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186393 articles

Dynamic Evaluation and Regionalization of Maize Drought Vulnerability in the Midwest of Jilin Province

Ying Guo, Jiquan Zhang, Rui Wang, Zhijun Tong, Xingpeng Liu
Drought vulnerability analysis of crops can build a bridge between hazard factors and disasters and become the main tool to mitigate the impact of drought. However, the resulting disagreement about the appropriate definition of vulnerability is a frequent cause for misunderstanding and a challenge for...

Students’ Questioning Ability Based on Anderson Taxonomy in Social Science Subject

Imroatin Robiyah, Imam Sukwatus Suja’i, Imam Sujono, Dian Septi Nur Afifah, Tomi Listiawan
This research aims to describe learning activity are students questioning ability based on Anderson’s taxonomy in social science subject. This research method is descriptive qualitative. The instrument used include observation sheets and camcorders. The research was conducted in VIIA grade in junior...

Developing Teaching Materials of the Subject of Islamic Moralities and Tasawuf

Heru Juabdin Sada, Hanif Mudhofar, Rizki Wahyu Yunian Putra, Suherman, Yuli Yanti
Teaching Islamic morality and tasawuf (Sufism) to university students is considered as a crucial solution to solve the moral crisis problems faced by society of the industrial era 4.0. The purpose of this study is to determine the validity, responses of students and educators to the teaching materials...

Pedagogical Potential of the Slavic Cultures and Its Importance for the XXI Century Youth

Pavel Spišák, Natalia A. Bondarenko
This article expounds on the crucial component of culture of the Slavs (truth, conciliarism, pan-unity) and points out the advent of youth projects (“Envoys of the Young Slavs”, Diplomatic School, Republic of Slovakia), festivals (of Serbian poetry and songs) and other activities aimed at preservation...

Algorithm for Managing the Quality of Educational Information System

I.M. Azhmuhamedov, B.A. Yorkulov
The paper considers the problem of assessing the quality of educational information systems in the context of the digital transformation of society. An algorithm for determining the quality of information systems based on expert information is proposed. This approach differs in that it allows one to...

Using IPA Model for Ensuring Sustainable Development in the Rural Tourism Destination

MN Nuryasman, Kartika Nuringsih
The IPA is a useful model to analyze the level of importance and performance of various key factors from the point of view of consumers. It is used to overcome the problems in managing visitor satisfaction in the tourism villages at Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta. The study involves the seven dimensions with...

Cyber Attack - The Burden of International Crime Proof: Obstacles and Challenges

Maskun, Naswar, Achmad, Hasbi Assidiq, Armelia Safira, Siti Nurhalima Lubis
Cyber-attack is a negative impact of the development of technology in the modernization era. This attack utilizes technology to attack telecommunications networks. According to international law, cyber-attacks can be categorized as international crimes. Cyber-attacks took place in Estonia and Iran resulted...

Measurement of Vocational High School Teachers Professionalism

Imam Gunawan, Firda Dwi Pratiwi, Nandy Wahyu Nur Setya, Abida Ferindistika Putri, Nadya Nanda Sukawati, Firman Budi Santoso, Siti Khusnul Rofiah, Nurul Hidayati
Teacher professionalism is a topic that will always be interesting to discuss. The teacher is a profession that is noble in the view of society. The spearhead of the quality of education lies in the professionalism and teaching performance of teachers. The purpose of this study was to determine the level...

Tepung Tawar as a Moral Symbol in Malay Community of North Sumatera, Indonesia

Syahfitri Purnama
Tepung Tawar ceremony was one of traditional folklore of Malay community in North Sumatra, Indonesia. It was often carried out in several regencies and cities such as Medan, Langkat, Deli Serdang, Serdang Bedagai, Asahan, Batu Bara, and Labuhan Batu. It was carried out at many traditional ceremonies...

The Development of Three-Dimensional Symbols in Chinese Freehand Brushwork and Its Contemporary Value

Hanying Sun
In the era of rapid development of science and technology, the development of Chinese freehand brushwork must be compatible with human visual cognition in order to meet the aesthetic expectations of the present audience. The three-dimensional expression should not be the standard to differentiate traditional...

Mental Revolution of Homeless Children’s Through Islamic Education Learning

Turah Asih Lestari, Muhammad Anas Ma’arif, Ari Kartiko, Ahmad Karim, Barham Siregar
The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the efforts made by the board of the Diponegoro Shelter and Learning Center to carry out a mental revolution in street children in learning Islamic education. This research is a type of qualitative research with a case study approach. The subject...

Exploration and Practice of Cooperative Education Mode of “Production, Learning, Research and Innovation” in Higher Vocational Colleges

Haiyu Li, Lei Wang, Wenhuan Niu, Xiaoyan Yang, Guangzhen Xu
Deepening the integration of Industry and education is an urgent requirement to push forward the supply-side structural reform of human resources. In this paper, the production training base, Vocational Education Group and other integration platform as the main research object, explore higher vocational...

Infection Waves in Pandemics and Risk Prediction: Physical Diffusion Theory and Data Comparisons

Romney B. Duffey
Pages: 67 - 74
We predict the magnitude and estimate the uncertainties of the spread, growth and maximum expected long-term infection rates that affect emergency policies and plans. For the COVID-19 and 1918 viral pandemics, large second or successive peaks, waves or plateaux of increased infections occur long after...

State Capacity in Implementing the Covid-19 Vaccination Program in Indonesia

Sitti Aminah, Slamet Rahmat Topo Susilo
The threat of the Covid-19 pandemic has pushed every country to protect its citizens; one form of protection is implementing the Covid-19 vaccination program. The study aims to explore the state’s capacity in implementing the vaccination program. The study uses the literature review method, sourced from...

Methodological Tools for Assessing Regional Innovation Systems in the Russian Federation

Elena Stryabkova, Irina Ladygina
The urgency of the research is in the necessity to modernize the innovation system of Russian regions and to access its effectiveness. Goal-oriented management of innovation system establishment is possible only if appropriate methodological tools are available. The role of assessing the effectiveness...

The Influence of the Principal’s Performance and Teacher Teaching Performance on Student’s Motivation in Cengal State Elementary School

Susilawani, Bukman Lian, Mulyadi
The purpose of conducting this research was to provide a clear description of the impact or influence of the principal’s performance and teacher’s teaching performance on student motivation, either partially or simultaneously. Moreover, this research was conducted at the elementary school level in Cengal...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Ethanol Extract of Robusta Coffee (Coffea canephora) on the Function of the Liver and Kidney of Wistar Rat

Dewi Ratih Handayani, Aditya Gilang Nur Pratama, I Wayan Agus Putra
Phytochemical tests of coffee show that coffee contains antioxidant compounds, which play a role in the healing process of disease. However, it is necessary to know the safe dosage of coffee extract used in treating diseases including its effect on important organs such as the liver and kidneys. The...

Review of the Literature on Crisis Management in Tourism

Jianchun Yang, Wenting Li, Hongming Wei
The outbreak of the epidemic in 2020 has had a huge impact on the global tourism industry. Tourism crisis management has attracted academic attention. This paper sorts out the research results of domestic and foreign scholars on tourism crisis management, it analyses the development process, research...
Proceedings Article

The Alternatives for Urban Green Space in Riverside Area of Banjarmasin to Create a Sustainable City

Hanny Maria Caesarina, Dienny Redha Rahmani
Green space as one of the indicators of sustainable city in riverside area is very important to Banjarmasin, the city of thousands river. However, due to the limited space, no other form of urban green space founded in the riverside area of the city other than greeneries. This research aimed to identify...
Proceedings Article

Isolation and Identification of Mold in Banana Bunches and Their Potential as Bioinoculants to Accelerate Decomposition of Household Organic Waste

L Prihastini, A H Ramelan, P Setyono, Pranoto, A Supriyanto
Large populations and final storage areas cause an increase in organic waste. Efforts are needed to improve waste decomposition. Mold is one of the microorganisms that can break down organic waste. This study aims to 1) isolate and identify molds from 8 banana bunches, 2) calculate mold populations....

Implementation Strategy Smart Governance in Makassar City (Case Study on The Missing Capil Program for The Population and Civil Record)

Sri Wahyuni, Alwi Alwi, Nur Indrayati Nur Indar
Smart City is a program that implements advances in technology and information in carrying out social life in a modern, efficient and effective manner. Smart City is applied in urban life by utilizing technology to realize smart living, smart governance, smart economy, smart environment, smart mobility,...

Computer Admission Test as an Admission System for Higher Education Cadets for The Ministry of Transportation 2021

Syamsir, Muhammad Giatman, Hansi Efendi
Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic situation that is still going on today, this paper is related to the acceptance of the West Sumatra Shipping cadet selection, especially at the Central Breeding Pattern which will carry out the selection exam in June 2021 for prospective participants who...

Development of the Pythagorean Theorem Learning Path with the PMRI Approach using the Context of Tiled Tangram

Delia Septimiranti, Cecil Hiltrimartin
This research uses the research design method or the type of research development type validation study that obtain a product, where the product is the product of the students learning trajectory when learning the Pythagoras theorem with a realistic approach. Are able to develop the context of the squared...
Proceedings Article

Treatment of Gingival Inflammation with Turmeric Extract Gel

Zaki Mubarak, Sunnati Sunnati, Sri Rezeki
Gingivitis is inflammation of the gingival tissue without loss of attachment and destruction of the alveolar bone. Many natural ingredients are currently used to treat gingivitis, one of which is turmeric. This study is a laboratory experimental study that aims to determine the effectiveness of turmeric...

Development of Spreadsheet Based Application for Hotel Accounting Practice Learning

Nyoman Sentosa Hardika, I Made Ariana, I Made Sudana, Ni Ketut Masih
A spreadsheet-based application for hotel accounting practices learning according to the uniform system of accounts for the lodging industry (USALI) needed by lecturers and students. The research objectives were: 1) to produce a spreadsheet-based application for learning hotel accounting practices according...

The Influence of Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Development on Environmental Pollution

Yunxiu Qiu, Jianjun Niu, Like Zhang
Foreign direct investment has driven the growth of China’s economy, but also caused many environmental problems, threatening the health of residents, restricting the further economic development. Striking a balance between the economy, FDI and the environment to achieve sustainable growth is an urgent...

Investment Decision Judging from Personal Income, Financial Literacy and Demographic Factors

Rita Tri Yusnita, Ikaputera Waspada, Maya Sari
This study aims to determine the behavior of individuals in making family investment decisions in terms of personal income and financial literacy as well as demographic factors in the Tasikmalaya community. Primary data were collected through the distribution of questionnaires with snowball sampling...

Introduction to Indonesian Culture Through the Malay Zapin Dance at Santivit Songkhla Thailand

Istifadah, Nabilah Ainun Nafi, Riyas Rahmawati
Introduction through Zapin dance is one of the uses of cultural arts which is intended to introduce homeland culture to the wider community as a form of national and cultural wealth that needs to be preserved. This research aims to determine the level of understanding of Santivit students in understanding...
Proceedings Article

Adult Laryngeal Hemangioma: A Rare Case Report

Fauzia Latifah Supriyadi, Novialdi, Putri Sari Ivanny, Pamelia Mayorita
Introduction Benign vascular tumors known as hemangiomas are frequently observed in the head and neck area. Hemangiomas are more common in infantile and can regress spontaneously. In adults, laryngeal hemangioma is extremely rare. They may occur in supraglottic and glottic regions that...

The Role of Collaborative Learning and Project Based Learning to Increase Students’ Cognitive Levels in Science Literacy

Eka S. Sugianto
Many studies have applied the Project-based learning method; many have also used collaborative learning in teaching-learning activities to increase students’ skills. However, no study has yet combined collaborative learning with the project-based learning methods in a classroom to see if this method...

The Effect of Political Competition, Financial Independence, Expenditure and Government Complexity on Internet Financial Report

Nyoman Ayu Wulan Trisna Dewi, I Putu Julianto, I Gd Nandra Hary Wiguna
For this purpose, Law Number 14/2008 came into effect, as well as the Minister of Home Affairs’s Instruction Number 188.52/1797/SJ/ 2012. However, up until this point, we have fallen short of our transparency goals. It is the goal of this research to analyze how political competitiveness, financial independence,...

Digital Acceleration in Sorting Out Fact and Hoaxes to Achieve Democratic Freedom

Bretna Shiwe Benaya Uneputty, Muhamad Alief Hidayat, Fausta Nanda S. Arkananta
The current development of globalization makes all experts have the determination to continue to improve it to be better from day to day, whatever it is. Every day we know what is called social media. Social media is defined as a platform to interact, and communicate, we can also express ourselves and...

Exploring Critical Thinking in Writing

Zulaikha Khairuddin, Wan Faizatul Azirah Ismayatim, Othman Ismail, Noor Hanim Rahmat, Nur Adibah Zamri
Is writing a thinking process? Writers are expected to apply information they already know to gather materials suitable for their essays. They have to use declarative knowledge to practise the skills of analysing information, and synthesising information. Next the writers need to use procedural knowledge...

Relationship Between Speed and Agility and Dribbling Skills in Football Games in Students of SMK Negeri 1 Modoinding

Fredrik Alfrets Makadada
According “to the researcher’s observations, the abilities, and skills of the football players of SMK Negeri 1 Modoinding have not yet perfectly mastered the basic techniques in the game of football. One of the basic techniques that has not been maximally mastered by players is the technique of dribbling....

Research on Comparison Between Poetry and Lyrics

Xueyi Zhang
The researcher of this paper has found that poetry and lyrics are similar and can be compared in several ways. However, there are not many studies about this. Learning the differences and similarities in poetry and lyrics can help writers enhance their creative abilities and step up their understanding...

Research and Construction of Power Communication Transmission Network Operation and Maintenance Training System

Yanheng Zhao, Chunxiao Song, Ran Fang, Zhan Shi, Xudong Zhang
Skill training is an effective means to improve the professional skills and comprehensive quality of operation and maintenance personnel, and an important way to cultivate high skilled application-oriented talents. Based on the post capacity analysis and the principle of being close to the production...
Proceedings Article

Specific Thermophilic Bacterial Xylanase Enzyme Activity Using Rice Straw as Substrate and Its Possibility as an Eco-friendly Fabric Bleach

Irdawati Irdawati, Zul Hidayati, Linda Advinda, Mades Fifendy, Salvia Salvia
Extracellular enzyme xylanase has a wide range of industrial uses. The xylanase enzymes made by thermophilic bacteria can hydrolyze xylan into xylose and xylooligosaccharides. Rice straw, for example, is a natural carbon source that can be utilized to create xylan carbon sources. One of xylanase’s uses...

The Impact of Unicorns on Urban Economic Development

Wei Wu
In recent years, China’s unicorn enterprises, as a representative of the new economy, are developing rapidly, and have become an important indicator to measure the urban innovation environment and economic development. This paper selects Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hangzhou and other cities...

Salary Ceiling of Different Professional Sports Leagues and Comparison of Different Geographical Locations

Zhenyang Luo
In professional sports, a salary cap (or salary cap) is an agreement or rule that specifies the amount of money a team can spend on a player’s salary. It exists in the per-player limit or the total limit of the team list, or both. Some sports leagues have implemented salary caps to reduce overall costs...

The Success Behind the Sogdian Mercantile Network

Ziyu Lin
The Sogdians were people of Iranian origin, and with their homeland Sogdiana located at the center of several Silk Road routes, they were some of the most influential merchants to traverse the Silk Road. This paper explores some of the factors that led to the success of the Sogdian Mercantile Network....

A Face-Threatening Act in The Limbukan Scene of Lakon Sesaji Raja Suya at Shadow Puppet Performance

Donie Fadjar Kurniawan, M. R. Nababan, Riyadi Santosa, Djatmika Djatmika
The focus of this research is the relayed translation from Javanese to Indonesian to English to analyze the dialogue of Limbukan in the shadow puppet performed by Ki Dalang Purbo Asmoro in the play Sesaji Raja Suya. The limitation of the research is the utterance of face threatening expressions. This...

Teachers’ Adaptation to Post-COVID-19 English Language Teaching and Learning Situation

Winda Sari Fitrianingsih, Yuni Budi Lestari
Post-COVID-19 has resulted in the reopening of schools and this calls for teachers’ adaptation to address the changing realities of teaching and learning activities. This study aims to explore how English teachers adapt to the Post-COVID-19 English language teaching and learning situation. This study...

Using Video-Assisted Learning in Teaching Camera Tracking to Visual Effects Students in Malaysia – A Review

Anis Alagandra Karpayah, Ng Lynn-Sze
This study is on the effectiveness of using video-assisted learning to teach camera tracking for visual effects students in Malaysia. The present research aims to acquire student’s perceptions on using Video Assisted Learning to learn camera tracking in a Malaysian classroom. There are still much documentation...
Proceedings Article

Research on Geological Data Security Governance System

Xiaohong Wu, Yi Yue, Renbing Gao
Data is an important asset of an enterprise and a national basic strategic resource. Data security issues are increasingly prominent in the era of big data. Strengthening data security governance is not only an objective requirement of national supervision, but also a subjective requirement for the development...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Technology of Constructing Scenic Spot Scene with Graphics and Images – Taking the Scene Modeling of Huiyan Peak Scenic Spot as an Example

Wenming Liu, Lingli Quan
By studying the development of graphics and image technology, analyzing the application status of computer three-dimensional modeling technology, combined with the current demand for scene modeling of scenic spots, this paper summarizes the relevant elements of computer-generated virtual scenic spot...
Proceedings Article

The Use of Metaphor in Conceptual Learning of College English Vocabulary

Ling Zhou
Word learning is always one of the most difficult points in college English teaching. From the metaphor cognition point of view, the thesis advances a new vocabulary teaching method—the conceptual learning of English words and phrases via metaphor, and what the teachers should pay attention to when adopt...
Proceedings Article

Psychoeducation Effectiveness of Parenting Patterns in Stunting Prevention: A Literature Review

Fitriani Nur Damayanti, Lia Mulyanti, Novita Nining Anggraini, Yuliana Noor Setiawati Ulvie, Endah Sulistyowati, Lawitra Khiaokham, Krittika Thummarattanakul, Alfina Aprilia Riafisari, Hasna Try Aryani
Background: Stunting in Indonesia is still a serious problem that needs attention. The prevalence rate of stunting under five in Indonesia is still far above the limit set by WHO. One of the contributing factors is parenting. Psychoeducation in the form of information about parenting and stunting can...

The Effects of Institutional Ownership, Managerial Ownership, Firm Size and Independent Directors on Tax Aggressiveness

Case Study on Construction and Building Subsector Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2009–2014 Period

Murfani Umar Djalo, Tobias Timba
The purpose of this study is to obtain empirical evidence about the effects of institutional ownership, managerial ownership, firm size and independent directors on tax aggressiveness of the building construction subsector companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange from 2009–2014. Tax aggressiviness...
Proceedings Article

Key Technology of the Prefabricated Pipe Gallery Under-passing the Railway

Yue Li, Yong Zeng, Xinyu Yan
When the integrated pipe gallery passes through the railway line at a close distance, when the railway line is overhead, the temporary reinforcement system of the line will bear the main load of the continuous operation train, so the stability of the line reinforcement system determines the safety of...

Impact of Unprofessional Teachers in Implementing Learning in Class V Sdn Cikahuripan, Cisolok District

Siti Nuraeni, Dwina Nurfazriah, Nur Maulana Isra, Utomo, Yusuf Iskandar
The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of a teacher's unprofessionalism in implementing classroom learning. This research was conducted because of the low professionalism of a teacher in class V SDN Cikahuripan. Because in fact the teacher is someone whose job is to teach, guide and...