Proceedings of the 2023 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Education (ICAIE 2023)

212 authors
Pu, Die
A Visual Analysis of the Application of Internet of Things Technology in Education Based on Citespace and Vosviewer
Qi, Hongyuan
Design and Implementation of Online Teaching Platform for Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Experiment
Qiao, Xuerong
Simulation Study of 24–Form Tai Chi Typical Movements Factors Based on Computer Analysis
Qin, Lixiang
Blended Equipment Operation Teaching Based on Smart Teaching Platform
Qin, Na
Research on the Intelligentization of Education Management Based on ChatGPT Model
Qin, Shanghao
Location of Mulberry Leaf Picking Points Based on Improved Mask RCNN
Qu, Fenglin
Research on Online Learning Behavior of Higher Vocational Students Based on Data Mining
Qu, Shaohui
The Innovative Path of Intelligent Teaching in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Shan, Yingying
Design and Research of Blended Teaching Mode Based on Artificial Intelligence
Shao, ZiQi
Mask Wearing Specification Detection System Based on Residual Network
Shui, Yizhong
Smart Space Planning Promotes Educational Equity and Resource Sharing
Song, Dianyi
Exploration of Integrating “Technology+” Swimming Course Teaching for College Students
Song, Huishan
Simulation Study of 24–Form Tai Chi Typical Movements Factors Based on Computer Analysis
Song, Li
Exploration of Integrating “Technology+” Swimming Course Teaching for College Students
Sun, Jiangjie
Analysis of the Effectiveness and Influencing Factors of the Construction of Internship and Practical Training Base Under STC Teaching Mode
Sun, Yi
Research on Load Balancing Technology for Product Data Management Server Cluster
Tan, Xingqiang
Study on Online Monitor System for Surface Quality of Rolling Rail Based on Machine Vision
Tang, Kuotai
Based on CHAID’s Knowledge Base Uses Expectations and Intelligent Recommendations
Tang, Yan
Research on the Ideological and Political System of Logistics System Simulation Course in the Context of Artificial Intelligence
Tian, Tingting
Research on Influencing Factors of College Evaluation Results Based on Machine Learning Model
Tian, Yingxuan
Research on the Evaluation of Comprehensive Level of Compulsory Education Based on Factor Analysis Method
Wan, Hui
Teaching Method of Building Energy Conservation Based on Virtual Simulation Platform
Wang, Haiyan
Design of Evaluation Index System for Smart Classroom Learning Activities Based on Multimodal Data
Wang, Hejin
The Integration of Modern Technology and Elementary School Teaching Management in the Context of “Double Reduction”
Wang, Hongjuan
Design and Development of an Educational Game Based on Human-Computer Interaction for Solar Terms
Wang, Hongkai
Blended Equipment Operation Teaching Based on Smart Teaching Platform
Wang, Jun
The Integration of Modern Technology and Elementary School Teaching Management in the Context of “Double Reduction”
Wang, Jun
Innovative Design of Medical Big Data Platform Integrating Machine Learning and Knowledge Graph
Wang, Kaiyuan
Cognitive Diagnosis for Programming Domains
Wang, Mingxin
Research on the Evaluation of Comprehensive Level of Compulsory Education Based on Factor Analysis Method
Wang, Mingxin
A Visual Analysis of the Application of Internet of Things Technology in Education Based on Citespace and Vosviewer
Wang, Peizhang
Research on Load Balancing Technology for Product Data Management Server Cluster
Wang, Qian
Study on the Influence of Ingroup and Outgroup Perspective on Empathy for Pain in Self-Involvement Situation
Wang, Qian
Establishment of an Evaluation Index System on Versatile Talent Cultivation Modes of Universities for Childhood Autism Rehabilitation Based on Delphi Method
Wang, Qian
Use Data for Education
Wang, Shuai
The Innovative Path of Intelligent Teaching in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Wang, Xi
A Study of History Education in Macau Based on the Context of Big Data
Wang, Yanji
Unsupervised Learning of Digit Recognition Through Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity Based on Memristors
Wang, Yu
Unsupervised Learning of Digit Recognition Through Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity Based on Memristors
Wang, Yulong
Design and Implementation of Online Teaching Platform for Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Experiment
Wang, Zhong
A Study of Computer Teaching Practices Based on Group Intelligence
Wei, Jun
A Study on the Application of the PBL Teaching Method in English Majors’ Reading Teaching
Wei, Xin
Data-Driven Precision Teaching Practice in Blended Learning
Wei, Yanmei
A Study on the Application of the PBL Teaching Method in English Majors’ Reading Teaching
Weng, Junhong
Design of Monitoring Platform for Communication Operation and Maintenance of Distribution Network Based on Artificial Intelligence Technology
Wu, HangXu
Mask Wearing Specification Detection System Based on Residual Network
Wu, Songlin
Research on the Application of 3DS MAX Course in Teaching Environmental Design Major at Private Colleges
Wu, Zhenyu
Improving Language Learning Performance Using Multimodal Dialogue Systems
Xi, Chen
Measures Discussion of Virtual Reality Technology Applied in Architectural Design Teaching
Xi, Chen
Teaching Method of Building Energy Conservation Based on Virtual Simulation Platform
Xia, Fang
Evolutionary Trends and Opportunity Identification of University English Learning Patterns Based on Louvain Clustering Algorithm
Xie, Gaoyuan
A Visual Analysis of the Application of Internet of Things Technology in Education Based on Citespace and Vosviewer
Xie, Peizhong
Data-Driven Precision Teaching Practice in Blended Learning
Xie, Xinyi
Smart Space Planning Promotes Educational Equity and Resource Sharing
Xu, Huaiye
Measures Discussion of Virtual Reality Technology Applied in Architectural Design Teaching
Xu, Shijuan
Analysis of the Development Trend and Hot Spots of China’s Education Digital Transformation
Xu, Xiaofeng
Establishment of an Evaluation Index System on Versatile Talent Cultivation Modes of Universities for Childhood Autism Rehabilitation Based on Delphi Method
Yan, Juan
The Importance of Cloud Accounting Informatization and Software to Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Yan, Yu
Unsupervised Learning of Digit Recognition Through Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity Based on Memristors
Yang, Chunyan
Network Security Swarm-Intelligence Application Design Based on Collaborative Defense Technology
Yang, Degang
The Research Hotspot and Frontier Evolution of Computational Thinking of Information Technology Discipline in Chinese Primary and Secondary Schools
Yang, Jie
New Liberal Arts Construction Dynamics and Development Path Based on Citespace
Yang, Jing
Blended Equipment Operation Teaching Based on Smart Teaching Platform
Yang, Mingzhu
Data Mining and Enlightenment Analysis of the Overseas Dissemination of the English Translation of Mencius
Yang, Tingzhang
Smart Space Planning Promotes Educational Equity and Resource Sharing
Yang, Yi
Design of Multimedia Courseware Teaching Resources Online Management System
Yang, Yuran
Study on the Influence of Ingroup and Outgroup Perspective on Empathy for Pain in Self-Involvement Situation
Yang, Yuran
Establishment of an Evaluation Index System on Versatile Talent Cultivation Modes of Universities for Childhood Autism Rehabilitation Based on Delphi Method
Ye, Fang
The Clustering Analysis on Public Health Data with Missing Values Based on Dimension Reduction Methods
Ye, Linxing
The Research Hotspot and Frontier Evolution of Computational Thinking of Information Technology Discipline in Chinese Primary and Secondary Schools
Ye, Zhipeng
Knowledge Map Analysis of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Based on Citespace
Yi, Tong
Unsupervised Learning of Digit Recognition Through Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity Based on Memristors
Yin, Li
Evolutionary Trends and Opportunity Identification of University English Learning Patterns Based on Louvain Clustering Algorithm
Yin, Zhihong
The Wireless Sensor Monitoring System of Track and Field Training Intensity in Physical Education
Ying, Yuqin
Teaching Method of Building Energy Conservation Based on Virtual Simulation Platform
Yu, Ai-Rong
Innovative Design of Medical Big Data Platform Integrating Machine Learning and Knowledge Graph
Yu, Peiting
Design of Professional Basic Courses Based on Artificial Intelligence and Open Learning
Yu, Zuoqian
Knowledge Map Analysis of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Based on Citespace
Yuan, Weimeng
The Clustering Analysis on Public Health Data with Missing Values Based on Dimension Reduction Methods
Zeng, Shuosa
Research on Influencing Factors of College Evaluation Results Based on Machine Learning Model
Zeng, Siyong
Location of Mulberry Leaf Picking Points Based on Improved Mask RCNN
Zhan, Zehui
Peer-Review Statements
Zhang, Benwen
Study on Online Monitor System for Surface Quality of Rolling Rail Based on Machine Vision
Zhang, Hao
Unsupervised Learning of Digit Recognition Through Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity Based on Memristors
Zhang, Hongmei
Analysis of the Effectiveness and Influencing Factors of the Construction of Internship and Practical Training Base Under STC Teaching Mode
Zhang, Huiyun
Constructing a Model of Intelligent Learning Space for Vocational Education in the Age of Intelligence
Zhang, Linbo
Analysis of the Teaching Effectiveness of the Flipped Classroom Model with Python
Zhang, Qian
Design of Multimedia Courseware Teaching Resources Online Management System
Zhang, Weiyi
Application of Data Mining in Computer-Aided Bilingual Teaching System
Zhang, Xiu
Establishment of an Evaluation Index System on Versatile Talent Cultivation Modes of Universities for Childhood Autism Rehabilitation Based on Delphi Method
Zhang, Yanzhong
Unsupervised Learning of Digit Recognition Through Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity Based on Memristors
Zhang, Yingfang
Digital Experience Design of Traditional Martial Arts in Intangible Cultural Heritage
Zhang, YuChen
Mask Wearing Specification Detection System Based on Residual Network
Zhang, Zhaowei
Improving Language Learning Performance Using Multimodal Dialogue Systems
Zhao, Guorui
Research on Influencing Factors of College Evaluation Results Based on Machine Learning Model
Zhao, Honghao
The Clustering Analysis on Public Health Data with Missing Values Based on Dimension Reduction Methods
Zhao, Shinan
Analysis of English Education Multimedia System Based on Artificial Intelligence
Zhao, Xiaoya
Exploration of Integrating “Technology+” Swimming Course Teaching for College Students
Zheng, Jun
Construction of Simulation Platform for College Students’ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Courses Using Hyper-Converged Cloud Platform
Zheng, Jun
Building Project-Based Teaching Model Based on BP Neural Network Associative Learning