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188734 articles

Risk Perception Biases and the Resilience of Ethics for Complying with COVID-19-Pandemic-Related Safety Measures

Bako Rajaonah, Enrico Zio
Pages: 87 - 90
This perspective paper presents factors that bias COVID-19-related risk judgments and risk decisions, such as cognitive biases, affect heuristics, mental models of risk and trust. The goal is to gain knowledge about the difficulty of risk communication in inducing attitudinal and behavioral changes regarding...

Informal Practices of Municipal Governance in the Context of Social and Demographic Development of Rural Areas

Oleg Bykhtin, Galina Gaidukova, Svetlana Vangorodskaya, Olga Yurkova
The key purpose of the article is contained in the analysis of informal practices in municipal management in terms of socio-economic development of rural areas on the basis of the analysis of available empirical data. The properties of informal practices in the context of the socio-demographic development...

Curriculum Design for Postgraduate Program of Islamic Study at UIN Raden Fatah Palembang During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Ahmad Zainuri, Aflatun Muchtar, Yusron Masduki
During the Covid-19 pandemic, the learning process at the Islamic Studies Study Program, Postgraduate Program, UIN Raden Fatah Palembang was carried out online (long distance), so that lecturers were required to be creative in designing the learning curriculum. The curriculum design is structured as...

Managing Early Childhood Education

Cahyo Dwi Jatmiko, Yasir Arafat, Dessy Wardiah
This research is a descriptive qualitative study that aims to know and describe early childhood education management in Tunas Harapan Kindergarten, Muara Telang District. The research focuses on the management of institution, pupil, teaching staff, infrastructure and finance to improve quality of early...

Implementation of Discovery Learning Factor Analysis in Transforming Learning Achievement Through Stimulus Organism Response Theory

Suryadi, Ludfi Djajanto
The Discovery Learning method in collaboration with the Stimulus Organism Response Model (SOR) can explain the learning model and explain how the stimulus is captured by the five senses, then felt, causing a response to something. Whereas the discovery method with a lot of manifest causes discrepancies...

The System Construction of Mathematical Basic Courses for Artificial Intelligence

Wenting Wang
Currently, there is large demand of talents in the area of big data and artificial intelligence talents. Colleges and universities are gradually developing the training system of such talents. Due to the large number of courses in related area with significant difficulty, the situation of mutual reference...

A Route to Routh — The Classical Setting

Ladislav Adamec
Pages: 87 - 107
There is a well known principle in classical mechanic stating that a variational problem independent of a configuration space variable w (so called cyclic variable), but dependent on its velocity w′ can be expressed without both w and w′. This principle is known as the Routh reduction. In this paper,...

Construction of Electric Vehicle Policies in Indonesia, Types, and Prices

Rudatyo, Rahma Tresya
An electric vehicle is a vehicle that uses one or more traction motors or electric motors, using electrical energy for vehicle propulsion stored in batteries or in other storage areas. At this time the development of the use of electric vehicles in various countries began to grow rapidly. Indonesia is...

Standard Operating Procedure Optimization of Resource Level for Hospital Waste Handling Using Hybrid DES-ABM Simulation, Genetic Algorithm, and Goal Programming

Danica Virlianda Marsha, Riyanarto Sarno, Kelly Rossa Sungkono
The emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic has caused several changes in healthcare services carried out by hospitals. Covid-19 has caused increasing waste generated from medical activities and operational service activities, in which the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) has been adjusted due to new regulations...

Preferred Language Learning Strategies Employment Based on Gender

Ika Wahyuni Lestari, Muhammad Ilham Azizi
Language Learning Strategies (LLSs) may be employed differently by male or female students to facilitate learning. Therefore, how LLSs may differ according to gender should be further investigated. This research aims to measure LLSs employed by students majoring in the English Department of a university...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Association Between Various Clinical Forms of Tuberculosis and SLC11A1 and IFNG Gene Polymorphisms in Individuals of Yakut Ethnicity

M.V. Egorova, L.I. Mordovskaya, T.M. Klimova, V.V. Gerasimova, A.R. Ermolaev
172 Yakut patients with confirmed tuberculosis (TB) were included to the study, exploring the possible association between polymorphisms in SLC11A1 and IFNG genes and various clinical forms of TB in patients of Yakut ethnicity. Distributions of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were analyzed in...

Phenomenology Study of Millennial Influencers in Herding the Digital Community

Joni Manumpak Parulian Gultom, Candra Gunawan Marisi, Didimus S B Prasetya, Go Heeng, Daniel Ginting
Technology is an integral part of today’s life. To give birth to a digital generation who are familiar with the digital world, where they can access the internet for up to 8 hours per day and 3 hours access social media. The digital native generation is young people who are familiar with the digital...

The Meaning of Masculine Subjectivity in Responding to the Impact of Climate Change

Dwi Wahyu Handayani
This paper is a theoretical study of the interpretation of masculinity as a subject that refers to the position of men and power in the context of responding to the impact of climate change. Climate change refers to the phenomenon of global warming that results in disasters for humans, including increasing...

The Role of Imuem Mukim in Advocating for the Prevention of Environmental Pollution in Aceh Jaya District

Mahdi Syahbandir, Dahlawi Dahlawi, Wais Alqarni, Munawwarah Munawwarah
Environmental damage in Aceh Jaya is still a problem for the community to this day. Some of the problems that occur are the behavior of littering, air waste from a company to flooding problems due to damaged water culverts. In preventing these problems, it is necessary to have the role of local indigenous...

Analysis Factor of Teacher Performance Mediated by Work Motivation on Productive Teachers in Vocational School

Santi Susanti, Sri Zulaihati, Francaisca Elizabeth Rustiarini, Hengki Mangiring Parulian Simarmata, Khairul Anwar, Widaryanti
The purpose of this study is to see how Work Discipline and Financial Compensation affect Teacher Performance, as mediated by Work Motivation, among DKI Jakarta’s productive business and management teachers. From May to June 2020, the research was carried out for two months. The survey method was employed...
Proceedings Article

Identification of Community Trust: A Case Study of the Covid-19 Vaccine Discovery Phenomenon

Nila Lestari, Nida Amalia, Ghozali Ghozali, Sri Sunarti, Kresna Febriyanto, Gandi Puad Pratama, Julia Tri Astuti, Erliga Nur Hikmah, Badrani Abbas Al-Fajri
People’s beliefs or beliefs are at the core of aspects of behavior, culture, norms, values and habits that influence a person’s perception and actions towards an object. Public trust in vaccines is an important issue that must be considered because a person’s lack of interest in vaccinating can lead...

Demographic Transition and Economic Challenges: A Descriptive Study of Economic Resilience

K. Kusnanto, Arthur Josias Simon Runturambi, Muhammad Syaroni Rofii
This research aims to examine the relationship between the demographic transition and the economic challenges a country faces, focusing on economic resilience. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach to analyze secondary data from various reliable sources, such as government reports, academic...

Research on University Cultural and Creative Product Design

Ying Wang
Each university has its own cultural and historical characteristics, which can be condensed into the material carrier of campus cultural and creative products. Nowadays, more and more universities begin to operate their own campus cultural and creative products, which have become an important channel...

Auditee's Perception Of The Implementation Of Internal Supervision At Bali State Polytechnic

Anak Agung Putri Suardani, Ida Bagus Anom Yasa, IMade Wijana
The purpose of the study was to analyze the auditee's perception of the implementation of internal supervisory unit (SPI) in terms of competence, independence, and management support at Bali State Polytechnic. The sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling with a total of 33 respondents...
Proceedings Article

Inhibitory Power of Moringa (Moringa oleifera) Seed Extract from Various Levels of Maturity on Eschericia coli bacteria

Rostiati Rahmatu, Moh. Nur Sangaji, Adehani, Rahmi, Nur Alam
This study aims to obtain the maturity level of certain Moringa seeds that can inhibit the development of E. coli bacteria. This study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of one factor with the treatment of the maturity level of moringa seeds namely K1 = young seed extract, K2 = medium...

Cultivating Young Learners’ Creativity Through Story Telling in Remote Learning

Betharia Sembiring Pandia
During COVID 19 pandemic, all teaching and learning process seem to be changed a lot in terms of teacher-student interaction, teaching method, assessment and so on. Despite of the changes, teachers are urged to manage themselves to cope with this situation. One of the most eseential thing is to find...
Proceedings Article

Vallecular CYST in Neonates: A Case Report

Raden Dimas Hardiana Putra, Raden Ayu Hardianti Saputri, Ongka Muhammad Saifuddin, Mohammad Adithya Prawiranata
Introduction Congenital valvular cysts are rare and can present with acute airway obstruction with wheezing as a chief complaint in neonates and young children. In absent of early detection and appropriate treatment, airway obstruction can cause severe morbidity and mortality. Symptoms...
Proceedings Article

Pre-Weaning Growth Performance and Body Condition Score of Ongole Crossbreed (PO) Cattle Based on Cows Parity

La Ode Nafiu, Takdir Saili, Muhammad Amrullah Pagala, Musram Abadi, Widhi Kurniawan, Rusli Badaruddin
This study aims to determine the growth performance of pre-weaning and Body Condition Score (BCS) of PO calves based on cows parity. This study was conducted 10 months in transmigration settlements, East Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province. A total of 38 PO calves from 38 cows were observed for...

The Protection of Children: An Examination Via The Pancasila Paradigm

Azriadi Azriadi, Hartiwiningsih Hartiwiningsih, Mohammad Jamin
This research argues that Pancasila’s integrity values should protect Indonesian youngsters. However, its implementation is not ideal in statehood, the legal system, or the community’s social life, especially in child protection, where its practice is increasingly distancing itself from the noble values...

Android-Based Mobile Learning Development on Fashion Pattern Construction Learning Materials

Musdalifah, Sitta Khotimatul Mutma’inah, Sita Nurmasitah
The development of Science and Technology (IPTEK) is growing rapidly in connection to the smartphone’s utilization as a learning medium among educators and students. Based on observations towards the Fashion Pattern Construction course at the Fashion Design Education Study Program Universitas Negeri...

The Impementation of Affective Assesment on Indonesian Language Learning based on the Students’ Character Education

Sukma Sukma, Juniati Juniati, Nirmayanti Nirmayanti, Andi Bismawati
Affective assessment is an educator’s activity to find out student behavior that can be seen during the learning process or even outside the learning process. The purpose of this study is to describe the planning, implementation, constraints, and efforts to overcome obstacles to affective assessment...

Analyzing the Stability of Young Teachers in Colleges and Universities from the Perspective of Psychological Needs

Xiaotang Liu, Ang Sheng
The teaching staff is the foundation of the development of universities, and the stability of the teaching staff is the guarantee for the development of universities. If universities want to have long-term development, they must attract and retain talents to the greatest extent possible. The article...

Narrowing Down the Secrets of the Internet - A Review of Privacy Leakages and Prevention Methods

Bojin Chen, Congjun Xu, Wenxiang Cai, Yuheng Xia
With the massive growth of Internet users, the demand for users to browse the web has also increased enormously. As a consequence of this, users leave a significant number of browser footprints online in addition to a significant amount of personal data. In addition, many third-party websites provide...

Psychodynamic psychotherapy's repair process

Yuanwei Li
Freud once described resistance in "The Dynamics of transference"[1], arguing that resistance comes with therapy. Every association and every behavior of the patient in therapy needs to be considered in the context of resistance, they also represent a compromise between the power of the self...

Education Values in Mask of Reyog Ponorogo Indonesia

Muhammad Lukman Syafii, Ghulam Asrofi Buntoro, Alip Sugianto
Mask reyog Ponorogo is fusion from various element like head tiger, bird peacock and other ornaments that have meaning and function each. However sadly Public many haven’t understand meaning and function that. For uncover meaning the used semiotic theory that studies signs language. Method in study this...

Cultivation of Innovative and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Maritime Talents

Gang Li, Jia Tang, Yuhan Liu, Mingxuan Li, Wenbo Li
With the promotion of a new round of global industrial revolution and the implementation of the strategy of making a strong country by sea and the “the belt and road initiative” initiative, the cultivation of innovative and entrepreneurial talents in navigation plays an important role in China’s shipping...

The Regional Competitiveness: Perspective on National Resilience

Fachrul Razi, Arthur Josias Simon, Abdul Rivai Ras, Iskandar Abdul Samad
A law of regional competitiveness has become important for a country. This issue is one of the eight important elements in national defense. This qualitative research applies focus group discussion and employ 21 participants to gather data. The result shows that the law that regulates the competitiveness...

Effect of Lifestyle and Finansial Literacy on Financial Behavior of Individuals with Level of Education as Moderating Variabels

Study on Productive Age Communities in Trenggalek Regency

Lina Hanifatul Azizah, Achmad Murdiono
Financial ability will be greatly influenced by a person’s financial behavior. In theory, whether or not a person’s financial health can be measured by how individuals can behave towards their finances. The factors that influence a person’s financial behavior are lifestyle and financial literacy. The...

The Design and Implementation of Digital Virtual Exhibition Platform for Arts and Crafts Design Based on 3D Web3D Technology

Linyu Li
In order to show the artistic beauty of arts and crafts design works more conveniently and comprehensively, this paper studies the digital virtual display platform of arts and crafts design based on Web3D technology. In this system, the sculpture model is established by 3dsmax, the scene is rendered...
Proceedings Article

Posyandu Revitalization in New Normal

Christina Pernatun Kismoyo, Istri Bartini
This study examines the description of the revitalization of the Posyandu program during the new normal period at the Padma I and II Posyandu in Gabusan Hamlet, Sewon, Bantul Regency. The purpose of this study is to find out the obstacles and solutions for the revitalization of posyandu during the new...

Collective Violence and Solidarity in External Student Organizations

Rahmah Fitriana, Sanggar Kanto, Anif Fatma Chawa, Siti Kholifah
Students are often caught in situations, so they are violent. Personal conflicts turn into group problems. Collective violence occurs in the name of group solidarity. This study investigates if there is a relationship between student unity and organizational principles supporting mass violence. Students...

Analysis of the Results of the Implementation of the Design and Drawing Teacher Program in Secondary Schools

Gotsbayar Radnaabazar, Otgontuya Siyaтov, Munkhbayar Chuluunbat
The countries of the world are focusing their education policies on the direction of shaping knowledgeable, creative, responsible, and lifelong learning skilled citizens who will participate in solving the common problems of humanity in the new century. Mongolia follows the same demands and aims to introduce...

In the Light of Cultural Studies, the Contest of Javanese Deli Cultural Identity vs. Local Culture

Leylia Khairani
Contestation is inextricably linked to “space” as an arena for squabbling over symbols that serve as markers of certain identities. And that identity can be associated with it in social groups. In some contexts, the expression of identity becomes a tool for someone as a member of a social group to realize...

Research on the Construction of Smart Logistics in Heilongjiang Province Under the Background of New Retail

Qinghua Shang
In the face of the rapid development of new retail, the development of smart logistics in Heilongjiang province lags behind. The analytic hierarchy process is used to find out the factors affecting the construction of smart logistics in Heilongjiang Province, and the entropy weight method is used to...

Overview of Work-Life Balance for Working Mothers Who Have Early Childhood During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Teresa Katarina Mariel Loidy, Penny Handayani
Working mothers have many challenges because there are risks that must be faced. Mothers who have multiple roles often feel sad and guilty, because they can’t accompany their children’s development process due to work. Early childhood is often considered unruly and problematic phase. Parents consider...
Proceedings Article

Heart Disease Prediction with Ensemble Learning Technique

R. Santosh, B. M. M. Tripathi, Arempula Sreenivasa Rao, Y. Satwik
Machine Learning (ML) is a field of science which is proven to be significantly effective and efficient in forecasting diseases and making predictions from analysing the enormous amounts of data produced by various healthcare industries. Several engineers across the world have developed ML algorithms...

The Use of South Korean Food Vlogger Video Content in the Development of Teaching Material of Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers (BIPA)

Angga Febriyatko, Ari Ambarwati, Koh Young Hun
The research focuses on the linguistic aspects of the videos, such as everyday language usage, slang vocabularies, phonetic differences between the Indonesian and Korean languages, and an understanding of Indonesia’s food cultures. Analysis shows South Korean food vlogger video content can significantly...
Proceedings Article

Design and application of a green computing cloud platform based on scalable orchestration

Manni Xiong, Chengming Wang, Hengjia Chang, Jiadong Song
With the gradual development and popularization of cloud computing technology, cloud computing has become an important support for government and enterprise information construction. However, traditional cloud computing platforms have problems such as low resource utilization and poor energy efficiency...
Proceedings Article

Bayesian Spatial Modelling of Stunting Cases in South Sulawesi Province: Influential Factors and Relative Risk

Aswi Aswi, Bobby Poerwanto, Sudarmin, Nurwan
Stunting remains a significant public health issue in Indonesia, and numerous research studies have been conducted to address this problem. In 2021, The Bayesian Spatial Conditional Autoregressive (CAR) Localized model was implemented across all 34 Indonesian provinces, revealing that approximately 56%...

The Impact of Bullying on the Confidence of Elementary School Students (Case Study in Elementary Schools in Sukabumi Regency)

Asma Azzahra, Ari Wahyuni, Siti Hartianti Pratini, Teofilus Ardian Hopeman, Sona Minasyan
Bullying is an act of bullying from one or more people caused by lustful impulses that whisper within themselves as if they are more significant and more powerful than other people who are considered weaker in a community with the aim of getting self-satisfaction by injuring, intimidating, and even harassing...

Impacts of the Spanish Flu and COVID-19 on Higher Education

Tong Zhu
The Spanish Flu and COVID-19 pandemics caused both positive and negative impacts on higher education. They caused the closure of higher education campuses and difficulties in several aspects like the difficulty of learning, financial difficulty, and so on. However, higher education’s response brought...
Proceedings Article

Shear creep characterization of artificially prepared site soils

Xiuyu Ge, Zaiqiang Hu, Cheng Jin, Xi Yang, Tingxi Yang, Yi Wang, Yuxuan Wei, Chaochao Liu
Site soils have been subjected to hundreds (thousands) of years of geologic action, and more and more problems related to deformation, strength, and stability have arisen. The creep properties and long-term strength properties of soil samples with a 90:10 ratio of loess to glutinous rice paste were analyzed...

Evaluation of Intelligent Level of Regional Manufacturing Industry Based on Entropy Weight-Partial Ordered Set Theory

Jiajing Zhang, Ning Cui, Jiaming Zhang
Aiming at the problem that the evaluation results are not robust and credibility is low due to the disputes over the weights of evaluation indexes in the existing intelligent evaluation of manufacturing industry, a regional intelligent manufacturing level evaluation model based on entropy weight and...

Personal Responsibility Analysis Based on Gender: Guidance and Counseling Implication

Irvan Budhi Handaka, Mamat Supriatna, Navy Glenda T, Agus Taufiq, Suciani Diki Herdiansyah
The issue of independence in learning has relevance in the individual’s achievement of personal responsibility. The individual’s ability to carry out responsibilities prospectively and retrospectively, as well as manage emotions and behavior. This research analyzes differences in personal responsibility...
Proceedings Article

rs841853 of SLC2A1 Gene Polymorphism and Dyslipidemia Among Javanese Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients

Yanuarita Tursinawati, Ari Yuniastuti
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is a chronic disease indicated by blood sugar level disorder and also influenced by genetic and environmental factors. Many diabetes patients experience dyslipidemia, which is known as diabetic dyslipidemia. In the latest research, SLC2A1 gene polymorphism is strongly...