Proceedings of the 6th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2021)
529 authors
- Abdul, Hamid K.
- Development of Contextual Teaching Learning Model Based on Blended Learning
- Adisaputera, Abdurahman
- Development of Learning Media for Google Sites Writing Poetry with a Contextual Approach to Class X Students of SMA Negeri 16 Medan
- Adisaputera, Abdurahman
- Development of Electronic Learning Media in Folklore Texts with Asahan Sociocultural Contents for Class X Students of SMK Negeri 2 Kisaran
- Adlin, Dilinar
- The Development of Assessment Instrument Models of Malay Dance Art
- Adriani, D
- Teaching Materials Development Using Kvisoft Flipbook Maker Application in Creative Economy Courses with 4-D Model Design
- Adriani, Deni
- Development of Digital Learning Video Based on the Cyberlink Power Director Program in the Era of Learning Freedom in Education Economics Courses
- Affandi, M
- Development of Android-Based Learning Multimedia for Electrical Lighting Installation Courses in Vocational High School
- Afriadi, Putra
- Optimizing the Sibelius 7 Application in Multicultural Art Learning Based on Learning Outcomes
- Afrianti, R
- Utilizing Adobe Captivate to Develop French Literature Learning Materials
- Agustina, Dian
- Indonesian Food Processing Recipe Application as an Android-Based Learning Medium in Students of Culinary Study Program
- Ahady, Muhammad Yan
- Development of Video Media Learning Basic Techniques of Table Tennis
- Ahmad, Zetira
- Gender Style of Humor at Coffee Shop
- Aisyah, Siti
- The Acquisition of Indoensian Verbs and Nouns by Two Years Old Batak Mandailing Children
- Alhumary, Farid M.
- Evaluation of PSHE Online Learning Using SIGUM (Sistem Informasi Guru Mengajar) at State Senior High Schools in Binjai for A.Y 2020/2021
- Amalia, Euis
- Directive Illocutionary Act of Male and Female English Teachers in Junior High School
- Ambarita, Dody Feliks Pandimun
- The Development of E-Book Learning Media on Bilingual Learning Course
- Ampera, Dina
- Mapping the Distribution of Stunting Toddlers in Supporting the Successful Achievement of the Millenium Development Goals (Mdgs) in Deli Serdang District
- Amrin, Saragih
- Discourse Markers Used by Students in Nonformal Education
- Amry, Zul
- Analysis of Mathematic Multiple Representations Ability by Applying the Problem-Based Learning Model (PBL) at Tenth Grade Students of SMA N 1 Pegagan Hilir
- Andayani, Widya
- Developing Digital Storybook to Improve Children’s Language Learning
- Andriani, Ade
- Development of Digital Worksheets About Integral as Teaching Materials in the COVID Era
- Anggraini, Yudhistira
- Development of E-Magazine Based on Flipbook Maker on the Pattern Drafting Home Clothing in the Faculty of Engineering Medan State University
- Ansari, Khairil
- Development of Lectora Inspire Learning Media on Short Stories with Ecology Content for Class XI Students of SMA Negeri 1 Percut Sei Tuan
- Ansari, Khairil
- Development of Learning Media for Google Sites Writing Poetry with a Contextual Approach to Class X Students of SMA Negeri 16 Medan
- Aritonang, Puteri Sion
- Moral and Social Values in the Novel Si Anak Pintar by TereLiye and Its Usefulness as Reading Materials at SMA Dwitunggal Tanjungmorawa
- Aritonang, Rohana
- Developing e-Booklet Based on Hair Trimming Video for Blended Learning
- Aruan, T Br
- The Development of Audio-Visual Learning Media Tutorial Crawl Swimming Basic Skills Swimming Course of PKO FIK UNIMED Program 2021
- Arwansyah
- Development of Student Worksheets (LKPD) Based on Problem Based Learning to Improve Learning Outcomes in Business Economics Subjects Class X at SMK Swasta Taman Siswa Medan Academic Year 2020/2021
- Astimawati, Ratika
- Illocutionary Acts in Panggih Ceremonies in Tegal and Those in Tanjung Morawa
- Aulia, Sri Mustika
- Optimizing the Sibelius 7 Application in Multicultural Art Learning Based on Learning Outcomes
- Auzi, Humaida
- Development of Discovery Learning Based Interactive Multimedia on the Subject of Transformation for Class IX of MTs Negeri 3 Langkat
- Azandi, Filli
- Development of Basketball Learning Model Based on E-Learning and Media Applications in Faculty of Sports Sciences (FIK) Medan State University
- Azizah, Cut Nora
- Developing Digital Storybook to Improve Children’s Language Learning
- Azmi, Chairul
- The Development of WEB-Based Assessment
- Baharuddin
- Developing Digital Storybook to Improve Children’s Language Learning
- Baharuddin
- Mapping the Distribution of Stunting Toddlers in Supporting the Successful Achievement of the Millenium Development Goals (Mdgs) in Deli Serdang District
- Banjarnahor, Humuntal
- Developing Digital Story Telling and Educational Games to Improve Early Childhood Cognitive Ability
- Basana, Lely Desi Uli
- Analysis of Smartphone Policy as a Learning Media on Community Health Study Program in STIKES Nauli Husada Sibolga
- Batu, Johannes Sohirimon Lumban
- School Leadership Strategies in the Digital Era
- Batu, Johannes Sohirimon Lumban
- Primary Schools Online Learning Strategies in COVID-19 Era
- Batu, Johannes Sohirimon Lumban
- Distance Learning Policy Analysis During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Batubara, Abdinur
- Diffusion of Civic Engagement Literacy Website Innovation of Village Communities as an Alternative to Building Participatory Villages
- Biyatmoko, Danang
- Developing Digital Storybook to Improve Children’s Language Learning
- Bukhari
- Implementation of STEM and Scientific Literacy’s Aspects Through Lesson Study on English for Science Course: Pre-Service Science Teacher’s Initial Knowledge and Plan Stage
- Bukit, Nurdin
- The Effect of Project Based Learning Model’s on Critical Thinking Skills, Creative Thinking Skills, Collaboration Skills, & Communication Skills (4C) Physics in Senior High School
- Bunawan, Wawan
- Development of Objective Test for High-Level Knowledge of High School Physics Materials on Temperature and Heat
- Chairad, Muhammad
- The Development of WEB-Based Assessment
- Chalid, Surniati
- Development of E-Magazine Based on Flipbook Maker on the Pattern Drafting Home Clothing in the Faculty of Engineering Medan State University
- Chuanon, Chayachon
- Exploring Thai EFL University Students’ Growth Language Mindsets: The Beliefs About the Role of Talent and Effort
- Dalle, Juhriansyah
- Developing Digital Storybook to Improve Children’s Language Learning
- Damanik, Saipul Ambri
- Development of Web-Based Scouting Teaching Materials in the Faculty of Sports Sciences
- Damanik, Suryadi
- Development of Animation Video Media for Basic Motion Learning Based on Folk Games and Traditional Games in Children 10-12 Years
- Damanik, Ulfa Annida
- Development of E-Magazine Based on Flipbook Maker on the Pattern Drafting Home Clothing in the Faculty of Engineering Medan State University
- Darwin
- Enhancing the Capability of Language Teachers in Developing Lesson Plans Through Academic Supervision of Staff Meeting Technique at SMP PABA Binjai
- Darwin
- Improving the Teaching and Learning Quality Towards ASEAN University Network (AUN) Standards
- Daryanto, Eka
- Strategy to Become a Great Principal
- Daryanto, Eka
- The Effect of Technology Skills and Work Ethos on TPACK Teachers of SMP Negeri Batu Bara Regency
- Daulay, Dicky Edward
- Inquiry Learning Model to Improve Student’s Quick Reading Ability
- Daulay, Syahnan
- Development of Lectora Inspire Learning Media Writing Environment Based Description Texts for Students of Class VII SMP Negeri 5 Medan
- Derlina
- Development of Virtual Lab Media to Improve Student’s Critical Thinking Ability
- Derlina
- Development of Interactive Multimedia-Based Science Teaching Materials on Vibration and Wave Materials
- Derlina
- Development of Teaching Materials Based on Web in Physics Learning Evaluation Course
- Dewi, Izwati
- Development of Digital Worksheets About Integral as Teaching Materials in the COVID Era
- Dewi, Mira Sari
- Development of Electronic Learning Media in Folklore Texts with Asahan Sociocultural Contents for Class X Students of SMK Negeri 2 Kisaran
- Dewi, Nora Ronita
- Developing E-Learning of KKNI-Based Curriculum and Textbook Analysis Teaching Instruments in English Education Study Program, UNIMED
- Dewi, Rosmala
- Primary Schools Online Learning Strategies in COVID-19 Era
- Dhana, Vita Pujawanti
- Developing e-Booklet Based on Hair Trimming Video for Blended Learning
- Dina, Ampera
- Development of E-Module Learning Basic Sewing Technology Based on Discovery Learning for Tenth Grade Fashion Students of Vocational High School Citra Harapan
- Diputera, Artha Mahindra
- The Development of Attitudes and Professional Skills of ECE Teachers Field Introduction Activities
- Dirgeyasa, I Wy
- Figures of Speech on Political Headline: Waspada and Sinar Indonesia Baru (SIB) Newspaper
- Djulia
- Implementation of STEM and Scientific Literacy’s Aspects Through Lesson Study on English for Science Course: Pre-Service Science Teacher’s Initial Knowledge and Plan Stage
- Elfitra
- Digital Literacy Analysis in the Online Learning Process
- Elfitra
- Needs Analysis for Design of Augmentes Reality Assessment (ARA) in Higher Education
- Elfitra
- Center of Laboratory Project (CoLaP) Needs Analysis In Learning
- Emasta Evayanti, S
- Development of Digital Literature-Laden Web in North Sumatra in Learning Courses Sanggar Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia State University of Medan
- Eny, Noveyona
- Fiki Naki’s Subtitling Strategies in YouTube Channel
- Erni, Sukma
- Mapping the Distribution of Stunting Toddlers in Supporting the Successful Achievement of the Millenium Development Goals (Mdgs) in Deli Serdang District
- Eviyanti, Evi
- Development of Assessment Instruments Based on High-Level Thinking Skills in the Receptive Language Skills Course for Unimed Indonesian Language and Literature Education Students
- Fachrudin, Hilma Tamiami
- Neoclassical Architecture as a Style Influenced by Local Content and Its Role in Education
- Fadhilah, Nur
- Development of Virtual Lab Media to Improve Student’s Critical Thinking Ability
- Fadli, Zen
- Model of Sport Massage Services on Athlets and Communities Based on Sports Industry
- Farihah
- Development of E-Module Learning Basic Sewing Technology Based on Discovery Learning for Tenth Grade Fashion Students of Vocational High School Citra Harapan
- Farihah
- Development of a Ukel Konde Bun Learning Video in Class XI of SMK Negeri 3 Tebing Tinggi
- Farihah
- Development of Media Using Adobe Flash CS6 With a Learning by Doing Approach Sewing Technology in the Student Grade X Vocational High School of Fashion Design
- Fibriasari, H
- Developing Learning Media of Réception Orale Débutant using Smart Apps Creator Application
- Fibriasari, Hesti
- Liveboard Media Development in Learning Réception Ecrite Débutante
- Fibriasari, Hesti
- Developing Digital Storybook to Improve Children’s Language Learning
- Fibriasari, Hesti
- Mapping the Distribution of Stunting Toddlers in Supporting the Successful Achievement of the Millenium Development Goals (Mdgs) in Deli Serdang District
- Fitria
- Development of Learning Media for Google Sites Writing Poetry with a Contextual Approach to Class X Students of SMA Negeri 16 Medan
- Friska, J
- Junita Friska’ Development of Padlet Media in Digital-Interactive-Based Production Écriteintermédiaire Learning
- Frisnoiry, Suci
- Digital Literacy Analysis in the Online Learning Process
- Frisnoiry, Suci
- Needs Analysis for Design of Augmentes Reality Assessment (ARA) in Higher Education
- Frisnoiry, Suci
- Center of Laboratory Project (CoLaP) Needs Analysis In Learning
- Gafari, M. Oky Fardian
- The Development of Teaching Materials to Write Explanatory Text Using an Ecological-Based Flipbook for Grade XI Students at SMA Negeri 1 Padangsidimpuan 2021
- Gafari, Oky Fardian
- Moral and Social Values in the Novel Si Anak Pintar by TereLiye and Its Usefulness as Reading Materials at SMA Dwitunggal Tanjungmorawa
- Gaol, Hirim Sarimauli Lumban
- School Management Based on the Balanced Scorecard at SMA Negeri 2 Lintong Nihuta, Humbang Hasundutan Regency
- Gaul, Mariani Meri Lumban
- The Relationship of Financial Reports on Performance Accountability Education Office of Batu Bara Regency
- Ginting, Fitri Rahmayanti
- Development of Lectora Inspire Learning Media Writing Environment Based Description Texts for Students of Class VII SMP Negeri 5 Medan
- Ginting, Rahelina Br
- Evaluation of Education and Training Program Diklat Increasing the Competence of Vocational School Teachers in the Center for the Development of Quality Assurance of Education Vocational Buildings and Electricity (BBPPMPV BBL) MEDAN
- Ginting, Siti Aisah
- Impoliteness Strategies Used by Students in English Online Learning Through Zoom during Pandemic Covid-19