Proceedings of the 1st Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities, Economics and Social Sciences (BIS-HESS 2019)
710 authors
- Latifah, Nur Azizah
- Sharecropping Agreement in Accordance with Maqasid Al-Syariah
- Lestari, Artha Ayu
- The Influence of Tax Comprehension, Tax Awareness and Tax Sanctions Toward Tax Obedience of SME’s
- Lestari, Rani Dwi
- Critique of Racism in the “Waktu Indonesia Timur” Program on NET TV
- Lestari, Sri
- Symbolic Efforts for Maintaining Anti-Communist Discourse on Matan Magazine
- Lestari, Sri
- Student’s Perception of English Learning by Using Rap Music Media
- Lestariningsih, Eni
- The Influence of Soft Skill Competence, Altruism, Team Work, and Innovative Work Behavior on the Quality of Human Resources in BPS-Statistics Indonesia
- Levani, Yelvi
- Prevalence and the Level of Knowledge Toward Cigarette Smoking Among Adult Male in Rural Area
- Lianasari, Dewi
- The Parents’ Parenting Patterns Who Work in Borobudur Temple Area with Development of Student Characters in Elementary Schools
- Lianasari, Dewi
- The Effect of REBT Group on Developing the Meaningfulness of Self Life
- Lindasari, Nurmai
- Yoga Pranayama Dhiirga Swasam with Sukhasana Position on Reducing Blood Pressure in the Elderly
- Lumintuarso, Ria
- The Impact of Physical Activity on Executive Functions Among Pre-schoolers
- Lutfiyati, Heni
- The Knowledge and Attitude of Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang Pharmacy Students on National Health Programs–a Descriptive Study
- Machfudz
- Sharia Retail Competitiveness and Consumers’ Behavior: Should Sharia Retail Capitalize Islam?
- Madhakomala, R.
- The Influence of Soft Skill Competence, Altruism, Team Work, and Innovative Work Behavior on the Quality of Human Resources in BPS-Statistics Indonesia
- Madi
- Policy Study of the Authorities Hegemony on 2013 Curriculum in Southeast Sulawesi
- Madyawati, Lilis
- Local Culture Games for Post-Disaster Trauma Healing in Early Childhood
- Madyawati, Lilis
- Improving Number Ability Through Demonstration Method in Children Aged 4–5 Years
- Mahardhani, Ardhana Januar
- Regional Cooperation in East Java Province, Indonesia: Selfishness and Necessity
- Mahardhika, N A
- Rhythmic Gymnastics Development to Increase Rough Motor Skills in Elementary School Student
- Mahsun
- Muhammadiyah and the Issue of Liberalism
- Mangopo, Sisilia
- The Meaning of Spaces in Toraja Traditional House
- Manik, Jeanne Darc Noviayanti
- The Effectiveness of On-Street Parking Fees in Pangkalpinang City
- Mansur
- Identity Politic Contestation in the Public Sphere: A Steep Road of Democracy in Indonesia
- Mansyur
- Cognitive Capacity in Bajo’s Children
- Mansyur, Firman Alamsyah
- A Cognitive Semantics Analysis of Wolio Proverbs Related to the Human Body
- Mardhatillah, Siti Ruhama
- Implementing Environmental Economic Instruments in Indonesia: Constraints and Challenges
- Mardiana, Tria
- Developing Bamboo Fraction Media for Teaching Fractions in Elementary School Level
- Mareta, Reni
- An Analysis of Early Marriage Determinant and Its Impact on Women’s Reproduction Health
- Mareta, Reni
- Knowledge, Attitude, and Perception Toward Risk of HIV/AIDS: A Descriptive Study at Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
- Margowati, Sri
- Yoga Pranayama Dhiirga Swasam with Sukhasana Position on Reducing Blood Pressure in the Elderly
- Masithoh, Robiul Fitri
- The Effect of Diabetes Audio Visual Learning Method for Improving Medical Skills of Surgical Nursing
- Masykuri, Edi Sunjayanto
- Symbol Meaning and Dialectic Perspectives on Social Media
- Maulana, Indah Dwi
- The Implementation of Collaborative Urban Governance in City Without Slums Program (Kotaku) in Pasuruan, Indonesia
- Mauliddah, Nurul Laili
- Income Inequality in East Java Province
- Mawardi, Imam
- Superior Local Content Curriculum Development Management of Al Firdaus Islamic Elementary School
- Mawardi, Imam
- The Headmaster’s Policy in Establishing Partnerships for Improving Private Vocational Schools Quality
- Mawardi, Imam
- Management for the Development of Mosque-Based Religious Characters
- Mawardi, Imam
- A Model of Friendly and Tolerant Community-Based School Mosque Management: Strategy Analysis and Empowerment
- Mazid, Sukron
- Papua’s Vertical Conflict in 2019: Existence of Free Papua Movement and United Nations Response
- Medias, Fahmi
- Waqf Financing Model Through Crowdfunding Platform: An Indonesian Perspective
- Medias, Fahmi
- Muhammadiyah Waqf Land Empowerment Model in Magelang
- Medias, Fahmi
- Perception of Non-Muslim Religious Leaders to Islamic Financial Institutions
- Misriandi
- Capturing Multiple Intelligences Profiles of Muhammadiyah Junior High School Students
- Miswanto, Agus
- Al-Haram Law Discovery Process in Indonesian Ulama Perspective: A Study of Abdul Hamid Hakim’s Thoughts
- Miswanto, Agus
- Gender Equality Rights Discourse in Indonesia: Muhammadiyah Reading Models
- Mochklas, Mochamad
- The Effect of Leadership Style and Financial Incentives on Employee Performance
- Mochklas, Mochamad
- Tax Planning in Efforts to Minimize Tax Payable PPh Article 21: Case Study at PT Telkom Kandatel Surabaya
- Mochklas, Mochamad
- The Effect of Brand Image Perception and Product Quality Toward the Interest to Buy Consumer Pre-Pay IM3 Ooredoo
- Mochklas, Mochamad
- Free Cash Flow, Size, and Earning Management
- Monaya, Elisa
- National Examination as a Discourse: Perspective on Socio-Anthropology of Education
- Mualim, Maulana
- Javanese Sex Spirituality on Serat Nitimani Written by Raden Harya Suganda (1887 AD)
- Mubarok, Sofi
- Islamic International Relations as a Potential Tool to Indonesia’s Soft Power Diplomacy
- Mubin, Nurul
- Social Advance of Rural Society and the Role of Islamic Economy
- Mudawaroch, Roisu Eny
- The Physical Quality of Local Chicken Eggs (Gallus Gallus Domesticus) in the Traditional Markets of Purworejo Regency, Central Java
- Mufanti, Restu
- Learners’ Attitude Toward the Implementation of Standardized Test of Academic English Proficiency Test
- Muhdiyanto
- The Role of Entrepreneurial Leadership and ICT in Encouraging Competitive Advantage in SME’s
- Mujahidun
- How Islamic Education Impacts Personal Life of Student of Senior High School?
- Mujtaba, Imam
- The Parents’ Parenting Patterns Who Work in Borobudur Temple Area with Development of Student Characters in Elementary Schools
- Mukhtar, Mukhneri
- The Influence of Personality, Conflict and Trust on Commitment of Duties of Principal Public Elementary Schools in DKI Jakarta Province
- Muliawanti, Lintang
- Intercultural Communication in Borobudur Homestay Village
- Muljono, Pudji
- Online Social Support Communication of Breastfeeding Mothers on Facebook Group
- Mulyaningsih, Tri
- Dynamic Level of SMES E-Commerce Readiness Level: An Empirical Investigation in Indonesia
- Mulyono, Resha Dwi Ayu Pangesti
- Developing Positive Risk Management Culture in Public Sector: Case Study in Sunrise of Java
- Munjilah, Wiji
- The Effect of Baby Massage Toward the Development of Three Months Baby
- Murniningsih, Rochiyati
- Analysis of Network Model Determinant on Tourism SMEs Performance
- Murniningsih, Rochiyati
- The Role of Entrepreneurial Leadership and ICT in Encouraging Competitive Advantage in SME’s
- Mustadin
- Social Identity of Santri: A Case Study in Politics
- Muthmainah, Rahmita Nurul
- Developing Bamboo Fraction Media for Teaching Fractions in Elementary School Level
- Mu’ammar, Muhammad Arfan
- Course Book Analysis of “Islamic Studies and Character Based on the Curriculum 2013” for Grade X in the Perspective of Character Education of the National Education Standard
- Mu’ammar, Muhammad Arfan
- Multicultural and Citizenship: Reconstruction of Indonesia Islamic Thought
- Nadhira, A’yun
- Zakat Analysis of Freelancer Profession
- Naila, Ishmatun
- Training Elementary Students’ Collaborative and Entrepreneurship Skills Using Science Student Worksheet Based on Project Learning
- Naqiyah
- Rumah Kreatif Wadas Kelir as a model of Colportage that Improves the Prosperity of the Community Based on Religious Literacy
- Nasrudin
- Character Education Based on Children’s Education Jurisprudence
- Nasrullah, Dede
- Calgary Family Intervention Model Approach in Choosing Healthy Snack as Preventive Behaviour of Food Born Disease on Children in Surabaya
- Nasrullah, Dede
- Change of Attitude, Behaviour in Choosing Healthy Snacks Through Health Education with Educative Game Media of Monopoly About Healthy Snacks for Children of School Age
- Nasution, Adelia Desrin
- Waqf Financing Model Through Crowdfunding Platform: An Indonesian Perspective
- Nawawi
- Intersectionality of Gender and Religious Politics in the Humanitarian Discourse of Ayat-Ayat Cinta Film
- Nazar, Asrul
- Wolio’s Oral Literary Form the Character of Millennial in Buton Islands
- Nazar, Asrul
- The Internal Reconstruction of the Phonemes Proto Busoa Language
- Negara, Achmad Husaen Sastra
- Religious Character as the Main Base of Education in Indonesia
- Negara, Julius Galih Prima
- Enterprise Architecture Design Strategies for UGK Using TOGAF ADM
- Nimasari, Elok Putri
- Learners’ Attitude Toward the Implementation of Standardized Test of Academic English Proficiency Test
- Nisa, Choirun
- How Do Effective Digital Marketing and Brand Ambassador Stimulate Purchase Intention Today?
- Ni’mah, Siar
- Conception of Religion Teacher in Bugis Makassar Cultural Context
- Nofiasari, Tri
- Characteristics of Child Birthing Women and Fetal Outcome in Postdate Pregnancy
- Noviasari, Dilli Trisna
- Application of Equity Principles in the Development of E-Commerce Taxes
- Novikasari, Ifada
- Learning Values Model in Early Childhood Education: A Case of a Nature School in Central Java, Indonesia
- Novitasari
- Papua’s Vertical Conflict in 2019: Existence of Free Papua Movement and United Nations Response
- Nufus, Achmad Busrotun
- Papua’s Vertical Conflict in 2019: Existence of Free Papua Movement and United Nations Response
- Nur, Makmur Jaya
- Da’wah in Form of Ukhuwah Islamiyah
- Nur, Muh. Azhar
- Analysis of Law Discourse Through Van Dijk Model Approach
- Nur, Triasesiarta
- Accuracy of Financial Distress Model Prediction: The Implementation of Artificial Neural Network, Logistic Regression, and Discriminant Analysis
- Nuraini, Paramita
- The Influence of E-Counselling Application on the Students’ Counselling Interest
- Nuraini, Paramita
- Study of Correlation Between the Interest of Counselling Through E-Counselling Application and Students’ Self-Disclosure
- Nuraini, Paramita
- The Effectiveness of Group Counselling with Monopoly Game Media to Improve the Students’ Self-Confidence
- Nurcahyani, Yusi Dwi
- Hormonal Contraception, Nutritional Status and Thyroid Function’s Women in an Iodine Replete Area
- Nurdiarti, Rosalia Prismarini
- Critique of Racism in the “Waktu Indonesia Timur” Program on NET TV
- Nurhadi, Rofiq
- Symbol Meaning and Dialectic Perspectives on Social Media
- Nurhaeni, Ismi Dwi Astuti
- The Synergy Among Stakeholders in Management of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUM Desa)