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189328 articles

The Relationship between Music Development and Economic Development

Bin Chen
Music is inextricably linked to practically everyone's life in our period. So, what is the source of the music industry's popularity? Is there a link between music development and economic development since that most popular artists are from industrialized countries? China has a rich cultural...
Proceedings Article

Development of a Modified UNet-Based Image Segmentation Architecture for Brain Tumor MRI Segmentation

Muhammad Masdar Mahasin, Agus Naba, Chomsin Sulistya Widodo, Yuyun Yueniwati
Segmentation of the tumor part on the head MRI image is an important thing that must be done by the radiologist in the patient's diagnosis. Therefore, segmentation must be done accurately because this determines the results of the diagnosis and the determination of the next steps taken by the doctor....

Enhancing Personal Knowledge and Metacognitive Competence Through Work Based Learning Model: A Case Study on Electrical Measurement Skills

Bambang Driyono, Husain Syam, Muhammad Yahya
This study aims to determine: 1) the need for developing the Work Based Learning model and 2) the effectiveness of the Work Based Learning model in improving electricity measurement skills—data collection techniques through interviews and questionnaires. The research approach is development research...

Place of Infrastructure in the Innovation Ecosystem of Industry

Artur D. Bobryshev, Valeriy M. Tumin, Andrei V. Savelyev, Elena E. Alenina, Vladimir A. Trifonov
An analysis of the reasons for the low innovation activity of domestic industrial enterprises indicates that one of the significant circumstances that keep constraining the mastering of new equipment, technologies, organizational and marketing decisions is the insufficient level of development of the...
Proceedings Article

Bioethanol Production from Molasses by Varying Sugar and Yeast Concentration

Tri Rachmanto, Miftahurrahman, Achmad Zainuri, I Made Suartika, Fikrihadi Kurnia, Maharsa Pradityatama
When 2020 began the outbreak of new pneumonia, namely the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), alcohol suddenly became less available because it was the most sought-after item. This is because 70% alcohol can be used as an antiseptic and disinfectant solution to overcome coronavirus transmission. The...
Proceedings Article

Correlation Between Hypertension and Mortality of Covid-19 Patient at Dr. Soehadi Prijonegoro Hospital

Muhammad Ulil Albab, Ana Fauziyati, Erlina Marfianti, Lulus Budiarto, Nurul Aini
Covid-19 pandemic has been spreading throughout the world for almost 2 years. Hypertension was one of the most common comorbidities among Covid-19 patients. We conducted this study to investigate the correlation between hypertension and mortality in Covid-19 patients. We collected 159 medical records...

Man in the Egyptian Religion and Culture of the New Kingdom: From “Theological Working” to “Speculative Theology”

Vladimir V. Zhdanov
The paper is devoted to the issue of the religious worldview in Egypt of the era of the New Kingdom (XVI-XI centuries BC), when the doctrine of a transcendent God appears for the first time in the Theban religious thought, which is closely connected with the emergence of new ideas about man and his nature...

Development of Training Models for Increasing Managerial Competence of Administrative Leaders in Higher Education Based on Action Based Learning

Lusi Susanti, Nurhizrah Gistituati, Yasri, Hadiyanto
This study aims to reveal: how is that the process of developing a training model for improving the managerial competence of administrative leaders in Universities based on Action Based Learning is valid, practical, effective, the info source of this research is the academic community of Padang State...
Proceedings Article

Invariance properties of time fractional linear diffusion-wave equations

Nomuun Bayanmunkh, Khongorzul Dorjgotov, Gantulga Tsedendorj, Uuganbayar Zunderiya
We study a class of time fractional diffusion-wave equations with variable coefficients using Lie symmetry analysis. We obtain not only infinitesimal symmetries but also a complete group classification and a classification of group invariant solutions of this class of equations. Group invariant solutions...

Analysis of Transparency of Zakat Management Organization in Indonesia

Isro’iyatul Mubarokah, Fety Nurlia Muzayanah, Yulistina Sulastri, Gita Jumaida Panjaitan
BAZNAS is an institution of zakat management in Indonesia appointed by the government. As institutions that manage public funds, issues transparency become crucial for zakat management organizations because this will impact directly excellent or bad zakat management organizations’ reputation systemic....
Proceedings Article

Optimization of Compliance Testing for Grid-supporting Inverter Functionalities

Siddhi Shrikant Kulkarni, Gunter Arnold, Nils Schäfer
Inverter based resources (IBRs) are capable of providing grid services to ensure system stability. Manufacturers of such IBRs are required to certify their products according to the testing procedures of each individual country to meet the grid connection requirements of the target markets. When various...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Enterprise Organizational Culture on Employee Engagement in Prosocial Activities: Based on Structural Equation Model and Artificial Intelligence Algorithm Model

Zhiqiang Jia, Jie Zhou
This study combines theories from psychology and artificial intelligence algorithms to explore how employees’ psychology and behavior influence their engagement in social welfare activities. Through a questionnaire survey of 300 employees in companies, it was found that a supportive organizational culture...
Proceedings Article

Probiotic Lactobacillus Acidophilus La-14 as Feed Additive Substitute for Antibiotic Therapy in Broilers

Yeti Eka Sispita Sari, Diah Ariana, Dita Artanti, Anindita Riesti Retno Arimurti
The intake of quality nutrition is key, one of which is the consumption of protein which is important for health. In pandemic conditions, the quality of life determines whether people can avoid COVID-19. To meet the high demand for broiler chickens in feed, feed additives and Growth Promoter Anti-Biotics...

Is Confucianism a Panacea for Improving Financial Reporting Quality? Evidence from China

Yalin Lu, Zhong Ma
The study breaks the inherent perceptions of Chinese Confucianism and discovers the shackle effect of Confucianism on financial reporting quality. Further analysis suggests that Confucianism intensifies the manipulation of actual business activities. The shackle effect of Confucianism is more prominent...

Driving Digital Transformation in the Food Industry

Yuqing Huang, Zheng Liu
With the rapid development of science and technology, the food industry as a traditional manufacturing industry should respond to the call and actively promote intelligent development. Taking the food industry as the research object, this paper first analyzes the current situation and future development...

Integration of Information Technology-Based Management Processes in the Educational Environment

Moch. Faza Pramudya, Hasan Argadinata, Mustiningsih
The use of information technology aims to determine the increase in people's productivity so that they can be more creative, innovative and also affective. Therefore, information technology should be applied to the planning, implementation and evaluation of education. This application aims to improve...

The Mechanism and Phenomenon Analysis of the Public Opinion Fermentation of Social Events in Weibo Under the Echo Effect

Beile Zhu
With the rapid development of network media, Weibo and other social platforms have become the mainstream social software for most people. More and more people tend to express their opinions wantonly on Weibo, and their opinions tend to be irrational, which leads to cyber violence. More and more netizens...

Design of Asset Digitalization Management System for Communication Enterprises

Jundan Hou, Zihan Suo
Modern enterprise management is developing rapidly, and one of the most important components is enterprise digital management. The rapid development of digital technology has not only triggered the transformation of production mode, but also profoundly changed the business system and value model of enterprises....

Study on Accelerating the Integration and Innovation of Digital Economy and Rural Urbanization Development

Liu Jin
To promote the development and construction of digital rural urbanization, localities should put the revitalization strategy of rural urbanization development in the first place. With the popularity of live streaming in recent years, villages and towns have also ushered in digital reform, first of all,...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Influence Factors of the Teaching Material Compilation Input of University Teachers Based on SPSS

Wenqing Li, Xixi Hu
Given teaching material construction as one of the national missions and responsibilities at the institutional level and the compilation input of teaching materials by teachers is considered critical in guaranteeing high-quality teaching material construction, this paper creatively discusses the influence...

The effect of Artificial Intelligence Empowerment in Entrepreneurship on Agility

Zengtian Li
AI technologies have profoundly changed entrepreneurial activities, but previous studies focused on its instrumental role, ignoring its impact on emotion and cognition. This paper supplements the research in this field, finding that AI Empowerment in entrepreneurship positively affects Agility, Entrepreneurial...
Conference Abstract


Antoine Verger, Anna Kearney-Schwartz*, Serge Bracard, Veronique Roch
Pages: 37 - 38
White matter lesions, described as leukoaraiosis, are frequently documented in older hypertensive patients, but their consequence on brain metabolism remains debated. This study aimed at characterizing the changes in brain metabolism, assessed by [18F]-fluorodesoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography...

Developing Muslim Economy Through the Environmental Economy in the Perspective of Maslaha

Umi Rohmah
Environmental crises resulted from economic development has become global concerns, including Indonesia, as Muslim majority country even though Islam encourages societies to take advantages maximally from their environment in the good ways and modesty. Meanwhile, Jamaah Tani Muhammadiyah experienced...
Proceedings Article

Trial Recording and Reporting of Manual Early Warning Alert and Response System (EWARS) at the Public Health Office P2KB Lumajang Regency

Windi Chusniah Rachmawati, Gimida Nisahika, Munif Arifin
The Spreadsheet for Recording and Reporting the Manual (SKDR) is a system established as a back-up for SKDR data owned by the Public Health Office, Population Control and Family Planning Office of Lumajang Regency. This program aims to assist the verification process carried out by regency level surveillance...
Proceedings Article

A Review of the Potential of Beneng Taro as Material for Inulin Making and Its Application to Yogurt

Fitria Riany Eris, Dina Riziani, Vega Yoesepa Pamela, Muhammad Rizal Febriansah, Septariawulan Kusumasari, Arni Komala Sari
Inulin is a polymer of fructose units that are soluble in water and cannot be digested by enzymes but can be fermented by microflora in the colon. Inulin is commonly used as a food additive for synbiotic benefits. Inulin is generally produced from tubers or plant roots. Beneng taro is an indigenous tuber...

Research on the Relationship Between Environmental Information Disclosure Quality and Financial Performance

Baojuan Shi, Zuting Zheng, Lihua Zhang
Nowadays the problem of environmental pollution has become more and more prominent. By studying the coupling and coordination between environmental information disclosure quality and financial performance, guide companies to attach importance to environmental problems, take the public companies in the...

Designing Animated Film Book of Karmaphala to Build Awareness of Illegal Logging

Arif Sutrisno
Public awareness of the dangers of illegal logging needs to be re-invigorated, given the increasingly severe environmental damage. Animated films can be an effective and interesting educational media to overcome the problems regarding the survival of community which is endangered by the environmental...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of The Impact of Synchronous Physical Education Online Learning on The Character, Psychology, And Physiology of High School Students in Yogyakarta

Ridho Gata Wijaya, Willy Rizkyanto, Ismail Gani, Ari Iswanto
The corona virus pandemic resulted in numerous issues in various sectors. It appears that the pandemic will not end due to the arrival of a new virus strain caused by the mutation of the covid19 virus. The purpose of this study is to determine the extent to which synchronous online physical education...
Proceedings Article

The Response Rank based Fault-tolerant Task Scheduling for Cloud System

Sheikh Umar Mushtaq, Sophiya Sheikh, Ajay Nain
A cloud computing platform has higher failure rates because of its highly dynamic nature and running of concurrent applications. However, the outcomes of running concurrent applications won’t be accurate without VM synchronization. The issue of coordination between many virtual machines (VMs) is their...

Augmenting Knowledge: Measuring the Cognitive Impact of Pop-Up Book Integration

Hilya Rahmana Mazdawati, Fitria Eka Wulandari, Najih Anwar, Juraev Khusniddin Oltinboyevich
The purpose of this study was to find out how the influence of the use of Pop Up Book media on the cognitive learning outcomes of fifth grade students at SDN Celep Sidoarjo. This type of research is a quantitative pre-experiment with a one-group Pretest-Posttest design using written test sheets in the...
Proceedings Article

Outer Membrane Protein of Salmonella typhi as a Diagnostic Kit for Typhoid Fever: A Bibliography Study

Yunita Aldirahayu, Ana Hidayati Mukaromah, Sri Darmawati
Typhoid fever is an infectious disease, the main cause of typhoid fever is Salmonella typhi. S. typhi bacteria have characteristics such as being rod-shaped, Gram negative, motile, able to ferment lactose quickly, and are facultative anaerobes. The entry of S. typhi bacteria into the body can be influenced...

ChatGPT in the resolution of a math exam: Results obtained in Portuguese and in English language

Cândida Barros
Artificial Intelligence has had a remarkable development in recent years, being brought to public attention due to the emergence of advanced language models such as ChatGPT. These models have been reported to be capable of achieving passing scores in examinations required for accessing professional orders...

Impact of Financial Performance and CSR Disclosures on Consumer Goods Industry Companies

Aminah, Djoko Suhardjanto, Rahmawati Rahmawati, Jaka Winarna
This paper aim to examine the influence of financial performance and disclosure of corporate social responsibility on the market value of consumer goods manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2019–2020. The investigation utilizes secondary data extracted from annual financial...
Proceedings Article

Performance Analysis Comparison of DHT11, DHT22 and DS18B20 as Temperature Measurement

David Yulizar, Santoso Soekirno, Naufal Ananda, Muhammad Agung Prabowo, Ilham Fajar Putra Perdana, Diar Aofany
WMO states that temperature is an important parameter in life and defines temperature as a physical quantity that characterizes the average random motion of molecules in a physical body. The accuracy of temperature measurement on a thermometer is influenced by the selection of the right and accurate...

State Recognition Of Indigenous Communities’ Political Rights (Right To Vote) In General Elections Implementation

Erna Yuliandari, Solikhah, Gayatri Dyah Suprobowati, Annisa Risqi Handayani
Constitutional rights are fundamental rights for all Indonesian society, including indigenous communities that uphold the values of their customary law. Often, customary law differs from the positive law that applies in Indonesia, but that is not a reason to deny customary law within indigenous communities...

The Role of Records and Archives in Public Service Policy Decision-Making

(Case Study at the Institution of Archives and Library Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia)

Anita Tri Widiyawati, Asfi Andhini Putri, Aminaturrokhiyah Aminaturrokhiyah, Pasinee Kumkong, Andika Hijrah Prasetyo
This scientific article is related to records and archives' roles in decisions making on public services at the Institution of Archives and Library, Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Records and archives roles in an organization are so important as to be memory centre, information resources,...

Leadership in Conflict: East Java Elites in the Time of Revolution (1945-1950)

Ari Sapto, Hadyan Nandana, Jati Saputra
This article analyzes the elite groups that existed in the regions during the Revolution, in particular, the elites in East Java to examine these disputes and group tensions. This article shall analyze the status of East Java’s privileged groups and map their leadership style during a competition for...
Proceedings Article

Research for Modern Spectrum Allocation Algorithms and Their Applications in Communication Systems

Ruijie Kang
In the context of the digital age and the growing prevalence of the Internet, spectrum resources assume a pivotal role in the field of communication technology. This paper examines the potential of modern spectrum allocation algorithms in communication systems, particularly in the context of limited...

Development of Student Worksheet Based on The Constructivism on Subject of Organic Chemistry II Study Program of Chemistry Education of FKIP UR

Susilawati Susilawati, Jimmi Copriady, Maria Erna, Hasnah Hasnah, Rendra Rendra, Nurul Auliya Nisa, Okma Rahmatya
The learning of organic chemistry in Study Program of Chemistry Education, FKIP UR has not been using an effective, innovative, and valid of student’s work sheet (SWS). Lecturers try to develop of SWS based on constructivism in organic chemistry II course. The formulation of the problem in the research...

A Hybrid Method of AHP and COPRAS-G for Supplier Selection: A Case Study in Indonesian Leather Industry

Agus Ristono, Tri Wahyuningsih, Gunawan Madyono Putro, Ismianti Ismianti
The aim of this research is to select suppliers using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Complex PRoportional Assessment of Alternatives with Gray Relations (COPRAS-G). The proposed technique for selecting criteria uses Delphi by considering objective and subjective factors. These criteria are...
Conference Abstract


Marta Rojek, Jerzy Gasowski*, Marek Rajzer, Tomasz Pizon, Danuta Czarnecka
Pages: 37 - 37
Objective: To check of relation between blood pressure (BP) and arterial stiffness parameters and measures of left atrial volume to verify whether it is the arterial stiffness-related BP parameters or mean arterial pressure (MAP)that could be responsible for increase in risk of atrial fibrillation. Methods:...

Integrating the Tourist Attraction Through the Pathway Development in Surabaya, Indonesia

Hertiari Idajati, Raniri Munawar
Differences in the cultural potential and tourist attraction of tourist Kampung in the Tunjungan District are one of the causes of the imbalance in the number of tourists. This is exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic which has reduced tourism activity in the area. The proximity and differentiation of...

Revisiting AI in an English Classroom

Mary Joy Vailoces Sienes, Jane Carla Sebial Sarsale
The emergence of science and technology has brought changes to humanity. In the academe, the era of ‘sage on stage’ has been pragmatically replaced by ‘AI on the side.’ Technology, especially AI, which simulates and sometimes works even faster and more accurately than a human brain, has contributed to...
Proceedings Article

Advancing Fire Detection: A One-Stage Object Detection Approach Using YOLOv5 and YOLOv8 Models

Maroua Cheknane, Saida Sarra Boudouh, Tahar Bendouma
Fire accidents present considerable risks on a global scale, leading to considerable losses in life, property, and the environment. Traditional sensing technologies face challenges in effectively detecting fires, particularly in large areas. Deep learning approaches have been explored for fire detection...
Proceedings Article

Effect Of Coating Material Ratio And Spray Dryer Inlet Temperature On The Characteristics Of Butterfly Pea Flower (Clitoria ternatea L.) Extract Microcapsules

Eunike Budiman, Tagor M. Siregar
Clitoria ternatea L. commonly known as butterfly pea contain a great variety of bioactive compounds and its flower petals containing anthocyanins thus it has a potential to be a natural food colorant. Butterfly pea flower is still rarely used in food products because the anthocyanins and the other bioactive...
Proceedings Article

Generalization of Pointnet Framework with Synergy of Random Forest Classifier

S. Sridevi, P. Paayas, E. Balasubramaniam, S. Balachandran, T. Kanimozhi, M. Shanmugakumar, Jae Sung Choi
In the real world, data is perceived in three dimensions (3D). Automatically analysing 3D visual features is essential in several real-time applications notably autonomous robots, autonomous vehicles, and augmented reality. It is apparent that 3D data are represented in a variety of ways, such as a polygonal...
Conference Abstract


Kathleen Connolly*, Ashraf Khir, Ye Li, Yasmin Yasmin, Ian Wilkinson
Pages: 37 - 37
Background: Although arterial stiffness is of clinical interest, data on the elastic modulus of the human aortic wall are scarce. The aim of this work is to directly measure the elastic modulus of human aorta ex vivo. Methods: Using a standard tensiometer, we measured the elastic modulus (E) of human...
Conference Abstract


Kathleen Connolly*, Kaisa Maki-Petaja, Elizabeth Ribey, Chen Yen Ooi, Sarah Cleary, Ian Wilkinson
Pages: 37 - 37
Growing evidence shows that patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have up to twice the risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) compared to those without RA. Generally, these RA patients have higher levels of inflammation in their bodies, and this inflammation is thought to be the link between...

Does Work-Life Balance Predict the Nurses’ Organizational Commitment?

Rezky Ariany Aras, Sri Wahyuni, Yuli Wardani, Syurawasti Muhiddin
Nurses play a significant role among all health workers in the hospital because they directly interact with patients; thus, their organizational commitment is essential for ensuring their professionality in delivering service. This study aimed to examine the contribution of work-life balance of nurses’...
Conference Abstract


Nicola Pomella*, Eurico Wilhelm Neto, Christina Kolyva, Mark Rakobowchuk, Jose Gonzalez-Alonso, Ashraf William Khir
Pages: 37 - 37
Background: The study of wave reflections in the carotid artery may reveal the vasoactive response of the cerebral circulation to exercise, which is not yet fully characterised. Therefore, we aim to examine the effect of exercise on wave intensity parameters measured in the carotid artery of healthy...