Proceedings of the International Seminar SEMANTIKS & PRASASTI 2023 Theme: Language in the Workplace (PRASASTI 2023)

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42 articles
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Djatmika Djatmika, Riyadi Santosa, Agus Hari Wibowo, Dyah Ayu Nila Khrisna, Bahtiar Mohamad
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the International Seminar SEMANTIKS & PRASASTI 2023 Theme: Language in the Workplace (PRASASTI 2023) on November 7th, 2023 in Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members...
Proceedings Article

Appraisal Theory Approach to the Translation of Judgment on Gender Trouble in Pasung Jiwa

Ambhita Dhyaningrum, M. R. Nababan, Riyadi Santosa, Djatmika Djatmika
The phenomenon of gender trouble is real in our society. Despite the rules in religion or norms and culture, the repression shown by society to groups of people who experience gender trouble is not something that can be justified. However, a society that has been infested with prejudice results in judgment...
Proceedings Article

The Characteristics of Female’s Debt Collectors on Online Loan Collection toward their debtors: A Sociopragmatic Perspective

Anisah Hanif, Djatmika Djatmika, Riyadi Santosa, Sumarlam Sumarlam
This research investigates the characteristics of female debt collectors’ speech towards their debtors. The approach used is the Sociopragmatic. The research location is in the Whatsapp chat media that accommodates online loan collection carried out by female debt collectors against their debtors. The...
Proceedings Article

Unfolding Sukarno’s Sentimentality through Appraisal Theory

Asrofin Nur Kholifah, M. R. Nababan, Riyadi Santosa, Djatmika Djatmika
Sukarno, the first president of Republic of Indonesia, is identical with the founding father of Indonesia as well as the great orator. Nevertheless, he described himself in different way. In his autobiography, Sukarno An Autobiography as told to Cindy Adams, he called himself as a great lover. He loved...
Proceedings Article

Selection Day: School Bullying in Interlingual Subtitling

Aulia Nisa’ Khusnia, M. R. Nababan, Riyadi Santosa, Djatmika Djatmika
Violence has become a social issue that has recently escalated in frequency. Several social and psychological variables in society inspire this violent behavior. Bullying is a type of violence that has recently grown common in society. Bullying is any unfavorable behavior, whether verbal physical, or...
Proceedings Article

Advocate Speaking Strategy in Memorandum of Defense (Pledoi) in Criminal Cases in Indonesia

Deri Wan Minto, Vismaia S. Damayanti, Dadang S. Anshori, Muhammad Zulfadhli
Advocates are people who provide advice as well as defense for clients who are resolving legal cases, of course advocates have a strategy in defending their clients. The purpose of this study is to describe the speech strategy of advocates on the memorandum of defense in criminal cases in Indonesia,...
Proceedings Article

Translation Error Types Analysis on TikTok Indonesian-English Auto-Translation Content

Dirahima Berida Shafira, Raden Arief Nugroho
This study investigates the types of errors that are common in translations generated by automatic translation software like TikTok. The researcher used a classification of types of translation errors (D.Vilar, 2006). There are several translation errors, including missing words, incorrect word order,...
Proceedings Article

Understanding Postgraduate Students’ Research Article Publishing Challenges in Indonesia

Djatmika Djatmika, Lastika Ary Prihandoko, Joko Nurkamto
In an ever-evolving academic publishing landscape, English as a Foreign Language (EFL) postgraduate students face distinct challenges and opportunities in the process of research article publication. This study aimed to meticulously identify the hurdles these students encounter in prestigious public...
Proceedings Article

Pragmatics Skills in Intercultural Communication of Indonesian Migrant Workers in Malaysia

Djatmika Djatmika, Riyadi Santosa, Agus Hari Wibowo, Bahtiar Mohamad
Intercultural communication between the Indonesian migrant workers and their Malaysian employers as well as their coworkers coming from other countries suggests them to have good pragmatic skills. These are important not only for the workers themselves to support the jobs but also for their employers...
Proceedings Article

A Face-Threatening Act in The Limbukan Scene of Lakon Sesaji Raja Suya at Shadow Puppet Performance

Donie Fadjar Kurniawan, M. R. Nababan, Riyadi Santosa, Djatmika Djatmika
The focus of this research is the relayed translation from Javanese to Indonesian to English to analyze the dialogue of Limbukan in the shadow puppet performed by Ki Dalang Purbo Asmoro in the play Sesaji Raja Suya. The limitation of the research is the utterance of face threatening expressions. This...
Proceedings Article

Santris’ Selves Positioning through Their Use of Affective Stance markers

Dwi Wulandari, Riyadi Santosa, Djatmika Djatmika, Wakit. A. Rais
This article aims at finding out how santris positioning themselves through the use of affective stances. This is a qualitative study with santris of Madrasah Aliyah bertaraf Internasional Amanatul Ummah (MBI AU) both males and females of the grade XII as the respondents. The data are taken from their...
Proceedings Article

Language Style of Ustazah Oki Setiana Dewi’s Lectures

Dyah Rohma Wati, Sigit Haryanto
This study aims to examine language styles in Islamic lectures of Ustazah Oki Setiana Dewi (OSD) and its’ purpose in the lectures. This study used a qualitative approach. The data in this study were resourced from speech events and utterances of Ustazah OSD in two lectures videos broadcast on the Youtube...
Proceedings Article

Speech Acts in a Workplace Environment as Demonstrated in ‘The Underdogs’ Short Film

Ela Sofiarti Sofian
This study examines the speech acts used in the short film entitled ‘The Underdogs’. The purpose of this research is to determine the way ideas are discussed between employees in a company. Speech acts have been chosen as the main topic of the research to figure out how ideas are conveyed in a work discussion—as...
Proceedings Article

Social Actor’s Realization in Fraudulent News: A Transitivity Analysis

Eny Maulita Purnama Sari, Riyadi Santosa, Djatmika Djatmika, Tri Wiratno
This investigation pointed to recognize the character of social actor of fraudulent news operating double analytical framework applied transitivity to analyze clauses and critically analyzed through public discursive models. The research was taken from two online media. The result showed the character...
Proceedings Article

Panyandra: Observing the Beauty of Javanese Women Through Plants Source Domain

Ermi Dyah Kurnia, Suhandano Suhandono, Hendrokumoro Hendrokumoro
Panyandra is used to express women’s beauty in Javanese language. Panyandra is a kind of metaphor in the Javanese language to describe the conceptual system of human thoughts about woman beauty. This conceptual system is based on the understanding that metaphor can become the reflection of the cognition...
Proceedings Article

Directive Speech Acts Of Inviting in Sunday Mass Sermon At The Parish Of St. Paul Kleca Surakarta

F. X. Sawardi, Henry Yustanto, Chattri Sigit Widyastuti, Bakdal Ginanjar, Hanifullah Syukri
This article is about research of sermon speech act. The objective of this study is to describe the various types of directive speech acts used to invite in mass sermons at St. Paulus Kleca Church Surakarta. This is a qualitative descriptive study with a pragmatic approach. The data in this study were...
Proceedings Article

Idiolect Use of Bahasa Malay Patani in Indonesia Language by Thai Student at UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung

Fakhriyyah Asmay Aidha, Siti Zumrotul Maulida
The study aimed to focus on understanding more deeply about the south Thai Malay idiolect used by Thai students. The study described idiolect regions that influenced the way Thai students from southern Thailand, Pattani use Indonesian pronunciation. The research uses qualitative descriptive methods,...
Proceedings Article

The Author’s Perspective through the Representation of Experiences in the Songs Muliha and Nekat

Favorita Kurwidaria, M. R. Nababan, Sumarlam Sumarlam, Prasetyo Adi Wisnu Wibowo
As time goes by, Javanese songs develop. Along with the development, the genres and the dictions of the Javanese songs are more varied. In line, there are wide-ranging ideas expressed by the songwriters through the songs. The Javanese songwriters have the authority in choosing and utilizing the language...
Proceedings Article

Transitivity Analysis in Indians’ and Turkish’ Analytical Exposition Texts

Galuh Kirana Dwi Areni, Riyadi Santosa, Djatmika Djatmika, Tri Wiratno
The goal of the current study is to compare the various transitivity systems between Indians’ and Turkish’ Analytical Exposition texts produced in an online communication program called International Virtual Exchange (IVE) 2021. Written communication texts made by 2 Indians and 4 Turks were employed...
Proceedings Article

Co-Occurrence Use of Animals and Its Representation in Indonesian Proverbs

I Dewa Putu Wijana
This article aims at describing the co-occurrence use of animals and its representation found in Indonesian proverbs. By using Indonesian proverb collection book as the main source of data, it is found that the co-occurrence can be between or among animals of belonging to the same as well as different...
Proceedings Article

Types of Sentences Filled with Character Values in Elementary School Students’ Writings: A Syntactic Study

Ida Bagus Putrayasa
This research purpose, designed with a descriptive-qualitative approach, was to explain the types of sentences containing character values in the students’ writing. The study took the fourth-grade students’ essays as the study subject, and the study object was sentences containing character education...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of Swearing Words in Indonesian Translation of Vampire VS the Bronx Movie

Ida Ismiyati, M. R. Nababan, Riyadi Santosa, Tri Wiratno
Swear words are often seen as negative language which is not appropriate to use for individuals or society in communicating. However, the use of swear words is starting to be accepted lately in public to expresses bad feelings, anger, or humiliation. It proved with the use of the words in various media...
Proceedings Article

The Use of UAM-Corpus Tool for a More Comprehensive Text Analysis

Idha Nurhamidah, Riyadi Santosa, Djatmika Djatmika, Henry Yustanto
The so called UAM-Corpus Tool has been claimed as a state-of-the-art environment for annotation of Text Corpora. This article aims at exemplifying how it can be used to construe the ideational meaning of a text leading to the description of the field of the discourse. Described step by step are the procedures...
Proceedings Article

Stilistics and Spiritual Values in Kunjarakarna Dharmakathana Prose Composed by Mpu Dusun

Ika Farihah Hentihu, Sahid Teguh Widodo, Sumarlam Sumarlam, Wakit Abdullah
This study aims to analyze classical prose entitled Kunjarakarna Dharmakathana composed by Mpu Dusun written in the era of Majapahit rule, in the classical Javanese era. Different types of stylistic language using stylistic theory were identified through data analysis. The results show that there is...
Proceedings Article

Guidance and Technology in Harmony: Unearthing EFL Postgraduate Students and Supervisor Strategies in Academic Writing

Joko Nurkamto, Lastika Ary Prihandoko, Djatmika Djatmika
In the dynamic realm of academic writing, the strategies adopted by EFL postgraduate students and their supervisors play a crucial role. This study aims to unearth the complex tactics utilized in academic writing, accentuating the role of structured mentorship and modern technology in achieving authentic...
Proceedings Article

From Text to Context: Unveiling Gendered Communication Styles in Work-Related Group Chats

Kennia Wikanditha, Alma Huwaida Ramadhani
Effective communication within a professional environment is a cornerstone of successful collaboration. In today’s digital age, group chats have become an important platform for communicating among colleagues. This article delves into an appropriate aspect of workplace communication- how men and women...
Proceedings Article

English Ability Students Faculty of Economics and Business, Wijaya Kusuma University in The Competition of The World of Work

Kharis Marpurdianto, Tri Edwinsyah Yudha Dharma
The aim of this investigation was to assess the English language proficiencies of students enrolled in the Faculty of Economics, specifically focusing on their preparedness for the global job market. The ability to communicate effectively in English has become exceedingly crucial, particularly in navigating...
Proceedings Article

Interrogatives in Banyumasan Javanese

Khristianto Khristianto, Riyadi Santosa, Tri Wiratno, Wakit. A. Rais
This study is aimed at elaborating the structure of questions in Javanese of Banyumasan dialect (BJ). This is a linguistic research employing a content analysis techniques. The data source is the Javanese version of Ronggeng Dhukuh Paruk novel. The data are the question expressions produced by the characters...
Proceedings Article

The Form of Casual Language Variety in The Interview of Sea Today News

Meiliana Meiliana, M. R. Nababan, Wiwik Yulianti
Sociolinguistic emerges as a functional approach for having the connection with the realm of language use and the speech community. Casual language is greatly popular among the society to be a colloquial language. Its existence refers to the nonstandard words and tends to be dynamic because of the linguistic...
Proceedings Article

Tirai Menurun and Kejawen Way of Life

Mytha Candria, Riyadi Santosa, Djatmika Djatmika, F. X. Sawardi
This paper presents a transitivity analysis of Kejawen expression in Nh. Dini’s novel Tirai Menurun. Kejawen or Javanism is a spiritual teaching that emphasizes harmony among human beings, between human and nature, and between human beings and God. The representation of Kejawen is analysed using Halliday’s...
Proceedings Article

Compensation in News Translation

Ninuk Sholikhah Akhiroh, M. R. Nababan, Riyadi Santosa, Djatmika Djatmika
Compensation is one of translation technique applied to overcome certain problems in translation process. Study on compensation technique was usually done on literary translation. However, it is worthy to note that in news translation, compensation is one of the most frequently used translation techniques....
Proceedings Article

Explicitation of Pronouns in the Translation of Math Children’s Storybooks from English into Indonesian

Nur Saptaningsih, M. R. Nababan, Riyadi Santosa, Djatmika Djatmika
Translating children’s stories, particularly those enriched with math concepts, is challenging because the translator is demanded to produce a translation that can entertain children and teach them about math concepts through stories. Since the stories translated contain math education, the translation...
Proceedings Article

Keris and Discourse of Javanese Identity

Panji Sukmo Her Asih, Andrik Purwasito, Warto Warto, Titis Srimuda Pitana
As an Indonesian cultural heritage, keris plays an important role, especially in Javanese society, and more dinamics in the keris society, which continues to preserve the keris to this day. On the one hand, the preservation of the keris is carried out by continuing to care for the keris as an object,...
Proceedings Article

On Indonesian-English Translation Company Profile Produced by Regional Government

Purwani Indri Astuti, M. R. Nababan, Riyadi Santosa, Djatmika Djatmika
To promote abroad about its potencies of area and also superiority of its products, the local government, Sragen regency, uses bilingual (Indonesian-English) company profile book. It is not only a media to promote Sragen regency, but it also becomes the quickest access to general understanding of this...
Proceedings Article

Features of Islamic Children’s Books by Young Authors: A Case Study of Books Published in Indonesia

Qanitah Masykuroh, Djatmika Djatmika, Tri Wiratno, Agus Hari Wibowo
Children’s literature in Indonesia has unique characteristics reflecting its culture, values and social condition. This study aims to investigate how Indonesian Islamic children’s books written by young authors fulfill the standard features of children’s literature. The data of this study are selected...
Proceedings Article

Speech Acts in Court: A Study on The Court Interpreting of “Coffee Killer Trials”

Raden Handoyo, M. R. Nababan, Riyadi Santosa, Djatmika Djatmika
Court interpreting plays a significant role in mediating communication between the opposing parties who speak different languages. Here, the interpreter is assigned to translate utterances into the target language in accordance with the intentions (speech acts) using certain techniques to produce a high...
Proceedings Article

The Affect System on Protagonist Characters’ Responses toward Racism in the Film 12 Years a Slave

Rahmaditya Khadifa Abdul Rozzaq Wijaya, Djatmika Djatmika, Riyadi Santosa, Tri Wiratno
This research aims to find out about the affect system in protagonist character’s responses toward racism. All data got from the utterances of protagonist characters that contain about the feeling from them. The data classified into affect system that consist of positive and negative. Another element...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of Euphemisms in Tilik the Series 1: Type, Context and Meaning

Rosita Ambarwati, Edy Tya Dewi Cahyani
These days, people are avoiding harsh, offensive, profane, or rude words and phrases to say in their communication since the world is badly sensitive. In order to overcome those problems, euphemism will beautify words or phrases people have said. Since Euphemism is important in building up communication,...
Proceedings Article

Pragmatic Study of Persona and Temporal Deixis in Minangkabau Language in The Bromo Area

Salliyanti Salliyanti, Dardanila Dardanila, Emma Marsella
This research is field research entitled “Pragmatic Study of Persona and Temporal Deixis in Minangkabau Language in the Bromo Area”. The problem discussed is the use of person and temporal deixis in the Minangkabau language. The purpose of this study is to introduce the regional language, namely Minangkabau...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Semantic Meaning Found in Instagram Account Comments Kabar_Klaten Posted 13 November 2022

Sri Handayani
The purpose of this study is to pinpoint the many kinds of semantic meanings that are present in comments on social media, particularly on Instagram profiles. The words, phrases, clauses, and sentences used in this study are taken from comments left on the Instagram account Kabar_Klaten. Based on Leech’s...
Proceedings Article

Face Threatening Act as a Representation of Gender Discrimination in the Novel ‘Zinah’

Tika Fitriyah
Avoiding FTAs (Face Threatening Acts) is one of the politeness strategies that needs to be practiced to build effective communication. Unfortunately, FTAs often become a habit that is difficult to avoid, and they are sometimes intentionally performed by certain individuals with the aim of humiliating...
Proceedings Article

The Comparison of Translation of Attitude Sources between Analytical and Hortatory Exposition Text: An Appraisal Theory Approach

Wisewarna Nazara, M. R. Nababan, Riyadi Santosa
This research aimed at finding the translation phenomena: translation technique and quality assessment of attitudes between two sub-genre of exposition text, namely: analytical exposition text and hortatory exposition text article from The articles were analyzed using appraisal system...