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189328 articles
Proceedings Article

Research on the Danger Liability of Space Launch’s Damage to the Third Party

Yajuan Li
The space launch activities might cause harm by the falling of relevant spare parts or debris of spacecraft to the personal, property rights or interests of the third party in China’s territorial land, territorial seas and territorial airspace. This act of tort should fall into civil tort, in which the...
Proceedings Article

Building Friendly Environmental Assessment Indicator System by Using Big Data and Grey-ANP

Chia-Nung Li, Yi-Kai Hsieh
This study constructs an assessment index applicable to the vulnerability of the traffic environment population in Taiwan. Apply BIG DATA to analyze the case area with a radius of 500 meters, such as Zhongxiao Fuxing Station (women, children), National Taiwan University Hospital (aged), Yongan Market...

The Conformity Profile of Higher Education Students

Damajanti Kusuma Dewi, Nimatus Solichah, Rizky Oktaviani Cahyaningsih, Ayu Bulan Permata Putri
The purpose of this study was to determine the profile of conformity among the students at Surabaya State University. The participants in this study were 1273 students from the Faculty of Education and Faculty of Social Sciences and Law. This study was quantitative research using a cross-sectional survey....

Services Learning Students Disabilities In TVET Education: Implementation In Community Colleges In Malaysia

Sharifah Masitah Binti Syed Salim, Fadzillah binti Mohd Yusof, Suhaina binti Mohamed Zaki
TVET for Students with Learning Disabilities in Malaysia Community College faces several challenges since majority of the content of the courses is practical-based. This paper reviews best practices in the implementation of Special Skills Certificate in teaching and learning as well as research on its...

The Effect Of Organizational Commitment To Turnover Intention

Irene Hanna H. Sihombing, Ni Made Regina Maharatih, i Nyoman Sukana Sabudi
This study was conducted to determine the effect of organizational commitment on turnover intention. Respondents numbered 81 people from all departments in the hotel. Questionnaires with a 5-point Likert scale were used to measure 21 indicators of organizational commitment and turnover intention. Data...

Democratic Practices and Youth Political Participation in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

Muhammad Saud, Rachman Ida, Musta’in Mashud
The present study focused on youth political participation in the democratic practices in the Province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Pakistan. The study deployed the main theory of Jürgen Habermas ‘The Public Sphere’, this theory indicated that people use to discuss their social and political matters...

Prospects for the Development of Digital Economy in the Region: Study on the Example of the Voronezh Region

Irina Bejnar, Olga Myasnyankina, Tatiana Narolina, Marina Samogorodskaya
The upcoming digital transformation of the Russian economy requires the subjects of the Russian Federation to create comprehensive conditions for the widespread introduction of information and communication technologies in order to ensure effective interaction of the economic, social and cultural spheres....

Impact of E-Ticketing Application on Bus Transportation in Bandung

Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto, Rudy Setiawan, Rizky Jumansyah
This study aims to determine the impact of the e-ticketing application system on bus transportation for the peoples of Bandung. To support the research, the method used was qualitative. The results show that there are some positive impact on the implementation of e-ticketing system, one of which is to...

Dynamics of Immunological Parameters of Cattle Infected with Leukemia Virus and its Correction with Betulin–Based Medication

Aleksandr Krasikov, Vasiliy Vlasenko, Valentina Pleshakova, Irina Alekseeva
The paper presents the results indicating the possibility of using betulin-based medication for the correction of the immune status of cattle infected with bovine leukemia virus (BLV). To set up the experiment, we designed 3 prototypes of the medication (betulin-B1, B2 and B3), which were tested on 20...

The Effectiveness of Experiential Learning Based on Creative Industry to Improve Competency of Entrepreneurship of Vocational High School Students

Singgih Prastawa, Muhammad Akhyar, Gunarhadi, Suharno
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Experiential learning on entrepreneurial competencies of vocational high school students. This study used quasy experiment method with the design of Non-equivalent Control Group Post-test only. The research sample amounted to 40 students, consisting of...
Proceedings Article

Urban Transportation: Performance and Problems (Case Study: Route of ABG, CKL, and AT)

Septiana Hariyani, Budi Sugiarto Waloejo, Mahasti Adityasari
ABG, CKL, and AT are public transportation (called angkot) with the longest route in Malang. The length of the routes of ABG, CKL, and AT is 26m, 22Km, and 18Km. This research aims to determine the performance of three public transportation and to provide a new route recommendation. The operational performance...

Transparency of Information Disclosure in the Management of State-Owned Enterprises

A H Nasution, B Nasution, O K Saidin, Sunarmi
A State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) is a company business entity in which all or most of its capital is owned by the state through direct participation from the separated state assets. The research method in the present study is normative juridical supported by library data. Violation of the principle of...

The Relationship of Spiritual Intelligence with Changes to the Present Administration

Bernard Lubis
In the development of the quality of human life, a person does not only need the intelligence and emotional sensitivity. There is another thing that is very important to do with the meaning of life which is the spiritual side. For people who understand the meaning of life will be a motivation for themselves...

Measuring the Effect of Competence and Training Program on Employees Performance

Anna Suzana, Sandi Nasrudin Wibowo, Yodi Rudiantono, Iin Indrayanti
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of competence and training program on working performance of the employees at a company. As well as to analyze how much they influence working performance among employees of Kopkar Manunggal Perkasa Cirebon. This research is an associative type of...

Gender and Organizational Citizenship Behavior

Wenyi Gao
As organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) becomes a hot and interesting topic, there are some contradictory opinions towards different groups displaying OCB. The most controversial one is about gender. Some people believe that females tend to manifest more OCB, while others argue that men are inclined...

Don Paterson’s Parenting Poems and Family Ethics in “Landing Light”

Haoran Chen
As a famous poet of the contemporary British literary world, Don Paterson excels at applying Twa-in-yin to his creative skills, making his poems quickly gained wide acceptance. Taking Landing Lights as an example, Paterson has mingled various traditions, as they are represented by the metaphorical thread,...

A Comparative Study of Chinese and American Engineering Education Professional Certification Standards

Fenping Wang
The indicators of engineering education accreditation standards in China and the United States are compared. On the whole, there is no substantive difference in the accreditation standards of engineering education between China and the United States, including students, professional education goals,...

Analysis on Improvement of Internal Audit in China’s Listed Companies Based on Artificial Intelligence

Enzhu Li, Hongshan Xu, Guannan Li
Based on the theoretical connotation of internal audit, this paper first states the major deficiencies in the execution of internal audit supervision of China’s listed companies. The main reasons of forming these deficiencies are also analyzed in depth. According to the development of artificial intelligence...

WhatsApp Grouping Class for Increasing Students’ English Ability

Dewi Surani, AR Chaerudin
This paper discusses the usage of WhatsApp grouping class for increasing students’ English ability. This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods, with primary data in the form of semi structured online interviews, participatory observation, documentation and test result. Purposive sampling...

Effects of Relationship with Adult Children on Mental Health of the Elderly in China

Junran Jia
To study how a relationship with the adult and children relate to the mental health of the elderly in China, we draw unique panel data from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS). By using the 2015 wave which consists of 21095 Chinese residents ages 45 and older and 12235 households,...

Localism and Cultural Preservation Policy in Indonesia: Ideas and Challenges

Sujinah, Agus Wardhono, Sofi Yunianti
Indonesia is a multicultural country. It has various cultural treasures that display a rich ancestral heritage, in addition to a heterogeneous population. Indonesia is a country that is superior when it comes to the wealth of its local wisdom. Two problems arise, namely how respond to cultural locality...
Proceedings Article

Response of Coffee Berry Borer (Hypothenemus hampaei) to Alcohol-Based Attractants on Coffee Crops in Banjarnegara, Indonesia

Rostaman, Budi Prakoso
Coffee berry borer (CBB) or Hypothenemus hampei Ferrari is a major insect pest on coffee crops in Indonesia. This pest could be controlled by using attractants that are placed in insect traps. The aim of this study was to examine the number of trapped CBB in alcohol-based attractants that were placed...
Proceedings Article

In Silico Study of Single Chain Fragment Variable (ScFv) on Chikungunya Virus Using Indonesian Strain

Korry Novitriani, Shabarni Gaffar, Bacthi Alisjahbana, Umi Baroroh, Ade Rizki, Muhammad Yusuf, Toto Subroto
Objective: Because so far the paper-based commercial chikungunya tool in Indonesia has a very low sensitivity of only 20.5-50.8%, and this is supportive because of the different use of strain in the diagnostic tool so the purpose of this research is to study the selectivity of sampling from Indonesian...

An Innovative Business Model of Chinese Herbal Medicine in Handmade Tea Beverage Market in China

Chen Hui-Chuan, Lu Te-Tsai
This study aims to start up an innovative business model of handmade beverage market based on Chinese herbal medicine in China. This follows the Chinese ancient 24 solar terms to create a series of herbal beverages to meet the healthy need, of which any of the 24 solar terms in traditional Chinese lunar...
Proceedings Article

Environmental Performance on Environmental Disclosure and Financial Performance: Evidence From Indonesia

Desi Risma Sari, Anna Sumaryati
This study aims to examine the effect of environmental performance on environmental disclosure and financial performance. The population in this study are companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2010–2017. This research sample uses a purposive sampling method. Based on the purposive...

On the Reform of Business English Teaching in Higher Vocational Colleges from the Perspective of Instrumentality

Meilian Jiao
With the initiative of “one belt and one road”, the demand for business English professionals continues to increase, and business English subjects in vocational colleges are facing good opportunities for development. However, the current graduates of business English major in higher vocational colleges...

Automation of Real-Time Managerial Accounting in Agricultural Enterprises During Sowing and Harvesting Seasons

E.E. Golova, M.N. Gapon, I.V. Baranova
All areas of the agricultural sector, including the processing industry in the field of crop production, are currently being actively automated. Financial accounting as a provider of data for managerial decision-making plays an important role in the activities of all agricultural enterprises, that is...

M. Heidegger’s Non-Metaphysical Humanism and Chingiz Aitmatov’s Spiritual Humanism

Argen Kadyrov
According to Heidegger, the way of thinking of modern European humanism is metaphysical. He strives to overcome metaphysics, and, accordingly, humanism based upon it. Humanism, in Heidegger’s opinion, is supposed to originate from thinking man who is closer to being. It implies that, in “true” humanism,...

The Effectiveness of Mediation in Distribution of Inheritance Association Based on The Supreme Court Report 2016 to 2018

Muhammad Rizqi Fadhlillah, Tetty Hariyati
The number of Islamic inheritance disputes that enter the Court is increasing from year to year. This can be seen from the Supreme Court report data from 2017 to 2018. The number of disputes over Islamic inheritance shows that the mediation process has not been effective enough in resolving disputes...

The Relationship Analysis of Entrepreneurial Interests: Entrepreneurial Literacy, Self-Eficacy, and Entrepreneurial Characters Vocational Students

Muhammad Rakib, Amiruddin Tawe, Henni Zainal, Syurwana Farwita
Entrepreneurship is one of the supporting factors that determine the economic turbulence in Indonesia because in the field of entrepreneurship itself has the freedom to work and independently. The purpose of this paper is to explain the direct and indirect effect of entrepreneurial literacy and self-efficacy...

Research on the Industry Mode of Cultural and Creative Product From Intelligent Perspectives

Rui Xie
In the context of intelligence, modern technologies have constructed a new communication context, which gives cultural and creative industries unprecedented development opportunities. However, in the process of intellectual exploration of cultural and creative products, technical methods itselves cannot...

COVID-19 Has Changed the Course of Education Around the World

J.V. Hasanova, K.A. Najafova, M.V. Kerimova
The authors of the article focused on the World Economic Forum: COVID-19 has become a catalyst for educational institutions around the world. The World Economic Forum notes that the coronavirus (COVID-19) has changed the course of education around the world in a matter of weeks. These changes give us...

Impact of Macroeconomic Factors and Neighboring Country’s Stock Indices Affect the LQ45 Stock Index

Tiar Lina Situngkir, Nugraha, Ikaputera Waspada, Mayasari
This study investigates the macroeconomic factors represented by inflation and the neighboring countries’ stock price index (the Singapore stock price index or STI) in influencing the LQ45 stock price index’s volatility on the Jakarta stock exchange. The data used are secondary data from the period of...

A Person in Self-isolation Mode: The Transformation of Religious Communication Under the Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Dmitriy Chernichkin, Mikhail Topchiev
The paper is devoted to the analysis of the transformation of cult and ritual practices as well as extra-cult religious activities that occurred as a result of the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to the advanced opportunities offered by the virtual space, various religious organizations and individual...

Conversion of Palm Oil to Biodiesel Using TiO2/Monmorillorite (MMT) Composite Catalyst from Aceh Tamiang Bentonite

Ida Ratna Nila, Nirmala Sari, Rachmad Almi Putra, Rahmawati, Teuku Andi Fadlly
The main objective of this research is to produce TiO2/Monmorillorite (MMT) composites as a biodiesel catalyst characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD). In addition, to see the percentage of biodiesel production, it will be characterized using Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). TiO2/MMT composites...

Business Model Analysis for Convene Based on POCD and PEST Framework

Angda Shen, Yanxin Wang, Shaojia Zhi
The coworking industry in the US is currently experiencing strong growth because the companies are recovering from the Covid-19 impact. Research has shown that venture capital has a significant impact on economic growth through the financing of startups. We choose the company Convene to argue from the...

Effect of Gender on Students’ Test Scores in Progresa

Wang Yalin, Meng Wenxuan, Luo Wentao, Wu Yude
Study habits are variable between male and female. Significant differences of academic performance among elementary and middle school male and female Mexican students has been a challenge concern to Mexican education system. This research, therefore, sought to examine the gender differences in access...

The Bogomolny Decomposition for Systems of Two Generalized Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations of the Second Order

Ł. Stȩpień, D. Sokalska, K. Sokalski
Pages: 25 - 34
Using a concept of strong necessary conditions we derive the Bogomolny decomposition for systems of two generalized elliptic and parabolic nonlinear partial differential equations (NPDE) of the second order. The generalization means that the equation coefficients depend on the field variables. According...

Internship Experiences

Contribution to the Shop Drawing Reading Skills

Arris Maulana, M. Agphin Ramadhan, Haura Mahaliandini
This study aims to determine the effect of internship program on the ability to read shop drawing. This research is a quantitative study with a correlational research design. The study population were 78 students of the Bachelor Program of Vocational Education in Building Construction, Universitas Negeri...

Research on the Construction of Teaching Evaluation System of Visual Communication Design Major Cultivated on Basis of Students’ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ability

Yongxiao Liu
As an undergraduate major concerning art design in the colleges and universities, visual communication design is a very strong one in terms of applicability during the education of the colleges and universities. It requires students to have a more systematic professional theory, knowledge and design...

Evaluation and Enlightenment of Tanzanian Student Loan Policy

Tao Feng, Zhigang Gao
Tanzania is a developing country, but its higher education have a great development in recent years. The student loan policy of Tanzania has certain characteristics in the design of demand, application conditions and highest limit reimbursement, etc, it also has some bad, such as limited funding, unreasonable...

The Research of the Development Process of Equity Incentive in China

Zhehua Chen
The equity incentive system originates from western developed market economy countries. In the past few decades, the development of the equity incentive system has been ignored at the beginning and then widely concerned. Since China’s reform and opening up, it has gradually explored the implementation...

The Announcement of an Increase in Cigarette Excise Rates and Its Implication Towards Indonesia Capital Market

Martin Hansel, Tabita Prajogo, Tarsisius Suganda
Purpose of this research is to investigate the reaction of Indonesia capital market to the announcement of an increase in cigarette excise rates on September 13th 2019. The cigarette sub sector companies that has been listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange are used as sample. Event study is a research...
Research Article

High Systolic Blood Pressure is Associated with Increased Cardio-ankle Vascular Index in the Elderly

Thapanee Roengrit, Ruchada Sri-amad, Nawiya Huipao
Pages: 25 - 31
Background: Increased arterial stiffness caused by elevated Blood Pressure (BP) can be indicated by the Cardio-ankle Vascular Index (CAVI). However, the relationship between arterial stiffness and BP is complex. In addition, changes in BP may contribute to increased risk of cardiovascular disease associated...
Proceedings Article

Design of Sea Wave Power Hybrid Power Generation Through Utilization of Wave and Wind Energy as Renewable Electric Energy Sources for Leading, Outermost and Disadvantaged Areas

Masus Subekti, Parjiman, Nur Hanifah
This study conducts the design of sea wave hybrid power plants by combining wave energy with wind energy. Vertical energy of ocean waves is converted into pressurized water energy to rotate turbines connected to direct current generators, while wind energy uses wind turbines connected to direct current...

Contribution of Geographic Education in Growing Students’ Character of Environment

This study aims to analyze three things, namely: First, how students concern about the environment; Second, how the role of geography learning in fostering environmental care for students; and Third, how the influence of socio-cultural, psychological and demographic factors on spiritual intelligence...

Reasonability of Liability to be Prosecuted for Denial of Information to Citizens

Olga Filippova, Maria Shodonova, Ruslan Bazhenov, Nina Kononkova
Rule 140 of the Russian Federation Criminal (Penal) Code establishes liability for an unlawful default in providing the compendium of documentation assembled in a permitted manner by a legislative office that directly affects civil rights and freedoms, providing a citizen with imperfect or misleading...

Validity Test of Hypomania Checklist: Suicide Ideation as A Criterion

Felinda Stefika, Ediasri Toto Atmodiwirjo, P. Tommy, Y. S. Suyasa
This study aims to look at the construct validity of the Indonesian version of HCL-33, namely (1) factor loading per dimension and overview of HCL-33 Mean (positive response) in Bipolar Disorder participants and MDD participants. In addition, this study (2) wanted to see the reliability (Alpha Cronbach),...

Featured Hybrid Recommendation System Using Stochastic Gradient Descent

Si Thin Nguyen, Hyun Young Kwak, Si Young Lee, Gwang Yong Gim
Pages: 25 - 32
Beside cold-start and sparsity, developing incremental algorithms emerge as interesting research to recommendation system in real-data environment. While hybrid system research is insufficient due to the complexity in combining various source of each single such as content-based or collaboration filtering,...

The Space of Zurab Tsereteli’s Creative Personality in World Modern Art

Lyubov V. Shirshova
The present paper is dedicated to the creative work of a master of international renown, Zurab Konstantinovich Tsereteli. Various aspects of his many-sided activities as a sculpture-pioneer are described here. Basing on the works of Tsereteli, the author analyzes a broad picture of developments in the...