Proceedings of the 1st Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities, Economics and Social Sciences (BIS-HESS 2019)
710 authors
- Hidayati, Istania Widayati
- How Islamic Education Impacts Personal Life of Student of Senior High School?
- Hozaimi
- Superior Local Content Curriculum Development Management of Al Firdaus Islamic Elementary School
- Hudhariani, Rose Nur
- The Effect of Baby Massage Toward the Development of Three Months Baby
- Husain, Thamrin
- The Implementation of Bobanehena Tourism Village Development in West Halmahera Regency
- Husna, Aftina Nurul
- Indonesian Adaptation of Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy Scale
- Husniah, W O
- Impact of Child Development Psychology on Conflicts Between Gunung Jaya and Sampoabalo Village, Buton of Regency
- Ikhwan, Afiful
- Revitalization of Islamic Education Teachers in the Development of Student Personality
- Ikhwanuddin, Mohammad
- Muhammadiyah’s Response to Climate Change and Environmental Issues: Based on Tarjih National Conference
- Ilham, Muhammad
- Cognitive Capacity in Bajo’s Children
- Iman, Nurul
- Integration of Religion and Culture as a Basic to Beyond the Meaning (Study on Reyog Ponorogo)
- Imron
- Superior Local Content Curriculum Development Management of Al Firdaus Islamic Elementary School
- Imron
- The Headmaster’s Policy in Establishing Partnerships for Improving Private Vocational Schools Quality
- Imron
- Management for the Development of Mosque-Based Religious Characters
- Imron
- Development of Student Soft Skills in Learning Process
- Indrianti, Nabila Indira
- Risk Control Analysis of Distribution Operations in LPG Storage Using Fault Tree Analysis Method
- Indriati, Diari
- The Development of Project-Based Learning Through Boyolali Local Wisdom as a Milk Town
- Indriyani, Diyan
- Analysis of Educational Efforts Towards Teachers’ Perception on Adolescents’ Reproductive Health and Its Problems as an Optimization of Competencies in Mentoring Teenage Girls at School
- Irawani, Titiana
- Perception of Craftswomen Toward Stagen-Based Innovation Products
- Iriana, Dewi
- Legal Protection for Hospitals in Providing Health Services for Patients and Their Family
- Irsan
- Effectiveness of Teacher Professionalism Development Through Self-Empowerment in Primary Schools
- Irsan
- The Development of English Learning Model in Primary School Based on Local Wisdom of Buton
- Islamiyah, Azizatul
- Muhammadiyah Waqf Land Empowerment Model in Magelang
- Ismah
- Developing Bamboo Fraction Media for Teaching Fractions in Elementary School Level
- Istiningrum, Andian Ari
- Pertamax Quality: Study of Customer Satisfaction Through Importance Performance Analysis Method in MOR 4 Semarang
- Iswan
- Capturing Multiple Intelligences Profiles of Muhammadiyah Junior High School Students
- Izzah, Nur
- Characteristics of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients and Their Houses in Kedungwuni Subdistrict, Pekalongan Regency, Indonesia
- Izziyana, Wafda Vivid
- Legal Protection for Hospitals in Providing Health Services for Patients and Their Family
- Jamal, Mulyono
- Sharecropping Agreement in Accordance with Maqasid Al-Syariah
- Jamal, Sri Wahyuni
- Description of Psychological Well-Being of Working Student in Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur
- Jamaluddin
- The Development of Character Education Model Based on School Culture
- Janah, Nasitotul
- Perception of Non-Muslim Religious Leaders to Islamic Financial Institutions
- Januarti, Indira
- The Impact of External Audit in Corporate Financial Distress
- Japar, Muhammad
- Mind Mapping Strategy in Integrative Information Services to Improve Student Career Plan
- Japar, Muhammad
- The Effect of REBT Group on Developing the Meaningfulness of Self Life
- Jatmiko, Budi
- Training Elementary Students’ Collaborative and Entrepreneurship Skills Using Science Student Worksheet Based on Project Learning
- Judrah, Muh.
- Tana Panrita Kitta: Track Record of Panrita-Anreguru in Sinjai
- Juita, Subaidah Ratna
- Freedom of Religion as a Human Rights Protection in Indonesia
- Julianur
- Rhythmic Gymnastics Development to Increase Rough Motor Skills in Elementary School Student
- Jusuf, Jeane Betty Kurnia
- Rhythmic Gymnastics Development to Increase Rough Motor Skills in Elementary School Student
- Kaltsum, Honest Ummi
- The Implementation of Local Content Curriculum of English for Elementary School in Surakarta, Indonesia
- Kamaratih, Dewi
- Factors that Affect Job Satisfaction of Academic Employee
- Kamaratih, Dewi
- Description of Psychological Well-Being of Working Student in Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur
- Kamarudin
- Policy Study on Literacy Movement Reading in Southeast Sulawesi
- Kamil, Muhammad
- Local Geo-politics of Urban Food Resilience to Achieve Sustainable City Development in Malang, Indonesia
- Kapti
- Development of Mobile E-Commerce Using the Android-Based User Centred Design Model for MSME Partners
- Kartika
- Risk Management in the Local Government of Indonesia: Drivers, Conditions, and Strategies
- Karunia, Karina Alifiana
- Analysis of Law Discourse Through Van Dijk Model Approach
- Katni
- The Women’s Role in Public Leadership: The Experience of PCNA of West Jenangan, Ponorogo
- Kaukab, M Elfan
- Beyond Excessive Risk-Taking Behavior in Village- Owned Enterprises
- Kaukab, M Elfan
- Self-Defeating Work Behavior in Wood Industry: An Empirical Investigation
- Kaukab, M Elfan
- The Antecedents of Culture-Based Tourism Destination Sustainability in Indonesia
- Kaukab, M Elfan
- Why the Happiest Country in the World is Not a Muslim Country?
- Kaukab, M Elfan
- Social Advance of Rural Society and the Role of Islamic Economy
- Kaukab, M. Elfan
- Sharia Retail Competitiveness and Consumers’ Behavior: Should Sharia Retail Capitalize Islam?
- Khaerunisa
- Implementation of Audio-Visual Learning Media in Elementary School
- Khaerunnisa
- Improving Number Ability Through Demonstration Method in Children Aged 4–5 Years
- Khanifah, Laeli Nur
- Collaborative Governance to Increase Building Index in Economics Through Village-Owned Enterprises Sub-District Ngroto, Malang
- Khanifah, M
- Effectiveness of Moringa Oleifera Extract to Increase Breastmilk Production in Postpartum Mother with Food Restriction
- Khasanah
- The Headmaster’s Policy in Establishing Partnerships for Improving Private Vocational Schools Quality
- Khasanah, Yuriyahtun
- Anemia Incidence in a Third Trimester Pregnant of Adolescent Pregnancy
- Khatimah, K
- Rhythmic Gymnastics Development to Increase Rough Motor Skills in Elementary School Student
- Khayati, Fitriana Noor
- Educational Game Snakes and Ladders Toward Children Social Development Pre-School Aged in Kindergarten
- Khikmah, Siti Noor
- The Impact of External Audit in Corporate Financial Distress
- Khikmah, Siti Noor
- Internal Control SME’s Role Over Their Competitive Advantage and Performance
- Khoirina, Rizka Zahrotun
- Online-Based Transportation Business Competition Model of Gojek and Grab
- Kholidah, Nur
- The Effect of Profitability, Company and Board of Commissioners’ Size on Zakat Expenditure in Islamic Bank
- Kholidah, Nur
- Ziswaf Collection Strategy on LAZISMU X, Indonesia
- Kholifah, Siti
- Gender, Attitude, and Behavior of Drinking and Smoking in Teenagers
- Khosianah, Fety
- School-Based Prevention Child Sexual Abuse Program for School Age Children at Surabaya Indonesia
- Khuzaiyah, Siti
- Effectiveness of Moringa Oleifera Extract to Increase Breastmilk Production in Postpartum Mother with Food Restriction
- Khuzaiyah, Siti
- Characteristics of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients and Their Houses in Kedungwuni Subdistrict, Pekalongan Regency, Indonesia
- Koderi, Muhamad
- The Meaning of Home in Perception of Elderly
- Koentjoro
- Can Political Information Media Exposure Affect Young People to Participate?
- Kosilah
- Wolio’s Oral Literary Form the Character of Millennial in Buton Islands
- Kosilah
- Kabanti Kaluku Panda: An Ecofeminist Perspective in Local Wisdom
- Krisnan, Johny
- Criminological Juridical Study on Narcotics Abuse
- Kristina, Tri Nur
- Loss to Follow-Up Predisposition Factors in HIV and AIDS Patients with ARV Therapy
- Kristiyanti, Rini
- Effectiveness of Moringa Oleifera Extract to Increase Breastmilk Production in Postpartum Mother with Food Restriction
- Kumorowulan, Suryati
- Hormonal Contraception, Nutritional Status and Thyroid Function’s Women in an Iodine Replete Area
- Kuncoro, Muhammad Wahyu
- Can Political Information Media Exposure Affect Young People to Participate?
- Kurnianto, Rido
- Integration of Religion and Culture as a Basic to Beyond the Meaning (Study on Reyog Ponorogo)
- Kurniasari, Dewi
- Public Support of Exclusive Breastfeeding in Women Workers
- Kurniati, Astiwi
- The Effectiveness of Group Counselling with Monopoly Game Media to Improve the Students’ Self-Confidence
- Kurniaty, Yulia
- Various Level of Aggressive Behavior of Schizophrenia as a Basis of Criminal Responsibility
- Kurniaty, Yulia
- The Limit of Legal Subject of Criminal Act of Corruption
- Kurniawan, Wing Prasetya
- Development of Model for Introducing Basic Sepaktakraw Techniques for Advanced-Grade Primary School Students
- Kurniawati, Angela
- Firm Size, Financial Distress, Audit Quality, and Earnings Management of Banking Companies
- Kurniawati, Dyah Estu
- Online-Based Transportation Business Competition Model of Gojek and Grab
- Kusuma, Anita Shinta
- Are Meridian Tapping Point and Breathing Exercise Techniques Effective to Reduce Stress and Vital Signs in Haemodialysis Patients?
- Kusuma, Muhamad Fadhil
- Muhammadiyah Waqf Land Empowerment Model in Magelang
- Kusumadewi, Berlian Nurtyashesti
- Are Meridian Tapping Point and Breathing Exercise Techniques Effective to Reduce Stress and Vital Signs in Haemodialysis Patients?
- Kusumadewi, Rida Fironika
- Smart Education in Mathematics Learning for Elementary School
- Kusumadewi, Rida Fironika
- Development of Product Assessment Instrument Based on Contextual Learning
- Kusumawardhani, Hadwitya Handayani
- Twitter Data as Decision Tree Parameter for Analysis of Tourism Potential Policies
- Laksana, Sigit Dwi
- The Women’s Role in Public Leadership: The Experience of PCNA of West Jenangan, Ponorogo
- Laksana, Sigit Dwi
- Integration of Religion and Culture as a Basic to Beyond the Meaning (Study on Reyog Ponorogo)
- Lam’an, Esa Hanis
- The Massive Development of Web-Based Office Applications
- Latifah, Elmiawati
- The Knowledge and Attitude of Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang Pharmacy Students on National Health Programs–a Descriptive Study
- Latifah, Eva
- The Identity of Daramjwi Character in Anatoli Kim’s Daramjwi
- Latifah, Leny
- Hormonal Contraception, Nutritional Status and Thyroid Function’s Women in an Iodine Replete Area