Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Research, Educational Implementation, Social Studies and History (AREISSH 2021)

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30 articles
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Saefur Rochmat, Aman Aman, Zulkarnain Zulkarnain, Dyah Kumalasari, Danu Eko Agustinova
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the [1st Annual Conference on Research, Educational Implementation, Social Studies and History (AREISSH)] during [25 August 2021] in [Yogyakarta, Indonesia]. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the [Scientific...
Proceedings Article

Utilization of Information Technology in Guidance and Counseling Services During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Beny Arifin Efendi, Muhammad Nur Wangid, Triyanto
This research will describe the use of information technology in Guidance and Counseling services during pandemic. The study method used was qualitative with a case study approach. Data were collected through the distribution of questionnaires to 25 junior high school Guidance and Counseling teachers...
Proceedings Article

Why Should Local Patriotism Be Taught in History Classes?

Cahyo Budi Utomo, Dyah Kumalasari, Ganda Febri Kurniawan, Zulkarnain
This study aims to investigate the perceptions of history teachers about the importance of teaching local patriotism in history classes. The descriptive research method is used to map the various perspectives of teachers regarding the proposed theme. Data were collected through surveys and in-depth interviews....
Proceedings Article

Discourse War on People’s Welfare: Pros and Cons of Political Parties Against the Ratification of UU Cipta Kerja in Virtual Space

Cosmas Gatot Haryono, Linna Friska Marbun
The ratification of UU Cipta Kerja has split Indonesian society between the pros and cons of the Law. Many politicians convey their rhetoric and discourse to the public through various forms of media. There are two interesting political views, namely the views of Agus Harimurti Yudoyono (Chairman of...
Proceedings Article

Dehumanization of Education in Indonesia

Danu Eko Agustinova, Hieronymus Purwanta, Sariyatun, Leo Agung Sutimin
Education dehumanization occurs when the implementation of education has obscured human values. National education at this time also does not reflect the face of humanist education following the mandate of the 1945 Constitution. The practice of providing education in Indonesia starts from a policy pattern...
Proceedings Article

The Concept of Indonesian History Learning Oriented Creative Products with Commercial Value

Dha Widhi Witir, Zulkarnain
Education is an effort to humanize humans. One of the indicators of a perfect human being is a human who is able to fulfill his needs. However, the reality on the ground shows that there is educated unemployment due to a lack of job opportunities. Education should respond to this by emphasizing learning...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Character Education in the Application of Nationalism and Learning Patriotism in School

Dwi Gesti Jayanti, Dyah Kumalasari
This paper aims to implement character education in the application of Nationalism and Patriotism Learning in schools. This type of research is a qualitative research with a descriptive type of research, with a case study approach. Sources of data are compiled from literature originating from journals...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of HOTS-Based Learning in Higher Education

Edy Herianto
This study uses a phenomenological perspective to determine the implementation of HOTS-based learning in universities. The research subjects came from 198 students who took the Student Development course at the Program Studi PPKN PIPS FKIP Universitas Mataram. Collecting data through observation (implementation...
Proceedings Article

The Role of KH Muhammad Amin Azhari (Kyai Cek Aming) in the Development of Madrasa Ibtidaiyah Najahiyah

Erna Rosalina, Aman
KH Muhammad Amin Azhari (Kyai Cek Aming) is a cleric of Chinese ethnic descent who lives in 3–4 Ulu Village, Palembang, South Sumatra Province. Kyai Cek Aming had the title “baba” before his name, this title was given to him because his predecessors played a role in the construction of Kuto Besak Fort....
Proceedings Article

Improving Descriptive Text Writing Skills Using Learning Media for Fifth Virtual Field Trip Grade Students of SD Negeri 4 Jatilawang

Futya Rakhmani, Afendy Widayat
Schools in the pandemic era make teachers and students fight together so that they can continue to carry out learning according to the plan. The conventional learning process can no longer be applied because it can trigger boredom. In the fifth grade Javanese language lesson, students will get material...
Proceedings Article

Relationship Between Self-control and Aggressiveness

Ihwani Narzuki, Agus Basuki
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between self-control and aggressiveness in students of SMP N 15 Yogyakarta by using quantitative research with a correlation approach. The dependent variable used by the researcher is self-control (X1) and aggressiveness (Y) as the dependent...
Proceedings Article

Exploration Study on Accountability Provisions at Indonesian Universities

Marita Ahdiyana, Argo Pambudi, Hardian Wahyu Widianto
This study aims to obtain an overview of the substance and format of the accountability mechanism that must be implemented by both public and private universities in Indonesia. This study uses qualitative research methods with data collection through in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation....
Proceedings Article

SCMM Contributions on Multiethnic Education in Educational Works in Indonesia

Merdilince Sitorus, Zulkarnain
This research was aimed at finding out the contributions of SCMM Congregation on Multiethnic Education and the History of SCMM Congregation progress in Indonesia. To conduct this research, the researcher formulated two questions. This is a descriptive qualitative research. To collect the research data,...
Proceedings Article

Not Just Visiting: Using the Sumatra Money Museum as a Source of Learning History for Students of SMA Negeri 6 Medan

H. Muhammad Ricky, Zulkarnain, Ajat Sudrajat, Saefur Rochmat, Dyah Kumalasari
This study aims to describe the planning of learning history that utilizes the Sumatra Money Museum as a source of learning history, analyzes the implementation of learning, and describes the obstacles faced by teachers and students in learning history using the Sumatra Money Museum. The subjects of...
Proceedings Article

Content Analysis of Higher-Order Thinking Skills (Hots) in Indonesian High School History Textbooks for 11th Grade Based on 2013 Curriculum

Nadi N. Makarim, Wawan Darmawan
This study aims to describe how Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) writing forms in Indonesian history textbooks at 11th grade high-school level (SMA) that is based on the 2013 Curriculum which includes how the form of writing materials in textbooks and also the urgency of HOTS in history textbooks...
Proceedings Article

Fostering Creative Thinking Through Gamification in History Learning

Oka Agus Kurniawan Shavab, Nana Supriatna, Leli Yulifar, Agus Mulyana
This paper aims to describe how to foster creative thinking through gamification in history learning. The existence of this goal is motivated by the problem of low creative thinking in history learning. This problem the author observes is based on a literature study on historical learning research. One...
Proceedings Article

Sekaten: A Multicultural Form for Instilling Tolerance and Acculturation Values in Education in Yogyakarta City

Raden Roro Anisa Khaura, Zulkarnain
The value of tolerance and acculturation contained in Sekaten Traditional Ceremony is a form of multiculturalism in the city of Yogyakarta, which values can be instilled through education. This study is expected to provide insight into the cultural locality that exists in the city of Yogyakarta, especially...
Proceedings Article

Roles of Music History Learning on Expertice Competency Test in SMK N 2 Kasihan Bantul

Raditya Setya Jati, Dyah Kumalasari
This study aims to find out the role of music history learning in the Expertise Competency Test at SMK Negeri 2 Kasihan Bantul. The problem that will be discussed in this research is the process of learning music history that has a relationship to the Expertise Competency Test and identify the role that...
Proceedings Article

Implanting Nation’s Character Value in History Learning at Sma Muhammadiyah 1 and Ma Muhammadiyah Pekanbaru

Refligy Yulia Fitri, Zulkarnain
This articel centers to analyze background Implanting nation’s character value in history learning at SMA dan MA Muhammadiyah Pekanbaru. Selain itu, bertujuan untuk dapat mendeskripsikan informasi mengenai pelaksanaan investasi nilai karakter dan mengecam berbagai hambatan dan pengaturan guru dalam pelaksanaan...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Historical Learning Process for the Children with Deaf Special Needs

Ribka Meilisna Br Ginting, Aman
The goal of this study was to discover the process of planning historical learning, as well as the process of learning the history of students with special needs for the deaf at SMALB-B Negeri Pembina Medan, as well as the hurdles to history learning and teachers’ efforts to overcome them. A qualitative...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Blacksmith Crafts in West Muna Regency 1985–2016

Ridayat, Aman, Pendais Hak, Laode Dinda, Laode Ali Basri, Johan Setiawan
This study aims to provide an overview or social phenomenon of: (1) The background of the development of blacksmith craft in Walelei Village, Barangka District, West Muna Regency, and (2) The development of blacksmith craft in Walelei Village, Barangka District, West Muna Regency. The method used in...
Proceedings Article

The Potential of Sadurengas Museum in Paser District as a Source of Learning Local History

Sulastriningsih, Djoko Suryo
Sadurengas Museum is the only museum in Paser Regency. This museum has many historical collections related to the kingdom that previously lead in this region, which known as the Pasir Sultanate. This study aims to investigate the potential of the Sadurengas Museum as a source of learning local history....
Proceedings Article

The Monument Utilization of Pancasila Heroes as a Historical Learning Sources of Yogyakarta Senior High School

Supiyah, Zulkarnain
This research aims to examine (1) the collections of Pancasila Heroes Monument Museum, (2) the Monument utilization of Pancasila Heroes As a Historical Learning of Yogyakarta Senior High School, (3) the constraints faced by students and educators in the utilization of Pancasila Heroes Monument Museum....
Proceedings Article

The History of Nuclear Armament Technology as an Introduction to Understand the Dynamic of International Society

Tb. Noer Iman Achmad Sumantri, Dyah Kumalasari
This paper contains a brief explanation about the history of nuclear weapon development during the end of the Second World War until the Cold War era between 1940–1968. This paper was constructed using the qualitative historical method. This paper is divided into three sections; (1) introduction, (2)...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Organizational Environments During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Higher Education Institution

Titis Dewi Anggalini, Arista Damayanti, Kurnia Nur Fitriana, Irfan Adi Saputra, Lena Satlita
The COVID-19 pandemic is having an unprecedented impact on higher education governance. Changes in the organizational environment in higher education governance (HEG) provide strategic management challenges in organizations to restructure their systems, reconstruct strategic policies, ensure quality...
Proceedings Article

Exploratory Factor Analysis: Factors that Affects Parents’ Decision to Choose Private Elementary Schools in Pandemic Covid19

Uly Mar’atu Zakiyah, Risky Setiawan, Raden Rosnawati
Currently, the majority of private schools are considered by parents as an alternative school choice, in particularly at the elementary level. In many terms offered by this kind of school can greatly influence or even do not affect the parents’ decision to prefer the school. The aim of this recent study...
Proceedings Article

The History of Health in Kedu Residency 1930–1940

Wahyu Setyaningsih
This article aims, firstly, to give details on the health condition of the people in Kedu during 1930–1940. Secondly, to explore the policies of the Dutch colonial government in the health sector, pin pointing the effort to overcome various diseases that developed in Kedu during 1930–1940. The research...
Proceedings Article

Coup of the 30 September 1965 Movement (G-30-S), Learning for High School Students with Active Debate Model and Literacy-Based Assignments

Wahyudi, Aman
In Senior High School’s history subject about September 30th 1965 event is considered as interesting material since it was one of the controversial historical events. The 2013 curriculum provides opportunity for teachers and students to develop learning activities in the classroom by applying varied...
Proceedings Article

Development of Encyclopedia as Teaching Material Based on Local Leadership Concept

Yulia Sofiani, Nana Supriatna, Didin Saripudin, Leli Yulifar
This research is motivated by the need for historical teaching materials that contain leadership values for college students in History Education in East Priangan. This research uses research and development methods according to Borg and Gall. Preliminary study results showed that lecturers have not...
Proceedings Article

Transformation Towards Multicultural Awareness Through History Learning to Realize Social Harmony

Multicultural education is a process of transformation, not just tolerance, which means multicultural education does not only teach about diverse cultures. As a transformational process, multicultural education must be present and rebuilt based on the ideal of equality and social justice in a plural...