Proceedings of the 6th Global Conference on Business, Management, and Entrepreneurship (GCBME 2021)
335 authors
- Rahayu, Agus
- Management Capacity Analysis of Higher Education in Indonesia
- Rahayu, Agus
- A Systematic Literature Review: University Strategic Management
- Rahayu, Agus
- Collaborative Strategy in Small and Medium Industries
- Rahayu, Agus
- The Effect of Work Creation Law on the Five Forces of Competition Related to the Formulation of Competitive Strategies According to Michael E. Porter
- Rahayu, Agus
- Formulating Business Strategies and Operating Strategies in E-Embroidery SMEs
- Rahayu, Agus
- The Effectiveness of Strategies to Achieve Customer Loyalty: The Role of Relationship Marketing and Customer Retention
- Rahayu, Agus
- Factors Affecting Start-up Performance
- Rahayu, Agus
- The Influence of Organizational Learning and Innovation on Competitive Advantage at SMK in West Java Province
- Rahwana, Kusuma Agdhi
- Design of Work Motivation Strategy as a Determining Factor of Work Goals for Embroidery Industry Employees in Tasikmalaya City
- Razati, Girang
- Fashion Involvement and Impulse Buying on Online-Based Fashion Consumers
- Rizal, Adhi
- Analysis of Taxpayer Awareness in West Java MSME Tax Payment Compliance on E-Commerce Platform Users
- Rosmiati, Mia
- The Competitiveness of Indonesian Craft as Creative Industries in the Global Market: A SWOT Analysis Approach
- Rozak, Abdul
- Analysis of Minimum Capital, Risk, and Knowledge in Affecting Students’ Interest in Investing with Moderated Income in Indonesian Capital Market
- Rozdianda, Mutiara Nisa
- Advertising Investment on Marketplace to Conversion Rate
- Sab’ah, Sucia Fajriati
- The Effect of Endorser’s Credibility and Advertising Creativity on Attitude towards Brands through Advertising Effectiveness
- Sagita, Boby
- Does Liquidity or Profitability Influence Firm Financial Distress Most? Empirical Study on Manufacturing Companies Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (2015-2019)
- Salehudin, Imam
- The Effect of Product-Specific Country-of-Origin: The Evidence from Emerging Market
- Samlawi, Faqih
- The Effect of Locus of Control and Tolerance of Ambiguity on Entrepreneurial Intention
- Saprudin, Nandu
- The Effect of Locus of Control and Tolerance of Ambiguity on Entrepreneurial Intention
- Sarah, Kania Siti
- The Effect of Delivery Service Innovation on Customer Satisfaction
- Sari, Maya
- Financial Literacy on Funding Access of Micro Small Medium Enterprise in Bandung - Indonesia
- Sari, Maya
- The Role of Financial Attitude in Entrepreneurship Student Investing Behavior
- Sari, Maya
- Investment Decision Judging from Personal Income, Financial Literacy and Demographic Factors
- Sari, Maya
- Analysis of Minimum Capital, Risk, and Knowledge in Affecting Students’ Interest in Investing with Moderated Income in Indonesian Capital Market
- Sari, Maya
- The Effect of Liquidity, Leverage, and Profitability on Firm Value with Firm Size as Moderating Variable
- Sari, Maya
- The Analysis Hedging and Derivative Instrument on Firm Value
- Sari, Maya
- The Investor Sentiment and Market Reaction Before and During The Covid-19 Pandemic on Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Savira, Dhelvianti Azni
- The Effect of Electronic Customer Relationship Management (eCRM) on Customer Satisfaction
- Savitri, Citra
- The Effect of Electronic Word of Mouth on E-Purchase Decision at Marketplace
- Senen, Syamsul Hadi
- Work-Family Conflict, Emotional Intelligence, Work-Life Balance, and Employee Performance
- Setiawan, Rahyuniati
- Does Nostalgic Emotion Affect The Memorable Tourism Experience?
- Setiawan, Wawan
- Excellent Service and Utilization of Information Technology on Stakeholder Satisfaction and Organizational Performance
- Setiawan, Wawan
- The Analysis and Design of E-CRM Information Systems to Maintain Consumer Loyalty
- Setiawan, Yana
- Work-Family Conflict, Workload and Burnout as a Determinant Factor on Employee Performance
- Setiawan, Yana
- Design of Work Motivation Strategy as a Determining Factor of Work Goals for Embroidery Industry Employees in Tasikmalaya City
- Shidqi, M. Naufal
- The Impact of Brand Experience on Consumer Engagement
- Sobandi, A.
- Analysis of Microlearning-Based Learning Media Needs: A Retrospective Study at Vocational High School
- Sofia, Alfira
- Does the Information System Audit Syllabus Fit the Industry’s Needs?
- Sofia, Alfira
- Good Audit Planning Practices in the Digital Era
- Solihat, Asri
- The Effect of Work Procedure on Work Consistency in Leather Creative Industry Sector in Garut
- Suarna, Indri Ferdiani
- The Role of Information Communication and Technology in Supporting E-Marketing Strategy to Improve Marketing Performance Culinari SMEs
- Suarsa, Senny H
- IndiHome Customer Loyalty in Bandung: Service Quality and Price
- Sugesko, Sugesko
- The Integration of Perceived Usefulness, Ease of Use and Perceived Risk in Increasing Customer Usage Intention to Access E-channel during Covid-19: Evidence from Indonesia
- Sugesko, Sugesko
- Analysis of Online Insurance Purchase Decisions for Gen X and Millennial Consumers in Indonesia
- Sugiarto, Hendro
- The Effect of Work Procedure on Work Consistency in Leather Creative Industry Sector in Garut
- Suherman, Ade
- Poverty and Socio-Economic Inequality from Socio-Cultural Perspective
- Suherman, Ade
- Social Entrepreneurship as an Effort for Economic Recovery During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Suherman, Ade
- E-Commerce Knowledge in the Digital Era on Students’ Entrepreneurial Interest
- Suhono, Suhono
- Analysis of Taxpayer Awareness in West Java MSME Tax Payment Compliance on E-Commerce Platform Users
- Sukrianingrum, Denisa Rizky
- Analysis of Taxpayer Awareness in West Java MSME Tax Payment Compliance on E-Commerce Platform Users
- Sulastri, S.
- Peer-Review Statements
- Sulastri, S.
- Effect of Technology Readiness Towards Acceptance Technology in Using Information System
- Sulastri, Sulastri
- The Influence of Internal and External Factors on Entrepreneurial Intentions
- Sultan, M. Adib
- Building the Capacity of Alms Institutions through the Performance of Community-Based Economic Development Strategy
- Sultan, M.A.
- The Integration of Perceived Usefulness, Ease of Use and Perceived Risk in Increasing Customer Usage Intention to Access E-channel during Covid-19: Evidence from Indonesia
- Sumarwoko, Achmad Rizal
- The Effect of Experiential Marketing on Customer Satisfaction (Tokopedia)
- Sundusiah, Sundusiah
- The Influence of Organizational Learning and Innovation on Competitive Advantage at SMK in West Java Province
- Supardi, Endang
- Analysis of Microlearning-Based Learning Media Needs: A Retrospective Study at Vocational High School
- Supriatna, Asep
- Development of a Local Wisdom-Based Creative Economy
- Supriyanto, Dodi
- Analysis of Mudharabah, Musyarakah and Ijarah Partially to Return on Assets (ROA) in Islamic Banks
- Surachim, Ahim
- The Effect of Profitability and Liquidity on Firms Value
- Suryana, Suryana
- The Effect of Vocational School Leadership and Educational Innovations on the Culture of Innovation
- Susanti, Yuyun
- Poverty and Socio-Economic Inequality from Socio-Cultural Perspective
- Susanti, Yuyun
- Social Entrepreneurship as an Effort for Economic Recovery During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Susanti, Yuyun
- E-Commerce Knowledge in the Digital Era on Students’ Entrepreneurial Interest
- Sutrisna, Arga
- Operational Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Pandemic Era
- Sutrisna, Arga
- Improving Student Competence Based on Emotional Intelligence and Technological Capital
- Syifa, Raisa Hillia Aini
- The Design of Organizational Culture and Knowledge Sharing in Creating Innovation Behavior and Its Impact on Organizational Performance in Family Companies
- Tanuatmodjo, Heraeni
- Strategic Alliance to Build Customer Trust Bank Syariah in Indonesia
- Tarmedi, Eded
- The Effect of Profitability and Liquidity on Firms Value
- Tetep, Tetep
- Less Cash Society Movement: The Impact of Using E-Money on Social Changes
- Tetep, Tetep
- Analysis of Mudharabah, Musyarakah and Ijarah Partially to Return on Assets (ROA) in Islamic Banks
- Tetep, Tetep
- Poverty and Socio-Economic Inequality from Socio-Cultural Perspective
- Tetep, Tetep
- Social Entrepreneurship as an Effort for Economic Recovery During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Tetep, Tetep
- Development of a Local Wisdom-Based Creative Economy
- Tetep, Tetep
- Juridical Review of Trade Secrets of the Traditional Food Burayot
- Tetep, Tetep
- E-Commerce Knowledge in the Digital Era on Students’ Entrepreneurial Interest
- Trenggana, Arlin F M
- Repurchase Intention: The Role of Trust, Perceived Usefulness, and Satisfaction
- Trenggana, Arlin F M
- The Effectiveness of Strategies to Achieve Customer Loyalty: The Role of Relationship Marketing and Customer Retention
- Triono, Sunu P H
- Factors Affecting Start-up Performance
- Uno, Indra Cahya
- Less Cash Society Movement: The Impact of Using E-Money on Social Changes
- Utama, Dian H
- Fashion Involvement and Impulse Buying on Online-Based Fashion Consumers
- Vernia, Dellia Mila
- Work-Family Conflict, Emotional Intelligence, Work-Life Balance, and Employee Performance
- Vigim, Jaqolina Anggraeni
- Never-Ending the Application of Double Tax Treaties to Foreign Direct Investment
- Wahyudin, Cucu
- Collaborative Strategy in Small and Medium Industries
- Waspada, Ikaputera
- Financial Literacy on Funding Access of Micro Small Medium Enterprise in Bandung - Indonesia
- Waspada, Ikaputera
- The Role of Financial Attitude in Entrepreneurship Student Investing Behavior
- Waspada, Ikaputera
- Investment Decision Judging from Personal Income, Financial Literacy and Demographic Factors
- Waspada, Ikaputera
- Analysis of Minimum Capital, Risk, and Knowledge in Affecting Students’ Interest in Investing with Moderated Income in Indonesian Capital Market
- Waspada, Ikaputera
- The Effect of Liquidity, Leverage, and Profitability on Firm Value with Firm Size as Moderating Variable
- Waspada, Ikaputera
- The Analysis Hedging and Derivative Instrument on Firm Value
- Waspada, Ikaputera
- The Investor Sentiment and Market Reaction Before and During The Covid-19 Pandemic on Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Wibowo, L.A
- Effect of Technology Readiness Towards Acceptance Technology in Using Information System
- Wibowo, Lili A
- The Influence of Utilitarian and Hedonic Value to Traveler Purchase Intention at Singapore Changi Airport International
- Wibowo, Lili A
- Formulating Business Strategies and Operating Strategies in E-Embroidery SMEs
- Wibowo, Lili A
- The Effectiveness of Strategies to Achieve Customer Loyalty: The Role of Relationship Marketing and Customer Retention
- Wibowo, Lili A
- Factors Affecting Start-up Performance
- Wibowo, Lili A.
- The Influence of Organizational Learning and Innovation on Competitive Advantage at SMK in West Java Province
- Wibowo, Lili Adi
- Peer-Review Statements
- Wibowo, Lili Adi
- The Effect of Electronic Word of Mouth on E-Purchase Decision at Marketplace