Advances in Biological Sciences Research

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2390 articles
Proceedings Article

Evidences that Intake of L-valine May Affect the Lifespan-specific Local Gene Network Pattern in Caenorhabditis Elegans

Hong-Yuan Wang, Zhi-Zhou Zhang
The purpose of this study is to preliminarily investigate whether branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) prolong the lifespan of model organism Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) through modifying the ageing-related local gene network (LGN) pattern. After synchronization adult C. elegans were fed with living...
Proceedings Article

Toxicity of Commercially Available Bar Soap on American Cockroaches (Periplaneta americana)

Mitoriana Porusia, R A P Ratni, S K Dhesi
American cockroach (Periplaneta americana) is a tropical species that can be found in Indonesia and elsewhere. It is of public health importance as it is a vector of some human pathogens. Soap, including bar soap can be used as pesticide for cockroaches. It contains surfactant as an active ingredient....
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Temperature and Roasting Time on The Characteristics of Sedau Robusta Coffee Powder (Coffea canephora)

Satrijo Saloko, Fariza Fariza, I Wayan Sweca Yasa, Indriyatno Indriyatno
The research aim was to determine the effect of temperature and roasting time on the characteristics of robusta coffee powder from Sedau village. The experiment was arranged with Completely Randomized Design of 2 factors and 3 replications. The factors were the roasting temperature of 190℃ and 200℃,...
Proceedings Article

16S rRNA Fragment of Metagenomic DNA, Antibacterial and Cellulase Activity from Garbage Enzymes of Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis) Peels

I Nengah Wirajana, I Made Bramandita, I Made Sukadana
Organic waste, such as fruit peels, has potential to be processed into useful products, for example through fermentation into garbage enzymes (GE) or also known as eco-enzymes. This study aims to determine 16S rRNA gene fragment amplicon of metagenomic DNA, antibacterial activity against the Staphylococcus...
Proceedings Article

Nutrient Content of Banana Peel (Musa paradisiaca) Fermented at Different Levels of Palmyra Sugar Liquid Addition

Theresia Nur Indah Koni, Yohanes Turu Marambandima, Tri Anggarini Yuniwati Foenay
Kepok banana peel is one of the potential feedstuff because of its availability and eases to obtain. However, the fiber content in banana peels was high and resulted in a limitation of its usage. Fermentation can reduce the crude fiber, and the process requires soluble carbohydrates such as palmyra sugar...
Proceedings Article

Hydraulic Study on The Use of Gates to Improve Drainage Performance of Dadahup Lowland Irrigation Area

Habib Ansari, Istiarto, Budi Santoso Wignyosukarto
Dadahup lowland irrigation area, known in Bahasa as Daerah Irigasi Rawa (DIR) Dadahup, is one of the Ex-PLG areas that has been now included in the food estate program. It has been experiencing low productivity, producing only 1.7 - 2.9 ton/ha/year of paddy. Farming on lowland areas is often hindered...
Proceedings Article

Body Condition Score (BCS), Body Fat Percentage, and Feed Consumption of Male Sapera Goats on Indigofera sp. Based Feeding

Denis Agita Meliana, Agustinah Setyaningrum, Pambudi Yuwono
The study “Body Condition Score (BCS), Body Fat Percentage, and Feed Consumption of Male Sapera Goats on Indigofera sp. Based Feeding” was carried out from May 5, 2021 to July 11, 2021 at the Experimental Farm, Faculty of Animal Science, Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto. The study aimed to examine...
Proceedings Article

Preliminary Analysis for Development of Animal Ecology Practical Guide Based on Guided Inquiry

Rivaldi Putra Jamal, Yuni Ahda
Animal ecology is a part of biological science that involves interactions between animals and their environment. In the process of learning it requires correlation with observation activities in the practicum process. in the implementation of the Practicum, a practical guide is needed. The purpose of...
Proceedings Article

Geology and Groundwater Quality Analysis for Clean Water and Irrigation of Sanga-Sanga District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan Province

Nurhasimah, M. A. Syam, Herriyanto
The research location is in two sub-districts, namely Sanga-sanga District, Samarinda City and Palaran District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan Province. This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the quality of ground water in the study area. The research method used in this research...
Proceedings Article

Hematological Parameters in Broiler Chicken Consumed Lauric Acid and Feed Fiber

Jola Josephien Mariane Roosje Londok, John Ernst Gustaaf Rompis
Livestock productivity cannot be separated from their physiological status. Hematological tests are not only used to diagnose diseases in livestock but can be used to monitor health. Besides that, hematological parameters can also be used to assess stress levels by nutritional factors and become important...
Proceedings Article

Sustainable Pest Control Against Fall Armyworm Constrained By Limited Knowledge And Skills Of Maize Farmers: A Case Study In Central Sulawesi, Indonesia

Shahabuddin Saleh, Mohammad Yunus, Dewi Nur Asih, Sulaeman Sulaeman, Siti Yuliaty Chansa, I Gede Laksana Wibawa, Assa Natasyah
Maize is one of the priority agricultural commodities developed in Central Sulawesi. One of the obstacles that need to be addressed for this purpose is pest infestations, mainly fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiderda (J.E. Smith), a new pest in Indonesia. The success of pest control is influenced,...
Proceedings Article

Chitosan Derivative Nanoparticles as Prolonged Releasing Drug Carriers

Bohua FENG, Liufen PENG
Ricinoleic acid grafted amphiphilic carboxymethy chitosan (CMC-g-RA) was synthesized as a carrier to load botanical drug rotenone (Rot). Then Rot/CMC-g-RA water dispersion in nanoscale was prepared, whose shape, zeta potential, loading efficiency and outdoor stability were characterized accordingly....
Proceedings Article

Monitoring System of Humidity Environmental on Chilli Red Green House Aeroponic System

Alimuddin, Dwi Rahmat Aryanto, Dewa Made Subrata, Rida Oktorida Khastini, Nurmayulis, Ria Arafiyah, Irma Saraswati
The research aims at monitoring the humidity of chilli plants on aeroponic growing media in greenhouses. The aeroponic system is used because of limited land for planting chili, while the Greenhouse is designed to manipulate the climate needed for chili plants to be able to grow optimally to produce...
Proceedings Article

Estimation of Total Phenol Content and Antimicrobial Activity in Different Leaf Stage of Lepisanthes amonea

Frika Purnamasari, Harlinda Kuspradini, Tohru Mitsunaga
Many plants have been reported to possess antibacterial activity, and among them are coming from the Sapindaceae family. The Sapindaceae family has 2,215 species in 147 genera. L. amoena is one species in this family found in East Kalimantan. This study’s objective was to determine the effect of the...
Proceedings Article

Improvement of the Quality of Duck’s and Chicken’s Meat Using African Leaf (Vernonia amygdalina)

Z. Suhaemi, S. G. Hidayati
Animal product with high body weight and low cholesterol will improve the quality of the product. This study aims to determine the response of male local duck and broiler chickens, which are given African leaf meal (ALM) in their rations, to body weight and blood lipid content. The treatment that will...
Proceedings Article

Design and Constructions Preeing Machine Compost Block from Organic Waste with Hidraulic System

Amuddin, Ida Ayu Widhiantari, Rosyid Ridho, Fakhrul Irfan Khalil, Wahyudi Zulfikar
The problem of agricultural waste is a problem experienced by almost all people in all regions in Indonesia. The increasing population followed by the increasing need for food such as vegetables and fruits from agriculture has an impact on the amount of waste produced. Waste treatment is very necessary...
Proceedings Article

An Example of Karst Features Identification Using High-Resolution Aerial Photograph for Environmental Management at Pindul Cave Area, Gunung Sewu Karst, Indonesia

Hendy Fatchurohman, Ahmad Cahyadi, Tjahyo Nugroho Adji, Indra Agus Riyanto
Karst area poses distinctive landform features on its surface such as karst hills, cave entrances, sinking streams, and doline. Identification of surface karst features in detail will greatly help understand the hydrogeological system of an area. However, the availability of open-source high-resolution...
Proceedings Article

Supply Chain for Horticultural Agribusiness

With Reference to Indonesian Processed Potato Industry

Arifin Tasrif, Harniati Harniati, Nazaruddin Nazaruddin
The government’s alignment has not been optimally in encouraging the development of domestic processed potato seed industry. Thus, processed potato seeds have to be imported from overseas annually. The method used to support this study is by analyzing the statistical imported industrial processed potatoes,...
Proceedings Article

Stability and antioxidant tests of ethanol extract liposome of moringa leaves (Moringa oleifera)

Robert Tungadi, Teti Sutriyati Tuloli, Sri Manovita Pateda
Moringa leaf potentially has an antioxidant effect because it contains Quercetin having poorsolubility in water. Liposomes as carriers of drug compounds can increase the solubility of quercetin through an entrapment system in the lipid bilayer. This study aimed to determine the stability and antioxidant...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of the Bicyclononan Derivative on the Conditioned Reflex of Passive Avoidance in Rats with Cerebral Ischemia

Galina Brkich, Natalia Pyatigorskaya, Andrey Nedorubov, Olga Filippova, Oleg Zyryanov
The aim of this study was to develop the effect of substance Z–109 - a bicyclononan derivative, presumably belonging to the class of ampakines on the memory of rats undergoing cerebral ischemia. The evaluation of mnestic functions was carried out on the model of the conditioned passive avoidance reflex....
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Incubation Time on Various Type of Local Agricultural Waste in Madiun, Indonesia to Produce Cellulases Using Trichoderma viride

Pujiati, M W Ardhi, E Muktiani, N K Dewi, N Jadid, E N Prasetyo
This study aims to determine the effect of substrate types on the crude activity of cellulase enzymes from local agricultural waste such as peanut shells, coconut fibers, brans, and teak leaves with the variations of incubation times (day 1, 3, 5, and 7) produced by Trichoderma viride. Enzyme activity...
Proceedings Article

Species Diversity of Insects on Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. ‘Bligon’ and ‘Grompol’) Plantation in Sokorini Village, Muntilan, Magelang, Central Java

Aryo Seto Pandu Wiranto, Siti Sumarmi
Tobacco is an agricultural export commodity important for Indonesia. Therefore, tobacco farming, especially in optimizing production, is an attractive point for research. The challenges in optimizing tobacco production are insect pests causing loss on tobacco production. This study aimed to identify...
Proceedings Article

Kinetics of the Coconut Sap Physical Properties During Palm Sugar Processing Using Pan Evaporator and Vertical Type Double Jacket Stirred Crystallizer

A N Hanifah, S Rahayoe, A D Saputro, R A Kusuma
Palm sugar is made from the evaporation and crystallization of palm sap turned into granules/powder. This research aims to analyze the physical kinetics of the coconut sap throughout the cooking process of palm sugar using pan evaporator and vertical type double jacket stirred crystallizer. Fresh coconut...
Proceedings Article

Innovative agriculture through information and communication technology (ICT) for optimized food production among root and tuber crop farmers in Abia State, Nigeria

P. E. Amadi, P. C. Odor, C. Kalu
The need to facilitate access to required information and knowledge through deployment of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to empower root and tuber crop farmers especially in the rural areas of Abia state, Nigeria cannot be overemphasized. As a result, structured questionnaire was used...
Proceedings Article

Precision Agriculture (PA) techniques for smallholder farmers in the US: status and potential opportunities

Rajveer Dhillon, Qianna Moncur, Cadance Lowell, Sakthi Kumaran, Alcinda Folck, Deng Cao
Smallholder farmers play an important role in ensuring world food security. More than one-third of global food is produced by smallholder farming systems. Besides food security, small-scale farming also provides numerous other direct and indirect environmental, social, cultural, and economic benefits...
Proceedings Article

Injured Human Kidney Proximal Tubular Epithelial Cells Modulate Nucleation and Growth of Calcium Oxalate Crystals

Da GUO, Jian-min WANG, Jian-ming OUYANG
Purpose: The oxidative damage of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) on human kidney proximal tubular epithelial cell (HKC) and the nucleation and growth of calcium oxalate (CaOx) crystals modulated by normal and injured cells were investigated. Methods: The method of CCK-8 was used to detect the proliferating...
Proceedings Article

Prognostic Significance of COX-2 and VEGF in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy

Gang-Ping Wang, Xue Wang, Zhao-Jun Ding, Yun-Ai Liang, Zuo-Feng Zhang
In recent years, the incidence of breast cancer is signifcantly on the rise all over the world, hence, how to treat breast cancer, correctively evaluate the prognosis and find the postoperative recurrence of patients with breast cancer have been paid attention by more and more scholars all over the world....
Proceedings Article

Exocyst Regulates Drosophila Border Cell Migration and Wing Development

Ping Wan, Sumei Zheng, Ting Liao
Cell migration plays an important role in many physiological and pathological processes. Understanding of the mechanisms of cell migration may lead us to develop novel therapeutic strategies for controlling human disease. Border cell migration in the ovary of Drosophila melanogaster has emerged as an...
Proceedings Article

Thoraxial Antigen-G of House Fly Musca domestica (Muscidae: Diptera) on Serum Immunoglobulin Level of Goats

Laurentius Rumokoy, Geertruida Assa, Sonny Moningkey, Heydi Manangkot, Constantyn Sumolang, Wisje Lusia Toar
The proper control of pathogenic diseases on livestock will have an impact on livestock production itself. An opportunity to control the disease could be done by using insect antigen as an alternative solution. This experiment aims to evaluate the role of insect thoraxial antigen-G extracted from Musca...
Proceedings Article

The Activity of Jatropha curcas Cream on Day 5 of Skin Wound Healing in Mice Infected with Staphylococcus aureus

M. Nur Salim, Dian Masyitha
This research aimed to determine Jatropha sap cream’s activity on day 5 of the healing process of skin wounds of mice infected with Staphylococcus aureus. Twenty-seven male mice (Mus musculus) aged 2 months and weighed 30-40 g were used. All mice underwent a 20 mm incision in the dorsal area (back) and...
Proceedings Article

Oral Herbs Based on Serawai Seluma Medicinal Plants

Muhammad Adeng Fadila, Nunik Sri Ariyanti, Eko Baroto Walujo
Local wisdom is a legacy that must be preserved and documented. Using plants as traditional medicine is examples of local wisdom. One of the tribes in Indonesia that called Serawai tribe, are still using the surrounding plants as traditional medicine. Documenting local knowledge in making a drug from...
Proceedings Article

Processing of Olein Fraction Red Palm Oil with Minimal Refining Method and Optimization of Deodorization Process

Deny Sumarna, Sumardi Hadi Sumarlan, Susinggih Wijaya, Nur Hidayat
Red Palm Olein (RPOn) is the result of refining and fraction of Crude Palm Oil (CPO). In the conventional refining of CPO, carotene which is a pro-Vitamin A is intentionally removed to get a clear colored oil. This research is comparing between two methods are Method I and Method II. Method I is started...
Proceedings Article

Effects of Nano-selenium on Blood Biochemistry, Liver Antioxidant Activity and GPx-1 mRNA Expression in Rabbits

Shunyi Qin, Fu Chen, Fanghong Zhao, Tianming Jin, Jifei Ma
The experiment was conducted to compare the effect of nano-selenium and sodium selenite on blood biochemistry, liver antioxidant activity and GPx-1 mRNA expression in rabbit. Twenty-four 10-week-old New Zealand rabbits, female and male in half, were randomly divided into three groups. Rabbits in Group...
Proceedings Article

Legal Construction of Post-Mining Reclamation in Indonesia

Haris Retno Susmiyati
The coal minings in Indonesia are recorded that there were 9.721 Mining Business Permits. The majority is mining with an open-pit mining system. It brings consequences to the emergence of mining pits in many places. These coal pits (void) become an issue for the people who live in the mining area. In...
Proceedings Article

Loss of Function of Sth1, The Catalytic Component of RSC (Remodel the Structure of Chromatin) Complex Grossly Alter the Chromatin Architecture

Priya Prasad
Chromatin architecture has a profound effect on the gene expression in eukaryotes. It is constantly modulated in the cells in response to different stress condition and during the normal physiological process in the cell. The chromatin is also modulated during the cell growth and division, where several...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Suspension Beta Asarone Mixed with Sillica Nanoparticles in the Mortality of Crocidolomia pavonana

Purwatiningsih, Barlah Rumhayati, Susantin Fajariyah, Raodatul Jannah
The prospect of using botanical insecticides to control the insect pests is very promising. However, there are some factors limiting their efficacy. Short release rate at the point contact, the inherent volatility and vulnerability to oxidation and ultra-violet light are causing phytochemical changes...
Proceedings Article

The Study of Water Quality under Bligon Goat Rearing at Several Agroecological Zones in Bantul

Bambang Haryanto, Nono Ngadiyono, Panjono Panjono, Siti Andarwati, Bayu Andri Atmoko, I Gede Suparta Budisatria
Livestock production impacts environmental water quality related to its waste product. This research cinducted to determine water quality around the Bligon goat pen in Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Province. Water quality measurements were conducted in upland, lowland, and coastal zones. Water was collected...
Proceedings Article

The Effect Of Somatic, Auditory, Visual, Intelectual and Learning Style Towards Students Knowledge Competency in Junior High School (SMPN 1) Koto Baru Dharmasraya District

Aulia Victorina, Ramadhan Sumarmin
This research is based on students lack of motivation in learning teaching process, learning style, and learning mehod is not quite effective for implementation, teacher-centered learning teaching process, and also students achievement is still low. The purpose of this research is to identify the effect...
Proceedings Article

Halal Thayyib & Kosher Food in Legal Conceptual Framework Based on Social Study in Indonesia and America

Ikomatussuniah, Mohammad Reevany bin Bustami
In Islamic teachings, the terms Halal-Thayyib are often used together in unison. Thayyib brings in the ontology of goodness into the discourse of religious permissibility (Halal). Nevertheless, Thayyib is often being removed from the legal and social dynamics of Halal contextualization. This article...
Proceedings Article

Spatial Planning of Serang City Area in Realizing Food Security of Urban Communities

Scope: Environment and Agriculture

Ipah Ema Jumiati, Ari Winanto
Spatial and regional plans as stipulated in The City of Serang Regional Regulation No. 6 of 2011 on The Urban Planning Plan of 2010–2030 there are still many that failed implemented. The increasing number of residents accompanied by increased housing needs and other supporting facilities makes an increase...
Proceedings Article

Phytochemical Characteristic and Antimicrobial Activity of Coconut Coir Extract on Various Solvents

Karseno, Pepita Haryanti, Reza Kezia Poetri
Coconut coir is a by-product of the coconut that known contains phytochemical compounds and antimicrobial activities. This study aims to determine the phytochemical characteristics and the antimicrobial activity of coconut coir extracts. Completely Randomized Design was used in this study and the effect...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Bajakah Ethanol Extract on Wound Length in The Proliferation Phase of White Rats Induced Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Fitri Nuroini, Salsadila Septadepnee Hidayanto, Tulus Ariyadi, Sri Sinto Dewi, Mustika Sari
The incision is a wound that has taken the shape of a linear tear as a result of being sliced by a sharp object. Antibiotics are required to limit bacterial development during wound healing to prevent infection. Because improper antibiotic use might lead to resistance, there are other options for wound...
Proceedings Article

Mineral Content, Energy, and Fiber Fraction Analysis of Fermented Liquid Feed With Tamarind Seeds in Different Water Ratio

Redempta Wea, Christian Abimanyu More Laka, Theresia Nur Indah Koni, Helda Helda, Bernadete Barek Koten
This study aims to examine the mineral, gross energy, and fiber fraction content of liquid feed fermentation contains tamarind seeds with different water comparisons. The study used whole tamarind seeds and feed ingredients are corn, bran, meat and bone meal, and soybean meal. The parameters of the research...
Proceedings Article

Productivity Indexes of Sumatera Cross Sheep from Birth to Weaning Lambs

Anita Hafid, Chalid Talib, Anneke Anggraeni, Diana Andrianita Kusumaningrum, Herdis, Supardi Rusdiana, Andi Baso Lompengeng Ishak
The objective of this study was to calculate productivity indexes of Sumatera Cross Sheep (SC) ewes based on performances of birth weight, weaning weight, and daily weight gain. Study used 45 ewes that were naturally bred with a female to male of 7:1, mating three times in two years. Lambs were observed...
Proceedings Article

Soy Protein Isolate (SPI) Based Delivery System as Promising Mastitis Vaccine Carrier Candidate

Dadang Priyoatmojo, Tri Handayani, Afi Candra Trinugraha, Teguh Wahyono, Nina Herlina
An orally administered vaccine application is a part of strategies on veterinary vaccine development. Soy protein isolate (SPI) has been scientifically tested in various studies as a potent drug carrier. Mastitis is one of the livestock diseases mainly caused by Streptococcus agalactiae, which can be...
Proceedings Article

Anti-inflammatory and Angiotensin I-Converting Enzyme Inhibitory of Malvidin and its Glycosides from Vaccinium Ashei

Han Wu, Zheng Yan, Wu-Yang Huang
Protective effects of malvidin and the glycosides from Vaccinium ashei on endothelial cells were investigated. The results showed that malvidin, malvidin-3-glucoside, malvidin-3-galactoside, and their mixture could defend endothelial cells from damage caused by TNF- , and inhibit monocyte chemotactic...
Proceedings Article

Effects of Giving Bay Leaf (Syzygium polyanthum) Extract Into Drinking Water on External Morphometry in Mojosari Alabio (MA) Male Duck

Anggraeni, Ristika Handarini, Ary Ridho Musthofa
Mojosari Alabio (MA) is a local breed characterized by its qualitative and quantitative specific performance. Utilization of herbs including Indonesian bay leaf containing phytochemicals such as flavonoids is a way to improve the potential and productivity of MA ducks. Flavonoid is polypherol compounds...
Proceedings Article

Bioinformatics Analysis of the Ζ-Carotene Isomerase Gene in Cabbage (Brassica Oleracea Var. Capitata)

Bo Sun, Min Jiang, Fen Zhang, Haoru Tang
Ζ-carotene isomerase (Z-ISO) is an important enzyme in carotenoid biosynthesis. Here, the Brassica oleracea var. capitata Z-ISO (BocZ-ISO) gene sequence was obtained from Brassica database (BRAD), and preformed for bioinformatics analysis. The BocZ-ISO gene mapped to chromosomes 5, and contains an open...
Proceedings Article

Pharmaceutical Composition Based on Two Innovative Chitosan-Containing Substances – The Chitosan-Chymopsin Complex and the Chitosan-Miramistin Complex – for Production of a Finished Dosage Form for the Treatment of Infected Wounds of Various Origins

Liliana Brkich, Tatiana Salnikova, Natalia Pyatigorskaya, Galina Brkich, Vasily Belyaev
Developed pharmaceutical composition based on two innovative chitosan-containing substances: the chitosan-chymopsin complex and the chitosan-miramistin complex, for the treatment of infected wounds in gel dosage form for external use has four types of pharmacological effects - necrolytic, antimicrobial,...
Proceedings Article

Research and Implementation of Discovering and Recommending Experts in Medical Community-Based Q&A

With the continuous development of the Internet, community-based Q&A (CQA) system has become an effective platform for people to access online information and help. People can submit their own question in CQA and get answers from others. There will be an enormous amount of questions all the time, and...
Proceedings Article

Biochemical Characterization of Acetamiprid Resistance in Laboratory-Bred Population of Aedes aegypti L. Larvae

Roopa Rani Samal, Kungreiliu Panmei, P Lanbiliu, Sarita Kumar
The constant rise in cases of Zika, Dengue and Chikungunya worldwide has made control of Aedes aegypti a principal concern. The most recommended plan to control mosquito-borne diseases primarily lies on vector management and disturbing their disease-transmission cycle. Wide-ranging use of different classes...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Administration of Honey on Maximal Physical Activity in Malondialdehyd (Mda) Levels of Male Mice (Mus musculus L.)

Pudia M. Indika, Randi Kurniawan, Ridho Bahtra, Elsa Yuniarti
Maximum physical activity creates an imbalance between the production of free radicals and the body’s antioxidant defense system known as oxidative stress. Maximum physical activity increases the need for oxygen, which leads to an increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) and free radical products. Thus...
Proceedings Article

Morphological Characteristics Of Some Local Upland Rice Strain New Type Of Mass Selection Results

Jeki Jeki, Rezi Amelia, Muhammad Adnan Khalik, Mustakim Mustakim, Sitti Rasidah
Identification of morphological characters is one way to distinguish the nature of an individual plant from other plants which are the characteristics of each plant. This research was conducted to identify several new types of local upland rice lines resulting from the mass selection with the best morphological...
Proceedings Article

Molecular and Phylogenetic Analysis of Hemaglutinin Gene of Avian Influenza a Viruses Subtype H5N1 Isolate from Quail

Teuku Zahrial Helmi, Wayan Tunas Artama, Aris Haryanto, Rumi Sahara Zamzami
Based on the level of infection, the Avian Influenza (AI) virus can be grouped into 2 levels of infection, namely highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) and low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI). The pathogenicity of AI viruses was determined by the amino acid sequence at the site of the hemaglutinin...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Altitude on Odonata Biodiversity in the Paddy Field of Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta

Nariswari Salsabiela, Amanda Novitasari, Agustina Citra Windianingsih, Reza Bagus Alfian, Anggun Setyaningrum, Besta Eins Yudharta, Okti Alfiyatus Safa’ah, Sukirno Sukirno
Odonata acts as a natural enemy in the paddy field ecosystem. The Odonata diversity is highly related to habitat condition. This research analyzed the effect of altitude on the diversity of Odonata in paddy field ecosystems in Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta. This research was conducted...
Proceedings Article

A Review of Metroxylon Sago Plant Restoration Towards Recovery Populations With Special Emphasis on Lampung

Jayusman Jayusman, Slameto Slameto, Zahara Zahara, Meidaliyantisyah Meidaliyantisyah, Marsudin Silalahi
Rumbia or (Metroxylon sago), which has a long history of economic benefits for sago farmers, naturally grows on Lampung Province, Indonesia. In one of the fragmented areas with scattered trees, the sago habitat is now in a state of decline. The reduced area of sago is due to the pressures that are several...
Proceedings Article

Study of Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Distribution and Salinity of Coastal Area Using Satellite Imagery for Pond Development in Pond Irrigation Areas (DIT) Sei Teras

Ahmad Riadi, Radianta Triatmadja, Nur Yuwono
The Sei Teras Pond Irrigation Area (DIT) is an aquaculture zone on the coast of Central Kalimantan Province. TSS and salinity are water parameters that affect the development of aquaculture. Water quality studies and their distribution are needed to support aquaculture enhancement. This study aims to...
Proceedings Article

Study on Terpenoid Compounds of Different Tissues of Camphor Tree

Ying-ying YUE, Yan FU, Jie CHANG
Based on the current research value of biomass and terpenoids, in this paper, the terpenoids contented in the different organizational of the camphor tree were analyzed by SDE extract method and GC-MS analysis method. The results showed that the contents of terpenoids contained in camphor leaves were...
Proceedings Article

Critical Thinking Embedded Essay Test

Siti Zubaidah, Susriyati Mahanal, Mistianah, Ahmad Fauzi
Critical thinking (CT) is one of the essential twenty-first-century competencies that need to be empowered. The development of students’ critical thinking (CT) can be assessed using the Illinois Critical Thinking Essay Test (ICTE Test). However, due to the constant use of multiple evaluation items at...
Proceedings Article

The Type and Distribution of Violin Crab (Uca) at Mangrove Forest of Kahyapu, Enggano Island and The Gulf of Muaro, Labu Nawi, Bengkulu City

Novia Duya, Jefri Novriansyah, Rista Noveria, Darmi
Violin Crab (Uca) is type of crab living in mangrove habitat as a detrivore. In Bengkulu, the mangrove forest zone locates in many areas, including Kahyapu, Enggano Island and Gulf of Muaro Labu Nawi, Pulau Baai, Bengkulu City. The objective of this experiment was to investigate the pattern of Violin...
Proceedings Article

Temperature and Humidity Control using Nextion 3.2 HMI in the Natural Greenhouse

Sirajuddin Haji Abdullah, Joko Sumarsono, Gagassage Nanaluih Side, Asih Priyati
Maintaining stable temperature and humidity conditions is a crucial part of the plant growth stage. Ignoring the urgency of controlling this parameter causes plant growth to be not optimal. This research was conducted to monitor the temperature and humidity inside and outside the greenhouse and to create...
Proceedings Article

Pre-weaning Growth of Etawah Grade and Etawah Grade x Bligon kids

Adi Tiya Warman, Restyana Whigiska Sari, Bayu Andri Atmoko, Nono Ngadiyono, I Gede Suparta Budisatria
This study aims to determine the growth of Etawah Grade and Etawah Grade x Bligon kids during the pre-weaning period. A total of 13 kids consisted of 6 Etawah Grade kids and 7 Etawah Grade x Bligon kids with single type birth were observed. The birth weight and weaning weight, average daily gain (ADG),...
Proceedings Article

Globulin Conjugated Fe3O4 Nanoparticles for Magnetic Hyperthermia

Viveka Kalidasan, Jun Ding
Magnetic hyperthermia is a non-invasive cancer treatment used synergistically with the existing cancer treatments. The challenges of an efficient magnetic hyperthermia are improved biocompatibility and enhanced heating characteristics. We have addressed both the challenges by fabricating globulin conjugated...
Proceedings Article

Carotenoids of a New Russian Carrot Cultivar F1 “Rubinovaya”

Taisiya Burginskaya, Victor Deineka, Irina Blinova, Mikhail Tretiakov
New Russian F1 “Rubinovaya” cultivar of Daucus carota was found to be pink-colored due to biosynthesis of lycopene and β-carotene in relatively high overall level (up to 0.200 mg per 1 g of fresh weight, FW). The typical carotenoid composition of carrot roots with pink color were determined by proposed...
Proceedings Article

Diversity and Community Pattern of Butterflies on Degraded Heath Forest in East Kalimantan

Harmonis, Sutedjo
Heath forest is one unique ecosystem in tropical regions. Many biodiversities and their ecological characteristic in this ecosystem are still unknown by science, including butterflies. Therefore, the study was conducted to determine butterfly richness and diversity indices in every site on natural secondary...
Proceedings Article

The Digestibility of Different Level of Palm Kernel Cake and Rice Bran Supplementation in Sheep

Dwatmadji, Tatik Suteky, Indah Lestari, Mafika Sari, Mei Manurung
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of giving oil Palm Kernel Cake (PKC) and rice bran with different proportions to the digestibility of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), crude fiber (CF), and energy in sheep. Twelve (12) sheep were divided into 3 treatments...
Proceedings Article

Supply Chain Resources of Red Chili Based on Food Supply Chain Network in Kulonprogo Indonesia

Susanawati, Muhammad Fauzan, Ivo Mega Candela Fanestia
This study is to describe the structure of the red chili supply chain relationship and describe the resources of the red chili supply chain in Panjatan District, Kulonprogo Regency. The research location was determined intentionally with the help of Cluster Sampling in determining farmers’ samples. The...
Proceedings Article

Increasing the Melting Temperature of Chocolate by Adding Xanthan Gum-Based Hydrogel: A Preliminary Study

Mira Aprilia Nur Fadilah, Arifin Dwi Saputro, Samuel Keegen Bangun, Arima Diah Setiowati, Sri Rahayoe, Joko Nugroho Wahyu Karyadi
Melting temperature of chocolate needs to be increased since it easily melts at temperatures below 34oC. An elevated melting temperature gives benefits for chocolate producers in tropical countries. In this study, heat-resistant chocolate was developed using indirect incorporation of water. Xanthan Gum-based...
Proceedings Article

In Silico Analysis of NADH-Dependent Nitroreductase-Like Protein from Aspergillus parasiticus and Aspergillus caelatus

Nurul Hamiemah Mohamad, Amaliawati Ahamad Latiffi
Nitroreductases have potential use in the bioremediation of nitroaromatic compounds and prodrug activation. Reports about this enzyme from bacteria are abundant; however, research on fungal nitroreductase is scarce. A. parasiticus nitroreductase (ApNtr) and A. caelatus nitroreductase (AcNtr), discovered...
Proceedings Article

Build of Farmer Walfare Through the Cocoa Village Model (CVM) Program in District of Blitar

Pawana Nur Indah, Sri Widayanti
The problem of Cocoa development in East Java is productivity that is still far from its potential ability. The average productivity of cocoa only 0.7 tonnes/ha, whereas when applying the technology optimally cocoa cultivation, productivity can reach 2.5 tons/ha. It is therefore necessary strategic steps...
Proceedings Article

Prognostic Analysis of The Effects of Starvation and Overfeeding on Children

Le KANG, Mingsan MIAO
By comparing the effects of excess nutrients and malnutrition on the body of children, It is concluded that the harm to children's body caused by excessive nutrition is more than that of malnutrition, and overnutrition is also a performance of malnutrition. The causes of obesity in children, the present...
Proceedings Article

Bacterial resistance and virulence markers in urine of HIV patients and pregnant women in Port Harcourt, Nigeria

K. Onwubuche, O. E. Agbagwa, N. Frank-Peterside
The present study was carried out to ascertain resistance pattern in Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in urine samples of HIV patients and pregnant women attending the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital. A total of one hundred and thirty (130) urine samples...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Sesame Dehulling Wastewater Utilization for Biogas Manufacturing

Gunawan Rahmadi, Muhammad Ichdahana, Arita Dewi Nugrahini, Henry Yuliando
At present, some sesame dehulling businesses cannot handle overloaded liquid waste and choose to dispose sesame dehulling liquid waste directly into sewers or rivers. The organic matter in sesame dehulling wastewater disposed directly into the environment causes many environmental problems. One alternative...
Proceedings Article

Classification of Lymphoma, Benign Lesions, and Carcinoma Using Convolutional Neural Network

Hanina Nuralifa Zahra, Isa Anshori, Hasna Nadila, Hofifa Mulya Utami, Joshua Adi Chandra, Muhammad Rashid Kurniawan, Yunianti Khotimah, Widyawardana Adiprawita, Hermin Aminah Usman, Okky Husain
Lymphoma, carcinoma, and benign lesions are common diseases that have to go through several stages to be detected due to their structural similarity. A common way to distinguish these diseases is by analysing them manually based on the cell images at a certain magnification. However, this method still...
Proceedings Article

Modelling Egg Production of New-Kampong Crossbreed Chicken (KUB) as Promotion of Indigenous Chicken Breeds Using Three Mathematical Methods

Danung Nur Adli, Osfar Sjofjan
The research was conducted to estimating egg number from the new-kampong-crossbreed chicken (KUB) using three mathematical methods. A total one hundred 24-week-old KUB hens were randomly allocated to individual cages. Egg records totalling were divided into eight different ages (weeks); 22-25; 26-29;...
Proceedings Article

Biological Quality of Horse Manure Compost with the Addition of Azotobachter Culture Based on the Vegetative Growth of Pennisetum purpureum and Glycine max (L) Merill

Nur Cholis, Ita Wahju Nursita
As pseudoruminant animals, horse manure is the most ideal compost material among animal feces due to its high C/N ratio of 25 or more. The addition of decomposers such as Azotobachter microbial culture will accelerate the process of decomposition. The aim of the study was to analyse the biological quality...
Proceedings Article

Monitoring of Green Open Space change area from 2018 to 2022 using remote sensing approach: Study sites Palu city, Central Sulawesi

A. Malik, A. Santi
Population growth increase every year in the city of Palu has an impact on the increasingly massive development that occurs. While on the other hand, according to PP no 15 of 2010 green open space must be available in a city by 30%, With proportion 20% is public and 10% is private property. In 2018,...
Proceedings Article

Reproductive Performances of Bali Cows Kept by Smallholder Farmers in Bima and Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara

Muhammad Andika Prasetya, Bayu Andri Atmoko, Alek Ibrahim, I Gede Suparta Budisatria, Panjono, Endang Baliarti
Bima and Dompu regencies on Sumbawa Island become the development centers and the highest population of Bali cattle with extensive production systems in West Nusa Tenggara Province. The high population of Bali Cattle in Bima and Dompu Regencies, is a great potential to be developed as a center for Bali...
Proceedings Article

Bioinformatics Analysis of the Ζ-Carotene Desaturase Gene in Potato (Solanum Tuberosum)

Jie Ma, Ping Zhou, Chunyan Chen, Min Jiang, Meiling Wu, Rui Wu, Chaohai Wang, Bo Sun
Ζ-carotene desaturase (ZDS) is an important enzyme in carotenoid biosynthesis. Here, the Solanum tuberosum ZDS (StZDS) gene sequences were obtained from Spud DB database, and preformed for bioinformatics analysis. The StZDS gene mapped to chromosomes 1, and contains an open reading frame of 1,767 bp...
Proceedings Article

Land Suitability Evaluation for Patchouli Plant Cultivation (Pogostemon cablin Benth) in Dry Land Pontang District, Serang Regency, Banten Province

Sri Ritawati, Putra Utama, Eltis, Pancaningsih, Ismawati
Patchouli was one of the industrial plants that has the potential to be developed as a regional superior commodity. The purpose of this study was to analyze the suitability of dry land in Pontang District, Serang Regency, Banten Province for the cultivation of patchouli plants. The research methods were:...
Proceedings Article

Potential of Agricultural By-Product as Ruminant Feed in North Aceh District

Y. Yusriani, N. Usrina, M. Sabri
North Aceh District is one of the districts that produces ruminants and has great potential in the agricultural sector which will produce by-product so that it can be used as animal feed. The study was conducted from January to December 2018 in North Aceh district, Aceh Goverment. This study is a descriptive...
Proceedings Article

Prognostic Importance of Th1:Th2 (IL-1β/IL-10) Cytokine Ratio in Adult Onset-Bronchial Asthma

Rabia Tahseen, Mohammad Parvez, G. Sravan Kumar, Parveen Jahan
Bronchial asthma is a complex respiratory disorder, exhibits several endotypes and phenotypes due to different underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms. Globally it affects 300 million individuals, with the prevalence of 2–3% in India, contributing to morbidity and mortality. Over 50 cytokines have...
Proceedings Article

Systemic and local effects of garlic administration in meat goats

Sowmya Jagana, Sreenavya Inupala, Priyanka Pande, M. D. Rasel Uzzaman, Mulumebet Worku
Animal agriculture is a major contributor to the United States economy. Livestock contributes about 13% of the energy to the world’s diet. Animal-source foods are good sources of high-quality protein and micronutrients that are essential for normal development and good health. Sustainable animal production...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Effect of the Position on Weighted Degree Kernel for Splice Site Prediction

Tian-Qi Wang, Yong Xu
Prediction of splice sites plays a key role in the annotation of genes. SVM with the weighted degree kernel has been proved to achieve a satisfactory performance. However, this kernel did not consider the effect of the position. In this article, we explored the relationship between the weighted degree...
Proceedings Article

Resistance Test for Anopheles spp. to Cypermethrin Insecticide Using Bottle Bioassay Test Method

Sabri, Muhammad Hanafiah, Rinidar, Yudha Fahrimal, Teuku Zahrial Helmi
The resistance of Anopheles spp to insecticides is the most important and dangerous problem that affects malaria control programs. One of the methods used to detect insecticide resistance is the bottle bioassay test method from Centers for Disease Control (CDC) which can be applied as part of a broader...
Proceedings Article

Lactic Acid Bacteria Fermentation of High Protein Feeds: Effect Storage Time Aerobically and Turmeric (Curcuma Longa) Addition on Quality of Fermented, Fortified and Protected Protein Feed

R Abdiwibowo, Z Bachruddin, A Kurniawati
Protein feed is an essential nutrient for livestock production, but it is easily spoiled if not appropriately handled. This study aimed to determine the effect storage time aerobically and turmeric (Curcuma longa) addition on chemical and physical properties on fermented, fortified, and protected protein...
Proceedings Article

House Physical Environment Condition of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patient from Puskesmas Sempaja Geriatric Health Post Unit

Ronny Isnuwardana, Azkiah Mandarini Fakih, Cristine Triana Jimah, Nur Rahmatiah, Tiara Ramadhani
The prevalence rate of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) tends to increase in various parts of the world. T2D is characterized by high blood glucose level, and currently among the top diseases affecting millions of people in the world. T2D is a chronic disease that is prone to various complications, one...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Litter Size on Ewe and Their Lamb Performances under Intensive Management System

Diahanvika Tri Sarvinda, Sigit Bintara, I Gede Suparta Budisatria, Kustantinah Kustantinah, Endang Baliarti
This study aims to determine the effect of litter size of ewes and lamb performances under an intensive care management system. The material used was 20 ewes consisting of single and twin litter sizes given the same rations. Ewes were kept in individual cages from four months of gestation to one month...
Proceedings Article

The Economic Impact of Carbosulfan Use on Shallot Farm

(Case Study: Brebes and Enrekang Regency)

Hastuti Hastuti, Dea Amanda
Carbosulfan is one of the pesticides widely used by farmers of shallot. Excessive use of pesticides has caused controversy, particularly with regard to the environment and health, as pesticide residues can accumulate in agricultural products and pollute rivers. Even though, the use of Carbosulfan pesticide...
Proceedings Article

The Role Of Inter-Species Hybridization In Expanding The Sortiment Of Plum

Julia Burmenko, Vladimir Simonov, Valery Vysotsky
As a result of hybridization of species: Prunus domestica L., Prunus salicina Lindl., Prunus rossica Erem., Prunus brigantina Vill., Prunus persica (L.) Batsch., Prunus armeniaca Lin., Prunus pumila L., Prunus spinosa L. crossed between Interspecific hybrids combining genomes of 2 or more species ((Prunus...
Proceedings Article

Identification of the Origin of Domesticated Red Jungle Fowl by the Community in Bengkulu Province, Indonesia

Johan Setianto, Sutriyono, Suharyanto
Red jungle fowl is one of the important species that has the function of ecology, economy, and aesthetics. The red jungle fowl and their offsprings have an important role for rural communities. The communities in Bengkulu Province had done a domestication of the red jungle fowl. Until now, the conservation...
Proceedings Article

Ethnobotanical Aspects of Mentawai Traditional Agricultural System (Pumonean) and Its Implications for the Conservation of Local Germplasm in Siberut, Mentawai, Indonesia

Nurainas, Eryscha Dwi Syukma, Chairul, Mansyurdin
Mentawai people have a unique agricultural tradition. The traditional agricultural system (mone) is adaptive, using the plants that are suitable for the landscape. Land clearing is carefully done without destroying the entire forest. We conducted ethnobotany studies to explore the composition and the...
Proceedings Article

Sustainable Biogenic Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles (AgNPs) using Aegle marmelos and Evaluation of their Photocatalytic, Antimicrobial and Cytotoxicity Properties

Abhinash Marukurti, Alavala Matta Reddy, V. Durga Praveena, G. Tejaswini, M. Padmaja, L. Rajeswari, D. Sailaja, P. Vijaya Nirmala, N. Baby Nirmala, J. Shashi Sri
Nanotechnology has revolutionized materials research, leveraging nanoscale entities (1–100 nm) with extensive applications across diverse fields. This study explores the synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) using aqueous leaf extract of Aegle marmelos (AMLAE) prepared via the decoction method. The...
Proceedings Article

Real-time Fluorescence Quantitative PCR and Prediction of Bovine Trf 2 Protein Funtion

Yahong Huai, Shangzhong Xu
In order to study Trf 2 protein function in the sperm production, the Trf2 gene was studied and the protein function was predicted in this paper. Based on blast searches with the mRNA sequence of human Trf 2 and the bovine-EST databases, we used fragment assembly and RT-PCR technology to amplify sequence....
Proceedings Article

Supplementation of Isomalto-oligosaccharide Reduced Colon Cancer-related Bacteria Enzymes and Fecal Toxicity in Nursing-home Residents

Hsiao-Ling Chen
This study investigated effects of 2-month isomalto-oligosaccharide (IMO) supplementation on fecal colonic bacterial enzymes, bile acid metabolites, and fecal toxicity in the nursing-home residents. Twelve nursing-home residents (mean age 85.2 1.9 y. o.) participated in the placebo-controlled and diet-controlled...
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness of Botanical Insecticide Mixture of Neem Seed Extract and Citronella Oil Against Cotton Bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera Hubner) and Armyworm (Spodoptera litura Fabricius)

Sujak, Subiyakto, Dwi Adi Sunarto
Irrational use of synthetic insecticides can cause pollution of water, soil, air, and agricultural products; it affects the health of consumers and agricultural workers, as well as pest resistance and resurgence, killing beneficial animals, and pest outbreaks. Therefore it is necessary to find alternative...
Proceedings Article

HACCP Plan of Frozen Milkfish Satay for Supporting Cold Chain Management in PT. Agrobisnis Banten Mandiri (Perseroda)

Septariawulan Kusumasari, Wahyuni Martiningsih, Ahmad Mujaki Diwan
Banten has abundant fish resources with 499.62 km coastline length. Fish is perishable food with short shelf life. Freezing is alternative process to maintain quality of fish. PT. Agrobisnis Banten Mandiri (PT. ABM) has a mission to be distribution center in Banten Province. One of distributing commodity...
Proceedings Article

Nutrient Content and Total VFA Concentration Evaluation by Addition of Condensed Tannin and Myristic Acid in Complete Feed Through In Vitro Method

Asri Nurul Huda, Siti Chuzaemi, Mashudi Mashudi, Poespitasari Hazanah Ndaru, Khoirunisa Khoirunisa
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of condensed tannins and myristic acid addition in complete feed on nutrient content and VFA concentrations in vitro. The materials used for this research were maize straw, condensed tannins, myristic acid, coffee husk, rice bran, cassava waste,...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Tides on Water Salinity and Acidity in the Main Channel of Anjir Serapat Lowland Irrigation Area, Central Kalimantan

S Revina, Istiarto, EPA Pratiwi
Water salinity and acidity are two water quality parameters that are important for the success of crop cultivation in the Anjir Serapat Lowland Irrigation Area, Central Kalimantan. The interrupted tidal flow between Kapuas Murung River and the irrigation drainage system prevents fresh-saline water exchange....
Proceedings Article

Methane (CH4) Emission Produced from Utilization of Trichocompost Bio Urine and Bio Slurry on Sweet Corn (Zea mays L. Sacharata) Field

Sri Arnita Abu Tani, Faisal Fadli, Suhessy Syarief, Abdul Latief
The increase in greenhouse gases emissions (CH4) in the atmosphere will contribute to an increase in global warming. The increase in methane gas (CH4) is related to the solid and liquid waste of beef cattle which is not used optimally by some farmers, so it tends to contribute to the increase in methane...