Proceedings of the 1st Non Formal Education International Conference (NFEIC 2018)

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35 articles
Proceedings Article

Equality in Education and Employment for Sustainable Development of Diverse Indonesia: Enhancing Equal Opportunity, Volunteerism, and Philanthropy

Peter Suwarno
While Indonesia prides it self on its diverse population, diversity can also create disparity in educational access and success among students, generating gaps of participation among people of different economic, gender, and geographical backgrounds. Studies show that inequality can lead to tension,...
Proceedings Article

Community Empowerment In Consumer Law Protection

Abdul Rahmat, Yuhelson, Ramlani Lina Sinaulan
The research approach used is the normative juridical approach that is research that emphasizes on secondary data, covering the whole legislation concerning Consumer Protection which will be discussed in this research. The results showed the Consumer Protection Agency for Self-Reliance is a registered...
Proceedings Article

The Approaches Used by Community Learning Center (PKBM) to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals in Solok Selatan West Sumatra Province Indonesia

Alim Harun Pamungkas
This paper presents a theoretical discussion of development as a manifestation of planned social change. In particular, the key points deal with existent practices of attaining the target of equitable quality education stipulated in Sustainable Development Goals. The study is aimed atproviding a different...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Blended Learning in Early Childhood Education Teacher’s Training

Arlina, Ihat Hatimah, M. Handi Gunawan
This study reports the implementation of blended learning applied in early childhood education teachers training in PP-PAUD dan Dikmas Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Operationally, there are two approaches concerning the implementation of blended learning, they are conventional approach and online approach....
Proceedings Article

Supervisor Competencies of Non Formal Education In Palembang

Azizah Husin
This study aims to understand thecompetence of the supervisor of nonformal education inperforming their duties. This study uses quantitative percentage approach. Data collection usingquestionnaire technique, and sampling technique is total sampling to the 30supervisors inPalembang. Supervisor Competencies...
Proceedings Article

Cyber School Model Learning Evaluation on Kejar Paket C in Campus PKBM

Bagus Kisworo, Yudi Siswanto
This research aims to know the implementation of cyber school model learning through CIPP (context, input, process and product) evaluation. The methods of data collecting are using observation and interview. The subjects are the manager, educator, and students. The data analyzing is conducted by collecting...
Proceedings Article

Validation Model of Teacher’s Made Test Results on The Learning Program of Elementary Schools in South Sumatera

Evy Ratna Kartika Waty
This study aims to elaborate problems related to the validation model of teacher-made learning test on 4 (four) basic problems that can be formulated as follows: (1) how the form of student learning outcomes made by elementary school teachers, (2) steps in preparing test results of student learning outcomes,...
Proceedings Article

Learning Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan in College Muhammadiyah

Ilpi Zukdi
College Muhammadiyah have typical to form students with the values of Islam and Muhammadiyah. Values of Islam made students aware of values religion followed, guidelined and implemented in daily life, while values Muhammadiyah expected the morale fighting by the organization. For that students given...
Proceedings Article

The Optimization of Iqro’ Method Implementation in Basic Functional Literacy Learning by Developing Learning Material based Padi (Rice Plant) as One of Local Potency in Jember

Irliana Faiqotul Himmah, Fuad Hasan, A.T. Hendrawijaya
This research was conducted for developing a valid, practice and effective learning material which able to optimize the implementation of iqro method in basic functional literacy learning. This research used Research and Development (R&D) approach. Thiagrajan’s 4D model was used as its research design....
Proceedings Article

Learning Group Functional Literacy Education Using Reflection Method (Case Study at Community Learning Centre (PKBM) Tenggang Raso and Siti Nurbaya Padang City)

This research is motivated by the ability of learners who consist of adults who currently learn to read, write and count, to do basic education and skills about various experiences and life, and learn to speak Indonesian. The objective of study was to explore, describe and analyse specific programs which...
Proceedings Article

Improving Early Reading Ability UsingEnvironmental Print Approach in the Family

Ismaniar, Jamaris, Wisroni
This study exposed the problem of low early reading ability in children aged 4-5 years old in Padang. The researcher proposed an environmental print approach in the family as an alternative solution. The research conducted was an action research. The stages of the research included; diagnosis, planning,...
Proceedings Article

Family Partnership Strategy with an Early Childhood Education (PAUD) Institution: A Case Study on PAUD Bianglala Bandung

Lili Dasa Putri, Ihat Hatimah, Mustofa Kamil
This study aims to describe the strategy of partnership between families and an institution of Early Childhood Education (PAUD). Partnership is an external communication effort undertaken to establish relationships and equate perceptions between educational institutions and parents. The problems that...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Teaching Materials Based on Vocational Skills on an Equality Program

Linda Fajarwati, Lutfi Ariefianto, Arief Tukiman Hendrawijaya
This research is based on the reason that subject matter in the equality program has no relevance to daily life. The purpose of this research is to develop teaching materials based on vocational skills and further can be used as a reference in improving the learning process in Equality Program. Teaching...
Proceedings Article

Developing Social Skills of Autistic Children through Role Play

Mega Iswari, Elsa Efrina, Kasiyati, Arisul Mahdi
This article discusses about the use of role play to develop social and communication skill of autistics children in inclusive primary schools. Therefore, it is necessary to provide interventions that are designed and implemented in a sustainable and well-programmed manner through educational services...
Proceedings Article

Interpersonal Communication in Learning Groups: Role of Facilitator in Developing Groups Cohesiveness

Muhammad Irfan Hilmi, Deditiani Tri Indrianti
This research is based on the process of community empowerment through non-formal education with the formation of learning groups. Learning groups are formed to facilitate each learning citizen to interact and participate in each learning process to achieve common goals. The formation of learning groups...
Proceedings Article

Stage of Assessment of Geography Development Master Planning Based on Decision for the Community

Nefilinda, Yusutria, Rina Febrina
The purpose thestage of assessment of geography development master planning based on decision for the community. This module is a teaching material, as a learning resource for students, which can facilitate students to get information and easy to apply in everyday life and for the community. Hence the...
Proceedings Article

Strengthening the Supervisory Function for Children in the Information Technology Era

Nur Hazizah
This paper is a critical analysis of the rapid development of information technology that has entered into various lines of life, including the lives of children. The phenomenon in the field shows that the impact is not always positive, but also negative. In this paper, the writer discusses the importance...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Integrated Model and Motivation Models on Learning Outcome of Students in Animal and Human Organ Order Material at Class V Elementary School/Paket A Program

Nurwatni, Risda Amini
This study aims to determine differences in learning results of animal organ circulation of animal and human blood between learners who learn through learning integrated models and learners who learn through conventional learning, differences in learning outcomes of learners who have high motivation...
Proceedings Article

Illiteracy Eradication Efforts to Increase Reading Interest through Community Reading Centre (TBM) Tanah Ombak

Rita Afriani, Ariesta
Community Reading Centre (TBM) Tanah Ombak in improving the ability of the prosecutor and reading skill, giving special class which is accompanied by the manager or volunteer of wave land that is improving the ability of the illiterate child with the passion of reading, writing and arithmetic and developing...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Character Education in the Family

Family is one of an environment nearby the children. Family as the first and important environment for developing children personality and character. On this literature study, it would explained about the roles of parenting in conducting the family education based on children character in the family....
Proceedings Article

Improving Early Mathematical Skills Using Kinesthetic Games

Setiyo Utoyo
The purpose of this research is to improve the early childhood mathematical ability through the kinesthetic game. The subjects of this research were the children of group B at TK Damhil Gorontalo. The study was conducted from October to December 2017. The method used in this research was classroom action...
Proceedings Article

Empowerment of Participation through Trash Processing Skills for the Independence of Community Behavior

Implementation of participatory empowerment through trashprocessing activities into various skills performed at Trash Bank ManglayangBandung. It is known that the empowerment activities are still able to survive with the participation of surrounding communities, despite the lack of understanding and...
Proceedings Article

Literacy of Information Technology for Women Empowerment in Bejiharjo Tourism Village

Sujarwo, Tristanti, Fitta Ummaya Santi
Literacy of information technology for women is the ability to understand, analyze and utilize technology intelligently. Literacy of technology is more than just reading and writing, but it includes thinking skills using knowledge resources to be applied in tourism management and development. The purpose...
Proceedings Article

Portraying the Factual Condition of Low-Income Women in Padang

Syafruddin Wahid, Solfema
The number of women living in poverty in Indonesia has not significantly decreased. This study aims to investigatethe individual characteristic of the women in Padang, the entreprenurialpotential they can maximize, and kinds of factors hindering them from starting entrepreneurship.The data were collected...
Proceedings Article

Person Centered Counseling in Developing of Elementary School/ Paket A Students’ Career in Indonesia

Syamsuar, Aprilia Tina Lidyasari, Reflianto
Indonesia has one of the AEC (Asean Economic Community) members since the last of 2015. Education is the key to the formation of qualified human resources. Through education, young people at the same time the next generation is prepared as well as possible into superior generations to take advantage...
Proceedings Article

Public Participation on Non Formal Education In Gowa Regency South Sulawesi: Study on Community Learning Center

Syamsul Bakhri Gaffar, D.S. Nurhaeni
Efforts to improve education quality as human resources, It should become top priorites development hearts of the Indonesian nation. Education provision is expected to be drivers of community empowerment by expanding public participation in the process of education both in formal education, informal...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of the Number of Family Members to Children’s Multiple Intelligences of Students of ‘Aisyiyah Kindergarten Padang

Syur'aini, Vevi Sunarti, Ilpi Zukdi
Early years of childhood is a critical period that shapes children as the next generation of the nation; it is when children’s ability must be developed properly to help them reach their potential. An early access to education will maximize children’s multiple intelligences; however, the low public awareness...
Proceedings Article

Strengthening The Role of Private Training Institutions for The Preparation of Skilled and Professional Workers

Tasril Bartin
Public participation is essential for the realization of a professional training institution with a competent workforce output and ready to work independently or enter the labor market. Based on the fact, most of the existing private training institutions are mostly growing, surviving, and growing minimally...
Proceedings Article

Model of Women Empowerment of Samin Community through Training on Social Entrepreneurship Based on Local Culture

Tri Suminar, Bagus Kisworo, Utsman
Literacy of information technology for women is the ability to understand, analyze and utilize technology intelligently. Literacy of technology is more than just reading and writing, but it includes thinking skills using knowledge resources to be applied in tourism management and development. The purpose...
Proceedings Article

Maintaining Family Integrity Through Family Counseling Approach in the Information Technology Advancement Era

Sri Murni, Mareyke Jessy Tanod
The progress that happened in the information technology era gives impact to various areas of life, including the life in the family. The impact is not always positive for life, but it can also be negative. Various problems can occur if each family can not answer the challenge of progress in a smart...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Learning Period to the Development of Children’s Multiple Intelligences

Vevi Sunarti, Syur'aini, Wisroni
Children are the most beautiful and priceless gift; hence early education is imperative to maximize their future well-being. However, the low public awareness about early childhood education slows down the rate of success of educational programs administered. The purpose of this study is to find out...
Proceedings Article

The Trained Skill Baju Kurung for Homemakers at the Society Learning Centre (PKBM) in Padang

Wirdatul Aini, Hayatunnufus
This community service was because many homemakers had much free time, but they did not yet have productive activities that could help adding the family income. Therefore, they were put in a program and trained to sew bajukurung. The aim was to have the women skillfully so that they were motivated to...
Proceedings Article

The Development of the Role of Women as Islamic Educator in Family Through Activity of the Quran Recitation Forum

Zahratul Azizah
Women have multi role in the family, one of them are the role of the educator to their children, which guide, educate and fostering to be noble children, righteous to their parents, useful for nation. To play the role as Islamic educator in the family, a woman need to have various knowledge that is not...
Proceedings Article

Logic Model Evaluation to Work Oriented Education Program through Joint Madrasah Community

Zelhendri Zen, Reflianto
Work oriented education program in madrasah aliyah students was initiated by STIT PariamanSyekhBurhanuddinPariaman as learners' skills training program formulated into local content subjects. This program provides training assistance for calligraphy creative industries based on digital printing and public...
Proceedings Article

Significant Sensory Stimulation Program Through the Use of Flash Card as Media of Toddler Language Development at Pre-Kindergarten

Zulminiati, Sri Hartati
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of flash card on toddlers`language development at a Pre-Kindergarten Hikari Kids Club Padang. This qualitative research uses quasi experimental design. The data of this research were collected through a test, in the form of statements as many as 4 items...