Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Administrative Science (ICAS 2022)

196 authors
Maysaroh, Dian
Implementation of the Post-Covid 19 Pandemic Extreme Poverty Alleviation Program in Kebumen District
Miftahudin, Asep
Reactualization of Local Value of Sundanese in Strengthening Self-Governing Community of Village Government
Muhtar, Entang Adhy
Institutional Model of Science Techno Park Local Governments in Indonesia
Mulyadi, Deddy
Analysis of the Governance of One Data Indonesia (SDI) at the Communication and Information Office of Sukabumi City
Mulyadi, Deddy
Implementation of the Village Financial Supervision Program at Cianjur District
Mulyadi, Deddy
Model In House Training (IHT) for Social Teacher Competency Development at Junior High School
Mulyadi, Deddy
Implementation of Sustainable Agriculture Land Protection Policy in Bandung Regency
Mursalim, Siti Widharetno
Institutional Model of Science Techno Park Local Governments in Indonesia
Murti, Krisna
A Model for the Placement of Civil Servants in Administrative Positions Based on Meritocracy in the Garut District Government Environment
Mustiraya, Raya
Collaborative Governance Waste Management in Bandung Regency
Nurfadilah, Meisifa
The Implementation of Coaching and Counseling to Overcome Work Stress at Arcamanik District (Case Study at the District Office in West Java)
Nurliawati, Nita
Implementation of Sustainable Agriculture Land Protection Policy in Bandung Regency
Nurliawati, Rita
Analysis of the Governance of One Data Indonesia (SDI) at the Communication and Information Office of Sukabumi City
Paramitha, Thalita Puspa
Reactualization of Local Value of Sundanese in Strengthening Self-Governing Community of Village Government
Permatasari, Arini
Building a Digital Bureaucracy Through the Implementation of Collaborative Governance in the Regional Government of Bandung City
Pinandhito, Kenneth
Development of Risk Management Model in Managerial Accounting Bachelor of Applied Science Study Program
Purba, Caesar Octoviandy
Critical Success Factors Merit Implementation of Civil Service Management in Indonesia
Purnaweni, Hartuti
The Whole of Government Approach
Purwanto, Agus Joko
Global Trends and Policy Strategies and Their Implications for the Sustainable Development of MOOCs in Indonesia
Puspitasari, D. A.
Evaluating E-Shoppers’ Perceived Risk Affected Disruption During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
Putrianti, Septiana Dwi
Analysis of the Governance of One Data Indonesia (SDI) at the Communication and Information Office of Sukabumi City
Putrianti, Septiana Dwi
Implementation of the Village Financial Supervision Program at Cianjur District
Putrianti, Septiana Dwi
Analysis of the Improvement of the Family Hope Program (PKH) in the New Normal Era
Putrianti, Septiana Dwi
Analysis of the Capability of the Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus (APIP) at the Inspectorate of Cianjur Regency, West Java Province, Indonesia
Rachmat, Dicky Faizal
Analysis of the Governance of One Data Indonesia (SDI) at the Communication and Information Office of Sukabumi City
Rahayu, Rani Nurani
Model In House Training (IHT) for Social Teacher Competency Development at Junior High School
Rahman, Abdul
Peer-Review Statements
Rahman, Abdul
Cimanggung Open Junior High School as Collaboration-Based Education in Cilembu Village Sumedang
Rahman, Abdul
How is the Role of Tax Understanding on Tax Compliance of Local Public Official?
Rahman, Abdul
Distribution Model of Social Assistance
Rahman, Abdul
Implementation of the Village Financial Supervision Program at Cianjur District
Rahman, Abdul
Analysis of the Improvement of the Family Hope Program (PKH) in the New Normal Era
Rahman, Abdul
Analysis of the Capability of the Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus (APIP) at the Inspectorate of Cianjur Regency, West Java Province, Indonesia
Rahmawati, Ati
Collaboration Model of Masagi Bersih Program in Supporting the Village Sustainable Development (Study Case: Ciburial Village, Cimenyan District, Bandung Regency, West Java)
Rahmi, Yulia
Cimanggung Open Junior High School as Collaboration-Based Education in Cilembu Village Sumedang
Ramadhan, Randi
Individual Training Needs Analysis of Civil Servants (PNS) in Cigadung Village Cibeunying Kaler Districts Bandung City
Ramdani, Deni Fauzi
Reactualization of Local Value of Sundanese in Strengthening Self-Governing Community of Village Government
Ramdani, Deni Fauzi
Implementation of Sustainable Agriculture Land Protection Policy in Bandung Regency
Ramdani, Endah Mustika
Digital Governance Strategy to Realize Adaptive, Agile, and Fluid Government in the Provincial Government of West Java
Ratnadewati, Rani
Efforts to Introduce Occupational Health and Safety Culture to MSMEs in Tenjolaya Village
Ravenska, Nanda
The Role of Green Marketing Through Brand Image to Increase Interest to Buy Gen Y in Love Beauty and Planet Products
Rejeki, Putri Wulandari Atur
Multidimensional Poverty in Indonesia Period 2015–2018
Rudyanto, H. E.
Ubo Rampe of Covid-19 Tolak Balak
How is the Role of Tax Understanding on Tax Compliance of Local Public Official?
Global Trends and Policy Strategies and Their Implications for the Sustainable Development of MOOCs in Indonesia
Rusmanto, Wieky
Building a Digital Bureaucracy Through the Implementation of Collaborative Governance in the Regional Government of Bandung City
Sadida, A.
Evaluating E-Shoppers’ Perceived Risk Affected Disruption During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
Samboteng, Lukman
Global Trends and Policy Strategies and Their Implications for the Sustainable Development of MOOCs in Indonesia
Good Governance in Public Sector
A Model for the Placement of Civil Servants in Administrative Positions Based on Meritocracy in the Garut District Government Environment
The Effectiveness of the Application of Good Governance Principles in the Implementation of the Public Service Policy of Excellent School by the Regional Government of the Regency of Morotai Island
Septiawan, Catur
Development of Achievement-Based Performance Management System Model in Private Health:
Setiawan, Budi
Promotion Strategy in the Development of National Exports
Sianturi, Rio Daniel Imanuel
Efforts to Introduce Occupational Health and Safety Culture to MSMEs in Tenjolaya Village
Sofiani, Nisha Faradilla
Improvement Strategy to Increase Village Administrator Quality of Work
Subagiyo, Agus
Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Implementation of E-Bupot 23/26 to Improve Taxpayer Compliance (Case Study at PT Surya Energy Anugerah Lestari 2020–2021)
Subagyo, Agus
Policy on Territorial Development of Military District Command 0622/Sukabumi Regency in Assisting Local Governments for National Economic Recovery After the Covid-19 Pandemic
Sufiani, Ely
Empowerment Optimization Rukun Masyarakat (RW) in Regional Development in Gunung Puyuh District Sukabumi City
Sufianti, Ely
Cimanggung Open Junior High School as Collaboration-Based Education in Cilembu Village Sumedang
Sufianti, Ely
Collaboration Model of Masagi Bersih Program in Supporting the Village Sustainable Development (Study Case: Ciburial Village, Cimenyan District, Bandung Regency, West Java)
Sufianti, Ely
Implementation of the Post-Covid 19 Pandemic Extreme Poverty Alleviation Program in Kebumen District
Sufianti, Ely
Implementation of the Village Financial Supervision Program at Cianjur District
Sufianti, Ely
A Model for the Placement of Civil Servants in Administrative Positions Based on Meritocracy in the Garut District Government Environment
Sujana, Erwin
Development of Achievement-Based Performance Management System Model in Private Health:
Sulistyorini, Utami Tri
Clustering Home Bias Behaviour of Surakarta Traditional Food Lovers in Financial Transaction During Covid-19 Pandemic
Sumarni, Cicih
The Mechanism of Implementing Occupational Safety and Health in Bandung Wetan District Office Bandung City
Sundari, Wildan
Cimanggung Open Junior High School as Collaboration-Based Education in Cilembu Village Sumedang
Supartoyo, Yesi Hendriani
How is the Role of Tax Understanding on Tax Compliance of Local Public Official?
Supriatna, Hadi
Implementation of the Village Financial Supervision Program at Cianjur District
Supriatna, Metha Djuwita
Improvement Strategy to Increase Village Administrator Quality of Work
Sutiyono, Wahyu
Critical Success Factors Merit Implementation of Civil Service Management in Indonesia
Taryono, Ono
Implementation of the Post-Covid 19 Pandemic Extreme Poverty Alleviation Program in Kebumen District
Tindaon, Susi Susanti
The Implementation of Royal Rebel Loyalty Program in Improving Mad for Makeup Sales
Tindaon, Susi Susanti
Product Testing Model on Prospective Users of Bliin Application
Trilestari, Endang Wirjatmi
Empowerment Optimization Rukun Masyarakat (RW) in Regional Development in Gunung Puyuh District Sukabumi City
Trilestari, Endang Wirjatmi
Implementation of E-Government in Accelerating Bureaucratic Reform in Indonesia
Trilestari, Endang Wirjatmi
Analysis of the Improvement of the Family Hope Program (PKH) in the New Normal Era
Umayah, Utami Siti
Analysis of the Improvement of the Family Hope Program (PKH) in the New Normal Era
Utami, Sawitri Budi
Institutional Model of Science Techno Park Local Governments in Indonesia
Vaulina, Nia
Empowerment Optimization Rukun Masyarakat (RW) in Regional Development in Gunung Puyuh District Sukabumi City
Wianto, Asep
Evaluation of Eazy Passport Service Implementation in an Effort to Improve Public Service During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Sukabumi Immigration Office Class II Non Immigration Checkpoint
Wicaksono, Kristian Widya
Counselors’ Essential Experiences with Victims of Child Abuse
Reactualization of Local Value of Sundanese in Strengthening Self-Governing Community of Village Government
Widiyati, Sri
Clustering Home Bias Behaviour of Surakarta Traditional Food Lovers in Financial Transaction During Covid-19 Pandemic
Widowati, Nina
Digital Activism
Widyarti, Maria Theresia Heni
Development of Risk Management Model in Managerial Accounting Bachelor of Applied Science Study Program
Wijayanti, Reni
Strategy of Population Administration Services in Bojongloa Kaler District During Covid-19 Pandemic
Wiraksa, Keysa Najelista
Efforts to Introduce Occupational Health and Safety Culture to MSMEs in Tenjolaya Village
Wulandari, Ika
Design of Internship Program Management in Human Capital Work Unit PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Jendral Ahmad Yani International Airport Semarang
Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Implementation of E-Bupot 23/26 to Improve Taxpayer Compliance (Case Study at PT Surya Energy Anugerah Lestari 2020–2021)
Yunus, Muhammad
An Implementation on the Innovation of SIMAP License Program in Palopo City
Yunus, Muhammad
Good Governance in Public Sector
Yuwono, Teguh
The Whole of Government Approach
Zees, Sri Rahayu
Clustering Home Bias Behaviour of Surakarta Traditional Food Lovers in Financial Transaction During Covid-19 Pandemic
Zhafirah, Meiliza Noor
The Implementation of Coaching and Counseling to Overcome Work Stress at Arcamanik District (Case Study at the District Office in West Java)
Zulvia, Pepi
Forecasting for Optimizing New Product Inventory at Nayara Company