy Safitri, Wagiman Wagiman, Jumeri Jumeri
Tobacco waste (Nicotiana tabacum L.) is the final product produced by the tobacco industry. Tobacco waste contains the same potential bioactive compounds as tobacco leaves. Tobacco waste can be processed into environmentally friendly biopesticides because it contains bioactive compounds with antifungal...
Proceedings Article
Flood Vulnerability Analysis on Paddy Fields Using the Spatial Multi-criteria Evaluation Method: A Case Study of Bantul Regency-Indonesia
Sulistiawan Fajar Nugroho, Anindya Hias Bestari, Azizah Nurkhalifah, Yadug Restuaji, Andung Bayu Sekaranom
Bantul Regency is one of the areas with highest agricultural productivity in Yogyakarta Province-Indonesia, particularly for paddy fields. This region is also vulnerable to floods, which has negative impacts on the local community, particularly farmers. This study aims to determine the level of flood...
Proceedings Article
One-pot Synthesis of Diinosine Triphosphate and Tetraphosphate
Huashan Huang, Shanshan Gong
An efficient one-pot protocol for the synthesis of symmetrical diinosine triphosphate (Ip3I) and diinosine tetraphosphate (Ip4I) from inosine 5 -phosphoropiperidate has been developed. The experimental results indicated that the employment of DCI activation could notably promote the reaction rate and...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Requirements for Entrepreneurship-Based Biotechnology Textbooks at Universitas Negeri Padang
M Yusuf, Yuni Ahda
The university has an important role in preparing the nation’s generation to take Indonesia’s demographic bonus in 2020-2035 in the industrial revolution 4.0. The effort needed to take the demographic bonus is to apply biotechnology lectures that are integrated with entrepreneurship education. The lecture...
Proceedings Article
Mapping of Processed Food Product Innovation on Small and Medium Enterprises in Banten
Fauji Sanusi, Gerry Ganika Koswara
The purpose of this study is to create a mapping of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) based on their internal innovation and external conditions. The model used for mapping is Quantified-SWOT analysis by adopting the concept of Multiple-Attribute Decision Making (MADM) to simplify complex problems...
Proceedings Article
Level of Damage and Spread of Stewart’s Wilt Disease in Corn in Banyumas District
Heru Adi Djatmiko, Nur Prihatiningsih, Ismangil
Stewart’s wilt disease is caused by Pantoea stewartii subsp. Stewartii is an important disease of maize. Information about the level of damage and the pattern of spread of the disease is needed to design a management strategy for Stewart’s wilt. This study aimed to obtain the level of damage and the...
Proceedings Article
Life Form Identification of Coral Reef and Genera in Pahawang Island to Support Ecosystem Rehabilitation
Novriadi, Andy Darmawan, Gres Maretta, Budhi Agung Prasetyo, Winati Nurhayu, Agus Rayendi Gurning, Muhammad Afrizal, Mahib Abdul Malik
The widespread degradation of coral reef ecosystems, including on Pahawang Island, Lampung, is commonly addressed through coral transplantation activities as a means of rehabilitating the natural structure of coral reef ecosystems to once again support the life of fish and other marine biota. To support...
Proceedings Article
Scarification’s Effect on the Growth of Leucaena Leucocephala cv Taramba
Harmini Harmini, Wisri Puastuti, Endang Sutedi, Dwi Yulistiani
The aim of this study is to reveal a method for accelerating seed germination and raising the growth of Leucaena leucocephala cv Taramba. The research was conducted in the agrostology laboratory of the Indonesian Research Institute for Animal Production (IRIAP) from June to August 2021. The research...
Proceedings Article
Current Condition in Lowland Irrigation Area Tahai: Challenges and Solutions
Zachlul Zelvi, Istiarto, Lestari Rahayu Waluyati
The Tahai lowland irrigation area is one of the on-going lowland development national projects. This channel network consists of the primary channel and a number of secondary channels on its left and right banks at regular distances. This is known as comb (sisir) system. The primary channel starts at...
Proceedings Article
Cardiac Histopathology of Male Mice (Mus musculus L.) Given Maximum Physical Exercise and Gambir Catechin (Uncaria gambir Roxb.)
Elsa Yuniarti, M. Des, Desi Fitria, Pamelia Mayorita
Physical exercise is an activity carried out to maintain body health and fitness. However, optimal physical exercise will harm the body because it produces free radicals that can damage cells and body tissues. Gambir is a plant whose main component is catechin which functions as an antioxidant. Antioxidants...
Proceedings Article
Economic Analysis Based on Software Cost Estimation Model on the Development of Telemetry Equipment to Support the Irrigation Modernization
Andri Prima Nugroho, Siwi Yuwanita Muliana, Murtiningrum, Sigit Supadmo Arif
Irrigation is one of the main supporters in the application of modern agriculture to ensure the availability of water as an input to agricultural production. Nowadays, irrigation modernization in Indonesia is intended to realize a participatory irrigation management system that is oriented towards fulfilling...
Proceedings Article
Phylogenetic Characterization of Nitrifying Bacteria Isolated from East Kolkata Wetland
Mousumi Saha, Agniswar Sarkar, Bidyut Bandyopadhyay
East Kolkata Wetland (EKW) is an “International Ramsar Site”, famous for broad biodiversity and insightful use of sewage for aquaculture. Native nitrifying bacteria of EKW play a significant role in maintaining water quality and controlling environmental pollution by converting ammonia into nitrate in...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Animal Models of Alopecia Areata(AA) Based on Clinical Features of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine
Huan LI, Ming BAI, Yan-yan MIAO, Xiao-yan FANG, Ming-san MIAO
Objective: Analysis of alopecia areata animal model production methods, characteristics and characteristics of Chinese and Western alopecia areata anastomosis. Methods: To summarize the characteristics of the alopecia areata animal model, according to alopecia areata diagnosis and clinical characteristics...
Proceedings Article
Mitochondrial Impairment Mechanism in D-galactose-induced Senescence in Experimental Fibroblast Cell Model
Wei Ye, Jian-Ming Cao, Xiao-Jun Tang, Chu Liu, Dong-Jie Hao, Jing Jin, Jian-Xin Lu
To establish an effective model for cellular senescence, human embryo lung fibroblast cells (MRC-5) were cultured in D-galactose (D-Gal) medium respectively, as control, same concentration of D-glucose (D-Glu) was used. Decrease in cell proliferation, increase in senescence associated -galactosidase...
Proceedings Article
Expression and Sequence Analysis of CYP86B1 in Blackberry (Rubus Spp.)
Xunju Liu, Dan Jiang, Yan Wang, Haoru Tang, Qing Chen
To understand the molecular mechanisms of cuticle wax formation in blackberry, the waxy synthetic related gene CYP86B1 was cloned from blackberry. The open reading frame of this gene was 1692 bp, encoding 563 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 64.5 kD and a theoretical isoelectric point of...
Proceedings Article
Rhizospheric Bacteria, Destructors of Toxic Aromatic Compounds
Tatiana Anokhina, Tatiana Esikova, Valetina Polivtseva, Leila Iminova, Inna Solyanikova
Bacteria capable of degradation of a number of toxic organic compounds (aromatic hydrocarbons, n-alkanes, phenol and its chlorinated derivatives) were isolated from the rhizosphere of plants growing on “clean” and oil-contaminated soil. The most active strain, Lysinibacillus sp. Fg1 was able to utilize...
Proceedings Article
The Synthesis of Diazinon with The Catalysis of Ionic Liquid under The Condition of Microwave
Lin HU, Yegui WANG, Xiaoqin ZHOU, Juan TANG, Jingqing LI, Kuijiang WONG, Wenyuan XU
A novel synthetic methods for the efficient and environmentally-friendly production will provide useful inspiration. This report presents a novel method for microwave-assisted synthesis of diazinon with different organic solvents, microwave heating power, heating time, catalysts. The optimal conditions...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Different Organic Wastes on the Growth of Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) Larvae
Firli Azkia Rahmi, Muhammad Yamin, Yorianta Sasaerila
Black soldier fly (BSF) is one of the most promising bioconversion agents for organic wastes and potential nutrient-rich food source for the poultry and aquaculture industries. For these purposes, it is essential to produce edible quality larvae of BSF. This study tested the effect of the oil palm dregs...
Proceedings Article
Physicochemical and Sensory Characteristics of Kawa Daun from West Sumatra at Different Smoking Time
Ifwarisan Defri, Nurheni Sri Palupi, Nancy Dewi Yuliana
The goals of coffee leaves pruning are for faster coffee fruit growth and an easier harvesting process. The waste of pruning coffee leaves is utilized by the native people of West Sumatra, especially in Tanah Datar to prepare local traditional beverage “Kawa Daun”. The name derives from the local language...
Proceedings Article
Population and Habitat Use of the Critically Endangered Grey-Backed Myna (Acridotheres tricolor) in the One of Easternmost Protected Area in Java
Bhisma Gusti Anugra, Nurul L. Winarni, Dimas Haryo Pradana, Tom Squires
Grey-backed myna (Acridotheres tricolor) is a critically endangered endemic bird of East Java with populations in nature fewer than 250 individuals. Baluran National Park is one of the last natural habitats of Grey-backed myna. This study aims to determine the relative abundance and habitat use of Grey-backed...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Uv Light Variation and CaCO3 (Scavenger) Concentration in Reducing Humic Acid Using TiO2/Fe3O4
Salsabila Juwita Lestari, Fahrizal Adnan, Muhammad Busyairi, Searphin Nugroho
Photocatalyst using TiO2/Fe3O4 aims to degrade humic acid with the help of UVA and UVC. This study also studied the effect of scavengers using calcium carbonate (CaCO3). This study used the sol-gel method for the synthesis of TiO2/Fe3O4. The percentage of degradation using TiO2/Fe3O4 with the help of...
Proceedings Article
Phenotypic Correlation between Body Weight and Body Part Size of Native Chickens in Moramo District, South Konawe Regency, Indonesia
Muh. Akramullah, Rusli Badaruddin, Agus Adrianto, Ning Ayu Dwi Tiya, Yelsi Lestiana Dewi
The purpose of this study was to determine the close relationship between body weight and body size of native chicken in Moramo District, South Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The relationship between body weight and body size is used as a consideration in selecting the body weight...
Proceedings Article
Susceptibility Test of Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Cow Milk, Goat Milk, and Dairy Farm Workers Against Various Antibiotics
C M Santosa, N P Rukmi, F B Lestari, M Wasissa, D A Dewananda, S I O Salasia
Staphylococcus aureus is a Gram-positive bacteria causing pneumonia, mastitis, meningitis, and urinary tract infections. The emergence of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) as a highly pathogenic strain caused a health problem that needed more attention in both human and animal medicine....
Proceedings Article
Explant surface sterilization protocol for micropropagation of Amorphophallus muelleri Blume
Fenny Irawati, Agnes Natalia Wijaya, Anggi Manurung, Michael Anthony Thongiratama, Wina Dian Savitri, Popy Hartatie Hardjo
The success of tissue culture is greatly influenced by the explant surface sterilization technique. The presence of bacterial and fungi contamination, and the occurrence of browning on the explants can interfere with the process of culture propagation. High concentration of sterilant agents will inhibit...
Proceedings Article
Estimation of Rumen Microbial Nitrogen Supply Based on Purine Derivatives Excreted in The Urine of Male and Female Garut Sheep Fed Ad Libitum
Mutiara Mustika Putri Mahanani, Chusnul Hanim, Kustantinah Kustantinah, Zaenal Bachruddin, Budi Prasetyo Widyobroto, Lies Mira Yusiati
This experiment aimed to compare the rumen microbial nitrogen supply in male and female Garut Sheep. Six male and female Garut sheep were put in the metabolism cages, fed ad libitum with Pennisetum purpureum and bran pollard with a ratio 60: 40. This study begins with an adaptation period of 14 days....
Proceedings Article
A Review on the Potential of Natural Antioxidant Sources to Improve Oxidative Stability in Edible Oils
Tabligh Permana, Nia Wiradjaja, Hery Sutanto, Vincent Satya Surya
Edible oils have been used widely in food processing, especially processes with thermal treatment such as frying. In the frying process, oils are usually used repetitively and trigger the presence of lipid oxidation which results in the degradation of fatty acids. This degradation of fatty acids then...
Proceedings Article
Adressing the Sustainable Agricultural Agenda: Gac Fruit Benefit in Qur’an and Value Chain Perspective
Ahmad Shabudin Ariffin, Ramisah Mohd. Shah, Khalilullah Amin Ahmad, Hasrul Bin Hashom
Gac fruit is one of the exceptional varieties of fruits that contain numerous secrets and wonders; which according the text of Qur’an, the benefits of fruits in paradis frequently discussed and as natural resource, medical and health. However, since prior studies have solely concentrated on the content...
Proceedings Article
Garlic for Sustainable Production of Hair Sheep in the US
SreeNavya Inupala, Sowmya Jagana, Priyanka Pande, M. Rassel Uzzaman, B. Saivinay, Mulumebet Worku
St. Croix sheep are hair sheep whose production characteristics make them suitable for low-input, sustainable production systems. They are parasite resistant and can live in a wide variety of climates. Natural immune modulators such as garlic can enhance animal production, health, and well-being. Garlic...
Proceedings Article
Dominant Factors Influencing Consumer’s Purchase Decision of Monstera Plant
Syarif Imam Hidayat, Dita Atasa, Silviya Rachmawati
The purpose of this research is analyze the dominant factors that influence consumers to buy Monstera plants. The research method used a questionnaire with a total of 100 respondents. The analytical tools used are Factor Analysis with Principal Component Analysis. The results of this research is dominant...
Proceedings Article
Temporal Expression MicroRNA-21 in Serum of Patients with Spinal Cord Injury
Hongyan Li, Dongxu Zhao, Minglei Zhang
Objective: To investigate the levels of microRNA-21 (miR-21) in the serum of patients with spinal cord injury (SCI) and to determine whether there was a correlation with degree of injury. Methods: Quantitative real-time reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction( q-RT-PCR)was used to measure the...
Proceedings Article
Validity of Research Based Bioremediation Text Books
Suri Puspita, Yuni Ahda
This textbook was designed to facilitate readers in obtaining information regarding bioremediation research. Bioremediation is one of the environment-friendly solutions that utilize microorganisms to overcome increasing pollution. The integration of the results of bioremediation research in textbooks...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Neem Leaf (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) Extract on Tubules Seminiferous of Rat (Rattus norvegicus)
Cut Nila Thasmi, Dian Masyitha, Hafizh Arief, Husnurrizal, Dewi Ardiyanti Dalimunthe
This study aimed to determine the effect of neem leaf extract on the seminiferous tubules of white rats. This study used 15 adult white rats which divided into 5 treatment groups. The control group was only given water and each treatment group was given neem leaf extract with the dose of 50 (P1), 100...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Fermentation Time on the Nutritional Value of Sago Hampas
Heru Ponco Wardono, Ali Agus, Andriyani Astuti, Nono Ngadiyono, Bambang Suhartanto
Agricultural waste such as sago hampas has a great potential to suffice the requirements of cattle feed availability in Indonesia. This research aims to determine the quality of sago hampas fermented with multi microbial inoculum and additional urea with a long fermentation time. The research method...
Proceedings Article
NMR Metabolomic Analysis on Sh-TINCR of MDA-MB-231 and HS578T Cell Lines: BHMT as a Potential Biomarker in TNBC Patients
Mohd Ikhwan Ismail, Mohd Izwan Mohamad Yusof, M. H. Ezanee Azlina, M. H. Fazleen Haslinda
The poor outlook for triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is due in part to the absence of effective targeted treatments and the variability in clinical response to standard chemotherapy. Previously, we saw positive outcomes in reducing cancer cell survival on TINCR-knocked out cells and in this study...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Maltodextrin and Final Cooking Temperature on Beta-Carotene and Tocopherol Retention of Granulated Coconut Sugar
Hidayah Dwiyanti, V. Prihananto, Siswantoro, Gumintang Ratna Ramadhan
Additions of red palm oil in coconut sugar processing is expected to increase their antioxidant and provitamin A content. Objective of this research was to determine the effect of maltodextrin additions and the final cooking temperature on beta carotene and tocopherols retentions of granulated coconut...
Proceedings Article
The Demand of Maize by Feed Mill in Indonesia During the Covid 19 Pandemic
I. Gusti Ayu Putu Mahendri, Ratna Ayu Saptati, I. Putu Cakra Putra Adnyana
Restrictions on maize importation by government in 2016 have resulted in limited stocks for livestock feed resources and stimulate an increase of maize prices in Indonesia. This will impact on the development of feed mill business as well as the sustainability of poultry industry in Indonesia. This study...
Proceedings Article
Burning Effect of Sugarcane Residue After Cutting on the Diversity of Arthropods in Ratoon Sugarcane
Subiyakto, Sujak, Dwi Adi Sunarto
Burning of sugarcane residue after cutting is often practiced by sugarcane farmers in ratoon sugarcane. Burning of crop residue facilitates soil management in addition to land sanitation needs to avoid pests and diseases in the next planting season. However, until now very limited information on effects...
Proceedings Article
Preservation of Pulai Wood (Alstonia scolaris L. Br.) with Natural Preservative Fruit Extracts Orania palindan (Blanco) Merr.
Endra Gunawan, Edy Budiarso, Enih Rosamah, Enos Tangke Arung
Orania palindan is a betel species from the Arecaceae family which has a toxic content, especially in the fruit and tubers. This study aims to examine the ability of O. palindan fruit extract using room temperature water solvent (27oC) and hot water (100o C) as a natural preservative of pulai wood against...
Proceedings Article
Antibacterial Activity and Toxicity Study of Selected Piper Leave Extracts Against the Fish Pathogen (Aeromonas hydrophila)
Norashikin Anjur, Siti Fatimah Sabran, Hassan Md Daud, Nor Zalina Othman
The extensive use of antibiotics in aquaculture has resulted in the emergence of bacterial resistance strains. The medicinal importance of the herb such as Piper betle, Piper sarmentosum, and Piper nigrum evidently proved as one of the most promising commercial botanicals with earlier reported to possess...
Proceedings Article
The Application of Nata de coco-based Coatings to Fresh-cut Jackfruits during Refrigerated Storage
I Wayan Sweca Yasa, Eko Basuki, Ahmad Alamsyah, Lingga Gita Dwika Sari
Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam) is in high demand by Asians. It is large and difficult to peel, therefore, consumers prefer to buy jackfruit as a ready to eat product. Jackfruit is highly perishable. It ripens faster during the shelf life, and soon become unfit for eating. Development of colour,...
Proceedings Article
Monitoring System Development of Milkfish Salinity on Aquaponic at Green House
Alimuddin Alimuddin, Masjudin, Venna Vanessha, Cakra Adipura Wicaksana, Ria Arafiyah, Irma Saraswati
Water quality in milkfish cultivation requires great attention. Factors such as salt content in water, temperature, and pH become parameters to determine water quality. Salinity levels determine growth in pond aquatic ecosystems. This change is due to the biological processes in these waters and the...
Proceedings Article
The Effects of Ethanol-Dissolved Propolis on Strawberry Preservation
Linting Hao, Ya Luo, Shu Luo, Qin Mo, Yajie Ling, Cong Ge, Haoru Tang
For the development of fresh-keeping technology, strawberries were coated with different propolis concentrations of 1.5%, 2.0%, 2.5% and 3.0%. The effect and physiology on strawberries fresh-keeping was estimated by the decay index, weight loss rate, the soluble solid and titratable acid content. The...
Proceedings Article
Structure and Statistics of Mortality in Pig Feeding Groups on Industrial Type Farms in 2009-2019
Victoria Balabanova, Anatoly Kudriashov
The aim of the work was to diagnose diseases through autopsy and additional examinations and to determine the mortality structure and statistics in pigs of fattening groups on pig farms of industrial type. The objects of the study were 626 pigs from 15 pig «farrow-to-finish» farms in a number of regions...
Proceedings Article
N-Glycosylation Sited at Residues of Catalytic Center Could Repress The Activity of Endoglucanase from Rhizopus Stolonifer
Bin TANG, Yingying ZHANG, Wei CHENG, Qingqing ZHANG, Song LI
As a common post-translational modification of proteins, glycosylation has been proven effectively influence the activity of enzyme. To improve the activity of endoglucanase (EGII) from Rhizopus stolonifer TP-02, we studied the effect of glycosylation on the structure and activity of EGII. Two potential...
Proceedings Article
Correlation Between Body Weight and Body Size of Crossbred Chickens Aged 1-5 Weeks
Rusli Badaruddin, Muh. Akramullah, Syamsuddin, Rahim Aka
This research was conducted from November 2019 until January 2020, on the Haji Lamuse road, Lorong Semeru, Lepo Lepo Village, Baruga sub-district, Kendari City. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of body weight and body measurements of chickens from Bangkok laying male and female...
Proceedings Article
Individual Risk Factors Associated with Scabies in Boarding School
Kanti Ratnaningrum, Lourensya Berta Joharlina, Farindira Vesti Rahmasari
Scabies is still a health problem that often occurs in boarding school environments. Several previous studies have discussed the risk factors for scabies in several boarding schools, but those discussing scabies in boarding schools in the Central Java region are still limited. This study aims to analysed...
Proceedings Article
Covid-19: Issues and Challenges in Vegetable Crops for Resilience During Pandemic
Tri Ismono, M. Sukri, Amelia Gita Tifani
In the effort to reduce the spread of Covid-19 and to help keep the Indonesian people safe, since June 2020 the Indonesian Government has issued policies that limit people’s mobility. With people unable to freely move throughout their communities, and beyond, there has been a significant decline in economic...
Proceedings Article
Effect of UVC Based Photocatalyst on the Degradation of Humic Acid with Variations of pH and Variations of Concentration
Dienita Hasna Faadiyah, Fahrizal Adnan, Yodi Papeta Dewi, Febrina Zulya
Humic acid is an organic compound that has changeable properties and is globally yellow and black in color. Humic substances act as substrates for the needs of the development of microorganisms and will give out unwanted yellow or brown colors (Adnan et al., 2022). Simply put, photocatalyst is a combination...
Proceedings Article
The Harm of Fog and Thick Haze to the Body and the Prevention of Chinese Medicine
Le KANG, Yan-yan MIAO, Ming-san MIAO, Zhen-ya HU
In recent years, The situation that China's fog and thick haze pollution is very grim, which has threatened people's health and daily life work. fog and thick haze is a meteorological phenomenon, which is the essence of human activities caused by fine particulate pollution. With the increase in the severity...
Proceedings Article
Design of Temperature and Humidity Monitoring System for Drying and Storage of Allium Ascalonicum L. (Onion)
Irma Saraswati, Abdul Rahman, Heri haryanto, Alimuddin, Untung Mardono
These instructions give you the Onion is a basic necessity of the community and the food industry, but sometimes it is constrained / crisis due to unbalanced inventory, market needs and causes fluctuating prices. The manufacture of a drying and storage device with temperature and humidity monitoring...
Proceedings Article
A Potential Yeast Strains for Biological Control of Mosquitoes
D Satwika, V R A Permatasari, G E N Cahyani
Malaria is one of the diseases that have not been successfully eradicated, and are still a threat in many countries. Efforts have been made to eradicate vector-borne diseases, including the use of insecticides and physical approaches, which are proven not effective in overcoming the malaria problem....
Proceedings Article
Characteristics of Brown Rice (Oryza nivara) Stored Using Various Packaging with The Addition of Pandanus Powder (Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb.)
Arif Hadis Samudra, Rera Aga Salihat, IKetut Budaraga
Brown rice (Oryza nivara) is known to have a relatively low shelf life when compared to other types of rice. This study aims to determine the physico-chemical characteristics and to determine the best type of packaging for brown rice during storage with the addition of pandan leaf powder. The research...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Differences in Sugar Concentration on The Amount Of Sauerkaut Lactic Acid Bacteria from Cabbage (Brassisca oleracea L.)
Resti Fevria, Vauzia, Nur Afifah, Linda Advinda, Sisca Alicia Farma, Edwin
Lactic acid bacteria are probiotic bacteria that have an important role in preventing and curing various diseases. Affects the content of lactic acid bacteria produced, this is because sugar is a carbon source that is used as an energy source for lactic acid bacteria. This study was conducted from April...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of body condition score, reproduction performance and feed management in housing group system pangestu, girikerto, turi-sleman
Risna Nur Khoirunnisa, Kustantinah Kustantinah, Diah Tri Widayati
This study aims to determine body condition score, reproductive performance, and feeding management in the housing group system Pangestu. Evaluation of body condition score is carried out directly by feeling the part of the loin area (back) which describes the longissimus dorsi muscle, muscle, and fat...
Proceedings Article
Classification of Climate and Land Suitability of Rice in East Sumba Regency, East Nusa Tenggara
Kirana Sila Trisna Mukti, Bayu Dwi Apri Nugroho, Rizki Maftukhah
East Sumba Regency is an dry climate area, which has an impact on water availability, especially for agricultural production. Additionally, this area has a large area of land that can be optimize for productive agricultural areas. Several factors that affect productive land are climate, land management,...
Proceedings Article
Employing STI to Determine Saline Tolerant Cayenne Genotypes
Rustikawati Rustikawati, Catur Herison, Wuri Prameswari
Saline tolerant genotypes are required in the development of saline adaptive cayenne cultivars. Salinity tolerance was reported to be polygenic controlled. Evaluation of saline-tolerant genotypes involving many characters simultaneously might increase the success of selection. This study aimed at evaluating...
Proceedings Article
In Vitro Analysis of Human IgG Immune Response Against 31 kDa and 67 kDa Immunogenic Protein from Aedes albopictus Salivary Glands
Syubbanul Wathon, Izza Afkarina, Unzilatir Rohmah, Rike Oktarianti, Kartika Senjarini
Mosquito salivary glands contain protein substances that can facilitate dengue virus transmission. Those proteins have abilities to induce an immune response and specific antibody production. Previous studies showed that 31 kDa and 67 kDa protein fractions from Aedes albopictus salivary glands are immunogenic...
Proceedings Article
Optimization of Antioxidant Gel Formula Green Tea Leaf Extract (Camellia sinensis L.) With Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO)
Dyani Primasari Sukamdi, Afifah Zahrah, Sabtanti Harimurti, Vella Lailli Damarwati, Rima Erviana, Azura Amid
Gels containing antioxidants can be topical preparations to ward off free radicals. One natural ingredient with a high antioxidant content is green tea (Camellia sinensis L.). Green tea contains polyphenols consisting of several chemical compounds such as flavanols, flavandiols, flavonoids, and phenolic...
Proceedings Article
Utilization of Tempeh Extract as an Organic Supplement Alternative for Banana Tissue Culture
Alexander Willy Dimaswarabrata, Anastasia Tatik Hartanti, Listya Utami Karmawan
The addition of organic materials to tissue culture media has been known to have a positive impact on plant growth. However, a tissue culture medium utilizing organic supplements originating from Indonesia as its specialty, such as tempeh, has not been discovered. This study aims to determine the effect...
Proceedings Article
Isolation of Local Shewanella sp. Strain from Vezjolka River at Belgorod District in Belgorod Region, Russia
Irina Batlutskaya, Evgeniy Selliverstov, Dmitriy Myagkov, Nikita Lyakhovchenko, Vladislav Senchenkov
The work describes the procedures used to isolate microorganisms and the initial determination of Shewanella sp. from the Vezjolka River, Belgorod Region of Russia. The isolates obtained during isolation are characterized by signs corresponding to those declared by the authors of the recipe for selective...
Proceedings Article
Case Study of Bovine Papilloma Virus in Aceh Cattle in Lhoknga Aceh Besar
Budianto Panjaitan, Syafruddin, Roslizawaty, Muhammad Hasan, Herrialfian Herrialfian, Dwinna Aliza, Hafizuddin, Rahman Alfarisyi
Bovine papillomavirus (BPV) induces benign tumours of cutaneous or mucosal epithelial in cattle and generally does not cause serious clinical problems in the host. A case of BPV reported in 2-year-old female Aceh cattle in Lhoknga, Aceh Besar. The clinical examination found various sizes of lumps on...
Proceedings Article
An investigation on microstructure and mechanical characterization of high performance magnesium hybrid nanocomposites with Al203 and MoS2 nanoparticles
V. Senthilkumar, A. Nagadeepan, S. Senthilkumar, K. Raja
This study investigates the microstructure and mechanical behavior of high-performance magnesium hybrid nanocomposites reinforced with aluminum oxide (Al₂O₃) and molybdenum disulfide (MoS₂) nanoparticles. Magnesum, recognized for its lightweight nature and high strength-to-weight ratio, is further enhanced...
Proceedings Article
Chemical Characteristics of Fermented Inferior Jember Robusta Coffee Beans Using Commercial Yeast Starter in Semi-carbonic Maceration Technique
Asmak Afriliana, Riza Umama, Giyarto, Mukhammad Fauzi, Maria Belgis, Jayus Jayus
This research aims to determine the effect of starter concentration and fermentation time on the chemical characteristics of robusta coffee fermented using the semi-carbonic maceration technique with commercial Saccharomyces cerevisiae starter. This research method uses a Randomized Block Design with...
Proceedings Article
A Review on Current Strategies for Biofilm Control in Food Industry
Nidhi Verma, Vishnu Agarwal
Biofilms are still a serious threat to the world. Biofilms are formed due to the natural tendency of microorganisms according to environmental factors. And they are solicitude in many fields counting food, medical and environmental. Biofilms are hard to exterminate due to their resistant phenotype. Since...
Proceedings Article
Evaluating of Nutrient Composition and Pellet Durability Index on Pellet Supplement with Different Proportion of Protected Soybean Meal (P-SBM) and Selenium (Se)
Andriyani Astuti, Rochijan Rochijan, Budi Prasetyo Widyobroto, Lies Mira, Yusiati
Pelleting process is one of production costs, and good processing pellets result in higher cost. Even though it is costly, pellet has convenience in feed handling and an increased efficient use of the feed by the animal. By heat processing, it reduces pathogens and increases the digestible starches,...
Proceedings Article
Screening and evaluation of the biodegradation of glass fiber by Bacillus mucilaginosus
Lingxia Xu, Kunlun Li, Yan Liang, Lin Zhao
This paper, 9 strains of bacillus producing capsule were isolated from soil by potassium shale medium. Glass fibers with similar structure of the ore were used as potassium sources. And the potassium degradation ability of the selected strain was analyzed by the weight loss method. The bacillus with...
Proceedings Article
Genome-wide Investigation of MADS-box Members and Validation of a New Member MADS8 in Fragaria Vesca
Min Zhou, Yan Wang, Hao-Ru Tang, Qing Chen
Based on the whole genome sequence of Fragria visca, the members of the MADS gene family in strawberry genome were identified and analyzed. The MADS-box containing proteins were searched using both hidden markov model fitting with Arabidopsis thaliana proteins, and de novo prediction. 85 MADS-box protein...
Proceedings Article
Biology Learning Resource Design Based on Guided Inquiry
Yolanda Rezki Amallia, Linda Advinda
Learning is interaction process between student with teacher and learning resources in a learning environment. So, the important factor to push a student to get a success in learning process is learning resources. One example of a printed learning resources that can be used in the learning process is...
Proceedings Article
Tenurial Conflicts Within Protected Forest Management Unit (PFMU) of Tarakan, North Kalimantan
Erna Rositah, Mustofa Agung Sardjono, Marlon Ivanhoe Aipassa, Suyadi, Ernita Obeth
This research aims to discuss the forms, actors involved, causes, and alternative solutions in regards to tenurial conflicts occurring within the protected forest management unit of Tarakan. We used a qualitative approach using in-depth interviews, observation, and taking field notes. Participants of...
Proceedings Article
Utilization of Pineapple Waste as a Roughage Source Diets for Ruminant: A Review
Rahma Wulan Idayanti, Mukh Arifin, Endang Purbowati, Agung Purnomoadi
An important sector that can contribute sources of animal protein is ruminant livestock. Growth performance and meat quality were reported to be improved with high-fiber feeds. Pineapple waste as a feed ingredient has the potential to reduce dependence on grains and fodder crops during the dry season....
Proceedings Article
Motivation of Urban People Towards the Sustainability of Urban Farming in Yogyakarta City
N. Ridwan Asrul, Irham Irham, Jamhari Jamhari
The sustainability of urban farming is strongly influenced by natural resources and human resources. In addition to the ability to manage land, another important factor is the motivation of urban communities. This study aims to: (1) determine the level of motivation of urban communities in carrying out...
Proceedings Article
Preparedness of Central Sulawesi Province General Hospital in The Dealing of Disasters
Lusia Salmawati, Mohammad Ibnu Sabil, Irnawati Kusbin, Dewisintawati, Novita Lizza Anggraini
Central Sulawesi is one of the regions in Indonesia that is prone to disasters. In September 2018, there was a disaster in Central Sulawesi which resulted in damage and losses of up to IDR 18.48 trillion. In Palu City, 2,141 people died, while 44 health facilities damaged by the earthquake, tsunami and...
Proceedings Article
Experimental Research on the Effect of Ginsenoside Rb1 in Curing Rats with Spinal Cord Ischemia-reperfusion Injury
Boyin Zhang, Dongxu Zhao, Chunyang Meng
Spinal cord ischemia-reperfusion injury (SCII), which was proposed by Allen in 1911, is the secondary damage of primary spinal cord injury and the main reason resulting in nerve injury complication and sequela [1]. Ginsenoside is one of the ingredients of Ginseng and the monomer composition being purified...
Proceedings Article
Morphological Characters and Distribution of the Rice Root Aphids in West Java, Indonesia
Yani Maharani, Harleni, Purnama Hidayat
Information on the rice root aphids in Indonesia relatively little is known. A survey to collect the root aphids on some rice varieties was conducted in 2014-2015 in West Java Province, Indonesia. The collected specimens were carried to the laboratory for further morphological character observation and...
Proceedings Article
Numerical Taxonomy of Marine Macroalgae Gracilariaceae from Southern Coast of Gunungkidul Based on Morpho-Anatomical and Phytochemical Characters
Adinda Nur Anisa, Abdul Razaq Chasani
Gracilariaceae is a macroalgal family of Rhodophyta which can be found abundantly in tropical waters, including in Southern Coasts of Gunungkidul D.I.Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Coral and sand dominate the substrate of Southern Coasts of Gunungkidul, so it is an ideal habitat for Gracilariaceae. Along with...
Proceedings Article
Kombucha Fermentation from Cascara with Addition of Red Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus): Analysis of Alcohol Content and Total Soluble Solid
M Muzaifa, S Rohaya, C Nilda, K R Harahap
Dried coffee skin (cascara) can be used as a raw material for making kombucha because it still contains a number of important nutrients. The addition of fruit to kombucha fermentation is currently widely used to get the sensation of carbonated drinks but has the potential to increase the alcohol content....
Proceedings Article
Improving Performance of Edible Coating Protection on The Honey Pineapple Quality Attributes Through the Addition of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) Bioactive Compounds
Ike Sitoresmi Mulyo Purbowati, Ali Maksum, Gunawan Wijonarko
Honey pineapple, as superior fruit commodity in Pemalang Regency, has a higher fructose content (1.94%) than regular pineapple (1.42%). This causes limited market share due to the shelf life of sliced pineapple, which is only 1–3 days. One way to extend the shelf life of cut pineapple is by coating...
Proceedings Article
Comparison of Noise Intensity and Smoking Habits on the Incidence of NIHL (Noised Induced Hearing Loss) in Workers in the Production and Non-Production Sections of PT Kayu Perkasa Raya Juwana Pati
Astin Prima Sari, Wahju Budi Martono, Irfan Khoirul Afif
Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is hearing loss resulting from exposure to noise with a fairly loud intensity over a long period of time, usually due to noise from the work environment. Currently, NIHL is still a major problem in developed countries. Based on the National Committee for the Management...
Proceedings Article
Systemic Analysis of the Stabilization of the Biotechnological Properties of Liquid Rye Leaven With the Introduction of Nutritious Plant Material
Elena Belokurova, Nikita Sotnikov, Alexey Skrypnikov, Sergey Belokurov
This paper considers the possibility of intensification of biochemical processes, stabilization of biotechnological properties of semi-finished bakery products, in particular, liquid rye leaven and reduction of the production cycle by the introduction of biogenic plant raw materials, composition of herbal...
Proceedings Article
One New Monoterpenoid from the Fruit of Gardenia Jasminoides
Yueming ZUO, Zhongli ZHANG
One new monoterpenoid, 5-aldehyde-6'-O-sinapoyljasminoside A (1), together with two known compounds 6'-O-sinapoyljasminoside B(2) and 6'-O-trans-sinapoyljasminoside L(3), were isolated from the fruits of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis. The structures of the new monoterpenoid compound were elucidated by means...
Proceedings Article
Abundance and Distribution Patterns of Megadrilli Earthworms at Different Altitude in Kabawetan Tea Plantation, Bengkulu
Darmi, Rizwar, Helmiyetti
Earthworms are an important component of natural and agricultural land ecosystems. The existence of earthworms in agricultural land can increase soil fertility and also support a sustainable agricultural system. This study aims to determine the abundance and distribution patterns of megadrilli earthworms...
Proceedings Article
A Review on the Potential Applications of Cocoa Shell in Food Industry
Glynnis Netania, Tabligh Permana, Juli Effendy, Filiana Santoso, Edrick Alvaro Oslo
Cocoa shell is one of the main by-products of cocoa beans. It is separated from the nibs and are disposed of, as it could affect the final quality of cocoa products. As a result, a high amount of waste can be produced during mass production of cocoa beans. Indonesia is one of the largest producers of...
Proceedings Article
The Opportunity for Utilizing Low Economic Fish in the Fishing Port
Ririn Irnawati, Mustahal, Dini Surilayani, Hery Sutrawan Nurdin, Adi Susanto, Rifki Prayoga Aditia
The increasing population and rising living standards are expected to contribute to higher demand for animal-derived high-quality protein, primarily from fish. Capture fisheries have become a leading sector that supplies fish production for human consumption and fish processing industries. As the center...
Proceedings Article
The Small Farms Resource and Innovation Center (SFRIC): A One-Stop Shop to Support Farmers and Rural Communities in North Carolina
Gregory D. Goins, Mark W. Blevins
The work of SFRIC will include disseminating information on farming best practices, farm management and the use of technology in farming, offering help and advice to small farmers in securing loans and developing new microloan funding models, establishing a small farms database to implement data-driven...
Proceedings Article
Risk Analysis of Dry Land Rice Production on the Impact of Climate Change and Weather
Indra Tjahaja Amir, Nisa Hafi Idhoh Fitriana, Eka Mulyana
Food crops are highly dependent on climatic conditions, because food crops, especially annual crops, are closely related to excess or lack of water. Demanding district is included in dryland agriculture where the availability of water depends on rain and pumps from the nearest river. The study aims a)...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Kandis Acid (Garcinia xanthocymus) as Acidifier on Broiler Performance
Maha Bintang Wanda Prasmanasari, Widya Hermana, Rita Mutia
This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of organic acids in kandis acids solution as acidifier on broiler performance. Totally 300 broiler of hybro strain was devided into four groups. This study used a Completely Randomized Design consisting of 4 treatments and 5 replications. Each replication...
Proceedings Article
Characterization of a Serine Carboxypeptidase Hoscp from Holotrichia Oblita Faldermann (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea)
Dan ZHAO, Ya-kun ZHANG, Xiao-ping YAN, Wei GUO, Xiao-min LIU
In this report, we have identified a novel serine carboxypeptidase, named HoSCP, from the midgut of a destructive agricultural and landscape pest, Holotrichia oblita. HoSCP cDNA gene was cloned by immunoscreening method. Sequence analysis showed about 49kDa HoSCP consists of 457 amino acid residues with...
Proceedings Article
The Research of Small Molecule Soybean Polypeptide Precipitated by TCA
Jian Xiong, Yu-Ke Xiang, Jun Ye, Yu-Hao Zhang
Trichloroacetic acid (tca) makes macromolecular peptides expose more hydrophobic groups and have precipitation effect. It’s widely used in the desalination and concentration of protein and peptide. This experiment use the alkaline protease enzymolysis the soybean protein isolated and makes the products...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Eco-Enzyme Spraying on Chlorophyll Content of Hydroponic Spinach (Amaranthus sp.)
Resti Fevria, Vauzia Vauzia, Siska Alicia Farma, Edwin Edwin
The green pigment chlorophyll gives a plant's leaves and stems their color. The process of photosynthesis depends heavily on chlorophyll, which also contains significant amounts of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing compounds. Many green vegetables, including spinach, contain chlorophyll....
Proceedings Article
Developing Teaching Materials of Indonesian Food Subtopic Tengger Ethnic Cuisine by Using Online Platform Model as Implementation of Blended Learning and Potential to Support Tourism Promotion of Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park
Budi Wibowotomo, Soenar Soekopitojo, Titi Mutiara, Nunung Nurjanah
Tengger ethnic cuisine is not yet widely known. To understand the concept of local knowledge and it’s related in local food cultures, it needs to be taught formally in school’s culinary roles and functions in shaping the culture of ethnic Tengger. It also enables to support ecotourism promotion in the...
Proceedings Article
Wood Macroscopic and Fiber Dimensions of Pasak Bumi Root (Eurycoma longifolia)
Erwin, Elma Yossiana, Sri Wahyuni, Nani Husien, Agus Sulistyo Budi
The purpose of this study was to characterize the macroscopic feature and fiber dimension of root wood of pasak bumi (Eurycoma longifolia). Macroscopic structures of the root wood were observed using stereoscopic microscope NIKON SMZ645 with magnification of 20-50x. Fiber cells were obtained from the...
Proceedings Article
Exploration of Fish Gut Associated Actinobacteria for its Anti-Microbial and Anti-Quorum Sensing Properties
M. Vadivel, G. Venugopal, V. Angamuthu, R. Manikkam, J. Joseph, W. Aruni
The study was undertaken to explore the gut associated actinobacteria from marine fish with specific to antimicrobial and anti-quorum sensing activities. A total of 25 actinobacterial strains were isolated from fish gut samples using starch casein agar and Kuster’s agar medium. About 12 morphologically...
Proceedings Article
Antibacterial Activity of Endophytic Fungi Isolated from Pometia pinnata J. R. Forst & G. Forst Against Escherichia coli
D Prasetyani, R Setyaningsih, A Susilowati
The emerging of antimicrobial resistance become a global concern, encouraging researchers to find out alternative antimicrobial compounds. Endophytic fungi associated with medicinal plants become promising sources because of their ability to produce medical bioactive. This study aimed at bioprospecting...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Farmer Group Members in Building Farmers’ Economic Institutions Through the Agribusiness Sub-terminal (AST) in Sidodadi Ramunia Village, Beringin District, Deli Serdang Regency
Dwi Febrimeli, Muhammad Teguh Prayogie, M. Jufri
Farmers must be involved in the process of growing and developing the Agribusiness Sub Terminal (AST). Only then can this terminal play an optimal role. Therefore, they must be the subjects of the process. This study examined the level of the role of farmer group members and the factors that influence...
Proceedings Article
Study of Tidal and Water Quality in Acid Sulphate Soil of Unit Tamban Lowland Irrigation Area Central Kalimantan
D M Sari, Karlina, R Jayadi
Unit Tamban is one of the reclaimed lowlands in the tidal irrigation area, which is included in the food estate program located in Block D, Central Kalimantan. The water system used in the area is a fork-type with a settling pond at the end of each primary canal. Most of the soils are acid sulfate type...
Proceedings Article
Nitrogen Balance of Thin Tailed Sheep with the Addition of Soybean Meal and Artocarpus heterophyllus in Pennisetum purpureum cv. Mott as Basal Feed
Wahyu Setyono, Kustantinah Kustantinah, Lies Mira Yusiati, Bambang Suwignyo, Nafiatul Umami
The purpose of this study was to evaluate consumption of nitrogen, excretion of nitrogen, digested nitrogen, and nitrogen balance in thin-tailed sheep with the addition of soybean meal (SBM) and Artocarpus heterophyllus leaves in the basal feed of Pennisetum purpureum cv. Mott. Total of twelve female...