Proceedings of the 2nd Tarumanagara International Conference on the Applications of Social Sciences and Humanities (TICASH 2020)

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182 articles
Proceedings Article

Digital Divide: A Critical Approach to Digital Literacy in ‘Making Indonesia 4.0’

Nadira Maurizka Kuputri
Aside from its facility, industrial revolution 4.0 brings a new issue to the block; the digital divide. This paper aims to find some antecedents of the digital divide and some solutions in Bourdieu’s digital sociology perspective that can maximize Indonesia’s potential human resources. Through the conducted...
Proceedings Article

Prospects of Law Enforcement of Acts of Elimination of Domestice Violence Reviewed From the Perspective of Law Sociology

Nomensen Sinamo, sabungan Sibarani
Violence in the home (domestic violence) in the provisions of law in Indonesia is a crime with the threat of criminal law as it results in pain and physical and mental suffering to the victim. In a broader dimension, acts of domestic violence are a serious violation of human dignity according to the...
Proceedings Article

The Urgency of Government Regulations in Substitute of Law About the Drone Usage Regulation

Yuwono Prianto, Paksi Yudha Sasmita, Agata A. Mourin
The development of drones, makes it very easy to obtain and important because it can be used for a variety of purposes ranging from positive to negative things. However, Indonesia constitution are not sufficient to overcome the problems that is caused by drone. Seeing the numerous problems that have...
Proceedings Article

Policies Adopted by the Government of Indonesia in the Prevention of Trafficking in Persons (Human Trafficking)

sabungan Sibarani
Human trafficking is a modern form of human slavery and is also one of the worst forms of human rights violations. How is the Indonesian government policy in terms of the prevention of crime of trafficking in people and what obstacles faced by the Indonesian government in the prevention of human trafficking...
Proceedings Article

Validity Test of Hypomania Checklist: Suicide Ideation as A Criterion

Felinda Stefika, Ediasri Toto Atmodiwirjo, P. Tommy, Y. S. Suyasa
This study aims to look at the construct validity of the Indonesian version of HCL-33, namely (1) factor loading per dimension and overview of HCL-33 Mean (positive response) in Bipolar Disorder participants and MDD participants. In addition, this study (2) wanted to see the reliability (Alpha Cronbach),...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Personality Trait and Quality of Work Life on Job Performance With Work Engagement as a Mediator

Study on PT X Indonesia Driver Partners

Dhindayanti Putri, Zamralita, Rita Markus Idulfilastri
Driver partners are drivers who form a cooperative bond based on agreement and mutual need in order to increase capacity and capability in online transportation services. As time goes by driver partners have various interests that are not in line with company policy. There is a possibility that something...
Proceedings Article

Development of Factor Structure for Passion Scale

Rita Markus Idulfilastri, Andri Setia Dharma
The Covid-19 pandemic is changing global human attitudes and behaviour. This condition can certainly have an impact on psychological measurement tools that have been widely used. One measuring tool that might be affected and needs attention is the passion scale. Passion scale is developed from the dualistic...
Proceedings Article

Using IPA Model for Ensuring Sustainable Development in the Rural Tourism Destination

MN Nuryasman, Kartika Nuringsih
The IPA is a useful model to analyze the level of importance and performance of various key factors from the point of view of consumers. It is used to overcome the problems in managing visitor satisfaction in the tourism villages at Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta. The study involves the seven dimensions with...
Proceedings Article

Juridical Analysis of the Design of Pancasila Ideology Direction

R. Rahaditya, Muhammad Rizqi Fadhlillah
Pancasila, which has become an ideology of the state, is currently facing a polemic with the Draft of the Pancasila Ideology (RUU HIP) proposed by members of the DPR. This polemic arose because the absence of TAP MPRS NUMBER 25 / MPRS / 1966 of 1966 concerning the Disbanding of the Indonesian Communist...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Perceived Security, Ease of Use and Perceived Usefulness on Intention to Use Towards Mobile Payment Services in Indonesia

Keni Keni, Hendry Tjoe, Nicholas Wilson, Edi Surya Negara
This study aims to understand the impact of perceived security, perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use on intention to use among Indonesians in the e-payment sector. This study implements survey method, in which a total of 106 respondents participated in this study. All data then were analyzed...
Proceedings Article

Individual Mortgagees as A Solution for Real Estate Property Developers

Benny Djaja
Not every people has the same willingness to make a full cash payment for a real estate purchase. Their financial capability to pay in cash and more aside, some people might decide that their reserved cash would better be allocated elsewhere to cover other needs, such as business financing or other investments....
Proceedings Article

Nuptial Agreement Following the Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number 69/PUU-XIII/2015

Benny Djaja
The most common form of nuptial agreement contains only the arrangement between a husband and a wife with regards to their marriage properties. In essence, however, a nuptial agreement could accommodate every terms agreed upon by the husband and wife concerned, without limitation to strictly matters...
Proceedings Article

Alternative Media as Counter-Hegemony: A Case study of and

Moehammad Gafar Yoedtadi, Muhammad Adi Pribadi
Alternative media have long been placed as media that provide space for marginalized groups from the mainstream media. When the mainstream media is controlled by an authoritarian political system, alternative media becomes an instrument of communication for opposition groups. Likewise, when the democratic...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Engaging Leadership on Work Engagement With Job Insecurity as Moderator Across Proximal Withdrawal States Situation

Della Ariani, Rostiana
Work engagement has an important role in employees’ performance. By having good engagement, employees will have enthusiasm, sense of pride, and positive feelings towards their works, hence it will bring positive implications for employees’ work performance, which can increase their productivity. In this...
Proceedings Article

Agency Conflict Control on Corporate Values in Companies With the Best GCG Period 2008-2014

Rita Amelinda, Ignatius Roni Setyawan
The study aims to analyze the effects of CGPI, free cash flow, leverage, managerial ownership, and asset turnover to the value of the firm. Sample consisted of 23 companies with the best GCG and listings on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) between 2008-2014. Thus obtained 161 observations for each...
Proceedings Article

Role of the Christian Women in the Minahasa Evangelical Christian Church to Guarding Harmony in Manado

Suzy Azeharie, Wulan Purnama Sari
North Sulawesi is a province where the religion of the majority of the population is Christianity and the second largest religion is Islam. Interaction with various nations has occurred for a long time ago, as a result the Minahasa community tends to have practiced the equality values of gender, racial,...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Implementing Criminal Sanctions in Mine Business Without Mining Permits in Belitung District

Tantowi Thomas, Ahmad Redi
Bangka Belitung Province was one of the biggest tin producers in Indonesia. According to Bangka Belitung Energy and Mineral Resource Agency, in 2018, Bangka Belitung Province produces 70.418 tons of tin. In Bangka Belitung Province, particularly in Belitung Regency, most of the tin was produced by the...
Proceedings Article

The Institutional Position of the Corruption Eradication Commission Based on the Constitutional Court Decision Number 36/PUU-XV/ 2017 in Terms of the State Institutional Structure

Ahmad Redi, Shintamy Nesyicha Syahril
Corruption Eradication Commission as an anti-corruption institution in Indonesia is a state institution that is independent in carrying out its duties and authority to eradicate corruption. But with the Constitutional Court Decision Number 36 / PUU-XV / 2017, the constitutional judge considers that the...
Proceedings Article

Analysis Utilization of Forest Area for Palm Oil Plantation for Companies That Do Not Have a Decision Letter for Disclosure of Forest Areas Viewed From Law Regulation (Case Study: PT Kharisma Riau Sentosa)

Ahmad Redi, Astrid Fahmadina
Indonesia is a state law (Rechstaat), that’s why the idea of law must be made commander in chief in the spirit of statehood. The government as a state operator has an important role in the utilization of forest areas for oil palm plantation companies, namely by conducting supervision and control of licensing...
Proceedings Article

Proof of Land Rights Ownership Over the Land Disputes in the Study of the Supreme Court’s Decision Number 57 PK / PDT / 2016

Benny Djaja, Mardani
Proof of land rights ownership for every Indonesian citizen is in the form of land certificates. The certificate is a proof of right consisting of a copy of the land book and a measurement letter determined by the National Land Agency with the aim of creating a strong means of proof with the provisions...
Proceedings Article

Responsibilities of Substitute Sale Deed Official in Deed Cancellation of Not Registered Land (Study of Supreme Court Decision Number 681 K / PDT / 2017)

Benny Djaja, Christian Wahyu Putra
Cancellation according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary is a process, method, act of canceling, invalidation statement. Derived from the word cancel which means invalid. The cancellation was carried out by LDO. LDO must be responsible for canceling sale deed. Sale deed cancellations performed must be...
Proceedings Article

Legal Consequences of Auction of Mortgage Right With Lower Limit Value Than the Value of Property Appraisal by the Appraisal Team (Study of Jakarta High Court Decision Number 516 / PDT / 2017 / PT.DKI)

Agnes Monica, Benny Djaja
Auction is a common thing by creditors if the debtor is a breach of contract. The creditor conducted the auction to get the repayment of the debt. The auction must be under the auction procedures in force in Indonesia. Each auction will have a different legal effect for each party. Thus, here will be...
Proceedings Article

The Economic Empowerment Model of Multicultural Society

Tri Purwani, Indah Arvianti
The diversity of skin colour, language, ethnicity, religion and culture in Indonesia should not create a conflict in society. Efforts to avoid horizontal collisions do not mean that a society is clear from multiculturalism of culture, religion, social life and free from friction among groups. Harmonization...
Proceedings Article

Juridical Analysis Article 181 Law Number 23 of 2007 Concerning Railways in Ancol Station Until Tanjung Priok Station in North Jakarta

Dwi Andayani Bs, Muhammad Rizqi Fadhlillah
Railways is an integrated system consisting of infrastructure, facilities and human resources, as well as norms, criteria, requirements and procedures for the operation of railroad transportation. The current mode of railway transportation is a necessity both for people who want to travel between provinces...
Proceedings Article

Hate Speech Cases in Cyber Media News Coverage

Eko Harry Susanto, Ahmad Junaidi, Farid Rusdi
Hate speech is bad communication act. It includes ethnicity, religion, race, intergroup differences. The hate speech case on cyber media news coverage emphasizes an effort to minimize the negative impact in order to maintain pluralism. This research used a mixture of qualitative and quantitative methods....
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Service Quality, Perceived Value on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty of Garuda Indonesia Airline Passengers

Felga Lopentus, Rezi Erdiansyah
This study aims to examine the effect and implications of Service Quality and Perceived Value on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty of Garuda Indonesia airline passengers. Data were obtained from 200 respondents using the non-probability sampling method and processed with the SmartPLS 3 program. The results...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Sales Promotion, Service Quality, Perceived Value on Repurchase (Case Study of Original Levis Store in Jakarta)

Handy Cipto, Rezi Erdiansyah
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of sales promotion, service quality, and perceived value on consumer repurchase at the Original Levis Store in Jakarta. The sample was selected using the non-probability sampling method with a total of 180 respondents who were users of products with...
Proceedings Article

The Application of ‘Revitalization’ in Interior Design of the Fine Arts and Ceramics Museum, Kota Tua, Jakarta for Millennials

Angelia, Noeratri Andanwerti, Ferdinand
Culture is a developed way of life which owned together by a group of people and bequeathed from generation to generation. The bequeathed form of culture becomes pride for Indonesia. In order to preserve that form of art culture, it is an obligation for government to maintain that form of art, such as...
Proceedings Article

Designing Wayfinding at Bundaran HI MRT Station, Jakarta

Clarissa Aurelia, Azis Tirtaatmadja, Augustina Ika Widyani
The MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) Station of the Bundaran HI might become a new landmark for the city of Jakarta, since the MRT completes the existing transportation modes in Jakarta. The speed of this mode of transportation represents the rapid growth of Jakarta in all fields. The size of the station which...
Proceedings Article

Attraction of Interactive Display at the Main Exhibition Hall of Jakarta Textile Museum

Travis Tandy, Azis Tirtaatmadja, Augustina Ika Widyani
The Museum has a large collection of textiles from all over Indonesia and looms for making textile motifs. Textile Museum has a significant contribution for society in educational, social, and cultural means. These days new museums have been following the era of the developments such as digital and dynamic...
Proceedings Article

Requirements of Terms in Views Sociology of Law

Joko Sriwidodo
Parole is a good method for giving prisoners freedom. Although in reality many opinions say that parole is an apology or government sympathy (executive clemency), aiming to speed up the time of release, even parole is considered as an attempt to please or give comfort to the perpetrators of crime (comfort...
Proceedings Article

Circular Economic Model to Improve Research Activities Efficiency and the Effectiveness of Indonesian Laws and Regulations Concerning Research

Toendjoeng Herning Sitabuana, Hazelya Tirza Djaja
Higher education institutions are supposed to assume huge roles within the framework of nation-building through its 3 (three) main activities, namely education, research, and community service. The progress, however, could be very slow when carried out as a single, isolated entity. The current laws and...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of the Vacancy of Vice-Regent to the Perfomance of Rokan Hulu Regional Government

Ahmad Redi, Tundjung Herning Sitabuana, Sugandi Ishak, Tatang Ruchimat, Michael
Indonesia as the state of law must reflect the nature of the rule of law itself. One most important thing to become a rule of law is distribution power. Indonesia doing the distribution with do a separation between Central Goverment and Regional Goverment. Regional goverment taking care of their own...
Proceedings Article

Communication Network in Reducing Uncertainty

Roswita Oktavianti, Riris Loisa
Individuals experience a condition of uncertainty when they are entering a new environment. In this study, the individuals will refer to freshmen or first-semester university students. When freshmen enter the university for the first time, they haven’t recognised each other, hence the condition of uncertainty...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Javanese Culture With Urban Style Design in the Interior Lobby of Alila Solo Hotel

Adi Ismanto, Fivanda, Hafidh Indrawan
Alila Solo Hotel is a 5-star hotel located in Laweyan, Solo, Central Java. The Hotel was designed by architect Budiman Hendropurnomo of Denton Corker Marshal. The basis of this research is how the implementation of Javanese culture combined with urban style design that became a tread mark of Alila Hotel....
Proceedings Article

Applied Study of Eco-Interior Concept in Lemongrass Restaurant, Bogor

Fivanda, Adi Ismanto
The application of eco-interior to buildings and interiors has become a phenomenon and is required by developing environmental issues. Most restaurants in Indonesia have developed the waste zero management environmental issue. Environmental issues sustainable need to applicable for the interior and building...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Dynamic and Fun Concept in Purwadhika Startup and Coding School Interior Design

Johanna Aprilia, Ika Yuni, Fivanda
School as educational institutions have an important role in the process student adaptation into a generation that is not left behind in facing technological developments. Purwadhika Startup and Coding School is a startup school concept for young people in the sector of digital technology. In this study...
Proceedings Article

The Application ‘Life of Grace’ Theme Concept in St. Peter & Paul Church Jakarta Interior Design

Vincent Liputra, Adi Ismanto, Silvia Meliana
The most appropriate means of building a means of worship. Catholicism is one of the most recognized religions in Indonesia with the third largest population. The church is a Christian building of worship that hosts spiritual activities for his congregation. Many people born as Catholicism do not compensate...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Land Use Area of Rawa Buntu Station TOD Using Matrix 5.A.1. ITDP Standard 3.0 and Minister of Agriculture and Spatial Planning Regulation Number 16/2017

Andi Rachmad Arief Ramdhani, Liong Ju Tjung
Transit-Oriented Development is a city development that integrates mass transportation modes, in its development is inseparable from the use of surrounding land that puts forward the concept of mixing and high density to form a compact city. Assimilation and high density in the TOD area may not be dominated...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Yogyakarta’s Philosophical Axis on City Spatial

Aurelia Wipranata, Liong Ju Tjung
The city of Yogyakarta is a cultural city on the island of Java that still has the character of the Islamic Mataram kingdom with this kingdom a city was formed with cultural influence and then the city of Yogyakarta. One form of culture that is owned by the city of Yogyakarta is the history of the Philosophical...
Proceedings Article

Applying Interactive Exhibition in Museum of Insects, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah Jakarta

Susan, Noeratri Andanwerti, Ferdinand
Nowadays, people have started to forget the importance of recreational place with knowledge value such as museum because the development of time and technology. One least visited museum is Museum of Insects. Indonesia is known as one of the countries which has tremendous varieties of insects. However,...
Proceedings Article

Social Media Instagram Addiction and Self-Esteem in High School Students

Respita Trias Ardiana, Raja Oloan Tumanggor
Social media is widely used among middle adolescents. For many middle adolescents, accesing social media has become a daily part of their normal life (Park and Lee, 2014). As a very popular social media throughout the world, instagram famous users are middle adolescents (Clement, 2019). Instagram has...
Proceedings Article

Semiotics of Seven-Colors Lodeh Vegetable

Doddy Salman
When the COVID-19 pandemic spread throughout Indonesia, an appeal was made for the community to cook Lodeh vegetables again. This appeal circulated through WhatsApp groups among the people of Yogyakarta. The appeal for cooking the Seven Colors Lodeh vegetable certainly has a connotative meaning that...
Proceedings Article

Application of the Public Space Model as a Medium of Conflict Reconciliation

Wulan Purnama Sari, Suzy Azeharie
Previous research has carried out to examine the use of public space as a medium of conflict reconciliation, on conflict cases in Ambon and Poso. Both places utilize existing public space to become a medium of reconciliation and a trigger for peace. Public spaces used include schools, markets, and coffee...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Between Self-Regulated Learning With Student Engagement in College Students Who Have Many Roles

Sherin Setiani, Erik Wijaya
This research examined the relationship between self-regulated learning with student engagement in college students who have many roles. In performing their roles, college student needs to do self-regulated learning as a strategy in order to keep having student engagement, so they can reach their academic...
Proceedings Article

Factors Affecting Income Smoothing

Wilbert Jonathan Holinata, Yanti
This study aims to empirically examine the effect of company size, profitability, debt ratio, audit committee, independent commissioner, and foreign ownership on income smoothing in manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2016-2018. The sample selection technique uses a...
Proceedings Article

Bridestory Marketing Communication (Quantitative Study Influence Brand Awareness on Consumer Interest Using Wedding Organizer)

Graceshiella Jeftannie, M. Gafar Yoedtadi
Human dependence towards the Internet in finding information provides ideas for business people to combine the use of communication and information technology with the business they run. An online wedding marketplace named Bridestory is one of the tangible pieces of evidence of this phenomenon, which...
Proceedings Article

Creativity Process of Naming the Coffee Menu as a Part of Marketing Communications

Billy Stephen Sawa, Nigar Pandrianto
Coffee is one of the easiest drinks found in various places in Indonesia. Nowadays, drinking coffee has become a culture inherent to most people. Bersama Disini coffee shop as the subject of research chosen because researchers see that the coffee shop has just stood up and already has a good rate of...
Proceedings Article

Starting Business Back After Pandemic Covid-19 in Legal Views in Indonesia

Sabungan Sibarani
Covid-19 has a big impact on the economy in Indonesia, including business people. After the end of the Covid-19 outbreak, the world will feel a profound change in various aspects, especially business. The application of digital technology is considered to be a thing that is obligatory to do. Various...
Proceedings Article

Multi Ethnicity” on Singkawang Cultural Center Interior Design

William, Hafidh Indrawan, Mariana
Culture is a result of lifestyle and becomes identity for certain group in a place, cultural diversity is asset for country and becomes identity from certain ethnic group and adds value from particular place. In Indonesia, there are 1.331 ethnic groups according to population census in 2010. Indonesia...
Proceedings Article

Planning for Gintung Tourism Area

Gintung Reservoir, Cirendeu, East Ciputat, South Tangerang

Annissa Fathimah Azzahra, Liong Ju Tjung, Sylvie Wirawati, I.G. Oka Sindhu Pribadi
Gintung Reservoir tourist area, is a tourism area which located in the Village Cirendeu, District East Ciputat, South Tangerang City. Famous cause its history in 2009, a natural disaster made the ± 21 Hectare tourism area continue to grow in accordance with the handling that is continuously updated every...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Chinese Oriental Ornaments and Decorations on the Wall of Li Feng Restaurant in Bandung

Fanny, Eddy Supriyatna Marizar, Maria Florencia
Li Feng Restaurant is a Chinese fine dining or known as a Tinghoa peranakan restaurant. Peranakan culture is an assimilation or mix of cultures between immigrants from China and Javanese, Dutch, English, Arabic, Indian, Malay, and Portuguese. However, Chinese Peranakan culture is now no longer known...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Acoustic Materials in The Auditorium of Daya Indonesia Performing Arts Academy (DIPAA) Music Institute

Indira, Eddy Supriyatna Marizar, Maria Florencia
Selection of good acoustic material is important in the design of the auditorium interior. The function of acoustic materials is to achieve perfect sound hearing conditions, which are pure, even, clear, and not buzzing. In application, sound acoustic material is divided into sound absorbers and sound...
Proceedings Article

Asia TV Web Public Relations Strategy In Building Brand Image

Case Study of Megakiss Esports

Vony Vitality, Sisca Aulia, Yugih Setyanto
Every human being has the drive to develop more. One of the needs developed is information technology. The sophistication of information technology has made it easier to access everything that can be seen through the internet. On the internet itself, there are social media that include YouTube. Web TV...
Proceedings Article

Cyber Media and Conflicts: How Journalists are Preventing Violence

Ahmad Junaidi, Eko Harry Susanto, Farid Rusdi
Cyber media is one of benchmarks in the current digital era as a result of the advance of information and communication technology. The media flood the public with diverse information fast and easy. However, the nature of the media creates challenges that could harm the public. The competition among...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Aquarium in Increasing Visitors Interactivity in Interior Design of Jakarta Aquarium

Eveliza Meylieyanda Hasim, Hafidh Indrawan, Mariana
Interactivity is a must paid attention factor when giving different attraction through public aquarium. Direct interaction between manager of aquarium and visitors when introducing information about current collections of animals is most likely ineffective. The phenomenon can be seen from changes of...
Proceedings Article

Contemporary Javanese Interior Design of Martha Tilaar Salon and Day Spa Puri Kembangan

Catharine Aditya, Aing. R. Nayadilaga, Maitri Widya Mutiara
Today’s lifestyles especially in middle and upper class urban society require people to carry out activities quickly, practically and technologically. Similarly, in the social environment, especially women, awareness of the importance of beauty began to develop. With so many alternative beauty service...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Emotional Intelligence as a Moderator Between Stress Conditions and Performance on Contractor Employees

Djauharoh Siti, P. Tommy, Y.S. Suyasa, Raja Oloan Tumanggor
Individual performance is a pattern of employee behavior and actions that is relevant to organizational goals. This study aims to analyze the role of emotional intelligence as a moderator between stress conditions and performance. Participants in this study were state-owned contractor employees. The...
Proceedings Article

The Perception of Generation Z towards Corporate Social Responsibility Plus Scholarship Program of PT. Djarum Indonesia

Melissa, Wulan Purnama Sari
The role of Public Relations in a company or organization id crucial in building a good relation with society. PT. Djarum Indonesia with their Corporate Social Responsibility Program demonstrates their concerns towards environment by holding some useful programs; one of the programs is Djarum Plus Scholarship...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Shopee Promotion Using Beautycam’s New Technology on the Lifestyle of Cosmetics Lovers

Yenni Fransiska, Diah Ayu Candraningrum
The Lifestyle of the people in Indonesia is now highly developed as technology develops. The presence of beauty cam features as a virtual tool for makeup testing is one of the latest innovations from the Shoppee application. Shoppee utilizes this feature for interactive makeup sessions for Shoppee users...
Proceedings Article

Ritual Communication of Obiyem on Tamil Hindu Ethnic in Medan City Indonesia

Ratna Sari Puspa, Suzy Azeharie
The Tamil Hindu ethnic community is spread across Indonesia, the majority live in Medan North Sumatra. Obiyem ritual is a religious activity believed by the Tamil Hindu ethnic community. The ritual has existed since the time of Bharatayudha and it is believed to eliminate bad karma for anyone who participates...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Profitability, Liquidity, Firm Size and Leverage on Cash Holding

Davidson, Rosmita Rasyid
The purpose of this research is to examine the influence of profitability, liquidity, firm size, dan leverage towards cash holding in manufacturing companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange in period of 2016-2018. The technique of sample selection is using purposive sampling method and the data source...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Electronic Word-of-Mouth on the Purchase Intention

Albhet Dyego, Roswita Oktavianti
Electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) is an informal communication among consumers through the technology of the internet. This kind of communication is one of the marketing methods to influence consumers’ behavior in purchasing goods and services. Meanwhile, purchase intention is a consumer’s desire for the...
Proceedings Article

Development of an Intervention Module on Increasing Tolerance for Adolescents

Raja Oloan Tumanggor, Heni Mularsih
This research develops an intervention module on increasing tolerance for adolescents. The aim is that this module can be used as a guide in training to help improve individual or group tolerance. The results of this study are in the form of an intervention module to improve the attitude of tolerance...
Proceedings Article

Forgiveness and Its Relation to Psychological Well-Being in Christians of Protestant Churches in Jakarta

Desiree Gracia, Pamela Hendra Heng
This study looks at the relationship between forgiveness and psychological well-being of Christians from protestant churches in Jakarta. Many individuals find it difficult to forgive offenders who hurt them, even though the tendency to forgive has been proven to have a positive effect on well-being [1]....
Proceedings Article

Viral Marketing Model Through Digital Content

Eric, Sinta Paramita
Viral Marketing is a marketing technique that rely on technological advancement like the internet in sending content to attract public interest. The selling process of Lupis Mbah Satinem is supported by viral marketing that caused by Netflix digital content called street food serial. As for the intention...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Job Resources and Personal Resources on Turnover Intention Trough Work Engagement as a Mediator on Operational Employee

Wivan Gustian Lee Candra, Zamralita, Rita Markus Idulfilastri
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat peran keterikatan kerja sebagai variabel mediator dalam pengaruh pada dukungan pekerjaan dan sumber daya pribadi terhadap intensi keluar kerja pada karyawan operasional. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan teknik nonprobability sampling...
Proceedings Article

Social Support and Students’ Academic Engagement

Priskilla Mulyadi, Zamralita, Kiky D.H. Saraswati
This study aims to investigate how academic engagement experienced by 307 students of University X is influenced by social support. Academic Engagement is a positive state of mind, fulfilment and feelings toward tasks related. characterized by three dimensions, namely vigor, dedication, and absorption....
Proceedings Article

Mandala Drawing for Reducing Test Anxiety in College Student

Chaterine Angellim, Monty P. Satiadarma, Untung Subroto
Test anxiety is a set of cognitive, physiological, and behavioral responses that are accompanied by concerns about the possible negative consequences of failure on the test or similar evaluative situations. High level of test anxiety can lead to negative impacts such as poor school performance, poor...
Proceedings Article

Relationship Between Self-Concept and Subjective Well-Being in Late Adolescent Social Media Users

Adinda Rasdanintia, Debora Basaria, Riana Sahrani
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between self-concept and subjective well-being in late teens social media users in Jakarta. The total participants of this research are 185 with an age range of 18-21 years old. This research used the Spearman Rho’s correlation as its data analysis...
Proceedings Article

Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) and Psychological Well-Being of Late Adolescents Using Social Media

Feilina Sutanto, Riana Sahrani, Debora Basaria
This study aims to determine the relationship of Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) with psychological well-being in late adolescents using social media. Participants in this study were 104 adolescents with characteristics aged 17-22 years. Data was collected from March to April 2020. The results of the data...
Proceedings Article

Social Media Utilization for Tourism Development

Sinta Paramita
Trend of social media utilization rises in Indonesia’s society, and it does not prevail for individuals but also institutions or organizations. A variety of institutions either the government or private companies, uses social media as their information media. Moreover, many sectors use social media and...
Proceedings Article

Creative Methods to Learn Pancasila

Kurnia Setiawan, Ninawati, Meiske Yunithree Suparman
One of the reasons why the understanding of Pancasila is decreasing nowadays is the learning methods that are less attractive to students at school. Therefore this research is focused on finding a variety of creative methods in teaching Pancasila in schools, especially for elementary school students....
Proceedings Article

User Experience/User Interface Design; Raja Ampat Dive Resort Website

Sherly Lourensia, Kurnia Setiawan, Ari Dina Krestiawan
Information media in the form of a website as a promotional tool is very important and very helpful in marketing a service or a product on the internet. A good website is a website with an aesthetic and usability level so that it is harmonious and responsive and has a suitable user interface (not excessive)....
Proceedings Article

Creative Innovation; Designing Home Safety Boardgame for Children

Salma Diah Khalilah Putri, Kurnia Setiawan, Ari Dina Krestiawan
The home environment is a major cause of accidents in children, while the development of the home safety concept in Indonesia is not as popular as abroad. Safe Kids Indonesia (SKI) is a non-profit institution that focused on family and child safety topics. After successfully launching a book on the theme...
Proceedings Article

Ny Nina’s Bakery Visual Identity Redesign in Tasikmalaya

Melinda Theresia Witanto, Kurnia Setiawan, Ari Dina Krestiawan
Indonesian traditional cakes are liked by many because of its affordable price, delicious taste, and easy to get. One of the traditional cake shops in the city of Tasikmalaya is Ny Nina’s Bakery, founded by Mrs. Ninawati and Mr. Benyamin since 1999. As times goes by, Ny Nina’s cakes became increasingly...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Gratitude Group Program to Increase Quality of Life Among Indonesian Elderly in Residential Home X Jakarta

Hanna Hadipranoto, Heryanti Satyadi, Rostiana
The aim of this study is to determine the impact of gratitude group program on enhancing the quality of life of the elderly living in residential home. Living in residential home can make the elderly feel alianated and limited in doing activities related to their family members or friends. What they...
Proceedings Article

Parenting Self-Efficacy Among Full-Time Working Mothers in Jabodetabek

Irene Apriani, Widya Risnawaty
In families, mothers play a role in doing household chores and taking care of the child. However, there are some mothers who choose to work for several reasons. As a working mother, there are some positive impacts such as improving family incomes, increases psychological well-being, and tend to adopt...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Job Resources on Work Engagement of Retail Salespeople in DKI Jakarta

Caitlin Anindya Atmawidjaja, Zamralita, Rita Markus Idulfilastri
Employees are company assets. Employees need to be given comfort and security so that employees can feel bound while working. The impact of work engagement can be seen from the increase in job satisfaction, performance, and productivity. According to Baldauf and Cravens (2002), salespeople contribute...
Proceedings Article

The Chinese Ethnic Culture Orientation and Discrimintation Experience

Ninawati, Kurnia Setiawan, Meiske Yunithree Suparman
The experience of discrimination was received continuously by the Chinese ethnic in Indonesia. This issue has never been solved even today. The experience of ethnic Chinese discrimination is an unequal treatment based on ethnicity, related to personal, social and citizenship matters. The study was conducted...
Proceedings Article

Investigation of Grit and Self Regulation in Learning and Their Role on Academic Achievement of Medical Students in Jakarta

Angela, Sri Tiatri, Meylisa Permata Sari
Researchers investigated the role of grit and self-regulation in learning on academic achievements of medical students. Participants were 205 medical students, have completed the questionnaire including the Grit Shot Scale (Duckworth & Quinn, 2009), seven indicators of self-regulation in learning...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Between Fear of Failure and Student Academic Achievement With Procrastination as Mediating Variable

Brilliant Sanny Anoita, Sri Tiatri, Meylisa Permata Sari
Academic achievement is the result obtained after studying for a certain period. For undergraduate students, GPA (Grade Point Average) is the result obtained by students while studying in college. During the study process, there are several aspects that can influence it. This study aims to find out whether...
Proceedings Article

The Work Passion Effect on PT. XYZ’s Employees Performance in Jakarta

Felicia Srijaya, Zamralita, dan Debora Basaria
The decreasing level of employee performance will have an impact on his work. the level of employee performance in the company can be seen from the level of performance indicators that have been set by the company in recent years. The aim of this study is to understand the concept of work passion and...
Proceedings Article

Sexual Harassment in Adolescent

Kezia Mallista, Naomi Soetikno, Widya Risnawaty
Adolescence is a transitional period from childhood to adulthood which is marked by changes in physical, cognitive, and psychosocial aspects. At this stage of development, adolescents often experience psychological problems such as eating disorders, anxiety, or even depression, and so forth. Various...
Proceedings Article

Politics and Young Chinese-Indonesian Women: Socio-Psychological Determinants of Their Political Participation

Bonar Hutapea, Fransisca Iriani Roesmala Dewi
Despite the fruitful of research have been undertaken on political participation and civil engagement among women, there is less understanding of how Chinese-Indonesian women participating in politics. This study therefore aimed at providing a causal explanation of their participation through the analysis...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Job Insecurity and Organizational Commitment to Turnover Intention on Startup Employee

Ranisya Fitta, Fransisca I.R Dewi, Rita Markus Idulfilastri
X Company is a startup company engaged in financial technology, experiencing an increased in the number of turnover. Turnover has a negative impact on the company. When the number of turnover at the company increases, the company must pay more for the process of recruiting and training new employees...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Brand Images on Customer Loyalty (Study of University Students Using Applications)

Daisy Carissa, Riris Loisa
The internet is not only used for work and education but is also getting closer to daily needs. This caused a change in the use of smartphones that only used phone calls and sending messages but was now used for practicality through Online- based applications. is an Online ticket purchase application....
Proceedings Article

The Use of Social Media by Urban Adolescents in Java: Descriptive Study

Pamela Hendra Heng, Rahmah Hastuti, Naomi Soetikno
The use of social media has become inseparable in daily life, as is the case for adolescents specifically in urban areas. Therefore, this research is planned to be carried out in the context of teenage students, especially in Jakarta as an urban area. Adolescents who are the subjects in this study complete...
Proceedings Article

Psychological Well-Being: The Impact of Work-Life Balance and Work Pressure

Kiky D.H. Saraswati, Daniel Lie
It has been well-known that employees who experience positive emotion at work demonstrate better work performance. This individual performance will lead to the organizational productivity. Therefore, it is important for any organization to ensure the employee’s psychological well-being (PWB) by promoting...
Proceedings Article

Descriptive Study of Adolescent Depression in Covid-19 Pandemic

Naomi Soetikno
Covid-19 virus is a respiratory disease that can spread from person to person. The impact of the existence of the Covid-19 pandemic in various sectors of social life. Another impact with the physical distance between one person and another is that many office agencies and schools have closed their activities...
Proceedings Article

Descriptive Study of the Family Functioning in Adolescent Victims of Bullying

Indira Mustika Tandiono, Naomi Soetikno, Fransisca Iriana Roesmala Dewi
Adolescence is a period to be able to adapt and solve the problems at hand. Bullying is one of the problems of adolescents that have an impact on suicide ideation. Adolescence who have suicide ideation is affected by factors such as the role of the family. Family functioning is a key factor in each individual’s...
Proceedings Article

Bullying in Adolescents

Rini Purnamasari Yanwar, Naomi Soetikno, Samsunuwiyati Mar’at
Adolescence is a transitional period of development between childhood and adulthood, which involves changes in self entering adulthood. Which is marked by major changes in physical, cognitive, and psychosocial aspects. Many adolescences experienced psychological problems, such as anxieties, social challenges,...
Proceedings Article

School Well-Being With Student Learning Motivation in Active Students in Extracurricular Activities at X Senior High Schools in North Jakarta Region

Angelina Melania Maria, Niken Widi Astuti
School well-being is a model based on well-being developed by Allardt (Konu & Rimpelä, 2002). Learning motivation prioritizes cognitive responses, where students tend to achieve meaningful and beneficial academic activities and try to benefit from these activities (Brophy, 2010). Learning motivation...
Proceedings Article

The Correlation Between Self-Esteem and Body Image: A Study on Female Adolescent Instagram Users

Maurell Audrey, Monty Satyadarma, Untung Subroto
The overall affective evaluation of one’s own worth, value, or importance, as known as Self-esteem (Blascovich & Tomaka, 1991), is constructed by various aspects of self-evaluation, and physical appearance is one of these aspects. Individual body image, how a person perceives his or her body and...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Philosophical Meanings of Dragon Ornaments in the Interior Design of Tay Kak Sie Temple in Semarang

Monica Jocelyna, Ika Yuni, Fivanda
Temple is a place to carry out worship services for adherents of the teachings or religion of Confucius, Taoism, and Buddhism. Tay Kak Sie Temple is an old temple that was founded in 1746 in the Chinatown area of Semarang. This temple has become one of the religious tourism objects in the city of Semarang...
Proceedings Article

Strategy of Coping Stress by Novice Mobile Brigade Officers in Conflict Areas

Noviera Djasmine Chairunnisa, Monty P. Satiadarma, Untung Subroto
Having duty under the control operation (BKO) in conflict areas are operations carried out by Brimob personnel to secure conflict situations, protect citizens from terrorist threats and carry out humanitarian operations. This duty can be a stress trigger for the personnel, however this can be overcome...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Entrepreneurial Education, and Family Background on Entrepreneurship Intention with Self-efficacy as a Mediating Variable in Final Year Undergraduate Students in Jakarta

Margaretha Titania Gunarso, Frangky Selamat
This study aims to examine the predictive ability of entrepreneurship education and family backgrounds on entrepreneurship intention through self-efficacy. Data was collected with the questionnaire and analyzed with SEM-PLS in order to know the predictive and mediation ability of each observed variables....
Proceedings Article

Utilization of Instagram Social Media Premiere Wedding Organizer In Promoting Activities

William Khosasi, Septia Winduwati
The development of technology and the internet gave birth to social media, which today, almost everyone uses it as a medium in obtaining information, socializing, communicating, and doing business. At first, the Premiere Wedding Organizer sold conventionally, but sales did not increase, then the Premiere...
Proceedings Article

Differences Between Attitudes Towards Marriage Among Young Adults With Divorced and Non-Divorced Parents

Brigida Febby Cahaya, Meiske Yunithree Suparman, Jessica Chandika
Parental divorce has a various impact for each individuals, especially in young adulthood. Young adults with divorced parents are reported to be having an intimacy and relationship problems, one of them is their attitudes toward marriage. This study is aimed to compare attitudes toward marriage among...
Proceedings Article

Relationship Between Self-Control and Youth Risk Behavior in Teenagers

Stella Wijaya, Meiske Yunithree Suparman, Jessica Chandhika
The purpose of this study is to find out whether there is a correlation between self-control and youth risk behavior. The hypothesis proposed is that there is a negative and significant correlation between self-control and youth risk behavior. The subjects in this study were teenagers with age ranging...