Proceedings of the 1st Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities, Economics and Social Sciences (BIS-HESS 2019)

710 authors
Damayanti, Desita Dyah
Factors that Affect Job Satisfaction of Academic Employee
Daramusseng, Andi
Analysis of Escherichia Coli Contamination in Karang Mumus River, Samarinda City
Dary, Nida Hanin
Supply Chain Management Improvement Through Strategic Planning for Human Resources in the Industrial Revolution 4.0
Deni, Saiful
The Implementation of Bobanehena Tourism Village Development in West Halmahera Regency
Deni, Saiful
Pro-Public Policy Prospects: The Study of Candidates’ Attribute for the Ternate Legislative Election in 2019
Dewi, Astrie Kusuma
Level and Temperature Monitoring System in Blending Process Using Zigbee Wireless Sensor Network
Dewi, Devi Kemala
Perceptions, Knowledge, Attitudes of Non-Health Students About Medicines
Dewi, Dyah Adriantini Sintha
Application of Equity Principles in the Development of E-Commerce Taxes
Dewi, IK
Legal Protection of Customers in Credit Agreements with Collateral of Land Rights
Dewi, Indah Kusuma
Implementation of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Principle in Handling Traffic Crimes that Result in Minor Injuries
Dewi, Sofia Rhosma
Analysis of Occupational Accident in Household Garbage Man Community in Jember, Indonesia
Dewi, Veni Soraya
How Much Does Islamic Corporate Social Responsibility Affect Zakat Performance? Data Processing Using Eviews
Dharmawan, Vippy
Stimulus-Response Analysis of Spatial Behaviour Pattern in Hospital Public Waiting Room
Djamudi, Nadir La
Wolio’s Oral Literary Form the Character of Millennial in Buton Islands
Djamudi, Nadir La
The Internal Reconstruction of the Phonemes Proto Busoa Language
Dja’wa, Asrianti
Inventory Control Analysis Using Economic Order Quantity Method
Dja’wa, Asrianti
Calculation Analysis of Batako Press Production Cost in CV. Batako Anugerah Baubau, Indonesia
Djibat, Bakar
Qualified School Through Total Quality Management Implementation
Dwijayanti, Karlina
Aerobic Training Models: Circuit and Body Language Towards Reduction of Fat Body Viewed from Mother Body Weight
Efendi, Bahtiar
Self-Defeating Work Behavior in Wood Industry: An Empirical Investigation
Emanuel, Andi Wahju Rahardjo
Enterprise Architecture Design Strategies for UGK Using TOGAF ADM
Ermayani, Tri
Character Education Based on Children’s Education Jurisprudence
Fadhli, Muhibuddin
The Effects of Hybrid Learning and Flipped Classroom Methods in Increasing the Learning Independence of Students’ Citizenship Course
Fahiroh, Siti Atiyyatul
The Meaning of Truant Behavior for Junior and Senior High School Students in Indonesia
Fajriyah, Nuniek Nizmah
Characteristics of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients and Their Houses in Kedungwuni Subdistrict, Pekalongan Regency, Indonesia
Faqih, Muhammad
The Meaning of Home in Perception of Elderly
Farid, Muhammad
Revitalization of Islamic Education Teachers in the Development of Student Personality
Fatihudin, Didin
The Effect of Brand Image Perception and Product Quality Toward the Interest to Buy Consumer Pre-Pay IM3 Ooredoo
Learning Values Model in Early Childhood Education: A Case of a Nature School in Central Java, Indonesia
Fauziah, Rahmah
Zakat Analysis of Freelancer Profession
Febrianti, Yuyun
National Examination as a Discourse: Perspective on Socio-Anthropology of Education
Febriyanti, Siti Nur Umariyah
The Effect of Baby Massage Toward the Development of Three Months Baby
Fidiyani, Rini
Law Movement Facing Paradigm Post Truth in Social Media
Finasisca, Genio Ladyan
Mining Beneficiation Obligation in Indonesia: Are We There Yet?
Conception of Religion Teacher in Bugis Makassar Cultural Context
Firdaus, Mokhammad
Development of Model for Introducing Basic Sepaktakraw Techniques for Advanced-Grade Primary School Students
Firdaus, Mokhammad
Model Development of Basic Handball Techniques Test Instruments
Firman, La Ode Mohammad
Design and Optimization of Boiler Economizer for Laundry Industry Using Taguchi Method
Firmansyah, Muhammad Anang
The Effect of Leadership Style and Financial Incentives on Employee Performance
Firmansyah, Muhammad Anang
Tax Planning in Efforts to Minimize Tax Payable PPh Article 21: Case Study at PT Telkom Kandatel Surabaya
Fitriani, Ajeng Pipit
Increasing Digital Sharia Banking Transactions in Completing Society Needs via EDC Machine and Laku Pandai (Personal Agent)
Fitriyani, Yeny
The Effect of Religiosity and Social Influence on the Intention to Use Sharia Banks in Aceh Singkil Regency
Gestanti, Rohfin Andria
Learners’ Attitude Toward the Implementation of Standardized Test of Academic English Proficiency Test
Ghozali, Mohammad
Zakat Analysis of Freelancer Profession
Policy and Economy Analysis on the Application of the Smart on Grid Actuator to Public Road Lighting in Magelang City
Human Resource Productivity Development Strategy in the Regional Innovation Process
Gunawan, Totok
Quality Management System Implementation in Certified Children’s Toy Industries: The Level of Application, Motives, and Constraints
Habiby, Wahdan Najib
The Implementation of Local Content Curriculum of English for Elementary School in Surakarta, Indonesia
Hadi, Abd.
Hermeneutic Analysis of Manqul Method in Understanding the Qur’an in LDII and Its Implications
Hadi, Krishno
Collaborative Governance to Increase Building Index in Economics Through Village-Owned Enterprises Sub-District Ngroto, Malang
Hadi, Muhamad Sofian
Improving Number Ability Through Demonstration Method in Children Aged 4–5 Years
Hadi, Muhammad Fazlurrahman
Course Book Analysis of “Islamic Studies and Character Based on the Curriculum 2013” for Grade X in the Perspective of Character Education of the National Education Standard
Hadi, Muhammad Fazlurrahman
Multicultural and Citizenship: Reconstruction of Indonesia Islamic Thought
Hakam, Muhammad Thoriq
Prevalence and the Level of Knowledge Toward Cigarette Smoking Among Adult Male in Rural Area
Hakiem, Fadhlan Nur
Strengthening Human Security Through Para Diplomacy in Indonesia
Hakim, Arif Rohman
Aerobic Training Models: Circuit and Body Language Towards Reduction of Fat Body Viewed from Mother Body Weight
Hakim, Lukman Nur
Management for the Development of Mosque-Based Religious Characters
Hakim, Miftahur Rahman
The Effect of Profitability, Company and Board of Commissioners’ Size on Zakat Expenditure in Islamic Bank
Hakim, Miftahur Rahman
Ziswaf Collection Strategy on LAZISMU X, Indonesia
Halim, Supandi
Analysis of Fertilizer Subsidy Policy in Supporting Food Security in Karawang District, West Java Province Policy 2013-1017
Hamidah, Choirul
Increasing Digital Sharia Banking Transactions in Completing Society Needs via EDC Machine and Laku Pandai (Personal Agent)
Hamzah, Amir
Tana Panrita Kitta: Track Record of Panrita-Anreguru in Sinjai
Hana, Choiril
Whether Beet Juice and Red Dragon Fruit Juice Increase the Haemoglobin Level in Young People?
Hanafi, Mukhtar
The Role of Entrepreneurial Leadership and ICT in Encouraging Competitive Advantage in SME’s
Handayani, Estrin
The Effect of Diabetes Audio Visual Learning Method for Improving Medical Skills of Surgical Nursing
Handayani, Tri
Banks Contribution to Promote Indonesian Financial Inclusion
Handayani, Tri
Green Sukuk: Sustainable Financing Instruments for Infrastructure Development in Indonesia
Hapsari, Widarika Santi
The Level of Knowledge of the Pharmacy Staff at the Pharmacy Against the Implementation of PMK Number 9 of 2017
Haq, Akhmad Liana Amrul
Implementation of Model Student Team’s Achievement Divisions to Student Achievement
Haq, Aniq Hudiyah Bil
Factors that Affect Job Satisfaction of Academic Employee
Difference Between Productivity and Income of Rice Farming Between Semi-Technical and Simple Irrigated Rice Fields in Baubau City
Analysis of Cashew Nut Marketing Channel in Southeast Sulawesi Province
Implementation of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Principle in Handling Traffic Crimes that Result in Minor Injuries
Legal Protection of Customers in Credit Agreements with Collateral of Land Rights
Effect of Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, Growth Asset, and Earning Per Share on Dividend Per Share (Empirical Study on Property, Real Estate and Building Construction Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2014–2018)
Online Social Support Communication of Breastfeeding Mothers on Facebook Group
Harimi, Abdal Chaqil
Javanese Sex Spirituality on Serat Nitimani Written by Raden Harya Suganda (1887 AD)
Harirangga, Pandu
Determinants of Intellectual Capital Performance in Indonesian Manufacturing Companies
Hariri, Achmad
Legal Reconstruction of Local Government Supervision Toward Good Local Governance
Conception of Religion Teacher in Bugis Makassar Cultural Context
Haryanto, Sri
Why the Happiest Country in the World is Not a Muslim Country?
Hasbi, Hudaini
Ciherang Rice Agronomy Performance on the Balance of Nitrogen Intake from Azolla Compost and Urea
Village Financial Management Toward Community Empowerment
Hastuti, Rahmah
Empathy and Its Relation to Youth Nationalism in Jakarta
Hayati, Tri
Mining Beneficiation Obligation in Indonesia: Are We There Yet?
Hazmi, Muhammad
Gender, Attitude, and Behavior of Drinking and Smoking in Teenagers
Hazmi, Muhammad
Ciherang Rice Agronomy Performance on the Balance of Nitrogen Intake from Azolla Compost and Urea
Hendrawati, Heni
Criminological Juridical Study on Narcotics Abuse
Hendri, Nedi
Multicultural Competence and Interactional Justice on Performance of Government Apparatus: Evidence from Lampung Province
Heng, Pamela Hendra
Empathy and Its Relation to Youth Nationalism in Jakarta
Heriyanto, Dodik Setiawan Nur
International Regulatory Vacuum of Cyber Espionage
The Impact of Physical Activity on Executive Functions Among Pre-schoolers
Heryanti, B. Rini
Freedom of Religion as a Human Rights Protection in Indonesia
Hidayah, Atinia
The Antecedents of Culture-Based Tourism Destination Sustainability in Indonesia
Hidayah, Nur
How Much Does Islamic Corporate Social Responsibility Affect Zakat Performance? Data Processing Using Eviews
Hidayat, Arif
Brain Capability Identification: An Expert System for Children in Elementary School
Hidayat, Cahya Tribagus
Analysis of Occupational Accident in Household Garbage Man Community in Jember, Indonesia
Hidayat, Moch. Charis
Effect of Counseling Guidance in Improving Process of Student Learning Achievement
Hidayat, Moch. Charis
Integration Science Technology with Islamic Values: Empowering Education Model
Hidayati, Istania Widayati
Achievement Culture in National Examination at Junior High School