Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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81396 articles
Proceedings Article

Research on Financial Support Game New Urbanization Process in China

Xiaohong Dong
Theoretical and game analysis of the new urbanization of financial support. Propose solutions to the problem of rural financial conflicts financing needs of both supply and demand, improve rural financial market stage presence financial suppression. Game analysis of the process of urbanization problems...
Proceedings Article

The Transformation of the MPAcc Talent Cultivation Model in Colleges Based on the Financial Shared Environment

Jun Dai, Mengting Yu
The MPAcc education reform needs to be based on the developing trend of the accounting industry. Exerting the advantages of standardization, process and intelligence, nowadays the financial shared service is leading the revolution of the accounting industry by the modem information technology. This paper...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Using English Videos on Vocabulary Achievement at the Fifth Grade of Elementary School 10 Poasia

Ni Nyoman Ayu Novayanti, Meilan Nirmala Shinta, Mr Mursalim, Amir Jaya
Vocabulary is often regarded as the foundation of four main skills of English; listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It is important to look for the ways how teaching vocabulary can be effective and integrated into those skills. This study aims at finding out the effect of using English videos on...
Proceedings Article

The Construction of University's Smart Library

Haibo Zhang, Peifa Lin, Xiaoyan Li
Due to the limitation of objective conditions, some university libraries can hardly change their “physical conditions” such as library buildings. In order to improve service quality, it is an effective method to use information technology to build “virtual conditions” of libraries. As an important content...
Proceedings Article

A Comparison Study of The Registration System of Trademarks in Indonesia and Australia

Agung Sujatmiko, Ria Setyawati
Trade Mark as a part of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) has very important function in goods trade, especially for products with famous trade mark. The famous trade mark has high economic value if it is compares to others products. On the other side, it is also fragile to falsification which done...
Proceedings Article

Professional Legal Ethic in Australia

Reid Mortensen
This paper is a short account of the deep moral structures of Australian legal professions. In attempting to understand how the ethics of any legal profession compare with those of other countries’ professions, the social, political and historical foundations of the profession help to explain the moral...
Proceedings Article

Learning Style Preferences of College Student

Arda Purnama Putra, Sutansi Sutansi, Achmad Badawi
Research on preferential learning styles has long been carried out since 1981. Several studies reveal that learning styles can affect one's learning outcomes. However, there are several studies which reveal that learning styles do not affect one's learning outcomes. This difference is interesting to...
Proceedings Article

Descriptive Study of Efforts Integrates Character Values to Students

Sultoni Sultoni, Imam Gunawan, Sari Oktavia Ningsih
The purpose of this research is to describe the level of internalization of student character values. The approach used in this research is to use a quantitative approach. The sample was 46 students. Sampling technique in this research is quota random sampling. Closed questionnaire is a research instrument...
Proceedings Article

3. Filtering and Fact-checking as the Antidote to ‘Fake News’

Eric Loo
In this modern era, journalist also plays an important role as the one who will decide how an information will be delivered to public. Especially with the development of technology recently, people tend to use the easiest online news platform (whether it is reliable one or not) as their sources and unreliable...
Proceedings Article

Word-list-based EAP Vocabulary Teaching to Science Students in China

Yu-Yan Du, Zong-Rong Wang, Pi-Yi Du
Since EAP (English for Academic Purposes) teaching is being paid greater attention to in China, a trend appears that EAP courses are becoming the mainstream university EFL (English as a Foreign Language) courses. This paper looks into science-specific college students in China in the pedagogical EAP...
Proceedings Article

TBI in ESP class: the Advantages and Limitations

Ivonne Susan
English for general purposes (EGP) could not suit in all work field, community realize that English for specific purposes (ESP) is needed. As we know that ESP course is aimed to prepare the learners to execute specific task or set of tasks. Unfortunately, a research revealed that there was some problems...
Proceedings Article

On the importance of stage performance in vocal music performance

Lei Ning
Vocal music cannot be separated from the performance of the stage, and the stage performing arts must be accompanied by national vocal music. The two promote each other and influence each other. The charm of the stage show is that it can make the theme of unwritten music art more vivid, so that the vocal...
Proceedings Article

From Need Analysis to ELT Study Program Learning Outcome Development: Meeting the Standards of the ASEAN University Network Quality Assurance (AUN-QA)

Refnaldi REFNALDI, Fitrawati FITRAWATI, Aryuliva ADNAN
Learning outcome, within the context of higher education, is the most important element in the curriculum of a study program because all courses, learning activities, and assessment methods should be alligned with the learning outcomes. This study reports a research on mapping the program learning outcomes...
Proceedings Article

Vlog: the Mean to Improve Students' Speaking Ability

Izzah Maulidah
Technology and social media are great combination for English learning process since they provide a chance to improve students' ability in English. A lot of media can be used to facilitate it and one of them is vlog. It is the mean to increase students' speaking ability. This paper is aimed at exploring...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Between Ranau Krui and Retta

Darsita Suparno
This research examines the historical relationship between Ranau, Krui and Retta languages. As they are all members of the Austronesian language family, those languages have similarities and differences in their lexical or phonological features. The aims of this study are: (1) to describe synchronically...
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness of Harmony in Differences: increasing in universal difference orientation, sensitivity intercultural, thinking flexibility and prejudice.

Meutia Nauly, Ridhoi Meilona Purba, Rahma Fauzia
This research has been started by testing the values of important batak culture and supporting variables of cultural learning process such as opennes, and cognitive flexibility towards increasing intercultural sensitivity among Batak students (Batak Toba, Batak Mandailing, Batak Karo, and Batak Simalungun...
Proceedings Article

An Empirical Research on the Development Level of the Agricultural Products Logistics in the Region of Sichuan Province

Haoxiong Hong,, Chong Wang
Sichuan province is a big province of agricultural products logistics in China. Different population, economy and culture in different cities and states have the own characteristics, forming different agricultural logistics development capabilities. Combined with the principal component analysis, this...
Proceedings Article

Recruitment of Tenant Entrepreneurship Development Program in Politeknik Negeri Batam

Shinta Wahyu Hati, Rahmat Hidayat, Ely Kartikaningdyah, Hendra Gunawan
The Entrepreneurship Development Program at the Batam State Polytechnic is a national competition grant from the Ministry of Research and Technology. The implementation of the entrepreneurship development program is the second year. Tenans in the entrepreneurship development program are students and...
Proceedings Article

Development of Scientific Learning Model Based on Multiliteracies in 2013 Basic School Curriculum

Lilik Bintartik, Esti Untari, Yuniawatika
This study aims to develop a multiliteracies based scientific learning model by designing learning and testing syntax draft model. Research used development methods by Borg and Gall but was modified because of time constraints includes major steps: (1) do a needs analysis; (2) develop initial products;...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Modern Hair Bun Styling Handout to Improve the Learning Outcome of Students in Hair Beauty Department of a Vocational High School

Marwiyah, Trisnani Widowati, Delta Apriyani, Nadia Ika Maharani
The handout gives students guidance on how to learn something. However, SMK Negeri 1 Salatiga, particularly from the Department of Beauty, does not provide the handout for the students. The researchers arranged the handout for modern hair bun styling to ease the students for independent learning. This...
Proceedings Article

The Influences of Principal’s Supervision, Teacher’s Empowerment, Achievement Motivation on Teacher’s Organizational Commitment at the Junior High School

Sri Lia Hartati, Sukarman Purba
The study Aimed to analyze the influence of: Principal’s Supervision on Achievement Motivation, Teacher’s Empowerment on Achievement Motivation, Principal’s Supervision on Teacher’s Organizational Commitment, Teacher’s Empowerment on Teacher’s Organizational Commitment and Achievement Motivation on Teacher’s...
Proceedings Article

Dimensions of Early Childhood Character Education in Facing Industry Revolution 4.0

Harun, Sudaryanti, Amat Jaedun, Abdul Manaf
This study aims to determine the dimensions of the character of early childhood relationships with oneself, in an effort to face the challenges of industrial revolution 4.0. Research locations in the area of Central Java Province, specifically Ex Kedu Residency. The research subjects were 489 children...
Proceedings Article

Application of Neural Network in Image Detection of Illegal Billboards

Xue-Hong Jiang, Hui-Li Feng, Yi-Jie Dong
In recent years, urban management is gradually developing towards informationization. There are corresponding processing mechanisms for illegal billboards and illegal parking in urban management, but the method of detecting illegal billboards based on machine vision is still under study. At present,...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Civic Education Scientific Literacy on Improving the Students’ Quality of Scientific Work in Higher Education

Aim Abdulkarim, Diana Noor Anggraini
The background of research by the amount of research produced by students is not balanced with good quality research measurement. Research topics in students’ scientific work are often repetitive and even have so much similarity values between one another. Even the topic is already looking obsolete and...
Proceedings Article

Heat Hydration of Recycled Concrete: Experimental Study

Suharwanto Suharwanto
The experimental study has been done to get data of heat hydration. It important to know the temperature in the concrete during hydration reaction and forming a gel condition of silica reaction with water. Eighteen concrete specimens of cubes have been tested for many dimensions, those are cube 25cm,...
Proceedings Article

Move Structure Analysis on Research Article Abstracts in National and International SCOPUS Indexed Journals

Ellis Tamela
Research Article (RA) abstract in journals has been a popular topic of study in recent years. Several studies compared abstracts from various areas and journals (Abarghooeinezhad & Simin, 2015; Darabad, 2016; Saeeaw & Tangkiengsirisin, 2014; Tseng, 2011; Zamin & Hasan, 2018; Zhou & Liao,...
Proceedings Article

The Comparative Study of Teachers as Reform Leaders in Middle School Between Hong Kong and Mainland

Jiayi Lin
This proposal compares and analyzes the development trends of middle school teacher education reforms in the Mainland and Hong Kong. The common problems and countermeasures in the reform of teacher education in the two places under the new situation are explored. In the development prospects of the new...
Proceedings Article

Smart Education in Mathematics Learning for Elementary School

Rida Fironika Kusumadewi, Sari Yustiana, Sita Ayu Wijayaningrum
Understanding on concept is required for learners in Elementary schools. It takes a role as a support system needed in learning process for students and was called as smart education. It is hoped that students would more easily absorb the material received so that it would be easier to work on the problems...
Proceedings Article

Verdict Examination of Dishonorable Discharge as PNS Due to Criminal Act of the Office in State Administrative Court

Fauzi Syam, Helmi Helmi, Fitria Fitria
Dishonorable discharge as Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) who perform criminal act of the office according to court with permanent legal force’s decision, had once again become a national issue of law during the entire year of 2018. The resolution of aforementioned issue has involved many relevant institutions...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Teaching of Configuration Design in Engineering Graphics

Chaoyong Guo, Zhizun Li, Jing Wang
In engineering design, as the main media to define, express and convey product information in conception, design, and manufacture, engineering graphics play an extremely important role in technical and management work. Following the basic requirements of engineering graphics course teaching, configuration...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Motor Skills on the Elementary School Students’ Physical Fitness

Mahardynata Fahmi, Wilda Wellis
The problem of the study was about the lack of physical fitness of elementary school students. This study was revealed to identify the effect of motor skills on elementary school students’ physical fitness. The research method was quantitative by using the path analysis approach. The population of the...
Proceedings Article

Research on College English Online Teaching During Covid-19 Outbreak

Si Li
With the outbreak of Coronavirus Pneumonia China and even the world are stepping into the Online Teaching era, which altered traditional classroom teaching. This paper analyzes the opportunities and challenges that online teaching is faced with and explores the path and experiences of college English...
Proceedings Article

Human Integrity as Modern Socio-Philosophical Problem

Irina Ponizovkina, Elena Agibalova
The article addresses the subject of human integrity being one of the central problems of philosophy. In the modern era of postmodernity, informatization and digitalization, the problem of human integrity – fragmented personality, the mosaic structure of consciousness, the atomic nature of existence,...
Proceedings Article

Primary Text Distortions in Modern Archeographic Publications in Art History: Evidence From Articles by Mikhail Gnesin

Sergey Anikienko
Numerous recent publications of materials from Mikhail Gnesin’s journalistic legacy that date back to the 1910s reveal a new page in creative activities by this outstanding musician. At the same time, annoying errors and misprints in archeographic publications (note that it applies to materials published...
Proceedings Article

Wooden Architecture of Central Russia: A New Discovery

Andrei Bode
There are few pieces of wooden architecture heritage remaining in Central Russia today, but in the past wooden construction flourished there and had a rich tradition. Recent research of Moscow Oblast wooden architecture reveals an almost unstudied field in the history of architecture. Wooden churches...
Proceedings Article

Multicultural Education in the Globalization Era: Challenges and Expectations

Apeles Lexi Lonto, Ruth Sriana Umbase
The challenges faced in organizing multicultural education in Indonesia in the current era of globalization are very complex, interrelational and interdependent. Practically whether the concepts and approaches that have been applied in educational units or institutions are still relevant to an increasingly...
Proceedings Article

New Developments in the Labor Market Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

O.B. Digilina, I.B. Teslenko, N.V. Abdullaev
In the article, the authors aim to analyze the prospects and problems of the labor market caused by the epidemic. The authors emphasize that the pandemic has a great impact not only on production processes and on human economic life, but also significantly changes the structure of the labor market and...
Proceedings Article

On the Efficiency of China’s Semiconductor Industry Based on the Meta-frontier DEA

Chiencheng Lin, Gwohau Ding
Due to the Sino US trade war in recent years, the semiconductor industry in mainland China has faced strong international competition. The industry has been taking actively strategic transformation and upgrading technical level and the government policy has also greatly supported and assisted. Since...
Proceedings Article

Islamic Politics and Local Electoral Support in an Urban Setting

The Case of the Prosperous Justice Party

Andi Rahman Alamsyah
In this article, the author seeks to explain the relationship between the types of urban areas in Java and the patterns of electoral support for the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) in these areas in the local parliamentary elections in 2014 and 2019. The data in this article were obtained through three...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Blended Learning as the Alternative of Learning Process in Pragmatics Class at English Department Universitas Andalas

Ike Revita, Dhiant Asri
Blended-learning is a learning strategy in which the class activities are carried out by combining technology-based learning and information that is done online with classroom-based or face-to-face learning. Traditionally, the learning process is done in the classroom, even in the era of 4.0 where every...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Project Based Learning Model to Improve the Quality of Visual Communication Design Learning Through the Collaborative Program of Design Development and Branding Tourist Destinations in Kuningan Regency of West Java Province

Nanang Ganda Prawira, Arief Johari, Aditya Aditama Putri Hikmatyar
This study aims to develop a visual promotion design and branding of tourist destinations in Kuningan Regency. In implementation, the Study Program has integrated into the implementation of the 2018 Curriculum. All relevant courses are directed contextually, thematically, and integratively (Permendikbud...
Proceedings Article

Learning Effectiveness of Equilibrium Concept of Objects Through the Walking Stability Bipedal Robots

Afrizal Mayub, Fahmizal
This research aims to; (1) Producing a Physics Learning Program Package Based on Center Feedback Simulation Push Bipedal Robot Stability Controller, (2) Describing the effectiveness of Physics Learning using a Physics Learning Program Based on Center Feedback Simulation Simulated Walking Bipedal Robot...
Proceedings Article

The Challenges That Indonesian Students Faced in Academic Writing: A Cross-Disciplinary Study of Academic Literacies

Muflihun, Citra Prasiska Puspita Tohamba
This study primarily aimed at investigating academic writing challenges that Indonesian postgraduate students faced at The Queen’s University of Belfast enrolling at academic year 2017/2018 across disciplines. Further, designed under descriptive qualitative study, twice narrative interviews conducted...
Proceedings Article

K.H. Ahmad Hanafiah and His Intellectual Networks With Other Muslim Scholars in the Malay Islamic World

Wan Jamaluddin, Zughrofiyatun Najah, Imam Nafiudin
KH. Ahmad Hanafiah is recorded as one of the Indonesian Sufi martyrs during the war against the Dutch colonial army, in what is now the province of Lampung, Sumatera, in 1947. Yet, his role as a prominent ulama and Islamic thinker in Lampung is not widely known due to the scarcity of research and publication...
Proceedings Article

Flashbacks of Guidance and Counseling Services in Indonesia

Mellyn Yulia Ine Adesti, Nur Hidayah, Diniy Hidayatur Rahman
In this study aims to: (1) find out what the history of guidance counseling; (2) know how the history of counseling guidance; (3) find out how the development of counseling guidance in Indonesia; and (4) know the problems that exist in counseling guidance in Indonesia. This research uses the literacy...
Proceedings Article

Honest Character Based on Minangkabau Culture in Education

Jusmawati, Rusdinal, Eri Barlian
This research examines and reveals the honest character based on Minangkabau culture in education. Minangkabau has a philosophy of life that adheres to customs and religion, as expressed in the customary expression “Adat basandi syarak, syarak basandi Kitabullah, syarak mangato adat mamakai, alam takambang...
Proceedings Article

Self-Introspection in Teaching Students with Virtual Learning in COVID-19 Pandemic

A Qualitative Finding

Bagus Hary Prakoso, Zulmi Ramdani, Bilqisthi Rahmah
Pandemic COVID-19 has changed the learning process to become virtual. One consequence of these changes is related to online learning methods and schemes which in fact experience various technical and substantive constraints. The case study research design was carried out to strengthen the hypothesis...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Influence of Information Technology Application on Education

Dan Li, Dong Wang
Technology and education are the two engines to promote the development and progress of human history. Technology is the core force to promote economic and social development, and education is the engine of human capital. Information technology is the key technology of the third industrial revolution....
Proceedings Article

An analysis of Disney’s Cross-Cultural Communication

Taking Mulan Live-Action Film and Disney Theme Park in Hong Kong and Shanghai as Examples

Jiarong zhang
In the globalized and Internet era, the outstanding performance of entertainment giant Disney in the global market cannot be separated from its successful concept of cross-cultural communication. China has gradually become the largest overseas market for Disney. Based on cross-cultural communication...
Proceedings Article

Good Public Communications Are Key to the Success of Disaster Mitigation

Increasing Community Literation of Disaster Mitigation by Government Public Agency in Padang City

Rahmadhona Fitri Helmi, Nila Wahyuni, Yuliarti
Padang city is located in a disaster-prone area. The earthquake that hit the city of Padang on September 30, 2009, recorded 383 people who died due to the quake. Since then, the local government strives to reduce the death rate during a disaster by providing disaster information to the public. This study...
Proceedings Article

Research on Capital Structure of Listed Companies in the Growth Enterprise Market (GSM)

Yurong Gao
Growth Enterprise Market (GEM) enriches the structure of China’s capital market. As an important supplement to the main board market, it starts a new journey for the securities market. The discussion of the capital structure of China’s GEM listed companies is of great significance to improve the development...
Proceedings Article

A Comparative Study of Tibetan and English Taboo Culture

Chun Dai
Today, with the globalization of culture, the Tibetan people have more and more social contacts with the British and American people, especially in the cross-cultural communication, they often encounter a very sensitive issue, which is taboo. This paper introduces the language taboos, dietary taboos...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of the Presence of Investment Management Agency in Indonesia

Alum Simbolon, Irene Putri Alfani Sofia Sinaga
The Indonesian government’s strategy to deal with the drastic decline in the Indonesian economy is to increase investment and domestic consumption. One of government’s modes to increase investment is that the government and Indonesian House of Representatives approve establishment of omnibus law, namely...
Proceedings Article

Warriors, Kings, and Donors: The Integration of Tomb Art Elements in the Buddhist Imagery at Xiangtangshan Cave-temples

Liwen Xing
During the 6th century CE, the construction of Buddhist cave-temples has been flourished in China despite the rapid regime change that took place in both the north and the south. The Northern Xiangtangshan cave temples as royal grottoes of the Northern Qi Dynasty (550-577), is a locus preserving an important...
Proceedings Article

Effects of Food Materials on Emission Characteristics of Fine Particulate Matter in Cooking Process

Yang Yuan, Jing Liu, Neng Zhu, Zhiqiang Li, Chunlong Li
In this paper, the particle emission characteristics of vegetables, meat and vegetables plus meat were studied when stir-frying was used as cooking aspect. The particle size, quantity and distribution of different food materials under the same cooking conditions were analyzed through field tests. The...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Qingdao Haiqing Tea Village Cultural Tourism Brand Building Based on Tourist Satisfaction

Tongfei Lin, Han peng, Guie Hua, Minghao Liu
The shaping of the rural cultural tourism brand is an important way for the development of the rural tourism industry, and it is also an important measure for the implementation of rural revitalization. Taking Haiqing Tea in Qingdao Haiqing Town as a case, this paper constructs an evaluation model for...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Learning Organization in Developing Competency of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) in Indonesia During Covid-19 Pandemic

Idris Azis, Lina Mahardiana, Syamsul Bahri DP, Maskuri Sutomo, Ponirin Ponirin, Ramli Hatma
The Covid-19 pandemic have impacted the instability of economy, especially for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). These SMEs have been experiencing a decrease in sales turnover. For this reason, MSMEs need to improve their strategies to be able to survive in the midst of this pandemic and to...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Peer Relationship during COVID -19 Pandemic toward Social Development in The Early Age

Angra Gumitri, Dadan Suryana
This research is aimed to find out the role of peer relationship during covid-19 pandemic. Data were collected by examining the primary sources of book and journal references related to the research. The analysis was done by connecting the problems of the concept with relevant theories. The result of...
Proceedings Article

Validity and Practicality of Problem-Based Integral Calculus Teaching Materials Assisted with Mathematical Software

Gst Ayu Mahayukti, Putu Kartika Dewi
This study aims to develop Integral Calculus teaching materials to improve students’ communication skills and positive character. The teaching materials developed are problem-based with the help of mathematical software. The model used refers to the Plomp model. Data on the validity of teaching materials...
Proceedings Article

Development of Educational Game Media Based on Android Animal Life Cycle Materials in 4th Grade Elementary School

Arini Citra Dewi, Esti Untari, Sutansi
Android-based educational games are interactive, innovative learning media by utilizing games in learning, so that students are interested in fun learning activities. The purpose of this development research is to produce an Android-based educational game media to foster the curiosity character of grade...
Proceedings Article

The Theory of Social Comparison and the Body Positive in Female Consumers of Underwear in Instagram

Adriana Coloma-Escobedo, Eliana Gallardo-Echenique
This study analyzes body positive, a movement challenging women’s beauty standards to promote acceptance of the body as a whole, and the relationship with the theory of social comparison, which indicates that people are continually comparing themselves with similar ones, upward or downward. A qualitative...
Proceedings Article

Why Should Local Patriotism Be Taught in History Classes?

Cahyo Budi Utomo, Dyah Kumalasari, Ganda Febri Kurniawan, Zulkarnain
This study aims to investigate the perceptions of history teachers about the importance of teaching local patriotism in history classes. The descriptive research method is used to map the various perspectives of teachers regarding the proposed theme. Data were collected through surveys and in-depth interviews....
Proceedings Article

Headmaster Instructional Leadership Practices and Its Relationship with Primary School Teacher Motivations

Rashidah Othman, Mohd Izham Mohd Hamzah
This concept paper was conducted aimed at identifying the instructional leadership practices of headmaster and their relationship with primary school teacher motivation. Hallinger and Murphy’s (1985) instructional leadership models and Herzbeg’s (1959) Two Factor Theory were used to discuss the relationships...
Proceedings Article

Peer Review Among Undergraduate Students on Their Individual Fundamentals of Research Project During Pandemic Online Learning

Ginno L. Andres, Josephine C. Deolazo, Abigail P. Cid-Andres
The Pandemic has brought about resiliency of students and their teachers. This paper aimed to learn the capability of undergraduate students to perform research during pandemic with a fully online setting and do peer review of other student’s work. Each student was assigned an individual topic to work...
Proceedings Article

The Nusantara Assemblage: A Manifesto for the (Re)Commencement of Indonesian Thought

Min Seong Kim, Rangga Kala Mahaswa
The Nusantara is the geospatial correlate of Indonesia’s official state ideology of Pancasila. The statist discourse around Pancasila, however, demands the Nusantara to be simultaneously subdued and sublime. Subdued, such that the totalizing and territorializing drive of the modern nation-building project...
Proceedings Article

Managing of Government Social Media Agency in Indonesia

Ahmad Irfan Fauzi
This study investigates the institutionalization and management of the State Apparatus Social Media Synergy Team (SIMAN Team) in 2017-2019. The SIMAN team, formed by Joko Widodo Government, is responsible for coordinating all government social media institutions in one organizational platform. The institutionalization...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Communication and Work Motivation on the Achievement of Non-Permanent Lecturer Performance in the Technological Digital Era

Ana Mariana, Fatimah Djafar, Arten Mobonggi, Muh. Arif, Najamuddin Petta Solong, Ibnu Rawandhy N. Hula
Communication and job motivation are two critical factors in determining a person's performance achievement. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of communication and work motivation on the performance of non-permanent lecturers in carrying out the three commitments of higher education...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of The Relationship Between Parenting Style and Learning Independence of Grade V Elementary School Students

Wilda Widyana, Dea Agustin, Winda Winarti, Joko Suprapmanto
This article aims to determine the role of parenting on children’s learning independence. The research method used is a case study through an event. The analytical technique used in this study is thematic analysis. The objects of research used were 12 5th grade students, teachers and parents. The research...
Proceedings Article

Blended Teaching of EFL Listening and Speaking in Junior Secondary School

Rezkilaturahmi, Suwarsih Madya, Anita Triastuti
Listening and speaking skills are critical abilities as they facilitate the learning of English as a Foreign Language (EFL), especially due to technological development. Investigating the use of blended learning in teaching supports the enhancement of students’ language skills, especially in listening...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Indonesia’s National Cyber and Crypton Agency in Dealing with the Increase in Cybercrime at the Beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Dewi Triwahyuni, Sylvia Octa Putri, Farhan Salim Nurjati
This research aims to create a sense of humanity to unite people to help each other deal with the COVID-19 disease outbreak, which has now developed into a pandemic. Amid the global fight against COVID-19, cybercriminals are exploiting the negligence of various parties for financial gain. In today’s...
Proceedings Article

Halal Certification After the Decision of the Constitutional Court Number 91/PUUXVIII/2020 Facing the Industrial Revolution 5.0

This research is motivated by the existence of one of the important instruments in the implementation of halal product quarantess, namely the certification of goods and services. The purpose of this research is to find out and examine the legal consequences halal certification after the decision of Constitutional...
Proceedings Article

Motivation and Self-efficacy Boost Academic Flow in Students During COVID-19

Dwi Nastiti, Ghozali Rusyid Affandi, Lely Ika Mariyati
The purpose of this quantitative study is to determine the effect of achievement motivation, social support, self-efficacy, and academic flow on Muhammadiyah Junior High School students in Sidoarjo during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study surveyed 449 students using scales of achievement motivation, social...
Proceedings Article

English Teachers’ Personal Practical Theory During Pandemic

Ahmad Munir
Covid-19 pandemic has taught English teachers to survive and thrive especially in the ways of running our English lessons. In our experiences of teaching English during this pandemic, we sometimes do not realize that we have developed our own practical theory. This study investigated the tacit awareness....
Proceedings Article

The Level of Adaptive Teaching Skills among Primary School Teachers in Implementing Zero Reject Policy: A Study in Rural Sarawak

Nur Kamariah Ensimau Abdullah, Mohd Isa Hamzah, Mohd Hanafi Mohd Yasin, Nurfaradilla Mohamad Nasri
The Zero Rejection Policy (ZRP) is a proactive measure by Malaysia to ensure the rights and equal access of children to education in the country. Thus, the introduction of ZRP introduced in December 2018 brought a paradigm shift to education in Malaysia, especially special education. The admission of...
Proceedings Article

Visualizing Knowledge Domains for University Research Strategic

Arbin Janu Setiyowati, Citra Kurniawan, Rizka Apriani, Arif Prastiawan
A university’s research strategy impacts the implementation of university governance in terms of publication. This study aims to visualize research conducted in 2012–2021 and provide an overview of future university research. A total of 1608 articles were searched based on the search strategy based on...
Proceedings Article

Legal Problems in Regulating Inbreeding (Incest) in the Social Life of Society in Bali

A. A. Sagung Laksmi Dewi, I Gusti Ayu Bhanumoti Devi Dasi
Balinese people inherit socio-religious values through the culture of dresta and sima (customs), which contain the content of traditions that have been inherited from generation to generation and are used to organize community life in organizing the order of community life. Marriage is a very important...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Occupational Safety and Health Management System at Lab Test Lembaga Air Perak

Juhaidie Zamani Jamaludin, Norshahida Binti Hasan Saari
All industries including the government organizations have to follows the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) 1994 which required the employers to perform minimum duties to ensure the safety, health and welfare of their workers, and joint the responsibilities between employer and employees. With...
Proceedings Article

Cimanggung Open Junior High School as Collaboration-Based Education in Cilembu Village Sumedang

Ely Sufianti, Cintantya Andhita Dara Kirana, Abdul Rahman, Cacas Cahyadi, Yulia Rahmi, Wildan Sundari
The education level in Indonesia does still not meet the expectancy, because there are still Indonesian people who have not been able to get access to education. The 12-year compulsory study policy becomes a trigger for various efforts to be implemented to achieve it. To overcome this problem, some efforts...
Proceedings Article

Utilizing Speechnotes on Smartphone to Improve Student’s Creative Writing Skills

Agita Misriani, Shesilia Cintari, Rio Kurniawan, Nuriza Zulyani
In the digital era like today, the benefit of various applications on a smart phone can improve student skills, especially creative writing. One of the applications is Speechnotes, a natural language modeling system that can convert audio into text. The method used in this study is a qualitative research...
Proceedings Article

Transmutation and Action Path of Teachers’ Role in the Educational Metaverse——A Perspective on the Theory of Social Role

Yuxiang Shi
The education metaverse will place new demands on teachers. How teachers will reshape their roles in order to proactively meet the educational metaverse has become a key proposition that needs to be addressed when looking into the future of teacher development. Based on social role theory, this article...
Proceedings Article

Home-based Occupational Therapy to Improve Dressing Ability in Post Stroke Patient with Left Hemiparesis

Ayleen Kosasih, Assyfa Jalilah Nurfitri, Jihan Faradilla, Naura Nadhifah, Nadia Cahya Pramesti Safitri, Suci Damayani, Hermito Gidion, Reza Nur Arsyi, Muhammad Luthfi
Stroke is the leading cause for disability in Indonesia. Post stroke patients commonly experience significant impairment in their daily activities. This case study aims to describe the intervention to improve dressing ability in a post stroke patient. A home-based occupational therapy program was performed...
Proceedings Article

Virtualization of Garment Marketing During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Jakarta

Suwito Casande
After the pandemic, the fashion business in Indonesia experienced an increase, especially in department stores which recorded an increase in profits compared to the previous year. A global strategy was implemented in Indonesia, namely the virtual fitting room (VFR). Still, its use was only by micro-small...
Proceedings Article

Magical Realism in Local Wisdom Majapahit Bantengan Show

Engkin Suwandana, Haris Supratno, Suyatno
This research analyzed the concept of magical realism in the Bantengan (Bull) Show, especially to find irreducible elements; phenomenal worlds; converging nature; unsettling doubts; and disruptions of time, space, and identity. The method used to uncover these aspects is the qualitative descriptive method....
Proceedings Article

The Characteristics of Female’s Debt Collectors on Online Loan Collection toward their debtors: A Sociopragmatic Perspective

Anisah Hanif, Djatmika Djatmika, Riyadi Santosa, Sumarlam Sumarlam
This research investigates the characteristics of female debt collectors’ speech towards their debtors. The approach used is the Sociopragmatic. The research location is in the Whatsapp chat media that accommodates online loan collection carried out by female debt collectors against their debtors. The...
Proceedings Article

Analyzing the Needs for Augmented Reality-Based Learning Media in Geography Education: A Case Study of Landform Material

Zulfa Mukhlisul Habibiyah, Heni Masruroh, Alfyananda Kurnia Putra
Learning media in Geography learning, landform material is an important element to increase students' understanding. Not all types of learning media are suitable as learning media for landform material. The purpose of this research is as an initial study to collect information in the context of...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Common Ownership on Corporate Default Risk

Yupei Zhang, Xiaoshun Guo
With the frequent occurrence of default events, how to reduce the corporate default risk has become the focus of researches. Therefore, from the view of common owernship, we focuse on whether and how common owners reduce default risks. We study listed companies in China from 2010 to 2022 and find that...
Proceedings Article

Christian Andragogy Approach for Independence of Golden Age Church Member in Services

Danik Astuti Lumintang
Christian andragogy in the church is very important to equip believers (golden age), so that they can be effective and efficient. The gap that occurs between the church and the golden age, on the one hand the church considers the golden age to be unable to serve because of obstacles or crises both physically,...
Proceedings Article

The Development of a Video as Media for Classical Guidance Activity to Improve Students’ Understanding of Learning Responsibility

Ahmad Firlii Sapputra, Diana Septi Purnama, Fajar Irfani Setyawan
Learning responsibility is the awareness and awareness of individuals to carry out their duties and obligations in learning and be ready to accept all the consequences or consequences that accompany it. In fact, there are still students who do not understand the responsibility for learning. This study...
Proceedings Article

Impact of Social Media on Young Consumers’ Hotel Decision-making Behavior

Caihong Zhang, Huabing Yao
Social media emerged quickly with the rapid development of computer and Internet technology as a new type of communication medium. With the rise of social media, it has also become a new carrier of hotel information. Its emergence not only provides convenient information for hotel consumers but also...
Proceedings Article

Phenomenon of Christian Art Through the Prism of Ancient Russian Art

Marina Moiseenko
The article deals with the specifics of the Christian art, which is based on the spiritual and moral values, through the prism of the features of the ancient art, the object of the national pride of the modern Russia. The author addresses the question of differences of the Christian art in general from...
Proceedings Article

Research on safety management system of university laboratory

Wenbi Zhu, Haixue Liu, Tao Jin, Liang Huang, Jia Liu, Xi Sun
Laboratory is an important part in colleges and universities teaching and scientific research. It`s necessary to strengthen management to smooth the experimental teaching activities, and ensure the safety of teachers and students. This article discussed the respects of laboratory safety management responsibility...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on Clothing Marketing Mode in Network Environment

Jinling Guo
With the arrival of information age, networks are playing an important role in people's lives. As the relation between network and economy is growing closer and closer, marketing is facing a new era called internet marketing. Clothing internet marketing as an important part of internet marketing, is...
Proceedings Article

The Education Status and Countermeasures Study of the Culture Quality Education in Higher Vocational Colleges

Zhaogang Xie, Junqing Hui
It is widely accepted that the higher vocational colleges should carry out the cultural quality education. How to improve the students’ cultural quality, which helps the students become fully developed interdisciplinary talents, is becoming an important subject concerning the education reform in higher...
Proceedings Article

A Comparative Research in Medical Image Visual Searching of Novice, Proficient and Expert Radiologists: Evidence from Eye Movement

Meixiang Chen, Shaoyin Duan, Xuejun Bai
This article is to discuss the radiologist' fixation characteristics and processing strategies in medical image searching, and to find out the expert advantages and characteristics, in order to provide theoretical basis for improving the ability of novice and proficient radiologist. SMI250 eye tracker...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Application of MOOC in University

Yong Luo, Jianping Li, Zheng Xie, Guochang Zhou
MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) is a large-scale online course platform. The global learners are able to learn college courses in it. At the same time, the universities are trying to apply it to make a great significance for the level of university education. This paper researches on the application...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Kayuh Baimbai Cooperative Learning Model for Elementary School Students

Akhmad Humaidi, Yudha Adrian
This research was conducted to develop Kayuh Baimbai cooperative learning model based on local wisdom of Banjarese community. This cooperative learning model was applied on Bahasa Indonesia subject in fourth grade students. Kayuh Baimbai cooperative learning model emphasized on togetherness or collaboration...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Application of WeChat Public Platform in College Party Construction

Ying Gao
Under the background of the rapid development of new media, and based on the current situation of college party construction work, carrying out innovative college party construction work via the WeChat public platform, in order to clear the blind area, occupy the highest point of public opinion, and...
Proceedings Article

Research and Exploration on the Training System of Applied Talents Based on Engineering Education Accreditation

Xiaobo Wang, Yi Zhang, Liuqing Zhang
Engineering education accreditation is a major reform of higher education projects. With the continuous reform of engineering education and the sustainable development of society, the idea of engineering education accreditation has been fully applied in all kinds of skilled personnel training system....
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of Errors by Chinese-speaking Korean Learners ----Centered on the Errors Produced under the Influence of First Language

Bing Cheng
A learner's mother tongue, target language, and educational background all contribute to the occurrence of errors. Lingual errors can be classified into: substitution, addition, and omission according to manifestation; and into pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary in accordance with scope. This thesis...
Proceedings Article

Effective Ways to Improve the Service Ability of Teaching Management in Universities

Yafei Li, Hongchang Wang
Teaching management in universities is of great importance and it is the basic guarantee to maintain the normal order of teaching, achieve the training objectives, and improve teaching quality. This paper studies the current status and problems of college management team. On the basis of teaching management...