Proceedings of the 6th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2021)

529 authors
Milfayetty, Sri
The Effect of Transformational Leadership of School Principles, School Committee Participation, Teacher Performance, and School Culture on Children-Friendly School Performance at Public Primary School in Deli Serdang Regency
Minarni, Ani
Analysis of Mathematics Problem Solving Ability Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning Models Assisted by Macromedia Flash on Private Junior High School Students Al-Hikmah Medan
Development of Interactive Digital Module in Individual Counseling Courses
Development of Optical Learning Modules Based on Critical Thinking Skills
Muharrami, Ulya
Deixis in the Holy Quran Surah Al-Mulk
Development of Problem Based Learning-Based Learning Tools to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Skills in Retail Business Management Subject Class XI BDP at SMK Negeri 7 Medan
Development of Problem Based Learning Tools to Improve Students’ Problem Solving Ability and Metacognition Ability
Differences in Increasing Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability of Students Using the STAD and Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Model for Junior High School Students
Analysis of Students’ Visual Mathematical Thinking Ability Improvement using Model Learning Contextual Teaching and Learning
Munir, Abdul
Development of Interactive Digital Module in Individual Counseling Courses
Murni, Sri Minda
Conversational Maxims of Operation Targets in Police Investigative Interviews
Murni, Sri Minda
Transitivity System in CNN Online News
Murni, Sri Minda
Language Impoliteness Strategies Used by Headmaster with Reference to the Level of Education in School Area
Developing the Learning Media Video Tutorial of Ula-Ula Lembing Dance Web-Based Learning on Cultural Arts Subjects at SMA Negeri 2 Kejuruan Muda
Mursid, R.
Development of a Ukel Konde Bun Learning Video in Class XI of SMK Negeri 3 Tebing Tinggi
Mursid, R.
Development of Discovery Learning Based Interactive Multimedia on the Subject of Transformation for Class IX of MTs Negeri 3 Langkat
Mutalib, Ariffin Abdul
Developing Digital Storybook to Improve Children’s Language Learning
Nababan, Ramsul
Diffusion of Civic Engagement Literacy Website Innovation of Village Communities as an Alternative to Building Participatory Villages
Nababan, Tota Maria
School Leadership Strategies in the Digital Era
Naelofaria, Salmah
Development of Digital Literature-Laden Web in North Sumatra in Learning Courses Sanggar Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia State University of Medan
Nahar, Hutabarat Nur
Development of E-Module Learning Basic Sewing Technology Based on Discovery Learning for Tenth Grade Fashion Students of Vocational High School Citra Harapan
Nainggolan, Tinawati
Analysis of Smartphone Policy as a Learning Media on Community Health Study Program in STIKES Nauli Husada Sibolga
Napitupulu, E. Elvis
Analysis of Mathematic Multiple Representations Ability by Applying the Problem-Based Learning Model (PBL) at Tenth Grade Students of SMA N 1 Pegagan Hilir
Napitupulu, Efendi
Development of Multimedia-Based Learning Models in Fourth Grade English at Amaliyah Sunggal Elementry School
Napitupulu, Efendi
The Role of the ADVICE Training Model in Improving Medical Physics Competency in North Sumatera
Napitupulu, Efendi
Development of Edmodo LMS-Based Transformation Learning Model for Character Building of Middle Education Unit Students in North Sumatra Province
Napitupulu, Rahmad Husein
Directive Illocutionary Act of Male and Female English Teachers in Junior High School
The Relationship of Financial Reports on Performance Accountability Education Office of Batu Bara Regency
Nasution, Abd. Haris
Development of Interactive World History Babon Book Application Based on Big Data as a Digital Learning Source for History Education Students in MBKM Curriculum
Nasution, Alwi Fahruzy
Inquiry Learning Model to Improve Student’s Quick Reading Ability
Nasution, Atika Sadariah
Development of Assessment Instruments Based on High-Level Thinking Skills in the Receptive Language Skills Course for Unimed Indonesian Language and Literature Education Students
Nasution, Dharwita Faradilla
Enhancing the Capability of Language Teachers in Developing Lesson Plans Through Academic Supervision of Staff Meeting Technique at SMP PABA Binjai
Nasution, Fatima Sari
Inquiries-Based Learning Workshop One of Teacher Development to Improve the Quality of Learning in Santa Lusia Sei Rattan Private Junior High School
Nasution, Fatimasari
Development of Training Management Model Based on Information and Communication Technology to Improve ICT Competency Teachers’ in SMK Negeri 12 Medan
Nasution, Ikhsan Bagatondi
The Role of the ADVICE Training Model in Improving Medical Physics Competency in North Sumatera
Nasution, Ikhwanuddin
The Contribution of Local Wisdom Values in Marsiurupan Tradition of Angkola Wedding Ceremony to Character Education
Nasution, Lukman
Influence of School Supervisor of Academic Supervision to the Professionalism of Teachers in States of Elementary Schools District of Medan Amplas
Nasution, M. Faisal Ansarai
The Development of WEB-Based Assessment
Nasution, Usman
Development of Application-Based Badminton Learning Model at Faculty of Sports Science Medan State University
Nasution, Usman
Development of Application-Based Sepak Takraw Teaching Model and E-Learning in the Faculty of Sports Sciences Medan State University
Nasution, Yusra
The Development of Elementary School Social Science Course Teaching Materials on Mobile-Learning Based Android to Increase College Students’ Academic Performance
Natsir, Muhammad
Emoji in WhatsApp Group Conversation:
Novianti, Desy Ayu
Differences in Increasing Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability of Students Using the STAD and Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Model for Junior High School Students
Development of Interactive Digital Module in Individual Counseling Courses
Nurfadilah, Nadya
Fillers Used by English Department’s Students of State University of Medan
Evaluation of Physical Education Learning Program at The West Nias District Senior High School
Nursa’adah, Rizki
Development of Objective Test for High-Level Knowledge of High School Physics Materials on Temperature and Heat
Nurul, Atikah
Discourse Markers Used by Students in Nonformal Education
Pakpahan, Dessy Novianty
The Development of Project-Based Innovative Learning Resources for Teaching Organic Analytical Chemistry
Pakpahan, Friska
Types of Semantic Emotion of Covid-19 News After Introductory Vaccine on Twitter
Pane, Imam Faisal
Neoclassical Architecture as a Style Influenced by Local Content and Its Role in Education
Pangaribuan, Tangson R.
Development of Digital-Based Learning Media in Sociolinguistics Courses in the Pandemic Era
Panggabean, Freddy Tua Musa
Development of Biochemistry e-Module to Improve Students’ Higher Order Thinking Skills
Panggabean, Freddy Tua Musa
Development of General Chemical Teaching Materials (Stoichiometry) in an Integrated Network of Media-Based Higher Order Thinking Skills
Panjaitan, Nahesson
Testing the Feasibility of Project Book Design Geotechnical Engineering That Assisted with the PLAXIS 2D Application
Panjaitan, Suchroni
Impoliteness Strategies Used by Students in English Online Learning Through Zoom during Pandemic Covid-19
Pawani, L T
Developing Learning Media of Réception Orale Débutant using Smart Apps Creator Application
Perangin-angin, Sempurna
Development of “Concrete Work Practice” Learning Media by Using the Addie Model
Peranginangin, Arjuna
Types of Strategies in English Online Learning to Inclusive Students
Pilar Kuncoro, AR
Developing the Learning Media Video Tutorial of Ula-Ula Lembing Dance Web-Based Learning on Cultural Arts Subjects at SMA Negeri 2 Kejuruan Muda
Pramuniati, Isda
Development of Electronic Learning Media in Folklore Texts with Asahan Sociocultural Contents for Class X Students of SMK Negeri 2 Kisaran
Prawijaya, Septian
Development of Interactive E-Modules Based on Google Docs in Basic Concepts of Biology Curriculum MBKM UNIMED FIP PGSD Study Program
Priono, Joko
Inquiry Learning Model to Improve Student’s Quick Reading Ability
Pulungan, Ani Holila
Fillers Used by English Department’s Students of State University of Medan
Pulungan, Anni
The Passive Voice Construction of Horong Ni Hula Hula Utterances in Batak Toba Wedding Ceremony
Pulungan, Anni Holila
Illocutionary Acts in Panggih Ceremonies in Tegal and Those in Tanjung Morawa
Pulungan, Anni Holila
Lexical Metaphor in Indonesian Version of Surah Al-Kahfi
Pulungan, Anni Holila
Address System of Gayonese Lut and Deret in Bener Meriah
Pulungan, Anni Holila
EFL Politeness in Refusals by Students of Different Culture and Interlanguage Stages
Pulungan, Anni Holila
The Recommend Strategy for Slow Learners Difficulties in Learning Speaking at Homeschooling
Pulungan, Anni Holila
The Acquisition of Indoensian Verbs and Nouns by Two Years Old Batak Mandailing Children
Pulungan, Anni Holila
Gender Style of Humor at Coffee Shop
Pulungan, Anni Holila
Metaphors in Pantun for Wedding Ceremony in Malay Langkat Tradition
Pulungan, Anni Holila
Types of Semantic Emotion of Covid-19 News After Introductory Vaccine on Twitter
Pulungan, Anni Holila
Directive Illocutionary Act of Male and Female English Teachers in Junior High School
Pulungan, Anni Holila
Figures of Speech on Political Headline: Waspada and Sinar Indonesia Baru (SIB) Newspaper
Pulungan, Anni Holila
The Effect of Teaching Strategies and Students’ Interest in Reading Comprehension
Purba, Jamalum
Development of General Chemical Teaching Materials (Stoichiometry) in an Integrated Network of Media-Based Higher Order Thinking Skills
Purba, Lokakarsa
The Evaluation of Physical, Sports and Health Education (PSHE) Online Learning Implementation at the Junior High School Level in Sumbul District During Covid-19 Pandemic Period for the 2020/2021 Academic Year
Purba, Saut
School Leadership Strategies in the Digital Era
Purba, Saut
Enhancing the Capability of Language Teachers in Developing Lesson Plans Through Academic Supervision of Staff Meeting Technique at SMP PABA Binjai
Purba, Saut
The Development of Innovative Learning Resources with Multimedia to Support Online Learning in Teaching Industrial Management
Purnomo, Try Wahyu
Optimizing the Sibelius 7 Application in Multicultural Art Learning Based on Learning Outcomes
Putra, Aminuddin Prahatama
Developing Digital Storybook to Improve Children’s Language Learning
Putra, Teguh Septianto
Development of Application Based Footwork Training AIDS
Putri, Rahma Khairani
The Effect of Project Based Learning Model’s on Critical Thinking Skills, Creative Thinking Skills, Collaboration Skills, & Communication Skills (4C) Physics in Senior High School
Putri, Tansa Trisna Astono
Design of Web-Based Library System at SMP Kemala Bhayangkari 1 Medan
Qomariah, Nurul
Transitivity System in CNN Online News
Rachman, Fazli
Diffusion of Civic Engagement Literacy Website Innovation of Village Communities as an Alternative to Building Participatory Villages
Rahmadani, R
Development of Android-Based Learning Multimedia for Electrical Lighting Installation Courses in Vocational High School
Rahmadany, Savitri
Students’ Needs for Developing English Teaching Materials Based on Islamic Values of Integrated Language Skills for Islamic Elementary School
Rahman, Arif
Development of Training Management Model Based on Information and Communication Technology to Improve ICT Competency Teachers’ in SMK Negeri 12 Medan
Rahman, Arif
Inquiries-Based Learning Workshop One of Teacher Development to Improve the Quality of Learning in Santa Lusia Sei Rattan Private Junior High School
Rahman, Arif
Distance Learning Policy Analysis During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Rahman, Arif
Influence of School Supervisor of Academic Supervision to the Professionalism of Teachers in States of Elementary Schools District of Medan Amplas
Rahmansyah, Habib
The Contribution of Local Wisdom Values in Marsiurupan Tradition of Angkola Wedding Ceremony to Character Education
Development of Virtual Lab Media to Improve Student’s Critical Thinking Ability
Development of Interactive Multimedia-Based Science Teaching Materials on Vibration and Wave Materials
Development of Teaching Materials Based on Web in Physics Learning Evaluation Course
Raihana, Asrah
Violation Maxims of Main Characters in Keluarga Beti Comedy Series