Proceedings of the 1st Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities, Economics and Social Sciences (BIS-HESS 2019)
710 authors
- Nurhaeni, Ismi Dwi Astuti
- Supply Chain Management Improvement Through Strategic Planning for Human Resources in the Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Nurida, Annisa
- Prevalence and the Level of Knowledge Toward Cigarette Smoking Among Adult Male in Rural Area
- Nurjaman, Asep
- The Implementation of Collaborative Urban Governance in City Without Slums Program (Kotaku) in Pasuruan, Indonesia
- Nurmaya, Andi Lely
- Effectiveness of Teacher Professionalism Development Through Self-Empowerment in Primary Schools
- Nurmaya, Andi Lely
- The Development of English Learning Model in Primary School Based on Local Wisdom of Buton
- Nursaid
- The Impact of Service Quality and Institutional Image on the Satisfaction and Loyalty of Master of Management Students
- Nurwati
- Application of Equity Principles in the Development of E-Commerce Taxes
- Nuryadin, Cecep
- The Development of English Learning Model in Primary School Based on Local Wisdom of Buton
- Nuryadin, Deden
- Policy and Economy Analysis on the Application of the Smart on Grid Actuator to Public Road Lighting in Magelang City
- Nuryadin, Deden
- Human Resource Productivity Development Strategy in the Regional Innovation Process
- Oktaviani, Marista
- Free Cash Flow, Size, and Earning Management
- Oktradiksa, Ahwy
- Job Performance, Expert Linear Class Evaluation Teacher Certified on Pedagogic and Professional Competencies
- Onde, Mita Kasih Laode
- Effectiveness of Teacher Professionalism Development Through Self-Empowerment in Primary Schools
- Pamungkas, Mukhammad Yusuf Putra
- The Implementation of Collaborative Urban Governance in City Without Slums Program (Kotaku) in Pasuruan, Indonesia
- Pangestuti, Rayi Citra Ayu
- Knowledge, Attitude, and Perception Toward Risk of HIV/AIDS: A Descriptive Study at Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
- Pangestuti, Rayi Citra Ayu
- The Knowledge and Attitude of Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang Pharmacy Students on National Health Programs–a Descriptive Study
- Panggabean, Rosinta Ria
- Determinants of Intellectual Capital Performance in Indonesian Manufacturing Companies
- Panggabean, Rosinta Ria
- Accuracy of Financial Distress Model Prediction: The Implementation of Artificial Neural Network, Logistic Regression, and Discriminant Analysis
- Panggabean, Rosinta Ria
- Firm Size, Financial Distress, Audit Quality, and Earnings Management of Banking Companies
- Paramastri, Ia
- The Impact of Physical Activity on Executive Functions Among Pre-schoolers
- Pebrihariati, Sanidjar
- Application of the Position Auction
- Pinilih, Sambodo Sriadi
- Various Level of Aggressive Behavior of Schizophrenia as a Basis of Criminal Responsibility
- Pinilih, Sambodo Sriadi
- The Relationship Between Ritual Activities and Tendency to Depression in Elderly
- Prabowo, Bagya Agung
- Reputation Oversight by the Sharia Supervisory Board Toward Wakalah Contract Application on Murabahah Financing
- Prabowo, Muhammad Shidqon
- Out of Court Intellectual Property Right Dispute Resolution
- Pradana, Agrissto Bintang Aji
- Capturing Multiple Intelligences Profiles of Muhammadiyah Junior High School Students
- Prakasa, Satria Unggul Wicaksana
- Legal Protection for Children with Disabilities as a Victim of Sexual Violence
- Pramesthi, Diesyana Ajeng
- Internal Control SME’s Role Over Their Competitive Advantage and Performance
- Pramesti, Diesyana Ajeng
- How Do Effective Digital Marketing and Brand Ambassador Stimulate Purchase Intention Today?
- Pramesti, Paramita
- The Analysis of Resilience of Young Successful Entrepreneur
- Pramita, Yulinda Devi
- Analysis of Network Model Determinant on Tourism SMEs Performance
- Pramono, Muhammad Fajar
- Sharecropping Agreement in Accordance with Maqasid Al-Syariah
- Prasetyo, Andjar
- Policy and Economy Analysis on the Application of the Smart on Grid Actuator to Public Road Lighting in Magelang City
- Prasetyo, Andjar
- The Impact of Institutional Strategies in the Innovation Process on the Community Behavior and Local Government in Magelang City
- Prasetyo, Andjar
- Human Resource Productivity Development Strategy in the Regional Innovation Process
- Pratiwi, Eko Kurniasih
- The Impact of Balai Sakinah ‘Aisyiyah Programs on Increasing Women Empowerment
- Pratiwi, Eko Kurniasih
- Perception of Non-Muslim Religious Leaders to Islamic Financial Institutions
- Pratiwi, Endang Tri
- Calculation Analysis of Batako Press Production Cost in CV. Batako Anugerah Baubau, Indonesia
- Prawitasari, Saptya
- Assessment and Risk Mitigation of Arabica Ijen Coffee Supply Chains
- Pribadi, Prasojo
- Perceptions, Knowledge, Attitudes of Non-Health Students About Medicines
- Pribadi, Prasojo
- Knowledge, Attitude, and Perception Toward Risk of HIV/AIDS: A Descriptive Study at Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
- Pribadi, Prasojo
- The Knowledge and Attitude of Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang Pharmacy Students on National Health Programs–a Descriptive Study
- Pribadi, Prasojo
- The Evaluation of Narcotic and Psychotropic Reporting Systems (SIPNAP)
- Prihastiwi, Wiwik Juwarini
- The Analysis of Resilience of Young Successful Entrepreneur
- Prijayanti, Dian
- Web-Based Monitoring Information System for Scholarship Holder
- Priyanto, Sigit
- Knowledge, Attitude, and Perception Toward Risk of HIV/AIDS: A Descriptive Study at Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
- Pudail, M
- The Effect of Religiosity and Social Influence on the Intention to Use Sharia Banks in Aceh Singkil Regency
- Purnanto, Arif Wiyat
- The Parents’ Parenting Patterns Who Work in Borobudur Temple Area with Development of Student Characters in Elementary Schools
- Purnaweni, Hartuti
- Regional Cooperation in East Java Province, Indonesia: Selfishness and Necessity
- Purnomo, Rochmat Aldy
- Increasing Digital Sharia Banking Transactions in Completing Society Needs via EDC Machine and Laku Pandai (Personal Agent)
- Purnomo, Rochmat Aldy
- Dynamic Level of SMES E-Commerce Readiness Level: An Empirical Investigation in Indonesia
- Purnomo, Sapta Hadi
- The Impact of Service Quality and Institutional Image on the Satisfaction and Loyalty of Master of Management Students
- Purwandari, Septiyati
- Library Management in the Implementation of School Literacy Movement in Primary Schools
- Purwanto
- The Effect of Religiosity and Social Influence on the Intention to Use Sharia Banks in Aceh Singkil Regency
- Purwanto, Heri
- Self-Defeating Work Behavior in Wood Industry: An Empirical Investigation
- Purwati
- Moral Profile of Adolescent in Kedu Region, Indonesia
- Purwati
- The Effect of REBT Group on Developing the Meaningfulness of Self Life
- Puspita, Dewi Ayu
- Audit-Based Risk Management Toward Anti-Corruption
- Puspitasari, Ika
- Effect of Counseling Guidance in Improving Process of Student Learning Achievement
- Putra, Dizyi Orlando
- The Importance of User Experience Analysis in the Design of an Education Information System Application
- Putra, Muhammad Rizal Ardiansah
- Identity Politic Contestation in the Public Sphere: A Steep Road of Democracy in Indonesia
- Putranto, Agus
- Beyond Excessive Risk-Taking Behavior in Village- Owned Enterprises
- Putri, Diah Kartika
- The Evaluation of Narcotic and Psychotropic Reporting Systems (SIPNAP)
- Putri, Intan Mutiara
- Public Support of Exclusive Breastfeeding in Women Workers
- Putri, Sheila Andita
- Supplying 2C (Critical and Creative Thinking) Basic Concept as an Effort to Build the Ventures of Vocational School Students in Product Design
- Putro, Hijrah Eko
- Mind Mapping Strategy in Integrative Information Services to Improve Student Career Plan
- Putro, Rizki Listyono
- Dynamic Level of SMES E-Commerce Readiness Level: An Empirical Investigation in Indonesia
- Qomariah, Nurul
- The Impact of Service Quality and Institutional Image on the Satisfaction and Loyalty of Master of Management Students
- Qomariyah, Laili
- The Mediating Effect of Intrapreneurship on Concept of Employee Performance
- Rachmaniyah, Nanik
- Stimulus-Response Analysis of Spatial Behaviour Pattern in Hospital Public Waiting Room
- Rachmawati, Murni
- The Meaning of Home in Perception of Elderly
- Rachmawati, Umi
- Scientific Approach-Based Textbooks Evaluation: A Content Analysis of English Textbooks on Reflective Teaching in Indonesia
- Rahardjo, Mugi
- Quality Management System Implementation in Certified Children’s Toy Industries: The Level of Application, Motives, and Constraints
- Rahayu, Anggi Andriani
- Cooperative Tax: Regulation, Implementation, and Expectation of Legal Avoidance
- Rahayu, Heni Setyowati Esti
- What Predisposing Factors Affect Nurses’ Islamic Behavior?
- Rahayu, Riski Fetra
- Educational Game Snakes and Ladders Toward Children Social Development Pre-School Aged in Kindergarten
- Rahman, Hardianto
- The Development of Character Education Model Based on School Culture
- Rahman, Hardianto
- Conception of Religion Teacher in Bugis Makassar Cultural Context
- Rahmat, Taufik
- The Contribution of Agricultural Sectors on Economic Growth in West Java Province
- Rahmatika, Annas Kurnia
- Analysis of Buying in Papringan Market of Temanggung
- Rahmawati, Dwi
- Translation Process of Verbal to Graph Representation: Transitional Representation
- Rahmawati, Puji
- The Parents’ Parenting Patterns Who Work in Borobudur Temple Area with Development of Student Characters in Elementary Schools
- Rahmawati, Y
- Rhythmic Gymnastics Development to Increase Rough Motor Skills in Elementary School Student
- Ramadhan, FM
- Legal Protection of Customers in Credit Agreements with Collateral of Land Rights
- Ramadhan, Faais Mufaasir
- Implementation of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Principle in Handling Traffic Crimes that Result in Minor Injuries
- Retnaningdiah, Dian
- Perception of Craftswomen Toward Stagen-Based Innovation Products
- Ridwan
- Religious-Socialistic Analysis of Land Ownership in Muslim Countries
- Rifa’i, Afga Sidiq
- How Islamic Education Impacts Personal Life of Student of Senior High School?
- Rif’ati, Eva Faza
- Risk Control Analysis of Distribution Operations in LPG Storage Using Fault Tree Analysis Method
- Rimbawan, Andhika Yuli
- Legal Protection for Hospitals in Providing Health Services for Patients and Their Family
- Riniati, Wa Ode
- The Annexation of “Repeated Listening and Role Play Technique” to Improve the Students’ Ability
- Riswandi, Budi Agus
- Patent Holders for Government-Funded Research in Indonesia: What are the Consequences?
- Robbaniyah, Jihan
- Calgary Family Intervention Model Approach in Choosing Healthy Snack as Preventive Behaviour of Food Born Disease on Children in Surabaya
- Rodiah, Siti
- Knowledge Management and Scope of Balanced Scorecard on Competitive Advantages and University Performance
- Rofi’i
- Stimulus-Response Analysis of Spatial Behaviour Pattern in Hospital Public Waiting Room
- Rohmad, Ali
- Revitalization of Islamic Education Teachers in the Development of Student Personality
- Rohmah, Nikmatur
- Gender, Attitude, and Behavior of Drinking and Smoking in Teenagers
- Rohman, Abdul
- The Impact of External Audit in Corporate Financial Distress
- Rohmawati, Wiwin
- Anemia Incidence in a Third Trimester Pregnant of Adolescent Pregnancy
- Rohmayanti
- An Analysis of Early Marriage Determinant and Its Impact on Women’s Reproduction Health