Advances in Biological Sciences Research

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2390 articles
Proceedings Article

Processing of Milkfish Bone on Al/Ti/Mg Into Hybrid Composites by Self-Propagating High Temperature Synthesis (SHS)

Agus Pramono, Akmal Faiz Fiftyandi, Fatah Sulaiman, Anistasia Milandia, Suryana
Powder metallurgy is a manufacturing process for a component that shape combine of making powder compaction. Determination final properties on hydroxyapatite (HAp)/Al2O3/SiC have an important role as a reinforced to determine the final properties on a biomaterial composite. Using of self-propagating...
Proceedings Article

Rapid Screening Tolerance of 19 Soybean Varieties to Drought in the Germination Phase

H. Pujiwati, A. Romeida, Widodo, W. Prameswari, M. l. Husna, Anandyawati
Drought stress is an inhibiting factor for plant growth and development. Drought stress reduces the seed to germinate and to grow on different varieties. Response to germination to drought stress is the beginning signal of drought tolerance for several varieties of plants. The purposes of this study...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation Based Nutrient Content of Intercropping Indigofera zollingeriana with Pennisetum purpureum under Coconut Plantation

Malcky M Telleng, Veybe G Kereh, Wilhelmina B Kaunang
The purpose of this study is to determine the land equivalent ratio (LER) of Indigofera zollingeriana (Iz) and Pennisetum purpureum (Pp) in coconut plantations based on nutrient content. This experiment was performed by a fully randomized design (CRD), a combination of 6 treatments in the growing room,...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Composition and Raw Materials Differences on Yield, Quality and Price of Forage Feed Pellets

Bambang Suwignyo, Rifqi Danang Subagya, Andriyani Astuti
The aim of the research was to determine the effect of composition and raw materials differences on the yield, quality and price of forage pellet. This study used a mixture of various types of weeds as the main raw material for making forage pellets, pollard and rice bran as the ingredients. Each forage...
Proceedings Article

Physical And Sensory Quality of Canned “Rarang” Chicken Under Sterilization Time Difference

Baiq Rien Handayani, Afrisha Sekar Namira, Mutia Devi Ariyana, Moegiratul Amaro, Tri Isti Rahayu, Asep Nurhikmat
Rarang chicken is one of the mainstay culinary products of West Nusa Tenggara. Canning is the choice of processing technology to extend the shelf life of products with stable quality and expand market reach. The heat adequacy for canning rarang chicken has been determined, but tests on changes in texture...
Proceedings Article

Primer Design and Optimization of PCR Methods for Detecting Mixed Rat Meat in Food Samples

Masnaini Masnaini, Afifatul Achyar, Moralita Chatri, Dwi Hilda Putri, Yuni Ahda, Irdawati
Food safety is very important to support the halal tourism program. One of the problems faced by Muslim consumers is the possibility of mixing non-halal meat such as rats in meat-based food products. Molecularly we can detect the presence of rat meat in meat-based products using the PCR technique. It...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Quality of Fermented Tapioca with Variation of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) Types

Baiq R. Handayani, Nurul Hartiwi, Mutia D. Ariyana
Fermentation potentially improves the quality of tapioca. Fermentation of tapioca occurred either spontaneously or with the addition of starters. Lactic acid bacteria widely used as a starter on flour fermentation. This study aimed to determine the effect of the types of Lactic acid bacteria on the characteristic...
Proceedings Article

Potential of Electric Energy from Organic Waste at TPA Bukit Pinang, Samarinda by Using Gasification Method

Muslimin, Tantra Diwa Larasati, Nur Rani Alham, Vicko Ghulam Fathurrohman, Siska Mayra Andini
The energy sector in Indonesia is a problem that the government must consider. Indonesia still relies on fossil energy as the main energy for power generation. However, the use of fossil energy that is carried out continuously will make Indonesia's energy reserves in the future will experience a...
Proceedings Article

Development of a Derivative of 1,4-Dihydropyridine Gels Using Solid Dispersion Technique

Ivan Krasnyuk (Jr.), Viktoriya Grikh, Ivan Krasnyuk, Anastasiya Belyatskaya, Olga Stepanova, Vladimir Beketov, Galina Varenykh
A method has been developed for obtaining samples of a derivative of 1,4-dihydropyridine-nifedipine gels using the solid dispersion technique. A quality assessment of the obtained soft dosage forms has been performed. The effectiveness of the proposed technique for obtaining nifedipine gels has been...
Proceedings Article

The Establishment and Thinking of Chinese Medicine Standard Decoction

Xu Zhang, Ming-San Miao
Through the research on the development history of Chinese medicine traditional decoction, the Chinese medicine decoction was compared with the scrambled and fried granules, and the effects of Chinese medicine decoction were discussed from the perspectives of quality and quality of decoction, boiling...
Proceedings Article

Determinant Factors of the Agricultural Land Sustainability in Indonesia

Imade Y. Prasada, Agus D. Nugroho
Land used for agriculture activities is recognized to have a low rental value compared to land used for industrial and trade sectors. As a result, agricultural land is increasingly under pressure to be converted to non-agricultural land, posing a danger to Indonesia’s agricultural land sustainability....
Proceedings Article

Slaughtering Buffalo in the “Bantai Adat” Tradition During Eid Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Padang Pariaman Regency West Sumatra Province, Indonesia

Adi Tiya Warman, Bayu Andri Atmoko, Hamdani Maulana, Endang Baliarti
Eid is an Islamic holiday celebrated lively in Indonesia, including in Padang Pariaman, West Sumatera Province, with the tradition of slaughtering buffalo in the village as a form of community togetherness. The occurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic disaster impacted the socio-economic conditions of the...
Proceedings Article

Pesticide Degrading Ability of Indigenous-Bacteria from Contaminated Cropland in Kersana, Brebes Regency, Indonesia

Ria Rohayati, Riska Yuana, Wita Yuningsih, Putri Yolanda, Adin H. Nugroho, Dina Istiqomah
Kersana is one of the central shallot-producing districts in Brebes Regency. Synthetic pesticides are widely and usually used in this cropland, and it has caused pollution of soil and water. Bioremediation can be one of the solutions to overcome this problem by using indigenous-bacteria from contaminated...
Proceedings Article

The Potential of RICOSRE to Enhance University Students’ Science Literacy in Biology

Susriyati Mahanal, S Zubaidah, D Setiawan
Twenty-first-century skills encompass science literacy, competencies, and character qualities. Science literacy is one of the basic literacy skills that play a significant role in modern society, where people have to deal with advanced science and technology. Science literacy can be promoted in university...
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness of N-Hexane and Ethanol Extract of Giant Calotrope (Calotropis gigantea L.) Leaves as Insecticide Against Shallot Pest Spodoptera exigua (Hübner)

Elvian Indah Nilamsari, L. Hartanto Nugroho, Sukirno Sukirno
Shallot (Allium ascalonicum) is one of the high-value plants. However, shallot productivity has been decreased due to some disturbing organisms. Spodoptera exigua is one of the pests on shallot farming and causes a yield reduction of up to 70%. Farmers use excessive synthetic pesticides to overcome the...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Different NPK Fertilizer on Butterfly Pea (Clitoria ternatea) Production on the First Harvest

Nafiatul Umami, Zen Adyatama Solekhah, Wardi Wardi, Asih Kurniawati, Nilo Suseno, Bambang Suhartanto
This study aimed to determine the growth and production of butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea) with NPK fertilizer. This research used a completely randomized design one-way ANOVA. The treatments were the 3 levels provision of NPK fertilizer of 0 kg/ha, 80 kg/ha, 160 kg/ha. This research used 30 days old...
Proceedings Article

Injury Mechanism of Sub-micron Calcium Oxalate Monohydrate and Dihydrate Crystals on Renal Epithelial Cells

Poonam Bhadja, Kai Yu, Xiuqun Yao, Jianming Ouyang
Objective: This study aims to compare the cytotoxicity and adhesion of submicron calcium oxalate monohydrate (COM) and dehydrate (COD) crystals toward African green monkey renal epithelial cells (Vero) to reveal the mechanism of kidney stone formation at cellular level. Methods: The injury effect of...
Proceedings Article

Characteristics of Formaldehyde Emission from Indoor Crib

Huimin DONG, Gaowei YUE, Minmin LI
Based on characteristics of wood crib releasing formaldehyde (CH2O), a physical model, which CH2O releases and diffuses from crib in indoor, is established to simulate the distribution characteristics of CH2O concentration in confined and ventilated indoor. CH2O concentration near crib is larger, and...
Proceedings Article

Isolation of Active Compounds from Original Plants of East Kalimantan as Cosmetics

Ritson Purba, Enos Tangke Arung, Harlinda Kuspradini, Daniel Tarigan
Phytochemical and antioxidant activity tests were conducted on ethanol extracts of the trunk, flower and leaf of Senggani (Melastoma candidum D.Don). Each sample was macerated with ethanol, and then it was concentrated with a rotary evaporator. The secondary metabolites of each sample’s phytochemical...
Proceedings Article

Sperm Motility of Brek Fish (Systomus Orphoides) Using Soy Extract as a Supplementation Extender

Marindha Febriani, Abinawanto, Raden Roro Sri Pudji Sinarni Dewi
Brek fish production (Systomus orphoides) is thought to be overexploited, recently. Accordingly, to overcome this problem, so, the broodstock male sperm must be preserved. The present study was conducted to investigate the additional soy extract as a supplement to the extender on sperm motility of brek...
Proceedings Article

Altered Anatomical Modular Organization of Brain Networks in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder

Jing-Yu Zhu, Xiang-Yu Shen, Jiao-Long Qin, Mao-Bin Wei, Rui Yan, Jian-Huai Chen, Zhi-Jian Yao, Qing Lu
This study investigates the abnormal brain structural connectivity in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) through a modularization approach. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data were collected from 20 MDD patients and 20 age-matched controls. The structural modularity characteristics and their...
Proceedings Article

Fertilizer Encapsulation to Support Food Security: Review

Retno Sulistyo Dhamar Lestari, Jayanudin
Food security consists of four main pillars such as food availability, food access, food utilization, and food stability. Increased food production is the most important factor because it is sufficient to meet everyone’s food needs. Food availability is associated with the modification and efficiency...
Proceedings Article

Sustainable Energy Management Through IoT-Driven Smart Zone-Based Control System

Uday Kumar Rajanala, Sruthi Bale, Bhavani Idadasu
This paper presents an Internet of things (IoT) based automation and monitoring system intended to conserve electrical energy in classroom environments. The system will make use of image processing techniques to detect human presence, thereby activating an automatic control system for the lighting and...
Proceedings Article

Brahman Crossbred Cattle's Performances Were Extensively Reared Based on the Integration of Oil Palm Cattle in South Arut District, West Kotawaringin Regency

Dwi Kristanto, Kurnia Achjadi, Sigit Sepriadi
The purpose of this study was to determine and show the performance of Brahman Crossbred cattle reared based on the integration of oil palm cattle. The Heifers used in this study were 360 of Brahman crossbred cattle (24 months). The performance of the cattle was observed from postpartum to the age of...
Proceedings Article

Fed-Batch Fermentation of L- Threonine by Escherichia Coli Supplemented with B-Vitamins

Yue-wen SU, Qun-qun GUO, Sen WANG, Xin ZHANG, Jian WANG
B-vitamins can be used as cofactors in the synthesis process of L-threonine. Concentration of the cofactor can effectively change the activity of specific enzymes and reallocate the distribution of carbon substances in the cells. Theeffects of B-vitamins, including calcium pantothenate (VB5), cobalamin...
Proceedings Article

Properties of Nanostuctured Motherwort Extract and Its Application in Fruit Jelly Candy Production

Aleksandr Krolevets, Nina Myachikova, Kirill Semichev
The research paper includes the information on the application of nanostructured motherwort extract in the production of fruit jelly candy, which can be used as a therapeutic functional food product. The size of nanostructured motherwort extract was determined by a nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA)....
Proceedings Article

Pollen Load and Flower Constancy of Stingless Bees Tetragonula laeviceps (Smith) and Heterotrigona itama (Cockerell) (Apidae: Meliponinae)

Muchamad Nur Cholis, Resi Alpionita, Taruni Sri Prawasti, Tri Atmowidi
Stingless bees are pollinating insects that are important for plants and useful for producing honey. The role of stingless bees as pollinators related to the activity of foraging on flowers. The aim of this study was to measure pollen load and flower constancy of two species stingless bees, Tetragonula...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Various Types and Fertilizer Dosages on King Grass (Pennisetum purpuphoides): Growth, Production, and Carrying Capacity

Eko Hendarto, Nur Hidayat, Agustinah Setyaningrum, Harwanto Harwanto
Animal manure is a renewable natural resource as a biological fertilizer whose quality can be improved through various strategies. Research on fertilization strategies was carried out to get the best level of cow manure-manure compost enriched with various types and inorganic fertilizers doses on growth,...
Proceedings Article

Genetics and Epigenetics Aspects of Thalassemia

Inayu Mahardhika Putri, Ferry P. Gultom, Elza Ibrahim Auerkari
Hemoglobin contains of heme, which binds iron and protoporphyrin, and globin, which consist of combination of α, β, δ, and γ chain. α-globin globin gene is located in 16p13.3 cytogenetically, and β-globin gene is in 11p15.4. Thalassemia is a blood disorder characterized in the lack or absence of one...
Proceedings Article

Genetic and Phenotypic Variabilities of Gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii H. Bolus) Generated from Hybridization

Kurnia Yuniarto, Rika Meilasari, Ridho Kurniati
The novelty and superior new varieties of gerbera were required in floriculture industries. There were obtained by hybridization to produce variabilities in genotypic and phenotypic characters. The aim of the study was to describe genetic and phenotypic variabilities of 10 varieties of gerbera from hybridization....
Proceedings Article

Growth Response and Yield of Shallots to Trichoderma Biostimulants and Growth Regulators Substance Benzyl Amino Purine (GRS BAP)

Made Sudantha, Suwardji
Shallots are one of the vegetable commodities that have important meaning for the community, both in terms of their high economic value and nutritional content. The productivity of shallots in West Nusa Tenggara is still low compared to the production potential of shallots. One of the causes of the low...
Proceedings Article

Histopathological Changes in Gills of Wild Snakehead Murrel, Channa striata (Bloch, 1793) Infected with Ichthyophthirius multifiliis Fouquet, 1876 from Surabaya River

Muchammad Yunus, Agus Wijaya
The present study purposed for the identification of the effects of histopathology of natural infection of the ciliated protozoa, Ichthyophthirius multifiliis on the wild snakehead murrel Channa striata gills, collected from Surabaya River in Surabaya, East Java Province, Indonesia. This is because I....
Proceedings Article

Application Characteristics of Fresh Traditional Chinese Medicine

Rui Zhang, Ming-San Miao
In the early years of Zhang Zhongjing, the characteristics and application of fresh herbs were described in detail. Fresh herbs without complex processing, convenient use, wide application, and high curative effect, fresh preserved products than medicinal active ingredient of medicine more, the efficacy...
Proceedings Article

The Variation of Betulinic Acid Content of Andalas Tree (Morus macroura var. Macroura) in Different Localities of West Sumatra

Nindi Aseny, Erma Nur Atika, Syamsuardi, Friardi Ismed
Recently, herbal ingredients have been utilized as candidate supplements or drugs to increase the resistance of body against diseases caused by viruses. In general, research is focused on plants used as herbal medicine in Indonesia. Sumatran mulberry (Morus macroura var. Macroura) is the native plant...
Proceedings Article

The Comparison of Activator from Indigenous Decomposer for NH3 Mitigation during the Rabbit Dung Composting

Nanung Agus Fitriyanto, Khairunnisa Y. Humaam, Ragil Adi Prasetyo, Yuny Erwanto, Panjono, Nono Ngadiono
This study aimed to compare the indigenous strain as a decomposer in the rabbit dung composting. This study was conducted by using a commercial decomposer as a control, Pseudomonas sp. LS3K and Candida sp. LS3T. Before being applied as a decomposer, the growth of Pseudomonas sp. LS3K and Candida sp....
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Mixed Leaves Tannin Sources (Acacia mangium Willd, Swietenia mahagoni, and Artocarpus heterophyllus) in Pellets on In Vitro Methane Production

Wahyu Adi Setiawan, Lies Mira Yusiati, Chusnul Hanim, Muhlisin Muhlisin
Mitigation effort to reduce methane emissions using plant bioactive compounds has been extensively studied and applied as feed additives. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of three leaves mixtures of tannin source (Acacia mangium Willd, Swietenia mahagoni, and Artocarpus heterophyllus)...
Proceedings Article

Potential of Methanol Extract From Rosella (Hibiscus Sabdariffa) as an Alternative Dye in Gram Staining

Mohammad Indra Pratama, Rajun, Faradilla Dahlan, Nurul Anisa, Indri Yudita Ningsih, Khusnul Yumni Bulan Sari, Sri Sela Pratiwi, Niky Aulia Putri, Teguh Pribadi, Didimus Tanah Boleng, Dora Dayu Rahma Turista
Gram staining is one of the important steps to identify bacteria. This type of staining uses synthetic substances safranin and violet crystals which can result in environmental pollution. Rosella flowers (Hibiscus sabdariffa) contain natural dyestuffs, namely anthocyanins that have the potential to color...
Proceedings Article

Isolation and Total Lactic Acid Bacteria from Sauerkraut with the Addition of Chili (Capsicum Annum L.)

Resti Fevria, Vauzia Vauzia, Olivia Agustin, Dwi Hilda Putri, Irdawati Irdawati, Dezy Handayani, Edwin Edwin
Sauerkraut (suerkhol) is the result of lactic acid fermentation of chopped white cabbage with a length of about 20 cm and a width of 2 mm to 5 mm. Based on research that has been done successfully isolated 17 lactic acid bacteria isolates from Sauerkaraut. Chili has a unique taste and contains alkaloid...
Proceedings Article

Porous In2O3 Nanorods: Synthesis and Enhanced NOx Gas-Sensing Properties at Room Temperature

Wenyi LIU, Wencheng FANG, Shuai ZHANG, Guizhi LIU, Yue SUN, Cheng WANG, Chengxin ZHANG, Na GAN, Ying YANG
A novel room temperature gas sensor based on porous In2O3 nanorods was successfully synthesized via a facile reflux method. The In2O3 demonstrates a rod-like shape with a diameter of 10 - 20 nm and a length about 70 - 100 nm, which displays good and uniform size. Studies have shown that the porous In2O3...
Proceedings Article

Efforts to Increase Learning Outcomes Natural Science (Ipa) Junior Student Affairs 6 Padangsidimpuan by Using the Learning Model Guided Inqury Assisted LKPD

Lamsarito Daulay, Yuni Ahda
This study aims to determine the increase in student cognitive learning outcomes by using the Guided Inquiry learning model assisted by LKPD. The involvement of students in the implementation of the science learning process at SMPN 6 Padangsidimpuan is very lacking. This can be seen from the low average...
Proceedings Article

The Effects of Zeolite-Based Slow-Release Nitrogen Fertilizer and Sulfur on the Dynamics of N,P,K, and S Soil Nutrients, Growth and Yield of Shallot (Allium cepa L.)

Kharisun, Mochammad Nazarudin Budiono, Muhammad Rif’an
Shallot or red onion is one of the horticultural commodities that has good economic value as it is needed for almost every cuisine. The aims of the research were to determine 1) the effect of nitrogen slow-release zeolite-based NZEO-SR fertilizer and elemental Sulfur on the dynamics of soil main nutrients...
Proceedings Article

Diversity of Fruits in Kutai Kartanegara District, East Kalimantan Province

Rustam Baraq Noor, Marjenah, Paulus Matius
Diversity of Fruits in Kutai Kartanegara District, East Kalimantan. The diversity of local and exotic fruits investigated in this study was located in four sub-districts: Samboja, Tenggarong Seberang, Kota Bangun/Muara Wis and Tabang, and Kutai Kartanegara District, ranging from coastal areas to mountainous...
Proceedings Article

Mutation Analysis of PRD-domain of ROR2 and Ig-domain of FLNA in Breast Cancer Development: A Case Study in Malang

Rizqi Layli Khusufi, Delia Wahyu Pangesti, Dwita Novitasari, Vina Rizkiana, Reni Krisdayana, Salsabila Kasta Hygiea Iswara, Dwi Listyorini
ROR2 is a WNT receptor involved in non-canonical Wnt signaling pathways. PRD and IgFLNA domains are functional domains for binding to downstream proteins that lead to cancer development. This study aimed to analyze mutations in the PRD-IgFLNA-ROR2 domain also the role of the WNT5A-ROR2 pathway involved...
Proceedings Article

The Design and Performance of Maggot Harvester

Mochamad Bagus Hermanto, Retno Damayanti, Yusuf Hendrawan, Himatul Yusril Muna, Muhamad Dimas Febriawan, Faiz Aminul Hikam, Nabila Intan Milania, Ahmad Mu’minin Fauzi Elfamas
Organic waste from porang flour production in the form of calcium oxalate dust from Pilot Plant Faculty of Agricultural Technology, University of Brawijaya reaches 400-600 kg per ton porang chips milling. Combined with household and restaurant waste in Malang, which can reach 689 tons per day in organic...
Proceedings Article

Mortality and Attack Intensity of Spodoptera exigua on Shallots with Clove Essential Oil Application

Ziza Adisty, Ahmad Taofik, Ida Yusidah, Efrin Firmansyah
Shallots are a favorite vegetable crop because they are widely used in daily cooking spices. The cultivation of this plant is constrained by the attack of plant pest organisms like Spodoptera exigua. S. exigua causes damage by causing scallions to become hollow and see-through. Alternative control of...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Antibiotics and Vitamin-Mineral Supplements on the Saccharomyces Cerevisia Strains of Feed Additives for Poultry and Cattle

Yulia Kurkina, Aleksandr Sirotin, Konstantin Boyarshin, Irina Batlutskaya
The effect of antibiotics and vitamin-mineral supplements on Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains CNCM I-1077 (feed additive Lewisel SC Titan Plus for cattle, horses, goats, and sheep) and CNCM I-1079 (feed additive Lewisel SB Titan Plus for poultry, pigs) studied. The yeast contained in the feed additive...
Proceedings Article

Composition Difference of Cholesterol-, Pigment- and Mixed-type Gallstones, and Their Formation Mechanisms

Yue Zhang, Qin Kui, Cenyin Rao, Xiaojun Huang, Junfa Xue, Jianming Ouyang
Objective: The chemical compositions and formation mechanisms of different types of gallstones (cholesterol-, pigment-, and mixed-type) were studied. Methods: The components of gallstones were identified by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). The contents of cholesterol, bilirubin and bile...
Proceedings Article

Synthesis of Novel pH-responsive PEGylated Zwitterionic Triblock Copolymer

Hai-Liang Dong, Zhong-Li Niu, Xiao-Ting Zhang, Shu-Yu Zhu, Ying Yao, Ya Gao, Bin Sun, Mei-Fang Zhu, Xiao-Ze Jiang
Well-defined PEGylated zwitterionic triblock copolymer, poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly¬¬¬¬(methacrylic acid)-b-poly(2-aminoethyl methacrylate) (PEG-b-PMAA-b -PAEMA), was prepar¬e¬d from poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(tert-butyl meth acrylate) -b-poly(N-(tert-butoxycarbonyl)¬¬¬¬ amino ethyl methacrylate)(PEG-b-PtBocMA-b-PtBoc...
Proceedings Article

Assessment of Women’s Participation in Leadership Roles in Rural Community-Based Organisations in Gokana Local Government Area, Rivers State, Nigeria

C. C. Ifeanyi-obi, B. F. Ndee
This study assessed the participation of women in leadership roles in rural community-based organisations in Gokana local government area of Rivers state. Simple random sampling was used to select 126 respondents for the study while questionnaire complemented with interview schedule was used to collect...
Proceedings Article

Adoption and Effectiveness Value of RFID Based Digital Recording System for Commercial and Rural Beef Cattle Farming

Bramada Putra, Nurul Chamidah, Siti Junaesih, Abdul Matin, Indria Widyawan, Sodik Ihwan, Ali Agus
One of the main challenges in livestock sector especially cattle farming in Indonesia which is very crucial is recording system for livestock production that can be valid. A simple way can be a solution for this challenge is used of RFID based digital recording system. This system is utilizing microchips...
Proceedings Article

Growth Performance of Sorghum in Coastal Land with Different Methods of Land Preparation and Plant Spacing

M. Simarmata, E. P. Purba, B. W. Simanihuruk, E. Turmudi
Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) is a cereal plant that has high adaptability on marginal coastal soils. Sorghum can be used as a source of food and feed, while high biomass production has the potential to be used as an industrial raw material for bioethanol production. The objective of this research was...
Proceedings Article

Accelerated Shelf-Life Testing of the Powder of Flower, Leaf, and Steam Kecombrang (Etlingera elatior) Using a Critical Moisture Content Approach

Rifda Naufalin, Abdul M. Ritonga, N. Denonita
Kecombrang (Etlingera elatior) has been known for a long time by the Indonesian people and is used as an ornamental plant, vegetable, food flavoring, and traditional medicine. This study aims to determine the shelf life of the powder of kecombrang flower, stem, and leaves packaged using aluminum foil...
Proceedings Article

The Use of Mangosteen Leaf Flour (Garcinia mangostana L) on Weight, Egg Yolk Index and Egg White Index of Layers

Florencia N. Sompie, Jein Rinny Leke, Yudhie Kowel
This study aims to determine the use of mangosteen leaf flour on egg weight, egg yolk index and egg yolk color. 100 laying hens were used, with 5 treatments and 5 replications and filled with 4 tails for each replication. The treatment used was as follows as: R0 = Basal diet 100%, R1 = Basal diet 99% + TDM...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Cytoplasm Polymorphism on the TR2 Locus of Mitochondria Genome in Leaf Beet Line SK-5

Qiao-hong LIU, Li-ping LIU, Cheng-fei LUO, Da-you CHENG, Cui-hong DAI, Shu-zhi SHI, Nai-guo LIANG, Tian-jiao LIU
One mitochondrial minisatellite locus was used to study cytoplasmic diversity in leaf beet lines SK-5 population from Chongqing, China. The analysis of one mitochondrial minisatellite locus (TR2) was conducted using variable number of tandem repeats (VNTRs) molecular markers method within 50 single plants...
Proceedings Article

Reactions of thiourea oxides with amines, aminoacids and proteins

Sergey Makarov, Ekaterina Naidenko, Elizaveta Pokrovskaya
The publication discusses new data about chemistry and application of thiourea dioxide and its sulfur-containing relatives.
Proceedings Article

Increased Performance of Single-Chamber Air Cathode Microbial Fuel Cell Using Power Management System

Longsheng QIAO, Zhiwei XIAO, Ben'ai CHENG, Zhengyuan TAO, Zhichao HE, Jie WANG
Electricity generation by single-chamber air cathode fuel cells (MFCs) is considerably influenced by power management system(PMS). This study showed that application of PMS connected with a single-chamber air cathode MFC significantly improved its columbic efficiencies (CEs), current, and power output....
Proceedings Article

Comprehensive Evaluation of Drought Stress Tolerance of Twenty Species of Lettuce at the Seed Germination Stage during PEG 6000 Stress

Chao-Jie Liu, Yu-Lin Duan, Lin Wang, Ying-Yan Han, Jing-Hong Hao, Shuang-Xi Fan
[Objective] The goal is to understand the drought tolerance of lettuce and effectively distinguish between cultivars that are drought tolerant and those that are drought sensitive. [Method] This study was performed to evaluate twenty lettuce cultivars for their sensitivity to drought stress induced by...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Guided Inquiry-Oriented Guides for Plant Morphology Biology Education Practicum Students of IPTS Padangsidimpuan

Rosniati, Lufri Lufri
The aims of this study was to describe of effective of plant morphology practicum guide book was oriented guided inquiry at the third semester of students of Biology Department of IPTS Padangsidimpuan. This type of research is the development of research. The development models used in this study is...
Proceedings Article

Chemical Component of Sengon Tree Digested Xystrocera festiva (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Larvae

NF Haneda, A Ichtisinii, UJ Siregar, Y Istikorini, A Lestari
Xystrocera festiva Thoms. (famili Cerambycidae, ordo Coleoptera) classified as the most harmful pest in Sengon (Falcataria moluccana) plantations in Indonesia. The larvae of the pest eat the inner bark and sapwood of the sengon tree since the tree are 3 years old. However, the chemical component(s) of...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Modified Palm Kernel Meal Utilization to Replacing Corn in The Diets Based on Intestinal Quality and Metabolizable Energy

Ernanda Sofi, Sjofjan Osfar, Muharlien Muharlien, Adli Danung Nur, Saraswati Sinta Ayu
The research conducted to investigated the effect of modified palm kernel meal containing α-β-mannanase to replacing corn in the diets based on nutrient digestibility and intestinal morphology. Twenty hybrid ducks [(Pekin x Khaki Campbell)] aged 52 days (unsexed) with 1623.3 ± 162.17 g BW were divided...
Proceedings Article

Air Flow Simulation Through the Stack of Onions During Storage Using Computational Fluid Dynamics

Ira Ayuningsih, An N. F. Rahmah, Devi Priyanti, Joko N. W. Karyadi, Bayu Nugraha
The storage of ‘perishable’ horticultural products, such as onions (Allium cepa L.), must be equipped with an even air distribution. Uniform airflow in the product stack is important for quality maintenance. However, the air velocity in most of the storage space used in each part of the product stack...
Proceedings Article

Performance Test of Shallot Dehuller Machine (Type BEJE PB 01)

Annisa Nur Ichniarsyah, Linda Liswanti, Titis Pury Purboningtyas, Yul Harry Bahar, Nawangwulan Widyastuti
Shallot is widely used in daily life. Its demand tends to increase even though Indonesia is still facing global pandemic due to Covid-19 outbreak. Before processing, its outer layer should be removed. However, it is time and energy consuming. Therefore, a shallot dehuller machine with theoretical capacity...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Extract Concentration of Robusta Coffee (Coffea canephora) Husk Extract and Cooking Temperature on Quality Characteristics of Hard Candy

Irmaziza Citraningrum, Anjar Ruspita Sari, Annie Mufyda Rahmatika, Iman Sabarisman, Satria Bhirawa Anoraga
Coffee is a popular commodity in practically every country, and demand is growing. Coffee processing produces more than 50% by-products, the majority of which is coffee husk (48%). It includes phenolic content and caffeine, as well as antioxidants in the range of 60.25%, making it a potential functional...
Proceedings Article

Investigation of the Milkfish (Chanos Chanos sp) Freshness by Infra-Red Spectroscopy

Yus Rama Denny, Untung Yudho Prakoso, Endi Permata, AM Kartina, Teguh Firmansyah
The milkfish (Chanos Chanos sp) is one of the flagship products of Banten Province, Indonesia. As the export potential product, the freshness is needed to control its quality. In this study, we investigated the freshness of the fish by combining infra-red spectroscopy. The milkfish was taken directly...
Proceedings Article

Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activity: The Potency of Selaginella intermedia Leaves Against Oral Pathogen

Saat Egra, Tohru Mitsunaga, Harlinda Kuspradini
Selaginella intermedia is one of the traditional medicine in East Kalimantan, which use as some traditional medicinal uses. S. intermedia is usually found in the forest floor, especially for this study we obtain from Kebun Raya Unmul Samarinda (KRUS) in East Kalimantan. The aim of this study is to inhibit...
Proceedings Article

Characteristics of Several Foodstuff Drying by Microwave: A Review

Nihayatuzain Amanda, Nadilla Shintya Kusuma Wardhani, Anjar Ruspita Sari
One of technology that used for food drying is microwave. The use of microwave drying has resulted in sensory and physical characteristics changes of food. The objective of this article is to review the use of microwave drying on several foodstuff. Microwave drying has a significant difference as compared...
Proceedings Article

Substitution of Concentrate with Corn Waste on the Productivity of Layer Roosters

Tri Ida Wahyu Kustyorini, Aju Tjatur Nugroho Krisnaningsih, Waluyo Edi Susanto, Kristiani Muliati Selung
This study aims to determine the substitution of concentrate with corn waste for the productivity of roosters. The material used in this study was male chickens aged 30 days with an average body weight of ± 500 g. The research method used was a field experiment using a completely randomized design (CRD)....
Proceedings Article

Communication Channels and Constraint of Beef Cattle Farmers on Adoption of Artificial Insemination Technique in Dharmasraya Regency, West Sumatera

Ediset Ediset, Jaswandi Jaswandi, Amrizal Anas, Aditya Alqamal Alianta
The research aimed to investigate the communication channel and constraint of beef cattle farmers on adoption of artificial insemination technique in ex-transmigrant area, Dharmasraya Regency, West Sumatera. The survey method was used that supported by field observation. The population was the farmers...
Proceedings Article

Environmental Sustainability Practices and Development through Biobased Products in India - A Review

V. Haritha Lochana, D. Bhavani Sankar Reddy, M. Y. Naidu
Biobased products derived from renewable biological resources are gaining significance in India as a means to promote environmental sustainability and economic development. The potential of biobased products has been investigated in a number of fields, such as manufacturing, energy production, and agriculture....
Proceedings Article

The Comparison of Essential Oil Extraction from Citronella Grass (Cymbopogon nardus L.) Using Solvent-Free Microwave Extraction and Microwave Hydrodistillation Methods

Ditta Kharisma Yolanda Putri, Ardetha Titarnia Aurly, Siti Fatimah, Boy Arief Fachri
Indonesia is a country that has 40–50 types of essential oil-producing plants out of a total of 80 types of essential oils that enter the world market. There are several essential oil-producing plants that until now have not been used optimally. However, the extraction method of citronella oil in Indonesia...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Eco-Enzyme Spraying on Chlorophyll Content of Hydroponic Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.)

Resti Fevria, Vauzia Vauzia, Siska Alicia Farma, Reki Kardiman, Edwin Edwin
The green pigment chlorophyll gives a plant's leaves and stems their color. In addition to being crucial to the process of photosynthesis, chlorophyll is also rich in antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing compounds. Many green vegetables, especially lettuce, contain chlorophyll. Lots...
Proceedings Article

Quantification the Recombinant SUMO-psTnI in E.coli by SPE-HPLC

Tu Zhang, Qiu-Ling Xie, Yong Luo, Cai-Kun Wang
A simple and rapid reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) method has been developed and validated for the quantification of recombinant SUMO-psTnI in E.coli BL21/PET-3C. This method could be used to monitor the target protein during fermentation and purification process. After Sonication in 20mMTris...
Proceedings Article

LC50 and Effect of Sublethal Concentration of K2Cr2O7 on Different Developmental Stages of Osteochilus vittatus

Gratiana E. Wijayanti, Sharon Hillary, Ani Septiani, Anisa Aulia, Anastasia E. Sintanora
Chromium in form of hexavalent had been reported to be genotoxic and carcinogenic, affects some physiological, and reproductive features. The ability of aquatic animals including fish to tolerate chromium may vary according to different developmental stages. Therefore, this research was conducted to...
Proceedings Article

Power Relations in Education: Smart-Domestic and Technology of Material

Achmad Ricky Zulfahmiddin, Marina Ratna Dila
In practice of power, the unit of domestic time to time has always being dociles target which maintain and perpetuate a power of regime by involving the role of Academical Institutions in the Power/Knowledge Nexus relations. This situation demands transformation in domestic units in any discourse of...
Proceedings Article

Identifying Total Economic Value of Capilong (Calophyllum inophyllum) in Ternate Island–North Maluku-Indonesia

Mardiyani Sidayat, Mila Fatmawati
Beauty leaf tree (Calophyllum inophyllum) or locally called capilong is one of the plants which have big potential to be used for biofuel raw material. Indeed, almost all parts of this plant have high economic potential and are currently being used for important industrial raw materials, such as the...
Proceedings Article

Study of the structural and mechanical properties of flour from a composite mixture based on beans and premium wheat

Maxim Maradudin, Inna Simakova, Viktoriya Strizhevskay, Ekaterina Volf
The work was performed in 2019 at the Department of Food Technology of Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov and at the Research Agricultural Institute. Using the Mixolab instrument, the basic parameters of the rheological state of the dough from patent wheat flour, flour from seeds...
Proceedings Article

Bactericidal Activity and Physiological Effects of Combined Application of Poly-Hexamethylene Biguanide Hydrochloride and 1-bromo-3-chloro-5, 5-dimethylimidazolidine-2, 4-dione on Staphylococcus aureus

Wan HUAI, Zhirui DENG, Qin CHEN
Poly-hexamethylene biguanide hydrochloride (PHMB) and 1-bromo-3- chloro-5,5-dimethylimidazolidine-2,4-dione (BCDMH) are widely used for surface disinfection. Here, we examined the bactericidal effects of the mixture of PHMB and BCDMH (named PB) combined in different ratios on S. aureus, and studied effects...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Skim Milk on Sperm Motility of Brek Fish, Systomus orphoides (Valenciennes, 1842) for Short Term Preservation

Rifqi Ramadhana, Abinawanto, Rudhy Gustiano
The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effect of skim milk on sperm motility of Brek fish, Systomus orphoides (Valenciennes, 1842) after 48 hours in 4°C. The method in this research is sperm was collected by hand stripping and was diluted by diluent, which consisted of the fish ringer, skim...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Shade on Peanut Plant Performance as Fodder, in The ExS Merapi Volcano Eruption Land with Silvopastoral

Bambang Suwignyo, Nafiatul Umami, Nilo Suseno, Yogi Sidik Prasojo, Miftahush Shirotul Haq, Bambang Suhartanto
The aimed of the study was to determine the effects of shade on peanut plant (Arachis hypogaea) performace as fodder, planted in the farmland exs Merapi volcano eruption. Peanut seeds were planted in Kepuharjo Village, Cangkringan, Sleman, Yogyakarta. This study was carried out two years after the eruption,...
Proceedings Article

Fasudil Protects Against the Myocardial Hypertrophy of Transverse Aortic Constriction Via Modulating the Expression of Caspase-3 and Bcl-2 Protein

Le Li, Hao Shang, Cailing Zhang, Houquan Tao, Jirkun Cheng
Objectives: To investigate the effects of fasudil (Fas) on myocardial hypertrophy in rats. Methods Rats were randomly divided into 5 groups: control , transverse aortic constriction (TAC) model, Fas (5mg/kg) plus TAC, TAC plus Fas(20mg/kg), and TAC plus captopril (Cap, positive drug). After administering...
Proceedings Article

Exercise Related Sudden Death: The Changes of Expression of Bax, Bcl-2 Protain in Myocardial Tissue and Brain Motor Cortex

Yu QIAN, Ren-Jun YANG, Jin YIN
Purposes: Study the changes of cardiac and brain function of exercise related sudden death in rats under over fatigue state and explore the causes of sudden death preliminarily. Methods: Totally 72 male SD rats.7 rats were randomly selected as negative control group. The others were trained continuously...
Proceedings Article

Coffea Sp. as Metabolism of Sugar Agent on Male Mice (Mus musculus) BABLC Albino

Armaita, D. Tohidin, Y. Afriatin
Caffeine was one of main substance which has contained on coffee. It was popular of drinks in this world. The influence of caffeine on blood sugar level has been became a topic by researchers especially about it would be increase or decrease it. The purposes of this research was to know how the influence...
Proceedings Article

Consumption and Digestibility Value of Crude Fiber of Dairy Goat Feed with Supplementation Garlic Husk Flour and Organic Minerals (Cr, Se, and Zn-Lysinat)

Tri Puji Rahayu, Caribu Hadi Prayitno, Munasik Munasik
Supplementation of garlic husk flour and organic minerals (Cr, Se, and Zn-Lysinat) is an effort to manipulate the rumen microbial ecosystem to increase dairy goat feed’s consumption and digestibility value of crude fiber. This research was designed to investigate the effect of supplementation of garlic...
Proceedings Article

Ready To Eat (RTE) Meatballs with Natural MSG Sources as Delicacy Potency in Indonesia

Dian Nur Amalia, Endy Triyannanto
Indonesia has developed ready to eat (RTE) food in several years along the high activities of the consumers and needs of delicious, fast, and nutritious foods. One of the popular RTE foods in Indonesia is meatball. The common seasoning used in the RTE meatballs is monosodium glutamate (MSG). However,...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of the Implementation of Halal Assurance System (HAS) -23000 With Ergonomics and Technometrics Approaches to the Tempe Industry in Cilegon City

W Susihono, H Haryanto, A Gunawan, I Istianah, S Mukarromah
The application of ergonomics in the halal-certified food processing industry is part of the improvement of the production process to produce comfortable and safe working conditions. This working condition can be improved when various human-related problems have been identified using 8 aspects of ergonomics....
Proceedings Article

Current Status of Forest Management Unit Effectiveness Versus Decreasing the population of Sumatran Tigers in the Ulu Masen Protected Area, Aceh

Silfi Iriyani, A. Humam Hamid, Agus Setyarso, Hairul Basri, Dedi Kiswayadi
Ulu Masen ecosystem (738,000 ha) of the Aceh Province is one of the last vast wildernesses in South East Asia. IUCN categorized areas under Category VI as protected areas, primarily due to their unique cultural values and traditional natural resources management practices. It is home to the Critically...
Proceedings Article

Identification of Breed Preference on Cross-breeding among Beef Cattle Farmers in Central Java, Indonesia

Restiyana Agustine, Nur Ain Afrilia Widarni, Indra Wahyu Pratama, Endang Baliarti, Mujtahidah Anggriani Ummul Muzayyanah, Ahmad Romadhoni Surya Putra
Cross-breeding between Peranakan Ongole (PO) and exotic breed are increasingly by smallholder farmer to obtain productivity improvement. Uncontrolled cross-breeding can be a threat to the existence of PO as local cattle in Indonesia. This study aims to identify the reasons behind cross-breeding breed...
Proceedings Article

Test of Consistency, Hardness, And Water Absorption on Innovative Planting Media (Block Compost) As A Solution for Utilization of Oyster Mushroom Baglog Waste

Rosyid Ridho, Asih Priyanti, Joko Sumarsono, Qabul Dinanta Utama, Tina Afriana, Deas Fitriani Sahrani Jayadi, Rupita Shohipatul Khaini
This study aims to try and examine the potential utilization of mushroom baglog waste into block compost, with research parameters namely consistency, hardness, water absorption, pH value and Electrical Conductivity. The materials used are baglog waste, granulated sugar, EM4, and water. Before being...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Dietary Supplementation of Plant Seeds as Fatty Acids Source on Nutrients Digestibility, Performance, Carcass and Cutting Percentage and Physical Properties Evaluation of Meat of Broiler

Jet Saartje Mandey, Meity Sompie
This feeding trial was conducted to investigate the effects of three kinds of plant seeds as fatty acids source on in vitro nutrient digestibility, growth performance, and physical evaluation of meat of broiler. Two hundred broiler chicks were assigned to 4 dietary treatments for 5 weeks. The birds were...
Proceedings Article

«Amilocin» Probiotic Fodder Additive in Laying Hens' Rations

Ekaterina Martynova, Pavel Kornienko, Svetlana Kornienko, Svetlana Verbitskaya
The aim of this work was to study the mechanisms of action and determine the effectiveness of the use of probiotic fodder additives «Amilocin» in the production of food eggs. In the course of the experiments, we found that the introduction of «Amilocin» supplement with water to laying hens of the cross...
Proceedings Article

Qualitative In Vitro Evaluation of Plant Growth Promoting Activity of Selected Microbial Isolates Used for Biofertilizer Application

Marwanto, Hendri Bustaman, Merakati Handajaningsih, Supanjani, Bambang Gonggo Murcitro
The use of microbial strains with plant growth promoting (PGP) properties is advisable as a sustainable alternative to chemical fertilizers to improve soil fertility and crop yields. The present study identify 12 specific microbial isolates (7 bacterial and 5 fungal isolates) to have PGP activity viz....
Proceedings Article

Hypocholesterolemic Effect of Biscuit Made from Purple Sweet Potato Flour, Starch, and Fiber Rich Flour on Rats

Oktavianna Ginting, Elisa Julianti, Rona J. Nainggolan
The solid residue from purple sweet potato (PSP) starch has a high enough dietary fiber and can be processed into fiber rich flour. In this study, biscuits were made from flour, starch and fiber rich flour from PSP in a ratio of 75: 5: 20. The resulting biscuits were then tested for their hypocholesterolemic...
Proceedings Article

Effects of High-Pressure Processing on Milk, Meat, Fruit, and Vegetable: A Review

I Putu Karang Adisurya, Anjar Ruspita Sari
Preservation of agricultural products is needed to extend shelf life and maintain quality. One of the preservation methods that can be used is High-Pressure Processing (HPP). This article aims to review the effect of implementing HPP on milk, meat, fruit, and vegetable. The results of the review showed...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Using Water Spinach on the Physical Quality of Pellets

Himmatul Hasanah, Joelal Achmadi, Eko Pangestu, Muhsin Al Anas, Ali Agus
The high fiber content in forage causes nutrients challenging to digest. Pellet technology breaks down the cell wall and increases the soluble fiber fraction. This study aims to determine the effect of using water spinach on the durability and hardness of pellets. The study was designed using a completely...
Proceedings Article

The Effects of Ethanol Extract of Asian Pigeon Wings (Clitoria ternatea L.) Flower on Body Weight and Malondialdehyde Level in Diabetes Rat Model

Tantri Febriana Putri, Brian Wasita, Dono Indarto
Diabetes mellitus. is ai global metabolici disease with high morbidity and imortality rates. Many diabetes patients have difficulties lowering their blood glucose levels although they are taking anti-diabetes drugs. Flower of Asian pigeon wings (Clitoria ternatea L) contains flavonoid, anthocyanin, compounds...
Proceedings Article

Data Driven based PM2.5 Concentration Forecasting

Haiqin LI, Xuhua SHI
A PM2.5 concentration prediction approach using data-driven model is proposed in this paper, which uses support vector machine regression (SVR) and SVR combined with Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) respectively. The forecast results have a certain advantageous by comparing PSO-SVR prediction model...
Proceedings Article

Characterization of LEAFY in Rubus Coreanus and Its Phylogenetic Application in Rubus Species

Dan Jiang, Hao-Ru Tang, Yan Wang, Qing Chen
Rubus coreanus is endemically distributed in Southwest China and has great potential for Rubus breeding due to its nutritional values and insects and pests' resistance. LEAFY, as a single copy nuclear gene in diploid plants, plays an important role in the taxonomy and phylogeny, containing three exons...
Proceedings Article

Needs Analysis of Creation of Biology Module with Characters Nuance Supplemented Concept Maps for Students at Class X

Yuli Dwiyanti, Ramadhan Sumarmin
Based on the observations at class X students and teachers of SMA Negeri 1 Rengat indicate that the teaching materials used in learning biology have several shortcomings such as language that is difficult to understand, topics and assessment instruments that are not in accordance with the indicators...
Proceedings Article

Phenotypic Characters Stability of Melon (Cucumis melo L. ‘Kinaya’)

Amir Muhammadi, Budi Setiadi Daryono
Melon is an important commodity in Indonesia and still dominated by imported melons such as Action 434 and Sun Lady. The ‘Kinaya’ cultivar is a crossbreed between ‘Kinanti’ and ‘Sonya’ cultivars. The development of ‘Kinaya’ cultivar as indonesian superior local melon is needed to improve the quality...
Proceedings Article

Microplastics from Soil and Groundwater to Human Body: A Review

Bharat Kumar Rajabattula, G. Appa Rao, Abhinash Marukurti
Microplastics (MPs) are plastic particles smaller than 5 mm in diameter, emerged as a significant environmental contaminant, posing serious threats to human health, groundwater, and soil ecosystems. MPs get enter in to the environment through various process, such as the disintegration of bigger plastic...