Proceedings of the Eighth Padang International Conference On Economics Education, Economics, Business and Management, Accounting and Entrepreneurship (PICEEBA-8 2021)
264 authors
- Kusumojanto, Djoko Dwi
- Implementation of Digital Marketing to Improve Technopreneurship Competence and Business Sustainability on Rengginang Entrepreneurs in East Java
- Lasmini, Rizki Sri
- Millennial (Gen Y) Financial Management Behavior: The impact of Financial Knowledge, Financial Attitude and Self Control
- Lestari, Winda
- The Effect of Organizational Justice and Job stress on Counterproductive Work Behavior with Job Satisfaction as a Mediation Variable in the Food and Agriculture Office of Padang Panjang City
- Linda, Muthia Roza
- Competitive Advantage: Mediating of Supply Chain Management Practices on Company Performance
- Linda, Muthia Roza
- Consumers Behavior towards Transportation Services During the Pandemic of Covid-19
- Lubis, Tona Aurora
- Saving Group A Perspective Qualitative Study
- Maibetly, Febria
- Analysis of Factors Affecting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in ASEAN (Lower Middle Income) Plus Three: Market Seeking, Resource Seeking or Efficiency Seeking?
- Marta, Joan
- Economic Structure and Human Capital and the Role of Shadow Economy on Income Inequality in Indonesia
- Marta, Joan
- Non-Linear Impact of Domestic Credit on Economic Growth in Southeast Asia Countries
- Martha, Jefry Aulia
- Implementation of Digital Marketing to Improve Technopreneurship Competence and Business Sustainability on Rengginang Entrepreneurs in East Java
- Martha, Jefry Aulia
- The Optimization of the MIT Apps Inventor in Entrepreneurship Learning for Students with Disabilities
- Martias, Fitria Putri
- Influence of Organizational Commitment and Perceived Organizational Support Against Turnover Intention on Work Engagement as Mediation on Employees of PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero)
- Marwan, Marwan
- Development of Learning Media Based on Multimedia Flash in Courses Planning and Teaching Learning Strategies at Muhammadiyah University Bengkulu
- Marwan, Marwan
- Development of Electronic Economic Book Learning Media For Class XI IIS Students
- Marwan, Marwan
- The Effect of Co-Op Co-Op Model and Self-Confidence on Students’ Learning Outcomes in Economic Lesson for Eleventh Grade of Social Science at SMA N 1 and SMA N 3 Bukittinggi
- Maryoso, Slamet
- The Effect of ROA, DAR and NPM on Profit Growth of Companies in Basic and Chemical Industry Sector Listed on IDX
- Masdupi, Erni
- The Influence of Debt Policy and Profitability on Investment Decisions: Dividend Policy as a Mediator
- Masdupi, Erni
- The Influence of Compensation, Work Environment, and Work Motivation on Employee Performance
- Masruro, Umi
- Implementation of Pancasila Values in Economic Learning at SMAN 2 Batu
- Maulana, Arief
- Service-profit Chain Model: Citilink Indonesia
- Mourbas, Ivo Nayanda
- E-loyalty of Gen Z in Using Mobile Banking in Indonesia
- Mulyani, Erly
- Effect of Risk Perception, Problem Framing, Risk Propensity, and Information Asymmetry to the Investment Decision in Capital Market
- Munir, Syahrul
- Implementation of Pancasila Values in Economic Learning at SMAN 2 Batu
- Nasli, Rahmedia
- Millennial (Gen Y) Financial Management Behavior: The impact of Financial Knowledge, Financial Attitude and Self Control
- Nazri, Sharifah Nazatul Faiza Syed Mustapha
- Hurtt’s Professional Skepticism, Auditor Demographics, and Fraud Detection in the Indonesian Audit Environment
- Nengsih, Wisma
- The Effect of Entrepreneurial Environment, Training, and Attitude on Entrepreneurial Success of Msmes on Convection and Embroidery Businesses in Agam Regency and Bukittinggi City
- Ningsih, Giarti
- Implementation of Digital Marketing to Improve Technopreneurship Competence and Business Sustainability on Rengginang Entrepreneurs in East Java
- Ningsih, Maryati
- Saving Group A Perspective Qualitative Study
- Nofrialdi, Nofrialdi
- The Effect of Co-Op Co-Op Model and Self-Confidence on Students’ Learning Outcomes in Economic Lesson for Eleventh Grade of Social Science at SMA N 1 and SMA N 3 Bukittinggi
- Novrianti, Rita
- Working Capital Management and Capital Structure on Profitability: Evidence from Property and Real Estate Companies in Indonesia
- Nuryana, Ita
- Intellectual Agility and Entrepreneurial Leadership as Innovation Sustainability Business Cooperative in The Covid 19 Pandemic
- Oknaryana
- Digital Financial Literacy Students in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0: A Review of Literature
- Oktamirza, Suci
- The Characteristics of the Sharia Supervisory Board Towards Financial Soundness in Indonesia Islamic Bank
- Ovelia, Kiki
- Evaluation of Learning Assessment on Economics in Senior High School During the covid-19 Pandemic
- Parahiyanti, Cesya Rizkika
- Citizen’s Perception on Korea Hallyu Gastrodiplomacy: A Netnography Research
- Patrisia, Dina
- Financial and Non-Financial Factors on Women Entrepreneurs’ Business Performance: A Literature Review
- Patrisia, Dina
- Working Capital Management and Capital Structure on Profitability: Evidence from Property and Real Estate Companies in Indonesia
- Pebriyani, Dewi
- Factors Affecting Whistleblowing Intentions of Accounting Students’
- Prakoso, Sugianda Adi
- Factors Affecting Customer Interest on Linkaja By Using Telkomsel Internet
- Prasasti, Arum
- Citizen’s Perception on Korea Hallyu Gastrodiplomacy: A Netnography Research
- Priambodo, Magistyo
- Wisatabatuseru Website as an Effort to Develop the Batu City MSME Network
- Priambodo, Magistyo Purboyo
- Implementation IDDOL Learning in Economy Natural Resources and Environmental to Enhance Student Knowledge about the Use of New and Renewable Energy (NRE) in Economic Activities
- Puspaningtyas, Miranti
- Collaborating Project-Based Learning and Steam Practices at Indonesia’s Universities Using Technology Support System
- Puspita, Dian
- The Influence of Destination Image, Service Quality, and Satisfaction on Loyalty of Archipelago Tourists in Padang City Tourism Objects
- Putra, Faisal Hutama
- Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction in the Effect of Work Motivation, Individual Values, and Transformational Leadership on Organizational Commitment
- Putra, Trimardi Jaya
- Panic Buying During the Pandemic of Covid-19, a Case Study of a Shopping Center in the City of Padang
- Putra, Trisna
- Factor Analysis of Performance Appraisal with Employee Performance Promoter Score Approach in Hotel Sector in West Sumatera
- Putri, Sri Yuli Ayu
- Differences in Earning Management and Tax Avoidance Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic (Case Study on Companies Affected by Pandemic)
- Qomatish, Diozdika Dio
- The Influence of Competence and Innovation Commitment on Innovative Behavior: The Mediating Role of Intrinsic Motivation
- Rachmawati, Dian
- Wisatabatuseru Website as an Effort to Develop the Batu City MSME Network
- Rachmawati, Dian
- Implementation IDDOL Learning in Economy Natural Resources and Environmental to Enhance Student Knowledge about the Use of New and Renewable Energy (NRE) in Economic Activities
- Rachmawati, Dian
- Analysis of Economic Education in Preparing Children’s Future Economic Welfare
- Rahayu, Wening
- Assessment Based on Case Study to Improve Critical Thinking Ability on Blended Learning in the New Normal Era
- Rahayu, Wening Patmi
- Implementation of Digital Marketing to Improve Technopreneurship Competence and Business Sustainability on Rengginang Entrepreneurs in East Java
- Rahayu, Wening Patmi
- The Optimization of the MIT Apps Inventor in Entrepreneurship Learning for Students with Disabilities
- Rahma, Nadya Dwi
- Effect of Leadership and Work Environment on Work Discipline with Job Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable at Municipal Waterworks of Padang
- Rahmi, Elvi
- Assessing Higher Order Thinking Skill’s on Economics: A Literature Review
- Rahmi, Elvi
- Financial Management Behavior of Student during the Covid 19 Pandemic
- Rahmiati, Rahmiati
- The Effects of Social Influence, Hedonic Motivation, and Habit on E-Money Behavioral Intention: The Role of Perceived Risk as a Moderator
- Rahmidani, Rose
- Web-based E-Commerce Development for the Embroidery Creative Industry in West Sumatra
- Rahmidani, Rose
- E Newspaper Literacy: A Practical Model of Increasing Students’ Accounting Ability in Introduction to Accounting Learning in Higher Education
- Rakasiwi, Tommy
- Analysis of Economic Growth Determinants and Stock Prices of Emergency Market Countries in ASEAN
- Ramel Yanuarta, RE
- Financial and Non-Financial Factors on Women Entrepreneurs’ Business Performance: A Literature Review
- Rasyid, Rosyeni
- The Effect of Local Government Capital Participation and Good Corporate Governance Implementation on PDAM Performance in West Sumatra Province
- Rasyid, Rosyeni
- The Influence of Organizational Learning and Innovation Climate on Innovative Work Behavior, Mediating Role of Learning Motivation
- Ravelby, Thesa Alif
- Panic Buying During the Pandemic of Covid-19, a Case Study of a Shopping Center in the City of Padang
- Ravelby, Thesa Alif
- Consumers Behavior towards Transportation Services During the Pandemic of Covid-19
- Relifra, Relifra
- The Effect of Tourism Service Marketing Mix, Destination Image and Tourist Motivation on Tourist Satisfaction Tourism in Bukit Khayangan Tourism Object Sungai Penuh City, Jambi Province
- Rino
- The Effect of Organizational Justice and Job stress on Counterproductive Work Behavior with Job Satisfaction as a Mediation Variable in the Food and Agriculture Office of Padang Panjang City
- Rino
- Could Resilience, Organizational Supports and Self-Efficacy as well as Motivation Help Decreasing the Job Insecurity and Psychological Health Caused by COVID-19 and Effect to the Employees Performance?
- Rino
- Use of the “Breakout” Zoom Feature for Discussion Rooms at Electronic Project-Based Learning
- Rino, Rino
- The Effectiveness of Economic Learning Using the Cooperative Learning Model Type of Team Games Tournament with the Help of Edmodo Learning Media on Learning Outcomes (A quasi-experimental study of class X social studies at SMA Negeri 7 Tebo Regency)
- Rino, Rino
- Electronic Project Based Learning to Improve Effectiveness of Teaching
- Riski, Tri Rachmat
- Managing Customer E-Satisfaction 4.0: The Role of Gojek Consumer Purchase Decision Factors
- Rita, Syofyan
- The Effect of Self-Efficacy on the Work Readiness of Universitas Negeri Padang Students during the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Ritonga, Mentari
- Analysis of Student Learning Engagement in Project-Based Learning
- Ritonga, Mentari
- Identification of Problems in Online Learning for Economics Pre-service Teacher
- Roza, Nelli
- Organizational Culture, Career Development, Job Satisfaction and Nurse Performance at Batam City Hospital
- Rusdi, Zainnur M.
- Bibliometric Analysis of Mindfulness in Work-Setting
- Rusdi, Zainnur M.
- The Underlying Process of High-Performance Work Systems on Innovation through Collective Mindfulness
- Sahid, Sheerad
- The Optimization of the MIT Apps Inventor in Entrepreneurship Learning for Students with Disabilities
- Sakdiyyah, Dewi Ayu
- Analysis and Development of Academic Information System Applications in Developing Education Quality
- Saleh, Mohamad Zein
- The Impact of Quality of Work Life, Organizational Commitment, Career Development and Entrepreneurial Orientation to Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Employee PT. Multistrada Arah Sarana Tbk
- Saputra, Hendro Masril
- The Effect of Student Teams Achievement Divisions Learning Model and Motivation to Learning Outcomes Economic Class XI SMAN 1 Solok Selatan
- Sari, Dian Indah
- The Effect of ROA, DAR and NPM on Profit Growth of Companies in Basic and Chemical Industry Sector Listed on IDX
- Sari, Lina
- The Influence of Debt Policy and Profitability on Investment Decisions: Dividend Policy as a Mediator
- Satria, Doni
- Analysis of Banking Efficiency in Indonesia: Data Envelopment Analysis Approach
- Satrianto, Alpon
- Causality Analysis of Economic Growth, Investment, Unemployment and Poverty in West Sumatra Province
- Satyawan, Made Dudy
- Hurtt’s Professional Skepticism, Auditor Demographics, and Fraud Detection in the Indonesian Audit Environment
- Sebrina, Nurzi
- E Newspaper Literacy: A Practical Model of Increasing Students’ Accounting Ability in Introduction to Accounting Learning in Higher Education
- Selvia
- Testing the Ramadan Effect on Consumer Goods Industry and Miscellaneous Industry Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)
- Sentosa, Sri Ulfa
- The Effect of Trade Openness, Foreign Direct Investment, Government Expenditure, Labor Force, and Inflation on Economic Growth in ASEAN Countries
- Sentosa, Sri Ulfa
- Effect of Training on Knowledge of Small Business Actors in Increasing Income of Dairy Cows Agroindustry in Padang Panjang City
- Septiari, Dovi
- Factors Affecting Whistleblowing Intentions of Accounting Students’
- Serly, Vanica
- The Tendency to Commit Fraud from the Aspect of Individual Factors
- Serly, Vanica
- The Characteristics of the Sharia Supervisory Board Towards Financial Soundness in Indonesia Islamic Bank
- Siddik, Fikri Islami
- The Influence of Website Personality and Website Quality with Hedonic Shopping Motivation as Intervening on Online Impulsive Buying Behavior in Generation Y in Padang City
- Sihombing, Dina Agnesia
- Does Marriage Affect Men’s Labor Market Outcomes? Evidence from Indonesia
- Siwi, Menik Kurnia
- Intellectual Agility and Entrepreneurial Leadership as Innovation Sustainability Business Cooperative in The Covid 19 Pandemic
- Siwi, Menik Kurnia
- The Impact of Digital Entrepreneurship and Product Innovation on Business Sustainability of SMEs During Covid-19 Pandemic