Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Indonesian Social & Political Enquiries (ICISPE 2018)
128 authors
- Adela, Fernanda Putra
- Hidden Power in The Choice of Head of Village in Simalungun District in 2017
- Ainuddin, Ilham
- BUMDES Financial Good Corporate Governance (Case Study at BUMDES in Tembarak District, Temanggung Regency)
- Ambarwati, Titis Putra
- Is it Beneficial Exposing Students to Senior?
- Anantanyu, Sapja
- The Role of Government, Human Resources and Strategic Role of Training For Life Skill Empowerment
- Angi, Yohana Febiani
- Women, Entrepreneurs and Online Business (Analysis of Factors that Motivate Entrepreneurial Women Through Online Business)
- Anwar, Saiful
- The Factors Analysis Of Affecting Labor On Interregional Migration
- Arifin, Adil
- Conflict and Consensus in Indigenous Communities: Study of Anatomic Conflict in Parmalim Communities
- Arlina
- The Role of Woman's Personal Branding in Increasing The Activity of Fishery in Batu Island
- Astuti, Retno Sunu
- Bonding Social Capital in Reducing the Risk of Flood Exposure of Lake Tempe in South Sulawesi
- Ayun, Primada Qurrota
- The Meaning of Digital Media Content for Teenagers and the Role of Parents Assistance
- Bawono, Anton
- The Factors Analysis Of Affecting Labor On Interregional Migration
- Budiatmo, Agung
- BUMDES Financial Good Corporate Governance (Case Study at BUMDES in Tembarak District, Temanggung Regency)
- Darmawi, Ahmad
- The Role of Government, Human Resources and Strategic Role of Training For Life Skill Empowerment
- Darsono
- The Role of Government, Human Resources and Strategic Role of Training For Life Skill Empowerment
- Djumiarti, Titik
- Social Impact Analysis of Poverty Reduction Program in Education Field at Poverty Reduction of Integrated Service Units (UPTPK) on Sragen Regency
- Dwiantoro, Luky
- Systematic Review: Efforts to Improve Nurse’s Communication Skills with Patient
- Fanggidae, Rolland Epafras
- Women, Entrepreneurs and Online Business (Analysis of Factors that Motivate Entrepreneurial Women Through Online Business)
- Farabi, Nadia
- Development Strategy to Improve The Quality of Tourism in Kota Lama Semarang, Central Java
- Fauziah, Luluk
- Human Resource Empowerment: Women Groups in Poverty Alleviation in Sidoarjo Regency
- Fitriani, Nadia
- Is it Beneficial Exposing Students to Senior?
- Fitriono, Riska Andi
- Model of Community Participation in Countermeasures and Protection for People with HIV and AIDS
- Ginting, Rehnalemken
- Model of Community Participation in Countermeasures and Protection for People with HIV and AIDS
- Hadi, Sudharto P
- Power Distance on the Utilization of Kendeng Mountain Resources
- Hadi, Sudharto Prawata
- Sustainable Development in Indonesia: Current Problems and Future Challenges
- Hanani, Retna
- Expansion of Health Care Protection and Health Governance in Indonesia
- Hariani, Dyah
- Quality of Maternal Health Service in Semarang City
- Haryanto, Rudy
- The Application of Brackish Water Distillation Technology as a Solution to the Problem of Clean Water Needs
- Hastjarjo, Sri
- ASEAN Economic Community and The Challenges for Pro Poor Sustainable Development Program
- Hastjarjo, Sri
- Process of Relationship Initiaton Using Social Media Study on Tinder Users in Solo City
- Hastjarjo, Sri
- Youth Involvement in The Diffusion of Innovative Art Drumblek in Salatiga City, Central Java
- Helmi, Muhammad
- Community Empowerment for Controlling Environmental Pollution in Coastal Slum Demaan, Jepara
- Heny, K.
- The Success Factors of Public Private Partnership Implementation for Infrastructures Development: New Evidence from the Indonesian Experience
- Herbasuki
- Drug Supply Chain Reform and Corruption Prevention at Margono Soekarjo Hospital, Purwokerto- Indonesia
- Indrayani, Heni
- Local Media and Local Community in Semarang
- Irawan, Fian
- Process of Relationship Initiaton Using Social Media Study on Tinder Users in Solo City
- Iskandar
- The Factors Analysis Of Affecting Labor On Interregional Migration
- Isnowati, Sri
- Effect of Exchange Rate and Foreign Capital to Domestic Price in Indonesia
- Jusnita, Ayu Erni
- Confession of Councellors: Phenomenological Approach to Ex-Narcotics Users as Councellors for Narcotics Users in Therapeutic Communication
- Kartono, Drajat Tri
- The Role of Government, Human Resources and Strategic Role of Training For Life Skill Empowerment
- Khotiatina, Afny
- Globalization, Peer Groups, And Changing Culture In Lifestyle's Private Style About Make Up and Fashion In Semarang
- Kismartini
- Cantrang Polemic : Will It End ?
- Kriswibowo, Arimurti
- The Role of Social Capital at Disaster Risk Management, A Public Administration Perspective: Study on Kebon Agung Imogiri Bantul
- Kriswibowo, Arimurti
- Burial Service Quality Analysis Study in The Cemetery of Keputih Surabaya
- Kurnia, Akhmad Syakir
- Effect of Exchange Rate and Foreign Capital to Domestic Price in Indonesia
- Kurniawan, Rudy Cahya
- Alternative Sentencing for Criminal Acts of Corruption as the Form of Progressive Legal Enforcement to Ensure Criminal Action to Guarantee the Process of Sustainable Development
- Lestari, Anna Puji
- Local Media and Local Community in Semarang
- Lestari, Sri Budi
- The Meaning of Digital Media Content for Teenagers and the Role of Parents Assistance
- Lituhayu, Dyah
- The Pathology Of The Bureaucracy In The Era Of Regional Autonomy In Tegal City
- Maesaroh
- The Pathology Of The Bureaucracy In The Era Of Regional Autonomy In Tegal City
- Marom, Aufarul
- Quality of Maternal Health Service in Semarang City
- Masdjojo, Gregorius Nasians
- Effect of Exchange Rate and Foreign Capital to Domestic Price in Indonesia
- Mashudi
- Human Resource Empowerment: Women Groups in Poverty Alleviation in Sidoarjo Regency
- Nawangsari, Ertien Rining
- Burial Service Quality Analysis Study in The Cemetery of Keputih Surabaya
- Nawangsari, Ertien Rining
- The Role of Social Capital at Disaster Risk Management, A Public Administration Perspective: Study on Kebon Agung Imogiri Bantul
- Novianto, Widodo Tresno
- Model of Community Participation in Countermeasures and Protection for People with HIV and AIDS
- Nugroho, Adi
- Local Media and Local Community in Semarang
- Nugroho, Bani Astiti Asa
- Cantrang Polemic : Will It End ?
- Nurlela
- Hidden Power in The Choice of Head of Village in Simalungun District in 2017
- Nurseto, Sendhang
- BUMDES Financial Good Corporate Governance (Case Study at BUMDES in Tembarak District, Temanggung Regency)
- Nursiani, Ni Putu
- Women, Entrepreneurs and Online Business (Analysis of Factors that Motivate Entrepreneurial Women Through Online Business)
- Padang, Nurbani
- The Role of Woman's Personal Branding in Increasing The Activity of Fishery in Batu Island
- Paju, Wanto
- Systematic Review: Efforts to Improve Nurse’s Communication Skills with Patient
- Paramasatya, Satwika
- Development Strategy to Improve The Quality of Tourism in Kota Lama Semarang, Central Java
- Pebrianto, Agus
- The Application of Brackish Water Distillation Technology as a Solution to the Problem of Clean Water Needs
- Perwitasari, Intan
- Indonesia Spaceport Selection Based on Multicriteria Analysis: A Study on Relative Importance and Priority Regarding Spaceport Selection Location Attributes Utilizing AHP
- Pinem, Robetmi Jumpakita
- BUMDES Financial Good Corporate Governance (Case Study at BUMDES in Tembarak District, Temanggung Regency)
- Pinem, Robetmi Jumpakita
- Impact of Gender on Green Product Purchase Intention in Millennial Generation
- Pinem, Robetmi Jumpakita
- Power Distance on the Utilization of Kendeng Mountain Resources
- Pinem, Robetmi Jumpakita
- Responses of Taxpayer Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMES) on The Tax Amnesty Policy
- Prabawani, Bulan
- Power Distance on the Utilization of Kendeng Mountain Resources
- Prasetyo, Iwan Joko
- Confession of Councellors: Phenomenological Approach to Ex-Narcotics Users as Councellors for Narcotics Users in Therapeutic Communication
- Pratiwi, Desy Nur
- The Factors Analysis Of Affecting Labor On Interregional Migration
- Pratiwi, Nugrahaning Esa
- Youth Involvement in The Diffusion of Innovative Art Drumblek in Salatiga City, Central Java
- Pratomo, Adi
- The Application of Brackish Water Distillation Technology as a Solution to the Problem of Clean Water Needs
- Prawiradiredja, Sanhari
- Confession of Councellors: Phenomenological Approach to Ex-Narcotics Users as Councellors for Narcotics Users in Therapeutic Communication
- Priyarsono, Dominicus S.
- The Success Factors of Public Private Partnership Implementation for Infrastructures Development: New Evidence from the Indonesian Experience
- Pudjo, Hedi
- The Meaning of Digital Media Content for Teenagers and the Role of Parents Assistance
- Purbaningrum, Dwi
- Local Media and Local Community in Semarang
- Purbawati, Dinalestari
- BUMDES Financial Good Corporate Governance (Case Study at BUMDES in Tembarak District, Temanggung Regency)
- Purnaweni, Hartuti
- Power Distance on the Utilization of Kendeng Mountain Resources
- Purwasito, Andrik
- Involvement “Yuk Ngaji Solo” Community to Building Youth Morality
- Purwasito, Andrik
- The Role of Batik Jonogoroan Craftswomen in Creative Industry and Increasing Family Economy
- Putri, Sekar Widyasari
- Workaholic or Work Life Balance? Understanding the Y Generation Traits as Young Labor: A Literature Review
- Rachim, Abdul
- Bonding Social Capital in Reducing the Risk of Flood Exposure of Lake Tempe in South Sulawesi
- Rachmitasari, Irine
- The Quality of Family Communication as a Factor in Psychography, a Sense of Responsibility and Good Media Consumption Patterns for Children
- Rahayu, Sri
- Poverty Commodification On The Mikrofon Pelunas Utang Indosiar Chanel
- Rahm, Andre
- Involvement “Yuk Ngaji Solo” Community to Building Youth Morality
- Rahmiaji, Lintang Ratri
- State Policy Direction and The Future of The Country
- Rizal, Risman M.
- The Success Factors of Public Private Partnership Implementation for Infrastructures Development: New Evidence from the Indonesian Experience
- Rizani, Ahmad
- The Application of Brackish Water Distillation Technology as a Solution to the Problem of Clean Water Needs
- Rizani, Ahmad
- Policy of Brebes Regency Government in Reducing Maternal Mortality
- Rofiuddin, Mohammad
- The Factors Analysis Of Affecting Labor On Interregional Migration
- Rostyaningsih, Dewi
- Social Impact Analysis of Poverty Reduction Program in Education Field at Poverty Reduction of Integrated Service Units (UPTPK) on Sragen Regency
- Sadono, Bambang
- State Policy Direction and The Future of The Country
- Safitri, Ragil
- Is it Beneficial Exposing Students to Senior?
- Saifudin
- Commodification of Labor And Structuration On Local Public Broadcasters ‘Swara Kendal’
- Santosa, Slamet
- Social Impact Analysis of Poverty Reduction Program in Education Field at Poverty Reduction of Integrated Service Units (UPTPK) on Sragen Regency
- Saragih, Anwar
- Conflict and Consensus in Indigenous Communities: Study of Anatomic Conflict in Parmalim Communities
- Saraswati, Alifia
- Implementation of Knowledge Management On Organizational Performance Through Innovation (Case Study on Digital Creative MSME in Semarang, Indonesia)
- Saryadi
- Responses of Taxpayer Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMES) on The Tax Amnesty Policy