Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Indonesian Social & Political Enquiries (ICISPE 2018)

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50 articles
Proceedings Article

Globalization, Peer Groups, And Changing Culture In Lifestyle's Private Style About Make Up and Fashion In Semarang

Afny Khotiatina
Globalization can be described as an era of freedom. This certainly bring dizziness for many societies, because the dizziness of globalization bring positive and negative impacts for the perpetrators. Indonesia is known as a country that is rich in race, tribe and culture has certainly benefited from...
Proceedings Article

Poverty Commodification On The Mikrofon Pelunas Utang Indosiar Chanel

Sri Rahayu
Indonesian people 96% have the habit of watching television in their daily lives (Nilsen, July 27 2018). Indosiar is a private television in Indonesia which has a reality show program "Mikrofon Pelunas Utang", a program that provides an opportunity for auditioners who pass the selection to be repaid....
Proceedings Article

The Factors Analysis Of Affecting Labor On Interregional Migration

Iskandar, Anton Bawono, Mohammad Rofiuddin, Desy Nur Pratiwi, Saiful Anwar
the phenomenon of interregional transmigration of labor in Indonesia can help solve not only labor problems but also economic problems of migrant families. In the disequilibrium migration model, migration occurs due to the push and pull factors, while the Haris-Todaro model related between actual and...
Proceedings Article

Drug Supply Chain Reform and Corruption Prevention at Margono Soekarjo Hospital, Purwokerto- Indonesia

Hardi Warsono, Herbasuki
Drug procurement is a hotbed of corruption and collusion from several related parties. The phenomenon of collaborating crime in the procurement of drugs in this hospital is seen in the practice of collusion in the planning, procurement and use of drugs. There is a conflict of interest between several...
Proceedings Article

The Pathology Of The Bureaucracy In The Era Of Regional Autonomy In Tegal City

Dyah Lituhayu, Maesaroh, Susi Sulandari
This research is a descriptive research by using qualitative analysis to describe the behavior of heads in addressing the authority possessed with regard to the implementation of regional autonomy. Data unearthed from the informant who exposed the non-policy job by the Mayor. Field of thiese results...
Proceedings Article

ASEAN Economic Community and The Challenges for Pro Poor Sustainable Development Program

Rutiana Dwi Wahyunengseh, Sri Hastjarjo
ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) gives opportunity and challenge all at once. Production resource mobility will increase access to labor absorption and income, if there is competitiveness. Otherwise, it will exacerbate poverty. It was published that 90% of poor people in ASEAN states live in Indonesia...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Woman's Personal Branding in Increasing The Activity of Fishery in Batu Island

Nurbani Padang, Arlina, Abdi Sitepu
This research was conducted to find out the personal branding model in improving the existence of women in the processing of fishery activity, in Batu Island, South Nias Regency. The existence of women in f this study is to identify and map the potential and competence of marine women to be developed,...
Proceedings Article

Quality of Maternal Health Service in Semarang City

Aufarul Marom, Nina Widowati, Dyah Hariani
Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) also become an important indicator of public health degree. MMR describes the number of women who die from a cause of death related to pregnancy disorders or their handling (not including accident or incidental cases) during pregnancy. According to the health center’s report...
Proceedings Article

Indonesia Spaceport Selection Based on Multicriteria Analysis: A Study on Relative Importance and Priority Regarding Spaceport Selection Location Attributes Utilizing AHP

Intan Perwitasari
The background of this research is the needed a new spaceport location to replace Pameungpeuk lauch site in Indonesia and accomodir a safe new locations for static testing and test flight of experimental 550 rocket rockets and stratified rockets to support rocket and satellite programme. According...
Proceedings Article

Process of Relationship Initiaton Using Social Media Study on Tinder Users in Solo City

Fian Irawan, Sri Hastjarjo, Ign. Agung Satyawan
Social Media has brought exceptional changes in the practice of communication. Social media is one of the favorite online activities which used by most people in present day. The emergence of social media brought a shift in the manner of people to understand, read, and search for content and information....
Proceedings Article

Alternative Sentencing for Criminal Acts of Corruption as the Form of Progressive Legal Enforcement to Ensure Criminal Action to Guarantee the Process of Sustainable Development

Rudy Cahya Kurniawan
Almost every day The Media of both print and electronic are filled with news of Red Handed Arrest Operations (OTT) carried out by officers of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) against public officials from low-ranking officials to the leadership level such as regents, mayors or governors....
Proceedings Article

Gender Equality in Work Scope: Phenomenology Study of Wife and Husband Relations in Dempet Village, Demak District

Miandhani Denniz Yuniar
Gender equality is the equality of the roles of man and women in all fields of life, apart from natural problems. Indonesian peoples still have misunderstandings in interpreting gender differences. Both in discussing the issue of the reality life, the relationship of husband and wife in the village,...
Proceedings Article

Local Media and Local Community in Semarang

Sunarto, Adi Nugroho, Dwi Purbaningrum, Anna Puji Lestari, Heni Indrayani, Immanuel Dwi Asmoro Tunggal
To be survive in the development of technology recently, a local media in Semarang, namely Suara Merdeka daily, give special attention to local communities. It gives special attention in its publication. It also routinely creates a community award programme to support the existence of local communities....
Proceedings Article

The Role of Government, Human Resources and Strategic Role of Training For Life Skill Empowerment

Ahmad Darmawi, Darsono, Drajat Tri Kartono, Sapja Anantanyu
Empowerment can be interpreted as a planned process to improve the ability of the community to be empowered to improve their lives. Changes in society will be realized if the community itself wants to change. Community groups that want to change themselves must have sufficient knowledge and skills to...
Proceedings Article

The Success Factors of Public Private Partnership Implementation for Infrastructures Development: New Evidence from the Indonesian Experience

Dominicus S. Priyarsono, Risman M. Rizal, K. Heny
Infrastructure is one of the main instruments to foster Indonesia’s economic growth. Nevertheless, government’s financial capacity is so limited that it is not sufficient for financing all infrastructure projects. That is the reason for the government to invite the private sector under the scheme called...
Proceedings Article

Bonding Social Capital in Reducing the Risk of Flood Exposure of Lake Tempe in South Sulawesi

Retno Sunu Astuti, Abdul Rachim
Flood exposure becomes a routine flood disaster in the area around Lake Tempe, but people were able to survive and adapt to the annual flood disaster. This research was conducted to explore the social capital of the community in areas affected by the flood exposure of Lake Tempe so that it can be mapped...
Proceedings Article

Hidden Power in The Choice of Head of Village in Simalungun District in 2017

Zakaria, Fernanda Putra Adela, Nurlela
The election of the village head is not merely a struggle for power or how the campaign strategy is carried out in order to get support from the village community, but more than that concerning prestige, self-esteem and honour so often in various regions the process of electing the village head causes...
Proceedings Article

Is it Beneficial Exposing Students to Senior?

Ni Wayan Suriastini, Ragil Safitri, Titis Putra Ambarwati, Nadia Fitriani, Bondan Sikoki
The population of elderly increases significantly, especially in Indonesia. This condition has driven the government to initiate age-friendly city and community. Based on the study on age-friendly city conducted by SurveyMETER and CAS UI (2013), most dimensions of age-friendly city proposed by WHO have...
Proceedings Article

Sustainable Development in Indonesia: Current Problems and Future Challenges

Sudharto Prawata Hadi
Indonesia adopted sustainable development as a paradigm of development since the beginning of 1970s. The Broad Outline of State Policy of 1973 stated that the natural resources must be utilized rationally and should consider the need of the next generation. In 1982, the government promulgated the Environmental...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Social Capital at Disaster Risk Management, A Public Administration Perspective: Study on Kebon Agung Imogiri Bantul

Arimurti Kriswibowo, Ertien Rining Nawangsari
The 7 degrees Richter earthquake in Lombok which is just happened reminds us of a reality that Indonesia has a challenge as the disaster-prone area. Besides famous as the “ring of fire”, Indonesia located on the earth’s fault plate. Therefore, Indonesia has a challenge on the mitigation level. Take a...
Proceedings Article

Involvement “Yuk Ngaji Solo” Community to Building Youth Morality

Intan Suciati, Andre Rahm, Andrik Purwasito
Morality is a supporting factor for sustainable development. As principles and rules of life, morality measures the dignity of humanity. The survival of an area cannot be separated from the morality of the people in the area, such as in Surakarta City. As a city that upholds ethic, morality is an aspect...
Proceedings Article

The Quality of Family Communication as a Factor in Psychography, a Sense of Responsibility and Good Media Consumption Patterns for Children

Irine Rachmitasari
The family is a blood ties uniting the image which is based, formed and maintained through communication. The relationship between mass media and family communication has high and complex interdependence. Family can be arranged, structured and defined partly by mass media, especially television. Many...
Proceedings Article

Youth Involvement in The Diffusion of Innovative Art Drumblek in Salatiga City, Central Java

Nugrahaning Esa Pratiwi, Sri Hastjarjo, Ign. Agung Satyawan
Every region needs sustainable development for the future such as maximizing the use of natural resources and utilizing information technology in its dissemination where Salatiga city has done it. Youth as agent of the biggest change that closely related with technology need to be involved to play a...
Proceedings Article

Workaholic or Work Life Balance? Understanding the Y Generation Traits as Young Labor: A Literature Review

Sekar Widyasari Putri, Ratih Nur Setyaningsih, H. Yulika Nourmalasari
The current workforce is dominated by a young work force called Y generation. These generations are those born from 1980 - 2000. They came from different periods from the previous generation, generating distinct ideologies, ethics and work expectations. They are workers or future leaders with unique...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Exchange Rate and Foreign Capital to Domestic Price in Indonesia

Sri Isnowati, Akhmad Syakir Kurnia, Gregorius Nasians Masdjojo
Based on the data analysis, the variables of exchange rates and foreign capital were integrated in the first degree. Meanwhile, the co-integration analysis shows that the data used were integrated. The results show that the variables of exchange rate and foreign capital have a positive effect on the...
Proceedings Article

Conflict and Consensus in Indigenous Communities: Study of Anatomic Conflict in Parmalim Communities

Tonny P Situmorang, Adil Arifin, Anwar Saragih
Conflict does not only occur in heterogeneous societies with various ethnicities, religions, groups and backgrounds. Conflict also occurs in a homogeneous arena with close ties of brotherhood and kinship in the traditions of ancestors that are similar to indigenous peoples. This condition happened to...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Batik Jonogoroan Craftswomen in Creative Industry and Increasing Family Economy

R.F. Umma Tsanyazhar R, Sutopo, Andrik Purwasito
The creative industry of batik Jonegoroan began in 2009. The regional government through the PKK which was chaired by Mrs. Mafudho Suyoto held a competition to design the motifs of batik which later became one of the icons in Bojonegoro. As a form of appreciation, one of the local NGOs, Ademos (Association...
Proceedings Article

BUMDES Financial Good Corporate Governance (Case Study at BUMDES in Tembarak District, Temanggung Regency)

Dinalestari Purbawati, Agung Budiatmo, Sendhang Nurseto, Ilham Ainuddin, Robetmi Jumpakita Pinem
This Study examined The implementation Good Corporate Governance (GCG) of BUMDES. The main objective of GCG was do create a control and balance system (check and balances) do prevent misuse of company resources and still encourage the growth of the company.The implementation of GCG needed to be implemented...
Proceedings Article

Agent of change agent : Indonesia’s missing substantial rationality to conserve local wisdom and control modernization

Reza Praditya Yudha
Today's society easily expresses hatred and partiality. People who disagree curse through social media, insult in comments, even make physical contact as persecution. Whereas, Indonesian culture as a collectivistic society has local wisdom to maintain harmony and avoid conflict. Modern technology and...
Proceedings Article

Impact of Gender on Green Product Purchase Intention in Millennial Generation

Robetmi Jumpakita Pinem
Consuming friendly-environmental products aims to decrease the environmental damage, which environmental degradation has become a significant concern around the world. This study aims to investigate social influence, eco-label, price sensitivity that influence consumers purchase intention on green product....
Proceedings Article

Social Impact Analysis of Poverty Reduction Program in Education Field at Poverty Reduction of Integrated Service Units (UPTPK) on Sragen Regency

Titik Djumiarti, Dewi Rostyaningsih, Slamet Santosa
Poverty is a problem that must be resolved because No Poverty is the first goal of the SDG's. Poverty reduction is also a mandate from the 1945 Constitution article 34 paragraph (1). Seeing the importance of poverty reduction, the Sragen Regency government initiated an innovation by forming a Poverty...
Proceedings Article

Systematic Review: Efforts to Improve Nurse’s Communication Skills with Patient

Wanto Paju, Luky Dwiantoro
In their profession, nurses should be able to use effective communications for the sake of creating a sense of security and comfort for patients. This research shows that nurses fail to deliver therapeutic communications both during the orientation and termination stages. Purpose: to identify efforts...
Proceedings Article

Expansion of Health Care Protection and Health Governance in Indonesia

Retna Hanani
The 1999 Asian economic crisis and political reform brought significant change in the sphere of health governance in Indonesia. One of the important landmarks is the expansion of health assistance for the poor (known as Askeskin). While Askeskin and later program such as Jamkesmas were created as ad...
Proceedings Article

Burial Service Quality Analysis Study in The Cemetery of Keputih Surabaya

Ertien Rining Nawangsari, Arimurti Kriswibowo
The grave is a public facility that required by the citizen. The high population density will cause problems of provision of burial grounds. This is because the burial ground will eventually be full if not offset by its provision. Surabaya’s Government opened some new cemeteries, that one of them is...
Proceedings Article

Power Distance on the Utilization of Kendeng Mountain Resources

Bulan Prabawani, Sudharto P Hadi, Hartuti Purnaweni, Robetmi Jumpakita Pinem
Kendeng Mountain conflict was handled by the Indonesian Government by forming a SEA team. This government policy was considered appropriate considering that the benefits of SEA have been recognized and are increasingly being adopted in Europe and Asia. However, the existence of the SEA did not necessarily...
Proceedings Article

Confession of Councellors: Phenomenological Approach to Ex-Narcotics Users as Councellors for Narcotics Users in Therapeutic Communication

Sanhari Prawiradiredja, Iwan Joko Prasetyo, Ayu Erni Jusnita
Narcotics users in East Java have reached approximately 400 thousands from 4,9 narcotic users in Indonesia. Although they have clinically free from narcotics dependence, sometimes they experience difficulties in their social adjustment in family and social environment. This research try to explore and...
Proceedings Article

Community Empowerment for Controlling Environmental Pollution in Coastal Slum Demaan, Jepara

S. Sunarti, Retno Widjajanti, Muhammad Helmi
Coastal slums area always identical with an unhealthy environment and polluted, one of the main cause is garbage scattered in the neighborhood. Community behavior who littering directly in the sea, river or vacant land located around their neighborhood cause environmental pollution. The aim of the research...
Proceedings Article

Willingness To Pay Housing Type 36 Consumer In the Special Province of Yogyakarta

Suripto, Lestari Sukarniati
Demand for homes In the Special Province of Yogyakarta experienced an increase caused by population growth, so the need for housing is very urgent. The desire to buy a home is faced with a choice of the home to be chosen by a prospective buyer. Preference becomes essential for consumers to buy a house...
Proceedings Article

Model of Community Participation in Countermeasures and Protection for People with HIV and AIDS

Widodo Tresno Novianto, Subekti, Rehnalemken Ginting, Riska Andi Fitriono
This article aims to find forms and recommendations for the expansion and reach and role of the government in efforts to foster community participation in the prevention and protection of people living with HIV and AIDS. In HIV and AIDS transmission and prevention are related to and or depend on human...
Proceedings Article

Commodification of Labor And Structuration On Local Public Broadcasters ‘Swara Kendal’

Labor issues are a sensitive issue because they involve the lives of workers. The problem is the large number of labor force, uneven distribution, limited employment opportunities, low wages, slow employment growth, small social security, low welfare, termination of employment (PHK), unemployment, outsourced...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Brackish Water Distillation Technology as a Solution to the Problem of Clean Water Needs

Agus Pebrianto, Ahmad Rizani, Adi Pratomo, Rudy Haryanto
Community service of Banjarmasin State Polytechnic (Poliban) is aimed at supporting the improvement of community welfare and the competitiveness of the institution. Based on this, Poliban formulated community service programs and activities to synergize with regional development programs contained in...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Knowledge Management On Organizational Performance Through Innovation (Case Study on Digital Creative MSME in Semarang, Indonesia)

Alifia Saraswati, Widiartanto
Ministry of Communication and Information Technology is creating and developing new program is called A Movement of 1000 Digital Start-ups in Indonesia. Semarang, as one of capital cities in Indonesia is also developing its digital creative industry. To develop it, government of Semarang city needs valid...
Proceedings Article

Cantrang Polemic : Will It End ?

Kismartini, Bani Astiti Asa Nugroho
Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries No. 71 / PERMEN-KP / 2016, Cantrang is one of the fishing gears which is prohibited from its operation in all capture Lines and in all State Fisheries Management Areas of the Republic of Indonesia (WPPNRI). Since the prohibition...
Proceedings Article

Women, Entrepreneurs and Online Business (Analysis of Factors that Motivate Entrepreneurial Women Through Online Business)

Rolland Epafras Fanggidae, Ni Putu Nursiani, Yohana Febiani Angi
The development of dynamic science and technology, continues to show progress so rapidly in all aspects of life. Included in business, where businesses relate to human needs that are dynamic. To obtain comfort, convenience and increase pretties in living and living life and modern life, humans always...
Proceedings Article

The Meaning of Digital Media Content for Teenagers and the Role of Parents Assistance

Hedi Pudjo, Sri Budi Lestari, Primada Qurrota Ayun
The development of technology has pushed the life of teenagers to merge into the world of social media and digital. Teenagers’ high sense of curiosity has become a source of concern for their parents to grant them digital access. The easiness in accessing information through digital medias has lured...
Proceedings Article

Policy of Brebes Regency Government in Reducing Maternal Mortality

Ahmad Taufiq, Ahmad Rizani
The objective of this study is to analyze the policies of Brebes Regency Government in reducing maternal mortality in 2017. As in 2017 (as many as 31 cases) Brebes Regency government was able to reduce maternal mortality compared to 2016 (54 cases) and 2015 (52 cases). The research used was a qualitative...
Proceedings Article

Human Resource Empowerment: Women Groups in Poverty Alleviation in Sidoarjo Regency

Mashudi, Luluk Fauziah
This study aims at describing the empowerment of human resources of women groups and its constraints in the poverty alleviation in Sidoarjo Regency. Poverty is a complex problem that is influenced by various factors interrelated and influences one another. In fact, it is not uncommon to influence the...
Proceedings Article

Responses of Taxpayer Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMES) on The Tax Amnesty Policy

Saryadi, Robetmi Jumpakita Pinem
National development that continues continuously and continuously so far aims to improve people's welfare both materially and spiritually. One of the efforts to increase revenue for the development is to explore sources of funds originating from within the country, namely taxes. One of the tax reform...
Proceedings Article

Development Strategy to Improve The Quality of Tourism in Kota Lama Semarang, Central Java

Hermini Susiatiningsih, Satwika Paramasatya, Nadia Farabi
One of the many spots in Semarang, which is being meticulously renovated by the Municipal Government for the purpose of attracting tourists, is Kota Lama Semarang. This Kota Lama Semarang, are old buildings which were built in the ages of the Dutch colonisation in Indonesia. Recently, there have been...
Proceedings Article

State Policy Direction and The Future of The Country

Bambang Sadono, Lintang Ratri Rahmiaji
Abstract The world is changing so fast. The conventional power such as country, government and other things are started to shift. The idea to bring back the State Policy Direction academically is also supported by the practical experience by several countries such as Tiongkok, India and Thailand. In...